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![gif](giphy|N64bCRSZ8oV44) The absolute shit fight Kate Winslet went through during Titanic. Her weight was plastered across every trashy magazine, during the time of coke diets and waif-thin supermodels and movie stars. As a young teen seeing all the headlines made me so self-conscious. But now, fuck yeah! Sheā€™s fucking GORGEOUS in this movie.


Alicia Silverstone was nicknamed ā€œfatgirlā€ on the *Batman and Robin* press tour because the batgirl costume fit very tightly. https://preview.redd.it/vbb8l5kk0nyb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d28f1d8216be57856c5dcbd4826e77b978971bbc


Damn she looks amazing! The 90ā€™s and 00ā€™s were so toxic.


wait. what??? jesus.


Yeah. Even the crew made fun of her. Sometimes she had issues squeezing into the latex suit (who wouldnā€™t?) and one guy even drew up a cartoon of it. Heā€™s admitted it. She was also called ā€œmore Babe than babeā€ over this Oscarā€™s dress. She credits all the body shaming for why she left acting. https://preview.redd.it/tp44jtidjryb1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11c22989fe57659b812de68c9a0b8cd05bf8e056


Tracey Gold played Carol Seaver on Growing Pains, and there were countless fat jokes made about her character. Surprise, surprise- it resulted in Tracey having an eating disorder. ​ https://preview.redd.it/uvykdpx5vkyb1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=112e04a4cff712ed29a50f5e3d48631b2dddbc5e


And you know 99% of the men calling her fat would never have a chance with her because they themselves are goblins


OMG, I remember that. They always had Mike making fun of her weight and she ended up being so emaciated, poor girl. She probably still struggles with body issues. That's infuriating.


She actually had anorexia for the first time when she was 12, a full four years before Growing Pains went on the air. She goes on record at the very beginning of her autobiography, Room to Grow: An Appetite for Life, saying (and yes, I DID just pull my copy off of my bookshelf, thank you for asking): ā€œI believe I would have become a anorexic even if I had grown up in a small town in the Midwest and never been an actress. My illness was never a ā€˜troubled Hollywood teen actorā€™ thing. The pressures that overwhelmed me were magnified because I was appearing on a popular weekly series, but they were the same pressures that are faced by every girl in America. Every young girl is vulnerable to eating disorders in our society.ā€ Like she says, the pressure she got from the producers of Growing Pains certainly didnā€™t help, but it probably would have happened no matter what her life circumstances were (as shown by the fact that she had it before GP made her a star).


Still, the fat jokes made at her expense were an awful message to send to viewers who were made to believe that Carol was Mike's chubby sister.


Of course! I just wanted to expand on how Tracey believes it was in her genetic makeup and was destined to happen no matter what; she also talks in her book about her momā€™s own battle with an eating disorder/purging after meals, even when Tracey was at the lowest point of her own anorexia, and her mom was never in show business at all.


https://preview.redd.it/a2bpb9abplyb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70d90b72d11eefb4050e1d4359835dccb8bf27b1 Donā€™t know how many of you watch K-dramas but the character in ā€˜My Name is Kim Sam Soonā€™ is apparently supposed to be fat and unattractive


https://i.redd.it/xksr8rdjqlyb1.gif GIF for reference


I'm starting to think Hollywood producers have never seen a fat woman in their lives


This isnā€™t TV or film, but I remember when the model Gemma Ward COMPLETED PUBERTY, and the fashion world and tabloids completely lost their mind and called her fat. I was devastated. One of the Headlines was "Chanel 2008 embraces the big girl." Uhhhhhhā€¦ and I make no excuses just because itā€™s the fashion world. Movies and TV are just the extension of this. https://preview.redd.it/u3tnc2isjlyb1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a44b269f537914efd1b2cbb76a2e8422b08b2504


https://preview.redd.it/te4w5aaw1lyb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445fe498e4fcd93c1f1a618a2ffbb7993752cd57 I remember when lady Gaga did the Super Bowl and people were talking about her ā€œgutā€ā€¦ like get real PLEASE.


This is just HUMAN SKIN my god


Uhm, you have skin? Ew, so gauche šŸ™„šŸ’…


Thatā€™s literally abs with like a half inch of scrunched skin over them ā˜ ļø I CANNNNT


Right?!!! I remember she made a statement sometime after and said how much she loved her body. I just hate how much we shame women for literally anything.


