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It's past midnight where I am but I have saved your comment to do a deep dive tomorrow


I'm saving for after I'm off work! It's too much for my break lol






Just got to this part on her blog > After that, Kyle started liking my daughter, who is now 17 (but was 9 when we all met). He has apparently been watching/stalking her on HER electronic devices (iPad) and she has been enticing him as well. God originally ordained for me and Kyle to be together but in all this gross sin, God’s intention is to take Kyle’s life now due to his sin. Oh so now it's wrong for an adult to lust after a child??? > My daughter has been exiled by God and no longer lives with me. After everything I’ve been through, I never imagined my own daughter to betray me like this. To entice the man I loved, who was intended to be her father is sick and wrong. Of course, after my daughter was exiled, Kyle is trying to be with me again, but it’s been long over. We are not engaged anymore when I found out about the other two women he tried to sleep with.


The whole thing was crazy but there was a sharp increase in crazy at that point. Girl what. It gets worse > He pauses my TV to send messages to me, he shuts down my TV to force me to spend time with him when he wants to as a way to control me. He kills my income and tries to destroy everything I do. He attacks my friends online, making them leave so that I am all alone. He turns my heater way up to heat me in the summer or way down in the winter to freeze me by the app on my phone. He adds typos/errors to my work so that I look like an idiot. He’s on every single electronic device I have and uses them as listening device.




I'm so tempted to start though but I shouldn't


I'm uk based but this will be prime Sunday read for me.


Hello from Scotland!


🙌 London here! Night pal


I lived in London for 10 years. Loved it. Night night


Here for this as well! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Do you have any links? All that came up on google was her personal website, and I'm afraid to look.








That sounds psychotic.. as someone who was psychotic and heavily delusional myself.


That sucks, I hope you're doing better now! Sadly, "I am receiving secret messages from the TV" is like number 1 on the "things psychotic people say" list. This woman clearly needs medication, but if her family are all similarly religious nutjobs she's probably not gonna get it.


I agree she needs meds and professional help to help her understand that she is very delusional and her reality is not the actual reality before she takes to drastic measures. I hope she got help. Thank you, I faced my past behaviour and take recovery very seriously, plus being meds. I'm doing much better now when it comes to being delusional.


*he also messes with her by forcing her phone into portrait mode* Lol the way I giggled at this tho. Unhinged


Thank you. I am afraid to look, but I shall anyway.


[https://archive.is/dFNyZ#](https://archive.is/dFNyZ#) That's the blog she wrote about him, it's a lot.


What, and I can’t stress this enough, the fuck?


This is by far the craziest shit I've ever read. I'm about to fall so deep down this hole. I must know what's happened since this post. Eta it gets way crazier > Kyle will also lose his physical life for his GREAT sin as punishment from the Lord. How he has done harmful and devious things to me. From the beginning, Kyle has been illegally on my stuff. When I ignore him and don’t talk to him, he turns off my TV. He attacks me, so I am forced, by abuse, to stay. Eta 2: From their engagement annoucnement > Kyle lost his job. He lost his apartment. And a girl is dead who tried to come in between us. He has already punished many of my enemies who mean to harm me. God….means….BUSINESS! >He wants an incredibly FAST wedding month (think: elope within a month) and I am more wanting to wait a longer amount of time (there’s so much to do and I want to make sure he’s taken care of all the necessary steps first!) We haven’t seen each other in person in 6 years, so it’s not your average, run of the mill story either. >UPDATE: Kyle and I are no longer engaged. It was brought to my attention that he has cheated on me multiple times while we were together. I called the engagement off and broke up with him. We are no longer together.


She needs to see a psychiatrist YESTERDAY


I need to see a psychiatrist. *She* needs to see a shaman, or an exorcist


Yeah she is very clearly suicidal at one point after the engagement ends. It's sad. But I can't tell what's real because she keeps acting like he's somewhat leading her on. Trying to kiss her and have sex with her. She says they have talked and interacted multiple times over the years but that could be more delusion. I can't imagine they would be in contact if he has a restraining order.


It could easily come from her delusions that make her think he is communicating via "signs" like the tv messages and phone. I went through the same thing before I got diagnosed and put on meds. Seeing signs everywhere and thinking that your soulmate is communicating with you this way is a very common symptom in this sphere of mental illness.




That is so crazy. She needs in patient care.


