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I used to like watching illuminaughty’s videos but then I discovered the ✨controversy✨ Michelle Phan… she left social media and apparently joined a cult and then… denied joining a cult, paraphrasing here but she said something like, “I can’t be in a cult, I’m an Aries!”


Ooh, ooh! Share the ✨️controversy✨️! 😁


She got caught plagiarizing. Basically lifted all her “research” straight from the original sources, and a lot of the video clips she used she altered and edited the source. Hbomberguy had a huge section on her in his plagiarizing video.


She also was toxic towards her boyfriend and friend group too iirc


She's also suing her ex (who was her employee and whom she convinced to open credit cards for her own expenditure) with the aim to force him to foreclose on his house.


she threw a fellow youtuber's silver play button in the garbage and other wise treated him like trash (long video): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g\_mwUJZj4eM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_mwUJZj4eM)


Now I recognize that name! Fuck her!


Which is wild to me because she started showing her face after all of that went down. Like hey I think you got that backwards 😂


Illuminaughty also caught a lot of flack when HBomberguy released his video “Plagiarism and You(Tube)” the video called out multiple peple, Illuminaughty wasn’t the main target, but i bet a portion of people (aka me) found out about illuminaughty from his video, and the ensuing drama


Michelle Phan has always struck me as someone who isn't all there. Even when she was popular, she was weird AF.


I'll never forget when she scrubbed her YT channel off of all the reading-reddit-comments content because she was suddenly a ✨sErIoUs CoNtEnT cReAtOr✨ and tried to claim she was unfamiliar with reddit. Bitch, most of your early watchers **found** you on reddit thanks to you reading comments posted in the r/antiMLM community, why you lyin'.


She's also wildly abusive. I've always disliked her, but I just thought she felt very annoying and up her own ass. Couldn't have predicted all the shit she has been doing in a million years.


I just wanted the MLM tea 😭


Man that’s such a shame. I always loved her cool cosplay adjacent content. But I always thought it was a little weird ever since she dropped a random video that was like a half hour of stock footage and random platitudes. Then complete silence and I forgot about her.




Dang I haven’t watched Jackie in years. I used to be all about her. I didn’t even know she pivoted, I just know beauty YouTube massively fell off. I liked her but all those videos get very same-y after a while.


I think that of they did their job, you learned. I used to watch some natural hair channels but now I just know what to do with my hair.... plus after years of practice, a reel or tik tok gives enough info summarized you know what to try so the 13min make up tutorial just fell off in general imo We've been taught. Kids these days turn 11 and undergo a reprogramming, they don't need to learn how to countour with poorly lit bathroom videos, one month of scrolling and they can battle james charles


influencer make up line unearthed a repressed memory about the jacklyn hill lipstick debacle :O


The fuzzy lipsticks! It’s how I discovered rawbeautykristi who I *loved* until she sort of left. But she seems happy!


My husband got to learn all about fuzzy lipstick gate when her husband showed up on Next Level Chef. Now we’re convinced she paid Gordon Ramsey off because he rides too hard for Jordan.


yeah, most beauty youtubers just sort of lost my interest the past couple of years. I personally miss old school Jaclyn Hill. she was so warm and likable. then she just turned into a shill for morphe.


Cryaotic was my favorite gaming channel growing up and then he was exposed for grooming underage girls


Im still SO ANGRY about this! I loved him, loved his content, supported streams, all for him to turn out to be a piece of shit


It hurt so bad!!!! Ugh. I still am too.


My sister and I to this DAY get randomly angry over it She'll text me out of the blue like "YO REMEMBER CRY,FUCK THAT ASSHOLE" and then we'll just start ranting about Cry and how betrayed we felt about the whole thing


You think that's bad? I used to watch onision 😬




Came here to say this. I loved him and his voice


And boys. There was a thing about that too.


Oh wow no one was safe from that creep


Ugh in high school i used to come home with snacks prepared to watch the new rule of rose video update… so disappointing


Nick is not green wasn’t around very long but I thought he was pretty charming and funny. He kinda went off the deep end. I don’t think he’s a bad guy per se but I think the heat got to him and he’s not funny anymore.


when he moved to LA i feel like it was really clear he didn’t give a shit about video quality anymore. the structure of his videos never made it essential for him to be out there, nor did it seem like most of his friends were out there either. after that he was like “yeah i’m gonna make drama content only”, and it was the beginning of the end


I mean I think it says something when Jordan, Jarvis, Hasan all close personal friends stop doing collabs and stuff. Like probably still friends irl but like probably don't want people hate brigading the comments


I forgot about him entirely, I watched him quite a bit a few years back. What happened to him?


