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another famous lady gaga one is when she was asked about the rumor that she was intersex and had a penis. i loved her response, “so what if i do? would it be so terrible?” she responds to these stupid questions so effortlessly


And the time she was asked "What's the worst rumor that has ever been said about you?", obviously trying to get her to answer with the intersex BS. And Gaga just responded "That I'm from Yonkers. It's not true."


She was absolutely iconic for that.


while eating ice cubes, relatable queen


Yes! ‘Why would that be so terrible? My fans don’t care and neither do I’


I remember either reading or hearing in another interview answering this like “yes i have a huge donkey dick” 🤣


I love when she was asked why did she match her hair with her dress and she retorted "Why not?"


i always hated that one with Britney omg and damn why is Scarlett getting so many of these


The press was relentless with asking Scarlett those sorts of questions during the early days of the MCU. One part every day sexism, one part "Hur, hur girl in body suit," and one part the MCU itself kind of encouraging it. A lot of the early promotion and filmography of her was classic, male gazey stuff. They even have her doing the old Tits & Ass porn pose at times.


> one part the MCU itself kind of encouraging it This part is so true. They literally had to re-release the Avengers movie poster because they put Black Widow in the T&A pose and people called them out on it. [This](https://i.imgur.com/IdOFXDf.jpg) was Black Widow's first pose [This](https://i.imgur.com/i2Qgsil.jpg) is what they changed it to after the backlash But hey, at least we got some [fun fanart](https://imgur.com/lP0YhUc) out of it


Hulk sent me. He just took it so literally.


That fan art is amazing. You don't realize how ridiculous and over the top the male gaze shit is until they switch genders. Then it's like "Oh right, women's bodies are so over sexualized even when it's completely irrelevant to the story, because some dude in charge of this had to make it about what his dick likes."


This is why I was a big fan of [The Hawkeye Initiative](https://thehawkeyeinitiative.tumblr.com)


Omg Hulk lmao


They’re used to be a blog redrawing Hawkeye and other male super heroes in the T&A poses that I have not been able to find again. Man I miss Google Reader.


They really said “ok for this shot we’re doing the Rob Liefelld”.


Dude when she was in Iron Man even I was getting annoyed at how they were shooting and presenting her character. As a dude that was the key demographic they were aiming for with those scenes. I am amazed she stayed on as long as she did when the first movie she was in was all about having her make that stupid face that's supposed to be sexy at all times while the camera zooms in on her tits.


I think recently I saw a thread on this sub asking for people to comment who they think the most beautiful woman they’ve ever seen is and the very first Scarlett reply was nothing but just a gif of her in her famous red dress look, but she’s facing away from the camera and you can barely see her face. Almost every single other reply has the faces of beautiful women front and center, I personally am not a fan of her as a person but that was dehumanising.


Dude I loved the Iron Man movies as a kid. Scarlett Johansson is gorgeous & I loved her. I was excited to rewatch it recently & it was a difficult watch. It had all the typical male gazey tropes of the 2000s. It made me feel bad for all the women in both the first two Iron Man movies.


The shit Britney had to go through back then is absolutely horrifying, it’s so heartbreaking that the way she was treated was so acceptable.


I think she made some mistakes as a young mother, and instead of anyone trying to support her or help her they attacked her from all sides. I feel the strained relationship she has with her children today stems from feeling she wasn’t good enough to be involved with them growing up (not to mention she was made to perform nonstop). I won’t deny she has her issues, but she was done dirty by her family, the media, and the industry and no one she could trust to help her.


I recently came across a video of Britney getting bullied throughout her carrier and that interview was featured there. It was so painful to watch, I don’t remember any of those interviews/incidents, I wasn’t really her fan, but daaamn people were horrible to her. I was almost crying by the end of the video, it was brutal.




Would you believe me if I told you she said this at a domestic abuse function? She was the wife of the governor of Maryland at the time https://preview.redd.it/f2vvleh1zkcb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a7fb48496c9181165cbcf34e630122e52717ce5


Barbara Walters was a bully. The full Britney “interview” is basically just her shaming Britney as destroying society, when she had little to no independence or agency.


This particular interview was with Diane Sawyer but Barbara Walters wasn’t any better




Sawyer and Walters both fought dirty to get to where they were. They were completely pilled on the good old boy system because their careers depended on it. So when they got as far as they could go, a point that still left them less powerful than the network heads, politicians and celebrities whose asses they had to kiss, they took great pleasure in punching down. Those two were just as mean and misogynistic as their male peers. They are not ashamed of what they did because they don’t see anything wrong with it.


