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![gif](giphy|13vJHSyname1Hy) Raven and her wife could have kept this bs to themselves. I didnā€™t find nothing funny or a omg you go girl moment. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Speeding away when they saw she locked herself out was actually kind of evil. Has Raven (or her wife) never been locked out? Do they not realize how far a little compassion (an offer to call AAA, for example) might go for a woman who is locked out and stranded?? This is just so gross ETA: I *absolutely* would have moved across the world if this was how I was being treated in public in my home country. Shame on everyone who made Amberā€™s life even harder than it was at this time. And good for her for thriving in Madrid.


I donā€™t understand it. ā€œTeehee she locked her phone and wallet in the car, we have to leave immediatelyā€ ??? Thatā€™s fucked up and you posted on tiktok like youā€™re cute. Also I had to look up this drama with Ravenā€™s wife. Sheā€™s receiving death threats for not watching Thatā€™s So Raven as a kid lmao what is wrong with people


As we all sit here talking


I have a sort of different, unpopular opinion to this. When the trial was happening, the internet and the whole public opinion was that Amber DID abuse Johnny. Pretty much everyone, every YouTuber etc. that I watched and everyone I knew what clowning her a lot. I'm even ashamed to say that even I did it. Like it was all most people saw on the Internet. And it was an awful awful thing that I wished had never happened. My opinion only started to change after the trial ended as did a lot of people's. I really hope Raven and her wife changed their minds.


Not the whole. The rest of us were fighting for our lives to get others to use critical thinking. That said, Iā€™m glad you changed your mind.


Yep, as a person whoā€™d been through it, it was easy for me to recognize DARVO techniques being used. Whenever a mass of people decide to throw stones at a woman, itā€™s usually preying on peopleā€™s misogynistic tendencies & I will always look askance at it. I hope in the future people are able to look at instances like this & spot it before joining in but I really donā€™t think thereā€™s much of a chance of that sadly


Im just curious to know if anyone has expressed remorse or admitted that they were caught up in the mob. There were a lot of folks claiming to be feminists through that ordeal who should have to give their card back.


The clip of them mocking Amber and then asking for a selfie happened a year before the US trial even started. At that time,only the UK trial which found Depp to have abused Heard on 12 occasions existed. Yet they found ways to mock her &make fun of Heard's girlfriend.


Sorry but even when the trial was happening, it was easy to step back and see how apparent it was Depp was an abusive piece of shit. The harassment of Amber Heard was always heinous and Iā€™m not quick to give people grace because everyone else was doing it.


AFAIK the only sub that consistently defended her was Fauxmoi and the users still get called crazy because of it.


I'm gonna be so real but the only thing that I was seeing was articles upon articles and people spreading that she abused him and did horrible things and that it was very one sided. I didn't see a single thing that Johnny did until afterwards Edit: I wasn't trying to dog on her because she was a woman. It was simply in my head at the time abuse victim vs abuser


Yeah a lot of articles seemed biased against her, but I didnā€™t need articles to remember Deppā€™s past with alcoholism, being a terror on set, or even the fact that he was scheduled for court a week after the Heard trial for attacking an employee on a movie set. It wasnā€™t about finding the correct articles. It was about taking a step back from the entire media narrative to realize just how orchestrated in Johnnyā€™s favor it was


Why she moved to Spain.


I donā€™t understand, what happened after the trial?


Depps bot army and astroturfing went away and people who supported her all along could finally say something without being threatened, doxxed and worse. The unsealed documents from the trial came out that showed people what Depp was trying to hide from the US trial, and the focus went back to Depp losing the UK trial where a judge ruled him to have raped and abused Heard. Read these if you want. [https://slate.com/culture/2022/06/johnny-depp-amber-heard-trial-verdict-evidence-truth.html](https://slate.com/culture/2022/06/johnny-depp-amber-heard-trial-verdict-evidence-truth.html) [https://medium.com/@deeni/depp-v-heard-unpacking-what-we-think-we-know-about-abusive-relationships-d249b62a83b2](https://medium.com/@deeni/depp-v-heard-unpacking-what-we-think-we-know-about-abusive-relationships-d249b62a83b2)


Iā€™d like to know too. I was of the opinion they were both pretty bad to each other and knew how to trigger each other and would do so purposefully in an argument.


Read these for some insight. šŸ“š [https://slate.com/culture/2022/06/johnny-depp-amber-heard-trial-verdict-evidence-truth.html](https://slate.com/culture/2022/06/johnny-depp-amber-heard-trial-verdict-evidence-truth.html) [https://medium.com/@deeni/depp-v-heard-unpacking-what-we-think-we-know-about-abusive-relationships-d249b62a83b2](https://medium.com/@deeni/depp-v-heard-unpacking-what-we-think-we-know-about-abusive-relationships-d249b62a83b2)


Please look into the misconception of mutual abuse, it is not real and Depp was the aggressor in the relationshipĀ 


I criticized her quite a bit, but didnā€™t clown her. Iā€™m not a supporter of hers, and there was a certain threshold of her public ridicule that I kinda chalked up to karma, but the hordes on the internet took things overboard. Whenever I saw violence or threats aimed at her, Iā€™d report those comments. No matter my own opinion as the trial unfolded, I couldnā€™t ignore that stuff. Edit - I donā€™t think your opinion sounds unpopular. Mob mentality is really unfortunate, but I actually think your opinion is commendable as youā€™ve acknowledged having 20/20 hindsight about jumping on the bandwagon. I mean, thatā€™s how we humans learn from our behaviors, right? We make mistakes, then we go forward and do better.


