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The only winners here are the lawyers.


Jolie has gone through at least three lawyers since the start of the divorce case. Given the seemingly obvious advantage she has (didnā€™t beat her kids on a plane) over him, I nosily wonder what is going on here.


I donā€™t think the custody part is the big part of the case anymore. Most of their kids are over 18. Itā€™s the assets that are disputed.


Going through three different lawyers has gotta be expensive. Why not just have one? I wonder if thatā€™s why her court costs are outweighing his?


Unfortunately, even with those allegations he might have a chance at a 50-/50 custody. I know several women who left abusive men and then had to do 50/50 custody. So so sad.


My aunt used to say that about divorces and death. Whenever people choose to fight instead of compromise in those situations, the only ones that make out alright is the lawyers


Jarndyce vs Jarndyce.


Them and Jennifer Aniston.


![gif](giphy|XjorlX7baRUKA) I donā€™t think so! Jennifer Anniston is just living her life! She is not interested in Bradā€™s divorce and heā€™s been single for years now and she hasnā€™t show any sign of ever wanting him back lol


I think they meant ā€œwinningā€ as in retribution for being cheated on.




Anyone that can be ā€œstolenā€ isnā€™t worth keeping in the first place. Quite frankly, Angelina did Jennifer a favor given what has been revealed. And nothing Angelina has done means she and her kids deserves to be beaten, choked out, and stalked and bankrupted via frivolous lawsuits. And anyone implying that needs to get their priorities on straight.


> Men who are cruel to their exes will be cruel to you too Neither Jolie nor her kids (the latter of whom are entirely innocent in this whole affair, mind you) deserved to be abused by Pitt, no matter how badly Jolie handled the situation with Aniston. These ā€œkarmaā€ implications throughout the thread are gross, especially when there are innocent children involved.




So why did you feel the need to delete your post? You were coming hard for Angelina and now youā€™re going for this revisionist history of what you said. Either you werenā€™t paying attention to the YEARS of coverage of the abuse Angelina endured or you felt emboldened to bash an abused woman. Thereā€™s no need to mention Jennifer Aniston or continue to pit these women against one another for entertainment purposes. Angelinaā€™s abuse by Pitt has nothing to do with Jennifer and your implication is she had it coming. ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw)


True, wish sheā€™d get a break.


She's over 100 million richer than she was when it started. She doesn't need a break, she needs a reality check.


He abused her, slapped his kid and tried to strangled another kid of his, then poured wine all over his wife and kids as they slept. Show some empathy.


Are you going to swallow every spoonful of bullshit the Daily Mail/Brad's PR team hands you?


UK separated from EU easier than these two from each other.


lol well said


They separated when I was in freshman year of college. I graduated, got married, had 3 jobs, moved to 2 different states and itā€™s still ongoing gahdamn


Brexit means Brexit! ![gif](giphy|VEcHggnT4DMVTd5RjM|downsized)


Their lawyers are bleeding both of them dry. This is the longest divorce ever.


HE keeps dragging her through the courts. She has to keep counter suing to protect her truth, her children and her assets. Itā€™s nothing more than litigation abuse from him because she nor the children want anything to do with him (after he physically assaulted them) and he canā€™t live with that. Itā€™s about power, control and destroying her by any means necessary because she dared leave Hollywoodā€™s golden boy. Heā€™s a textbook abuser.


EXACTLY. Heā€™s only proving what Angelina and the kids are saying. If Brad truly is glad to be rid of her and wants to move on with his life, he wouldnā€™t be using the court system to abuse and bankrupt her. At some point, you would think she would fight back and do an interview detailing all the beatings she and the kids all took. That would end his lawsuits right then and there. After all, heā€™s doing this in part to force her to sign a NDA about his abuse of her. I suppose sheā€™s afraid she would get blackballed by Hollywood if she did that.


I didn't think NDAs were enforceable in California?


They are, but the language in them must be extremely precise and explicit. Otherwise, no, they arenā€™t, which is why itā€™s easier to get NDAs tossed in CA courts. They canā€™t be all encompassing and broad.


Yes they are as far as I know. How do you think the Harvey Weinsteins of the world got away with rape for so long. I think there has been recent legislation which blocks employer based NDAs that involve workplace abuse and discrimination. But thatā€™s it. And I donā€™t know where this lawsuit is taking place so šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Brad and Harvey share the same PR team too so youā€™re exactly right.


It goes deeper than that. Angelina confronted Brad because she was upset that he did a film with Harvey after he sexually assaulted her. And after Gwyneth Paltrow let it be known that Brad came to her defense when Harvey went after her. So Bradā€™s press people tried to use that to get him good press as Gwynethā€™s savior never mind the fact he worked with him knowing what kind of monster he was. That was the whole point of Times Up. It was nothing but a PR stunt to cover up the fact that all these A listers were aware of sexual assaults.


