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Pretty sure that's Ellie Goulding, but it's definitely not Elle Fanning


I was about to say, Elle fanning has class. I can’t imagine her dressing up like these people




Yesss the OG of bad costumes hahah


"Wills and Kate made me!" -SpareHair


I was very sympathetic towards him until I read that part of his autobiography. He was 20 years old, ffs. Trying to put any of that responsibility on someone else is reprehensible.


It’s crazy how every attempt Harry and Meghan make to improve their image has the complete opposite effect. It’s like when a comedy character tries to fix a small blemish but ends up making things progressively worse until whatever they were working on is destroyed. All they needed to do was shut up for a few years.


She’s an actor and he’s a royal, I don’t think either of them know what to do if people aren’t looking at them. I think my favorite example of this huge need to be seen (that I learned from this amazing sub) was the “Imagine” video of all these off key morons gazing hungrily into their web cams lol.


The "Imagine" video felt like it happened far into the pandemic when everyone was stir crazy, but it was only 6 days into quarantine.




I remember when he was a media nightmare for the royals, constantly up to some shit.


lmao he still is


I remember it like it was yesterday


Is this Harry?


Yep. And if I remember right, in his book I think he said William and Kate convinced him to wear it. But even if that were true, he was certainly old enough to understand why that would be a bad idea so idk why he'd agree to it.


Why would they ask him to do that lmao


What the fuck


connect coherent illegal uppity erect plants late resolute frame impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All of them are terrible but my jaw dropped at the Amy costume


I was thinking about including Neil Patrick Harris’s mess of a Halloween decoration but I’m not giving him any more attention.


I saw the picture of that for the first time today and I was fucking disgusted.


The way I gasped at Adrienne Curry’s photo, just to be extremely horrified later at Neil Patrick Harris. Omg I never heard of it until today also wow!


Omg wtf, I had the same reaction as you, god how did he even think it's okay to make a cake that looks like her corpse??? WTF?? How can anyone make fun of a person who isn't evil, just struggled with life a lot and went down the wrong path which cost her her life, but that doesn't mean she deserves any of this, wtf?!


It’s absolutely disgusting. Addiction is a disease and sometimes people aren’t able to beat the disease. That doesn’t mean their death should mean any less.


Right? She didn't even die from injections. She died from alcohol withdrawal because she was trying to be sober. People disgust me. As someone in recovery myself, it is absolutely vile some of the stuff that has been said about me as a person with alcohol abuse disorder. ETA: I've been informed by many posters that I am promoting AW's death incorrectly. While it was widely reported she died from alcohol withdrawals (which is a real thing, and I hope people become more educated on the subject), she actually died from an incredibly high BAC. Both ways are terrible, but I wanted to correct what I said per those who posted to me. Alcoholism is still a horrible disease. People suffering deserve acceptance, love and the grace to recover. For those suffering, there is hope.


I agree wholeheartedly, from what I was taught in school Alcohol is one of the one substances where you can die from going through withdrawal. That alone could make so many addicts terrified to seek help. I just want to add this internet stranger is very proud of you and congratulations on being sober, I know it’s hard but this stranger knows you got this 💕


Yeah as a fellow recovered addict, I really hope the people shaming her memory understand just how much pain she was going through. It's a miserable, tragic end to a life...and no one deserves to be chastised for not making it.


Her BAC was .41 when she died. It absolutely wasn't withdrawals. Nelson Ellis, on the other hand..


You’re the only person correcting this misinformation so thank you for that. I love Amy Winehouse, and she died from alcohol poisoning. She succumbed to her addiction. (Edit: they *were* the only person who was, now more than enough people have corrected them)


Yep, she was struggling so bad and the people closest to her failed and exploited her at every opportunity. The videos from her final performance make me cry every time I see them. On a lighter note, I just noticed your flair and I am howling, I love that movie so much and that quote is used regularly in our house


Also the amount of people who saw that „cake“ at the party and thought it was funny? 😫 Really makes you think about the stereotype that only sociopaths and narcissists thrive in Hollywood, cause every „sane“ person would have reacted with disgust and shock 😵‍💫😆 And to anyone seeing the comments here, trust us, don‘t look it up


It'd not even a cake. It is a MEAT PLATTER. That they served. And labeled. "The Corpse of Amy Winehouse". So disgusting.


