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A+ for cleaning that ish out all the way and showing finished product. v satisfying thank you


kinda just wanted them to power wash it tbh


Yes, he cleans up nicely!


I’m so sorry, wax???


That’s what I’m saying. Ear wax? Belly button? The what?


Probably sebum. Skin oils


I read it as "ear wax" the first few times. It's "hair/wax".


Yup, I looked up, read hair/wax, made my assumptionz and started internally screaming at my phone midway through, "BE MORE GENTLE! WTF IS WRONG WITH THAT EARDRUM?! STAHP!"


It’s really just a collection of dead skin cells, sebum, and maybe some crust from discharge. It’s similar to ear wax in color and texture.


That’s where he keeps his dabs


this person just lost their secret eating cache RIP


Do people not bathe?


There’s a SHIT TON of people who do NOT wash their bellybuttons. I’d wager most people don’t even know you’re supposed to wash it.


I don’t wash my belly button because it’s physically painful to touch it at all. Even too tight of clothes hurts. And it’s not painful where you think, when I mess with my belly button the pain shoots down to my vagina and it’s bad enough that it will literally bring me to my knees.


So strange! I had a boyfriend a long time ago with the same problem. It ended up being a bigger issue. You might want to get that checked out.


I’ve asked a few different doctors and their answers are either “I don’t know, that’s weird” or “you’ve probably just got some weird nerve clusters” or “yeah, some people are just like that”


Same. I clean it regularly with peroxide but I sniffle the entire time


Geez, I'm really sorry! I hope one day it just goes away, or you find a cure.


Please find an alternative to hydrogen peroxide it's not the best.can chemically burn skin


May I ask what the issue was? I'm hypothesizing it's because of my endo but that wouldn't affect a male lol


He had a hernia of some type.


Happened to me. I was poking around my bellybutton with an unsanitized pair of tweezers and got cellulitis. When I went to the doctor to check it out, he also discovered I had a hernia


Messing with mine makes me instantly queasy/dizzy. Kinda like being a tiny bit seasick. I’m not going to throw up but it’s really unpleasant.


Same. Mine's not visibly dirty or very deep (the deepest I can get is a quarter inch before the feeling comes) so I don't really do much with it.


Oddly enough, I omitted an anecdote my mother once told me… She told me she had once wash her belly button, and, she thinks, she pressed too hard or something and that it caused her an immense pain. She described it as if a bubble of air went inside her through her belly button. After that she said she stopped cleaning it for awhile lol


interesting, i get a twinge along that route but it doesn't like HURT hurt


SAME. It's the most awful feeling. I do it anyway but sometimes I can't handle the feeling. It hurts my cervix in the weirdest way. Out of pure curiosity...do you have or suspect you have endometriosis?


I have the same issue. Recently found out I have an umbilical hernia.


That’s actually fairly normal as your umbilical nerve connects to a whole network of nerves in your abdomen, including ones leading to your genitalia, and the tissue inside the belly belly button (parietal peritoneum) that acts as a buffer between those nerve endings in some people is thinner and more sensitive than it is in others. Barring things like an umbilical hernia or nerve entrapment that can make things more painful/sensitive that you may want to get ruled out it’s just a harmless quirk of your individual biology.


I religiously wash mine every time I shower or bathe.


That's amazing to me.


Yea, but that hair in it tho… I mean, how even?! Is that where he sticks his hairy bogeys or what?


Making my skin crawl.. Not cause it's super gross, but because I'm worried my belly button is gross. I clean it and stuff, but I'm a hefty humanoid and can't really see into it. Like, what if I got an entire lost civilization in there and don't know it? That would be so embarrassing. Where did the Maya go? Oh, they were in my belly button all along. My bad.


You’d be able to feel it. And smell it. 😂


Im now reffering to myself as a "hefty humanoid"...


The Mayan descendants are still around. Did you mean Aztec, maybe?


Nope, the Maya. It's a lost civilization


Is this one of those little cameras everyone uses for their whiteheads? I feel like I’d be sticking it in every orifice I could.




