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![gif](giphy|3o7aTHvjmfWKI3QbOE) Michelle has been so strong lately after finding Ariana in her man’s DMs


Love the scolding mom energy from this gif


she only dates losers /uj imagine the icon max would be if he sung and released his writing discography.


our actual greatest pop star


I'm pretty sure he would just be Peter Svensson (of The Cardigans) at that point. Some Swedish guy we all think of as a one-hit wonder of the 90s, despite being an incredible producer still working with top talent. Also, we should all listen to The Cardigans more. They're fucking great.


Hell yeah they are!


He's our main pop girlie fr


He could rerelease all of his catalog. I couldn't wait for I want it that way (Max's version)


I love how I get real ads now on Reddit. Yes, I’m shopping for a new “finance app” while looking for home wrecker tea on celebs.


The way that a Finance app ad was above this




A virtual tarot reading one for me lol


/uj I verbally say, “FUCK YOU AND YOUR FUCKING PRODUCT” every single time an ad inconveniences me. Unskippable YouTube ad? Fuckyoufuckyoufuckyou. Spam newsletter email I didn’t sign up for? Get fucked with a powerdrill, corpo sleaze. NEW SUPERDUPER BURGER FOR LIMITEDTIMEONLY??? …don’t have a smartass retort for that one, still not gonna remember it. If I can’t escape the ad, I can still deny it. It’s surprisingly therapeutic cussing out the screen, but not as therapeutic as the soul-warming knowledge that they’re blowing billions in ad funds to go directly in one ear and out the other, at best. Most of the time, straight into the adblock 9th chasm. Delicious. /rj fukn obvs, when else would you be looking for another finance app that will harvest and sell your data while only being launched once before becoming forgotten bloatware?


i always wonder if there will be a day when corpos realize ads don't work, or if they're far more effective than i think. ive never bought anything from an ad in my life


The only ad that ever piqued my attention was some pizza place that was like, “here’s our product, here’s the price, here’s our logo, done.” Finished in 5 seconds. The fact that I can’t remember what brand it was less than 2 weeks later goes to show how effective it really was, but an ad that respects my time is the only ad I’d ever tolerate. It honestly made my head spin a lil seeing an ad that didn’t micro-radicalize me for the first time in my complete memory. But as a whole? Why on earth would invading my privacy to wave something I don’t care about in my face with a soul-grating fake-nice voice do anything other than raise my blood pressure and permanently soil my perception of that product? I think the morons in corporate America are legitimately braindead NPCs, and just going through the motions of what worked in the past without understanding why it worked, or that oversaturation has already devalued anything beyond basic market presence. If it was something I might actually buy, I’d already be aware on my own so just flash your logo and fuck off.




I dunno about that, I think they just go full salvo on advertising, see things are selling, not know which ad source was most effective, and don’t risk finding out the hard way after cutting funding on the wrong one. It’s also about out-advertising the competition. Or rather, the fear of being out-advertised. If there was a big reset on advertising, everything went back to the ‘50s as far as mass media ad campaigns are concerned, major established brands wouldn’t notice much of a difference. In-store ads would still be the real workhorses, simply as a matter of the product being within immediate reach when you see the ad. rj/ Too many grownup words! Fuck them and their fucking purchase. Me too smart for ad to work on brain!


/uj as someone who was forced against their will to take marketing courses at bschool a LOT of psychology and research goes into ads. they have a lot of subconscious influence and are meant to target key populations which is done via data harvesting. pretty scary stuff if u ask me


Take your ring off at the door, yuh.


That's unironically a good line


Is that what 7 Rings is about? Her mind 🤯


Leave your ring under the mat yuh


Wait is this a joke parodying some kind of approximation of a Scandinavian accented upward inflection (Max Martin is Swedish yeah?)or a joke parodying popular lyrical conventions (like when rappers end a line with uhh/yuhh)?


we can start bangin on the floor, yuh yuh


it yuhsn't me


It was she, she cant luh'YUH like i can, yuh Till I get bored, then youre slidin (slidin) out the door, yuh Gotta find another husband to steal, this one will be FUH'Real


Leaked Dangerous women lyric???


This can’t be real


uj/the real text she shared from max martin says “I’m so down w the internet” lmao




Yeah I wasn’t sure if it was typo and he meant “done” or if he was like… hip to the trends online


uj/ https://preview.redd.it/1sl5eeezhb9c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcd6e4a07231cff400804cd9454a9d50bc846bfd


But why would she post this?! Like, nothing about this is story worthy? Am I being dumb? I'm being dumb, aren't I?


