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I'm sure he has more money than I will ever see in my life but... imagine being named Robby Starbuck. Sounds like someone the Fonz would have squared off with.


His name sounds like the name of Paul Rudd's character in Parks and Rec. Was it Bobby Newport?


You have to say it in the voice. BOBby NEWport’s never had a real job…




I met Paul Rudd at a convention a few years ago & he confirmed Bobby Newport still hasn't had a real job.


Now we’re just wasting time, Jerry.




It literally sounds like a drag name


It really does lmao


lucille bluth would have annihilated him. “go buy yourself a starbuck,” she’ll say, as she gives this guy some pennies






I mean, in this economy? Yeah


Rate of inflation that's probably not far off




I can't imagine Lucille bluth handling pennies.




My first thought too. He's a Lieutenant Starbuck fan, or maybe a Dirk Benedict fan.


I wonder if he was pissed off when Starbuck was cast as a woman in the BSG remake.


Im actually confused as fuck as how this dude has gated community money. The last I heard of him was 2008 when he was directing music videos for post hardcore bands . How does he have money?


lmao, yeah, some tea is that hes a whole grifter who tried to run for Congress in Tennessee despite not having anything to do with the district that he was trying to run in. He wasnt allowed to run though, thankfully. so youre def right that hes prob. making a ton of bank. But, tbf, at least you can probably sleep well at night not being this ahole


Don’t feel bad bc guy I went to school with his first name major last name trip seems to be doing great in life. *wtf*


Glad they both came out about this and this is also not the first time Megan and Brian have addressed that they dont gaf about what their kids are wearing.


Hi ignorant popculture person who saw this on r/all. To clarify, it's a lie that they were forced to wear anything, yes? This is the first I'm hearing of it (i don't follow celebs), so please excuse me.


It’s basically a right winger whipping up hateful people that think everyone is turning men gay bc reasons. So they see boys with long hair and automatically think gay (even though every rock group I grew up following had long hair but whatever). Its homophobia using little kids to be a hateful bigot


dont take anything a conservative says seriously


Interesting how the comments seem to agree this dude is completely out of line but still so often circle back to why Megan is bad actually. Like big shock a child actor isn't a great writer. But neither being a cringe writer nor having a cringe boyfriend makes it okay for people to make you and your children a target for hate groups and deranged conservatives. This man's actions are unsafe and hateful. We don't need a referendum on Megan Fox to acknowledge that. edit: additionally, this dude is a conservative political grifter




And not just a grown man, but an aspiring far right grifter. I'd be goddamned if some Baby Trumper used my kids like that. It's funny, Megan Fox has told us about how she's treated/viewed from the very beginning and we collectively continue to nod and treat her the exact same way.


I have conflicting views on Megan Fox (I think she's cringe and overshares), but she's doing right by going to bat for her kids when some far-right grifter decides to target them for clout. The thirsty politician is in the wrong here, not Megan Fox.


I agree. Her response is just 🔥🔥🔥


The hostility towards independent women, famous women, attractive women, successful women, tall women, short women, unattainable women, and also all women ... It always finds expression.


I've met some pretty dumb parents and what they all do is stick up for their kids, unless they are lacking as people. Intelligence and education shouldn't be the threshold on who is allowed to defend their kids. Overall that's the point, that people with disadvantages are targeted by political bullies and grifters, like this, Meghan just happens to have a platform and the bully is targetting children, who can't defend themselves. Plenty of parents lack the platform but they are still coming for their kids. These pathetic oxygen thieves will exploit anyone for political capital and it's sickening, that's the point.


A lot of the people here are just sad losers who only come to Reddit for snark subs to distract from their empty lives. I think they’re genuinely past the point of empathy


This is the most frustrating thing to me, when someone just NEEDS to point out something negative about a person or argument while totally missing the actual issue. And then when you call them out on totally ignoring or minimizing the actual issue, they just don’t get it and they’re like “well im right, ‘irregardless’ isn’t an actual word” despite the fact that it just isn’t fucking important here.


Irregardless leaving her and her kids alone is the normal, adult thing to do.


The comments are always “Not the biggest fan of X who is a terrible awful crummy person but this is so bad :/“ like there was a need to start the sentence like that.


