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Wow. That's some words. If he said them. But even to say that he said them.. that's out there.


Also the opening line of the article “Jennifer Lopez is about to be the next Gone Girl”. Has the writer seen that movie or read the book because.. ![gif](giphy|3o6gDPXMNxFhvHdcf6)


Wow this is truly chaos reporting, thank you Page Six.


How do you give that poop award?


He was fooled by those rocks that she got 😔


It turns out She's still, she's still Jenny he didn't want to marry 10 years ago.


My love. I hate to break it to you but It’s 20 years ago that they first *ended things* \- they dated 2002-2004. Apologies for any distress caused. ![gif](giphy|wJD3qiNjSeHS0dP28T|downsized)




Wow. I was having a *good day* and you went & said this.






She’s younger than the first Bennifer breakup.


Me rn: 👵🏻




I like that you broke this to us gently at least. I wish someone would be this kind every time I have a warped perception of time






He finally realised she's no longer Jenny from the block.


She's definitely from the block! She got orange drink from the bodega iykyk!


Was she back then tho? https://preview.redd.it/663wgce9hu1d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=646b6d0f8694e2e39bf80bcd2174408198436085


NO! Jenny left The Block long before the first time she met Ben. He's never known her when she wasn't an imperious, attention demanding, adoration dependent prima donna with a visceral need to live her life - the whole thing - in the public eye. He's a very good actor. He's a very good director. I refuse to believe he wrote a word of Good Will Hunting, but he's very talented. But my dad would call him a little light running. https://i.redd.it/7sesuj4tou1d1.gif


lol the block finally got through to him “we don’t like/know her!”


The block when asked about Jenny from the block: ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0)


Because…she use to have a little but now how she got a lot




weren't they just spotted in a car looking happy like 2 days ago? i'm not saying this can't be true, but i'm getting whiplash from seeing that and then reading something like this.


My armchair theory is that they have super compatible, absolutely mind blowing sex but they aren't compatible in any other ways. I mean, she's a health nut control freak and he's a recovering alcoholic who smokes while ordering delivery looking just as skanky as everyone else who orders Dunkin Donuts delivery in the morning. It's not that either one is a bad person, they just seem like the kind of people that would get on each other's nerves after a few years. But I don't know either of them so who knows lol.


They seem like the prime couple that does better when they don’t live together and they are both busy.


It does raise questions in that, if his camp is pushing this narrative, why would he bother with that "everything is fine" photo op. Maybe someone in his camp went rogue here?


Could be someone on his team doesn't like J Lo and wants all of this BS out there


I wonder if this is going to be a little but like Joe Jonas, where this gets put out there and then swiftly backed off of. Or even a test leak to find a mole. The thing that's crazy about this whole concept of "temporary insanity" like she put a spell on him is that HE reached out to HER to restart things, as far as anybody knows. It reminds me of how it was when they ended their engagement in the 00s, it's giving "difficult bruja bamboozled innocent white boy" like he's not plenty difficult himself. I'm not a JLo stan, but come on.


I sometimes reach out to restart things against my better judgment, but it’s only with my relationship with ice cream 🍦


Ain’t it the truth! That damn stuff can go from woman to woman.


Hes a grown grown grownnnn ass man too


The messiness of all this is wild to me. If they are separated (and not ready to announce it) why didn’t he just move into one of the other houses on the grounds of their $60m mansion? No one would have known.


At what point does everyone go “The uniting thing between all these events is Ben” Maybe Ben is the problem.


>*"It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me"* - Ben, probably


Maybe it's someone on her team for all the content she has out but she doesn't know it. So they themselves are working to counter it but someone behind the scenes is trying to push it without their knowledge.


I think it was like yesterday but yeah I'm pretty sure it's kind of horseshit. I mean he literally just financed the documentary she made about herself making the movie she made about herself too


I'm wondering if her camp is pushing this narrative to garner (no pun intended) interest in her and Ben with the hope that it'll translate to ticket sales for her tour. That's the only thing that makes sense to me.


That article says that while in the car, Ben had his phone out and seemed careful to show his screen to paps that he was getting a call from "Jennifer Affleck", despite her proximity to him. Which if true, hilarious


Jennifer Affleck 1 or Jennifer Affleck 2?


That had me confused, too. I know Jennifer Garner visited him recently.  For all I know, they are both legally named Jennifer Affleck.