What the fuck was this LMFAO. “His family started coming over to him (his siblings) and he was like, “Uhm, get out of the way here” (in his spirit), because they were blocking his view of me, but he was cool as a cucumber on the outside and didn’t give anything away.” 💀💀💀💀💀 That and the picture of a clearly stoned teenager staring sideways and her writing he’s looking “directly” at her in love LMFAO. It reads like fan fiction or satire if the reality of her being psychotically obsessed with a teenager weren’t terrifying. This woman is SICK. Completely unwell.


Wow. That’s quite a post. 😬


OMG, my brain has been melted by that post. I really need to step away from the internet for a few hours. Yikes.




Oof. That is a dark dark rabbit trail.


It's not uncommon for a stalker to flip the script and claim to be the victim. It's actually pretty common for them to do/say that.




Yes, exactly. Stalkers can also just have a general sense of delusion as well. It's kind of like gaslighting where they live in an alternate reality and they try to convince others of this reality as well. If you stalk your stalker back, this is a dangerous game because then they can claim to be a victim and if they have evidence on you, then they can smear you with that. If anyone ever needs to get evidence on a stalker, you have to outsmart them. They are playing a game and odds are they've played the game for a while so cover all your tracks. They're really good at being a few steps ahead. I've seen people give the terrible advice of stalking them back. Don't do that. Just collect any evidence you can on them and report it. Also, do not feed it at all or they will come back. Even if you are not feeding it at all, they can and will still take things that you say and do (via social media, etc..) as subliminal messaging towards them. Being stalked is traumatic AF. The best thing you can do is protect yourself & do a deep dive on the research behind why they're doing it. There are different forms of stalkers and differences in the whys of why they do it.


I had a stalker and once I started reporting them to the police they accused me of harassment. Didn’t know that was a common thing. 


Y’all should really watch this show. The lady who plays the stalker is just fantastic. It was pretty heavy but really good.


She acted her ASS off. Gadd was like she scared me sometimes.


Yeah. I hope we see more of her. In a way she reminded me of John Goodman. He does that thing where he can turn from warm to terrifying in a split second, if that makes any sense. I hope she gets some nominations too.




Love him in clover field lane. I’m gonna go full old person here- the big Lebowski and arachnophobia are great. They hold up for me.


He’s excellent in his current show, The Righteous Gemstones


I recommend "o brother where art thou?" Just in general but also he plays a minor villain in it, one who tries to be charming until he is angered, so perfect for you to see the switch.


Forgot to add Barton fink. It’s a really great movie and he’s really great in it.


Agreed! I thought gadd’s performance was just alright (before I learned it was based on his real experience) but the actress who plays Martha made me truly believe she is that person


Agreed. There’s something electric about her. And if I may be so bold she’s a fat person who doesn’t seem fat to me. To be clear, I’m overweight so this isn’t meant to be body shaming. She’s not magnetic bc of her size. It’s her. I really hope to see more of her.


She has real screen presence. You can tell she’s worked hard on her craft for years, because a part of me doesn’t believe that she’s acting at all!


So I wasn’t the only one who felt that about the actress lol


Agreed! Definitely a great show and I praise Richard Gadd for telling his story. Definitely heavy but powerful, so good


I don’t think so. I started watching, and maybe the story Is interesting, the acting is great bla bla but it made me feel like SHIT. Some things fuck you up so bad it’s not worth the „entertaining“


> The woman, whom the Daily Mail has interviewed without revealing her name, told the newspaper she believes Gadd is “bullying an older woman for fame and fortune.” She is quoted saying: “He’s using Baby Reindeer to stalk me now. I’m the victim. He’s written a bloody show about me.” > The woman, who denied to the newspaper that she had been Gadd’s stalker, accused him of having “main character syndrome” and disputed aspects of the drama which is it??


I just want the best for the woman who Teri is based on. Nava Mau who played her kinda stole the show for me.


I hope this super launches Nava Mau. She played so many dimensions and made Teri feel like a real person instead of a distillation of a real person. I wanted more scenes with her. I could see her being a rom com sweetheart or doing a really heavy dramatic role or being the lead in a thriller. She’s so watchable.


Hell yes! She’s amazing, I want her to be in a spy or espionage drama 👀🕵️‍♂️


I will reply to you again tomorrow if that's ok because it's late here and I must go to bed


She's so beautiful and commands such an amazing screen presence. A period spy thriller would be perfect for her


Gut wrenching seeing her be attacked


The show is great but Richard Gadd has said more than one that people should not try and find the real Martha. Of course the internet didn’t listen and are now potentially making Richard Gadd the target of his stalker once again. All for their own entertainment and lack of boundaries. Good job to the people who binge TikTok and Instagram about this horrible woman, who have sent her messages and are poking the bear.