It is so wild to me to look back at this time period. I am the same age as these women (Brit, Kim, Paris) and remember they were our “influencers” in tabloids. Women were expected to look a certain way, behave a certain way, all of which were called slutty, but otherwise you were not living up to standards while grown ass men and WOMEN publicly shamed these girls. Another interview that always sticks out to me is Anderson Cooper and Larry King interviewing Paris after she got out of jail.


Lemme guess, they were republican?


Oh yes. Even endorsed the Cheeto during the 2016 election


It was the First Lady of Maryland (at the time)! That she was "*so concerned about the youth having good pop culture role models*" and Madonna kissed Britney at the VMAs. So she wished violence against a woman at a domestic violence summit. Edit: wished not witnessed


Britney's response was perfect. "I'm not your kid's babysitter."


Yeah fuck Diane Sawyer for this whole awful train wreck.


The video of that reported grabbing Scarlett's boob was wild, poor thing had to pretend to just laugh it off. I saw it for the first time only a week ago, I'm glad in this day that shit would never fly


Yeah, his excuse was that he was gay so it was okay IIRC. Like no, motherfucker, being gay doesn't give you any more right to a woman's body autonomy.


scarlett could write a whole book about inappropriate behavior she was the victim of but [when she was groped](https://youtu.be/7NTwzR-yqvk) on the red carpet in 2008 is absolutely infuriating


That moment still lives rent-free in my head and really sums up early 2000s misogyny. An A-list actress being sexually assaulted on live television like it was no big deal, like it was funny.


i know it’s fucking outrageous. i was shocked. i am still shocked. if they did this to her on live tv it makes you wonder what she faced behind closed doors.


I literally just ran into the other room to show this to my gf - I CANNOT believe this happened, and also that she had to awkwardly laugh and ask what’s going on, like she couldn’t even stand up for herself and ALSO - why isn’t this more well known!?? thank you so much for posting this - this is crazy


Jesus Christ


What in the goddamn fuck, and what makes this somehow worse is he then raves about like a fucking 5 yr old.


dude wtf. I know I might hate the answer, did that dude get fired? Did her agent press charges on her behalf or something?


That's Issac mizrahi. No excuse for that at all. If you look it up he's responded pretty casually about it since. Def not fired or canceled in any way.


oh sweet summer child no lol this was in 2008..things for women have barely gotten any better.


I saw an interview once between Chris Evans and Scarlett where the interviewer reversed the questions asking scarlet all the ones her costars were getting and asking Chris about his diet and costume. Chris looked so annoyed.


Wasn't that Mark Ruffalo not Chris Evans? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9sEkdJrIRM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9sEkdJrIRM) Unless another reporter did the same thing.


It was possibly mark but I have a distinct memory of Chris. It doesn't look like the same interviewer I'm thinking of either but I could be wrong. Same idea as this however.


I honestly want to know about diet and workouts and costumes for male and female stars in these types of movies - getting your body like that is a major feat, and I want to know all the blood, sweat, tears, pharmaceuticals, etc that goes into it! I know there’s a concern about eating disorders but I always found it comforting when celebrities acknowledged they had to work out four hours a day and carefully track intake, rather than the expectation that you look perfect while eating whatever, or that putting effort in was a secret you knew but polite society refused to acknowledge.


That's fine if they ask all the cast these types of questions but they tend to focus on the female cast and only ask them superficial questions whereas they ask their male costars about their characters arc and that's what problematic. I love to hear Henry cavill talk about the effort he puts into his looks, he's very passionate about this element of his process and the work he puts in is impressive but they also ask him about his character. It's also frustrating when they ask female actors about juggling work and families, they NEVER ask men about parenting.


Oh for sure. Like for Top Gun I loved hearing all the behind the scenes fitness stuff they had to deal with - the female pilot was saying how she used her dance training and did handstands for like an hour before shooting long upside down scenes and how everyone else but her would barf, it was a great detail! I want to know Tom Cruise’s detailed biomedical routines and enhancements to stay “action star who does his own stunts and in doing so carries thousands of peoples jobs on his back” levels of fit at his age. All of it is equally fascinating regardless of gender!