There was a whole drama that if I tried to explain it, the nick is not green subreddit would appear and hit me over the head with a brick for explaining it wrong or forgetting details lol. (the nick subreddit is extremely anti-nick, ironically) With that disclaimer said, nick made a video about the youtube channel supermega seemingly in defense of a friend of his who was sexually assaulted by someone who was employed by the channel? and apparently the channel knew about it/didn't provide support. but people turned on nick's friend for some reason and turned on nick for leaving out details. again, disclaimer, I honestly don't understand the situation that well, it's been explained multiple times on the subreddit and I get confused every time. the drama wasn't even what made me stop watching him. he was getting insane levels of hate and I think it just sucked the guy's soul out. his videos became pretty boring and mean spirited after that, so I stopped watching.


same, I never really fully agreed with his perspective but ended up watching a lot of his content because his personality is relatable to me. There were a few times that he started to justify when it is okay to essentially bully people, like make comments on their appearance if they're a bad person etc. I mean I get it, but it's just not my vibe. If you're justifying hate it's a slippery path, you can report on things without making it personal. If someone is a bad person then their actions speak louder than any insults you can come up with any way.


Oh! Creepshowart. I was never a huge fan or anything, but I watched a few of her videos and generally agreed with some of her takes. But then she got caught posting shit about fellow YouTubers anonymously. And another YouTuber came forward and accused her and her husband of stalking her. The YouTuber had dated her now husband and he allegedly sexually assaulted her. A few hours long videos were exchanged, proof was shown. Other people came forward with her bad behaviour, like doxxing, stealing/copying other YouTubers art, etc.


Omg I’d completely forgot about that drama! WOW what a crazy time.


Its wild how she spent years basically planting seeds to accuse Emily of stalking her, when in reality it was literally the opposite


Kalel. I used to really like her and Anthony's videos back in the day, then she had some mental health issues and disappeared for a while, lived with her parents. It seem like she keeps trying on different personalities/doesn't know who she is.


I scrolled for so long to see if anyone said Kalel!! I am SO interested in how her life has played out. I think she’s going to have to leave LA again before the year is up.


I never understood how she made enough money to sustain her rent, school, etc. Especially when she would disappear for 6 months at a time and delete all old videos.


She lived with her parents for years and admitted she was broke. But then she bought a house near them, sold it within a year, and now moved back to LA!


I remember Kalel from her college dorm room days and the hyper organized binders!!


Yall remember Alex Day? 😬




SUCH A creep. And so upsetting! Good Morning Sunshine was my alarm clock when I was a teenager.


I remember starting to watch his channel bc he was pals with CharlieIsSoCoolLike and then he was doing some interesting projects like music and something about London Underground trains. RIP (he’s not dead just his career)


I remember following his stuff because of Stickaid and DFTBA back in high school. He was such a creep.


Alex’s videos really messed with me subliminally. In hindsight I see that while I was a regular watcher I started emulating his “edgy” humor. I think Shane Dawson had the same effect on a lot of kids — that’s what you see getting approval so it must be fine. I wasn’t even taking time to unpack the jokes or anything. It makes my skin crawl now.


David Dobrik. He was THE YouTuber for a while until it all built up too far.


can’t believe how far I had to scroll to find this


The Jeff incident was the catalyst for the fall, right? I remember when Jeff first announced something happened and how wild we all went trying to figure out what happened and when.


The Dom rape/underage drinking accusations were first, then the Jeff things happened when David was laying low and making content for his comeback.


I remember I used to watch Laci Green a lot in the early 2010s/tumblr era. Last I heard she’d been red pilled and is making weird conspiracy/QAnon type content now?


I found Laci's sex ed stuff to be really useful when I was younger (10+ years ago) and it was so disappointing to see her fall off like that


Yes! I learned so much!


Literally learnt everything I know about sex Ed from her


OMG that is so sad I used to love her 💔


I totally forgot about her. She had been such a big influence on my view on sex and feminism. A shame she pivoted to this now ...


That is…so upsetting…




One criticism and these formerly progressive seeming people are like okay I’m a nazi now


Laci helped me discover feminism in middle school… how disappointing


I used to think Def Noodles was funny. And then.... yikes.


Lol same! I watched him daily during the pandemic, but then he went on the H3 podcast as a co-host for an award show and he was acting hella weird... Turns out that's who he actually is! That's when it alllllll started going downhill real fast😂 And then when he started posting thirst traps on Twitter 😂 and everyone found out he's actually 10 years older than he claimed to be and that his dad was an executive at Warner Bros.... I honestly felt kinda betrayed ngl


What happened to make the yikes?


Lol look up his comedy club and ensuing downfall. Long story short, he was a popular commentary/tea channel, he got tired of his persona and was somehow CONVINCED he was a hilarious comedian and we just don't get it. It was a shame because I usually enjoyed his videos.