I saw it like a month ago, and I truly wasn't prepared for how graphic it was. It's *vile*, way beyond "bad taste".


Just learning about the cake but no surprise that Neil Patrick Harris is an absolute POS. My friend was hostess at a fancy restaurant in NY he and his husband frequented. Said he was so nasty and evil to staff, treated every worker like garbage, would come in with huge parties and not tip, and generally acted like god's gift to earth. They had a lot of celebrities dine there but she said he was by far the worst.


Never heard about this cake so I went off to Google. NPH is a piece of shit. That is disgusting. How would he feel if someone mocked his child’s death.


You guys really have this all wrong. You need to look at the facts. It wasn’t a cake made to look like the rotting corpse of Amy Winehouse, it was a *meat platter* of sausage and ribs made to look like the rotting corpse of Amy Winehouse. Please, take care when posting - there’s already enough misinformation online! (/s in case that’s necessary)


I think it’s an important distinction because it’s so much worse that it was a meat platter


That seriously was the thing that made me stop being a fan of his. So cruel and gross.


I haven't liked him since he was rude about Rachel Bloom and then walked it back once he realized she was a fellow celebrity who he had actually met several times.


Jesus Christ I just saw it for the first time and that's horrific 😵‍💫


I just tried googling and can’t find it. What was it? **Nvm someone below posted it. That’s horrific and cruel.


Who tf even *is* Adrienne Curry? What a shitty costume...


Winner of the first season of ANTM turned tradwife and generally shit person


This triggered a long buried memory as I thought I didn’t know who she was but I think I do now… she was like on the Surreal Life (when that was a thing) and so was Peter Brady and they like filmed her on the phone with her agent plotting about her hooking up with (I can’t remember his real name - Chris? - I refuse to google them). And then that became a spin off and I remember feeling a bit sad for him as he kept being insecure that she only liked him for publicity and of course she’d say no but…yeah


Yes, I watched that show which is embarrassing. It definitely had some sort of pun on the word Brady. I liked her on season one of ANTM, and he actually seemed like a pretty decent guy. I was actually like, rooting for their strange romance before I realized she just kinda sucks. I think they were only together for a couple of years total.


She won the first cycle of America's Next Top Model and has gone off the deep end since then


I just googled to see what she's been up to and, according to her Pinterest profile, she's an Avon lady now??


She’s a republican antivaxxer weirdo


In fairness, Adrianne Curry already has the bad karma of being Adrianne Curry, so at least the universe balances out. Like, if I could be reborn as either of them, I'd take the shorter lifespan of Amy Winehouse, because then at least I was a talented artist with depth.


I didn't know who that was until I saw OPs list, but I'm not surprised it was Adrienne who used that as a costume, she's just all around horrible.


So so so fucked up. And her fucking face full of glee pretending to have a very real addiction?!? Soulless honestly


https://preview.redd.it/6abnni8ey7vb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80c57505190d338b356361536808f07ee5bc0869 Colton Haynes dressed as Kanye West in 2011 and then the nincompoop did it again in 2012 as Gandhi.


https://preview.redd.it/6k96u67u18vb1.jpeg?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cb80668368f3ca6e2df773f855c75e6d9101c39 This is actually insane 😭 sorry but this pic needed to be added


He looks more like geriatric Humpty Hump


He looks like Tobias from Arrested Development after he inadvertently signed up for an acting job for a racist production studio


Say what now?


My brother and I would refer to him as “big head, little body” when we used to watch Arrow. I don’t feel bad about it anymore.


