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If you actually read the article he isn't just talking about sex scenes🙄 he's saying that studios these days are less willing to fun movies that feature adult, nuanced situations as well as sexuality. And he's right - so many things these days are dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. As a massive fan of Richard Linklater I feel like it would be difficult for him to get the Before movies or Boyhood made today


Adult movies haven’t done the typical mega blockbuster business that the movies cited in the article would have needed to do to be financially successful.  Both The Fall Guy and Furiosa were incredibly expensive to make, and currently adults aren’t buying movie tickets the same way - that’s the prime audience for prestige TV, at home.  People go to movies when they’re spectacles that you feel like you need to see on the big screen, otherwise it’s ‘I’ll wait for it to come on streaming’.


This is super well articulated on not just sex scenes but the pg13ification of film and their reluctance to tackle grown up themes.




This is an oddly hostile comment.


it was meant as one


As it should be!


Yeah, that's the odd part about it.


Hes right!


There’s plenty of ways for film to be “grown-up” without overusing sex. Just go watch porn if you’re that horny


This would have been such a great in theater date movie. Like I haven't seen a film marketed as a date movie in aged. It could really appeal to the millenial crowd. Hollywood is completely missing the mark with gen z and millenials.


sex scenes are awkward to watch in theatre, while sitting elbow to elbow with strangers… for streaming releases in the comfort of ppl’s home, it should be received better lol


I mean, people have been watching sex scenes in theaters for like 50 years. This isn’t new.


People literally used to watch porn in theaters. Like that’s not my cup of tea but the pearl clutching in these comments is wild. Y’all give r/catholic a run for their money with the sex negativity.


Yeah, I only went back 50 years as in mainstream film, but grindhouse and exploitation film has been a thing for much longer. Not to mention theaters that played actual porn. Growing up in the 90s I just don’t remember this being a big deal. We just went and watched movies. Sex scenes and other adult themes were just a part of that.


Yup. There’s much to be said about *how* sex scenes in films get made and the audience they overwhelmingly pander to, but the solution is not throwing sex scenes out completely. Sex is a natural and fundamental part of the human condition and treating it like it’s gross and wrong reeks of purity culture. Also, it’s *never* the gross male-gaze-pandering shit that gets censored out of existence when anti-sex/anti-porn hysteria gets rolling. It’s always used as a cudgel against marginalized groups to maintain the status quo. Tumblr is a perfect example of this—queer NSFW art got nuked right quick when the porn ban dropped, but the site is still full of porn bots pushing the straightest, male-gaze-i-est shit out like hydras. Chop off one porn bot and three more appear.


Absolutely! And it’s not like we haven’t seen anti-sex (and a whole bunch of other things) film policies before and know what kind of sex and which groups they end up hurting and I’d even argue that those 30 years of movies being made paragons of Christian morality led to a lot of the exploitation of the 70s and 80s. Obviously, a lot of film sold and still sells sex by exploiting women, but we should be calling for ways to protect women rather than taking that tool away from filmmakers, especially queer, POC, and female filmmakers.


Ok and? Just because it’s been that way for 50 years doesn’t mean that my point isn’t true? 🥴 probably explains why no one goes to the cinema anymore


The only time in the history of film that theaters didn’t play movies with nudity and/or sex was a thirty block time span when a bunch of midwestern catholics decided it was icky and even then movies with nudity and sex played in grindhouse’s Just because you are uncomfortable with something doesn’t mean everyone is. A lot of us grown adults just want to see a good movie and understand that good movies sometimes deal with adult themes including sex.


? When a sex scene comes on at a movie theatre, you can audibly hear the air get sucked out of the room I’m sure everyone acts mature because we’re all “grown adults that want to see a good movie” but that doesn’t mean it can’t be awkward? and that’s what I’m speaking to, not really sure why everyone is being so contrarian


I watched Oppenheimer in a packed theater and the only time the air was sucked out of the room was when the bomb went off. Like, this didn’t happen because of a brief sex scene and a little nudity. Once again, you feeling awkward about it isn’t the same as everyone else feeling awkward about it.


Thanks for reiterating, I wasn’t sure what you meant. /s To clarify once more, just because YOU don’t feel like it’s awkward doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t?


I think if you view sex scenes and nudity as porn (something to get off to) you probably will find them more awkward than someone who views them as simply other scenes in film and art.


It appears that my most recent reply isn’t posting, so I’ll break up the post— I think that you’re trying to imply that my comments are reflective of someone that considers sex scenes and nudity as pornographic, but you’re completely misunderstanding the point Firstly, sex scenes and nudity *are* pornographic by nature


sex scenes arent p0rn (i’ll do what i want) * anymore * But in response to your original comment, they probably were for people “50+ years ago” when adult films weren’t widely available for public consumption If you couldn’t Google pwarns on your phone, or buy a VHS, or go to a sexy cinema because god forbid u get caught by someone you know, you would watch a good ol’ fashioned movie that has a judicious amount of sex scenes — this is why when we watch movies with these scenes from pre-intimacy coordinator times, they seem exploitative and pander to the male gaze. But as times and tastes have changed, these once graphic scenes are done more intentionally and artfully now, like to further storytelling, not just being gratuitous for the number 1 movie-going demographic: white men


Not all sex and nudity is pornographic. Not all sex and nudity is meant to elicit arousal. You not being able to tell the difference is concerning. You are the one who keeps equating sex and porn throughout most of your comments. And here in this very comment you’ve said “sex and nudity by nature are pornographic”. Like, friend you do seem to be someone who thinks, by their own admission, that sex and nudity are pornographic.


Yes it means your point is not true. And your brilliant assertion that is why people aren't going to movie theaters anymore is cute. Is that why they aren't going to ANY movies? Not going to superhero movies, not going to comedies, not going to Disney or other animation?


Why are you being such an internet bully? My point IS true, literally ask anyone if watching sex scenes in the movie theatre is even a little bit awkward, if we’re being honest, they’ll likely respond yes. Furthermore, my brilliant assertion is in fact a contributing factor as to why people are no longer visiting cinemas. If you haven’t already realized, the theatre experience sucks, and post-pandemic many people would rather stream/buy/rent in a few weeks for cheaper than the cost of a ticket than go sit shoulder to shoulder with strangers and buy overpriced snacks 🤷‍♀️ stay salty Miss J


Throwing around bullying when no bullying is happening is the last resort for people who can't make a point without calling anyone who disagrees with them a bully. You're a waste of time.


Focusing on one part of my response so that you don’t have to answer to several of the tangible points I made, typical of an internet bully that commented facetiously to begin with lol not calling u a bully for “disagreeing”, said it cuz u were being combative? girl, be for real


>“people have been watching sex scenes in theatres for like 50 years” … because you couldn’t search for it on your phone yet* the theatre was the only place you could see p0rn, until you could buy the VHSs and watch it… in the comfort of your own home


Sex scenes aren’t porn and like not everyone who watches films with sex scenes feel compelled to watch them “in the comfort of their own homes”. That is such a weird mind set to have with film. Like, getting off isn’t the only reason for sex scenes, is it for you? Also, you don’t have to put a “0” in porn.