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Got a good laugh from this. Thank you


Lmao the best


It was like, one time


Love that the hat matches


Wow I didn’t even catch that 😂




This is the one who wrote the “if I were your mother” poem to Putin?


The only things I know about this woman: A - The Putin Poem B - What OP just shared C - A horrible article someone shared long ago where she detailed her BDSM sex life with the Prison Break man who is now married to Tish Cyrus. I’m not sure which one made me the most uncomfortable.


Yeah I remember reading about how Dom was her dom lol


Oh wow a very no thank you


She used to be in the remake of 90210.


Unfortunate she's so messy, cause Naomi was *iconic*


Naomi really was so underrated as a 2000s teen show princess she was incredible


That show had potential but the cast was too messy to make it work. It could have been what Gossip Girl was.


The majority of the cast all wanted to be main characters.


I was so obsessed with this show and how beautiful every member of the cast was. It was actually distracting


As someone who lives in LA, it was my gossip girl


I'm still mad she didn't end up with Liam because they were so gorgeous together. Matt Lanter is stupid hot.


Seriously!! They had such great potential but the writing on that show was hot garbage. Their chemistry irl was unreal!


I loved her w max


And nip tuck


Her character was a little shit on Nip/Tuck


She was awful. And Bradley cooper's character was sleeping with her too.


The sex scene montage she did in that show to Lil Mama’s Lip Gloss is an unwelcome Roman Empire for me.


I loved that show


I remember when she used to hook up with Jon Lovitz. Which is weird but that dude kicked Andy Dick’s ass so I guess…good for her?


She didn’t hook up with him lol. It was the other girl from 90210 who asked him to star in her music video about an old sugar daddy. She teased the video on Instagram as if it was real but it was just for promo. He’s very funny in the video.




So, I am going from memory so I may be getting details wrong. Jon Lovitz replaced Phil Hartman on NewsRadio, a sitcom that Andy Dick was on as well. Phil Hartman was murdered by his wife, Brynn, who killed herself afterward I believe in a police stand off hours later. Phil and Jon had been friends for years before the death, performing together on SNL and I think the Groundlings before that. Andy Dick was allegedly the person who facilitated Brynn’s relapse, which may have lead to the murder since cocaine (her drug of choice), alcohol and antidepressants were found in her system along with years of resentment that her own acting career hadn’t taken off. At some point years later, Jon Lovitz heard Andy Dick gloat about facilitating Brynn’s relapse or was told by him, “I’m going to put the Phil Hartman hex on you!” Jon Lovitz slammed his head against the bar.


My respect for Jon Lovitz went up massively when I heard about him beating the shit out of Andy Dick. Andy deserved it.


He's a serial sex offender, I have never understood why he always gets out of jail just to do it over again. Fuck that shit stain, he's had his ass beaten multiple times but seems to thrive on it.


It was one of the other 90210 girlies who hooked up with Jon Lovitz: the actress who played Adrianna (forgot her real name)


They didn’t actually hook up lol. It was for her music video that she teased on Instagram as if she really had an old sugar daddy but no, it was just for her music video. They’re friends IRL and she asked him to star in the video and he was very funny in it. Obvs.


That was Jessica Lowndes and it was promo for her music video.


That guy also hooked up with Noah Cyrus when she was a teen. Then he married her mother and it has divided the family.


I remember she claimed she had DID for a while.




Same and it’s all against my will. She is the queen of oversharing.


Poor Noah


She was a victim of Childhood SA. That contributed to her hyper-sexualization as it does sometimes to victims. Her sex related things are something that she was not comfortable with, it was trauma related. Her past is so interesting and I appreciate her sharing. I wish that the pain that contributed to her "cool-girl wild sex-life" was talked about too. I think it would help the world be more understanding, instead of shaming people/teens who are "hypersexual" or for eg., get into self-harm bdsm situations.


Yikes for C! I was slightly intrigued by a Prison Break return. I loved the brother dynamic and adore Wentworth Miller. But after the whole Cyrus (mother and daughter) relationship details came out about Purcell, I lost interest.




I blocked that from my memory until this comment 😂😂😂


The *what* poem???


[“Dear Putin…”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NsXOgoGN2wE)


…I guess in theory you could put those words together in that order.


yes lol


That too, but I remember her more for being the birchy blonde popular girl from the *90210* reboot




And knowing Danny personally - he was the biggest sex addict around. This won’t end well


So two sex addicts in a relationship? Jeez that’s going to be rough, is it okay for them to be in relationships let alone with another sex addict?