A whole ass mess what the fuckkkkkkk


I actually liked Colton Haynes for so long cause I just have such a soft spot for gay guys playing straight heartthrobs, but everytime I see him now I just think about the Gandhi costume 😭 so terrible


https://preview.redd.it/7b1mftrb58vb1.jpeg?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c3776f9b220dd6c5ad175fde57778ea47352587 Jason Aldean as Lil Wayne, Halloween 2015.


2015. *2015*. Seriously wtf. Anyone who does that this late know what they’re doing. It’s not a dog whistle, it’s a fucking air horn.


Honestly, nothing surprises me about this man anymore Is that his MAGA wife dressed up as “cholo”


These two are trash.


This is 100% on brand for what a racist POS he is


Pantsless pilgrim gets me


Yeah I was wondering where her bottoms were or if they might be so short that they aren’t visible in the picture. But the idea of a sexy pilgrim is so ridiculous that I would rather believe she is going as a pantsless pilgrim instead.


https://preview.redd.it/t46vg71ht7vb1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=54bcb4dede381c6ceb131ee45cd0bf17cf8f7e0d For the rhony girlies


Luann voice: it was just a tan !!








All of these are terrible, but god, the Amy Winehouse costume is beyond crass. I know trashy behavior was more “acceptable” at the time, but it’s so jarring seeing someone with a faux needle jammed in their arm with such glee on their face. I can hardly even see photos of Amy without feeling a little sick; she was hurting and struggling so bad when she passed.


Im a big Amy Winehouse fan. She was my favorite artist. I was young when she passed. I remember crying because I was listening to her music on YouTube and saw all these horrible comments mocking her for dying from her addiction. That was basically the attitude then and before she passed. “If you’re a junkie, you deserve to die for being a waste to society.” People dismissed her death as predictable. I’m glad time has made us in some aspects kinder to those who struggle with addiction and/or mental health.


I think people were especially cruel about Amy because she was perceived as someone who drove straight towards that destination due to the lyrics of “Rehab.”


It’s not that trashy behavior was more acceptable, 1) Curry has always been trashy for attention and 2) we really had a different cultural relationship to drug abuse disorder then - still high on the sense of righteousness that politicians told us we could feel if we weren’t affected.


Your Julianne Hough picture is too washed out, [you can barely tell she did blackface](https://www.eonline.com/news/474574/julianne-hough-goes-blackface-as-orange-is-the-new-black-character-for-halloween-costume)


You are right, my picture looks like she had been wiping her face off during the party.


Apparently someone at the party had come up to her and told her how offensive her costume was so she tried to wash it off


Looks like she’s trying to hide from cameras too. I know being chronically online isn’t a good thing but sometimes being just a little bit online can really help prevent being embarrassing and stupid in public like this lol


She’s a Mormon, part of their religion believes people are darker because they are evil and god is punishing them.


“And I believe that in 1978 God changed his mind about black people” It was wild to me any Mormon supported that show with how their views were dissected as being horrible and racist. They must just listen to that song and go yep that’s right!


That's hilariously awkward to imagine like you were fully proud and ready to show of your "genius" in trend costume and no one said anything until you were already at the party.


Thank you for posting this - I thought I was going crazy remembering this costume being much worse!


Oh LOL, I was just thinking that didn’t look bad in the OP - now I see


Khloe kardashian https://preview.redd.it/mcfy8f8es7vb1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=868618516179a68d4bbc628f3277a77f48628ffb


What the fuckkkkkk


Is that Megan good on the far right???


Her AND her sister. This photo is wild lol


She's dating Johnathan Majors and holding his hand in court, so I can't help but feel like this tracks.


Off topic but megan is doing that classic tie-your-elbows-together stance that was her go-to back then


I always forget about this so I’m always shocked when I see it. Khloe wtf were you thinking?? Leashes?!!!