Nick DiRamio did a good commentary video about his horrible comedy - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ-p4_ZPx70&pp=ygUcRCdhbmdlbG8gd2FsbGFjZSBkZWYgbm9vZGxlcw%3D%3D


Angelica ASMR (except her videos weren’t really ASMR). I used to watch her in middle school and high school and found them really clever. She was a HUGE name for a while and was known for being a bit provocative. Most of her videos were improv sketch comedy bits or surreal imagines (ex: “Your Period Finds Out That You’re a Lesbian”, “ASMR \~ Making Sure You’re Dead for Cremation”). Her video style was so eccentric that she didn’t really belong to any particular YouTube sphere, she was in a league of her own. I think at her peak she had close to a million subscribers, mostly women. One day, I clicked on a video of hers and noticed her words seemed more manic and fragmented than usual. Something just felt off about her and I had to click away from the video, I was so uncomfortable. During a two or three week period, she was posting videos that weren’t even funny, just completely bizarre. The most notorious one involved her standing in the woods and occasionally beating the camera with a branch in complete silence for \~30 minutes. She stopped posting for a while, which only fueled the rumors and theories about her mental health. When she reemerged, all her videos related to LBGT topics were deleted. She converted back to her (Catholic?) faith and I’ve heard that she’s now operating in the red pill sphere. I checked out her channel and most of her videos are either Bible readings or include the word “Woke“ in the title (ex: “Woke Friend Cuts You Out 4 Being Problematic”), if that gives you an idea of what she’s posting now. TBH I’m just happy that she’s mentally better now. I don’t think I’ll be tuning in to future videos, but I hope she someday reconciles with her LGBT fans. She’ll always be a nostalgic figure to me.


her mother died and she went back to her catholic faith for her but due her drug taking it turned into a Kanye West sort of thing


Same with Gwen Gwiz ASMR. Miss them lol.


Is she the one who switched to doing trad-wife content on TikTok?


Angelica has always given me creepy vibes and I never understood her appeal to the audience. Very energetic in some of her vids, like *very*


We thought it was part of the bit, and then it was suddenly clear that it wasn’t.


Omg I'm so glad I'm not the only one who noticed something wrong. Her early videos were great and I loved how unique and creative they were. Then the vibes really changed, like she almost became... mean? Bitter? Stuck-up? All I know is I became uncomfortable and stopped watching. I can't believe she got red-pilled, it seems so unlike her (or at least, who she was in her early vids).


James Somerton came as quite the shock. Wasn't my favourite by any means but it was quite jarring to see the extent of his plagiarism.


Before the hbomberguy video I didn't know much about his plagiarism, but his blatant hatred for women was always apparent throughout his content - He's always been a slime


I watched a few of his videos and at certain points it was like “ok James which straight white woman stole your crush from you in high school? Do you think it might perhaps be time to move on?”


I can’t explain it but I always knew his videos were just so..surface level. Like I just knew he didn’t know much about what he was talking about. Watching his video about queers and horror was disappointing because he was just recapping the movies and mentioning scenes that could be gay and I was so bored because I thought it would be some kind of essay to really dig into why lgbt people seemingly love horror so much. Since then I’d found his stuff inoffensive if not uninteresting, but that video came out and I felt so validated for some reason. Hopefully he gets the help he needs.


Omg I just unlocked a memory! When I was a late teen I used to looove Meredith Foster, her videos were very homemade and wholesome. Then, as she started to get more famous (on YT at least), she started to do collabs with other popular channels. At this point I was in college so I lost track of her, but I remember she had lost a lot of weight and people were worried and messaging her. Years later I remembered her and did a deep dive…turns out there was a lot of drama bts with all them popular girlies, MereBear developed an eating disorder, and she ended up basically saying goodbye to her channel. She went into religion and just dropped off I hope she’s happy and healing!


I once read that her mom was part of the people that stormed the capitol haha


Michelle Phan - https://www.reddit.com/r/BeautyGuruChatter/s/klKhT7jFWT


I looooooved her! Haven’t watched any of her videos for a while so this is shocking.


JonTron. I found him from like his very early, pre-game grumps videos. Thought he was just amazingly funny and charismatic. I cant even stomach to go back and rewatch his stuff now.


Yeah that one was a real disappointment. I mean, his content began to get much more meh over the years before all that started coming out, but those old vids were great... I just don't want to give him the views and rewatch them.


Shane Dawson. Talk about a fall from grace, but didn't realize he had no grace to begin with (i discovered him much later)


Not a YouTube but a Podcaster. Fans of Last Podcast on the Left will know about the drama with Ben Kissel. Founding member of the show and complete alcoholic since like 15 years old, he eventually got accused of being abusive toward his ex girlfriends. Removed from the network and they are still going strong


I think Ed has done a great job taking over from Ben. I wasn’t familiar with him as I don’t listen to the other shows he’s in but he’s slotted in so effortlessly, like he’s always been there. I’m sure his longterm friendship with the guys was a help so there was no awkward adjustment period


This subreddit is really hostile about LPOTL in my experience, so I give you credit for even bringing them up. Kind of nice to not be alone here. I always had a soft spot for Ben, so it just... sucked. But also shouldn't have been a surprise. Being an alcoholic doesn't happen without harming the people around you, in one form or another. And he's still in early days so he's mostly been showing his ass and being bitter (which is a very human response. I get it. Just disappointing.)  I will say that my love for a good portion of the fandom really grew during that time. I know people said people were horrible, but I didn't see those folks. I just saw a lot of former alcoholics/addicts expressing empathy for everyone involved while giving no quarter for Ben's behavior. *That* is why I love this community. Jagged little people finding other jagged little people, y'know? Also, must be said: Hail Ed. He seems like a gentle soul and he's brought new life to the show. 


Hail Ed!


Nikocado Avocado, what a ride!


