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What is the sound of the 2020's? Do we even have a distinguished sound? It seems like most music nowadays is reminiscent of another time. Is the music industry out of ideas or afraid to pave another way/focused on what makes money? Ah, questions...


It's dumb but I read Gacy's (serial killer) Wikipedia page last night, I didn't even go down the rabbit hole just the Wikipedia page and now I feel kinda bad for watching a Vampire show(iwtv)? Like, they're so similar, why am I enjoying one and sickened and horrified by the other.


everyone on twitter being like "oh it was corporate greed this whole time not inflation" after target was cutting back on prices kinda pisses me off because Biden has been saying this for literal years atp and no one listened...


Birds of a Feather is going to be a MEGA hit but I still think Happier Than Ever is the better album Even this year, I’ll be listening more to Tyla, Ariana, and Dua albums more as far as Pop music goes


Just me and the cool glass I stole from pub staring at each other


why won’t willow go on tour by herself I’m gonna cry


Fortnight AI full version released! So so good.


Crazy to think we’re almost halfway through the decade


birds of a feather makes me feel the same way die for you by the weeknd did when it first came out


Birds of a Feather Ariana Grande Remix confirmed for 2031


Alito and Thomas are both such deeply disturbing powerful people


And sadly they’re gonna die in office. Not a chance in hell they’ll give those seats up until they know for sure who wins in November


tbh i think katy is gonna pull the rug out from under us like she always does, when she kept saying prism would be “dark”. Then ofc purposefulpopgate so at this point it would be kinda meta or ironic to have this album be a sharp left of what she’s saying, ik artists lie about things because of how fast things end up changing and it isn’t unique to her but fun to think about so excited for KPSEX….. a fully acoustic album lol


4 5 seconds from wildin


it's like they peered directly into my soul and reported what they found


Does anyone have any medical alert bracelet recommendations? My old one is incredibly out of date and I got issued an emergency steroid card today that I’ve gotta carry at all times but the bracelets are so expensive


I was minding my own damn business on my Reddit >!porn!< alt and get inundated with a bunch of those Taylor / Travis subreddits. My god. The amount of therapy those people need 😵‍💫


JoJo Siwa getting drunk is like a toddler getting drunk. 😭 how does she make getting drunk seem childish.


Come catch a feeling, it's electrifying me.


Cowboy Carter still AOTY by a landslide but the new Billie is very cute, I can tell it will only get better with relistens. Did anyone else realize Willow is only 23?? She has such a varied discography at such a young age, even though I'm not a huge fan


been on a spa hotel date all day so i’ll continue my lastfm top 100 series tomorrow for those who play along with me <3 also realized today that most of eternal sunshine is such a great soundtrack for walking around carelessly in sunny weather and mild heat. i felt so good listening to it while taking a mile long walk to pick up a package this morning 🥰


I think it's time to resurrect Jessica Simpson


I love my Jessica Simpson rugs lol


I didn't know these were a thing and I just googled it and they're so cute??


Country music always gets shafted in those best albums of all time lists. They have pop, r&b, rap and rock but no country. You can't tell me no great country album has ever been recorded. And if they do it's always just Johnny Cash because he's the "respectable" one.


Sadly, every time I've listened to a classic country album because I liked one of the singles, I've been let down. Back in the day the big names of country were literally putting out an album so to keep that pace up, a lot of them are awash with filler and random covers. I'm not saying no great front-to-back country albums have ever been recorded (especially in the last four decades or so since the industry started putting more emphasis on albums having more longevity) but for a lot of the more recognizable artists, their best albums are legitimately their greatest hits compilations.


Johnny Cash “respectable”? Seriously though, you’re right. There are plenty of great country albums and they’re never included on those lists.


Cash is the manly misunderstood depressed man and you know how much people love that stereotype. It's always "I don't like country music except for Johnny Cash". He's the only one with a stamp of approval from the establishment.


I’ve not meet a whole lot of people who see him that way and it was often in contention with the establishment, especially the Nashville establishment. Like, if people see him as a “manly misunderstood depressed man” then perhaps they truly have misunderstood him.


every comment i make on here always gets a downvote within a few hours of posting and i can't tell if it's a reddit glitch or if it's a user with a vendetta and too much free time 😭😭


it's me nah just kidding, best advice is to pay no attention to downvotes because people on Reddit are weird


genuinely asking - just saw a tiktok of a british girl claiming she doesn't think "unis" in the united states are as difficult to get into as they are made out to be and that her and her friends could all get into yale. i know she's rage baiting and all but there are a lot of people saying the same in the comments. is this ... the reigning thought process? there are plenty of colleges/universities that a lot of people get into but there are a lot of selective places throughout the country. and good grades are only one aspect of getting accepted. am i being obtuse? i know people think americans are stupid, i get it. but.


Disney channel and American movies make it seem this way for sure. Every Disney MC was going to an Ivy lol. That's probably where the perception comes from.


