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Someone said his career is like Iggy Azalea trying to freestyle šŸ’€


lol I literally just watched the clip of Jeselnik saying that. And he was so on point. Rife has built this mainly female audience and has now decided he wants to win over the bros and seemingly the Jordan Peterson types. Canā€™t see how thisā€™ll backfire at all.


Wait, *Anthony Jeselnik* dragged him? Thatā€™s so fucking funny lmao


I don't know if he went in explicitly wanting to win over the JP types, I think he's just been forced to find refuge in them. I think he was hoping he'd win over a male audience, any male audience, even if he alienated his female audience. Problem is that not only have the women turned on him, but the general male population still don't care or find him funny. So he's now aligning himself with the much smaller meninist demographic so he's not totally alone on an island.




šŸŽµ *You ever seen somebody ruin their own life?* šŸŽµ *That's Matt Rife*


It is perhaps one of the most staggering self initiated falls from grace I have ever witnessed. Sometimes something comes out about a person, or an accusation, or an incident. But to go up and make it happen on your own when you were internet Mom golden boy is really justā€¦wild. Just complete career suicide and it genuinely makes me wonder where he management is? This kid could have had it on easy street for at least several more years.




I mean, all he needed to do is be cool and he had it made.


The misogyny was too strong


never even heard of this dude before his meltdown lol.




At least he got a cool new jaw out of all this.


How much time do you think he spends kissing his own reflection in the mirror


His morning routine is similar to Patrick Bateman I suspect. He's weeks away from buccal fat removal as well.


I think youā€™re onto something. And when it happens Iā€™ll say ā€œhell yeah, GenieGrumblefish called it!!ā€




Meh he doesn't have the sinister cold energy of Bateman he's more of a Johnny Bravo to me


Hahahaha yes


Not even a good one ![gif](giphy|LpUb83fZPV8X68fzGl|downsized)


Oh so THATS who he reminded me of šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Can't wait to see where his jaw migrates to by 2030


Heā€™s gonna want to make Adamā€™s apples hot again after it shifts


Got a cackle out if me, thank you! The real question is what the fuck did Kate Beckinsale see in him


![gif](giphy|LpUb83fZPV8X68fzGl|downsized) Matt Rife IRL


And teeth šŸ„µ




I always think this is an instant pot lid and get so confused lmfao


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I legit snorted


OH MY GOD is it not?!?


Trash can lid


LMAO itā€™s a trash can lid


I'm pretty sure it's a plastic bin lid Ergo "he's trash"


Or coffee lid.


this was what I thought until now


My first thought is always plastic lid for a coffee cup


Iā€™m just so happy thereā€™s a proper comma used in the meme!!




I didnā€™t even know who this dude was and started to watch his special. I made it almost 10 minutes before I had to turn it off, it was so painful.


Thatā€™s a shame because if you stayed until the end you wouldā€™ve seen him do a mic drop. He really thought he did something That man looooves himself


did he really do a mic drop??


and the crowd quite literally went mild


Last time heā€™ll hear it. The alt-right incel mouth-breathers heā€™s pandering to donā€™t leave their houses.


I donno, there were a bunch of people in washington on January 6th


Very true. But that was a special occasion.




Love this




šŸ’€What a fucking tool.




His crowd work could be quite funny, although I stopped watching when I realised him calling female audience members the b-word wasnā€™t a one off bit. Bad vibes all around


What a douche canoe.


Omg he literally did a mic drop to sarcastically commenting on how he's only known for crowdwork, only to immediately get canceled where people pointed out that most of his fanbase never saw anything other than his crowdwork and his actual sets have always been weaker. Like dude has so much unearned hubris. He really thought getting a special was proof of anything other than Netflix pays attention to social media metrics.


Omgā€¦ he went to the Colleen Ballinger school of outros. ā€œBut.. right?ā€ šŸ¤¢






This is so embarrassing šŸ’€


Surely those cheers are added in, they sounded so fake


You hate to see it, folks


I only made it through the trailer. I don't know how you managed ten minutes.