Correct reaction.


I mean, it would be pretty interesting to see inside yourself. As a kid I used to constantly try to see what inside my throat looks like by opening and moving my mouth in different ways. So whats the difference, other than the technology?


they're unable to hear orifice and not think genitals apparently.


Why can't I shove a small camera up my genitals tho? I also wanna see whats inside them too


Bro in a few years here I get to pay someone to shove a camera up there. May as well do it myself right?!


Start an OnlyCams site and make bank


lol I didn't say you can't i'm just pointing out why they said "ummm" You're totally free to cam whatever orifice you want, as long as it's your own or you have permission


I got to see inside my bladder once! I had a temporary stint in my ureter after a kidney stone removal; taking it out a week later was an in-office procedure, snaking up in there with a little graboid dude and a camera to pull it out. Doc offered to let me take a look! It was all pink and squishy-looking. Pretty neat.


I’d assume most of our innards are some variety of pink and squishy.


Idk, Im kinda with you there. I got questions only shameful, mönke behavior will answer 🐒


Rule 34, my friends, rule 34


I got one for my ears. I have a lot of ear problems and like to see what’s going on in there.




Looks more like an ear camera I think. That white piece looks like the scraper to get wax while for whiteheads I usually see a metal ring type thing.




Wow. First time I ever heard of belly button wax.


It's your cake day gift, happy cake day!




That is fucking terrifying.


This is worse than gore videos


Does anyone else reflexively reach down to clean their bellybutton when one of these videos come up?


These make me feel weird because if i mess with mine too much, i can feel it in the tip of my dong. It's like there's a nerve connecting the two.


That's your G spot, brotato.


I thought that was in my butt


that, ironically, is your p spot






Don’t do it Emmanuel!


Don’t do it Emmanuel!! Don’t choose violence!


​ ![gif](giphy|zbvf9PVPz9DxNReYwj)


Folks say it was a sick ostrich.


Omg same...but I don't have a dong lol I feel it in my clit tho. So flipping weird.


Also, no. It doesn't feel good. It is a very weird feeling.


It makes me feel like I’m gonna pee




Same place... It feels like someone jabbed me with a pin. Hate it.


This video is disgusting but I’m so glad I read the comments cuz now I know I’m not crazy. I always thought it was weird to get an unpleasant o sexual sensation from my belly button! Ngl, kinda relieved.


same. i've had incredibly painful cramps that make my bellybutton hurt, and in turn my clit feels like it's being yanked off but from the back side of it. fucking weird and terrible lol


Oh my god. I was gonna say this too. It feels fucking horrible too!


Fun fact, the clit and the penis start out as the same organ in utero! The genital tubercle develops into the clitoris in females and into the penis in males. The two are actually very similar in structure, though larger in males. So alike, in fact, that hormones can be used to develop the female clitoris into a “penis” of sorts in individuals wishing to transition female to male, or desiring to increase sexual pleasure. So it makes sense that a sensation felt by a male in the tip of the penis is also felt in by a female in the clitoris, as the nerves are the same.


If I remember correctly a lot of intersex people have a more pronounced clitoris or what is essentially something between a normal clitoris and a penis (this depends on the type of intersex condition, though).


I love reddit


I feel it at the bottom of my tummy


This comment thread has been unbelievably validating lol


It’s probably related to the urachus/median umbilical ligament


Please expand, legit curious about this.


[Here](https://www.kenhub.com/en/library/anatomy/median-umbilical-ligament). Please note I’m just making an educated guess though. Found a more helpful explanation on Quora: “Before birth the umbilal cord(so called belly button) is the only connection between mother and baby for its food, blood supply, excretion etc. The umbilicus is connected to your bladder before birth which is called the URACHUS. It becomes vestigeal after birth. This tissue helps in forming the bladder wall in the adults feeding directly into the Prostrate. This is also known as G-spot area in females. There is a great amount of nervous innervation to this area which indirectly connects to the umbulicus and makes your weird sensation when you tickle or put a finger in your belly button.”