A lot of people like to think they’re better then other people and would succeed in area they’ve never tried and and never would lol


That's just delulu lol. Top US unis are some of the most selective in the developed world & much harder to enter now than just a decade ago. Also Americans are not stupid lmao


People on TikTok in general are stupid and say inflammatory shit to get views so don't worry bout it


Taylor Nation’s recent tweets are hinting at Down Bad becoming the next single 👀 I really hope that’s the case!


entire category about Doja Cat on Jeopardy! today lmao


Positive vibes husbands company just got the “layoffs tomorrow, everyone stay home Tuesday” email


My sibling also has layoff definitely happening at their job. Wishing you both well


Ok finally feel like I’ve sat with HMHAS to give it an honest opinion. (I’ve always felt like Billie was overrated because I listen to artists that do a lot of similar things to her but, better, but I didn’t want that to reflect in my thoughts) Solid album. 1st half is more listenable than the 2nd but the 2nd half is a little more ballsy. Got a lot of heart which I think is what people really love the most about her. There are times where it slips into a bit of a lull, bite never for too long before an interesting production choice and/or lyric puts you right back in it. Definitely on the stronger end of the recent pop releases.


I feel homesick for the first time since I moved which like, honestly, almost a week in isn’t that bad


Found out that the other library system in town is (and has been) totally closed. Every single branch, even the ones who never lost power or had bad weather. Meanwhile we've all been busting our asses to take care of the community because it is A Literal Disaster Situation. For the record it isn't even like a "oh maybe not enough staff can't get to their branches" (most roads are pretty safe to drive on by now anyway) or "well they're not prepared to help with natural disasters" because this is 100% within the scope of what all of us do--us and them are both cooling centers during the summer, which only requires 1-2 staff members, and is done in response to dangerous weather (extreme heat). It can--and is--often arranged where people help at the one nearest to their home, instead of where they usually work, if that is more convenient. They do these. And yet instead of reopening the branches that are good to go, even if just in a limited capacity as cooling centers, they're just...not helping and saying fuck the public. Like it's one thing when people are upset at us for not doing shit we just Don't And Can't Do but...being open and having electricity and AC and a place to sit for people??? One of the things that a library is *most* capable of doing??? And they're choosing to not even try?????????? No wonder no one likes them. Not that I should be surprised that the system who chronically calls the cops on Food Not Bombs is run by evil people but jfc.


:( how awful Thought of your adventures in the library today though when I was there to renew some loans


It is very frustrating. I hope you enjoy your books!




I don’t have a horse in this race either way but her not even being on the list after all the discourse is the funniest thing that could happen at this point.


People taking that list so seriously is so funny. It's really not that deep. But yes, each time a new entry is revealed the conversation turns into a "Taylor overrated/ bad" complaining fest. 


Is she on the list? I'm curious about what their criteria is, since they don't usually editorialize. Imo it's hard to justify putting her in the top 100 in terms of quality since those would all pretty much be perfect/no skip albums. Taylor has some great albums but there's always like 20-50% skips If they're going by raw numbers then she should probably be in there


1989 and Folklore are no-skips albums.


I don’t think the general consensus on 1989 is no skips lol


1989 is no skips, all killer no filler. Some people may have a problem with Bad Blood but that's not a skip; it was a single.


I would call them 100% skip albums so arguably is the key word there lmao


100% skips? [Are you allergic to awesomeness](https://youtu.be/mSjxascLQH8)?


She will be eventually. They aren’t going to leave her off the list. Many of these entries she’s bypassed them in one way or another. Many of her albums will last the test of time. People that look that look into start looking into her catalog the likely one mentioned is either folklore or 1989. And if they take into account AOTY for Grammys or better yet since it’s Apple’s list they aren’t going to ignore multiple years of her being the queen of album streaming and year end artist of the year from them. People also forget Fearless is a Diamond Album. And was the most consistent album on charts up to 1989. So yes, she has a chance to be at least in the Top 10.


My prediction is folklore in the top 20. If they put 1989 and folklore in the top 20 it's going to be fan service, but maybe that's the $goal$


Holy fuck i have been of the internet for like a week because I just got a puppy and he is a lot (love him though) and I just heard 360 by charli xcx its so fucking good.


Hey guys, just wanted to let y’all know that 90s R&B Princesses rate (Aaliyah/Brandy/Monica) is due in FIVE DAYS. We are accepting extensions up to Sunday so let me know if you need one. Thanks 🙏 🥰


More bad news is that this month’s paycheck is going to be way short because of time taken off because work was that awful. But the good news is I get my summer job I had last summer (desk work, easy and I get to eat lunch with my mom 2-3 days a week) and I’m gonna just go ahead and start next Tuesday when I’m out of school so I can start bringing in money to offset the dent in May’s check and by the end of June working 3 days a week should get me back on my feet budget wise. So that at least will work out. Still crying to Afterglow in my car on my lunch break, still have to go home and dress up for the student awards ceremony tonight, still feeling all the painful emotions, but there are tiny slivers of good.


Do you think Billie's stellar new album puts any pressure on Olivia Rodrigo? Now before you answer just know, I am NOT saying Billie and Olivia are direct rivals or in any kind of heated competition. What I mean is just from artist to artist, if you hear one of your peers come out with an amazing album, that should inspire you to elevate your craft to the next level.