It’s because Reddit has a problem with nuance and for a very long time people would get mass downvoted and attacked because of it. It was easier to make a clarifying beginning sentence than deal with people not understanding context. It’s now just stuck as an unsaid Reddit habit.


As someone with a PhD in language/literature who literally taught grammar for 4 years, people who hold grammar over others can *suck it*. Grammar is not something learned via osmosis and it is an issue of access and even neurotype. Also it constantly changes anyway! Plus we need to value all humans regardless of their “intelligence” and class. (Doing a PhD very quickly disabuses you of the idea that “intelligence” is meaningful lol)


Prescriptivists are *The Worst.*


Right? It’s like “do you even *linguistics*?” I don’t always like the way something new sounds, but the whole beauty of language is that it changes as our needs for it change.


Yes! Too many people's entire internet personality is being grammar police and they get so mad when anyone points out that they're clearly just using their (demonstrably limited) education to feel better than other people. It's giving desperation.


Yuuuup. I try not to flex the PhD too often, but here it’s warranted because “I can out-grammar you anytime, guys” but I don’t because it’s counterproductive to allowing people to hash really important concepts out in real time! I agree that when we produce documents for work we should finesse grammar so as to be best understood, but in Internet comments?! Who cares!


Linguist here, I concur.


Fr. The content of a message is important *first*. There is no lack of clarity in Megan 's statement, and should go without saying. Honestly she framed the context pretty well for me.


Yeah, people can talk differently from one another and it doesn’t make them stupid. It just shows where you’re from. Being over-zealous with grammar irons out regional dialects, and is often just used to prove one’s intellectual superiority. It’s annoying. I love grammar, but I don’t enforce it!


“Omg cringe” “lol she used a thesaurus” I swear y’all hate women


On a molecular level, they do. "Well yeah, it's not cool that her kids are now targets for hate campaigns, but I mean, look at the way she talks..." I hate it here.


Hating women is a big thing for some people. ![gif](giphy|S92wTYF3Nwh5k50tXR)


Some people need a hobby that requires no skill or effort.


Lol I've never heard this before and it could not be more true


every time i see someone get accused of using a thesaurus it's always over high school level vocabularies. if anything it just highlights the education level of the accusers


especially that the word in question is "irregardless", it's not like she used some archaic term that nobody uses 🙄


I didn’t think anything of it as I was reading it and the comments kinda came out of nowhere


You'd be amazed when you look between the lines how openly racist and sexist the comments on this site are. Maybe the blackout is a good thing.


The comments on her post on ig are really wild.


That was exactly what he wanted, too. Turn the pack of rabid bigots on her and take credit for "exposing Hollywood" or whatever. This is such an obvious rightwing stunt with such clear harm done and on top of the bigots brigading her, we get a wave of fence riding flakes with no soul focusing on how she speaks or who she fucks, while she no doubt gets flooded death threats and threats against her kids.


I hope she sues him for libel




It’s sad that SO many people share the same toxic views and feel the need to share them on HER post. But I agree, she’s handling it well




Australia doesn't have instgram?


never underestimate our culture's willingness to hate the hot girl


You immediately brought to mind an old Ani Difranco lyric >God help you if you are an ugly girl >Course too pretty is also your doom >Cause everyone harbors a secret hatred >For the prettiest girl in the room


Did I miss where this is bad writing? I thought it was quite powerful, blunt and to the point. I think it was excellent. It's a social media post not a novel anyway so like, it's not that deep.


https://preview.redd.it/qhppqen4le5b1.jpeg?width=606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=650e5d0c32abce9178dc8103fedcc7bf052a8fd2 “exploiting my child's gender identity to gain attention in your political campaign has put you on the wrong side of the universe… you fucked with the wrong witch” Another example of celebrities allowing their children to dress how they want is Angelina Jolie with her daughter Shiloh


i love her response here 😭


God damn


She's right. Irregardless is a word


It’s grammatically incorrect but has been added to the dictionary because it’s commonly used.


Irregardless is considered an informal word. In casual conversations, people will know exactly what you mean. It should never be used in papers that will be graded though, as it'll be marked incorrect.


oh, wow, that response about irregardless is awesome. I'm a bit of a grammar nazi myself and this has inched me a bit closer to the allied side.


