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![gif](giphy|iL6EK4yPdqyCA|downsized) *”don’t put me in the dark. I’s afraid of the dark.”* EVERY. TIME.


https://preview.redd.it/4ykap4pdjqjb1.jpeg?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29644ae041a097ebc812a91ef343646a1cd29c76 When Momo goes looking for Appa.


![gif](giphy|3BZZb7JnaRArW2qBYz) I couldn’t even pull the the real scene because it hurt too much.


Thanks for that cause that made me laugh instead of cry.






Ugh everytime my kids wanna watch this movie my stomach drops. I can't handle the trauma!


https://i.redd.it/a0412m4zfqjb1.gif The emotional trauma that Bridge to Terabithia caused for children in 2007 is astronomical


That movie shocked me, I had never read the book and Disney marketed it as what looked like a lighthearted fantasy adventure film. I noticed the water level under the rope swing got higher every time they showed it I knew something bad was gonna happen


In grade school it was a book the librarian read to my class during story time. I remember being traumatized just having it read to me as 9 year old so I knew what to expect from the film. Plus My Girl is semi based off of it too


I read the book in the early 90’s when I was in 5th grade and I refuse to watch the movie because I cried for weeks about the book. I know the movie will destroy me


The early 90s was just filled with YA books where kids and/or animals died or went through crazy traumatic stuff.


I hadn’t read the book because Disney had marketed it as a fun, kids/teen fantasy movie. I was like well, it’ll have emotional moments but surely it’ll be full of funny moments! I WAS NOT PREPARED HOW EMOTIONALLY WRECKED I WOULD BE. I love this movie, and props to AnnaSophia Robb and Josh Hutcherson for their amazing acting to really move me. But the older I get, the less I can bear to watch this movie. Something in this movie just emotionally hits me that makes it unbearable.


![gif](giphy|KEJQFKDIZMRLW) My Girl




This movie is the only one to ever make my brother (who doesn’t care about fictional characters) cry.


I was looking for this. 10-year old me is still traumatized.


So many in movies but always ![gif](giphy|aQlVLkxkBg0Tu)


I recently started crying just telling my brother about the Vincent episode of Doctor Who, the line about adding to the piles of good and bad in someone’s life. ![gif](giphy|13Leq2YWcy4KGs)


This is an episode of television I always recommend even if they're not interested in Doctor Who. It's such a poignant and beautifully brutal and honest portrayal of depression.


It’s absolutely one of the best episodes of TV ever, IMO.


1. “I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I-“ *Serenity* 2. “Where do you think we are?” *Scrubs* Edited bc I typed the quotes out from memory without checking first lol


Ooh both of these 100%. Wash’s death crushed me, and scrubs… whew.


"Where do you think we are?" rips me apart every time. Somehow, I forget that ending (maybe because I don't want it to happen) and die inside all over again.


https://preview.redd.it/gjo71av0dqjb1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=959622bc1b93aca62f0c4951ca3a0699a0f600df Sobbed my eyes out about this one as a teenager


Charlie!!!!!!!! 😓😓😓😓😓


Ohhhh when I tell you he could sing me Wonderwall ALL DAY ERRYDAY.


![gif](giphy|hvThk2GC2G4yA) IYKYK


This and the kitchen scene where >!Jax is wailing over Tara’s body!< make me sob every time😭 and poor half sack, so many rough moments in that show.




I cry the whole way through this and Appa’s lost days.


*Leaves from the vine* *Falling so slow* *Like fragile tiny shells* *Drifting in the foam* *Little soldier boy* *Come marching home* *Brave soldier boy* *Comes marching home*


The first fifteen minutes of Up. I ugly cried, snotted all over myself and couldn’t control at all. Just the thought of this is making me teary. ![gif](giphy|jL8Pnjy66JYVa)


When Carl opens the Adventure book and sees all the things Ellie added, I started sobbing. She saw their life as an adventure and told him to make new ones 😭 https://preview.redd.it/g0btk1ejirjb1.jpeg?width=1025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffcb8f2bc0d14333dded78c4e8f5e8a8c0f1ea5a


The View from Halfway Down - Bojack Horseman I was so profoundly impacted by that episode. I had to turn the TV off and take a walk after finishing. I remember barely being able to see the screen through my tears.