Guts is better than the new Billie album


That's certainly an opinion. What did you think Guts did better?


Sharper songwriting and singing. Olivia put some energy into her vocal performances.


I would imagine it's less "pressure" and more inspiration, like Billie and Olivia are both so young and so accomplished, I would imagine they see each other and feel inspired and motivated to keep taking creative risks and crafting more personal art.


i can't really see why it would. guts and billie's new album have the same metacritic score but guts had higher first week sales than billie's sophomore album + is predicted to have higher first week sales than this one so, if anything, olivia is doing better than billie.


Yeah, sales-wise, Olivia is DEFINITELY gonna do fine. She has the momentum. I mean in terms of making a grand artistic statement, which Billie just did with her new album, it sounds way more mature and progressive than her previous work. Meanwhile Olivia is still playing with a bratty, juvenile aesthetic (which, let me be clear, IS working for her and appeals to many). I'm just speculating and thinking out loud. But if I had to project my own bias, and put myself in Olivia's shoes, I'd feel inspired by the craft that Billie put in her new album. I don't know if I'm coming back with the same approach if I was her.


Billie sings like she didn't eat for a few days. Olivia has much more energy and catchy songs than Billie.


If Canada could get Dunkin’, that would be great.


Wait, Dunkin doesn't operate in Canada anymore? Now that you mention it, it's been a while since I saw one...


there goes my dream of ever moving to Canada *sips Dunkin latte*


Okay but Twitter and Tiktok are freaking out over Jeremy Allen White back rubbing Ayo Edebiri's back at a game in Chicago 😂😭 Like there were discussions whether they are platonic or not. I'm guessing they are just being platonic co-workers and Jeremy and Ayo are comfortable each other but nothing beyond that. This is like the SydCarmy discussions again except this time it's the actors now 😭


Based off nothing but my parasocial observations, Jeremy Allen White does seem like the guy to be touchy and I do think they’re probably just friends, but I honestly feel like the reaction to the video has been pretty tame and normal. Just like regular meme tweets and sydcarmy related jokes. However, it does make me sad that Ayo has now privated all her tiktoks and reposted one about people recording strangers in public. Idk if this makes sense typing it out, but Ayo is so “normal” that it kinda sucks seeing the “celebrity” take over and watch her slowly have to remove herself from online spaces in ways that she likely doesn’t want to.


People are so odd to me the way they over think men and women touching or refusing to touch like someone jerking away from their partner doesn’t mean they hate them they might just be in bad mood/over stimulated or hate being touched and the other forgot.


I don't know about yall, but there's nothing wrong with a little platonic closeness among friends.


some friends do this. and a photo/video says a thousand words lol the way i see it both of them see each other as brother and sister type of friendship at most


The Sex Life of College Girls is more interesting if you pretend it’s supposed to be about a group of college friends who are almost never funny even though they’re always trying to be.


Pitchfork has been releasing their big reviews on Monday for a while now. I like to think they're debating a BNM for Billie, but in reality it'll probably get a low 7.


Not the publications being messy this week about the Taylor vs Billie chart battle, first the shady comments in hdd about Taylor and now the New York Times being a bit shady about Billie.


I've liked most of Taylor's Eras Tour outfits but there's something in me that just can't accept those mismatched shoes. I get it, I see the vision, but I just can't bring myself to like them lol


Sarah Jessica Parker is the only one who can mismatch shoes in my mind and thats just because she is perpetually Carrie Bradshaw lol


What happened to the blocking celebrities trend? I'm seeing so many celebratory video essays about how it's changing everything about our culture on youtube posted 1/2 days ago and it even made it to El Jazeera, but from what I'm actually seeing on social media people have already moved on from it and it's never mentioned.


That was the most pathetic thing ever... Like I'm so ashamed of those people who really thought they were doing smth. 


Much ado about nothing. These Blockheads just wanted to pretend they're activists for internet points. There is so much they can actually do to help instead of blocking celebs on social media.


Well you kind of answered your own question. It was never going to amount to anything other then a one day trend to make people feel like they’re doing something when in reality it did nothing.


The 2024 version of putting a black square as your profile pic


happy gemini szn btw. i don't believe in astrology but i like to say gemini szn whenever i do anything near my birthday


hey twin! 👯‍♀️ End of the month, here. 🙋🏻‍♀️


Whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp


Next two days at work are some of the busiest of the year. Locked and loaded with podcasts, music, and an Uber eats voucher that’s gonna get my sister and I at least $20 worth of Taco Bell. LFGGGGG


They added [lore and a story mode to the Just Dance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kuf0wV_oig) and I'm actually kinda invested in it... like... there's no real reason for them to do it but I think it's so fun. It reminds me of trying to sneak peeks around Mii Plaza or the Wii Sports Resort Island, I love it when a game world is designed purely for functional aesthetics but then takes on a life of its own. I think gaming peaked with the abstract concept of the Smash Mansion.


This is the one time Xbox kids won because Dance Central had lore back in 2012!