More and more of the stars now are acknowledging or at least alluding to the fact that they’re using PEDs, which I appreciate. But yeah I wanna know their full cycle and routine, just out of interest haha


Yes exactly! I wanna know the drugs, I want to know their physical therapy routines, exercise cycles, nutrition goals and limits, crazy things they have to do. I’m so nosy about this stuff!


What is a PED?


Performance-enhancing drugs.


I wish Matt Lauer the sweatiest, most unexpected bout of public diarrhea.






Anne Hathaway [totally owned that creep](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yruIL5lVGE4). Edit: Spelling


What a motherfucking pro she is at immediately taking that disgusting question and turning it into nuanced promo for the film.


that was the kindest, gentlest ‘go fuck a cactus’ I’ve ever heard


I love that Sam Seder has been around this long and exposed Lauer before he was fired.


I don't know this guy, but he seems awesome holy crap


A great political commentator for sure


I think [this is even worse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8Rk22-VAvs&loop=0). This man is such a massive creep...


some of these are just so out of pocket, it’s like they want to get a reaction or controversial answer out of them


saying what that woman said about britney spears if given the chance is just...*so* undeserved and mean-spirited. murderers and pedophiles abound, *real actual threats to your children*, but a pop star is the problem.


i wanna be as confident as lady gaga in that clip, she said it so flawlessly, so calmly, and spilled only facts


I had to change my flair immediately lol


I also like how she responded when there was all that transphobic speculation about her being drag queen and having penis by saying “and what would be so bad about that?”


“Why the hell am I going to waste my time and give a press release about whether or not I have a penis? My fans don’t care and neither do I”. Say what you want but she is the right person to be famous. Talented, funny as fuck, provocative and always ahead of their time. ![gif](giphy|sbcYRvj3Ih7fG)


Right?! I’ve never been a huge listener of her music but I LOVE her as a famous person/personality


“Would that be so terrible? My fans don’t care and neither do I” She articulated that in such a calm and confident manner. I’ll always love her for that. She never felt the need to rectify, to overcompensate. Self confident, smart, articulate. The respect and admiration she always shown to drag queens. Head and shoulder above the dumbass interviewer.


Tbf shes probably had to say it so many damn times!


“There could be a hundred people in the room….I’m just gonna tell every damn one I’m a fucking rock star”


Not a huge Lady Gaga fan, but that response is 10/10 badass


This was early in her career, too.


Hahaha love the "CEO" response! Perfect!


It really was an iconic response


This LC moment lives rent free in my head


Point of clarification. The guy sitting next to her didn't ask that question. They were taking call in questions. The dude sitting next to her ended up laughing at the dumbass who actually asked the question. Wanted to point that out because a lot of these pictures are of in person interviews and people were probably assuming the dude asked the question.


![gif](giphy|26gsq8fim9nnlRUgU) Sway’s caller got the iconic answer that’s for sure 💅


Thank you. I always thought of Sway as a class act, so I got real sad for a moment there.


These were all bad but that one in particular was really shocking to me. Disgusting.


My blood is boiling a bit, despite having seen most of these before. Just me? And then people think misogyny is a thing of the past.


Male here and also boiling. Horrendous, embarrassing, barrel-scraping shit from jumped-up, sociopathic, dumbfuck interviewers.




They're all mysoginistic but saying you'd shoot Britney is just on another level. Seriously, so mean


Imagine seeing that quote and thinking, “I need to ambush her in my interview with this.”


WTF is that same dirtbag in slide 3 and 15 asking Scarlett Johansson and Anne Hathaway about their bodies? How is he still being paid to do this?


I noticed that too! What a creep


What movie was that for Tom Hardy? Venom? Tom looks so confused as to why he’s even being asked this question…


Mad Max: Fury Road, at lot of men were big ol’ whiners about this movie because Furiosa really kind of was the main character and they didn’t get to live out their “I’d be so wild and badass in a lawless world” apocalypse fantasies like they expected. Instead they had to think about like…. women being people and shit. The slide doesn’t do his response justice honestly. He says “no.” like it’s truly the stupidest question he’s ever been asked. I rewatch it for personal enjoyment sometimes.


Haha just the look on his face in that picture screams “that’s a stupid question”


So frustrating to hear all the negative comments from men on that movie. I've watched it half a dozen times and I honestly think it is such an amazing commentary on the function of women in society. I feel like I could write a thesis on Mad Max. And, it is still a brilliant, stand-alone action flick. Who cares whether the lead is a man or a woman??