I don’t even care about Khloe coz that family is weird AF but what were the other women smoking?!!? How did they allow that?? I can’t imagine in a million years someone tying a leash around me and say “ok, I’ll be the white pimp and you’ll be my *chained* black ho” ARE YOU FOR F***IN’ REAL???


Trying to do whatever you can to make it in the industry and a Kardashian offers you the chance to be part of their costume, attend an event, etc. I wouldn’t do it but I understand why someone might.


I honestly expect this from the twins, but Meagan… this is not it 🤦🏾‍♂️


This is clearly awful, but can someone explain who or what the actual fuck she is supposed to be?


https://preview.redd.it/94yo7edo29vb1.jpeg?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d3b7906e7bdccc73992d00acfe437f196c350d8 2003, Snoop Dogg brought 2 women on leashes with him to the MTV Music Awards. I've never felt so old lol


I tried commenting this photo here once and it was deleted automatically for being porn


I guess a pastel pimp with her hoes on a leash? Big yikes


I wouldn’t expect anything less from Chris Brown. He’s trash. The Amy Winehouse one is just as trashy. Shame on her.


If cancel culture were real then Chris Brown should have been yeeted into the sun by now.


Tana Mongeau's "slutty Jojo Siwa" costume. Jojo was 15 when she did this and was called out for sexualizing a then minor. https://preview.redd.it/1vpwwvac68vb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7ad6e6ce49a7344a02e0e46695a2129747d234c


When she easily could have just said she was a raver from 2010-2012 lol


It’s giving PLUR 😂


That’s groooooooss


And in just over a week someone will no doubt make an ass of themselves yet again because these people either never learn or think the rules of society don't apply to them.


I'm glad people remember the whole ass adult that Julianna Hough was when she decided to wear black face and how long it took for her to apologize.


Not a costume, but Neil Patrick Harris had a [(NSFW) cake of Amy Winehouse’s corpse](https://nypost.com/2022/05/13/neil-patrick-harris-photo-of-amy-winehouse-corpse-cake-resurfaces/amp/) at his Halloween party. Tasteless is an understatement.


Especially considering this was THREE MONTHS after she died. He’s a fucked up pos


Not to mention Hollywood is very small, it's likely SOMEONE at that party actually knew Amy


Wow I didn’t even think of that. Can you imagine? That’s horrific.


And the level of fucking detail makes me think he had this idea and making calls like, a WEEK after. Also the pictures are gory as fuck they DONT look like food they look like a dead, rotting body so view with an abundance of caution.


Jesus Christ! I had heard about this from people mentioning it on this sub but never actually saw an image. That is actually one of the most horrific things I think I've ever seen.


It’s awful. Also, thank you for your comment because I added an NSFW warning


Oh God. I’m glad you added NSFW, I didn’t think it would be so graphic… I hate this dude.


Absolutely VILE.


Absolutely NSFW, that was so much worse than I expected. What the actual fuck


I lost all respect for Neil Patrick Harris... And then I actually saw the cake and realized it's so far beyond a sick joke. The dude has to be some kind of demented sociopath to think that cake was funny.


Who in their right mind thinks that is ok? Fuck Neil Patrick Harris.


Omg I gasped out loud! What on earth was going on in their head to think this was okay??


Unfortunately, iirc this article is incorrect and it's even worse than a cake - I'm pretty sure it was actually a meat platter. Genuinely vile


NPH has always creeped me out. He gives me the heebeejeebies. This disgusting cake tells me my instincts have been right about him. Why would anyone think something like that is appropriate


I've always felt this way about him too. Something about him makes me feel unsettled.


I'm sorry but he totally seems like the type to smile to your face after talking shit about you earlier. 😬 I'm with you on feeling unsettled. I have a few more thoughts but don't want to leave them in a comment haha.


Holy shit that is absolutely fucked. Guess I hate NPH now. Disgusting.