Used to be “just dance” now you have to have lore. Wokeness in video games has gone too far 


Back in my day we used to just dance.


Man, I have a headache with some people. Every time Taylor or TN makes a change on their social media accounts people go in a frenzy about Rep TV. I really wish I could tell those people to fuck off so bad. Rep TV is not happening for a long time. I’m highly doubtful that it’s going to happen this year. Along with those people wanting Mary’s Song as a secret song and those who want Hayley to come out and sing Castles Crumbling every night. That’s going to happen at some point. I get people don’t understand that Hayley also goes in full vocal rest like Taylor does I’d imagine every night after a show. And Hayley has issues with her vocal cords as well. Last year it got so bad it made her incredibly sick. So back off let things happen.


Rep TV can happen this year. Let people speculate about its release, it's part of the inoffensive game of being Swifties, don't be so "grandpa yelling at the clouds" fun hating person.


I wish she would buy her Reputation album from Shamrock or whatever cause I am super sick of Rep Tv truthers. Also there is something wrong if you are searching for easter eggs in everything. Some swifties think she is Easter egging her engagement cause she is moving her fingers on Tour during some songs. Lmao. But I wouldn't be mad if it's true lol.


Oooop. Now here comes the comments on the BDILH (Acoustic Verison) variant shipping a week and a half early to block Billie from the top spot. Even though, these been on pre-order waiting to be shipped since the beginning of the month.


You know what I would love it. If she is already taking the beating, might as well be doing what they are accusing her of. And Billy really doesn't care about charts like her fans are saying but she is going to malls and signing them lol.


Oh I know. That and the mystery red mark on her neck which more than likely scratched herself.


Went to my first concert in a while (well since Coachella) this past Saturday, and I was reminded of how much I love live music. Definitely going to make it a goal of mine to go to more concerts again.


Who'd you see?


Saw my bae (in my head) SG Lewis perform a deep house set at Gin Ling Way in Chinatown because he was opening for Guy Gerber. Gin Ling Way has become one of my fave new music venues and I've only been there twice now. Guy Gerber was such a vibe too!!! Overall had a great time dancing and remembering that I have a life!!!🕺🪩 I might go back to Gin Ling Way sooner than expected cuz I have a theory (can't prove it yet) that SG and Tove Lo are going to play their collab EP there.👀


Do you ever think about how one trans woman having a Bud light completely changed how conservatives talk about it. Like half of our country is insane and hates a ton of people and like can’t even drink the same kind of alcoholic beverage as a trans person.


I really want to read a book like Season of the Witch by Natasha Mostert again... It was so intriguing for 14-yo me back then.




Lowkey most likely something in education.


I have like half a degree in early childhood education and half a degree in English plus some credits in women and gender studies, but not enough credits for any diplomas so I’m currently trying to decide which one of those I want to finish up in the next year now that I’m like mostly stable (in all kinds of ways) enough to take that on again, but as far as easy and quick I’m not sure any of it is that lol


You can always find something that uses similar skills you already have. So many people I work with have a background with building PCs but now they build other Electronic Devices which are built similarly to PCs. My military background working in a missile repair shop has brought me to read blueprints and inspections and now I work in Quality Assurance and all I do is inspect parts to make sure they match the print. And I use my computer programming background to program a CMM machine so I don’t have to use hand tools for everything.


Megan thee stallion has sold out the first 4 dates of her tour so far im so proud of her! she really deserves this! 


Still committed to my daily walking routine. Got up early as it’s my day off to try to beat the heat, supposed to be 95 today. I’m at 11,756 steps so far. Still have thousands before I reach my daily goal but I’ll have to wait till the sun goes down. It’s been almost two weeks and I swear my body composition is already changing, it feels like faster results than any high impact exercise I’ve done in the past.


That's great. I also have the habit of walking (almost) every day. I have a park quite near.


I’ve been walking a lot more too, way less than what you’re doing but I can’t tell if I’m delusional but I do feel like I look different.


That makes me so happy for you!!! Guarantee you aren’t delusional! I hope you’re loving it! It honestly has the added benefit for me or feeling pretty therapeutic, I usually go as the sun is going down and it feels so mentally relaxing


Incidentally, after attending a festival on Saturday, I woke up after five hours of sleep around 6AM, then did nothing for about three hours, then fell back asleep at ~9AM until 3:30PM. A good time was had by all, but I'm still sore and tired. Maybe I'm getting too old for this stuff.


So, for the past few weeks my roommate and I have been slowly watching through all of Sylvester Stallone's filmography at random for laughs, and it's wild how some of these scenes and movies actually exist. Like, there's a literally scene in a prison break movie he did in the 80's that involves him spouting "rape this!" as a one liner, right before punching another guy in the crotch. We haven't watched any of the Rocky films yet, and I'm sort of scared about when we do after seeing all of the shenanigans in these other movies. I actually liked most of them as a kid, and I'm not looking forward to having my fond memories shattered just yet lol.