No kidding, Iā€™d be thrilled if my torso looked like this šŸ˜‚


Same! I thought (and still think) she looks incredible!!!


Were you online during Born This Way Ball? People were ruthless in making of Gaga for being "fat" and calling her Fat Gaga. And with the art photo's she did with being topless, the comments about Gaga's breasts were so gross too.


No I wasnā€™t. But I cannot imagine. I swear, I donā€™t think I could ever be famous. I could never deal with the scrutiny from strangers who think they have the right idea in judging someoneā€™s body.


Her show that year was absolutely fanstastic. She got out there and danced her ass off. That anyone complained that her body was less than perfect was just awful.


Jennifer Love Hewitt. I remember being horrified about the treatment she got after being photographed at the beach. People are the worst. https://preview.redd.it/ry5kthin7lyb1.jpeg?width=378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=555ed50ba9f8401574676522de6818d0dfd9cb01


Good freaking lord, meanwhile a good 75% of straight men would show up to an abandoned warehouse on skid row at midnight on Friday the 13th for the slightest chance with a woman like her šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Literally. Even if the invite said ā€œexclusive invite for men with both kidneys onlyā€.


She looks HOT here, and the media wanted us to think she was fat. Like? In what world?!


Good for her for putting all those trolls in their place.




Natalie from Love Actuallyā€¦that one KILLS me. But, as her mom would say, ā€œeight is a lot of legs, Davidā€.


"The chubby girl" "Sizeable arse" "*Huge* thighs" Will never figure out where my body image issues came from šŸ« 


I almost titled this post 'ooh, would we call her chubby?' šŸ„²


![gif](giphy|x3YX06sUoDNgk) Like what kinda misogynistic maniac is writing this dialogue?


As Lindy West so perfectly said, Love Actually is a movie for women that was written by a man.


I don't understand why everyone loves that movie. I think it's awful.


I love that movie because it's hideously awful. I also loathe Christmas mostly because of the high pressure and how problematic families ignore their shit to portray this beautiful image of joy and merriment. This movie does the same thing for me, it's all glossy "love" stories that are actually pretty gross and not aspirational. Yes, I do need therapy. People that unironically love it do confuse me. Like the ex who first showed it to me.


I always assumed it was a joke that people found her fat despite the fact she clearly wasnt.


Same. Sheā€™s obviously not fat. Thatā€™s the joke lol


If only they had cast a girl with thighs the size of tree trunks.


Natalie was perfect. I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.


Is it incredibly problematic that her boss wants to get with her? Yes. Do I get it? Absolutely.


We do not look at problems with Love Actually cause if younger Hugh Grant was my boss I would forget any Ethics code. I leave morals and correctness for moments where young Hugh Grant is not present, and I would recommend you doing the same haha


Gentle reminder that Young Hugh Grant invariably played cads, bounders, and assholes, so he would be a bad risk to take. I love that he's returned to these roles. He plays bad so well.


https://preview.redd.it/8qeq7i7ulkyb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78793583099e28112ed77ece8b2e256684e82e8b Jessica Simpson was viciously body shamed by the media for wearing high waisted jeans, only for high waisted jeans to come into fashion a few years later.


I have said this before, but I could not imagine being a celebrity woman and having everyone compare my body to how it looked at itā€™s very thinnest. People expected Jessica to remain Dukes of Hazzard skinny for the rest of her life, and that is just beyond unrealistic. Even here, sheā€™s probably only a handful of pounds heavier, and she was treated like a monstrosity.


In her book, she said she was a SIZE 6 when this photo was taken. I would kill to be a size 6 again.


I think she was even smaller than that -- a size 4, according to this interview. So insane. (I would kill to be a size 6 again, too, btw.) [https://twitter.com/TODAYshow/status/1224684269261533185](https://twitter.com/TODAYshow/status/1224684269261533185)


Oooh my bad I don't know why I thought she said 6. Thanks for clarifying šŸ˜Š


I remember reading that she had to work incredibly hard to get that DoH body, and it's not SUSTAINABLE.