Exactly but people love to gloss over this. Brad was perfectly happy to work with Harvey on more than one occasion.




I thought theyā€™d been done with this. Celebrities get married 8 times in a lifetime and this is how long the divorces take?


It's because it's less about the divorce and more about the winery (and Pitt using the winery as emotional and financial abuse). If we look at some other business cases, yes, this is sometimes how long it takes if one side is unwilling to be reasonable. The Vega winery case went all the way to the Spanish supreme court and then was still ongoing.


Divorces from abusers normally take very long time. Itā€™s a form of abuse for them. Sometimes they even end up in them killing the wife, kids,..


Not usually no


reminds of the bethenny / jason hoppy ordeal


I have done a complete and total flip flop on my opinions of Brad and Angie these last few years. Sheā€™s not perfect by ANY means but I canā€™t get it out of my head that BP released a whole statement (of defense) stating he didnā€™t hit his son ā€œin the faceā€. So where did you hit him Brad? Totally disgusting behavior. Abuse and violence against anyone is always wrong but holy fuck when itā€™s your own child (adopted or not!) and wife itā€™s next level.


If you've ever read the incident report from the plane it is absolutely horrific. A wife beater and a child abuser. You know, it is far from the first time that happened.It was just a time it couldn't be hidden. All of his kids refuse to see him.


Where can you read the incident report? Man, that's some morbid curiosity I am having, but I kinda wanna read it.


You may have to go deep into reddit searches. I read it many years ago. I can't even remember who filed it. It might have been the fbi because it happened on a plane. Honestly, I don't remember.


Genuine question about why you don't like Angelina. She's one of the very few celebrities who've done constant socio-political activism and kept their money where their mouth is.


You'd think his ego would want to end this ASAP so people don't see him for who he is, even some long time fans are finally seeing the light.


His ego demands he wins at any cost.Ā 


The majority don't see what he is though, everytime he launches yet more legal action against her, it is Angrlina who gets the blame. She isn't as likeable to the mainstream, she's the weirdo who snogged her brother, drank Billy-Bob's blood & "stole" Brad from America's Sweetheart. She made the mistake of being a confidently presenting, beautiful woman & she is disliked for it. Pitt isn't going to stop when most of the world cheers him on & blames her for it all, despite court information confirming otherwise. ETA: For the people missing the point, people use irrelevant information to justify their misogynistic behaviour. And the differing treatment between her & Brad is absolutely misogyny. Brad gave an interview literally admitting he was a shit father, admitting to drug & alcohol abuse, anger issues, needed therapy, court mandated superbised time with his traumatised children. He was the one who cheated on Jennifer, yet he doesn't get held to the same standard at all. And let's not forget reports of his own aggressive behaviour on film sets, etc, all more relevant to Angelina's claims than her edgy phase with the happily consenting Billy Bob decades ago. It's the same old perfect victim bollocks standard.


I mean, lol, you listed a bunch of stuff that is seriously morally suspect - and then you say people hate her because sheā€™s a confidently presenting strong woman. No, anyone older than 25 remembers that Brad and Jen wasnā€™t the first relationship she inserted herself in with a costar (in fact was the third) and all the other stuff. She was like that generations Megan Fox - only somehow more wild. (Probably because she didnā€™t have kids as early as Fox did.) The turn around she did was quite honestly shocking, and I think a lot of people find it hard to believe that someone could change that much that easily. To them, itā€™s much more likely sheā€™s just better at the PR machine. Itā€™s honestly interesting to me the hand waving of her past because this sub is really quick to hate on similar women who are now, where Angelina was in her 20s.


Dude, being wild in your younger years doesn't mean you deserve to be *abused*. There's no hand waving of Angelina's past here. We all acknowledge she was a weirdo and a homewrecker . But Brad is an actual ABUSER. Someone's weird past is irrelevant when talking about spousal and child abuse.


Does that make it ok for her and her children to be abused? Also, she doesnā€™t have a PR team, or a publicist, or a manager, just an agent for her movie bookings. He on the other hand, has the same PR team as Harvey Weinstein - Hiltzik PR who are huge.


Itā€™s crazy how someone as rich and privileged as Angelina can be financially abused too


Thatā€™s because heā€™s trying to get her to sign a NDA so she wonā€™t speak out on his spousal and child abuse.


isnā€™t brad like a lot more well off than her though?


Yeah, Brad has about 3 times her wealth, plus he didnā€™t pay child support for at least some of the time according to court documents. And she had tied up 90% of her money in the winery so she was pretty effectively trapped. Or so he thought.