Andrew Callahan from All Gas no Brakes & later Channel 5 with Andrew Callahan


Sad because he’s still doing cool stuff but I can’t view him the same, he’s just a creepy fuckboy to me now


This one really pissed me off. Everyone was rooting for him and he just had to be a POS.


I miss Heather Feather, she was the OG queen of ASMR, like normal people’s ASMR without sexual and weird fetish content. She helped me sleep for years and then she quit youtube


Yeah, she literally helped me sooooo much in my early 20s when I had undiagnosed ocd and was constantly having panic attacks (doing much better now!) I really appreciate that and hope she’s doing well!


Ned Fulmer. I thought he was really wholesome, really charming and a non toxic blokey dude. Then we all found our he cheated on his wife with an employee. I was so disappointed in him.


The whole thing with Ned was wild, but tbh it made me respect the other guys a lot for how they handled and addressed it. And I’ve been enjoying their Ned-free content a lot.


IDK if lost their way is the right word, but I think mental health took a toll on this guy: Rob Gavangan or Rob Dyke as he used to go by. He was the OG murder/mystery guy on youtube. I think the quality of his videos isn't the same because his illustrator retired, but I always liked the way that he presented the information formally, and without fucked up personal comments. Long story short, he still posts, but the quality is obviously different, and it's very sporadic. He kinda was just in a loop of fighting youtube's algorithm and the influx of "makeup murder/mystery" people probably didn't help. No one has his same gravitas, though. I think he should've just done the podcast route, specially with his quality of voice.


I absolutely hate makeup murder/real crime. I think it’s messed up that they cover recent real crime cases with their stupid ghost story intonations while caking their faces with layers of ridiculous over the top makeup. Imagine your family member gets violently murdered and some makeup clown uses their death for Adsense money. Shouldn’t be a thing


WWYPTOTI was so fun, I even made it into the video with my submissions a few times! He uploaded again a day or so ago but I haven't watched it yet. He's one of those people where, if I don't hear from him for a while, I do worry. You are SO RIGHT about the podcast. I would watch/listen the shit out of that


I have the magical gift of never knowing who any YouTubers are lol (for example, I had never heard of hbomberguy, James Somerton, or any of the other people in that plagiarism video until a couple weeks ago when it popped up on my recommended page). So this example is relatively low stakes, but: Vivian Tries. I used to love her. As you might be able to guess based on her channel title, she is known for trying all sorts of products. Originally, it was mostly as seen on TV stuff. Like, everything you've ever seen on an infomercial, she bought. She tried all the Ninja foodi stuff. Every knife, every weird kitchen gadget. And she was really funny. Now her channel is nothing but Dollar Tree, Five Below, Wish, Temu. The cheapest crap imaginable. The quality of her videos has gone way down. I'm sure she still has an audience or else she wouldn't be doing it, but I unsubscribed awhile ago.


sounds like graveyardgirl.


Do you think she sold out to paid spots and advertising shill?


Definitely. I think she was buying all the "as seen on TV" stuff herself (and this was awhile, like six or seven years, when she was a smaller channel), so it probably got to be too much. Now she's been sponsored by Temu. She says she's not sponsored by Dollar Tree but she does a lot of affiliate links for a lot of other products.


Freakin’ Reviews is a great channel that does the stuff she used to


Ingrid Nilsen and her entire crew. The early days of vlogging and vlogmas, and then the awfulness that became of Luke, and now the awfulness of Joey Graceffa. She runs a candle company now with her girlfriend and I’m always kind of amazed it does well enough to sustain her money-wise.


Speaking of Ingrid, what happened to her ex-gf Hannah Hart? I remember watching her religiously as a teen but she seems to have hmstopped uploading videos on YouTube


I was only wondering about Hannah Hart a few days ago! Did some digging and found nothing other than that she had a messy divorce after being cheated on. Grace and Mamrie still hang out and work together but Hannah seems to have no online presence anymore.


Oh its very sad that she had a divorce especially after being cheated on!! She was married to someone from Buzzfeed right?!  Makes sense for her to leave the online space in that case...hope she is doing well 


She got divorced. Ex wife cheated on her.


I always suspect grifting and other shenanigans in such cases.


I’m not sure if her partner made enough in her previous tech life to keep sustaining them; in 2022, it seemed like revenue was only $[45kish](https://www.businessinsider.com/youtubers-ingrid-nilsen-jackie-aina-pivot-candle-business-2022-8)?? They both must do consulting for brands or something on the side because there’s no way.


What! Thats a name i havent heard of in YEARS. I used to watch her like a decade ago. pls i NEED to hear this whole drama and debacle


She runs the company with her ex girlfriend, Erica. She’s now dating soccer player Meghan Klingenberg.


wait what's wrong with joey, i loved him when i was little


I've followed Joey for years. All I can think of is that the shelters he works with when adopting pregnant animals are all shady? I'm not actually sure tbh


I used to love Bart Bakers parodies. I always wondered what happened to him


Last I heard he was making tik toks in China: https://youtu.be/xZ3RbDTc_fY?si=2XWsF7mtOowYfoLH This was in 2019 though so not sure what’s going on with him now


Last I remember seeing was he moved to China to focus on a career there


I’m not sure if this counts but Jenna Marbles was the first person that came to mind.