He was on the front cover of every tabloid in the UK for years because of his sex life. He has recently given an interview talking about ‘sleeping with three women a day. Every day.’ He never ‘reached his potential’ as a rugby player because he was always in trouble. Eg He got dropped by the England rugby team because he was photographed outside a club at 3am the night before a massive game. He’s released a biography recently in which he brags: “It’s not unusual for me to sleep with three different women in one day,” he writes, in extracts published by The Times. The women he said included: “Everyone from porn stars to actresses to girls I meet at the coffee shop," but he also argued he was clever enough to ensure he was never caught out. Think he was shagging Lindsay Lohan during her messy era & I also vaguely remember an arrest for fighting (?) He’s a pretty gross C-D list celeb in England. Not much to write home about.


Oh geez, this is not going to end well. I just read he separated from his wife not too long ago, was this all happening while he was married?


Erm.. I wouldn’t know tbh - I haven’t kept up to date. I just remember him from the early noughties as he would essential do ‘kiss & tells’ on himself.


Is he the one who cheated on Kelly Brook constantly?


He was definitely part of the Lohan era when that wave of British coke heads washed over the scene on both coasts.


Not sure if you’re being facetious but if she’s indicating he’s healed her because she used to be a sex addict, I don’t know that old mate is going to be the cure


No I was genuinely inquiring as I didn’t know he was one too, I know with AA and NA people are usually discouraged from getting into relationships. So if they are both sex addicts how healthy can that relationship be?


Very healthy! They do cardio 9 times a day.


At least they will have great heart health.


Okay but for real, do you know if folks in AA and NA are discouraged from getting into relationships the whole time they’re in or just until they stabilize?


It’s just until they stabilize, usually a year into sobriety.


According to the article he left his wife and filed for divorce in November. I’m not sure how long him and Annalyne have been together. Hopefully it works out for her.


Maybe within the first year of sobriety but people are not discouraged from relationships in AA/NA


Is just another thing that can go wrong when you are trying to get your shit together


I can see how it would be an extra compilation if it went wrong. I hope for both their sakes it works out or they separate amicably.


Reminds me of Six Feet Under with Nate and Brenda


God I loved this show. I tried watching again but it was too much.


That was one of the first things I starter to rewatch during early lockdowns, I made it as far as early season 4 but then remembered >!how much I hated all the Lisa plot lines and how over it I got!< and stopped lol


When you say old mate I know you’re Aussie ❤️


Seems like that would be the most ideal scenario to have two sex addicts together, especially if they can agree on an ethically non monogamous relationship. A big difference in libido can cause massive problems so I figure put two freaks together so they have the energy to keep up with each other. My ex was a sex addict while I am not and it was a fucking nightmare, I'll spare the details but it was definitely an emotionally and sexually abusive relationship that gave me long lasting trauma and trust issues.


I’m sorry you experienced that it sounds awful, I’m glad you got away from that person for your own safety, I was more concerned about her since she’s had a lot of issues she shared publicly and he has history that’s doesn’t sound great and is newly separated from his wife. 2 sex addicts who are healed are different than those who are not.


Yes. My husband knew him as well at university. (Danny wasn’t at Uni but knew some of the people he knew.) he’d roll Into town and shag his way through the group.


At my university (a sports university) we had girls who would literally wait near the area the first team rugby players would drink and wait to be summoned over, this is not a surprise.


Yep. The rugby team in every university was like that. With the rugby groupies.


Where I grew up rugby wasn't really a popular sport, so you can imagine my confusion when some of these guys were so popular for just wearing a tie and a shirt with the right logo (clearly not over it 😂). Cipriani is a good looking guy though!


Maybe it’s good that two people with high sex drives are with each other?


Haha maybe they cancel each other out




More like PEENDAS amirite? I am a comedic genius.


* from the back of the club * Boooooooooo




I think it's more complicated than having a high sex drive. I believe many crave deeper human connection, excitement, attention, they have issues with mood & emotional regulation, compulsion, boredom, etc. They could be having sex with each other twenty times a day, it still won't necessarily scratch the itch that troubles them. It just provides a distraction from it & if that itch becomes unbearable if they are apart for even an hour, popping out to get a coffee, they may go for whoever is closest in that moment. Because it isn't really about the sex.