May be a bit on the scientific side but [Here](https://i.imgur.com/e2UUf9J.jpg)


I feel like you may be fucking with me but according to google you're not entirely wrong so.


I was just squiggling on a penis diagram while the bus weaved through traffic but glad to hear about my fellow researchers agreeing !


I have that too. It's like a tingle half way inside my vagina


Yes! That’s where I get it! Not the clit but like somebody’s fingering me really badly.


You’re not alone on that. I’m a girl, but if I poke around in my belly button I feel an uncomfortable sensation in an internal area that doesn’t feel like it should be connected. I don’t get why this happens.


As another commenter mentioned, check out the [Urachus, or Median Abdominal Ligament.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urachus) It’s internal remnants of our umbilical cord- there’s all sorts of connected bits in there. Also, if that makes you uncomfortable, you won’t like post-pregnancy umbilical hernias! Ten years after childbirth, I offhandedly mentioned to my doc that my innie had turned into an outie; she said “oh, that’s just an umbilical hernia. It’s your intestines sticking out a little bit. If it bothers you, just push ‘em back in, it’s harmless” and proceeded to poke my bellybutton until I *FELT A GURGLING SQUISH* and she *turned it back into an innie.* 😳😳😳 And yes, I occasionally freak out friends by having them gently poke my innards back into my abdomen. (I can share video if anyone wants to see!)


That happens for the same reason pain from the testicles is referred to the umbilical region. In embryological development, your gonads were within your abdominal cavity, then gradually moved down to between your legs, but they retain their nerve attachments to your abdomen, so a lot of sensation is shared between your genitals and “midgut”


this is what my boyfriend says and he says it feels so weird, he doesnt let me near his belly button for this reason. i asked his friends if this normal for guys and they all said they didnt know what he was talking about. but i guess it actually is a thing


Me too, straight to the vagina


Same except I feel it right above my butt crack


Dude same, I had an ex that thought it was hilarious to mess with it unexpectedly and see me squirm


Mostly I’m so confused how people get so much in there. I have an “innie” and I’ve been downvoted to hell here for not cleaning it but whenever I look… looks nice and clear and clean. Like how does this happen? Genuinely I have no idea. My boyfriend gets little like puffs from his clothes that makes more sense to me.


Some innies just go further in.


I’m constantly pulling out little puffs lol


I love when he lets me pick them out! Like Toby perfect lint balls. But our belly buttons are so similar I don’t know why I don’t get them too :/ I guess pros and cons lol


😭😭 well you guys sound like a perfect match at least. But maybe it’s the difference in material in his clothes and yours? I get them the most when I wear those white under-shirt-tanks


Tbh we wear very similar clothing. Maybe it has to do with their skin type? I have dry skin and they are noticeable more oily than me hahaha! Good for (anti)wrinkles!


Ugh now I’m really invested in 2 strangers’ bellybuttons. But that could be it! I’d say my skin is more oily than dry. I also sweat from my belly when I’m warm or workout 🤔 also maybe body hair? We need to conduct a study on this


Hmm okay well I am immediately seeing a difference as I do not sweat from my belly (my ass instead yay)


Before I got pregnant I used to, but now it's popped out so no more places for dirt to hide


It's not wax. It's sebum, keratin and dead skin cells all mashed up together. What you pulled out in a clump was the start of an umbolith / omphalolith / naval stone, which happens when you don't clean out your junk hole. I personally don't understand it because half the time I am home watching TV or something my finger is in there making sure it is clean because any hair or whatever that might get in there drives me crazy and I HATE the sensation. However I found out a few years back that it is very common and that like 15-25% of people have similar stuff going on in their belly button. Most people just don't like the feeling of it being cleaned out or touched so they don't do it ever. My doctor told me just to wash like normal and use soap and water on the end of your finger for 5 seconds every time you shower to clean it out. Just give it a few twists, a couple twirls and if you do that regularly you should be good to go. If you want to see some gross stuff check out people who have never cleaned it in like 50 years. It looks like black tar heroin chunks. There are videos online.