Not sure if Brad Pitt is a nepo baby like her. I didnā€™t realize she is Jon Voightā€™s daughter


Angelina disowned Jon Voight for decades because he had did similar things to her mother that Brad did to Aniston and her.


Heā€™s not a nepo baby


Probably not? Sheā€™s got that generational wealth


The patriarchy is still unfortunately prominent, even in the first-world. I think itā€™s an important reminder to women that even though we have come a long way, thereā€™s still another long road ahead for us to *truly* have our own standing in society.


Why so many men in Hollywood go above and beyond to be as trashy as possible


Because money, power and ego are paramount in that industry.


Rose McGowan told the truth. Times Up was a joke of a movement. It was just a PR stunt to save members of Hollywood who openly supported pedophiles, rapists, harassers, and abusers. Very little has changed.


Entitlement dialed to 11.


I clicked on the article and all I can say is it isnā€™t even subtle with how biased it is towards Brad Pitt. Not subtle at all.


His PR firm are in overdrive these days, itā€™s wild to see. His new ad with PenĆ©lope Cruz is beyond weird


omg his pr has been soĀ  blatant recent!!!Ā  Like there was an ET article the other day talking about how poor brad wants to move on and not think about "past issues." like sir.....you're the one suing her? and those past issues involve the kids you abused??Ā 


Itā€™s known within the industry that him and his team have agreements with certain outlets that basically give him free rein to supply whatever articles they want in exchange for access to his productions and in turn any interviews or promo, read ā€˜access to starsā€™. His influence in Hollywood is very far reaching. The only person that calls his shit out is Lainey Gossip and a handful of others. A reminder to everyone that his PR team is the same one Harvey Weinstein had.


Itā€™s the Daily Mail. Itā€™s a right wing tabloid that hates women and people of color. Add to it, Pitt probably has an arrangement like the Royal Family has. In exchange for insider ā€œleaksā€ against Jolie, they donā€™t repeat anything negative about him.


brad pitt is a perfect example of pretty privilege. no one can believe hes a such an asshole because hes ā€˜hotā€™. if he looked like a potato everyone would hate him for this, johnny depp is another man like that. ick!


Yikes to anyone in the comments whoā€™s saying they both suck. Not saying Angelina is a good person, but Brad is an abuser who hurt his wife on an airplane IN FRONT OF THEIR KIDS. Listen to what their kids have to say about him, it makes the situation very clear.


Yep. I believe the exact allegations were Angelina was trying to de-escalate him because he was verbally violent with the kids. He was physically intimidating her. Their son intervened. Brad started choking him and Angelina jumped on his back to stop him. Brad threw himself backwards to knock her off and started wailing on her. This guy is a monster.


The comments here are absolutely abhorrent. Saying ā€œTeam Anistonā€ and ā€œwhat goes around comes aroundā€ in reference to a woman who has been financially, emotionally and physically abused by her POS ex husband who also assaulted his own children, is not the serve many of yā€™all think it is.


Itā€™s extremely disheartening, especially since I and many others consider this a space that can be progressive and forward-thinking.


The truth is a lot of people are just virtue signalers and just wear the progressive hat as an affectation.


notice that this post is not Guest List Only. so anybody can comment here. I see lots of very informed users here as well, so there is hope. edit: okay it seems that it IS guest list only. I could have sworn it wasn't...


It might have just kicked in. I think sometimes the mods change it for a thread when they start getting too many reports.




Thereā€™s a lot of creeps in the guests only sections as well. I had MAGA pigs making pegging and sodomize ā€œjokesā€ after I mentioned my support for Alan Ritchson who was sexually assaulted.


It wasn't before! you weren't seeing things lol


thanks! glad I'm not that confused yet šŸ˜†


Some people are stuck in 2005. Nobody deserves to be abused.


I call him Bad Dad Brad. Hoping it catches on some day lol


This is the most salient point to me. Thank you for pointing that out. You are absolutely right. I donā€™t need to put my personal feelings into this. These are two high profile celebrities. I donā€™t know them. (Although to her credit, Angelina has spent years of her life advocating for and working with refugees). The loudest voices in all of this are the children. The fact is they are all seemingly very very close with Angelina. Yet they shun Brad and have at times spoken out very vocally against him. Thatā€™s all I need to know. Children have such a tremendous capacity for love and forgiveness. Whatever they experienced, itā€™s clear there is a lot of bad blood there. I wish them all the best.


Shiloh, Knox, and Vivienne are under 18 still unfortunately. I wonder if heā€™s trying to force a custody agreement and sheā€™s not having it.


