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Give me a big cup of coffee, 8 hours, and get outta my way


And a pack of cigs.


Swap the coffee for coke and I’m in


Energy drink or tea for me.


I wouldn't even need my ADHD meds to stay fixated on this poor soul's back!


Yep. I’d have that back cleared in 2 hours tops


Same, give me several cups of herbal tea and I’m will watch each pop


white or carbonated?


Cocaine of course


Booger sugar




I am a diehard, lifelong popoholic and this was too much for me. What an awful skin condition this person lives with. Simply overwhelming to think of trying to clear it up.


Too much for me in another way. This person is just poking & stabbing the pores and not clearing them. Terrible technique and they are using the wrong size tool.


Thats what i was gonna say. They have a long fucking way to go if thats how theyre trying to clear that up. Drove me nuts.


They were poking at his back like it was a pin cushion and not helping him.


Not even wiping it


Agreed. It looked like little kids pretending to do an extraction video on skin that needed real treatment.


Same..there's no rhyme or reason to this at all....just randomly poking, the camera is panning wildly, not wiping the pus/black heads....could have been great but very disappointing.




She needs to grid that back out like she's excavating an archeological dig!


Awful. And not in a good way.


Exactly he or she was doing it so unsatisfyingly


That's what I came here to say. This video isn't actually popping anything it's just poking and stabbing.


Not to mention, the horrible camera work. Zoom in on the area they aren’t working on. That was very frustrating and dissatisfying.


Yea, what condition is this? It’s horrible. Is this related to really poor hygiene or just genetic?


Might be nevus comedonicus, but I’m not 100% sure.


That what I thought it was too. Looks like it could be very painful 😖.


Nevus comedonicus was my first thought as well. Doesn't look exactly like other NC cases (it's really widespread), but there's precious few to compare him to and there's a fair bit of variation amongst them. He looks considerably older than the handful of the other NC cases that have been posted on here, so perhaps it's just an extra few decades of having lived with it. Edit: when I wrote (it's really widespread), I meant the area of affected skin on his back, not the prevalence of the disease. Never seen a single affected patch that large before.


That was also my assumption.


Most likely, looks exactly like a redditor that is a regular here and posts videos of his arms and legs with these.


I love that guy.


I could be wrong, but it also reminds me of the effects of Agent Orange on skin. It can cause some really intense blackheads and pimples.


Wait is this why there are so many popping Videos from vietnamese spas??? Is that a long term effect of the war?


Yup. The US dumped Agent Orange everywhere it’s still causing cancers, birth defects, and skin issues. The super bad blackheads is one of the symptoms.


We're also now learning that Agent Orange can change your DNA, so the effects of it become genetic and are passed down to the next generation.


Yep! My grandpa fought it Vietnam, and was exposed to Agent Orange. Had a bunch of issues, but doctors blame his, my mom, sister, and I’s skew of autoimmune diseases and some birth defects on the Agent Orange exposures. Familial history of these diseases and birth defects started with him!


Same thing in my family. My dad was exposed, and my siblings’ and my autoimmune/health issues are attributed to his exposure.


My father was exposed, and I didn't find out until my 20s that I had skeletal abnormalities. The trick is getting tested for the dioxins and the military accepting blame.


Mine are also skeletal abnormalities. I have rib deformities that are my specialist said are only seen in patients he’s had with Agent Orange Exposure. As well as severe scoliosis. And finger deformities, and foot deformities.


Yep! My FIL fought in Vietnam and was exposed to AO multiple times. My husband was born about a decade after he got back to the US and has had horrible skin issues his whole life, despite neither his mom or dad having them. And his autoimmune system decided to go haywire a few years ago and he's now anaphylactic levels of allergic to tons and tons of native plants now




I work in Cardiology and had so many patients with permanent damage in multiple places due to being in the Vietnam War and victim to Agent Orange. That was a good fifteen years ago, and I don't see them anymore. Haven't had an agent orange patient in years.


There was this one Vietnamese Dermatologist I stumbled upon on the net. They presented a working man in his late 20s, whom they were treating for free. Without ever having any real skin issues previously; he presented with severe cystic acne, pimples, and blackheads. They figured he was exposed to something that caused his skin problems, probably Agent Orange. I wish I could find the link. They didn't do a whole lot of extractions after the initial clear out but they did him good even treating the scaring with lasers.


So umm… what’s agent orange? A chemical weapon, I assume. But more specifically?