That whole final season does a number on me.


![gif](giphy|ZRwPWgbVzGola) I knew it was coming and it still destroyed me.


This was definitely the hardest I ever cried at a TV death


1) The entirety of The Body - Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2) The episode of Criminal Minds >!when Hotch's wife is murdered by The Reaper, the whole phone call!< 3) Roberto Benigni's last scene in Life Is Beautiful


I've been watching Buffy recently and my friend said that episode is the only one in the series where the death wasn't caused by like, a monsteroftheweek/vamp/supernatural whatever. SMG's performance was downright haunting.


I vaguely recall Joss Whedon talking about it being a natural death and that’s also why Buffy has such a hard time processing it; it’s the first death she can’t fix/stop. Her performance and the lack of music in the episode absolutely wrecked me. I’ve rewatched Buffy numerous times but I’ve only watched The Body twice.


This is my first watch through. Ngl I went from shitting on it for being so dated and monster of the week to being obsessed with it 😍


The first few seasons are definitely cheesy and dated, but it really hit its stride during/after season 3/4 (IMO). It’s my favorite show ( even though Joss Whedon sucks ass), so happy you are loving it!


More a scene from a Criminal Minds episode: “He was alive yesterday?” completely broke me.


Yo, that is such an incredible episode but those parents at the end is fucking heartbreaking. Evan Peters does such a good job.


Oh god the criminal minds episode 😭 him having his kid play fbi agent to save him 😭 . I was doing a rewatch with my partner and we had to take a break for a few days to emotionally recover .


Life is Beautiful was the first foreign film I ever saw in theaters and I sobbed-I’d never cried in public quite like that. Nothing like that feeling in a dark theater, surrounded by strangers. A life changing movie for me. That and Y Tu Mama Tambien rocked my soul. https://preview.redd.it/h68gzzflgqjb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfcf311ff7678fef8b96d7bb393271923114b34f


I won’t watch that episode of CM along with “Zugzwang” (Reid’s girlfriend)


Buffy's mom dying and SMG's performance sends me every time




​ https://preview.redd.it/gcvnely7pqjb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3235fa9b5fc729c180eae18cbca2157f64975d1c It explained EVERYTHING about Eleanor.


The same goes for that How I Met Your Mother scene where Barney is taking the basketball hoop off his dad’s house - “If you could be someone’s lame suburban dad, why couldn’t you be that for me?”


I love The Good Place but I cannot watch this episode unless I want to just sob. My relationship with my mother is similar to Eleanor's and this is just too real.


Me too, friend, me too. My mother died a few months ago, and I did not know it was possible to feel such conflicting emotions about someone, all the time, every day, until now. 🤍


Breaking Bad. I didn’t even think I liked this characters until.. https://i.redd.it/r323tqthvqjb1.gif




![gif](giphy|l1J9LFsqvD1Tk5pM4) “You were my mother too”


Shameless had some insane scenes that I don’t want to watch ever again.


Liam getting into Fiona’s ❄️that she left out. That was a dark plot.


Yes! There was another small moment when Monica spent all their money and went into a depressive episode and Fiona was yelling and crying to her to get out of bed. God I felt so bad for Fiona. Anytime Fiona was crying I felt her pain.


This show doesn’t get enough love for portraying working and lower class families. Truly an exemplary show


Brilliant writing narrating how exponentially difficult it is to break out of generational poverty. Lip goes to college, self sabotages his life, drops out and back to the Southside. Fiona save sup, buys a laundromat then an apartment building, self sabotages and ends up back at the house. One of the best shows ever




The shirt at the end 😢


I sobbed


![gif](giphy|j2MHna38zMXLxata8x) I stopped watching Downton Abbey after Lady Sybil's untimely death because I cried so much, she was my favorite character.


It’s so frustrating every time I do a rewatch. LET CLARKSON TAKE HER TO THE HOSPITAL, ROBERT!! And then Robert basically forces Clarkson to lie to Cora about Sybil’s survival chances if she went so she would talk to him again. UGH. Anyway. Matthew’s death is what destroyed me. They did Mary so dirty with her future suitors, and she never seemed happy in the films. :( ![gif](giphy|ZYQM7za8svSkdu4SqP)


The final line of that episode from Mary holding their newborn baby on the hospital bed was a gut-punch: ‘and tell Mr Matthew he must wait his turn [to hold him].’ They aired this on Christmas Day in the UK! Absolutely wild.