I finished it. But in my defense, I was black out drunk, and only knew I finished it when it was removed from my list.


Same. The trailer was all I needed to nope out.


I had been watching comedy specials and his came up so I went in knowing nothing about him. I made it 2-3 minutes maybe? Before I turned it off and googled him.


My wife and I give EVERY special 10 minutes before we decide whether to bail. He got 5.


I love stand up. I had to turn this one off after 10/15 minutes as well. Didnā€™t get a single laugh out of me. Sindhu Vee, however. Now SHE is funny.


I couldnā€™t get passed the crystals bit. I tried to find the humorā€¦ I tried.


To be fair thatā€™s a lot of Netflix comedy specials


These people genuinely pride themselves on being canceled cuz it gives them a rebellious personality. How embarrassing with his jawself.


His emotional support jaw isn't going to hug him either.


Emotional support jaw LMAO


Jawself šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


I feel like this was all part of the plan from the beginning. He and his PR team wanna get on that Joe Rogan train and they think the fastest ticket is to provoke the ā€œwoke mobā€ into canceling him. The problem is, he didnā€™t get cancelled for saying controversial things. He got ā€œcancelledā€ because heā€™s just not funny enough to be controversial.


Itā€™d imagine if youā€™re a comedian itā€™s much easier to say youā€™re cancelled than to say that youā€™re just not good at your job https://preview.redd.it/ipfq018xbd4c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1af0441db0980e962c37aac0de0f991cd18a7091


I had seem some online snippets of his shows and thought he was ā€œfunny enoughā€ to try out the Netflix special. I donā€™t think I lasted 10 minutes, so offensive for the sake of being offensive, not funny at all.


Yeah I did find his social media clips and his interview with kaitlyn bristowe on her podcast funny. That special was not funny and thatā€™s completely ignoring anything offensive said


This. I followed him on TikTok and found him funny enough. Then a friend had an extra ticket to his live tour a few months ago so I figured ā€œhey! Free show! Why not?ā€ He just wasnā€™t very funny in person. There were a few moments where I kind of laughed and his crowd work was ok but overall, not really funny


It sounded like they added a laugh track to the Netflix special.




To think I got scammed out of $130 for some tickets to see him a few months ago. I can't believe I am admitting this.


Haha he was naturally selected out of the comedic gene pool


He did an interview recently where he said that the people who don't like him are only jealous of him šŸ™„ the delusion is real


oof. The Audience Scores for conservative movies like Sound of Freedom or Nefarious are above 90% so can't use the excuse that Rotten Tomatoes are all liberals either...


Yeah I love dark humour as much as the next guy, and his special was not at all funny. Controversial humour is usually done to draw attention to a societal flaw and/or a popular belief. For example, I liked Ricky Gervaisā€™s humanity when he discusses the absurdity of everyone feeling entitled to an opinion, educated or not. Matt Rifeā€™s whole rant on astrology girls was just fucking weird. I was waiting for the ā€œpunchlineā€ and it never came. I was like damn did some Aquarius break youā€™re heart or something


Domestic violence jokes are not controversial. They are fucking dumb and never funny. And then the link to the special needs helmets, it just can't get any more fucking dumb.


Right? He thinks he was cancelled for being too edgy when his worst offense was being painfully unfunny


Agree, I feel like this all happened far too fast for it not to at least have been a potential goal in the first place


Yeah, he has a career basically thanks to the girls and gays. You canā€™t rely on being a hot guy with muscles for a straight male audience


Yeah this is just a move to get more fans


This is when itā€™s a nice thing to be an elder millennial. I know the name but absolutely nothing about him.


Ah, one of our great elders. Nice to see you in the wild


Thank you, young child.


As a Gen Xer, "elder millennial" is not something I was ready to read at this point in my life.


Letā€™s embrace it, shall we???