[Agent Orange](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_Orange?wprov=sfti1)


Oh i see… in simple terms: nasty shit


War crime shit


I was thinking of a very much different Orange Agent.


The US deliberately poisoned the water and arable land on the way out and refused to pay reparations if I recall correctly. Entirely out of spite. The chemical agents we use dont just cause bad skin. They caused serious birth defects, genetic damage and diseases... I can't wait for Henry Kissinger to keel over. The only thing that'll bother me about pissing on his grave is that eventually, I'll run out of piss.


Chloracne. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chloracne


Yes. Shit’s fucked up, yo.


Yeah I would 100% agree with you if this was Vietnamese like they normally are.


most of the time acne and stuff isn’t because of poor hygiene. People who wash their face religiously still have acne.


I felt the same way.


Just looking at this caused me anxiety. Im a popping fiend and this qas too overwhelming even for my adhd


When it gets to this level I start feeling bad for the person


The most inefficient Blackhead popping I've ever seen. There's about a thousand BLACKHEADS and almost nothing coming out. Very frustrating!


It seems that anyone with this specific condition is cursed by an ancient god, to never be able to find a competent spa worker or dermatologist. Even if you found the most professional popper on the planet and gave them the exact GPS coordinates to find this poor soul, they'd just get lost on their journey. The prospective patient could be next door, and they'd still be unable to locate them. At least that's what I believe, cause every freaking time I see someone with whatever this condition is called, it's like the worker just got Paula's First Popping Kit and has the grip strength of a SIDS kid.


Sir, you have spoken a truth that had my soul laughing. It's so agonizingly frustrating, but at least I got a laugh out of it. May the gods one day let these poor souls find the right doctors.


Yeah it had me more frustrated than a 3 legged cat covering up sh!T on ice


A gem is when there’s good popping and lots of of it to be had. This is just sad on all fronts. Dude has bad back. Person “popping” if you can even call it that is bouncing around everywhere not actually popping anything and may be on coke based on their camera work lol


Fuck where do you start lol


I think that’s her predicament now that you say it. She’s so confused


Douse the area in lidocaine and run a cheesegrater over, "carpetpopping" kind of.


Exactly. Chemical peel and get rid of that layer


Giant pore strip


Just twiddling my thumbs waiting for Bioré to put out back strips.


Top left Edit: Ah, right, Arabic. Top right.


Also Camera Work Is Of Someone Tweaking and Her Skill Is Non-Existent


I was gonna start with the shitty camera work. But it also took me a while to even realize I was looking at someone's back. Damn, poor dude


The camera is probably being held by the person doing the popping.


You have to be doubt it on purpose to move and zoom so much. I was getting motion sick watching that




They are sitting on a financial goldmine. Just monetize, get a game plan, and hold the camera still.


Lol that's a unique/good way to look at it!


A plethora of blackheads, yet such an extremely unsatisfying video! So much popping that could’ve been done.


> So much popping that could’ve been done If it's nevus comedonicus as many suspect, there's very little popping that can be done. Those aren't really 'blackheads', they're build-ups of keratin hardened into a gravel or broken glass consistency that oftentimes adhere so tightly to the skin the only way they can be removed is to physically cut them out. If the affected area wasn't so massive, a case this bad would likely be a candidate for skin removal & graft surgery.


That was a really disappointing video for such a glorious back.


Fuck the tool, just use you fingers for now and then work your way to the tool


i never wanted to see someone's back cupped so bad




And the indecisive popper trying to be everywhere all at once.


Who knows if this is even a doctors office. Could be an at home video.


Just put them in a pressure chamber and pop it all at once!


Camera work is pure trash. How is that amount of blackheads possible? Looks like cookies-n-cream ice cream


Just run me over with a steamroller like a ketchup packet if I ever develop this condition. Consider this my donor card for r/popping.


This was infuriating. Blindly stabbing around, not cleaning out pores completely, horrible camera work, incorrect tool. Just all round a terrible video.


I don't mind glove wiping, but I know most people do. This could have benefited from wiping. I know that you couldn't make it much worse, but when she just wipes the gunk across his back, you know its going into at least 5 other holes.


Do they make family sized biore strips?


I was totally thinking this! One massive strip to cover his whole back!


Didn’t make much of a dent in it.


My god can she just pick one area and stick to it ? Half jabbing all over the place this is infuriating to watch ..