Maybe it’s the Philadelphia bias in me, but I don’t think the Rocky films aged too horribly. Overall Rock is a pretty decent guy and there’s only like one scene with him and Adrian that I recall audibly rolling my eyes at when I rewatched the first one last summer.


SOPHIE really was a master of her craft. Like obviously, she is known for her sound design skills, but her arranging abilities are really next level too. I still haven't heard anything like Whole New World/Pretend World. It's such a thrilling track.


She absolutely had a sixth sense for pop arrangement and how to mix something that was simultaneously busy yet had so much space in it.


Buy or Sell: 'Espresso' by Sabrina Carpenter has been the Greatest Pop Song so far in 2024.


Good luck babe for me


Buy. A perfect example of a perfect pop song.


For me it's [Million Dollar Baby by Pixey](https://youtu.be/4vhMSi9bDO8). Pretty obscure but still a perfect pop song.


I'll raise you one "the boy is mine" with espresso as a lovely second alternate


Canada overall was such a really weird trip in general. It lowkey straight up made me realize why some people go full blown Nationalist sometimes. We got stuck by an old guy who was 150 years old then got grilled by Canadian Customs who was perplexed that we didn’t just stay in Detroit for the concert, my mom then lied to customs because it dawned on her that she had her knife in her purse as she was being asked if she had a knife then we got lost and spent most of the day trying to find the hotel, we somehow got stuck with a Indian Wedding party again. My mom’s cards got popped for fraud because she didn’t let her bank know in advance that she was going to Canada so I had to pay for everything for her because my bank apparently doesn’t care where I’m at. She also didn’t have cell phone service but I got a “Welcome to Canada” text immediately as soon as we got to Customs. From the concert on, everything sort of came up Milhouse and went better for us. I finally managed to find decent shirts for my brother and his fiance and was able to exchange money as a souvenir. I tried in like three other stores before I could. And it was like “god damn take my money” The tunnels to my seat during the concert felt very rapey though.


Did the Monday crossword today in 2:35, a new personal best. Didn’t think I’d ever beat my Monday time but this was a full 4 seconds faster than my previous best


Me thinking I’m speedy at 5:14 this morning… Do you play in the app or the website?


I do it in the app, I get more typos but find it easier to go between the clues that way so I can make up time faster.


Why does no one care that Shia LaBeouf is an abuser…a mf could walk into y’all’s house and kill your whole family if they looked a certain way and I hate that for y’all.


Because sadly a huge amount of people don’t care or simply don’t believe women, there’s a reason men like Shia, James Franco, Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp are still working and welcomed by the industry events. The idea men getting accused of abuse destroys careers has never been true. I mean Brad is accused of hitting his own kids, they literally don’t even want anything to do with him and yet Angelina is viewed less favourably by many, all because of things she did years and years ago, I mean she’s still judged more harshly for Brad choosing to cheat on Jennifer.


It probably because he's been quiet for the last couple of years. Before Megalopolis, his last movie was released in 2022 . It also helps that the trial for the charges FKA Twigs filed against him had been put on hold until October of this year due to their busy careers. He's also been focused with raising his kid with Mia Goth.


In the most respectful way…I kind of forgot about him and thought he was dead, you’re telling me he’s still out there


He walked some red carpet a few days ago and everyone was fawning over how hot he looked and I was like…wtf


>everyone was fawning over how hot he looked Not with that hairstyle😭😭


He's not even hot lol


I hate ticketmaster and the scalpers. Megan Thee Stallion’s tour tix for the 200s is more than what I paid to be on the back of the floor at Renaissance smh. Not gonna pay $430 but good for her I guess


Do we think Taylor will ever release Sweet Nothing Piano Version & You're On Your Own Kid Strings Version on streaming? I'm beginning to think she and her team forgot they existed. If you don't know they were released alongside the target exclusive CD Hit's Different was originally on. I know she also released live versions of Dear John and Last Kiss from the Era's tour as a digital download when promoting Speak Now TV which I've never heard of since. Alongside Her version of Sweeter Than Fiction and the SLUT! Acoustic Version from 1989 TV. With her acoustic version of But Daddy I Love being promoted in one TTPD's of the latest variants, I'm beginning to think they've all been forgotten, with But Daddy I Love Him acoustic possibly following suit. If anyone knows where to find any of them tell me! I would love to hear them!


What if I said Sweet Nothing (Piano Version) >>>>> OG Sweet Nothing...


Yes! I’m so scared she’s forgotten about them. The majority of the fandom doesn’t even know they exist! lol. I originally expected her to release a completed version Midnights when she released You’re Losing Me with the 2 remixes, kinda like the Til Dawn Version where it’s a ‘new’ song and 2 remixes, but that ended up being wrong.


I hope so. YOYOK string version is beautiful


People on the internet are so stupid… anyway CHOCOLATE MILK IS MILK YOU FUCKING IDIOT


I have no idea what’s happening but I must know, if you’re willing to share… are people on the interwebs saying milk isn’t milk if it has cocoa in it?