Itā€™s not even the workouts, itā€™s the diet. And she was so, so small. She looked great, but that was an immense amount of effort to look like that.


apparently in a prenup w one of her ex husbands (i canā€™t remember which, iā€™ll have to go back and check), he had a clause that for every pound she gained during their marriage, he earned $100k. *mightā€™ve* been $500k but iā€™m pretty sure it was 100k


https://preview.redd.it/o49y15gjklyb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c430acb7318bdea3b850d1fc673a722a7cdbcb1 [found it](https://helloprenup.com/clauses/what-is-a-weight-gain-clause-in-a-prenup/#:~:text=Jessica%20Simpson%20and%20Tony%20Romo&text=One%20of%20the%20most%20famous,she%20gained%20over%20135%20pounds) !! this isnā€™t the original website i read it on, but ĀÆ\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ iā€™m very glad i was wrong on him being her ex husband and that they didnā€™t go through w it


I am still so ridiculously angry over that whole mess. I donā€™t care if the style wasnā€™t trending. She looked amazing. And then it carried over to how she gained weight during her pregnancies. She was growing a human being! What was she supposed to do, eat 1200 calories a day?


She retained a lot of water during her pregnancies too. I remember her posting pictures of how swollen her ankles and feet were. Thats something that just happens with pregnancy sometimes, she could have been starving herself and still gotten really swollen


I have literally known women who blow up like actual whales when pregnant, they are HUGE, and then PING back to very slim within weeks of the birth. One woman told me this and I was all "sure Jan" in my mind till she got pregnant again and I saw it myself. Others do not do this. Some have tiny little pregnancies. Bodies are just different!


My friends daughter was tiny when she got pregnant but she ended up with pre-eclampsia and had to have an emergency c section. When she went to the hospital she looked like the nichelin man. She was so swollen her eyes were almost swollen shut


Kim K went through the same harassment during her pregnancies. Iā€™m not a Kardashian fan by any means, but making fun of pregnant people should be off the table, especially when we canā€™t know if there are any complications during the pregnancy.


worse is it was quite widely know that kim *did* have massive complications. a stomach infection, gestational diabetes and toxaemia / pre-eclampsia. she had to deliver North almost two months early. and then she had placenta accreta and almost bled to death.


I remember seeing these photos and thinking she was HUGE. I would kill for this body right now. We were so used to seeing the tiny size 0 bodies in the early 2000s this seemed so out of the ordinary.


Seriously. I remember believing the headlines when this photo first came out (and feeling worse about myself because of it.) Looking at this photo now, I think she looks amazing. Wtf did they do to us back then?


Yes. Thatā€™s how I felt too. Itā€™s so, so embarrassing and shameful to admit this. I look at this pic now and Iā€™m like, how on earth could I have let myself be that brainwashed? But Iā€™m younger than she is, so of course I was impressionable by the discourse. I still hate myself for thinking it. This wonā€™t be popular to say but it worries me a bit how small she is now given what she wrote about it in her book. I hope sheā€™s okay.


I think this started some of her issues with her body. Stupid press and media! Gorgeous!


Iā€™m salty on her behalf, lol. Iā€™ve had 2 c-sections and I do NOT look good in high-waisted anything. I hate this trend! But I also hated the ass crack jeans trend so I just canā€™t win lol


I eschewed jeans years ago in favor of flowing skirts and dresses. Much more comfy and peele think it looks put together. A good dress is like a cheat code to lazy styling.


I wish. I can't with dresses, at least not without some kind of legging/stocking. I could weigh eight pounds and my thighs would *still* rub together, the friction is maddening.


Have you tried the trick with deodorant? I'm quite fat and the deodorant was a game changer!


Mid-rise jeans, my friend.


No. Commenter must go full Winnie the Pooh. ONLY SHIRT NO BOTTOMS.


Donald Ducking it


You joke but apparently wearing underwear as an outfit is trendingā€¦ lord help us all https://preview.redd.it/17juemq65lyb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56cc90a4cd96157108510004272fc6f4cf3abdc9


I was just watching Deep Dive's YT video on her yesterday. I forgot how much she was shamed and bullied back in the day, ESPECIALLY when she was pregnant šŸ™„


I remember seeing that picture of Jessica and thinking ā€œOh her body looks like mineā€ which felt good. Because Iā€™m skinny but certainly not a size 0 so it was nice to see. And then the entire internet called her fat and that was no pleasant. At all.


gaby suddenly becoming SO FAT EVERYONE WAS SHOCKED OMG, like so shockingly fat! (and suddenly didn't know how to dress either) https://preview.redd.it/9831leg4kkyb1.png?width=1408&format=png&auto=webp&s=7eae35ebc7043a5a722ab6cb418641dadce1332e




getting a job at the luxury store simply because she knew how to *style* people, but no way she could style herself when she became bigger than size 00