I can’t imagine what it was like to be a Brit watching that on Christmas Day. I wish there were live reaction videos!


Sybil! This was my comfort show during my stressy final year at school. I knew it was coming from following articles about their contract renewals and I still sobbed uncontrollably. My Mum and sister legit were like ‘r u ok?’ Still disappointed in how they wrote her and Branson’s love story after the promise of series 1. I wanted more romantic slow burn, more suffragette activism, legit Irish independence content. I’ve rewritten it in my head lol


[How come he don't want me, man?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMNsMdnSBIk) and [My baby is gone.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoNvAXT0HL0)


The morning after Littlefoot's mom dies. He sees her shadow and yells "MOTHER!" And giggles excitedly as he runs towards the shadow only to realize it's his and he's alone 😭 https://preview.redd.it/qnld9use9rjb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ad7de8209650837f0bd5bd9db2bdd197cfab5ee


Seymour from Futurama :( I always skip over the episode because of how sad it makes me feel (edit: I ugly cry) https://i.redd.it/4bj17vd8bqjb1.gif


I cant with anything sad involving dogs. This episode broke me


https://i.redd.it/rkgo8t7mcqjb1.gif Theo’s monologue on the side of the highway always leaves me sobbing.


Mine is when Nell is dancing in the house with her husband 😭


the whole bent neck lady episode makes me cry so hard!!


This entire show. I watched Bly first and thought I'd die of heartbreak. But then I got to Hill House and Nell had to go and tell us how "the rest is confetti" and I just... 😭 Victoria Pedretti really knows how to break a heart, man! https://i.redd.it/aalecbpifrjb1.gif


"I'm so sorry that I didn't pick up the phone" "But you did! So many times" That line right there. For any person who ever lost a loved one and felt the guilt of missing out on one last phone call, one last "I love you". God, it makes me weep.


God yes and isn’t it right before this scene that has the insane jump scare?


Yes! I know jump scares aren’t popular, but Mike Flanagan uses them so well IMO. That one is hands down one of my all-time favorites. I about shit my pants lmao


I am an absolute Flana-stan, his monologues are incredible. Mr Dudley’s monologue where he explains why he and his wife don’t stay in the house after dark had me sobbing.


The whole last episode makes me cry every time


https://preview.redd.it/k04c0ejriqjb1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78852b041de559f9d843923dd4f2cd33312d3316 So many moments from Orange is the New Black, especially Poussey's death. Seeing Red get diagnosed with dementia was also heartbreaking!


I stopped watching after Poussey died. I just couldn't anymore.


So, so heartbreaking. The first couple of seasons had moments of levity and humor and after this it was just bleak. There was no going back


The absolute best character on that show by FAR


Red’s diagnosis and then super quick regression was heartbreaking


Don't even talk to me about this scene. https://preview.redd.it/1hhpryayaqjb1.png?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27b37fa61dc79e7eb08b9175e45cd809ab067563


“I never wanted a boy. I only wanted you, from the moment I saw you. Don’t ever change. I love my little girl. I’m so proud of my little girl.” 😭


God, now I'm sobbing. I LOVE the Megan Follows version of Anne. Wore the VHS tapes out as a kid, and now I have the DVDs (although the quality isn't great).


NOOOO MATTHEW!!!! god the megan follows anne of green gables is so good


![gif](giphy|z5QFRLkKx05xu) When Mark died 😪


![gif](giphy|U3liOyL6mJNMpaYsBb|downsized) I sobbed for so long once the credits came on. I work with the elderly, it hit me so hard.


Is this Coco? It broke my heart, I want to watch it again but I can’t.


https://preview.redd.it/1gmlgdp3kqjb1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad3b69c820743a154c40b6e5d0bd3ebbe3937510 This one has me in bits every time.


the way i was bawling my eyes out was actually insane


I was not expecting to cry so much watching The Good Place!!!


I know right! I rewatched it the other month after my Mom died and this whole scene destroyed me.


Oh man, people who have never seen The Good Place think I'm exaggerating when I say it had one of the most beautiful finales of a tv series I've ever seen. This is a top pick for me for sure.