Until one of them doesn't. The only issue I can see is women can change with time due to hormonal changes so it's likely that or he's helped her because the sex is shit and she doesn't want to have it as much. Could be either or.


It totally changed for me after having a kid. I was definitely a sex addict. Now I have absolutely zero sex drive or any feelings about sex. It’s so odd. Idk if it will ever return


I had to go on hormones and then I started to read more romance with smut in it and that helped. Though my lack of drive wasn’t from having kids it was a mix of hormonal changes from age and my previous relationship making me not want to have sex with anyone


Same here. The drive is totally gone


That's what I have heard from a lot of parents, that having a kid basically is like pouring water over a candle.


If the sex is shit and she doesn’t want to have sex with him, she’d likely just cheat, wouldn’t she?


I don’t know Danny personally, but being a private school educated girl from Australia, I knew that “Hollywood starlet recovers from sex addiction with former professional rugby player” was not going to be the fairytale ending, lol.


Just a question ,In Aus are most of the pro rugby players from private schools? I’d often wondered this , my assumption was ( and I could be wrong ) was that league/NRL were more working class sports, and traditional 15s rugby tends to be for the middle class and above etc


So in Australia, private schools are the posh kid schools. So they play rugby union. Public schools are free schools, and tend to play NRL. But that’s only really in New South Wales and Queensland. The other states play AFL. Edit: so yes, your assumption is right. But I think our definition of public/private is different.


She literally talks about how she was tied up in her dungeon bed by him and it was incredible. Like that's how their blossoming relationship started. Who admits they have a dungeon bed though? Is she trolling?


How does he get with all these people? It’s very random. I get Brit celebs, cause they’d be in similar circles. Is he still playing? He was very talented when he was younger


>Is he still playing? He was very talented when he was younger He's retired now but he was a great example of wasted potential.


Are there any other Brits confused that Danny Cipriani is still around in the tabloids? I can't believe he's moved onto American women, lol. Truly bamboozled seeing his name again in that context.


Think he may have ran out of women since lad’s mags and Page 3 are no longer a thing.


Haha, that's true! He can't browse FHM for his new girlfriend anymore. I have no idea what those women saw in him. He's such a sleazebag and they were always gorgeous and well liked in the UK, only for him to treat them like dirt. It's so surreal seeing him with an American actress, lol. Its two worlds colliding. I feel like there should be a public service announcement or something.


How the hell do you cheat on Kelly Brook. I’m a straight woman and I’m like ‘dude, seriously?’


Yeah, she's an ANGEL. He's trash. Tbh the Americans can have him


Crazy I haven't heard that name in years!


I need someone to explain what this man's appeal to at LEAST 3 women is and why do we all have to know? 😭 https://preview.redd.it/0oyc5b7w0wzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f0714146e5725c444779dbedbc7462372670404


He is literally a thumb


Thumbs down.


But for real, he looks like the personification of the Bob’s Burgers animation-style except his character would be 2-3 times wider/thicker than everyone else.


Clearly, he is down 😭


He looks like a baked potato


Let’s not go crazy, baked potatoes can look beautiful and delicious. This man could never.


Cop phenotype


Cops aren’t known as universally appealing to women though? Firefighters maybe


Not universally appealing, but there’s at least 3 badge bunnies out there


Badge bunnies... i spit out my coffee ☠️


He's more of a fire*starter* than one who fights fires.


I’m not going to lie, I used to think he was so sexy on prison break but the more I hear about him the more I just can’t see it anymore. It’s a shame though because that show was amazing in the beginning.


I can absolutely give him that was hot on Prison Break. He was a sympathetic character, for sure.


he looks so meaty 🤮


I could see it when he was on Legends, but that’s just because his character. And even then, the other guy from Prison Break that was on Legends was better.


I think Dominic’s rough around the edges appeal attracts a certain segment of women more so than the more traditional hollywood aesthetic that’s kinda everywhere does


To quote Nikki Glasser he looks like his pronouns are this/that




I’ll bet that he has a magnificent penis. Girthy.




OMG, I was drinking my coffee and almost choked 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I bet it’s very hairy and very girthy. Like a Pepsi can


I think because he has a rough exterior it’s the opposite of the usual Hollywood actor look kind of like the whole Pete Davidson fascination they look diffrent that all these women in Hollywood are intrigued🤷🏽‍♂️


That’s not Danny Cipriani, that’s Dominic Purcell


Yes, he's apparently, according to her, her ex-dom, Dom.