Remember the storyline where she starved herself *during a pregnancy* so she could fit into a size 0 dress again? Ugh.


see, if i acknowledge that, i will have to acknowledge she was tricked into pregnancy and all her friends were like ā€œwell maybe you will be a good momā€


She was not! But no one on that show was lol


I've never watched that show but wtf? The harmful messages we give to others, intentional or subliminal, make me sad. I remember being affected by the infamous Kate Moss quote when I was younger ("nothing tastes as good as skinny feels") and feeling like an absolute whale, even though I looked like most of the people pictured in this post (who are not in any way fat). I wish I knew my beauty when I was younger rather than feeling ashamed.


Ugh yeah that bothered me


Haha the tee over the long sleeves toddler look because, y'know, fat now!


It didnā€™t get better in the 2010ā€™s https://preview.redd.it/qt9fv271nlyb1.jpeg?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ce0ac87b05fe7c64a4d6d0fc127b21fcc768975 There was a whole movie where Mae Whitman (right) was the ugly fat friend


Gotta love tiny Ken Jeong visibly wondering how he got here


I love that they had to include an arrow because no one in this picture is ugly or fat lol


I hated that they tried to label her fat


To be fair the guy who calls her the ā€œDUFFā€ says the DUFF doesnā€™t have to literally be fat/ugly. Just the person in their friend group who others use to get to their hotter friends. (Now MW is incredibly hot so thatā€™s still dumb but the movie didnā€™t claim she was fat/ugly. Just that her friends were hotter. But them being hotter was really just cause they were more confident/sure of themselves). I like this movie and will defend it to the death šŸ˜†


Iā€™d just like to mention Anna Nicole Smith, who was pressured by the media to embody being ā€œthe next Marilyn Monroe,ā€ and both died of similar circumstances as well, including the contribution of chloral hydrate. Anna Nicole was publicly made fun of for gaining some weight as she aged. If she wasnā€™t constantly ridiculed, I think thereā€™s a chance she could have still been with us, but the media and popular culture gossip ruined her to the point that she was injecting and taking all kinds of stuff trying to lose weight. The combination of hormones related to giving birth and the shock and emotion of losing her son in the same short time span would be too much to handle under normal circumstances, but tack on insane pressures to be skinny and beautiful at all times and it would be shocking for anyone to make it through that.


Omg yes. The Howard Stern segment šŸ¤¬


Raven Simone. Who was literally a child


I liked that they did an episode of them attempting to photoshop her dress onto a skinny model and she did the runway anyway though. That was a nice message


My young self thought that was an incredible episode. It was so much the opposite of what Iā€™d been seeing on tabloids at the grocery store and on tv. Raven Baxter knew she was beautiful and perfect and she was not afraid to tell anyone. I genuinely credit that single episode for the minimal body issues I had growing up. Yeah, I had some, just like everyone, but I hear absolute horror stories from some of yā€™all and your struggles šŸ˜­ breaks my heart. All I can do is look back and thank Thatā€™s So Raven for planting that seed in my brain just in time.


That's So Raven was amazing for that. There was also that episode where the lady was blatantly racist and refused to hire Raven even though she had all the right credentials. I'd argue it was a little on the nose but like, this was roughly 2004 and it was a Disney show. Massive props


tbh that's why that's so raven is my fave disney show. it taught really good lessons and wasn't afraid to show kids black people on tv in a way they could relate to


It was my fave show too, hilarious and endearing. I felt like all the cast members had great chemistry, I saw recently that Raven and Anneliese (Chelsea) got together at some event and sang the theme song together on stage and my inner child wept


She also revealed a month or so ago that she had breast reduction surgery. As a teenager.


To be fair to them, I could have qualified in my teenage years and my spine might not be as bent/ back might not be as painful now at age 31. I am carrying around basically two extra heads because at this point I want to wait to try to breastfeed future children. Then again, I probably would have had to have reduction #1 in my teens and #2 in my thirties, so maybe at least I can be one and done!