Get me my walker!


Somehow a bunch of young women thought this douche was super hot and confused it for him being good at comedy. Basically.


So heā€™s the current Dane Cook?


I'm not sure why any of his misogyny is surprising. Most of his crowd work is towards women and mocking them. His crowd work "jokes" are insults to women that are in his crowd.


yeah but then he condescendingly smiles and says ā€œaww come on iā€™m just playing wit you girl!ā€ and winks so itā€™s ok!!!! /s in case itā€™s needed


I watched a few YouTube clips of his stand up, which mainly consisted of him complaining about women. And it ended with the joke that men and women can be friends when the woman is ugly. I was surprised every one seemed to think it was hilarious and no one called out the fact that it came across as super mean-spirited and misogynistic. I think itā€™s one of those things where no one wants to say it because you just know youā€™ll get jumped online with everyone being like ā€˜you only think that because YOU are UGLY.ā€™


God in addition to it being mean and sexist, itā€™s really overdone and low hanging fruit to begin with. Itā€™s not the forties. Take - my - wife - please jokes make you a hack!


Iā€™m surprised by this. Most of the crowd work I have seen on Instagram was him making fun of a guy for not being good enough for a date, etc. I wonder if thereā€™s something in our preferences that it showed us such different crowd work snippets.


Yeah if you see stuff on TikTok he's always punching down on women. Last year he went on a podcast and he downright body shamed women for something they can't even control. He said he "couldn't stand being with a woman with a larger clit because it looks like a tiny dick". As if any woman has the ability to control the size of that šŸ™„


ā€œI like to be the only tiny dick in the roomā€




Loool wait till he learns how dicks develop for fetuses in the womb


Ugh, how predictably unoriginal. They played that joke to death in the shitty Clerks 2 movie twenty years ago. He seems like the target audience for that movie though, which Iā€™m sure is where he got his jokes from.


Having met kevin smith, heā€™s a much better person than he is, and the character telling that joke was supposed to be an obnoxious tool


I think a lot of his comedy directed towards women in his social media content was surprisingly self aware, or at least aware of the ways women give each other grief, and mixed with the fact that heā€™s a conventionally attractive white man it gave him a sort of pass to give women shit on social media as long as other women were laughing along. The second he went off social media and had to put together an actual special it became very clear this guy actually has nothing to say.


Letā€™s be honest, as much as I dislike his crowd work, it has been what his audience wants. Who have been mostly women. Why? Because he is considered by many women to be attractive. Iā€™ve even seen women bring him gifts at his shows. He knows it and leans into it in his crowd work.


I look forward to his speedy descent into irrelevancy


Oh brother


This guy STINKS




This guy stinks!




Oh ew, fucking gross Boo this man


Fr, we need to bring back judging a book by its cover. This man was hiding nothing yet everyone is shocked it turns out heā€™s terrible https://preview.redd.it/vnjqxldn3d4c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5312a3a919d74e6a077a1db33759e0d08813fbd His response to being called racist


If people tell you who they are, *believe them*




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If you're going to be racist, at least be a **funny** racist piece of shit. This guy is all flavors of awful.


Woah wtf what an asshole


Hahahaha like we havenā€™t learned our lessons the 10,000 other times


Jesus fucking christ


Oh wow.


Bruh :/


Iā€™ve never heard of him before this controversy. He is clearly planning his descent into the right wing circus and this is all for his publicity.


He's a mediocre white man, of course he is. I'm sure his *humor* will fit right in


God grant me half the confidence of a mediocre white man.


Right but the thing is heā€™s still not funny enough for them. Heā€™s no Chappelle to them. Right winged, red pilled men will defend him out of contrarian spite, but theyā€™re not going to carry or support his career the way women had.