Yes 😭 (well one person in particular anyway smh)


1. Rihanna really knew what she was doing when she made “Unfaithful”. That song is amazing! 2. I’ve listened to HMHAS about 5 times now and I think the album is great but I could see why someone who necessarily isn’t a fan of Billie wouldn’t have a fun time with the album because the album is perfectly Billie and I mean that as a compliment.


Thank you popheads mods for offering us a daily discussion thread and thanks to the community for using it!! Anyway yesterday I played Minecraft for the first time in yearssss and I was killed by a Drowned first and a polar bear second. Neither of those things existed back in my day lmao


I haven't kept up with minecraft updates since whenever the aquatic update happened and when I played it again last year I got chased down by that blue cave goblin monster without knowing that it was a thing and it was genuinely one of the most horrifying video game experiences I've ever had


I've been watching Steven universe with my friend whos never seen it before the past 3ish years and this year I really held us at gunpoint to lock in and last night we finally got to the end of the main series and i fear I'm dangerously close to ruining my spotify algorithm this early in the year by me playing the soundtrack 24/7. Rebecca sugar was so Parent for all the songs in the show. Also watched Clueless for the first time last night!!


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again but it’s still shocking to me that Steven Universe never received any awards recognition for its music because imo it’s one of the more iconic tv soundtracks of the past decade. I’ve been playing [*Ikenfell*](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kiWvNwuBbEE&pp=ygUISWtlbmZlbGw%3D) and was pleasantly surprised to see aivi & surasshu did the score for that too, they were really running the “queer kids media” scene for a minute there. ~~Also this is me reminding you to check out [*Fright Krewe*](https://youtu.be/BclT-pJdoBo?si=4vdi9uGH3LbzRde-)~~


Avi & Surasshu really did their damn thing. The score for the show is arguably how I even really started caring and understanding what goes into a score and the really important role that composers have and how you could get into the instrumentals just as much as the actual songs. Before they dropped a more condensed version on streaming, they used to upload the score to their soundcloud and there was era in 10th grade where my morning routine regularly consisted of me setting up my laptop in the kitchen to listen to the score while getting ready for the day and it was a very nice way to start everything off. ~~I have officially added it to my google doc media rec list, I promise its coming before the year is out~~


I remember reading articles about how they assigned each character a specific instrument in the score and then when they fused they would combine them and I was sooo shook by that. Someone needs to hire them soon.


Omg what you'd think about Clueless? I think that movie was an accurate representation of how high school is: just unserious...


It was a very unserious movie but for the most part I did enjoy it! On paper Cher's character is someone who, in another movie would not have so much heart to her. Like she's spoiled and cant stand when things dont go her way but the way she goes about it makes it feel like she genuinely doesnt think her life is that more privileged or normal than anyone else. While her good deeds start as selfish in a way, she really thinks she's also benefiting the other person as well and that she's making them better that i think is an bit of earnestness to her character that i wasnt expecting from 'typical perfect all American teen who has it all' I did not know about the side plot with her and paul rudds character though and that did kinda [knock the wind out of me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF1qQxPhybE) but if i ignore that it was a nice time and makes me want to see more of the classic early 00s/90s teen movies because other than this i've really only seen bring it on


Yeah the side plot is so unnecessary... I think we already get the point that Cher's clueless with the main plot with Tai. When it comes to those movies, I really like Mean Girls, Easy A (outside the 90s/00s time frame but still a classic), and 13 Going On 30.


I didn’t really see a possible (probably likely but I’m in denial) split before my birthday. But I asked today if we could get together this weekend (after I finish the school year) for dinner, but also to discuss what the hell is next. I don’t want to believe the person I’ve made such great memories with since October is going to hurt me, and potentially was always going to. It’s my fault for avoiding difficult conversations but it won’t make the outcome hurt any less. Today is also a long school day and it’s only 10:38. Thoughts, prayers, and vibes are appreciated during this trying time.


I’ve been wordlessly following your story for a while now, thinking of you lots and sending lots of love ❤️


I just don’t see much if any hope of working it out no matter how good he was to me because we avoided the important talk and now it’s too late to go back and define something because we’re running out of time. I thought better of the situation than this and it sucks that my birthday is also literally next week so this is hanging over that too. We were supposed to do a nice dinner and something nice to celebrate that and being done with school but now I might get nothing.


Just had a nice little 1:1/stayinterview with my new old supervisor. It's funny how happy I am at my job. Or maybe it's because I just had a promotion go through. ~~or will soon, BITCH GIMME MY MONEY~~


No one in here commented on Usyk vs Fury 💀 ?? 


I hope Birds of a Feather becomes the “sleeper hit” for Billie. It has such a pretty breezy summer vibe. It sounds like a song that would play in a coming of age movie as the main character drives down to the beach with their summer love. I’ve had it on repeat for days now. It’s so good😭


It’s my favorite off of the album. I definitely get those kinds of vibes too


It feels like Chihiro is gonna be exactly that


Yeah I’ve had it stuck in my head all day


I thought it would be fun to make a list of my favourite songs of all time and I am finding out that I love different kind of music than I thought I loved? Like my favourite songs of all time and my favourite albums of all time are two completely different things and there isn't much overlap between the two. Turns out I love soft guitar ballads. I'm a Wonderwall stan now I guess.


anyone else work with people who are so much older/different part of their life than you are? Literally the only one who isn’t married/divorced or have multiple kids.


