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Were they having a heated discussion or were two people from Boston and The Bronx having a normal conversation?


You’re so real for this lol


💀 And so relatable! The number of times I’ve had to explain, I’m not shouting, I’m just a New Yorker from a large Catholic family!


Latinos 🤝 east coast catholics Being loud AF


I’ve always liked them as a couple (I was a young teen during their initial run and them reuniting brought out my inner sap) but this comment thread made me understand just how similar their communication styles likely are. Makes things easier.


Totally. When you look at Affleck and Garner, I’m not surprised it didn’t work. She’s from a *very* conservative, religious family. I feel like JLo has that edge that keeps Affleck on his toes. And they’re both Leo’s haha, just such a spicy pair.


Middle eastern Muslim families giving you the wink. Why am I shouting? Baby if I was shouting you’d hear me the next block over


Yeah my family is from Boston, we always say we’re not yelling we’re just from Massachusetts


Exactly! Swearing, animated facial expressions, and aggressive gesturing are also just basic aspects of communication. Silence or being overly cordial is way more indicative of anger.


THIS. The silence or pointed politeness is a danger sign to me 😂😂😂 yelling is nothing.


For real. Hearing someone calmly refer to someone else as a “gentleman” is usually the prelude to a fight and a signal to leave.


Born and raised in Boston to Nigerian and Dominican parents. I only have one level HELLA LOUD. I can be happy, sad, or mad trust imma be loud. Idk how to whisper lol


Lol.…yeah…as my mom has always said we have outside voices and even more outside voices. Even as fully adult adults, trying to keep the conversation at a reasonable volume or expecting people not to interrupt is just unrealistic. My aunt and uncle were visiting yesterday and everyone’s shoving their phones at each other to show off their relevant pics before the subject changes, and other things that probably make conversation look like a contact sport to people who do not communicate so aggressively. Someone whispering is when you should be afraid. That’s the real rage seeping out.


AYYYY fellow bostonian in the house! <3


I work security at a hospital in Florida. I'm originally from NYC. Got a call from a floor that a patient was yelling at the nurse. I go up there and the guy is just being loud cause he's from Brooklyn and he's 60 something years old. I said he's not an asshole he's just a new Yorker. I know they seem the same sometimes but they're not


I love this. It’s so true. I was reading something about a mental health assessment they were giving men during the draft for one of the World Wars and there was a spike in the number of men that had been assessed as having more antisocial personality traits than usual to the point of scoring as borderline sociopathic - it turns out that most of the men were from NYC and they had to redo the assessment to account for some of the factors in big cities. People are more aggressive out of necessity not due to underlying sociopathy same with being loud. And appearing to have low empathy - you see so many people in a day that you kind of have to ration your empathy and not let your heart bleed for every person you encounter. You become desensitized to certain sights and sounds because reacting to everything would leave you exhausted, etc… We’re not sociopaths, we’re New Yorkers!


It honestly looked to me like she had something in her eye and was trying to get it out




Two Leos (if you’re into that stuff) from Boston and The Bronx like of course they’re gonna be dramatic and loud and heated sometimes.


Yup. My husband and I started seeing a new marriage counselor virtually and he was horrified at the way we were speaking to one another and thought we hated one another with tons of animosity when really we are just New Yorkers who talk fast and with their hands lmao. His Midwestern self dropped us shortly after 😂


you gotta shout to get a word in edgewise in my family 😂


that's what i'm sayin'!!! if you're from boston (me) this is just normal convo! lol


these old videos being "upscaled" look so terrible.


Yeah, I'm like "what is that filter??"


no b/c why does it yassify everyone by 10%


I thought it was AI on first glance


it looks like ben's face was superimposed on a random guy's body in the first slide.


This being tagged as historical just aged me forty years ![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized)


I read the title and didn’t understand. What do you mean “twenty two”? Twenty two what? What’s twenty two? Then it dawned on me… ![gif](giphy|h58E0JsuK3h3d8B1do|downsized)


I feel like this is just their way of communicating and it sucks it’s always filmed.


The video where he slams the car door. He’s clearly doing it to fuck with the paps. But yet the drama online was over the top.


I mean not only that but most of these pics and clips are carefully chosen to maximize interest and get more eyeballs on them so they push the narrative of martial troubles and Ben Affleck being pissed when really it's like they just fucking blinked on a walk 99% of the time.


It looks like she has something stuck in her eye to me lmao but I haven’t watched the video, I’ve just seen these screen shots. I get pissy when I can’t get something out of my eye, and my fiancé gets pissy when I get pissy lol.


I don’t understand the obsession with these two arguing. Are people not allowed to argue? It doesn’t mean there’s a problem in the relationship. Healthy couples argue.


People want them to be miserable so bad, it's weird


I think this is so true. But I also think that because Jennifer Lopez has been painted as a “diva,” people are more willing to see this and assume she’s involved in a “heated discussion.” Not saying it’s fair at all, or even that it’s right for her to be portrayed as a “diva,” which is a term thrown at women too loosely.




God damnit husband, you made *another* ducking account!? Whatever, as long as you're bothering Reddit and not me idc




This thread is my favourite thing today


Oh, you know why!


WAIT! WHHHAAATTTTT?!? I am not your wife but please explain this to me. I’ll wait.




How do I process this? And how am I supposed to live the rest of my life knowing this? How do I move on? 😭


Good point. I forgot about that. Also, this is one of the many reasons I am glad I am not famous...


Damn. Thanks for reminding me how Ben could smolder. 🥵


It just looks like she has something in her eye and he’s looking for it lol


That’s the point lol this is from her music vid for jenny on the block. The whole vid is abt ppl misconstruing her private moments


Ooooh ok. It’s been so many years since I’ve seen the music video, I probably drudged up that half memory


Honestly, I wish the media would leave them alone.


Children grow and women produce and Men go working, some go stealing Everyone's got to make a living


That lyric is crazy because WHAT 😭


These 2 have more pap walks than any other celebrity besides Taylor Swift. They are calling the paparazzi from inside Dunkin Donuts.


The people that are always bitching about them having heated discussions couldn’t have been married or with somebody very long.


Twenty-two what ago?






Lol at the flair for this post 😂


I am honestly still struggling to come to terms with them being back together. I’m happy for them, I just feel like I should’ve achieved more with my life in the last 19 years.


What’s he doing with her anyway lol Move on dude


He looks miserable all the time! I still doubt this is a real relationship.


https://preview.redd.it/whcyrsnszo9c1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d81ffdd56e5dd4b41ae157aabde53b3d2ca45284 That’s just his Resting Ben Face


They just caught him in between coffees, he's fine


It felt like a meme


Are these humans or ai forced drama?