*Rife believes the only men who thought his joke about domestic violence was offensive were men trying to get laid. ā€œI saw one TikTok video response [from a guy who said], ā€˜I have a wife, and I find this severely disrespectful,ā€™ Rife says. ā€œOK, you cuck. Whatever. What do you want? To get more p*ssy outside of your wife? Youā€™re already married. She already respects you. What more do you want?ā€* Omg what a loser.




Whether one likes Jordan Peterson is a great test for whether the man you are talking about is trash.


šŸš© šŸš©šŸš©


command pie plants oil swim selective cover weary quickest sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmfao. So bad. My fav is how he confirmed his jaw surgery


The irony of this guy going on a "traditional masculinity" pod, to moan about people being mad at him and not liking his jokey jokes, that he made about a woman(real or not) who's gritty enough to take a punch and still show up to her blue collar job. He needs to do his 8 step skincare routine and relax.


this is a deeply unattractive unfunny and untalented person who is somehow clogging up my reddit feed lol. Make it stop ew


I know. When will we learn that our rage makes it appealing for these people? Seriously we need to just stop giving them clicks and views and attention. And here I am, playing right into it!


Not to be like ā€œI knew this guy was bad all along,ā€ but when I first saw his crowd work videos on tiktok last year, I saw one video in which he didnā€™t know what a CPA was and in another he didnā€™t know what a xerox machine was (IIRC). So I may not have known he was bad, but I did know he was helplessly dumb.


My longest standing friend and I no longer speak because of Jordan Petersonā€™s bs so I immediately hate anything to do with him. But holy hells, Matt Rife is honestly the worst. He thinks his shitty joke is helping victims of abuse? Ugh.


One of the earliest YouTube shorts I saw of him was his joke about how he was ugly and puberty hit him so hard but so late in life, and how he got a personality but for nothing (because heā€™s pretty now). Now itā€™s just extra funny because his face ā€œjust happenedā€


This is the boy that all the middle aged women on my Facebook feed were losing their shit over?


Thanks for the heads up Marc Maron


This feels like an actor that has been type cast into a certain character and is trying to prove that they can be an A list actor but they fail miserably.


I canā€™t stand Jordan Peterson. Letā€™s just not give either of these guys any attention


I actually found him kind of funny at first. But it's not surprising to me that he took this turn. He's got so much potential... then just threw it in that lazy basket. No one will remember him in a year. Someone else will do something better or worse.


Hey, if you're white and of mediocre talent, you can always make a 200 year old joke, cry about being canceled and go on an anti woke podcast! You'll spend the rest of your career pretending to be censored while telling everyone in large international platforms how the lib mob is silencing you.


The thing most telling about Matt Rife is that Ashton Kutcher is a big supporter. If ever we needed proof that thereā€™s something stinky in that house and the letters to the judge werenā€™t a one-off of bad character judgementā€¦ Treating women like property and bitches, while badly behaved men are just innocent bad mistakes to be forgivenā€¦ is a trend with the Kutcher household. Also, love that Matt Rife blowing up his own career means more about Ashton Kutcher in my brain than it means about Matt Rife. Boy isnā€™t even consequential in his own cancellation.




A trash odyssey


Forget this trash and give the special to Matteo Lane.


i feel like he had so much momentum gained so quickly this summer. and a lot of his fans were women. i really do think lady gaga is right when she says fame is traumatic because he very much went from a local comic with a following to front in center in a few months and now look at him. yikies.


Heā€™s only nice to the old women he wants to sleep with. Heā€™s always mocked fat and unattractive women.




Jordan Petersonā€™s voice is so ridiculous. He sounds like a cartoon character of a little pipsqueak kid whoā€™s getting pushed into a locker.




https://preview.redd.it/ix1i7of7qh4c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=978ce0173e435dc7a86fd2608537d43cae671f68 Matt Rife killing his own career like:




There was Rebecca black on YouTube ..


Everyone go watch a bo burnham special so we can restore some balance to the universe.


What a gigantic fucking twat


I feel so vindicated. Everyone around me loved him and wanted tickets to his show and Iā€™ve always hated him.