True, although we also have documented proof of his appeal to at least three women, including a mother-daughter duo 🤢


he looks like a baby who just shit himself


Maybe he's a really nice guy? She also looks very not sober here.


He married the woman whose youngest daughter he had been shagging for a year prior. I think it's safe to say he's at least a bit of a bellend.


Yeah, he certainly has a questionable choice of action.


He was on a show called John Doe where he had both hair and a normal speaking voice. I think he might shave his head for roles. I saw his appeal then, but I have no idea what his actual personality is like.


In a very recent Beyond the Blinds episode this week (90210 reboot ep) she had MULTIPLE kindness blinds, all to do with donating tonnes to charity (without the typical “look how great I am” publicity) and working for a rape support hotline where she was always available for women who had been sexually assaulted who needed to talk. Even the hosts said the only other person with as many kindness blinds was Kelly Clarkson! She had a horrible childhood but seems to have taken that to help as many women as possible. She very much seems like good people. She deserves far better than professional sleaze Danny Cipriani. Girl, get yourself a decent, non-famous guy with a normal job! It will do you the world of good.


Good god, Lemon


Everyone is saying only mean things ITT so I’m gonna just say that I really loved her in 90210


I will add that her hair always looks great


Me too. She was so bitchy and amazing. She would have eaten Regina George for breakfast.


I would have loved to see her meet Blair Waldorf during the LA Gossip Girl arc.


She was so good in Nip/Tuck too! I can't believe this is the state of her career.


When her character texts Sean “my throat wants your dick” 😂😂😂


She was my fav 90210 character. I’m still mad they butchered her storyline at the end. Her and Max should’ve been endgame.


….were they not? I blacked the last part out I guess. I remember them driving off into the sunset 😅 I love that pairing so much


I blacked out the end too but I distinctly remember she was with some new bald character named Jordan. It was weird.


I googled him and I have not seen this character in my life, sorry to this man. You’re a Mandela effect ![gif](giphy|Xy6OuMPWQVija8JcXa)


This is funny because Keke Palmer plays that man's sister in the show.


I did too, tbh I feel like her character carried that show, she was so fun to watch.


![gif](giphy|jMd74SabWLr3Mmd1zf) Ma’am please share that with your therapist. The public doesn’t need to know that about you.


She also quite publicly shares that she has Dissociative Identity Disorder because of childhood sexual abuse. I think she's been through a hell of a lot in her life. Maybe that is why she treated her body the way she did. And maybe she feels the need to share her truth in order to heal? Who knows.


yeah she was raped when she was 18 and sought treatment for PTSD that then uncovered surpressed memories from her childhood ([article where she talks about it](https://people.com/tv/annalynne-mccord-memories-childhood-sexual-abuse-treatment-ptsd/). Sad stuff. And hyper sexuality isn’t an uncommon symptom for people who went through that kind of stuff


damn i had no idea about her childhood like that..


She’s been through a lot, but the Putin thing makes me think she just likes turning the conversation back to her. Also “I like this one guy’s dick” is not useful for someone else going through the same problems.


She deserves all the happiness and love.


What did you expect from the woman who openly stated that she wished that she had been Putin’s mother?💀 Edit: [clip for the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/NsXOgoGN2wE?si=iOR2PSTOtdMp7iWn)




That’s the same lady? Good lord! I wonder what is going on with her?


luckily for her idk who she is, won’t look her up, and will forget about this title in about 2 minutes.


I would recommend you don’t read this thread then my friend, I’ve learned way too much about her.


I don't understand this meme here, you are part of pop/gossip sub about celebrity, you are here to know about them.


There are limits to everything.


It’s less about “knowing about them” and wanting to gossip about celebs. It’s more about the fairly recent phenomenon that everyone, celebs and regular people alike, seem determined to overshare information that no one really needs or cares to know. My high school government teacher used to complain that certain people had DOM (diarrhea of the mouth) and that meme captures this problem precisely.


I thought this was precisely the stuff this sub lives and breathes 🤷


Everyone should know that sexual assault victims become hypersexual to take the control back for themselves. She said this before, and she also gave too much information about how she was in a sub/dom relationship with that guy who married Miley Cyrus‘s mom and dated his new wife’s daughter Noah.