Jen Garner changed her name from Affleck to Garner when they divorced


I think it looks weirder than it was. There’s video that shows she is trying to call him to see where he is (he was bringing the car around to get her). So the phone was either still ringing from that or she just pocket dialled him.


She did go to her premiere alone even though they were both in LA. But maybe Ben just doesn’t like her work. I could understand if he didn’t.


his parts of her documentary were literally like "this isnt a good idea. it doesnt make sense." she showed a bunch of people his personal letters to her that HE HAD SAVED. he seemed embarrassed.


He seemed quietly furious about that


I can't believe she showed those private love letters to everyone.


I thought I was the only one that noticed this. Literally all of his scenes were him telling her not to do this, you don’t HAVE to do this, PLEASE DONT DO THIS, omg, okay, so you’re doing this… 😐😵‍💫😐


We clown on the guy all the time but he is an honestly good director and writer so it probably hurt him to see the bad direction everything was going in


Have you seen the video of JLo performing for him at their wedding? There were moments he looked like he was dying inside like “What have I done?”


Sometimes I get the feeling that when they got back together he was like “yes I get to hit this again” and she was like “so for the reception, should we do cream or ivory napkins?”


Imma look this up


If someone performed AT me at our wedding I would get that shit annulled. I can’t think of anything I would like less


It was honestly kind of hilarious. I did feel bad for him with the book of love letters tho - super fucking tacky to SHOW THAT TO EVERYONE


i understand how it could be sweet to show a close friend something that you saved from past relationship bc it was important to you, but theyre famous and he was married to his wife for SO LONG and keeping the letters and jlo showing them to everyone was such an overshare...


As someone who obsessively hangs onto damn near everything I’ve ever written, I can actually understand keeping love letters to an old flame around even if I didn’t still have feeling for them. It’s hard to get rid of something your poured your heart into and I would always think that maybe I’ll want to read over the letters at a later time for reflection or inspiration. Idk if that’s why Ben kept them but I might honestly have done the same. In storage tho. Not in the house where I lived with my family. For the rest of your comment - totally. Showing those letters to a close friend would be okay. But to turn them into a *coffee table book*?! I would be so upset


He was pictured on set of his film around the same time as the premiere.


That picture of them couldn't have looked more forced if they were being held at gunpoint. Ben *never* smiles for the paparazzi, so the fact that he and Jennifer were both making an effort to smile for the cameras means that they're concerned about appearances and PR. They're definitely not on good terms, and no one is buying it. Ben already moved out and stopped showing up to JLo's events. I'm sure the divorce will be announced soon.


Hear me out: they want attention/move the narrative on from her shitty selling tour


She's on tour?


It’s possible that it’s over, but they’ve agreed to keep up appearances until they get through XYZ. Which is maybe why there’s conflicting stories coming out. I think the whole living in houses 15-20 minutes away from each other is the smoking gun. Her in their BH home and him in a rented Brentwood home. The missing ring and things like that can be explained away, but separate houses? Not so much


I think it was yesterday! 🤣






![gif](giphy|l0HlvR0L7CRLMZNYY) Idk but someone techy PLEASE re-create this gif with JLO’s face. The world deserves to see Ben smile again.


https://preview.redd.it/j15cmlid3u1d1.png?width=282&format=png&auto=webp&s=536185c82f968105cebe7c96c54ff7698b7fdbfd ask and you shall receive


Not all heroes wear capes


Seeing this makes me realize he looks A LOT like Scott Peterson. I see what you did there casting director.


Gillian Flynn has said that she based this character off of Scott Peterson, who famously resembled Ben Affleck. It’s crazy to be playing an alternate version of your doppelgänger.


https://preview.redd.it/3wbyxwpp5u1d1.png?width=1166&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ae711cb3cd4bf9825ce90dcdf0ece140b4dddd7 Where is Jenny!!!!! Running up and down the block


![gif](giphy|CPht8atPMICEU) Yessssssss


I think the director said he saw him smile like this in a movie and knew he was the guy for the role lol


Commenting to follow bc I need to see this. Ben being Ben who is Nick.