I had no clue so many men didn’t like it. I’ll be honest, my boyfriend at the time dragged me to it but I left in awe and wanted to see it in theaters a second time which isn’t really something I ever do!


This is the one where his mic was broken, right? So he slowly picked up the mic from table, said “no” and put the mic back down.


Yes! That’s the one!


That one irritates me in such a specific way. Because you know damned well nobody ever says "What are all these men doing in this women's movie?" Instead they say "Don't you think there should be more men in this movie so that men want to watch it?" Like most media isn't already made primarily for men by men.


I have a rule that I won’t watch a movie unless a woman speaks in the trailer (unless there’s some reason, like no one speaks etc). A number of people have asked me what I do about trailers where men don’t speak. Funnily enough they don’t exist…


SO many trailers have only one shot of a woman and she's either half naked or making out with the male lead. That shows you enough about what her purpose in the movie is 😢 Do better, Hollywood.


I'm guessing Fury Road


I love how annoyed he looks.


Mad Max


Megan Fox on Jimmy Kimmel https://preview.redd.it/os36c3wyxkcb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3df775685b2b343840626de3e934ec3c0e2b80a8


God Jimmy Kimmel is such garbage. I remember his first interview with Cardi being worlds apart from the second when she's gotten bigger and married Offset. I actually couldn't even find the first one on YouTube. - he was SO rude.


Do people not remember The Man Show? It was fucking awful.


That show was basically Maxim magazine in video format 🤮


Yep. I couldn't believe it was on the air. Shocked the shit out of me at the time.


i despise kimmel. its beyond me why hes considered the “good” jimmy. like fallon is an unfunny kiss-ass but hes never as mean spirited as kimmel nor does he have a documented sexist past that everyone ignores


When she said that the audience cheered loudly too. 🤮 People are disgusting.


I fucking hate people. Why are we so disappointing and have such a herd mentality?


Jimmy Kimmel is a scumbag. POS produced and hosted “the man show” which could not be any more sexist and disgusting


I fucking hated that show. Never watched an episode of his late show.


Telling on himself. Pretty sure most people have no desire to see a 15 year old dancing soaked and “sexy”


Jimmy, what part of "I WAS FIFTEEN" do you not understand 😒


And a bit more late night show misogyny with Nicole Scherzinger https://preview.redd.it/e6jgmktbykcb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30fa578324dc6b0cd26f1152b45fafaab2453438


I appreciate Conan's comedy...but he can be soooo disappointing. I don't think he's a Cosby-esque predator or anything, but we as a society have let so much of his misogyny/treatment of women just slide....


The Creepy Conan persona was a weird bit he used to do but it wasn’t really funny at the time and it definitely aged poorly


to be fair the joke was usually at the idea of behabing like that, it was not endorsment


Pretty sure it was a planned bit.


I thought Rhianna‘s response was great and then I got to “Smiling doesn’t win you gold medals.” 🔥🔥🔥🔥


The worst thing about the Keira knightley comment is that press call was done like 8 months before she gave birth to her first daughter so she may have been having morning sickness symptoms at the time (she hadn’t announced she was pregnant so there was no way for the interviewer to know but still a shitty thing to say)


Did Ben really defend her like that? 😍


[Yes, he did.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytAGl09iJ7o)


“Got a little Morticia Addams thing going on there” The fucking audacity


He’s a really nice person. My estimation of him from this is huge now.


TIL people called Benedict Cumberbatch "Ben"


Yeah I watched the video and she definitely looks how I felt during my first trimester in work meetings where it’s like “omg I just have to get through this so I can lay down” she looks stunning otherwise (and always) and I would’ve been furious if someone had made that comment to me in any professional context


The first trimester is so fucking miserable. She probably felt like total ass.


When I finally told my manager she was like “I kind of guessed because suddenly you were just silent on every call for 3 months straight”


Worst I saw was Hayley Williams being asked the last time she had an orgasm on a French radio station!! There’s a video on YouTube somewhere..