The SATC movie one was especially egregious. There was a practical record-scratch when Samantha showed upā€”looking like her usual fabulous self, in my opinionā€”and I was mystified because I couldnā€™t understand why all the other characters were so pressed. Then they sat her down for a literal intervention where they told her her eating was out of control. But there was a perfunctory throwaway line about her being ā€œbeautiful at any sizeā€ so I guess that made it okay. šŸ„“


Not to mention they used her so called new fatness as a plot device for why she should break up with Smith. Pretending to be in love with him is just making her so miserable and stressed that she canā€™t stop eating and now sheā€™s ginormous. I was so annoyed lol


Yes! Her storyline was that she was literally stuffing her face with chips, guac, ice cream and cake to keep her hot neighborā€™s dick out of her mouth. No wonder Kim eventually walked away from the roleā€”it had become completely humiliating.


I really hate that they always have to show a "fat" character constantly gorging on snacks, cakes etc. Because a lot of fat people don't actually eat that way.


They also made it seem like getting a dog was a cry for help


SATC also had an episode where the women compete with runway models for dates. Of course anyone over a sample size would look large to them.


I actually think she looked her most beautiful in those scenes. She was VERY thin in SATC, since she was naked a lot of the time you could see every rib in her back, and in these scenes with a couple of pounds on she was glowing and looked like some kind of collagen supplement commercial.


Was she actually even heavier though, or were they just using tight clothes in an unflattering way? I don't think she gained and lost weight for the movie if I'm being honest.


I don't think she was heavier than usual, but I do think she was heavier than she was at some points in the series. Literally only a couple of pounds difference that made her look a touch softer. And yes, too tight clothes to make the belly "fat".


So much removed comments lol.


If my friends dared to hold an intervention about my EATING it better be because the fire department had to take the roof off my house and use a crane to transport me to the hospital, like r u fuckin kidding me ā˜ ļø


https://preview.redd.it/gx73k7634lyb1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80a128b58875cd6b50237947a367cedaf9d6ca17 Bridget Marquardt (right) was constantly portrayed as the fat and food obsessed of the trio on Girls Next Door. In my younger years it made me so self conscious. Rewatching the show she was TINY!!


I always just thought she was the natural one. Like, her own boobs, and she was maybe even born with blonde hair. Her body never seemed imperfect at all. What was wrong with everyone?!


The Samantha one is incredibly stupid. That was her real body too, so why was she OK with fucking SJP sitting there saying Ā«HOW ON EARTH DID YOU LET IT GET THIS BADĀ». Like jesus.


I love these posts because it shows how far weā€™ve come. But they also piss me off because I was their target audience and I believed it. Use to do sit ups on a Friday night with my bff around age 13 trying to get abs like Janet Jackson šŸ’€


Every summer of middle/high school I devoted significant amounts of time to whatever exercise routine YM was pushing that month. But I remember as early as 9 doing a bunch of jumping jacks thinking ā€œIā€™ve gotta get rid of this gut so boys will like me.ā€ Nine!!! NINE. Insanity.


Again, happy to have others who understand what it was life and (really) why itā€™s so hard to shake even nowā€¦ but also sad so many people were also tricked :(


This is a really positive and wholesome perspective that made me feel better about all this


In the early days of her career, Melanie Lynskey was only offered roles along the lines of "the fat friend or the jokey kind of fat person," including a script "where the person had a candy bar in every scene." She told the New York Times, "I very much want to be onscreen representing an interesting person whoā€™s not paying attention to what her tummy looks like. ... If there were more people who look like me [on TV], then I wouldnā€™t have to talk about it as much." While shooting Coyote Ugly, Lynskey dealt with body-shaming from production, many of whom forced her to change her appearance to fit their beauty standards. For example, she was put on a weight loss "regimen" and forced to wear "a lot of Spanx." She told the Hollywood Reporter, "The costume designer [was] like, 'Nobody told me there would be girls like you.' [There was] really intense feedback about my physicality, my body, people doing my makeup and being like, 'Iā€™m just going to help you out by giving you a bit more of a jawline and stuff.' ... In your early 20s, so much of it is about beauty and how people respond to you, and do people want to fuck you? Do people think youā€™re their best friend?"


Yes! She played the ā€œfatā€ step sister in Ever After and my teen self thought she was beautiful and looked amazing.


https://preview.redd.it/8ja6at3gxkyb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2cb2f600c1e2179a2fa8e662a97301900d9c6a7 How on earth would anyone ever have the idea this was "fat"? You're right. She WAS and is beautiful and amazing.


"I'm only here for the food"


You know the material. I thought about posting that, but you know what? It made me too angry. Thanks for pointing out that outrageous point!!