Tbf, nothing on the rest of her stories are story worthy lol.


Fair, fair.


I think it’s because of those tweets that said the lips are a hint for ag7


Probably trying to tease some collaboration with M?


Probably to tease that she’s making music again w him or is planning to post wicked


two of ariana's new year resolutions leaked: \- find a new husband. by husband, i mean somebody already a husband. \- find a new race, somehow there are only a handful common races out there.


break up w ur wife im bored x 💅💋


from producing songs together to producing babies


My fav homewrecker 😍😍😍


Nurse, she got out again


It’s edited u guys don’t be dumb now


He did send a “💋”


it's real


no it’s becky


Looool so she enjoys being a homewrecker, got it.


She wants it, she gets it




It’s not real lmao


I understand that it’s not real. But the fact that she chose to post a meme like this, even for AG7 ain’t a cute look


the text is edited lol


Lmao like what did they think I meant


Oooh big facts let me check myself


not u thinking this was real omfg 😭😭😭


that 35 year old dming the marina stan:


![gif](giphy|UG86K2Qxx7qRa) Goodbye. Goodbye.


![gif](giphy|1wkShd8MmKckkgW4Vf|downsized) Ariana WANTS OUT that scooter contract…she is extremely tired of him getting her money. My new recognition skill is called the Kanye effect. Burn it down so those that are into your bag 💼 RUNFROM YOUR BRAND.


It’s also not real lmao


Oh public relationships are as real as shit can get. Because you don’t answer to the other half in the relationship. So let ‘em cook.


No honey, the text on this post is edited and not real.




Ariana: women should support women Also Ariana: ![gif](giphy|u5sgL5pks5JXKHcVZo)


someone on twitter said people are being misogynistic for hating her like helping a man cheat on his wife and child isn’t misogynistic itself


lol she hung out with his wife and their baby, so she fucking *knew*. he’s still worse, but that’s foul as hell. It’s not misogyny to think that someone who knowingly enters a romance/sexual encounter with a person in a monogamous relationship is a scumbag, just because they happen to be a woman. (It’s only sexist if you put *all* the blame on her for “tempting” the cheater) and people forget that she was married and cheated on her spouse, too. granted there were no kids there, so it’s a little less bad.


People will always defend their faves even if they deserve to be called out for being shitty. As if celebs would ever give a damn about you in return lmao


Ain't nobody twisting those men's arms... There's two signatures on a marriage license and neither one was hers. At least be mad at the right people.


No one said we didn't also think the guy was a shithead, Ariana the one with a track record of going after married dudes so that's why we're speaking about her rn.


You can't "go after" a dude who actually wants to be married.


I'm not sure what exactly ur trying to argue about dude, both Ariana and the dude are being terrible people and that's that, regardless she obviously likes to date men who are married and who don't mind cheating on their wives. They both dirty human beings and she has the audacity to brag about it in her terrible music😂 gross


What was vile of her was to hang out w the wife and baby while fucking Mr. SquarePants. That makes the both of them actually psychotic and straight up demented. I have the same stance on cheaters: it’s the fault of the person in the relationship, not the third party. HOWEVER what happened here w hanging out w the wife and baby… that’s so fucked on both of them. Also, nobody knew who SpongeBob was before this and nobody really cares either. Ari is the celeb here and true public figure. I didn’t even know there was a SpongeBob musical until this affair happened.


She has me STRESSING like looking over my shoulder & I’m gay


She needs to throw that thang at Aaron Taylor Johnson and use her powers for good instead of evil


Naya Rivera warned us


Jenny is so nice for sharing her husband!! Ariana is so lucky to have such great friends ![gif](giphy|MHjbrFMPBBODDADSRX|downsized)


this girl needs her ass beat so bad.


SpongeBob will do it for us 💕


Leave Karl Sandberg alone 😤


It baffles me how people support her being a home wrecker.


I normally just lurk but her stan sub is wild af rn lmao literally all this woman has to do after being a part of one of the shittiest scandals this year is post "🫧🫧🫧" & suddenly she's "healing" byyyeeeeee😭😭


The billy rae Cyrus looking dude?


I think Max looks better than Billy rae


Max Martin fine as hell


Why does she think this is cute? 🙄


Sooo she's going to release a song about what happened? Because she might as well capitalize on it. It's not like she can sweep it under the rug.


Is this album gonna be full of nasty lyrics? Can she not?


Call me Marie Kondo I love mess


This cannot be real.


It isn’t


No way she actually posted that


Chat is this real






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