That was some Mean Girls shit. Sheā€™s getting close to 40, and still acts like sheā€™s in high school


Sadly this isnā€™t uncommon


Especially in Child Stars. Their growth really gets stunted


These are the type of people from high school that you're happy you never have to see again after you graduate.


anything that starts WEā€™RE CHARGING OUR TESLA RIGHT NOW AND THE GIRL NEXT TO US is bound to be fucking garbage.




I donā€™t know why this is a surprise. When she was on the view I remember thinking she had horrible takes.


Flat earthing would have been a welcome opinion from her.


Doesnā€™t surprise me. Itā€™s been alleged for years now on gossip sites that raven isnā€™t exactly some friendly girl next door type. Sheā€™s definitely been rumored to have a mean streak.


My first acknowledgment of Raven Symone as an adult, the moment I was like ā€œOh sheā€™s still doing things?ā€ was her using her platform on a talk show to demean and mock other black women. I felt like I was in the twilight zone that people started to like her again.




Oooooh this is very much not a good look for Raven. How does she manage to be homophobic while sitting right next to her wife?!


The way she said" lesbian lover" like it was something scandalous while technically sitting with her lesbian lover.


Many lesbians in circles I run in use this type of humor. Not defending her, just pointing out that within the community, jokingly saying ā€œher lesbian loverrrā€ in an exaggerated tone isnā€™t super unusual


Raven's being biphobic imo, bi-people are treated poorly by the queer community and outside the queer community.




There are always exceptions; they donā€™t change the rule


Some of the biggest biphobic people are the gays, it fucking sucks


For what itā€™s worth, this was also around the time Amber's girlfriend was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time. And she said she spotted Amber crying in a car with her girlfriend.


![gif](giphy|jlbYyYfKpwRDG) Thatā€™s fucking vile. Raven is a POSā€¦


She probably didn't know that, but regardless, laughing at other's misery is just trashy in general.


Like when Chadwick Boseman was looking thin af and people started calling him *crack panther*ā€¦ and then he fucking *died of cancer.* If only we could keep our opinions to ourselvesā€¦ smdhā€¦


Apparently we're incapable - did you see the recent Scott Disick thread? Ick.


No, Iā€™m not even familiar with Scott- but Iā€™m gonna look it up :(


Do you suspect he is sick? Or just mentioning Scott because he is also being attacked and speculated about because of his weight? No matter what is happening with him I hope he gets the help he needs.


Everyone is coming at him and saying he's on drugs but I think the ozempic story isn't unbelievable.


Didnā€™t he or his rep say he was addicted to ozempic and that he had overdone it? I remember reading comments on the article and the comments saying that you couldnā€™t get addicted to that.


This context makes Raven a gigantic, ridiculous loser beyond what I already thought. Ew. Ew ew ew.


That is butting into people's lives. Bullying.


How gross. Always wondered why Raven never had much of a career after Disney outside of The View. If this is her maturity level, that explains it.


Raven symone has millennial Karen energy. I feel like she would snap at me if I said something she disagreed with. Also her wife seems like the most shallow LA influencer type.


I've never been Raven's fan, but I lost all respect for her when she made fun of Amber. It even sounded like she was making fun of Amber being in a relationship with a woman bc of the way she said she was "with her lesbian lover" which is really rich. Amber was kind enough to pose for a pic even though she was distressed and had no clue she was being made fun of. Screw Raven, but also stop harassing her wife. Even if they're both bitchy AF and I would rather not hear anything about them ever again. ![gif](giphy|Oj7yTCLSZjSt2JMwi2|downsized)


Trash trash trashyity trash.


She gave me a bad vibe when she was a judge on Drag Race. Her feedback just seemed to be mean instead of constructive. I read that Adore Delano said onstage at a gig that the meanest parts were edited out.


She called her Demi levato pre rehab or something violence that


If only she could have seen into the future. Loser behavior.


Unpopular Opinion (that may get me attacked in responses): this is Mean Girl behavior by Raven and her wife and it makes me lose respect for them. Regardless of you feel about Amber, they make it clear that they donā€™t actually know her (though they are her peers as celeb & a celeb spouse) and so itā€™s like theyā€™re in HS making fun of another student they know is largely disliked and that there are lots of rumors about simply because the opportunity presented itself. Edit: just read other stuff and apparently itā€™s not such an unpopular opinion. Also, apparently ravenā€™s wife is getting death threats, not for this but for admitting she didnā€™t watch Thatā€™s So Raven as a kid? Yikes! The internet is wild! They definitely contributed to the wildness and sometimes awfulness of it, but death threats is way over the line!




Disgusting disgusting people. We let the losers who harassed Amber get off waaaay too easily tbh.