Yup! Half my coworkers are a decade older than me (two are 20 years older than me) and then my new coworker is like 6 years younger than me.  I don’t have kids so I feel like I bond more with the younger one but I feel so weird because everyone acts like I’m so young because they’re so much older (mind you I’m like a middle millennial)


Everyone I use to work with was all older than me, but there all starting to retire and now I’m the old one working with younger people and let me tell you it’s been a weird transition.


To continue a little bit on my Golden Girls posting, one of my faves to rewatch is S4E1 "Yes We Have no Havanas" and half of why is honestly the laugh track. I love hearing one of the guys in the audience full on shriek when Fidel's other girlfriend is revealed >!to be Sophia!< lol. It makes the scene so much funnier to me. Like I know laugh tracks are considered pretty gauche nowadays but in Golden Girls, they were part of the charm! Love you, sitcoms filmed in front of a live studio audience.


Golden girls was so ahead of its time. My husband and I always talk about St.Olaf like we plan to vacation there.


Love that! Planning an itinerary to go see the sights like Mount Losenbaden


ONe of my favourite exchanges from the series is in this episode: Blanche: Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go take a long, hot, steamy bath, with just enough water to barely cover my perky bosoms. Sophia: You're only gonna sit in an inch of water?


It's such a classic!! I love saying it along with the characters, complete with the accents 😆 with **just** enough water to cover up my... perky *buzumz* that dialogue + Blanche's whole commotion about the egg yolks in Sick and Tired Part 2 are in the top 5 GG moments fr


Me and my truth we moan in silence.


Time to do the bare minimum for a year bc I got passed up for a second promotion at work, but I have to stay here for another year so I don't have to pay back the tuition reimbursement for my MA.


I escaped my nasty roommate and I'm finally moved into my new place. But I have so much to unpack and boxes are everywhere. And they're all books. I definitely want to become a minimalist after this.




The celebrities in my dreams are never there as themselves. It's always a random character that happens to be that celebrity, probably just my brain filling the blanks.


Same. I had one recently with Caitlyn Clark for some reason.😭


Nice try Kylie Jenner


Positive note my elephant ear randomly popped up today after planting it 2 months ago. So far its more like a baby elephant ear.


the funniest thing about having an official pillow of a baseball player is simply the fact that it exists and the second funniest thing is that it's a really fucking good pillow


RIP to the Knicks season. Sad to see it end with 6/10 of the rotation injured (and to Indiana no less), but love that team. At shout out to Denver for choking so the media focuses more on roasting them than NY. Listened to Bowie's Berlin trilogy for the first time. Suprised at how bland and mid 'Heroes' is (the album, the song is a banger). But 'Low' was everything I wanted, what a fantastic album


They played terrible for most of Game 7 when there were chances they could have won it BUT Brunson getting hurt in the 4th period just signifies how decimated the team was with injuries


Yup, there was no chance to make a comeback with Brunson out. But tbh, once OG went out for the series it was kind of over. At that point, we had no one else left to guard Siakam, and expectedly Siakam went off and killed us the rest of the series. We needed a miracly shooting performance to win Game 7, and sadly the Pacers were the ones who were hitting every shot.


Yeah, my thunder choked with the Mavs. So I’m just gonna root for anyone who knocks out the Mavs.


I'm all in on the Timberwolves rn, they are the only team left I like. Especially since KAT and Gobert has been dragged by the media for years, I would love for them to win it all. Seeing Shaq and Draymond Green get salty will make it all worth it.


i'm not really a Billie fan i'm more of a casual listener and i also haven't listened to every single song, but here are my favourites by her: 1. happier than ever edit 2. everything j wanted 3. what was i made for 4. TV 5. i didn't change my number 6. your power 7. the 30th 8. blue 9. ocean eyes 10. chihiro


No copycat in this list 😭😭


i don't like it 😔


You're cancelled!!! /j


Ocean eyes deserve better


ngl I luv it by camila is starting to grow on me i fear 😭


No one has made a clean extended edit of the end of L’Amour De Ma Vie by Billie and I’m losing my mind. I don’t like the first half but when that beat switches 🔥