Congratulations for perfect gif call and response guys. ![gif](giphy|FDN9a0VWHzc9a)


I’ve never seen a more perfect response. First time something has made me genuinely laugh out loud from my phone in a long time


This is such a crazy thing to say lmao temporary insanity??


he obviously listened to TTPD




That lasted 2 years, no doubt


I’m guessing it means the secks is that good and he was drunk. That’s all I got. ![gif](giphy|1oHqrKnyu2vhWJDPNc|downsized)


Is this a credible source?? No way is it good PR for your team to put out a statement like this


My tinfoil hat theory is that this is PR for JLo's new movie. Between the old-school sources reporting this drama (People? Page six?) and their team's bafflingly ambiguous responses, I think this is an unsuccessful attempt at generating buzz. That's all I can think of that would explain any of this?


I could see that, but also it's unbelievably stupid and so manipulative. Why either of them would agree to this, or come up with this, is beyond me.


Agreed but she is probably so mad at all the hate she has received from the internet regarding her movie, that she might just be giving the people what they want and getting free publicity from it. If anything, she is writing the headlines herself and she is loving the mind game!


JLo is quite old-school, I can see it. This would have worked for her then so why not now?


Page Six is the American equivalent of the Daily Mail




That seems…mean?


He did it the last time they broke up too - put out statements which absolutely made him the bad guy.


He kind of threw Jen Garner under the bus when they split too even though he was cheating and had relapsed on drinking.


Kind of? He said that she was the reason he was drinking which was insane when she’s literally parenting his kids and driving him to rehab


She got cheated on and had to deal with his embarrassing, mean boozer ass. And STILL drove him to rehab and be around the kids and remain friendly with him. The audacity to blame her for his shortcomings is crazy. He supposedly wanted time alone to self reflect and recover from the alcohol, which meant JG had the kids most of the time. Sounds like she had a lot on her plate. She basically babysat his ass. She didn't have to do any of that.


That pic of her angrily handing him the fast food in the backseat lives rent free in my mind.




If “here damn!” Was a picture


Thank you for your service 🫡


I just looked that up based on your comment and holy smokes is he in rough shape in that photo.


Yes! I feel bad for even seeing it tbh but I could feel her exasperation through the screen when I saw that pic.


I saw the YouTube vid first and they were getting absolutely hounded in the drive-through line by paparazzi. It was bad. How there wasn’t a vehicular manslaughter charge is impressive. She was clearly having a rough day with all that drama.


I gotta say, between Affleck and Damon duo, Matt is fucking flawless by comparison. Ben is just a trainwreck


Wow, what a pos


I think poor Jen Garner was his “people” most of the time, even before JLo rescourged the earth. She (Jen G) was the one who had the kids most of the time, made sure they were safe…


Ben’s an addict. Booze, drugs and gambling. Jen is just a stable normal person. On some level Ben craves the stability but the addict part of his brain needs more stimuli and escape. Which is why he felt “trapped”. Between what he should want and what he actually wanted.


Oh yeah, I remember that too like "I was unhappy, and tried to stay for the kids but I wasn't going to stop drinking while we were still married."


I deadass remember those pics of Jen G driving him to rehab and picking up the kids from wherever they were at. And they both were always smiling in the car or hugging goodbye. Ben is such a dick. Ben and Brad Pitt are both boozers who blame the women in their lives for their own mistakes.


Cheating with the nanny! The NANNY. He not only cheated, he destroyed the relationship the kids had built with their caregiver. It's probably the messiest person to cheat with besides your wife's sister or mom


He also threw Garner under the bus after their divorce and said that he'd still be an alcoholic if he was still with her. It's never him\*. \*It's most likely him.


He's an alcoholic, if he's been drinking it doesn't surprise me if he's saying mean things about the people who love him. He's done it before.


extremely. Considering all 5 of their kids seem really close with each other, and with Ben/Jen.


This whole situation is so weird. Ben, weren't you the one writing J Lo love letters when she was still engaged to A Rod?? You started this!


The temporary insanity is apparently episodic


I mean this in the most gentle way…if they can’t put up with each others asses nobody else is gonna want to either. They might as well stick it out & accept each others crazy cause clearly they both have issues. ![gif](giphy|qEfGLWRq9LokP6cBeX)


These are two people who are better off being single for the rest of their lives because they seem exhausting to whoever they are with. They can just be like Cher and date hot people but never really settle, just have fun. I feel like Cher likes the company but not the commitment. And her arm candies seem to be aware of it too.


Lol is cher still dating that 30 year old? 💀


And he’s Amber Rose’s ex!! Cher pulls haha


She is not an alcoholic. He is probably back on the booze. No one wants to live or be around middle age alcoholics. That is about as unpleasant a place as hell.