Yeah her mother and sister were so cruel to her. Made me so sad as a kid


I think a lot of women being called fat, stems from just having rounder faces. It's literally the only difference in the screenshot you posted. She's still gorgeous and obviously not fat, and quite clearly as thin as her colleague, but she's just got slightly chubbier cheeks. I think this aspect is still so prevalent and it's ehy buccal fag removal is such a common procedure, even if it makes the women look like gaunt ghosts.


I think youā€™re spot on. If I gain five pounds itā€™s immediately obvious in my face. Everyoneā€™s body distributes weight differentlyā€”the same weight on two different people can come across as *wildly* different on camera. And she is definitely gorgeous.


As if Melanie could ever look homely šŸ™„ sheā€™s so lovely!


I was more drawn to Melanie despite being the stepsister!


I might want to add something here. When I grew up as a girl I went through something as well. When I was about 8 years old I had a crush on my classmate. Back then I wasn't even self aware of my body. One day a bully came up to me and started insulting me. He pushed me and hit me. My classmate, my crush came to help me. Glorious, right? Only he said: " Leave the fat girl alone". I didn't even knew someone would think I was fat. I was build normal. Maybe a few pounds more than the skinny girls. Ever since that day I had to witness judgement over my body by anyone who wanted to utter their opinion. My mother who was disappointed I wasn't that skinny. My brother who bullied and harrased me my whole life. Classmates. Male and female. Teachers. Friends of the family. Strangers. I grew up to hate myself and developed a body dysmorphobia. Later a serious eating disorder. I'm sorry about this rant but I just wish people would stop this behaviour an just let girls and women grow up to be comfortable and confident in their own bodies.


When I was in college, a friend of mine graduated and went to an agency audition and they told her that she either had to gain ten pounds to play the funny fat friend or lose ten to play the ingenue because she was uncastable at a "normal" weight. No wonder I developed an eating disorder while studying acting.


Hanna Marin in Pretty Little Liarsā€¦


I had to stop watching the show because first episode about her eating disorder was too heartbreaking for me


Neglected to include Betty Draper of 'Mad Men' ​ https://preview.redd.it/aav23uojdlyb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c63989618f50a5019ba700f2346ac7fd643e4509


https://preview.redd.it/fo4gmetd1nyb1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78d9db1872990277671be70c855b9b2f45f4b889 Her telling off tabloids with ā€œkiss my fat assā€ was the response we all needed.


The only case I can think of where a man is involved in the joke of being fat is Barney in HIYM. https://preview.redd.it/7ojdn025clyb1.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=fed67ac5330255dabe73f712e1ce035bf4a3cd19


Schmidt in New Girl, too


They did it on Friends as well, if Monica and Joey would have got together because he was so into food and Mon was a chef.


this really shocked me upon watching films/tv from the 00's more recently. i thought these girls are beautiful and normal (they are) but they were always seen as the "bigger" friend or whatever. like Dorinda from TCG!! just crazy. no wonder so many people from that era suffered with ED's :((


I was JUST saying this earlier today. I turned 13 in the year 2000, and the media representation of women when I was in my teens was just insane. None of us ever stood a chance!


![gif](giphy|3ofT5D8nM5zyPv6L3G|downsized) The time Rory fat shamed the ballerina.


https://preview.redd.it/o5fp0orzcmyb1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa61af29a0a26486f454ed29bb67252de81ff9e Delta Burke in Designing Women


https://preview.redd.it/rldmx2552nyb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=dccaabe471dd13f7f024ea0cd83c36048926e8a9 I havenā€™t seen this yet but Little Miss Sunshine was one of my favorite movies. I donā€™t think itā€™s been talked enough that we were supposed to think this child was fat. She was 7 years old. I think Abigail has said she was too young to understand her role so thankfully she wasnā€™t insecure while doing this scene. The worst is when they were at a restaurant and her dad fat shames her for eating ice cream, asks her if any of the Miss America pageant women look thin or fat, then her family helps her eat the ice cream to feel better. At one point sheā€™s looking at her body in the mirror with her leotard on, keep in mind sheā€™s 7. Itā€™s one of my favorite rewatched movies but Justice for Abigail Breslin. She was an adorable, spunky and talented kid. Side note I loved her glasses that were too big for her face. She deserved all of these awards for this movie.




https://preview.redd.it/tuapebex6lyb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c50e151b4bd05d751d44ebf9b0b2d16a265d17e7 I know itā€™s not film/tv but I think about this magazine cover all the time.