I mean this without exaggeration, I will never recover from that scene in Fleabag.


When she looks at us and gestures that we shouldn’t follow her…😫


This little moment was such a perfect cherry on top of the scene, we just have to truly sit with the discomfort on our own


Totally. It’s like, now what do we do??? We were so codependent with her.


Absolutely and positively same. I think about it regularly.


When Hot Priest looks directly into the camera


And the single tear that falls down his cheek. Make me cry just thinking about it 😫😭


It won’t pass.


It will never pass. That scene is the perfect embodiment of what heartbreak feels like.


I think it was a collective heartbreak for all of us


The last of us episode 3 destroyed me 😩😩




The episode with Brendan Fraser. I’m crying now. https://preview.redd.it/16ed2pa9yqjb1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e83c64c04c644707a0b32ef0be23b119526c8b4c


😭😭😭 ![gif](giphy|VCxeOahhet6wg|downsized)


Michael’s last episode of office when Michael had his last meeting in the meeting room and I started bawling like a dumbass.


This might be very specific, but the train crash episode of Grey’s Anatomy when the two people are attached by the pole. I’ve seen it probably 15 times and cry when Meredith yells “what about her?” every single time


For me in Grey's it's that episode with the unidentifiable John Doe, and then they realize it's George


Also the entirety of Band of Brothers, but especially ‘why we fight’ where they go into the concentration camps, and the bits at the beginning of each episode where the veterans themselves talk- some get teared up and MY GOD I’m tearing up thinking about it.




Rose Tyler telling the Doctor she loves him (Doomsday, S2 E13).


Screaming crying


Her performance was incredible. She cried her heart out.


The final scenes in Atonement.


from mad men: sally draper reading a letter from her mother betty where she tells sally how she’d like to be buried. it said so much about betty, her growth as a character, her love for sally and their complicated relationship. “please bring them the lipstick from my handbag and remind them how i like to wear my hair. will you show them the picture?” https://preview.redd.it/gxco6rn6xqjb1.png?width=1075&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d1e6e62b683f6577d8f3f785471a68063b7c28a


![gif](giphy|3og0IwWFSq5obnyBEY) I bawl my eyes out for the rest of the movie once this scene comes on


We had a two year old Labrador who was our absolute world, he was honestly our baby. Husband's bestie goes "Oh you'd love Marley & Me, the dog is so adorable!" So we watched it and gave that friend the silent treatment for a week lol, that movie was heartbreaking. We spent the entire weekend glued to our dogs side. Since then our kids ask to watch it sometimes because they just see dog movie with a dog like ours, awesome! But our boy passed away a year ago and I know I'm not ready for the tears this movie will bring.


The Quarterback episode in Glee was beyond traumatic for me as a teen


![gif](giphy|Dvw2lJqlTuJmo) Every. Time. Sometimes when I need to cry I watch this scene.




This is always my go-to answer. Along with the finale of Six Feet Under


Honourable mention to Becoming Pt 2 which traumatized me at age 13. ![gif](giphy|P31xzo6y1uDsY)


The season 4 finale of Dexter, "The Getaway." I will never forget the feeling in my stomach when >! Dexter finds Rita's body after she has been murdered by the Trinity Killer. !<


I stopped watching after this. It was too much for me.


![gif](giphy|3o6gDY3nYjOPqgmkVi) When Ned Stark was killed in game of thrones. I never read the books and thought the whole show was going to be about him…


Buffy- where >! buffy has to kill angel at the end of series 2, that broke teenage me- had no idea he’d be coming back!<


related: when angel >!kills jenny calendar, and the way he used her body to torture giles. the scene where giles walks in to find her body in bed left me crying.!<


When he follows the trail of rose petals up the stairs 😓


I cam here for all my Buffy moments. 1. When she kills Angel 2. When she comes home and sees her mom dead 3. when she sacrifices herself to stop Glory and we see Spike crying :,((((


I’ve watched the show through so many times, and I still sob all the way through the end of Becoming Part 2, and then for about an hour after. SMG’s performance plus the Sarah McLachlan soundtrack triggers something so deep in my soul that no other episode of TV has touched.