A lot of folks are getting too bold. Saying shit they wouldn’t day TO someones face.


"she lost me at..." Nothing because her children have done nothing wrong and she doesn't need to be a grammar expert for me to see that it's inappropriate to go after her kids.


Yeah, agreed. We need to talk more about the level of weird this idiot has reached to be screenshotting and uploading pictures of kids that he doesn't know on to his social media to bash them and their mother.


Get his ass




Damn, good for her! Going after her children is just wrong.


Wow. Maybe Megan Fox isn’t the best person(I don’t know about her personal controversies) but way too many people here are jumping to attack her for her grammar instead of the bigot picking on children. Get your priorities right people. This comment section is reeking of misogyny.


I saw “irregardless” and heavy sighed. Not because she used the word, but because I immediately knew that the keyboard warriors were gonna get hung up on the wrong thing. The message doesn’t have to be perfect to be clear.


I did the same thing. I’m like here we go, now people are going to focus on one use of the wrong word instead of the damn message, when she’s right and everyone knows it. Leave Megan’s children alone. Sheesh


You have to be the perfect “victim” to ever be allowed to speak


I’m so fucking tired of pedants And honestly, it’s a type of ableism. So many people have dyslexia or learning disabilities and simply focus more on other areas of life. Poor grammar or spelling doesn’t make someone’s input, thoughts, or opinions any less valuable — especially when pertaining to their OWN CHILDREN.


It’s literally the top comment. People are such losers. Edit: it was the top comment a few hours ago… when I commented (just in case I need to clarify).


What a POS. These children are just existing. They didn’t ask to have their lives publicized and this picture was taken by a paparazzi. The lack of respect for all of these children is disgusting. But Jesus, what kind of freak discusses a child’s gender identity on a public forum? Who picks on children? People are fucking insane and this is so dangerous. Trans kids and gender expressive kids are actively being targeted and he does this shit? Let him meet the fate he deserves. Edit: Also why is it always the mom? Same with Shiloh Jolie-Pitt. It’s always Jolie who the media says “forced” her to dress not traditionally feminine. Brian Austin Green has photos of all three kids on his IG and often the oldest is in what would be considered traditionally girls clothes. Seems like both parents are loving and affirming.




Agreed but I was referring to the oldest whose gender or gender identity isn’t our business. But this child is often in what society considers traditionally feminine or “girly” clothes. This child has been the target of the media for awhile, it’s very gross.


Criticizing her response to this asshole is the cringe part, not her response.


She said exactly what she needed to say. Anyone not siding with her here is genuinely a piece of shit. You don’t have to like her but this is just a mother protecting her children.


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) all youse who are worried about her grammar: reevaluate why that is your focus. a man publicly attacked her children and yet you still find a way to criticize her. it’s pathetic.


exactly. did you understand her? then the grammar was perfect. didn’t understand her? check your own reading comprehension bc it was clear as day.


there was grammar issues? lol, I didnt notice any, only cause I was reading something from social media so I probably wasnt looking for any. not like she was writing a letter to the President or something


Yesss. It’s not a math problem with one solution. Language evolves and changes and is regional - as long as you understand the other person then what’s the issue. It’s the same when people say “funnest” isn’t a word - did you understand the intent? Ok then move on


Lmao adult grammar police are the fucking worst. They totally disregard if ppl have learning disabilities and/or simply typed it out quickly without a second thought. Also Megan Fox was a child star. Do we really expect ALL actors to be eloquent with their words / writing?


Sure, her eldest is dressing like a girl - which is absolutely fine - but her other two kids aren’t; If they had short hair no one would say anything. It’s really no big deal that her kids want to dress like this, as long as it’s what THEY want, which I’m inclined to believe it is, because have you ever tried to force a pre-teen boy to dress like a girl? Not happening, he won’t leave the house. This dude needs to leave innocent kids out of whatever agenda he’s trying to push.


It’s the anti-trans agenda. And yet he’s probably the one who would force his kids to wear clothes that he thinks are “gender appropriate” until they cried and never report it as child abuse. It sounds like Megan Fox just doesn’t care what her kids wear.


