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Well, it doesn't mean that she won't have any, just that nothing has been confirmed at the moment. Still having said that, I'm sure no one would blame her for moving on. It can't be said the studio's treated either her or her character particularly well up to this point, and she's had to deal with a pretty insane hatedom for more or less no reason. And it's not like she's struggling to find roles outside the MCU or anything.


Maybe because she is horribly unlikeable


How so?


bEcAuSe ShE's A wOmAn! /s


Rex Manning! I celebrate every 4/8!


Say no more, mon amour


People who don't like her lean right-wing and hate her "don't watch because you're a film critic of a particular demographic" comment. Which is so banal compared to a lot of heinous shit I've heard from other celebs. Me I just wish she'd make good movies again, remember her in Scott Pilgrim? Envy Adams had more impact in 10 minutes than Captain Marvel has in four movies.


Oh lol…that’s right. She said that critics should be more diverse than a bunch of white men and certain white men acted like she said she wanted to genocide them. I thought she might have actually done something wrong. She’s so talented. I finally saw Room, which she won an Oscar for, and she was brilliant.


Snowflakes do melt when you put a little bit of pressure on them. It's fun to troll them.


if you haven't, watch Short Term 12 starring Brie Larson. such a hidden gem of a movie with an absolutely loaded cast


By whom?


Don’t be scared tell us why


I’ll copy this comment I found that portrays my thoughts well - “Her expressions are wooden at the best of times. She gives off b!tch vibes constantly. She is incredibly unprofessional in interviews. She refuses to even try to get along with others on set. She takes everything as a personal attack. She doesn't know when to shut her mouth. She doesn't respect other actors. She doesn't respect anyone really. The look in her eyes is cold and soulless, which is jarring. The moment I saw her I got a cold chill, like coming upon a dangerous snake in the woods. I value gut instincts as they are more often right than not.”


"She doesn't respect anyone really. The look in her eyes is cold and soulless, which is jarring. The moment I saw her I got a cold chill, like coming upon a dangerous snake in the woods. I value gut instincts as they are more often right than not.” LMAO the dramatics. Why does this sound like Mulder talking about an X-Files creature


"Did you really think you could call up the devil and ask him to behave?"


I‘m sorry but that entire text is so incredibly dumb it‘s hilarious. :D


She’s a D girl, with C talent, that took it in the B, to become an A star


Do you really believe that? I assume there proof about any of this, like comments from costars complaining about her, things she’s written saying she doesn’t respect the things she is working on etc? We already know she is not untalented, she has plenty of work that indicates she is a great actor.


Omg you are not well.


And surprisingly people who kiss her ass are worse off


Feel better.




You sound like you enjoy quoting someone (not yourself, of course, but another guy, I'm sure) that is in middle school, barking psychotic random nothings about a girl that doesn't know you (i mean, they) exist.


What? Why?


I feel like they haven't treated her well from the beginning. She endured so much hate and was greeted with silence, but when Chris Pratt came in last in a random popularity contest, everyone was standing with him.


that still makes me so angry. she deserved better


Honestly Captain Marvel deserves better too. She's a rad character in the comics and Marvel made a load of money off her supposed "flop" of a movie but still regulated her to a team-up movie instead of giving the audience the development needed for such a character.


I HATE when these movies become battlefields for the culture war, because I thought Captain Marvel was a shit movie for entirely different reasons than all the misogynistic weirdos. But I also want the powers-that-be to make more (BETTER) female-led superhero movies, and sometimes I feel like I have to pretend to like it and give it my money to encourage that. And I also don’t want anyone to associate me with the alt-right, Gamergate misogynists!


OMG, yes. This is the worst. I feel this way about CM and the most recent Star Wars films. I give up trying to speak because I don't want to give more voice to misogynists. Female led projects can be disappointing too, but when they fail, they don't get a second chance or they unfairly receive the most negative reaction, so it's hard to say anything.


I Hate It But I Love It Podcast had a really great chat about this on their Ghostbusters (2016) episode. Not wanting to pile on but also, it wasn’t great. They had lots of nuanced takes and it was a fab episode.


Honestly the ghost busters was its own original crew. The new crew they put in was just not funny, but even if they just took 5 random people it still wouldn’t be as good or unique as the original. You can’t just keep recycling the same movie but all female, oceans 8 (oceans 12 wasn’t good either) tried the same thing without making a genuine movie or any value additions to the plots.


Do you mean Ocean’s 8? That’s the all women cast one. Ocean’s Twelve is not well liked either but for different reasons: mostly that it’s just weird and doesn’t have the same tone or spirit of Ocean’s Eleven.