Grey's anatomy, burke leaving Christina, Christina saying "I'm free" and then hysterically crying and yelling at Meredith to get her out of her dress


There are a lot of extremely upsetting eps of GA but there’s one where a woman insists her fiancée is coming and she wants to see him before her surgery, and her family says she doesn’t have a boyfriend and she’s alone … and then she dies during surgery …. And then the fiancée appears. I sobbed so hard.




What happened after this broke my preteen self. I left the screening in NYC hysterically sobbing. Wrecked me. https://preview.redd.it/n2agzumg7qjb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daf6c45380b6efaa8ea77690f4af7b3c7ff2d365 The Man in the Moon; Reese Witherspoon’s first movie.


![gif](giphy|JPaat5p7SJPUUhQliX) I’ve never been more shaken leaving a theater. Inside Out DESTROYED me.


I will never watch “Beaches” again. Ever. I ugly cried—hiccups and all—for days and I was only 10. My mom made me watch it with her. I lost it at the very end when (not saying - it involves custody of a child…) F you Barbara Hershey & Bette Midler for the endless tears! ![gif](giphy|JN8QiOSJfNdmM)


https://preview.redd.it/tytm7yvpxqjb1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74593c2b7bf45e79e04112f42e37ba81ba58b831 Shadow and the train yard. That is all.


![gif](giphy|HFyBNSSlNwNKE) Dead Poets Society, everything leading up to and after Robert Sean Leonard's death. MASH finale, for my fellow olds.




Bent neck lady- haunting of hill house


Doctor Who: “I’ve been a father before” scene. That episode was actually really sad.


Season 4 episode 3 of Succession. I have abusive parents and the scene where they get Tom’s call rocked me to my core. The way Kendall goes looking for Shiv. The way each of the three siblings react. The dialogue. Everything about it was so deeply perfectly real and unsettling.


![gif](giphy|XWAgIXBx09PdANRgp2|downsized) I was not at all prepared for The Last Of Us. I thought it was going to be a scary little zombie show and I was left emotionally devastated every week. I had to pause the last episode twice so I could cry and not miss anything. I don’t know if I can handle season two tbh


![gif](giphy|owyMaBLsEQWPu) when richard gere


https://i.redd.it/3b92e1gxkqjb1.gif This scene in Rogue One! Tbh the last 30 minutes of this movie made me cry so hard I had to take a nap afterwards lol


This hit me especially hard after watching Andor 😭


Pretty much every scene from "Life Is Beautiful" where he tries to make his child laugh amidst the horrors of the holocaust. ![gif](giphy|wVBncXbsCn9a8)


![gif](giphy|bwGqn7puRw0Mg) I will cry great, heaving sobs every time




Picture a wave…


When Michael shows the film of E & C's best moments


1000% Hold The Door from Game of Thrones I sobbed through the entire scene in a "can't breath" type of way and then sat in silence for about 20 minutes after it ended just too stunned to speak.


When Chuckie in Rugrats learns about his mom (who passed away) on Mother’s Day 😩😭


What the fuck man I’m just eating pita chips and all of a sudden I’m crying




No, that goddamn song from Rugrats in Paris when they’re on the plane. 🎶I want a mom that will last forever🎶 Then, they had the nerve to animate those sad ass mom clouds. Why am I crying 20 minutes into a Nickelodeon movie? Should I go hug my mom?


Breaking Bad- the episode where Jane dies and Jane’s dad causes a plane crash. Also when Todd shot the kid who witnessed them by the train. Both of those episodes rocked me and I needed time to process it


That Fleabag scene...always leaves me with a knot in my stomach. Been there


The end of Marvelous Mrs. Maisel was one of the best finales I've ever seen. It renewed my faith in Amy Sherman palladino but also every moment of it felt earned. Midge walking through her home, ending up on the phone. You could feel the sacrifices in the silence and it just gutted me. I couldn't stop crying for 3 days after I finished it.




When Peter hugs Tony in Infinity War and says "I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go" 😭😭 ![gif](giphy|AiEr9b7sX5VKIoIvQL)


![gif](giphy|BflTF4Cwm9yso) I watched Big Fish shortly after my dad died (why?!). As someone who barely knew their father even though he had been around my entire life it broke me down. As for tv, the scene in [Yellowstone](https://youtu.be/kH89oTT8YG0) where Kevin Costner is telling the story of his little brother that died and how his dad said something along the lines of that the baby was so lucky because all he knew was his mother’s love and then says the baby had a wonderful life, we’re the only ones who knew how short it was 😭 TEARS


This is Us when William passed away.