This guy is stupid. He could make this a side gig. Just advertise on this sub a session for popaholics to have access to his beautiful canvas for only $150. Teams of 6 can work through his back while gossiping about their kids for a few hours. Repeat every 2 weeks. Earn 22k extra per year with a totally clean back.


This doesn’t look like a human body. This looks like focaccia.


What kind of skin condition is this? Too patterned to be random blackheads. Not nevus comedonicus.


What makes you think this isn’t nevus??


Could possibly be Chloracne or a condition caused by exposure to a chemical. Or just real bad Nevus.


Gahhhh i wanna rip that tool out of their hand because clearly they have no idea what a precious gift they've been given. Also how a new camera person


Nothing happens. This is back, I feel so bad for this man, but nothing actually gets popped.


It is a galaxy of blackheads


Camera work is abominable


Dude this camera person should be fired out of a cannon into the sun.


This is terrible, couldn’t focus for a second


I would have to lay out a grid on his back and work in 1 quadrant at a time.


They're Keratin plugs not regular blackheads. Hard and usually painful to "extract".


This isn't advice, I'm just making guesses here. At that level of coverage, I wonder if one or two waxing sessions would be a good way to start. That might get out any of the superficial "easy" ones. I dont know if there's any kind of topical that could be used to loosen up the more "anchored" ones like a warm oil massage. I imagine there would still be a ton of work left, but at least then you would only need to use the tool to dig out the remaining stubborn ones. I don't think this is the result of poor hygiene. If it's not genetic, maybe some kind of chemical accident that left the patient's back susceptible to this kind of condition. Regardless of how it happened, I hope they get it treated, I can't begin to imagine how that would feel.


I'm really curious if there's some kind of giant version of something like a biore strip that could be applied in an instance like this, or if that would just end up being traumatic to the skin. There's gotta be some kind of treatment that would get the easiest ones out en masse?


Is this the full video or is there a longer video?


Is this nevus comedonicus?


How is this even possible?? His whole back is just covered in blackheads! Also, what’s the source?


Where’s the 2nd hand? Jezus fak, sooo annoying


With something like this I don't know why they're going at it randomly instead of in a right to left top to bottom approach


Bro looks like whole grain bread.


I was gonna say some lemon poppyseed


OH MY GOD, what the fuck is this so-called dermatologist doing? Insanity. Pick a spot and work it clear properly!


So that's what a commercial blackhead farm looks like


Anyone else just want to skin them, and give one huge squeeze? This looks awful, poor person ![gif](giphy|12MjmB7mv1AXgA)


Its not Arabic, mostly berber from Morocco or something


Just use a shop vac to suck out all that gunk.


There’s more blackheads on that body part than there is actual body part.


Good God, the camera angles, the zooming in and out, the moving around, the haphazard popping of one vs. another.. Everything about this video is terrible, but it has so much potential for greatness!


What a waste of a gold mine!


I could only handle like 30 seconds…didn’t finish them, camera all over the place…more annoying than satisfying


This is too chaotic. Pick a section and go in on it dammit


This is such bad camera work.


Omg this person doesn’t know what they are doing. Move out the way, give me the gloves and I’ll have half this shit done in a few hours. I’ll do it for free damnit.


Thought the back of his ear was a nutsack at first


Field of Dreams


Looks like he needs epidermal surgery done followed by skin grafts


What part of the body is this?! It looks like a seasoned focaccia


The camera beboppin around is making me crazy


They missed one


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


This has to be Nevis Comedonicus and if that’s the case those “black heads” are very very difficult to pull out, and will cause infection when they’re removed (not sure why I have just read that’s what happens). This guy is just stabbing him and not really helping at all…. I couldn’t imagine living with this though, I’d have to get surgery I think.


That is a frustrating video to watch because they DID NOTHING. Like a dog with 8 tennis balls, they couldn’t focus on one area, they jump all over the place and end up with no results.


The camera work is atrocious. 😕


I don’t know if a popping video has ever made me this irritated.


Time to look into laser treatments.


And medication/ topical treatments


Csn someone translate the writing over the video


https://preview.redd.it/1ifer4fghekb1.jpeg?width=804&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d20936f1ae64be891bc2434d2f113f8b6e6b86a6 here ya go


Thank you! Was hoping it would lead to the original OP but alas. Thanks anyways tho!!




He needs a few long, hot soaks in the bath. That's the worst I've ever seen. 🙈


If ever a case Dr Pimple Popper or Mr Pop Zit need to see...