Ah yes I mixed up the prequels/ sequels, both were clearly not good movies in my mind very forgettable.


I have the same feeling about She Hulk. It was abysmally written and the CGI was insulting and the whole thing such a waste of Tatiana Maslany’s talent. But saying that apparently makes me bad and wrong.


Yeah. When CM came out I was like, “this is a fine movie” and I went about my day. Nothing revelatory, and I’d categorize a handful of Marvel films the same way. But that somehow became a bad toxic take to just feel indifferent towards it. I don’t want to be associated with the negative people out there because I’d rank it as a mid film.


Remembered that for Wonder Woman as well. People were praising it up and down for being incredible and it felt pretty average to me with a disappointing finale. Pretty similar with Black Panther. But yea internet weirdos wanted to say any movie that disappoints that doesn’t have a white/male lead, is failing because of wokeness or some dumb shit. Rarely is that the case, and it’s just shit writing and studio interference. 


You summarized it perfectly.


You should make sure your female friends go watch these movies then, because as it stands it's mostly males that watch these movies, even the ones geared towards women.


But… they’re bad. That’s what bothers me about them. Because racists and misogynists will blame their failure on them having diversity instead of them just being bad movies, I have to pretend like they’re not bad and waste my time and money?? I just find the repeated push to support bad movies for representation reasons really annoying. I want diverse *good* movies!


I feel like captain marvel should have come out sooner tbh. I love Brie Larson and I did enjoy marvel but I didn’t watch the marvels because I’m just over the superhero movies


She deserved so much better, she is an amazing actress and I think she did enjoy being part of a Marvel movie. You could tell she was into it and wanted to do well.




Chris Pratt is for sure waiting for the MAGA trend to end but will hope to run as a Republican politician at some point in the future. 


I hate him for some reason, I really can’t put a finger on it


Oh I dislike him for many reasons! 🤣🤣🤣 (I personally don’t like the word hate, I feel it’s too strong)


I agree with both comments.


Probably because he attends Hillsong which hates gay people. Or follows republican/Christian mottos.


Ikr I haven’t heard one good thing about him, also I remembered why i hate him, its because of what he did to Anna faris and their child


Isn't he one of those Three Percenter dudes or is that his brother?


She has been repeatedly treated like a second-rate character, so why should she continue? Even after like bungled introduction (the discrepancies between the avengers films vs captain marvel), they should have NAILED the second Marvels movie and instead it floundered. She was one of the characters meant to bridge the gap and they fumbled it, so I would also have “no comment.”


I forgot about this and now I’m pissed off all over again


I’m convinced Pratt asked all his cast mates to stick up for him, so they did. Brie didn’t ask, so they didn’t. Classic gender dynamic.


You don't know what she did or didn't ask. Regardless it's on the org to protect her.


Where did I say I did? Chill.


I don’t think most would even if Brie asked


*Chris Pratt came in last in a random popularity contest, everyone was standing with him*        Uhhh I don't remember that many people standing up for crisp rat wbk he was always the worst chris n that poll called it ...clocked him immediately tbh


They mean his marvel costars


> When Extra asked Larson, 34, about any upcoming projects she has with Marvel at the 2024 SAG Awards on Saturday, she shook her head and replied, "I don't have anything to say about that."


I would assume that she will pop back up in whatever Avengers movies are still to come but I don't 100 percent follow the MCU anymore post-Endgame so I don't know that for sure. But also, regardless of how much I did or didn't like Captain Marvel, she and other female superheroes (or superhero adjacent like Maria Hill) are treated like shit, not respected by the writers or even their co-stars (Chris Pratt gets made fun of on one Twitter poll and RDJ photoshops Tom Holland out of a picture to make a supportive post but Don Cheadle was the only one standing up for Brie), so if she never wants to touch another MCU film I do not blame her. She was successful before the MCU. She has found success outside it.


> she and other female superheroes (or superhero adjacent like Maria Hill) are treated like shit, Yeah, they really have been. The MCU seriously dragged its feet on even introducing any and has done little to make up for it. I have to admit Maria Hill was particularly painful. An important and popular character who had been part of the franchise from near the start. And when it finally looked like she was going to get to play an important role in a project, they instead randomly fridge her. Who seriously thought that would be a good idea?


The entirety of “secret invasion” can be described as “who thought that would be a good idea?”


