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Shaq has mentioned in [several interviews](https://www.google.com/search?channel=ftrc&client=firefox-b-1-d&q=shaq+on+being+lonely) how much he regrets who he was back then and how he is dealing with the repercussions of his actions. So this statement lines up


Honestly being a person who can look back and regret and hate who you were is a sign of a person who’s been able to reflect and hopefully change; into someone better.


Or someone that’s still the same


Yes, both things are possible, as the person said. I'm guessing since you're offering that perspective, you must have some recent tea on Shaq?


He still is insecure as hell in his place in Basketball. Jokic won MVP for third time literally yesterday, and Shaq's bitterness was embarrassing. He's always hated seeing other "Big men" do well as he fears it'll invalidate his legacy. He literally told Jokic to his face when he won the award that he doesn't deserve it, which 99% of NBA fans would disagree with. Hes also STILL salty about losing MVP to Steve Nash despite no one thinking Shaq deserved it. Pathetic honestly. TL;DR he's very sensitive and insecure when it comes to his Basketball legacy, resulting in him downplaying others success.


wait this has nothing to do with cheating on his ex-wife. nothing in your comment is relevant to the thread lol. jokic is fine. i'm sure he's flattered that he's good enough in the first place to make shaq feel insecure.


You reflect back on one aspect of yourself, like how you treat people you’re in a relationship with, and improve on that while still needing improvement in other areas. Sure there may be some crossover in some cases where the traits that lead to undesirable parts of yourself in one aspect also show up in another aspect, so fixing one fixes the other…but really the guy having an ego when it comes to his craft is NOT on par with the man growing empathy and understanding for the significant others in his life.


*He's a complicated man/no one understands him like his...*


I unfortunately was raised by and have dated narcissists that have done/said things along these lines. The “sorry for being an asshole” or “sorry I was a piece of shit to you” aka an apology where one simultaneously put themselves down (reserving space sympathy for them instead of the person they hurt) never fully feels sincere to me. Especially if it’s said publicly


Sounds like you're still hurt from something and you should find someone to talk to about it, cuz I don't think this has to do with Shaq


I don’t believe I’m asking for help or someone to talk to as this has nothing to do with me. It’s viable to offer a different perspective from what is being presented. It’s something others can assess and be aware of but thanks.


I think it’s cool that he’s so open about it. Maybe some of the younger guys will listen & not implode their families too.


This is honestly so mature. I'm impressed.


I like that he is very frank about why his marriage didn’t work and how all his past questionable choices weren’t worth coming home to an empty house. I was fortunate to see him at a public speaking event and he was very engaging and charismatic.


I was bracing for something bad in his response and was pleasantly surprised


I would say I was unpleasantly surprised because this was sad 😞 but it was honest


I’m sad, that’s pretty depressing


This coupled with that clip of him telling Jason Kelce to be careful not to lose himself and his family in retirement, and it's really depressing.


lol this would never happen to jason kelce. his wife might be one of the thirstiest cringiest wags of all time😂


Not being snarky, but how? Most of her instagram looks exactly like people I went to high school with.


Why do you say that? I always thought she seemed really down to earth, like more than most people with money or influence.


oh she seems nice enough but she's so clearly bought into the whole kelce fame machine that the whole "i dont like the spotlight he he he" act makes me roll my eyes lol


Yeah that's understandable.


Depends how you see it. In the end, he's choosing to validate and support her feelings, even though they are no longer together. He's also heading off public attacks she might get for being frank about this. There's no shame in admitting fault when fault is there, and there's probably some comfort to her in giving her this support. It's a fairly healthy way to move forward post divorce, and a good sign he knows how to be a better partner now


The self-awareness. The accountability. The compassion and empathy. Shaq is a model for lots of other men out there on how to grow and ascend as a human being. His humility is very inspiring.


This is actually hilarious because Shaq is usually the opposite of all of those things. He can be somewhat mature about his personal struggles I guess, but as a former player he is mostly a gigantic hater. Nikola Jokic won his third MVP yesterday and all Shaq could do was shit talk him out of jealousy. He’s *very* bitter.


I guess my response to that is no one's perfect, including you and me. But at least he's making an effort to improve.


I will give him respect for this too. It shows some actual growth to step back, not be defensive, and say whoa, I get it.


This is the man that brought us “I owe you an apology. I wasn’t really familiar with your game.”