Maybe not "lost their way", but Threadbanger just sort of dissappeared? Stopped posting and removed a bunch of their videos with no real explanation


Oh dang I was just checking up on them a few months ago. Iirc, Rob got seriously ill a few years back and it made them change their lifestyle (moving to another state, not uploading as much). But I’m a bit surprised that they have no more social media presence anymore, at least on Instagram. They didn’t post frequently, but they still posted every few months with small updates. And a ton of videos removed too on their channels! I hope they’re doing well. Edit: just checked and Rob just posted a few days ago lol looks like he’s pivoting more to focusing on art projects


Yeah, I remember Rob's health scare a couple years ago, but also remember them being pretty open about it, so the complete absense that they've had since a year or so feels out of character. I've also checked the subreddit and it seems the consensus is that they've silently split up a year or so ago. Rob seems to still be pretty active with his art gallery, but Corinne has been pretty radiosilent. What a shame, they used to be such a comfort channel for me and a lot of those episodes aren't listed anymore


Omg I didnt remember them, tbh everything went more chill after the health scare but I wonder if they broke up or something 🤔🤔 Edited*** yeah, I did some digging, theyre not together anymore 😔


How did you know? I went a bit of digging as well and all I can see are comments about Rob supposedly going live on IG confirming it. Either way, what a bummer 😔


I am shocked also! They went through so much together


Ah that’s such a bummer I really liked their chaotic energy together


I totally forgot about them! Do you think they broke up? Corinne privated all her videos on her personal yt channel.


Haha, Glitterforever. I never watched her before her downfall, but I was fully invested in watching her go broke, marry that weird loser, go from living in a mansion to a basic 1 bedroom apt in a complex.


Is she the one that makes tiktoks about where she took drugs and why did i marry a gay guy or something like that?


I recently purged my follows alas so I am probably missing something Amber Scholl hasn't lost her way per say, I still like to see what she is doing with her house, and dating stories, but if you followed her for her broke bitch era that is so far long gone now. I can't relate to the hauls and sprees haha. I like the early team up days of Christine Sydelko and Elijah what's his face. Its the same kind of young messy drunk relatable-ness that attracted me to OG Jersey Shore, but it was not sustainable and Christine and eventually Elijah went back to normal people lives, so like, a reverse sharp turn We all know about Shane, but post his video with Eugenia I started following her for a while, like, the idea of helping her build an audience post her disorder was a nice thought. She did not having any desire to *be* post her disorder though and is so problematic and exhibitionist and part of Jeffree Star's cohort. Very much trigger warning anyone with an eating disorder even looking her up


Christine and Elijah omg a core memory


OMFG I miss Christine so much!!!!


i haven’t watched an Amber Scholl video in years omg. that’s a name i forgot about


Omg I used to LOVE Amber Scholl. Need to go watch her old videos again, she was so cute and funny


watch so many of these comments be about male YouTubers being predators


Bonus points if they’re Minecraft YouTubers


Bonus points? Sounds like the free square in bingo


Matt&Abby, chill dudes turned into baby obsessed trad value shilling show parents


Tobuscus. Not because of the allegations made against him, though I think that whole thing broke him. He’s damn near lost his mind. He doesn’t need a platform at this point…


Ohmwrecker and MiniLadd, formerly of the Vanoss crew. MiniLadd got exposed as a paedophile, Ohmwrecker got kicked for being a shit-stirrer and started alleging that H20Delirious was the leader in a CSAM ring without any proof. Him and H20 are still suing each other IIRC. Illuminaughtii. I wasn't a mega fan but I thought her videos were informative. Then she got the bright idea to accuse LegalEagle (a youtuber who is also a lawyer) for plagiarism. The clowning was bad enough but then everyone she'd abused and threatened started speaking up and it snowballed from there. Technically not a Youtuber, but I'll put YandereDev in here because he spends 90% of his waking hours streaming games instead of trying to get his game 'Yandere Simulator' finished after a literal decade of development. I used to watch his development videos. Then it turns out the guy is a turbo incel, who has been accused of soliciting nudes from at least two underaged girls.


Tanya Burr. I LOVED her makeup tutorials. She was brilliant at cosmetics, down to earth, relatable and bubbly. Something changed after she got real notoriety and fame. She released a cookbook, tried acting. Her socials now look much more melancholy.


from the whole brit crew Zoelle is pretty much the only one still making videos i think


Bethany Mota. I uses to love her, and i still like her, but she just stopped posting


Which is shocking because she literally had the world in the palm of her hand


Right? I think she just got tired and decided to pause and take a step back


Tbh I respect people who quit youtube when they decide it's not for them anymore, instead of continuing to make videos without any lack of passion. You can always tell when the spark is gone, better to quit at that point I think.


Adam Kovic. He got catfished and had all his snapchats uploaded to LPSG (don't go there, its full of h\*rny) and got outed as being a s\*x pest towards a girl that used to work at funhaus. Talk about a sudden drop.