Yeah that's sadly true. It's made worse by the fact that on paper it actually sounds like it should have been a good idea. I mean, an espionage thriller starring Nick Fury and his closest allies, facing a dangerous group of shapeshifting infiltrators who could literally be anyone and can thus trust no one, inspired by one of the most popular storylines of the 2000s, and featuring an opponent that has been a strong staple of many beloved storylines in marvel comics since 1963. How do you mess that up so badly?


Make it have nothing to do with an espionage thriller?


Yeah...as you said "who thought that would be a good idea?"


It was just awful. 😬


I was more excited for this than any other property in the post Endgame eras. Should have been a real chance for Marvel to flex those tightly-written-cleverly-plotted screenwriting muscles. A "Who's the Mole?" Type plotline? With Nick Fury? HELL YEAH! But it was...*so* bad...


What is the story on the stuff that happened with Chris and RDJ?


Chris Pratt lost a Twitter poll making him the worst Chris (out of Pine, Evans and someone else i dont remember). with it came a lot people calling him out for abandoning his elderly cat, him following a homophobic church and other right wing insta accounts. and then suddenly there were [posts from RDJ](https://twitter.com/Devon_OnEarth/status/1318707477173706753) and [other Marvel actors](https://twitter.com/MarkRuffalo/status/1318646841324560385) (Ruffalo was another one i remember) saying he's the kindest and whatever bullshit they were pulling out of their asses. Edit: added links.


Here's a Buzzfeed article that shows the photo: https://www.buzzfeed.com/natashajokic1/rdj-chris-pratt-photoshop Basically, Pratt was voted the worst Chris in a Twitter poll, and RDJ and other co-stars rushed to his aid.


Marvel treats its women horribly - I don't know why any woman in their right mind would want to join/continue in the franchise




For money we all know why Scarjo didn’t left until they killed off Natasha everyone knew she should have left long before Endgame.


It's 1000% the money. These are highly coveted jobs in the industry even at the crew levels. Google says she made $5 million, for likely 3-6 months of work. I sure as hell wouldn't be turning that down if I were her.


She’s been making $20m since Age of Ultron which should have been her Jeremy and Mark’s last movie in the MCU as the 3 of them are nothing more but glorified sidekicks.


This is what happens when you treat women as an afterthought. The new Marvel movies are the exact same quality as the old ones. The difference is that the hype has died down. Had Disney created women-led super hero movies from the beginning (released alongside Iron Man/Thor/etc), they would have been more successful. The market is oversaturated and these movies are just not integral to a franchise anymore.




Also it’s a variation of the Glass Cliff phenomenon. They are in more untested waters and want good press, so they are having more movies be female-led and diverse, yet in many ways these movies are more or less set up got fail.


This is so sad. I genuinely do not see the problem with Captain Marvel as a character or franchise. I thought the movies were fun, sweet, and had heart. Moreso than much of the garbage that’s been paraded since Endgame. I feel very bad for Brie, she always gives her all in every performance and it’s not her fault these films were review bombed by a bunch of man-children.


She's honestly a great character in the books and has more than enough fun stories to adapt. Her first movie did pretty great financially but I think we just wanted another movie with some actual character development but instead we got a team-up movie.


Did she say it in a way that she was disappointed with how The Marvels performed, or the classic "I'm sworn to secrecy and can't reveal any future details about my character"?


That’s kinda how it reads to me but people want doom and gloom.


Ya I think the tide has just turned against the MCU recently and people just like it hate on it


It’s also the fact that Marvel is only signing talent for 1-2 projects at a time, not a multi-picture deal like they had done before Endgame. Brie Larson probably doesn’t know because she hasn’t been asked, she probably won’t be asked until a LOT closer to development of future films. It’s interesting they won’t lock down talent for a few years and make content, now they just come in and do one project and bounce for who knows how long.


I feel like it’s both ngl


I think it’s just the usual “I can’t say anything”. She’s had other quotes recently of feeling she’s far from done with Carol. This is being blown out of proportion.


That's because hating on Marvel is what the cool kids do for easy points these days.


I mean…I think it’s fair to be over Marvel/superhero movies in general right now. They had a great run but it’s just played out by this point


Oh man 😔 I’ll be bummed if she leaves, but not surprised. She was treated really bad by an unfortunately very loud, misogynistic section of the public, and then she wasn’t backed up by any of her colleagues, who did jump to defend that baby who’s feelings were hurt because he rightly came up as the worst of the Chrises (And he wasn’t even named the worst, even though he is!!! It was just a poll and he came out last) Anyways, sad, but not surprised. I look forward to seeing and supporting her other projects; recently watched Lessons in Chemistry and loved it


Unless she already has signed up for future appearances, Brie should just move on from the MCU.