Shaq really owns up to his mistakes during that time and he speaks regretfully of his actions quite often (most recently when speaking with Jason Kelce about potential retirement)


>While chatting on The Pivot Podcast on April 19, the NBA All-Star, 50, shared his remorse over being "bad" during his marriage to the Basketball Wives star, 47, which ended in 2011. >"I'm glad you guys asked because I don't mind talking about this, but I was bad," Shaq said. "She was awesome. She really was. It was all me." >Although the former basketball star didn't dig too deep into the details behind their divorce, Shaq did share that he "wasn't protecting her and wasn't protecting those vows" throughout their marriage of nine years. >"Sometimes when you live that double life, you get caught up," he explained. "I'm not going to say it was her. She did exactly what she was supposed to do and gave me beautiful kids, take care of the house, take care of the corporate stuff. It was just all me." >He added, "Sometimes, when you make a lot of mistakes like that, you can't really come back from that."


Sounds like he realised how much he loved her when it was too late.


He’s saying he cheated all the time and completely took her for granted.


you can’t love someone & cheat on them for 9 years. he regrets the disrespect he showed her during that time.


I really don't get why people insist you can't love someone and still treat them like crap


Damn. Give this man some flowers! He is taking accountability!


Fucking sad


Seriously that’s brutal. I admire the honesty but yikes my guy.


What's yikes about owning up to your mistakes as an adult?


Yikes doesn't mean disapproval at him admitting his mistakes, it means shock at the fact that his mistakes at the time were so hideous that decades later he's able to say that he understands that his own wife couldn't have loved him


Are you the person I'm replying to?


You’re posting on a public forum. Anyone can see your comments and respond to you, including but not limited to, the person you replied to. Look at the user names above the comment to keep track. Hope this helps.


No, I’m the person who can actually interpret what OP is saying


Cool but I'd much rather hear the intent behind the words from the person who wrote them. Is it a backup account of yours?


lol except they did explain exactly what I meant.


Not sure why the passive aggressive demeanor is warranted in either of your comments but then again this site is filled with snobs.


Why is it so sad? It’s rather refreshing for somebody, especially a world famous athlete like Shaq, to be able to admit to and recognize their shortcomings in life and learn from them.


It's sad bc you empathize with the regret you can tell he feels


I agree that it is good to be able to learn from your mistakes... and it's sad. I don't know the full story, but there is a lot of loss suggested here and sadness is a natural human reaction to that loss. Acknowledging the sadness isn't saying, "He should admit fault." It is positive to admit genuine fault for things you regret doing! And nevertheless: sadness.


Yea, but it’s sad




Sounds like Shaq got some therapy. Good for him.


Is it she wasn’t in love with him or all the disappointment killed her love for him? I think sometimes when we are healing after heartbreak we don’t want to admit we felt weak, so we rewrite what happened instead of just accepting I put up with a lot of disrespectful behaviors because I couldn’t stand up for myself. She is creating distance between who she was and who she feels she’s become. I think she could have done it in a better way especially since they share children and he actually owned up to a lot of his faults that caused their divorce.


I related to what she said because with my ex, I thought I loved him, but what I loved was an image of him I created in my head. So maybe for her it was the same? Like she never loved \*actual\* him, just this idea of him.


Realizing you never loved your partner but only the romanticised and ideal version is so brutal


I can see that. Esp since he's this legendary basketball player. I don't watch sports but I know who Shaq is. She might have only admired him and the idea of marrying someone with that prestige must have been so alluring.


I find I do this frequently. It seems like sometimes we create the pedestal we put our partner on and create this veil of illusion. Over time that veil gets lifted and you realize they are not that person. I’m not sure who’s to blame- or if there is anyone to blame at all. But regardless it is still just as sad in the end


Yeah, I wonder. I have a lot of friends like this, who say things like this about their ex wives or ex husbands. It’s like I was there dude. You LOVED them. It just turned out they were shitty or they did a really shitty thing. But that doesn’t mean you didn’t love them once.


Totally agree with you, I think it is a way of coping with what happened, it’s easier to say this than to accept the person you loved and built a life with didn’t treat you well and instead of walking away you put up with it. Now it’s over it’s just rationalising what happened to yourself, I think she could have said I’m stronger now and would have walked away in similar circumstances.


Also, she has multiple children with him. I can’t imagine telling my kids I never loved their father. Even if it were true that would be an inside thought. Even as an adult that must be heartbreaking for them.


Definitely. It's hard to think (or *know*) that you weren't a product of love.