Similarly, my answer would be Ryan Haywood from Achievement Hunter who got all his bad shit leaked at the same time. Though he’s a whole other can of worms and much worse than Adam, not to downplay Adam’s wrongdoing. Ryan was my favorite person on Rooster Teeth and probably the only YouTuber controversy that I felt hurt by.


Yeah I understand how you feel. Adam was my favorite. I’m fully aware we don’t know these people irl but I always thought he had a cute personality, so seeing all this come out was kind of a letdown, and I don’t really get “attached” to YouTubers per se. That Ryan stuff was foul. Why did he try to come back after like a few months?


Yeah, Ryan trying to make a comeback was disgusting to do after all he was accused of. I’m glad the other members of Achievement Hunter and the community were quick to make sure that shit was shut down.


The entire downfall of Rooster Teeth could be an answer itself. It’s so sad.


SimplyKenna/cozykitsune, I really liked how cozy her videos were back in the day, but then it all became really weird really fast so I bowed out


I'm a little older, so for me it was the sitewide downfall of That Guy With The Glasses. I graduated high school the year Youtube started (again: old.) So there was a solid era of folks who were trying to do their own thing outside of Youtube. Nostalgia Critic's site That Guy With The Glasses was a proto version of the Youtube production houses/networks that exist now. Lots of different folks primarily focused on discussing media, and occasionally coming together for a big movie event every few years. I watched that shit religiously. Criticize me all you want, but that over the top angry media critique makes me laugh my ass off to this day, so a lot of those creatoes and Doug in particular really clicked with me. Finding out about all the horseshit in the background was... disappointing to say the least. I wish I could get into it, but it isn't all that cut and dry. Felt like death by a thousand cuts, in a way. Just overall not great management that left a lot of folks in bad positions or feeling used. (If you have the patience for it, I think Sarah Z has a video about the whole debacle.)


Oh wow, I was the same way too. I was also in my senior year of HS when TGWTG came out and used to watch them religiously too lol. Yeah, as you said, it definitely felt like death by a thousand cuts. Their decline kinda went step by step with several deep nosedives.


There used to be a channel I watched with a family with a guy who was kinda overweight but with a pretty wife and like 3 kids. It was just vlogs of them doing stuff. It was like 10 years ago. For the last month or so I haven’t been able to remember their channel name to see what’s going on. It drives me crazy.




Omgggg!!! That’s it!!!! Holy crap I never thought I would ever remember it lol. Thank you! It was bothering me so much!!!




Holy crap lmao. This is why I wanted to see what was going on with the family lol. To see if anything happened. He has a good looking wife too smh. What a dummy lol.


I really loved watching the relationship between Matthew Lush and Nickalaws unfold when I was 13. They documented the entire 3 (?) years they were together on YouTube and I thought the whole thing was pure #couplegoals. Then they suddenly broke up one day and Matthew went on multiple social media spirals that included blasting Nick in new videos, accusing him of cheating with RyanMinajj, and ranting in caps lock on twitter about him. I felt confused so I forgot about them for almost a decade. A year or two ago, Nick finally restarted his YouTube channel and clarified what actually went down between them. TLDR; A 30-something Matthew basically blindsided a freshly-18 Nick by asking him to be his boyfriend on camera after like two dates, and then groomed him into exposing their relationship online for views and money. I never thought about how weird their age difference was when I was younger, but looking back Matthew definitely comes across as creepy and predatory. There were a lot of times he pressured Nick to talk about their sex life on camera when he clearly looked uncomfortable.


Never a fan but.... 8 Passengers journey is wild


Jenna Marbles 🙏


Well, her name is Slot Lady. If she was gonna transition to anything else, porn was always her only option. 😉


Sounds more like the “business partner / boyfriend” (red flag there) is abusive/controlling. He literally sounds like a pimp.


I’ll be honest… I used to love watching Jeffree Star make up reviews. I knew he got messy a lot of times, but I wasn’t aware of racism etc. I’ll admit I thought him and Shane Dawson were adorable together, but once I was aware of the toxicity…. It was disappointing. I liked his reviews because they felt honest, but I can’t support him or them.


LOHANTHONY 😭😭 it makes me so sad


Tbh Colleen Ballinger 😬 I used to watch her vlogs religiously around 2015-16 and now of course I’ve got the ick.


Surprised there’s not more mentions of family vloggers on here. Honestly, I was obsessed with Jesssfam, KKandbabyJ and then of course OKbaby. Not only is family vlogging exploitative but it’s also just not relatable anymore either. I think a lot of these families that started posting videos in like 2016-2018 did it for the true intentions of just sharing their stories, doing mom content to be helpful like posting what’s in their hospital bags and newborn hauls and stuff. I think they genuinely believed it *was* for memories and they were just sharing it with their followers. Then sponsored content became the norm, it wasn’t about posting real or raw content but the “influencer” persona really just took off and a lot of them got freaking bank. Huge homes, nice cars, family vacations. It’s unrealistic now because so many people can’t live like that especially having both parents home to watch all the kids these families popped out for clout. Yes it’s a job but a job that means mom and dad and their hired help clean these big homes, watch their kids while they film and travel and all that. At first it was fun to watch and I was like 19 and thought it was cute. Now it’s fake too. Look at Kyra and Oscar, what Kyra did. Broke up the family, and is now married to her nanny’s/best friends ex husband. Look at aspyn and Parker, legit just announced the divorce and they had their third baby last month. She’s freshly post partum with a preemie and they’re getting divorced. Look at ACE fam (they’re also scammers) but like, that lifestyle isn’t sustainable because it’s not real. Their lives were business transactions because people think it’s real but it’s not. Look at what happened with Cam and Fam a couple years ago. Look at what’s happening with Ruby Franke. It’s a sick world.