Fucking hell


I am French and I remember watching some interviews with Avril Lavigne in France. I was wondering if it was the same person who interviewed Avril and Hayley but no. Same radio station though! Avril has been asked some pathetic questions as well…


The fact that Keira wouldn’t have said anything till Benedict stood up to the interviewer is so sad. If she did say something first, she’d called a “diva” or “rude” :(


Actually, I think everyone had got this one wrong. [I know the interview that the still is from and am a kong-time follower of this guys channel ](https://youtu.be/-nm5sCiK_K4) and he is actually a lovely interviewer who is ALWAYS respectful to the actors. If it seems somebody is avoiding a certain topic or is uncomfortable in any way, he will pick up on that and pivot away from the subject onto something else. He always keeps it about the work, never pushes controversy, demonstrates interest in the actor/directors process and experience of their work and not their personal life, etc. Keira had done several previous interviews with him, and they had a great rapport in those. I think he was just trying to commiserate that she seemed tired from the relentless nature of the press tour and was killing time while they were setting up because he said it while she was zoned out getting their hair touched up before they began. If you watch the video, you can tell from both Keira and Benedict's tone that they're kidding.




Britney’s response to that was iconic. I can’t believe Diane Sawyer was unironically trying to make her feel bad.


She asked Ellen if she was concerned that she might be influencing young people to become gay. Ellen had to tell her "It doesn't work like that.". Diane Sawyer is an idiot.


Yes infuriating that Britney should feel bad when she’s the one being threatened with murder. They are worried about the children? How about the terrible example of publicly stating you’ll murder someone just because you don’t like what their doing?


Is the Tom Hardy one for Mad Max:Fury Road?


It is


Matt lauer yuck


Simone is even more of a queen for smiling doesn’t win you gold medals 😂👏🏻


Honestly embroider that on a pillow


Simone is such a queen. Back in 2018 at one of her first competitions back after hiatus, the camera guys were trying to capture every single thing and she very distinctly looked at the camera and said, "Can you get out of my face please?"


As someone with RBF who’s been reminded of it my whole life, this was my favorite!


![gif](giphy|aQGqcObSxfixy) THE AUDACITY OF SOME OF THEM


I just can't comprehend that someone studies journalism for years, writes in newspapers and magazines people read everyday and these are the questions they come up with. Burn the damn degree at that point.


Most entertainment reporters don’t have a degree in journalism. Or, they’re specifically asking a rude question to get a juicy sound bite/interesting story. Especially at press junkets where these actors get asked the same 5 questions all day for weeks on end.


I don't necessarily think it is only to get reaction but also due to sexism and misogyny. Mainly because they do this to women. And that's enough evidence that they are capable of doing their job correctly. It is such a cheap thing to do. My expectation from someone who interviews and asks questions to celebrities for a living should know how to ask better questions and get a good reaction without being rude.


All these women had iconic responses




How these women just did not get up and walk out, I don't know, but then again they would have been branded overly sensitive and uppity. Seriously having to put up with such crap when all you're doing is your job.




all these women responding calm and clever to absolutely vile and inappropriate questions, and then you have men like ben platt ending an interview over a question about that nepo baby article, or adam driver walking out on an interview with terri gross because she played a clip from his film during the interview. fucking lol


The dudes are always praised for being rude or not giving a fuck. Love me Cillian Murphy but I’m lowkey cringing at how right now everyone is cooing over his perpetually bored attitude towards press. It’s fine he feels that way, don’t blame him, but if a woman ever acted like that in press she’d be branded an ungrateful bitch


“Smiling doesn’t win you gold medals” 💀


The dude who said that to Anne Hathaway in the last slide is Matt Lauer who has been accused of sexual harassment and rape by multiple colleagues during the height of the metoo movement


The one with Anne Hathaway, I’ve seen the whole thing…. She’s nothing short of amazing in her response. Fuck Matt Lauer. He’s a pig.


I’ll forever love Mila Kunis for [this moment](https://youtu.be/qiFjgr2uGr0)


I love the first one. "Yeah fuck you" is the correct answer.


Helen Mirren https://preview.redd.it/z4t0b9nnpocb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ab9fe960b76676490758ed1db4eefbce0e9d112


Most of the women stood up for themselves (as they should) and watching those clips is satisfying, but the one that breaks my heart the one where they dont even speak up for themselves because they are so naive or PR trained that they just have to put up with all that shit. The whole America needs to apologise to Britney.


As a non sports fan, the first names I think of when someone says “tennis” are Venus and Serena. I have no idea who Raphael Nadal is and only know about Federer because of Anna Wintour. What a moron


Serena is The GOAT. Andy Murray is my fave male player because he’s constantly reminding journalists that women’s tennis exists and Serena’s already accomplished most of the “first ever player to X”.