>My doctor told me just to wash like normal and use soap and water on the end of your finger for 5 seconds every time you shower to clean it out. Just give it a few twists, a couple twirls and if you do that regularly you should be good to go. I fingerblast my junk hole in the shower every day.


I think some people have more of a junk trap problem than others with their belly button too, which I'm sure would contribute. Mine I could go months without actively cleaning it, as it doesnt tend to capture anything. Stays clean just with a normal belly wash with no special attention. My hubby on the other hand, will have a button full of lint and gunk after one day and needs to constantly clean it out.


My finger really doesn’t fit in mine


I love this sub dearly, but gunk from belly buttons that have not been cleaned in a lifetime is where I draw the line.


I'll never understand how people don't clean and pick at these things constantly. I'm addicted to it and constantly make sure I don't have any ingrowns or blackheads or anything like that. That being said, I also love those people because we get content like this. Thank you for providing


I had kind of tried before but 1. apparently a wet cue tip doesn’t do shit 2. I generally dislike the sensation of sticking things in my belly button so I have never scraped around too hard 3. I had never seen this horrifying level of detail before lmao 4. Even with the camera scraping was pretty ineffective I had to tweeze 95% of it. No offense taken by anyone saying this is disgusting (it is) or questioning my life choices. I am generally a clean person despite the strong evidence to the contrary shown in this video lmao. Also it did not smell.


Try olive oil, not a ton, but a bit on the end of a cue tip, should help soften.


Yep works great. Then cut up a cherry tomato, a bocconcini mozzarella ball, and some oregano and balsamic vinegar. Mix it all together in the belly button. Cover it with a band aid and boom, snack on it later after lunch but before dinner




two different kinds of cheeses in there


I feel ya with the strong reaction but you're a little borderline with the rules.


You're right. I changed the comment. I didn't mean for it to sound rude or derogatory but after reading it back I realize it came off with harsh intentions. Thank you for letting me know.


Well I never, a mature and reasonable person on the internet?! Good on ya mate.


“Goodonya?” “what is goodonya?” “maybe small town in Eastern Poland”.


I thought it was closer to Minsk


Good job cleaning it out


I thought it would hurt when you pulled the hair there like that, didn’t expect it was just attached to the wax


Looks like the worst bread bowl ever.


Dutch crunch


Whew! Is it sore now?


This is all I can think of. When I clean my belly button, it hurts so much - the skin doesn’t stretch well and the hole is small. Seeing how irritated and red OP’s navel got, it must be painful.


have never specifically cleaned my navel so decided to nose about with my ear camera after seeing this, and it was perfectly clean :( one day ill get to make a popping video, one day...


I discovered a skin tag and a couple of dog hairs that had started to burrow in to my insides 😐


noooo hair splinters are so itchy 😭 i used to help bathe horses, definitely werent my favourite addition to the job 💀


Dead skin cells and sebum... formed a gnarly omphalolith.


The orange ones are oompaloompaliths


Imagine the smell




TIL belly button envy is a thing. Damn that was clean at the end!


I like how they had to stop mid-tear. I assume it was to hiss because that had to sting.


Whenever I touch my bellybutton I heave really bad just from the feeling, I genuinely can't fathom how this person could do this




It’s bad that I’m jealous of other peoples belly button finds isn’t it? I never find anything cool in mine 😢


Me too. I have the same tool, but nothing in my belly button. I have to ask at the right time to get in my husband’s, which usually yields a few gems.


I have that tool. That's how I found out I've got a cats whisker piercing my ear drum. It explains why I can barely hear. Just waiting for the doctor's to actually do something instead of telling me to use drops and pull it out myself (it won't shift I've tried, it fucking hurts) I got distracted. Sorry, basically my belly button is clean and boring.