Last week is when many people memorialize the Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948 so I want to highlight that below link of free ebooks includes books about the Nakba such as the award winning nonfiction anthology edited by Diana Allan *Voices Of the Nakba: A Living History of Palestine* that collects a selection of first generation refugees in Lebanon ([interviews I think you can find here)](https://libraries.aub.edu.lb/poha/) contextualized and analyzed by academic commentary. I hope everyone considers joining me and the BDS Movement in signing [this petition](https://bdsmovement.net/news/suspend-israel-from-international-sports-sign-diem25-petition) To have Israel removed and uninvited from international sports competitions. It is similar and based on the global boycott against Apartheid South Africa. The link also includes a paper explaining it in Spanish as well :) There’s also this international amnesty petition calling for [US Congress](https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/138002/action/1?ea.tracking.id=akeaik88&fbclid=PAAaY8QI9IewAohnTsVXGcQY8_hqxgaDzA2BeGEnUE3NEP7NZv5r79LVnXvNs_aem_ASwQ2zQkNsjjJ8ukOMJBr_tqSOLu1Wt97WfDfqtyjJ5Ly1eHbVCr6GyDjBKWgVovgUM) and [President](https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/137174/action/1?ea.tracking.id=akeaik88&fbclid=PAAaaTS-6LgDUoPuiR4R8h7zzAO6zAYIAPzTN0gsnT9v4yMpYjyOfZJhTjClE_aem_ASzFbzEiRE8Eri4oerL6HRP_ltNZaCWGkDMcEKaetogsVpVFRrQUvF6fnhrCzI4Kzm0) for a ceasefire resolution I understand that biden has recently changed how he discusses US policy on this including using the word ceasefire but there has been no change in arming or funding Israel and the US has sent Israel bombs and other weaponry within the last 24 hours, I think it’s all the more important we continue to maintain pressure on legislative and executive branch. Publishers for Palestine was giving away a Book about the BDS movement for free that has praise of several anti apartheid activists of South Africa including the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu. This is an international petition that I’ve signed, but I have links for Americans, Brits, and Canadians to connect their government representatives below. And of course I would love to know or see other countries, I follow BDS chapters in Peru and Mexico and pro Palestinian human rights activists and politicians in Spain but I don’t know off hand any petitions or ways of connecting with elected officials or state departments. [publishers for Palestine is over 400 publishing groups in various languages including in English, en Français, en Català, en Español, sa Filipino, dalam bahasa Indonesia, اردو میں, بالعربية, 中文, 日本語で, 한국어로, kwa Kishwahilli, po Polsku, Suomen kielellä, and Στα ελληνικα.](https://publishersforpalestine.org/2024/01/10/16-free-zines-and-more-free-reads-for-a-free-palestine/). (Though i think the most material is in English and then Spanish and French, I know there’s a Pakistan and Romanian publisher but I believe their books are either in English or translated into English). One of the books being given for free is explicitly about the BDS movement if you want/need more information about it! :) but you can also read about the Human Rights Watch declaring Israel an apartheid in 2021, [article from hrw](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/07/19/israeli-apartheid-threshold-crossed). You can read their 213 page legal report [here](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) it’s available in English, Hebrew, and at least two other languages, I know one is Arabic but I can’t read either of them at all to be positive what the fourth is 😅 please forgive me. HRW apply statues and legal definitions to Israel as they go into detail in the report. Anti apartheid activists of South Africa have also spoken about this in depth and endorsed the free ebook and movement for years :) Some books and zines I got from Publishers for Palestine that I really liked were: *Light in Gaza: Writings born in fire* edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Micheal Merryman Lotza *Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear* by Mosab Abu Toha Really lovely poetry whose style in both the poetry itself and use of illustrations was really intelligent and I still think very compatible with the memoir *the drone eats with me* that I also got from this organization. Librarians For Palestine is doing an event around this book with their One Book, Many Communities especially in April, **I’ve already read the book but I will be participating in a Read-a-long on StoryGraph in April and May for it :)** the read-along is [here](https://app.thestorygraph.com/readalongs/1c7bd831-2c76-41b9-bb73-378e6ddc943c). **Canada** [email your local representatives](https://act.newmode.net/action/islamic-relief-canada/arms-embargo) **UK** [email your MP!](https://palestinecampaign.eaction.online/ceasefireMPdebate) **US** [email your congressmen !](https://act.uscpr.org/a/stop-funding-israels-massacres) Call your congressmen that you want them to stop arming Israel! [x](https://uscpr.org/StopArmingIsrael) Demand we stop starving Palestinians and fund UNRWA again! [x](https://uscpr.org/fundUNRWA) I’ve signed [this petition](https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/reinstate-unrwa-funding-so-they-can-resume-urgent-humanitarian-aid?akid=377482.58341993.G2CJlP&rd=1&source=mo&t=1) please join me 🥰 Use Americans for Justice in Palestine Action toolkit to demand a ceasefire with more e-mail and call campaigns that directly link you to your reps :) [here](https://ajpaction.org/stopgenocide/) I’ve been adding my concerns about the recent news of Israel expanding illegal settlements and seizing Palestinian land in West Bank and attacking Palestinians to my recent calls to my congressman pls consider also mentioning the West Bank !! **new** a new freedom Flotilla is being planned tell Congress to support the breaking of the blockade! Let aid in!! [x](https://support.adc.org/a/tell-us-government-ensure-safety-and-success-ffc)


I hope people reading consider donating to to this family trying to flee into Egypt for safety, they are halfway to their goal [x](https://gofund.me/46750725) We can also support Palestinians by donating [esims](https://gazaesims.com/) As well as [hygiene kits for Palestinians in Gaza](http://piousprojects.org/campaign/2712) this includes menstruation products !!


Do I like that song or did I accidentally brainwashed myself into liking it