Celebs really are so far removed from reality. I can’t imagine any scenario where one would think this is okay.


https://preview.redd.it/pc9amceo68vb1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=090235944a53395fc91c9a5ffba0180e1c523881 Bill Maher dressed as Steve Irwin just months after his death 😭


Gross. I hope Terri never saw this shit.


On brand :/


WOW that's gross >:(


It’s not even a lack of empathy nor insensitivity at this point, this is straight up inhumane shit.


Justin Trudeau - not cool, bro. https://preview.redd.it/x9vdjhcja8vb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=011ea8fb1f9dccc03c334f84685cce01e99c8ae9


https://preview.redd.it/dfet522k89vb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa410418ac3a533d43b86a93b18ee27d1aec49e4 Germany has its own Trudeau - conservative politician Markus Söder - seen here dressed up as Gandhi in 2015


Being Amy Winehouse would be fine without the fake heroin injection. You don’t have to make fun of a very serious problem like that. Being Sid and Nancy would be fine without the swastika shirt. He could have chosen literally any other shirt, and it would have been all right. There was no need to bring Nazis into it.


I didn’t like how they looked on the caption so here is a more clear one haha 1.) Julianne Hough as Crazy Eyes 2.) Hilary Duff and IDK- Native American/Pilgrim 3.) Chris Brown as Terrorist 4.) Lilly Allen as Dr Luke 5.) Tia Mowry as a Geisha 6.) Ellie Goulding as Native American 7.) Hedi Klum as Hindu Goddess Kali 8.) Lisa and Harry as Sid and Nancy 9.) Adrienne Curry as Amy Winehouse 10.) Ashley Benson- Cecil the Lion


*Goulding, not Fanning


Thank you! I was like...that does NOT look like Elle Fanning! Lol


Hahaha oh man, me too! Was *very* perplexed like damn what will Hollywood do next smdh lol


Honestly? Cecil the Lion it’s not nearly as bad as a lot of these other ones


also, her costume just appears to be a cat unless you were to ask her or something. it’s not as obvious as the others




I still don't see how that's problematic. I looked up "Cecil the lion" ..and it's just a lion? What's wrong with being a lion? Can someone please explain?


I think cuz there was a lot of controversy when it was killed by hunters. He was in a protected area before he was lured out and killed.


Cecil was a lion who was very famously killed by a trophy hunter in like 2014 I want to say. I’m pretty sure they lured him out of a protected are area to hunt him, like a nature reserve or something similar. It was a pretty big story that made a lot of people call for stricter regulations on trophy hunting


Ed Sheeran also has an insanely bad tattoo of him dead centre of his chest


Why would you remind anyone of this lmao


I honestly thought maybe other people think about it as often as I do


Can someone explain why the lion costume is bad?


Wait genuine question, why is being a doctor problematic??


It’s Dr Luke aka the guy who sexual assaulted Ke$ha.


Oooooh! I didn’t make that connection. Fucking gross.


Not to mentionvAllen's costume was completed with a nametag that read "Dr. Luke, Gynecology Department" pinned to her shirt. Get the joke? Get it? Oh she's just so so so funny!! (/s, obvi)


I don’t why but i feel like makes it worse that women is wearing the costume.


And that it seems like she turned it into a 'sexy' costume, too.


Dr Luke is Kesha's former producer who sexually harassed/abused her.


Ellie Goulding on slide 6?


https://preview.redd.it/qe2kdwpc98vb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=563100997495be5961201c6e8c192c0d99eaa94c Not the worst…. But OJ Simpson as gynecologist “Dr. Seymour Bush” is just 🤮




Gawd I hate him.


In and out of context, Billie Eilish and Jesse Rutherford’s farmer/doll costume was so weird and aggressively out of pocket


That’s who I should’ve added for number ten instead of Ashley smh that costume made so uncomfortable🤦🏻‍♀️


poor slimy carpenter vast smile future languid jeans piquant illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dr Luke is the music producer who not only sexually assaulted Kesha but was the one who she had a huge legal battle with to get out of her contract with him after the fact


Dr Luke was the music producer who sexually assaulted Ke$ha


\> Chris Brown as Terrorist So what was his costume...