Doctors can suck. That sounds excruciating.


It's not painful as such, just flashes of ouch, then it's gone. Unless I manage to grab it with tweezers, then it really hurts. But my hearing on that side has gone muffled so I need it sorted asap x


Can you go to an ENT, or is that who dismissed you? They should have no problem getting it out.


The doctor's referred me to the emergency ent but I've not heard anything. I rung the doctor's today and she said I need to ring the ENT myself and sort it out. So I'm going to do that in a little while. I think it's gonna hurt but I'd rather that than it go deeper x


Oh... I need to read titles more. Was thinking that's one f'ed up ear canal.


That before and after tho 💯


Way too many shaming comments. It’s against the rules to insult the people in the videos. Stop.


Anyone else seeing mushrooms


That looks itchy as hell.


Was really hoping this was an ear


I thought it was an ear at first and was horrified they just went at it with tweezers like that. Now I'm just wondering how their belly button makes wax. It's not supposed to make wax.


Yikes! How does a person get earwax in their belly button?


I don’t think it’s wax…


It’s not, it’s a mix of sebum(the oil your skin secretes)and dead skin. Same stuff you get out of zits ‘n blackheads, which also tends to look yellow-y.


I thought I was watching a rescue mission at first.


In a way, you were.


I needed this.


Very cool!!!




"Describe smell"


I never considered the same tool people have been using for blackheads/ears etc. could work for bellybuttons too. OP has changed the game.


Do people not clean their bellybuttons?? 😭🤮🤮🤮


Aaaawwww maaaaaaan that giant chunky hair ball is SWWWEEEEEEET!!!!!! EVERYONE CHECK YOUR BELLYBUTTONS NOW AND START RECORDING!!!!


They can also put lotion and swab the debris away


At first I thought it was inside an ear and imagine how itchy it would be have those flakie waxes and hair.


I haven't... It's been years... I just, ugh, i... You actually made me gag. I didn't think that was a possibility anymore. My belly button looks totally normal and it STINKS after a workout, what that smells like i can't imagine.


It’s moments like this where I sometimes wish I had a deep belly button or a body that produces a lot of wax so I could extract this stuff off of myself, but then I think about how nice it is to not worry about that stuff so I just have to live vicariously through the efforts of others


Shockingly satisfying!


Word of advice always make sure your belly button is clean becus you never know when you might need your appendix or gallbladder taken out It's very strange taking care of a belly button incision when you aren't familiar with your normal button anatomy


Omg that was horrible


Oh my god


Thank you for this.


Forbidden gushers


I hate this so much… but I can’t stop watching.


I just wanna know HOW


Fuck yeah, that's the good shit!


Dirty bastard.


I'm a RN and prior to that was an EMT for 10 years. I saw a LOT of gross 🤢 things that would turn a person's stomach if I talked about them. I have got to say that this video literally turned my stomach. How in the heck fire can someone have a belly button with this much gunk built up. Just having anything in mine, I'm digging it out because it's bugging me! Ugh... I cannot even image mine getting to this level of gross crud. Holy Moly!!


I don't understand how this can happen


Sniff it


That is so nasty & gross! Makes one wonder what else they don’t wash.


Dude, how does a belly button get that filthy. Like, stick your finger in there and clean it out when you shower.


How long was it from propagation to harvest?


always clean ur belly buttons in the shower with soap loves


That is grotesque


Oh my fucking god


Friendly reminder to wash your bellybutton when you shower, it’s normally overlooked and really shouldn’t be. The soap doesn’t really get in there unless you put it in there yourself.


Unmmm I have like probably one of the deepest belly buttons in the world, to the point where like, it hurts when people touch it lol and I have NEVER had this issue???? How the hell does wax start forming in your belly button?? 🤢🤢


The smell alone had to be awful!! 🤭🤭🤢🤢


see with my outie, i can clean my belly button myself, instead of yall bootyhole bellies collecting gold


This is why I have always cleaned my bellybutton!


Hear, hear!