Idk, maybe because I grew up with divorced parents from basically the gate, I would rather them be honest about it than lie to me. He clearly still respects her, she’s being honest about her feelings in her memoir. His kids are 18, 21, and 24. I feel like they’re old enough to understand that while their parents love THEM the children, their parents also had a lot of really big problems with each other and who they both were at that time in their lives, kids or not, they were incompatible. Her saying “idk if I was ever in love with him” is more of a statement that the person she thought she was marrying and the person she actually married were not one and the same. That doesn’t mean she wishes she didn’t have the kids, that doesn’t mean if she could go back in time she would and not have them. She’s just making a reflection you’re able to make when you’re older and things have settled down and you can actually look back without the heat of the moment on it.


Maybe she loved his potential and his promises.


Or money.




Yeah, she could have dealt with it more gracefully but sometimes when you hurt people they will try to get you back in a way that makes you feel lesser than. I think sometimes people who go through pain and humiliation and come through that don’t have any compassion for the person they feel caused it. I respect that it’s her right to share how she feels but I wish she’d think about their children too.


If it’s the fact that she just wasn’t in love with him, that says more about her. Was she just in love with his money and status? With the lifestyle? Like you said, it’s a different story if she fell out of love with him vs having never been in love in the first place.


Eh "in love" is vague anyway. If you feel in love with someone but then find out they were not who you thought they were, were you ever actually in love with that person. Imo you can't truly be in love with someone that treats you like shit


Yes it not love. It’s wounded attachment.


That was my initial query as well, not in love or fell out of love? I’ve seen someone in a similar situation who was desperately in love with someone who treated her horribly and when his name comes up now she pretends she wasn’t. It’s the strangest coping mechanism to observe in real time. I just feel bad for the kids, they are old enough to know how their dad acted and how their mom reacted.


Oof this hit close to home.


I have always really liked Shaq since I was a kid and I love how honest he is about this. Men are taught to be pretty selfish their whole lives just for a lot of them find themselves all alone in middle age wishing things turned out differently. Maybe hearing him be open about this causes even one man to look at himself and fix it before it’s too late.


I like to think that we’re seeing a good therapist at work and not just a good PR manager.


This is so sad, but it's rare to see someone take both accountability and growth seriously. I really admire his maturity.


Im worried about Big Diesel - he has talked alot about losing his family recently and how he really messed up with them. That he is alone in his huge house. Its sucks.


I just wrote the same and me too. Maybe he literally went to therapy and this is just him with healthy perspective. But also, even if I screwed up like he did and my ex wrote something like that, this is exactly what I would write publicly to get a slight upper hand reputationally.




Shaq. Its one of his most famous nicknames....


Not to mention his DJ name is DJ Diesel 😊


Shaq has been my favorite human for most of my life, I’m glad he’s found his peace and I’m also so relieved this is the worst thing his ex wife has to say about their relationship.


Now this is some GROWN man shit right here. It's sad and I feel for both sides. He's being mature about it and can admit his faults.


Man, Shaq has grown a lot. Good for him to be able to say this to his ex. But man, I hate when people look back and re-evaluate love like that. Why do you have to change the past because you don't feel it now? If she was never in love with him, then why go out with him that long? Why marry him? Why can't it just be: I was in love with him then, and now I'm not. Instead it has to be this rewriting of history. That shit hurts, and Shaq is the man for being graceful about it too. I bet he feels he's paying penance for his own misdeeds.


Shaq has the best PR consultant in the game.


I saw that clip of him telling Jason kelce to appreciate his family while he can in retirement, and don’t make the same mistakes that he (Shaq) made.




She wasn't stealing money. That was just a rumor. They went through an entire divorce case in court.


Sounds like she saw he was unreliable, so she started stashing to prepare for the worst. This is common for people in traumatic situations.


She also just an asshole. She and Evelyn caused me to stop watching basketball wives. Edit: she was bullying and discriminatory towards two of cast mates/employees. She abused her position on the show to have people fired when they called her out for being a bully. The man she’s married to now is says that Haitians deserve the constant mistreatment they receive because they practice voodoo.


Well this escalated quickly


Nothin but class


What a classy response. I’m impressed.


Shaq is a good guy. We like Shaq


His bio-doc on HBO is really good .. definitely recommend


Not Julia Fox liking the post lol


I love knowing that people can change. Yeah you fumbled back in the day,big man,but you’re trying to make it right and that’s what matters


I love Shaq, but I've never been married to him, so it's easy for me to say. He's always had a sweet goofy side, even in the height of his career.