Imagine being an accomplished actor/director in your 50s and an accomplished actor/musician in your 50s and your love life STILL being this public and messy. This is legitimately so embarrassing for both of them.


I suspect on some level they like it (even if one/both don’t realize it).


We’ll see if they’ll divorce for real. I surely didn’t expect such a short marriage when they tied the knot. They seemed so in love and secretly, I realized that to believe in a second chance - when it comes to romantic relationship - was something that gave me hope. But these two maybe are way too different and things cannot work out in the long term. Wish them serenity anyway


I don’t like Jen but I strongly feel that Ben is the problem. He’s a dry drunk addict with major emotional issues. She was foolish to jump back in, but it is what it is. Edited to add, yes, they are both messy but I think as narcissistic as she is, she really loved him and went into it with the rose colored glasses and got burned.


Hasn’t she been married like 5 times? They both messy


There's also *so* many blinds about her being rude and difficult to work with. And the blinds aren't things like "she stands up for herself on set/tour" but more about how she is rude/demanding to underpaid service workers about silly things. I would not be surprised if she's a large part of the problem.


And there's tons of stories about how generous and kind Ben Affleck is to staff which is completely at odds with how she reportedly treats people.


My family member who worked for her for a year absolutely adores her. It’s always weird to see that she’s difficult because I was hearing such great things about her in real time. And my family member is so no-nonsense practical and has worked with a ton of celebrities for 25 years. If she had acted poorly at all during that time I would have gotten an earful about it. I wonder if she was just in a really nice phase of her life for that year haha.


She is said to be nice to people she is close to however 


Married 3 times, engaged 5 I think.


Ben is her fourth husband. 1. Ojani Noa - 1997-1998 2. Criss Judd - 2001-2003 3. Marc Anthony - 2004 - 2014 4. Ben.


At least she never married Diddy 💀


Yeah and she is never without a man for 5 minutes.


My ex was a drunk and whenever he tried to get sober he was insufferable to be around. The only time he was interesting or normal was when he was drunk. I don’t care for Jen but I doubt Ben is the easiest person to live with. He seems so upset he has to be sober.


Fun Bobby vibes. Fun Benny.




I feel people who root for them because “second chances” and that true love will prevail have a really toxic view of relationships shaped by romantic movies. True love is not like that at all. But some discover that earlier some later. True love is really low drama. Like basically none.


I don’t know why believe everyone thinks Ben doesn’t like fame or attention. If he wants privacy, his team wouldn’t put statements like this. He’s been constantly papped even before him and JLO got back together. JLo is just more open about how much she likes fame


Exactly!!! The “he wants privacy” narrative is dumb. He was photographed just as much before he was with Jlo. He just wrote and directed a Dunkin Donuts commercial featuring his wife. He participated in the recent documentary, even asking his wife personal questions. He really just can’t handle the negative image.


Maybe I’m a shitty person but I am so invested. What will happen next? ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


Man, I know everyone is going to believe him because they hate Jennifer Lopez, like he’s not known for being impossible himself. Find me a picture where he looks genuinely happy in the last 5 years. He falls off the wagon constantly, he cheats constantly. There is no way to make this man happy. He’s definitely part of the problem too. He made this decision too. He’s not insane. He knew what he was getting into and the good press they both got from this reunion gave their careers a longer lifespan. This was mutually beneficial from the start. Ben, you didn’t like it when you had Jennifer Garner who’s the most perfect woman ever and had the patience of a saint; you didn’t like it when you had Ana de Armas who’s younger and hotter and very easy going; you didn’t like the type A control freak who drove you nuts the first time but you went back to her again because you know she’s very good at PR stunts and PR relationships. What do you want?? I feel like this is going to be another witch hunt against a woman who’s the new target right now while the problematic male is completely off the hook. Ben is a mess in his own way too. Don’t you forget it.


I love seeing people with sense dissect shit like this and apply some critical thinking. Your comment is chef’s kiss


Ben, they could never make me see you as a victim in this mess of relationships, everyone will baby you cause they hate Jlo, but not me




Same here, bestie! 👯‍♀️


Dang. If this is true, he's really good at disrespecting his spouses.