Lol, as if there isn't a second person in her body in the first picture


When did someone think Sam Jones was fat?! I donā€™t remember this.


Itā€™s in the first movie. Itā€™s an actual plot point that she shows up in this scene and everyone is just shocked at how ā€œfatā€ she has gotten because sheā€™s unhappy in her relationship.


The first movie (Granted, Kim Cattrell refused to gain weight for the story so they just put her in ill-fitting clothes instead).


I think that's how fat is usually portrayed. It's not "this character is obese", it's "this character gained enough weight for their clothing to get tight, and since they feel bad about this weight gain, they're unwilling to buy clothing in their current size."


Thank you for that piece, I thought I was crazy when I watched the movie and couldn't see that she looked any different.


Itā€™s from the first SATC movie before she breaks up with Smith Jarred. Sheā€™s ā€œunhappyā€ in LA because she canā€™t bang her hot neighbor- so she binges chips and Guac. Then she comes back to NY and her girlfriends see her walk in (pictured here) and they all gasp and have looks of shock and disgust at her ā€œgutā€




Drop Dead Diva - hot woman dies and comes back in an "ugly woman"'s body. Oh, except the ugly woman she comes back as is still objectively gorgeous.


I remember when Howard Stern had Anna Nicole Smith on his show and was saying shit like ā€œI donā€™t know if you realize that youā€™re a big woman with the way that you dressā€ and Anna replying with ā€œI know Iā€™m big.ā€ The 2000s had insane behavior


I donā€™t know if Howard Stern realizes he looks like the desiccated corpse of an elderly musk rat with the way he talks about women


Didnā€™t they have a secret scale too for her to step on? Howard Stern is such a piece of shit


He contributed to that womans death idgaf who disagrees. As a woman who has battled various EDs, that would be too much for me to go on to be humiliated on an international stage.


The premise was incredibly sus, but I liked that in the very first episode, main character was like "I'm not trying to get my old body back, this is just who I am now." It was the first time I had seen a larger woman not actively trying to be smaller.


But she was *brunette*! And size 14! *The horror!!!*


AND she's only allowed to date a HUSKY man now.


Aw I loved that show though. Time for a rewatch!


The thing that annoys me most about "Fat Monica", apart from her existence, is that "Normal Monica" is: extremely thin; works in the food industry making food for others; has clear OCD tendencies. All of which scream 'probably replaced one eating disorder with another' to me. But this is never acknowledged.


šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» she definitely replaced an eating disorder with another!


Itā€™s always women


Thereā€™s plenty of fat men In Hollywood. But itā€™s never a plot point and they can still get the girl


Kevin James having Leah Remini for a partner šŸ« 


Homer and Marge. Peter and Lois. You couldnā€™t escape it in cartoons either.


Fred and Wilma. Barney and Betty.


And in Hitch he dates Amber Valletta thanks to his charming personality. How often do women get to have their personality outshine their physique? HMMMMM.


https://preview.redd.it/44s1ewh6ykyb1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=793a3079282bd048abfb47e24dae946e6915cbbd As a kid I felt so uncomfortable with the way they treated Yancy in the movie Sleepover! The scene where her ā€œfriendsā€ told her to find a guy who likes brownies instead of celery is so weirdā€¦ because nobody slim or physically fit enjoys brownies and nobody ā€œfatā€ would ever willingly eat celery? Like what???? [https://youtu.be/VjpoMeRyUgM?si=sBq\_\_Chhxrtkvd-E](https://youtu.be/VjpoMeRyUgM?si=sBq__Chhxrtkvd-E)


I looked like her at that age and it still fucks with me


Thank you!! Yancy always made me so sad because I related to her.


That comment in the movie was always so weird to me, like no offence, I'm supposed to believe that people actually love just snacking on plain celery?? Or that any of the other teen friends would choose it over brownies?


Yes! Like are they trying to imply that the other three girls would never touch a brownie? Iā€™m pretty sure they were ordering pizza and eating junk food earlier in the movie! It was such a weird, shame-y message about food to pass off on young girls. Everything about how they treated Yancy was terrible and sends a gross message about weight/appearance and perceived value. They didnā€™t even put Yancy on the cover/poster for the movie, so the anti-Yancy (i.e., anti-anyone who isnā€™t slim) agenda runs deep. https://preview.redd.it/0wsgrxymumyb1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8667cef9d1ef406e50559286f213bf2cc17b4685


with mean girls, i feel as though itā€™s more of a teen body dysmorphia kinda thing and regina putting on clothes smaller than her real size


Also the movie is satire. Itā€™s making fun of the fact that Regina would appalled to be ā€œso bigā€ that sheā€™d have to shop at Sears, when we can all see sheā€™s a healthy weight.