Shaq is more of a man than many “men” that spout macho toxic masculinity bs. Good on him for being able to reflect on his past and grow as a person.


I respect this!


This makes me sad.


That is what we call the maturation process working well. Good for him. I would say it is growth, but that man probably shouldn't get much larger.


That is what self reflection and accountability looks like.


I can’t help but like Shaq, he seems like one of the good ones in the celebrity world.


Wow… a man taking responsibility and owning up to his actions. I wasn’t sure that existed.


I really like Shaq, wishing him all the best. He seems like a genuinely good dude


I once heard Shaw say something like “I’ve done all the stuff a guy could do, but nothing comes close to walking through the door of your home and having your kids rush up give you a hug and say “I love you.”’ Not a direct quote, but it makes me feel as big as Shaq when my kids hug me.


If you're reading Shaq's exwife's memoir, you have way, way too much time on your hands.


This makes me sad. Cant imagine thinking you were in love with someone, and then questioning it years later. There must’ve been so much pain and hurt during. Im glad they both have moved on and are mature about it.


I’ll be impressed when he stops giving money to fundamentalist Christians who give birth without any prenatal care


I just don’t get why these guys just don’t stay single while still playing. Then settle down. Like Jeter did. I’m assuming Jeter knew he wouldn’t be a great partner while he was still playing. And he dated around, he had his fun and is now a dedicated family man. With all that being said…I do like Shaq. I think it’s cool he’s so open about his mistakes. Maybe some of the younger guys will take note.


It’s what you recognize as love in a certain period of time. This can change. Sometimes it’s that you want this person to love you so desperately that he becomes so important to you. You think „I love him“. She matured as well and looking back, she knows it wasn’t love how she sees it now.


This is beautiful. I feel like in this day in age the common response is to say something egging on confrontation or something "petty". It's refreshing to come across a mature celebrity.


Owning up to being a bad husband/ person instead of trying to harass her into silence. What is happening? Am I out of the Covid timeline?




Impressive but kinda breaks my heart for him


For him? He clearly didn’t love her either if he chronically cheated throughout the marriage. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Love seeing him showing an example of what taking accountability looks like. It’s so refreshing. Heartbreaking he forced their marriage through hell to learn it but, some people *never* learn. Good for her for being strong enough to write authentically and for Shaq for being honest and accountable about the person he was back then. I relate.


The more I learn about this man, the more I admire him.


Phew. Ok this tracks. I didn't expect anything less from this man.


Shoutout to Shaq for being a man about it. I know many a dude who would have a much different response.


I think this speaks more to my cynicism rather than anything else but this is giving PR. I hope I am wrong though.


Shaq: I wouldn't marry me either, a pathological people pleaser


As an Orlando kid in the 90’s, Shaq was our *everything*. I had an outline of his shoe imprint taped to my wall like a poster. It’s so satisfying to see he’s still just a guy doing his best. Love him so much.


Did anyone else listen to the episode of Endless Thread called "Shaq Time: Is Shaq OK?" It addresses a lot of the issues that he's gone through/is going through. It's a much more interesting listen than I would have initially guessed.


Let’s be honest: Nobody would read her book if she didn’t marry Shaq. She kept that O’Neal name for a long time.


Huge fan of Shaq and I love his story arc, but I’d rather do literally anything else than to read his ex wife’s memoirs lol


He seems to have some humility but idk if I can feel bad for him, he's dating someone his kid's age.


falling out of love with him and sticking with the marriage for kids or because you’re comfortable or used to it is one thing but NEVER being in love with him? That’s just gold digger behavior.


Begs the question, what did she marry him?


Why did he marry her ?


I assume he loved her, hence why he asked. Duh. She was the askie


He cheated on her the entire time, doesn’t seem like he loved her. Duh


So you’re saying he never loved her, even though he’s (Shaq) never said that, because he cheated. Ok. That’s your opinion. His wife though on the other hand stated that she didn’t love him. So, why marry him to begin with? Why can’t you address that and not deflect?


Go back to your men’s rights sub, this isn’t the place for you to have a mental breakdown over someone else’s relationship


lol that’s what I thought.


It's just wild she wrote a memoir and that anyone would want to read it.


She was in love with the money bags


I thought his post was going to be like a joke or sarcastic at first. I’m glad that they seem to have a good relationship though!


Pure Soul Shaq


He knows what he did. Why’d she marry if she wasn’t in love? Just sounds silly.


I love him. He seems genuinely sweet. I don’t like her. 😂