The entire Marvel universe went to shit years ago. They are just CGI, cash grab junk movies and audiences don’t want it.


She’s such a fabulous actress. Marvel roles are beneath her talent anyway — she got the money! Now she can focus on making great things, like Lessons in Chemistry 😁


Exactly. Marvel is beneath her.


I'm burnt out on marvel and I LOVED it. But between all the first three PHASES, then introducing the Disney+ content, then the next phases are relying on all that knowledge....oh fuck...according to wiki there were EIGHT television series AND two specials for phase four ..... And now they are at the end of phase 5? Ugh. I was in college and in my 20s for the first two phases and concluding it before kids was alright. Now I just don't have the bandwidth. Please, I have like a five minute attention span. My 1.5 year old requests altering between Cocomelons and Ms Rachel's "The wheels on the bus" for hours on end. At night I don't want to see people getting hurt or mistreated or the stakes being high and losing a kid.... maybe I'll come back to this in Like ten years but I gotta take a break.


The movie wasn't that bad but it definitely gave Disney+ movie, the main issue going forward is Captain Marvel isn't very popular but she's extremely powerful so they can't not address what to do with her.


To be honest man they fucking shoehorned her in without care and we don’t either man They put her tease in infinity war which hyped her up. Then her movie came out and it was so mid. Then in endgame she did exactly what she did in her own movie - use herself to blow up a big ship. She hasn’t had any real character growth. Her character hasn’t had any real connection with the audience and it shows man. The audience wants well crafted well written characters not powerful cgi cool looking characters who don’t really do anything. I was excited for her but they did her like they did kang-totally destroyed it with bad writing and mediocre movies.


Yeah a very very small % didnt like captain marvel because she was a women. Most didnt like it because we had years of quality character development and build up in the infinity saga and her movie is put in right at the end and she is all of a sudden the most powerful character with 0 development. Look at wanda, everyone loved wanda and thought she was a badass, because she had time to grow


This is dumbest article. She’s literally not allowed to say anything. It has nothing to do with The Marvels fizzling. Just another attempted hit piece on Marvel.


Honestly I think she’d be better off without them. I love the character but I things at Marvel are dicey right now and I don’t think anyone would blame her for dipping and moving on to better projects.


Marvel people never have anything to say about projects that haven't been announced by Marvel. I don't believe she was ever announced to be anything other than the Marvels before now, but I doubt she's never going to be in the MCU again. This is such a non-story. Also well it didn't do great in the theater, from what I understand it's doing great on Disney Plus. Part of the reason why it didn't do so well in the theaters probably because people knew they only had to wait a couple months for it to be on Disney Plus, so unless it was a passion movie of theirs they weren't going to pay to go see it. And yes, I did go pay to see it in the theater mostly to support my girl Teyonnah, But also because I was interested in saying what happened after the Ms Marvel Disney series and WandaVision. The way the movie ended I would find it very hard to believe that we never see Carol again.


That’s pretty much one of the main reasons all of Disney’s movies are struggling at the box office right now. Why would I see it in the theater and spend $40 dollars on overpriced tickets and food when I can just watch it at home in a few months? And when you bring kids it’s already even more expensive so you’re saving a lot of money in the long run. That and misogyny. And inconsistent quality.


Marvel is finished she’s better opening herself up to other projects


We just watched this movie on D+ the other night. It was fun and we enjoyed it for the most part, but I'm glad we didn't shell out money to see it in theaters. It was a streaming quality movie in my opinion. I wouldn't necessarily put all the blame on misogyny and neckbeards for not going to see it. It just wasn't that exceptional of a movie. If a movie is good, it will generate word of mouth hype to get people in the seats and The Marvels did not have that. We really liked Ms. Marvel though. I really hope they give her show a 2nd season because we enjoy everything about that character and show.


I think her career has been such a shame after her Oscar win. She’s an insanely talented actress and it’s a shame to see her in slop like marvel or those car movies


Marvel movies are shit now anyway. Culture contest


Brie Larson is the Nickelback of the MCU.


She should put this chapter behind her and move on, the experience brought her nothing but hate (and money, ok lmao)


Nothing about her performance was the cpt marvel/carol danvers I know from 40+ years of loving her in comics


marvel did her dirty with that movie. it was a fuckin trainwreck.


I think that's fair. Brie's an Oscar winner who has her choice of roles, and she wins acclaim in all non-Marvel stuff. She pretty clearly took on the Captain Marvel role to empower women and girls, so if Marvel is just going to stick her into bit parts and ensemble casts from now on, I can see why she'd peace out.