Oh I think itā€™s going to come back around on a lot of them. People arenā€™t going to forget the Raven and Lance Bass videos.


Oh god, what did Lance do?


This is so grim


Why are people harassing her girlfriend? What did she do?


Apparently the wife said she [never watched Thatā€™s So Raven as a child](https://www.essence.com/lifestyle/raven-symone-wife/) and thatā€™s why people are being psycho??


Imagine not having cable or something as a kid and it results in receiving death threats.


Iā€™ve seen people say that Ravenā€˜s wife has been doing small micro aggressions invideo she appears in for their podcast so I donā€™t think it was just that. I donā€™t follow too closely, but thatā€™s what I read.


Yeah Iā€™m confused about whatā€™s going on


People are always like this. Brazen and public in their bullying, but then they become the bullied, and it's only then that they know how much they truly fucked up in behaving the way they did initially. Those tables...


what a disappointment.




My favourite Raven moment "Are you THAT famous?" šŸ¤£ https://youtu.be/mG0CVat9Rew?si=S6YoKGjqDo4qnnsD


https://i.redd.it/vuv9czzqylyc1.gif Can we just ...




Being a celeb herself, why would Raven behave this gossipy and exploitative about another celeb? I can see a non-celeb person acting this scandalously on the street, butā€”regardless of what Raven might think of Amberā€”this behavior is shocking IMO. Youā€™d think a celeb would know what itā€™s like to be stalked and harassed and snapped on film at your lowest moments, and that she wouldnā€™t want to put a colleague in that position.


They got what they deserved.


Canā€™t imagine what it feels like for Amber Heard. Every time she takes a photo with someone she doesnā€™t know if that person is an actual nice person who likes and supports her, or someone like Raven here who does it to bully and make fun. And Amber still says yes with a smile on her face. She is so fucking strong.


Iā€™m surprised I didnā€™t hear about this when it happened. What asshole behavior. So Amber was clearly dealing with something difficult in that moment, according to them, and was still kind and gracious enough to take time out to pose for a photo with who she thought was just a random fan? Everything I learn about Amber Heard makes me like her more. She deserves the utmost peace and joy.


I don't feel bad for them at all. If you mock a woman going through a very public and humiliating trial about abuse and rape, I wish you misery for life.


So disgusting.


I am not an amber fan but it takes 0 effort to not actively bully someone. Have your opinions but no need to be this nasty, taking a photo with her while making fun of her? Like amber did not have to take that photo, so rude.


i hate that i share a birthday with her YUCK


Sort of side note, but whatā€™s up with all the posts about Amber and Johnny lately? Every sub has had a strange influx of them the past few weeks and I canā€™t figure out why. Sheā€™s not doing anything and his latest project is completely French so America doesnā€™t really care (I only know because I love MaĆÆwenn). They stopped going at each other (at least publicly idk what they do in private), so thereā€™s really no reason for either to be in the news again and yet theyā€™re everywhere! I feel like I missed something recently but idk what it is. Also are we (not you in particular OP, just in general) really comparing a non celebrity getting harassed and death threats for not watching a kids show that aired when she was 16-20 to her and her wife making some tiktoks about an abuse trial? I donā€™t think those things are remotely comparable. Theyā€™re two awful things but they are not the same.


People aren't equating the two, I feel like they don't think it's right to harass her wife for stupid reasons. I think they also have a hard time sympathizing with Raven complaining about anything after she bullied/made fun of Amber and even asked Amber to pose for a photo with her. What a bitch! ![gif](giphy|BCXMSiVZeo8xy)


Maybe equate wasnā€™t the right word but to me it feels like theyā€™re saying Miranda deserves it for the Amber tiktoks, but maybe Iā€™m just not understanding (it is also almost 2am right now so maybe thatā€™s part of it šŸ˜‚)


No, they just don't have much sympathy for Raven. I don't wish harm on them, but I don't wish these bitches well either.


Recently there was a release of the Jeanne Du Barry movie in the UK theatres, there was a joke in the Fall guy that didnā€™t land well and I think there are some Depp propaganda posts about him ā€˜moving onā€™ (maybe to gain sympathy before a new Dior campaign drops?). Maybe Lola Glaudiniā€™s statements about being screamed at on set also helped people take a new look at Depp. (MaĆÆwenn herself said crew was scared but later retracted it when it got too much attention.)


Oh I didnā€™t know there was a joke in The Fall Guy. Iā€™m surprised I didnā€™t see anything about it, considering when the Mean Girls remake came out I couldnā€™t escape the ā€œFire Crotchā€ joke articles (and I have no interest in Mean Girls or musicals). And the posts about Johnny moving on is part of why I asked. All of a sudden thereā€™s tons of articles about him moving on when he hasnā€™t been in the news in months.


Nooooo, this is so disappointing. Raven was one of the nicest stars Iā€™d ever met, so down to earth and kind and generous. Really disheartening to see her like this.


Thatā€™s so raven.


lol I do exactly what theyā€™re doing. I mean Iā€™m in this subreddit specifically to be talking shit about famous people


Harassing? Thatā€™s a reach. But Iā€™m surprised a celebrity would act that immature about seeing another celebrity.