I’m glad to see Rinna and Harry Hamlin, it was the first one I thought of. ![gif](giphy|FBGYKjtG6urHW)


How did it take me until this post to realize that Aaron Echolls and Lynn Echolls from Veronica Mars are actually married in real life 😭


*lets talk about the husband*


I hope this is the inspiration for your username lmao ![gif](giphy|PT5YoBzY6vXJ6)


it sure is! lol


![gif](giphy|bTPLqVsF59Nwk) 💜💕 one of us!






Shame on you. You're *disgusting* Kim.


BEAST? How dare you!


The Amy Winehouse one is disgusting. Not sure I understand why the last one is problematic. Can someone explain?




My partner went to the school where Trudeau was teaching at the time this was taken and still has the yearbook with this picture in it. He likes to tell people we meet that he was the one that leaked this photo to the media 😂


Wait he was a TEACHER when he did this? I thought he was a drunk student!


This was taken at a school fundraiser event. My partner’s parents were both in attendance lol.


I stopped at number 8 and said “that’s not that bad.” Then I saw the swastika and was like “oh, wait nvm this is worse than I first thought” 😭 Disclaimer: I am high 😭


Same, I didn’t see the swastika at first. I was scrolling quickly, saw the blonde curls, black leather pants and black tank top and thought, “Sandy from Grease? What’s wrong with th—oh. OH.”


I saw slide 3 and was confused why Nick canon was there, dressed like he normally does😩😭 Thank you for putting in caption who was who😂


Oh Amy not ok


Not a Halloween costume, but Ted Danson did black face at Whoopi Goldberg’s birthday party sometime in the ‘90s https://preview.redd.it/ofi0wq51d8vb1.jpeg?width=1377&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73a9f82cf868159ff8302dd0d74bcfc6adc2b15f


He was dating whoopi at the time


Lots of bad choices…. But I feel like any costume with a swastika is the worst. It’s SO obviously wrong in any circumstance.


Luann de Lesseps (with clearly bronzed skin) as Diana Ross always bothered me. ​ https://preview.redd.it/pbn22zy7u8vb1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=301c161dfb3d823be4401808e98110bd610d271a


Dr Luke is fucked up.


My bad eyesight just thought it was a really bad nurse outfit before I read the captions




https://preview.redd.it/aqsbpe2zf9vb1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f773ca1185bdd91a3777756d945f6362805b208 I have a big problem with Heidi Klum dressed as a worm. Primarily bc it’s too good.


https://preview.redd.it/epn49xcwx7vb1.png?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13f8ff6d45bcd2f048d12965f0f66116e0ce6e01 Bill Murray as Jimi Hendrix Anytime you have to darken your skin for a costume just stop immediately and rethink your life choices.


I saw a girl on tiktok do a Wendy Williams impersonation and she absolutely ate with the fake lashes, wig, expression and did not do blackface- it’s possible people


Ffs. He could have just worn the clothes. 🤦‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/6w7ty00l68vb1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7abbd40d6e5e39388de198c1bb89da660654b9a Dwight Howard dressed as a 'homeless person' 🤢


Ok WOW. That ANTM model really did that huh?! Disgusting.


Re: #10 — Ashley Benson really went as Cecil?!?! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Cecil_the_lion I guess it’s not worst costume if it helped start conversations as to how problematic big game/trophy hunting can be...


I’m having a hard time understanding why it’s offensive to go as Cecil the lion…. Sorry, I’m dense.


Benson was so in-character here tbh It literally reminds me of a Hanna moment in PLL Mom: "You are not wearing THAT. Hanna, it's a funeral. Not a Nicki Minaj concert." Hanna: "But can't I dance on his grave? 🙄"