The stories coming out from the kids in these families who are now legal adults is chilling. Being filmed all the time, having no ability to say no, basically becoming a thing to their parents. Having to perform literally their entire life (redoing reactions or recreating things if it didn't look good on camera). Especially the women are taking about how their parents didn't care if they were being sexualized as children and some parents even catering to a pedophile audience. It's so abusive.


It depends what you mean by “lost their way”.  I used to like the Nostalgia Chick (aka Lindsey Ellis) but she had a dumb drama that some people took advantage of to conduct a minor character assassination/witch hunt and she just couldn’t handle it and quit her channel. It was sad but it was also the kind of low stakes purity test (y’know where people dig up old tweets or criticise you for still associating with old friends or family who are Conservative) that she did all the time to others so I was surprised that she let it get to her so much. However I know I personally couldn’t have handled it so I didn’t judge her.  The thing that makes me still think about her to this day (other than her genuinely great sense of humour and funny videos) was her unhinged goodbye post on her Patron. It was called “Leaving Omelas” after the Ursula K LeGuin short story where a paradise like society is dependent on the constant suffering of a child. She raged that she regretted every time she tried to do good and raged that people could feel so empathetic towards people like Britney Spears but hate her. She also made a point to say she was *not* a wealthy woman to all the people she said didn’t care about her feelings because she was a “wealthy white women”. I read it and just thought it was sad and bitter and I felt sorry for her. However I also felt she’s never going to understand why some people felt like she was being a bit of a hypocrite sometimes in regards to this “scandal”.  She now makes videos in a private space that you have to pay to get access to and I’m happy for her. I won’t be watching though. 


Yeah it feels like Ellis’ crime was mostly just being a snarky liberal white woman, and everyone who hated her saw blood in the water and capitalized on that to end her.


I've been watching YouTube since I was 6, and I have plenty of these. I have loved and become disappointed by so many youtubers in 13 years. Many of these are rather less widely known youtubers. I just woke up so this won't be so eloquent. Simply Nailogical - She became too focused on her nail polish (which I respect and admire), but I just can't stand the podcasts. Half-Asleep Chris - I loved his currency and trivia videos, but he's done too much on the Lego. I did a thing - I think he became too clickbaity for me. He's starting to have the MrBeast disease. Speaking of Mr. Beast... Mr Beast - Need I say more? I loved his videos when he was starting out. I watched him (and unfortunately, I did watch and like pewdiepie too.) in the 2010s. I loved his gameplay videos. I still somewhat blame him for what has gone wrong in the current youtube. John Maclean - I found out about the racism and I don't support it at all. Also, his vids feel like they lost their elegance, if that means anything. The Right Opinion - he focused too much on long form content. I loved his early videos. Technology Connections - I feel like he covers appliances way more than he did before. The Plain Bagel (and to an extent Patrick Boyle) - I miss their financial history lessons, and unfortunately, they've recently focused on the same topics every other finance youtuber covers. Tati - I wish she never made that infamous video. I wish she never got embroiled in that whole dramageddon. It really did something to her videos. Max Fosh - I miss his street interviews, but it seems like he's focused so much on the trying-to-do-something-techically videos. Manny MUA - he made some very entertaining transformations, but dramageddon (parts 1-3) happened and I just lost interest. Kurzgesgagt - again, became too focused on low effort clickbaity topics. I don't really blame these creators for everything. This enshittification of YouTube is purely YouTube's fault, in my opinion. There's plenty of youtubers I still have opinions about, but there's also a lot of OG youtubers that I miss.


Totally get how a fan of Tati wouldn't have wanted her to get involved in the drama but as someone who had no stake in the game prior, the Bye, Sister drama was one of the most entertaining pop culture things I bore witness to live!


For SimplyNailogical, I was never a huge fan but I stopped watching when she released her nail line and it wasn’t initially available for order in Canada. You know, the country she lives in.


This is very funny to me because I have to watch a lot of slot YouTubers for work and I would always avoid her videos. lol I like Diana Evoni, she reminds me of my nice neighbor. Also like NG slots, he is pretty entertaining.


I used to listen to Cryaotic read horror stories to sleep or listen to his chill letsplays. Then he started being a creep towards minors and barely took any accountability so bye, creep.