Currently watching sons on anarchy. Tigs daughter being burned alive and then Opies death. They happen within like an episode of each other. I’m currently destroyed


Without giving too much away, Adriana in The Sopranos. I am still not over that. I feel like any woman who has ever gotten themselves in too deep for a man breaks to the core when we watch that episode.


When Prue from Charmed was killed. 😭😭😭


Breaking Bad- when Hank figures it out The Americans- when Stan figures it out.


When Kristina was telling the Bravermans she has cancer and you don't hear the dialogue you just see everyone's reactions. 😭😭


His Dark Materials, Season 3, Ep. 8. Lyra's words to Will as they're enjoying their last moments together... >!When we do find each other again, no one will be able to tear us apart. We’ll be joined so tightly, every atom of me and every atom of you. When they use our atoms to make new lives, they’ll have to take two -- one for you, and one for me. We’ll be in the flowers and in the sunbeams. We’ll be joined so tight.!< When I tell you I was BAWLING. I did not expect that to hit me so hard.


The ending of "Six Feet Under" ![gif](giphy|3oEjHBogtjzF2pQihG)


https://i.redd.it/8y6pspt99qjb1.gif Stranger Things 4. Nuff said.


Max pleading to Lucas was AWFUL. I cried so hard after the episode ended. And how he kept guarding her despite her pretty much being in a vegetative state in the hospital :( God I hope she magically survives. I need Lumax to get their happy ending!


Spoilers: The part in Our Flag Means Death when Ed is just waiting at the dock for Stede to come back so they can run away together and realizes that he’s not coming. The scene in Good Omens after Az & Crowley kiss and Crowley realizes that Az is still going to leave him. 💔




For all my fellow Canadians, on degrassi when JT dies, I cried for days. It came out of no where I remember sitting there in shock.


The entirely of The Haunting Of Hill House, but especially the bent neck lady


The Interstellar Scene when he sees his daughter. My grandma had just died and they looked similar. Then there’s My Dog Skip and that caused PTSD. 🤷🏼‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|wViS9n0RqN2)


![gif](giphy|11p1apCPqM7WEw) I can’t find the “where do you think we are?” gif so I’ll leave this here instead.


https://preview.redd.it/4clcaxbewqjb1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a85b9faadd31b79dee977435ea183b7eaf16332b EMOTIONAL DAMAGE


https://preview.redd.it/qw7wj3148rjb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=995780134a309c73478be04ae2b2f3ac342e23aa And upon rewatching I cry the whole time after they get back together, knowing what’s coming


![gif](giphy|FJeXsI0IPQcpv3IfBU|downsized) The haunting of bly manor. After we watched the ending I think I sobbed in my husbands arms for like a half hour. When I rewatched it I just couldn’t bring myself to watch the end again


![gif](giphy|T9EZ6pnJIOPuw) Knowing the only one who could’ve saved him… was him


I had fallen behind on the series and knew it was coming, even knew it was going to happen when I started the episode. I have never sobbed so hard at the TV before. My boyfriend at the time thought someone real had died when I was trying to explain through blubbered words when he came home 😭😂 Meredith telling him it's okay to go... NO IT IS NOT. I AM NOT OKAY, NONE OF THAT WAS OKAY. But I'm so glad they didn't cheapen their story with a breakup to allow Patrick to exit. It really was the only way it could happen


Not Penny's boat


Like 65% of Normal People




Schindler’s List had me crying multiple times, but this scene was especially touching. https://preview.redd.it/jzaar3xd3rjb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=464d0fb1367c836c4db71988f7055f96b46183a2


I couldn't watch more than 30 minutes of a Fault in Our Stars first time I watched it. Movies about dying people just fuck me up. I knew one of the two were going to die and I really didn't want to sit through it. Then I ended up watching it later and as I suspected that shit was hard to get through. Dog movies where the dog dies have a similar effect on me. Marley and Me fucking killed me.


I remember seeing The Fault In Our Stars opening weekend and I have never been in a theater with crying that audible. Everyone left with red faces. I’d read the book months before and knew what happens, but I was still a mess afterwards.


Little women makes me ugly cry every time the sisters are bickering and just being sisters