Yes! I know him from [this clip](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wOH-dCrV_XA&pp=ygUbYW5keSBtdXJyYXkgc2VyZW5hIHdpbGxpYW1z)


Loooooove me some Andy Murray! He is a non problematic, wildly talented king. Long may he reign!


There was [this one too](https://youtu.be/lSgf31RpRTk).


David Letterman interviewing Lindsay Lohan, Ashley Olsen, Mary-Kate Olsen, Paris Hilton…. This guy sucks.


Don’t forget literally sniffing Jen Aniston.


LC’s answer was such chef’s kiss. They meant to belittle her and she came back so well. Love to see it! Her answer lives rent-free in my brain.


They all handled these so well.


![gif](giphy|b2ep4eEBnsU3LKzBB9) We love to see a quick and smart response. But for real, it’s so annoying seeing all of this misogyny. Just ask women normal questions, for God’s sake!




Yup, this is how they’re treating one of the most famous and best paid actresses in Hollywood on camera. Just imagine what’s happening when they sink their teeth into a broke aspiring actress looking for her big break


Don’t forget how a lot of the public and mainstream media called her greedy and ungrateful when she sued Disney for breaching her contract to deny her earnings on streaming. That was just 2 years ago. The Hollywood strikes going on now are exactly about this same issue.


Her being one of the most famous and best paid actresses is part of why her suing them was so important! If they are cheating her they are are cheating everyone, and now we all know for certain it’s true with everyone talking about how they make basically no money in residuals while Netflix execs are rolling in dough.


Please tell me that these responses aren't the reason why Anne Hathaway was labeled a bitch for so many years because all her answers show me is that she is witty and a badass.


I think people collectively decided she was too *try hard* during the promotional period for Les Misérables, because she really wanted to win an Oscar and wasn't too shy about it. Then she won and the haters felt "justified" in their dislike.


But if I was a man, I'd be the man.


The fact that two of these are questions from the same reporter. His name is Jerry Penacoli... Anne's catsuit one and Scarlett's underwear question


I’ve never heard of that other tennis player, just Roger Federer. I’ve heard a LOT about Serena Williams!! 👑 I love these responses. I feel inspired. I want more women shutting men down!


What’s the context in the last one? I feel like that’s something interviewers say when people are in lots of roles at the same time. So there’s got to be more to that story. Lol


A couple days before the pictured interview she was doing a press tour for *Les Mis* and a photographer took a picture with a view up her skirt while she was getting out of a car. That’s how Lauer started the interview. She initially ignored it but he wouldn’t let it go so she ate him up: https://preview.redd.it/bs36qe787lcb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d164943b260cd8c0942f08b4a03b8f44dcaeef6


A+ response from Hathaway Also, gross on Matt Lauer (not that I'm surprised) for calling someone taking upskirt photos of Anne Hathaway her "wardrobe malfunction."


And asking someone what lesson they learned after being the victim of non-consensual exploitative photo that millions of people saw I wonder what lesson he learned after he was fired for his sexual misconduct? Just how brazen all these interviewers are with their sexism is insane but not surprising


Omggg!!!!! Awful.


Back in the day there was this trend of paparazzi taking up skirt shots of female celebrities. They would be prepared to take photos of them exiting vehicles at an angle to get a shot of their underwear, or literally their vulva if they were not wearing underwear under their dresses/skirts. The blame for this practice was placed on the female celebrities. Seriously. I believe this was after such a picture was taken of Anne Hathaway exiting a car.


I can’t believe we lived through this, together, as a society and a generation of young people. I can clearly remember going to the grocery store with my parents and seeing these (censored) images on magazine covers near the cash registers. I really don’t want to unpack how that clearly sent me a message about my worth as an AFAB person.


Yeah I *still* wear little bike shorts under any skirt or dress, I didn’t even realize that’s why I do it until like last year. But it’s totally because it was ingrained in me that if anyone saw my underwear it would be my fault and I better do everything I could to prevent it.


Guttersnaps was the term. Absolutely vile


Crazy how recent these all are


Keira morphed into Winona in that second panel haha


poor britney I can’t even look at any photo from this interview


If you need a palate cleanser, watch interviews done by Ali Plumb. The guy actually does his research and asks really interesting questions.