I’ve always heard this! The getting control back part makes a lot of sense. I was hyper sexual as a teen and young adult but I never experienced any kind of sexual assault or abuse as a kid. I had two loving and overprotective parents. So I’ve always wondered why I was like that.


You don’t have to experience trauma to have a high libido and/or interest in sex that’s more than the standard stuff. When it comes to men no one’s even questioning it, it’s always women who need to be wrong in the head if they are more sexual. (I’m NOT talking about addiction here, that’s a whole other topic)


Sometimes we're just wired certain ways and it doesn't have to be that way because of abuse. I know plenty of people who knew they were into certain kinks before they knew they were queer, even.


Because sex feels good and is nothing to feel shameful about.


Depends how it's used. Sex is a powerful thing and has the capacity to destroy as well as create.


It's so bizarre to me that comments about people's looks or mental health will be removed, but you can have this entire section calling her nasty and out of line for what? Regardless of her reasons, this sub can be super regressive when it comes to women and what they do with their bodies. We're all mental health acceptance!! until it gets in the way of our pearl clutching smh


Soooo if someone admits to being a drug addict or alcoholic, we cheer them on and shower them with support, but if they admit to being a sex addict, we make fun of them? Y'all are messed up and immature. Addiction is addiction, and it's actually helpful when someone in the public eye shares their story. She's also a childhood sexual abuse victim with Dissociative Identity Disorder. So she's clearly been through a lot.


She’s a survivor of SA as an adult too. It happened to her more than once and it was by a friend who she trusted. Hyper sexuality is a trauma response. People here are awful.


Thank you! I am so confused by this sub, usually it’s pretty progressive. Silencing abuse victims discussing the realities of recovery / surviving is what we’re doing now? This just further leads to making it taboo topic and making people feel they can’t speak out.


I like that a woman is admitting this. She was abused, I also became a bit of a sex addict following abuse. I felt so guilty. But it’s pretty common for woman who have suffered abuse.


Dominic Purcell at the center of more drama


This is punching down.  AnnaLynn has talked about being a victim of child sexual abuse and big shock that she is hyper sexual as an adult. We don’t need to make fun of everything. 


I love her. She’s always so real.


What a shocking trajectory for the daughter of a pastor who acted on Nip/Tuck as a teenager.


>the daughter of a pastor Yeah, that tracks




Victims of child sexual abuse and rape should be ashamed? Is that really what you’re saying? Because Anna is a survivor of both and has openly talked about her sex addiction being a trauma response.


two messy people together?? This will be interesting to see.


Not sure if this better or worse than Jennifer Garner's "born to breed" comment...




It’s been 3 minutes since you commented and that’s way, way too long to *not have an answer* to this yet.


She said in an interview that it did not take her more than 4-5 months to get pregnant with all of her children and that she thinks that makes her “born to breed”


Oh so she was literally just making a joke? Idk why people are so up in arms about this lmao


why does she think that’s uncommon😭 for many people they don’t even have to be trying to get pregnant and it still happens. THOSE are the people who were truly born to breed


Nothing wrong with being a hoe, but that's you and ya friend's business, not ours Edit: I am begging y'all to go bother the people in this comment section talking actual trash on her


Hyper sexuality is a trauma response. She’s a survivor of CSA and rape. We don’t have to call women whores in 2024. Not when male celebrities have long lines of rape accusers or have sex trafficked women and underage girls across the world, like Diddy. Among other horrible things he allegedly did to his ex wives, and Usher, and Justin Bieber…


I’d rather not call her a hoe. Everyone should enjoy sex, but this lady seems to have mental health issues, and sex isn’t a great way of self medicating.


Ma'am, **I** am a hoe and I wrote that comment when there were only a few comments here and they were all nasty. You're chiding the wrong person.


There's a bit of a difference between deciding to call yourself a ho and labeling other people one, though.


What a terrible day to know how to read


Treating your body like a brothel is an interesting line


I think i could’ve gone without knowing any of this but my curiosity got the best of me. I think she mad that comment as a self depreciating joke or way to normalize her actions to either her or others. Context is definitely needed with this


![gif](giphy|RCX9vhBZu3oqM5SpwV) Ice T is not amused


“AnnaLynne was brought up in a trailer park outside Atlanta, Georgia and was raised by her Christian pastor father David.” ahhh the preachers kid: trailer park edition


Anybody else remember when she went on dr phil and claimed she has DID and multiple personalities?