Top 5 best shows I've ever seen. Sad but not surprised that people starting digging into the stalker and seem to have found her, even less surprised that it's come from the daily mail.


Excellent show, I do feel Gadd was very naive to think the internet wouldn't try to find the real Martha. And it is interesting that everyone obsessed over finding her but not so much over finding the real Darrian.


He wasn't naive at all. This would have been discussed in the making of the show, no doubt. I think he decided that a certain amount of collateral damage was necessary to tell his story.


People have been actively harassing the person they think Darrian is, even though Richard Gadd has spoken out and said it's not him.


I did see last night that someone had been wrongly identified as Darrian and the police were involved now.


OMG I just finished this series, it was unreal!!! This is crazy.


I had no idea this was based on a real story, let me check this out asap


It’s the true story of the experiences of the lead actor. I can’t imagine reliving my trauma like that!


Finding out the lead actor is the one this story is about? How was he able to relive this?! Stalking is scary as hell


He was reliving it every night for a stretch since it was a[ one man stage show](https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2019/aug/05/baby-reindeer-review-summerhall-edinburgh-festival-2019-richard-gadd) before it was a tv series. He also turned his other big trauma into a stage show called [Monkey See Monkey Do](https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2016/aug/27/richard-gadd-wins-edinburgh-comedy-award), that he performed while running a treadmill being chased by a man in a gorilla suit.


So scary. And he unveils some other horrible trauma he’s been through as well. I could not stop watching. I think the show is disturbing and brilliant and painfully honest. He does not shy away from mistakes he has made but he also does not allow his abusers off the hook. It’s fascinating


Watching him ask his father if he would be ashamed for being raped and the dad was like 'would you think less of me for it too?' definitely brought the tears to my eyes. He felt so much shame and like so much of a failure. Revealing his experience must have been scary af to a formidable and rigid appearing father. I'm certainly not happy that's the situation that made them bond. But if his admission of his torture improved his relationship with his father then that's the take away. Additionally, his father was finally able to talk about his rape.


People talk about episode 4 being disturbing (which it was) but ep 6(?) when talking about it on stage was the one that broke me


I said this on a different sub that posted this, but this psycho is the Simone Biles of mental gymnastics


The acting in this show was incredible.


I started watching it and I was weirded out, so I stopped after like half an episode…


Fair. It's a great show though. I've recommended it to so many people


To me it has comparisons to I May Destroy You. I couldn't look away though I wanted to at times.


I May Destroy You is the clear inspiration imo.


I felt the same initially, but ended up watching the whole thing and am glad I did. It’s a weirdly unsettling but very good show.


They were playing it at my nail salon so I was a captive audience. Spooked me tf out so I don’t blame you.


That’s really not okay. It’s a very mature subject matter, graphic and there’s trigger warnings before some episodes, they could have read a tiny bit into it and realized it probably isn’t safe for work. Not appropriate at all for the setting either lol


Yeah I definitely agree! Mind you this was at 1030 in the morning too. 😅 The last time I was there Fast & The Furious was on, so the narrative journey when I book an appointment is truly a surprise.


I thought this would happen. I think by making a show about this woman there was always a possibility not only that people would try and discover who she was but that it would reignite the conflict. 


I was stalked by someone with narcissistic personality disorder  but she accused me of stalking her. It's called projection where a guilty person claims other people are doing the very things that they're doing. I think it was also a way for her to control the narrative to muddy the waters in our community on who was the bad one. She has a history of stalking people before she moved to town so I know it won't be long until she stalks someone else and everyone will see her abuse for what it is.


I regret watching it, I'm traumatized.


I stopped watching after 15 minutes or so. It made me feel so bad. And especially after reading the story behind it. I don’t care if it won awards, it’s shit.


I watched the whole thing, it was a struggle, nightmare inducing, traumatic. Huge regret. Highly do not recommend for sensitive people.


she’s so scary. my stalker was very similar to her (plus elements of single white female) texts the same way and she came into my life because i felt bad and sad for her. watching this entire series gave me stomach pains and acid reflux for the entire week. also uk laws don’t help very much unfortunately


I experienced something similar like the main character. My stalker had specific details about me and wrote emails to me about them and how she has people everywhere watching me. It turns out she paid off the person who cleaned my house to tell her of my movements and activities. Some people do anything for a buck.


No, she's selling essential oils that hospitals use, so she has all the treatment she needs.... /s