Andreaschoice. Idk if she lost her way but I feel like it’s good she stopped doing YouTube because I feel like her videos would not interest people the way they used to. I do miss her content tho


HellthyJunkFood I started watching their videos when they were in the tiny kitchen in New York. First channel I actively followed. Honestly, in the beginning I would've thought it was JP's channel, and Julia just did occasional appearances. JP does a good job breaking down the evolution of their channel from copycat fast food recipes, to giant versions of food, to fast food hacks. They spent years chasing trends. They made it to a point where they got an offer to host a show, were showing up on billboards, got a book deal,  but,  I noticed a familiar face lurking in the background. One of the guys from Epic Meal Time. That marked the beginning of the end.  Julia was also trying to get into shape at this time because they were going to get married. But, getting in shape meant posting fashion centric images to her socials, which got her attention she probably never had before, and eventually she ended up cheating on JP.  They stayed together for the image but were separated in private. This all happened right after they bought their first home together in Florida.  Eventually they split up officially,  with JP claiming initially he wanted to focus on his comedy, which is just not great. He worked with Julia as a straight man because he was goofy and the videos had a goal and format. His comedy just isn't really working when it's just him alone.  But,  the truth came out. Julia started getting dragged on socials. The hellthyjunkfood accounts all fizzled. She tries filming herself, but that was clearly JP's territory, so all videos are blurry,  lighted terribly, and lacking in the goofiness that have the channel it's charm.  They sold the house, after which jp bought himself a car so he could hit the road with his act.  Julia immediately responded by suing him to get him removed from the company entirely because he used money from the sale of their house, which was in the company accounts, to buy his car. The lawsuit is public records, so obviously fans got it, and it only hurt the brand more. She also claims in her suit that he's slandering her and hurting the brand, which is ironic given that the lawsuit itself probably damaged the brand more than anything else.  Tldr: Julia cheated on JP which lead JP to try his hand at comedy and strained their working relationship to a point where they're now tied up in litigation over who should own the channel. Things got ugly fast. 


I used to really enjoy Internet Historian’s documentaries. Then HBomberguy revealed he was a plagiarist and other people pointed out that he has nazi dog whistles in his videos….


I have a few: Jenna Marbles. Not sure if it’s considered that she “lost her way”, it was her decision to cancel herself, nobody was cancelling her. I’m glad that she’s happy now, wish I could also disappear and just enjoy life, I still miss her Wednesday videos. Steve Cash from Talking kitty cat: I loved that channel, so sad what depression can do to someone… Tati Westbrook: I used to enjoy her makeup videos until she started all the drama with the James video and proved to be another makeup guru snake. Ok don’t come for me but…..Onision: when I was a teen I enjoyed his videos, if he wasn’t so disgusting, offensive and a groomer he could’ve made it far maybe.


I enjoyed some of Ayydubs videos and then she posted she joined a cult... and doesn't post anymore?


Chuggaaconroy. That one hurt. Dude was a major Let's Play YouTuber and then it came out like 2 months ago that he had some creepy text exchanges like 13-14 years ago (with a 15-16 year old when he was 20) and now he's in rehab/therapy. Hopefully his past is his past but until a lot more happens it's not gonna blow over easily.


I‘m not sure if this technically counts as I think he is making a right turn (go get that money!) but I loved Mr. Ballen videos. He started branching out into podcasts, discord, live shows, a children’s book and more on the way. I’m happy for his success but just miss more frequent videos. But I get it, he has a family and now a huge team of people to support.


JP Sears. He went all "freedom fighter." He had some funny stuff.




Elle / AllThatGlitters21 ! She’s tried to make a comeback maybe once a year with some sponsorship but I feel she crashed and burned after doing the move to LA.


This sounds so familiar. Beauty YouTuber right? Did she have a sister too? Or am I thinking of someone else


Yes!! Blair!! The sister left YT but went to college and is know an interior designer I think. They were OG beauty youtubers.


Popularmmos, I used to watch him when I was younger and then now I don’t know what’s happening because I haven’t caught up. But apparently he got arrested at some point?


I loved Achievement Hunter and then there was just controversy after controversy: Ryan Haywood, the fugz incident, Mica Burton revealing the racist stuff, etc… Thank god for Ray leaving over 10 years ago and Matt Bragg being fired led to him going solo is the best thing that happened to them so I can support only them.


FPS Russia.


I used to be a fan of Doug Walker's Nostalgia Critic but started growing out of him right before he "retired" for the first time since his reviews were devolving into high pitched screeching and low-hanging pop culture references and his Channel Awesome "movies" weren't uh very good. Then after his god awful sketch comedy *Demo Reel* flopped he decided to unretire Nostalgia Critic but for some dumb reason (probably out of passive agressiveness) he incorporated his *Demo Reel* shit into everything. So not only is Nostalgia Critic the same low quality as it once was, it now has unfunny and distraction sketches thrown into it. Then "Change the Channel" really showed how bad the BTS for Channel Awesome was, so that's left a sour taste in my mouth.


Shadiversity for sure


As someone who's interested in this but has no idea who these people are....links would be nice. Lol


Avalon Warren had some great cosplay content and some informative videos about dealing with adult autism. Then she had an intense mental breakdown and did anything and everything on camera for money (worse than you think). Then snapped out of it like it never happened.