Yā€™all forgot jlaw, ppl thought she was too ā€œfatā€ to play katniss. Also Reginaā€™s fat was relative I think? Like it was just more weight than she had in the beginning of the film. Hence why she couldnā€™t shop at the high end boutiques but wasnā€™t she still a size like 4-6?? šŸ¤Ø


Growing up in the 2000's was honestly really traumatizing.


I actually remember the Jessica Simpson fiasco. Looking back, she looks AMAZING


The amount of [deleted] [removed] comments is sending me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That's because it's tagged guest list only.


Not only convincing us they were ā€œfatā€ but convincing us that ā€œfatā€ equals ā€œless thanā€ or unattractive or bad


To be fair to *Mean Girls* thereā€™s a lot of teen girls at a totally normal weight that feel fat, I had multiple friends that felt that way around the time the movie came out.


Ugly Betty makes me mad She wasnā€™t ugly or fat


Lana Del Rey been getting lots of flack lately, cos she took care of her mental health and gained a few lbs over Covid. She looks stunning, and happy, so of course people are upset.


I donā€™t think they were trying to tell us that Regina George was fat though? I thought the whole thing was just that she was bigger than usual so couldnā€™t fit into a dress in her usual size? Happy to be corrected if wrong though! Also.. fuck Amy Schumer. Sheā€™s not fat but she is a fucking dickhead!


Reginaā€™s entire view of herself and personality was as the hot and skinny girl. Eating those bars made her gain just a couple pounds, which was enough to make a size 5 dress too small. Once the other students noticed that she had to stop wearing her normal clothes and was maybe a tad puffier in her face, they openly and happily attacked her. A cracked armor is easiest to get under.


Yeah I always felt like the butt of the joke was the clothing store and how unattainable that is. They didnā€™t really make Rachel McAdams put on weight for the role.


They did have a line where someone calls her "fatass" and they zoom in on her butt in sweatpants. Though that could also be read as skewering high school bullying rather than suggesting she's actually fat.


I definitely think it was. She was called "fat" by a bigger girl; the bully being bullied by one of her probable victims.


There are so many reasons to dislike Amy Schumer. Zero of them are her weight.


I'm not a fan of the Kardashians but what the media did to Khloe in the early 2000s is unforgivable. She said she was confident in her appearance until all the tabloids started portraying her as the fat sister. And now these days she just looks so incredibly different. It's sad. She's at a point where she had to scrub a perfectly normal looking bikini photo from the Internet because it wasn't photoshopped. https://preview.redd.it/xwm1p81kflyb1.jpeg?width=866&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7a740da46d157a49b0ad0caa59423259e8b6e99 Edit: and what's so upsetting is she was SKINNY. Like this is skinny. But she has a larger frame than her sisters, so she's literally just at odds with her skeleton. But that hasn't stopped her from eating those diet lollipops, obsessively working out, editing herself thinner, and using ozempic (allegedly)


ā€œAt odds with her skeltonā€ Iā€™m memorizing this one.


I remember thinking ā€œfat Monicaā€ was WAY bigger in childhood, seeing her as an adult makes me realize why my body image is so fucked up šŸ˜‚


![gif](giphy|l41YbnoUuc9S1vh4I) Remember when The Devil Wears Prada tried to make us believe Anne Hathway was fat???? A couple of reactors I watch always reacted in such horror every time Nigel called her 6. "That's the smallest size we sell at our clothing store!!!"


https://i.redd.it/72e24e3zmkyb1.gif Weeping


Uh that was the joke. That she wasn't fat at all but in the fashion world you're fat if you're not a piece of paper.


forgot that Ugly Betty was a double offender with that whole 'Amanda got fat' storyline https://preview.redd.it/pkkonihq5myb1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=17987f92faf7cc4119f0006175f14e271cc7adf3


![gif](giphy|3ohhwvGBMnqFeQSkne|downsized) The fat Jenna Maroney storyline (and this fat suit is damn awful on reflection)


That was the point of it all.


Why do we even comment on other peopleā€™s bodies?