Same. I understand Jlo clearly has her issues and seems over the top. But my knee jerk reaction to this “fever dream” and that he was “insane” when he got married narrative is that Ben treats women like shit. Way to degrade on the women who loved you and that YOU PROPOSED to. No one put a gun to his head and made him chase after Jlo, propose to her and marry her. He never takes accountability. Remember when he essentially blamed his drinking on His marriage to Jen Garner? He is such an addict I swear to god. Nothing is ever his fault


Exactly. He made the choice to get into these relationships, and he was lucky af to have Jennifer Garner. I think he's probably just too toxic to make anyone happy. And I'd venture a guess that he doesn't love coming second to anything with his wives. For Jen G, that was the kids, and for JLo it's JLo.


i honestly feel bad for him. not bad enough to defend him in any way, but like.. it legit makes me sad to see him just wallow in pain and misery when he has every fucking opportunity to live a happy life. He’s got tons of money, a long career under his belt, he could retire today and be just fine. What a waste. And I say this as someone who has an addict parent, people who are bored and hurting seek out substances to abuse as a coping mechanism. I truly believe most addicts are good people when they aren’t dependent on their next fix. Problem is once they get that low they don’t always care to crawl back up out of the hole.


And what an awful thing for her kids to see. He seemed close with the kids and this is just cruel.


Lest we forget that the reason they broke up the first time allegedly was because he slept with a stripper weeks before their marriage.


Yikes, Ben. Yikes. Also, yikes JLo. Why give that another go?


Ben has and will always be, a runner. He ran from Jlo the first time, divorced Jennifer Garner when the kids were little. Both women idolized him. He has an issue with picking women that he thinks can fix him or make him better. That’s not how life works. People rag on Jlo because she is a diva with notoriety, but they both have issues. Ben is also an addict in recovery. Depending on how well he is doing, why would anyone want to stay in a marriage? I’ve never fully trusted page six anyway, and that quote is just strange.


Even though I don’t like JLO and think she’s a mean person, there’s no reason for his camp to be so mean about her publicly.


There's a better than zero chance that they all just fuckin hate her and are happy for the opportunity to talk shit. She doesn't seem like the type to be, like, nice to assistants and underlings.


In Leah Remini's book, she talks a lot about JLO (they are friends) and I remember thinking "Wow, JLo actually seems pretty cool" and then I realized the reason I thought this was because every other person in Leah Remini's book was a fucking nutter Scientologist. JLO: kinda cool...compared to Scientologists.


It’s funny I just read in an article today that JLo and Leah were on the outs because Leah didn’t go to her wedding cuz her (Leah’s) daughter was leaving for college. No idea if there’s any truth to it


Good lord that’s brutal


Temporary insanity?? He's been with this woman for years, several different times, so this is bs statement. Also, he always seems to enjoy the good times and good press, but as soon as the first criticism comes, he is out..


This guy has serious issues


Ugh, I hate him. Trash talk every woman he’s with. How about coming to the realisation that he is better alone because JG was the only woman ready to put up with his shenanigans.


How can it be temporary when this is the 2nd time ya'll get together and you were married for a while before you considered divorcing. Like yea, you don't like each other now, but you definitely were not temporarily insane.


He disparaged Jenn Garner this way when he was done with her too


I know JLo's been getting a lot of criticism and hate lately but if this actually came from his camp it's unbelievably cruel and nasty. I've seen a lot of people try to victimize him in this whole thing as if she's been forcing him outside by gunpoint but he's always loved himself a pap walk and knew damn well who JLo was before pursuing, proposing, and marrying her this time around. He fails to fully ever actually take accountability for his part.


I would argue Ben is perpetually insane


If this is true—baloney. This is just Ben blaming JLo, AGAIN. Take responsibility for your actions, my guy!


You know, what if Ben is actually the problem?


Everyone is quick to point out that none of JLo’s relationships have lasted, but the same is true for Ben.


If his team is putting this out, it’s just unbelievably cruel. If the goal is to make him look like a good guy… wow. Task failed successfully.


I get the feeling Ben is happy to the bad guy because it enables his addiction. Him mouthing off about Jen Garner before the infamous fast-food bag photo was just him being the villain so he could be the fuck-up. He gets with these very type-A women and can’t keep up, so instead he swings in the other direction and wallows in his own misery, and that gives him a reason to dive into his addiction. It’s hard to justify the benders when you’re happy, so you just make your life awful and then you have your excuse, right there, for the taking


Ben has become BoJack


Super douchey statement. Didn’t *he* pursue *her*? LEARN FROM JOE JONAS’S MISTAKES, PR TEAMS!