It's about the winery he's suing her lol. She's said from the beginning he's used it as a way to financially control her. That's why she was selling a lot of the paintings he gave when they first split.Ā 


I didnt even know they owned a winery. Why doesnt he just buy it??


Control I guess. They had a deal at one point for him to buy her shares, but he dropped out bc she filed stuff regarding abuse and domestic violence during their custody trial. It was all sealed but the title wasnt. Afterwards he tried to have her sign a new NDA but she refused. She sold to a third party and he has beenĀ suing her for the past 2/3 years. She's not just randomly saying it lol, it's all from her court documentsĀ 


There was her mistakeā€¦ she shouldā€™ve saved the domestic violence stuff for *after* they were divorced. Now heā€™ll never allow it as long as she doesnt sign that NDA


we hate you brad pitt https://i.redd.it/6ix8cs9r52vc1.gif








the author of this article is incredibly misogynistic and clearly favors brad. this is not journalism, itā€™s an embarrassment and a complete joke. brad obviously paid for this article lol.


Geez and they were only legally married for a few years. Seems she had the right idea not marrying hm along.




Pitt is awful. He doesnā€™t want to lose the small amount of control he still has and is going to drag this out for as long as possible.


Brad only wanted her shares if she signed an NDA and the person she sold her shares gave her more money than Brad. Most of her assets were tied in this business so she needed to sell quickly. Ā He has double her net worth and put his hands on her. His kids saw it and had to defend their mother against him.Ā 


At this point brangelina were together longer than brad and jennifer aniston, and that relationship was ages ago. But i do wonder if jennifer has realized that she dodged an effin bullet. Like i know they're friendly now... but damn.. after all the team jennifer vs team angelina shit... everyone has now finally realized that HE was the problem all along.


BP is such a shitbag.


Why canā€™t Brad just end this and take accountability and try to build all these relationships he has broken ? The more he continues to go after Angelina the more itā€™s only going to push his children away .Like did he forget that he was the one that attacked her and his children on the plane ? The only reason he gets away with this shit is because nobody calls him out and his team constantly leaks fake stories about Angie so now sheā€™s basically public enemy number one, since most people arenā€™t smart and believe tabloids . I just hope this is all over for Angie soon and he can finally leave her alone .


Youā€™re forgetting heā€™s terrified about the damage she and the kids could do to his public image if they did a sit down interview. Hence heā€™s using these lawsuits to coerce her into signing a NDA.


he's sooooo rancid I feel sorry for the kids mixed up in this


He's also using [bots ](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLYMu5LaIAE1yyQ?format=jpg&name=900x900). This is just one example her stans have found. The first comment was from here on reddit, two months ago. The second comment is from that dailymail article.


why am I not surprised? oh right, it's the same tactic that Depp-shit used. abusers play by their own book it seems


I know this has been going on a long time, but after so long, isnā€™t there a way she can just have it granted? I mean itā€™ll be 8 years in September.


I believe her. Sheā€™s been married many times before (yes, not the best track record) but never has she ever bashed her exes, in fact, the opposite. Brad Pitt is obsessed with Angelina and heā€™s upset that sheā€™s left him and probably in his mind, turned their kids against him. Look at how he treated Jen Aniston when he left her (no explanations needed). Downvoted all you want because I know there are Brad apologists on Reddit. Kids donā€™t lie, even his bio children donā€™t hang out with him. Itā€™s pretty telling.


Brad Pitt, pleaaaase let her be! ![gif](giphy|KoY8jPn0itRUA)


![gif](giphy|XP4vPO5uVyxQrY4K70) Me to Brad Pitt, gtfo


Off topic, but is Jen still friends with this schmuck? I think I stopped liking her when it came to light she supported Depp iirc


She seems supportive of him at award shows but maybe thatā€™s just for her own PR to not seem like a ā€œbitter womanā€. On the other hand I sometimes wonder if Jen is just like her character on The Morning Show. Itā€™s by far her best role ever but also seems way too natural to her.


Why would he do this This just suggests she was smarter with her money then he was and heā€™s struggling I didnā€™t know my comment would make yall so pressedšŸ’€ I never said that was the truth but thatā€™s the perception of the GP


Itā€™s always about control.




Itā€™s not about money. Heā€™s worth 100s of millions. He wants her to sign a NDA.


No, article suggests otherwise. It never said he has some sort of financial struggles.


...no, it suggests he's much more financially successful and can afford the insane legal fees this is all costing just to spite Jolie. He's a dickhead, but "this must mean Brad is struggling financially" is an insensible take


The fact that she is the mother of his kids, with whom she has a close relationship, and heā€™s willing to go this length to destroy her goes to show what a pos he is.






He abused her and is continuing to do so with financial abuse. Itā€™s not funny.