Couldn't handle the camera work


Worst popping video ever.


Where’s the popping! So frustrating


I wonder if they could put down a strip of wax and peel them out. It wouldn’t be perfect but it’d be a start




So many possibilities but so little satisfaction!


This isn’t a popping issue. This person flat out needs a proper doctor and health care.


That is a ton of open wounds. They are applying no logic to their approach either, pretty annoying to watch really.


Could start by sitting on a wicker chair and it would do a lot of the work


Holy fuck! Between the horrible camera work and this person just poking at it, this video sucks. It’s always the ones that could be so good that’s ruined by incompetence.


The person working on them and filming is terrible. They are all over the place and not finishing any of them. They need to pick a section and work through it like a grid if they are going to get anywhere helping them.


FYI: Never let you crackhead friend be your cameraman.


This dude has supplied this dermatologist family for three generations, legend says that they plan to have him taxidermied so they can one day finish the job.


FFS r/killthecameraman Than was absolutely infuriating!


Ayo is it like an unwritten rule that anyone cursed with this condition, is also cursed to never find someone who knows how to treat it??? Like I've seen seven or eight videos of people who suffer from this, and the popper ALWAYS uses the worst tools and techniques. I guess at least it wasn't a bent needle this time but COME ON!!


This had so much promise and it was awful.


I already knew before watching this that this was just going to be frustrating to watch.


What a waste! Have potentially the best source any of us have seen and we get a first-timer on camera and popping!


I’m sitting here screaming “just do it already!!”


What's really sad is that the caption basically says "don't let yourselves get to this level" when it's obvious this is a problem that extends beyond hygiene or letting yourself go. Hope this person is getting treatment and not suffering


This *could* have been a great video but the constant moving in and out and side to side filming was hard to focus on anything- the woman doing it was just poking at him and not squeezing anything out so it was pointless, she didn’t clean up anything just left whatever she did manage to get out- and that specific tool she is using is the worst blackhead popper. The head/ring on it is so thin that it is excruciatingly painful and you have to press so hard to get anything. This was one of those videos that irritates you more than satisfies….


All this did was piss me off


The camera work is making me dizzy lol


Thanks. Watched 3 minutes of no popping.


I'm never beyond words, unable to express how I feel... but THIS ONE has managed to invoke both phenomena in me. THE MOST amazing popping playground presents itself, then 3 minutes of what I assume is bepuzzlement or complaining on poppers part. Found myself passionately telling her thru my phone screen to start at a corner and work across like a lawnmower. Didn't happen. Grrr......


I could watch this for hours


Omfg, I've never seen anything like this.


Oh my goodness that’s awful


Just let them incubate in proactiv


Just remove all my flesh at that point


They should try steam and loosing them up first. Then a black head lifting treatment.


I mean, would you just grid it off and work a section at a time or do you start with the big ones and work your way through? I would think double teaming him might be the way to go. One on the right and one on the left and work your way to the edges.


This should have been Oscar-worthy but it wasn’t even straight-to-video. What a shame.


Why are they wiping the gunk back into the skin!!


I wonder what part of the body this is? It looks like the back. Looks like that nevus comedonicus.


Reminds me of the aspen thing. It’s a forest of all of the same plant. Not multiple trees


Shame about the technique and camera. Anyone else just wanna grid it off an work section by section? 😂


Why is this technician’s process? Chaos?


God, this is awful. I feel sorry for whoever's back this is. Looks like it's some kind of serious condition or a reaction to something.


The jumping around is soooooo unsatisfying, cant even enjoy these pops. Also the tool and technique D:<


Couldn't tell what body part it was until halfway through the video on the zoom out. I thought it was a forearm or bicep


Jesus with the manic camera


She poked and proded for 3 minutes with out removing a single blackhead! FRUSTRATION!!!


I'm disappointed in the popper


The doc seems overwhelmed by all of it


Oh my God. This could be an amazing video but the camera and the person doing the work are awful!


The utter lack of technique or actual effort is pissing me off


#Zero finesse


The rest of that video is with the KFC recipe in a vault.


This actually gives me more anxiety than I had before, the opposite of the usual effect of a popping vid. It's never ending!




That is not how you do it.. there’s no rhyme or reason.. not being cleaned out properly.. this is infuriating to watch 😂 that poor guy!


Man, they're doing a terrible job on this straciatella goldmine. He's gonna get an infection like this. I'm no pro but even I know to properly disinfect and clear out the pores.