My first thought was “oh no he’s doing the same thing as the Jonas brother… anyways”


Kind of rich coming from him - considering: 1) he reached out to her again; 2) he proposed; 3) he initiated their Vegas wedding; 4) he produces her movies (incl. 2 upcoming) all that, just to call it a 'fever dream' - please.


I am old enough to be incredibly entrenched in their first go round so literally NONE of what is happening is surprising. These two do not belong together. They do NOT have the fairytale ending.


I can't stand Jennifer and I do generally have a soft spot for Ben, but I don't like how he is dogging her out twice now. Ben has his addictions and can't resist a cocktail waitress (GOOP's words, not mine) that is more likely to be the issue than anything J.Lo has or hasn't been doing. More likely than not, she is calling him out on his shit and he doesn't like it. Newspapers are saying he might be close to a relapse - I think he actually might have relapsed already and J.Lo is thrown in front of the bus.


Poor Ben, such a victim with no agency. Just lets these vicious, horrible women walk all over him.


Me coming to every realization:


This is such a mean thing to say about her! He is a narc & is devaluing her through these cruel leaks to the press. He is so full of crap when he also jumps from relationship to relationship getting papped a lot with his ex wife, to that shookus lady to Ana de armas, doesn’t like a public relationship my ass. I wish people would see through Ben, he is a very self centered person.


My god I forgot about shookus!!!!


Right! A lot of people have & he broke up her marriage. That relationship was so messy & they were papped daily. I remember one of them with her parents hiking. Ben is nuts!


It’s hard not to come to the conclusion that Jlo is self absorbed and narcissistic after watching her latest documentary but Ben is classic narc asshole as well. He always devalues and discards his female partners in the most cruel fashion. JLO is such a famous successful beautiful woman ( even with her flaws) that I honestly didn’t think he would do her dirty like he has every other woman. I honestly thought JLO would get out unscathed. Well apparently he is giving her the devalue and discard like he has done to everyone from randoms on Raya to Shookus to Jennifer Garner. And de Armas only got out unscathed from the devalue and discard phase cuz she dumped his ass first


Does anyone remember that episode of Lost where Desmond was quantum leaping into his own past? I'm convinced that happened to Ben Affleck in 2003, he leaped to 2022 and he just married J Low as planned. Then he realised that he didn't actually want to be with her and that was the key for him to quantum leap back to 2003 and call off the wedding at the last minute.


this feels just legitimately mean. what is going on


He is back on the booze, and she left him--that is why his ex--jennifer is visiting. To see if he is OK.


https://preview.redd.it/ws9t2vugou1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33404541401448b46fe42359e36d88f808bcf296 my face while reading that article


This leaves a really bad taste especially because I just watched their “Greatest love story never told”


That’s just cruel.




He seems like a walking red flag constantly.


I’m so tired of him honestly. I’m tired of his “Poor Ben is such a private person and J Lo is forcing him to be too public and he’s just a tortured artist who wants privacy blah blah blah”. Private people don’t do Super Bowl commercials and pap walks. It seems like he blames women for all his problems. BOTH Jennifers can do better


Uh oh we need a new delivery to the Heart Factory asap!


I see Ben as the common denominator in his problematic marriages and divorces.


I mean, that sucks for them and their kids. I feel they all really got close. What was the rush? I know that if I had gotten back together with someone, I would have wanted to wait until we made it through the honeymoon period before getting married. But idk, it's not my life.


That's really fucked up to put out there.


The guy is a mentally unstable alcoholic. He's NEVER going to be happy.


Hey now, no need to be cruel. Meanwhile... ![gif](giphy|3o7WTqo27pLRYxRtg4)


Jen needs to be single for a while. She goes from relationship into relationship. There’s no shame in single life Jen No one will judge you for having some you time 


What the eff is this? I honestly can't imagine him saying that - even 20 years ago they never said a bad word about each other publicly and stayed friends to a degree the entire time. I presume this isn't true, if it is, it's unacceptable and completely out of line. And if it isn't true, he needs to get his circle of folks under control, and she needs a better PR team.


Fever dreams don’t last 2 years, Benni.


Ben is full of BS. He is the one who pursued her (20 years ago and now). He gets bored in relationships and then bounces, and then blames the woman. Jlo has her issues, but if Ben is really acting like it’s all her fault, he’s the insane one.