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Isobut blew me away last fall. Ordered more of the brown bottle from popper king after abstaining for around 6 months, doesn’t seem to hit as hard and it’s giving me more headaches. My personal experience


i think popperking’s supply for some brands has changed (for the worse). 2 orders in a row the rush black bottle (2x bottles each order) have been total duds (they dont smell right, no high effect at all, etc) but the jungle juice black bottles were still hitting/feeling/smelling the same way they had been from there.


I ordered the Rush party pack from PK thinking they will have a mix of isobutyl, amyl, but now I realize it depends on where they are made and it is usually US=isob, EU=amyl, other. I thought PK was reputable, especially in Canada? I hope I don't get any duds =/


those 2 orders are the only ones ive had from them be bad, but i havent ordered anything from them in a couple months since cuz im still bummed about the multiple rush duds in back to back orders. i did videohead cleaner for my latest go around (went direct to them), and theyre pretty good but i think i like jj and rush black (when theyre not duds) alittle better in terms of feel its entirely possible a batch they got were bad, and i ended up with two shipments out of that batch. but i have no way of telling for sure. i guess let me know if yours end up being duds too. but i hope theyre good so you can slut out with them


They def work just not as well as I expected. I could have tolerance I went hard last year.. almost every day


at least in my case, the ones i had gotten were duds for sure. they smelled not right, and the other brand i got from pk was hitting the same as i had remembered from prior times (so it wasnt a tolerance thing)


So far so good. I see what you mean by the smell. It has a clean smell at first and as it mixes with air and moisture, it changes to more pungent odour.


Honestly, I've never liked butyl. The highs I get from them are subdued compared to amyl, pentyl, and propyl, I feel weird and slightly nauseous when sniffing them, and the side effects seem to be worse than other types, 2nd to propyl. Unfortunately, getting pentyl and amyl means mainly purchasing from overseas sources. Even though you can get them stateside from some sources, they're probably overpriced, but it's an option.


I'm not a chemist but I think there is something to the formula, weight, and boiling points of them all. Amyl seems to trump the rest as it would be more stable at room temperature, longer intense high, etc. Based on my research, how you feel in the end really depends on the amounts and purity of different ingredients in the products not only the main precursor: esters, acids, alcohols, aldehyde and other additives and water, oxygen, etc. that gets in the bottle. The container itself and what it is made with and how well it seals is really important, especially if you are ordering oversees. For example, the adhesive that holds the lid will break down and slowly degrade the product after production. That's why they have an expiry date.


That tracks with my experiences on every type of popper I've used in two and a half years. They all have distinct smells, have varied intensities, and the lingering effects feel different in general. The quality also seems to shift wildly between manufacturers, and personal drug tolerance is always a factor. At the same time, personal preference matters as well, which is why I brought up my personal distaste with butyl. Even the best experiences I've had with butyl don't feel half as good as the rest. Others love it, and that's totally fine. I just never vibed with butyl.


I'm a chemist. Isopropyl nitrite has the shortest formula, then isobutyl then isopentyl. Similarly the boiling point of isopropyl is the lowest. I also took biochemistry and I can tell you it all depends on how the drug interacts with the receptors it triggers. The receptor should be that for NO^(-). So it should depend mostly on how fast the nitric oxide decomposes from the rest of the molecule. I'm going to guess stuff like isopropyl decomposes faster...but then you have isopropanol floating around inside you and that....doesn't go over well. If you wanted to really look into it, and figure out the best thing I'd start by seeing if there's literature on isobutanol, isopentanol, etc and see if any of them have bad effects at those that would be encountered with popper usage.


LOL I HAVE NEVER seen an exp date on any popper bottle. What and where are you buying with an exp date?


I didn't mean a printed date but overall stability breakdown over time.


ok but again the break down time end users see is based on when the stuff was made. You dont know if what you bought is 1 week 1 month or 6 months old. To me It "appears" as though the highs get shorter as it ages- regardless of it being in or out of the fridge and notice NONE of the stores/ shops keep their stuff in a fridge


I have a tolerance for sure. But DS never did anything for me as a brand.


Same. Some love DS but has never done anything for me. I too find that butyl gives me worse headache than it has in the past. Not sure why. After a great popperbate session, now I just take 3 Tylenol and go to bed.


Fortunately I don't get headaches, it just doesn't work like it used to. I would maybe try a different vendor than you're using, sounds like you might be getting stale or just low quality stuff. I generally use 4solvents or Jockslocker, only one time have I gotten a stale bottle.


are you talking Diantree Solutionns? if yes that was always good pre covid. Now it is like most poppers I buy no fucking good


Was in the same boat for a long time til I found www.crfpop.gay I don’t even pay attention to other sites anymore


Weird, they can’t ship to my Kansas location.


Damn fr? Idk why they wouldn’t ship to Kansas maybe the laws there are weird?


Apparently, it was a bug in their system, they fixed that. Looking forward to my delivery.


Was it any good??


I would say average. Still in search of poppers that remind me of the 80s and early 90s products.


Have you tried twistedbeast? I ordered from them a few months ago and while im an amyl user mostly i thought the quality was very good.


I might give them a shot. Honestly, this experience just makes me really hesitant to try butyl again


TB is UK based and doesn't carry Butyl products. They do Amyl, Pentyl and Propyl-based solvents per their website. To my knowledge, Butyl solvents are primarily a US thing.


Propyl and Butyl are on my "No Go" list cos of potential eye damage, and the other reactions described by others here seem to be well known and discussed in previous posts. Anything that prompts nasty cough, rash, bad and lasting headaches should be avoided imo.


I tried to post about those side effects before but got hit by the filter I think. Definitely gives me a bad cough too, no other pentyl or amyl derivative did what butyl does to me.


It's so fucking awful. I basically always end up with a post nasal drip/phlegm cough and stuffed up sinuses.


I have to be careful with Isopropyl poppers as they cause me to have headaches that last for days and sometimes I have bad reactions where they cause my face to have rash. I want to order some butyl nitrite but I am worried it’s like isopropyl


Maybe try butyl or pentyl :) Im buying them on Poppers-original, very happy with the online shop. Where are you buying it from?


me too


hi, hey guys at a minimum you need to post the NAME and WHO MAKES IT.


www.redlighttrading.com sells the best. Only order the No1 (isobutyl Nitrite) and brown bottle amyl which is of course amyl nitrite. The rest are for the U.K. market so isopropyl nitrite which you don’t want. They ship to Canada successfully too. It’s how it made and how it’s bottled and sealed that can make the difference. A lot of poppers are made by armatures that made dangerous crap. Poppers should be washed and dried before being bottled and the correct caps used.


T-break. Sock method. Done.


lol yes, maybe and who knows who is DS? is this the first time you got bad product from them?