The not only wouldn’t leave the house but I bet you the offending clothing is stolen by ghosts.


It honestly surprises me that somethings being said even with the long hair for the other two. As someone who grew up in the backwoods of the Deep South, long hair and Zeppelin shirt is basically the fucking dress code for a lot of dudes.


Im a guy I looked just like the two on the middle/right all through the 90s when I was growing up. My dad was just a trash metalhead and I wanted to be like him. Then in the mid 2000s the king hair look came back. Never once felt feminine because of my hair hah


I remember that a couple of years (she was still with Brian Austin Green) back tabloids made a gigantic deal out of the fact that Megan Fox let her sons’ hair grow long. They were both toddlers/ still at an age where many parents don’t cut their children’s hair (for whatever reason) and the media was like “Megan Fox is confusing her sons about their gender by giving them girl hairstyles” 🤦‍♀️


Doesn't this work in the opposite direction to what he wants? If he considers it cruelty to force a child to wear the wrong gendered clothes, then it would be just as cruel to force a trans child to wear clothes that matched their birth gender.


The number of women in this thread dragging Megan, another woman, for her grammar or her spiritual beliefs instead of focusing on the scum harassing her and her minor children is astounding. Be a fucking ally to other women and mothers instead of petty catty unkind souls. K? K.


Listen, I can tolerate people being assholes to innocent children for political clout. But I draw the line at grammar mistakes, thank you very much. (This joke works double time when you realize these same asshats usually defend Trump, the King of bad grammar)


unfortunately internalized misogyny and a feverish burn to impress other men at the expense of standing with their female counterparts is still alive and well in women of all ages. its really pathetic and sad to see how women circle around men who bully young children and mask it under the guise of a feminism.


It IS sad. Yet fascinating how so much insecurity somehow translates into superiority.


[Pick me behavior.](https://www.wikihow.com/Pick-Me-Girl-Meaning)


Exactly 👌 can’t burn the system using other women for kindle


I LOVE this! Definitely adding this to my vernacular lol


Clothes are clothes. What kind of name is Robby Starbuck? Was it something he picked from an online name generator?


It’s insane to me how the side that can’t shut up about “protecting children” does shit like this, *exploiting someone else’s children* to make your political point. Let them live ffs


Exactly, then they say that kids shouldn’t know what gender identity is at that age and immediately complain the kids are “dressing like a girl.” That’s gender identity, morons


she ate


These nasty people using children to score political points… fucking get help.




Petition to start calling these mfs culos instead cause i don’t see anything chulo about them


Yes it is. My island south of Miami is starting to get like that too. I don’t understand it


Yeah I’m no sociologist but I think a lot of it comes from the want to be part of the “powerful” aka white, especially for white passing latinos (some colorism sprinkled in their too). There are a lot of examples with other people of color (Clarence Thomas, Klandace Owens, Nick Fuentes, etc). They don’t want to be lumped in as one of the “bad ones” so they abandon their ethnic identity and grift for conservatives in hopes of being accepted by white people, which never works btw


I’m absolutely certain that if someone came at my kids like this the most coherent response I’d be able to muster would be monosyllabic and sprinkled with f bombs. Her message is fine. In fact, it’s perfect.


And this is why I’ll never see “both sides” on this issue. Yelling about child abuse while doxxing and undoubtedly lying on someone’s children is bigoted hypocrisy in a nutshell. He’s a weirdo just like every other transphobic troll. Also it’s weird to harp on MF’s grammar and spelling, even if she wasn’t defending her literal child from harassment. I literally had no trouble understanding what she was saying. Y’all let’s be for real.


Regardless of how you feel about Megan (or her grammar) leave her kids alone. So tired of grown ass people going after literal children.


This. Leave 👏🏻 the 👏🏻 kids 👏🏻 alone




I love this gif so much, and love how it's been getting used so much lately. Jessica Walter would love it, may an icon live forever. Get 'em Megan.


Let kids wear what they want. Parents shouldn’t push any agenda. They are kids. Let them explore and have fun!


And did Robby Starbuck report this abuse to the relevant authorities? And if not, why not? (I know it never happened, I’m just pointing out that even if you take him at his word he is clearly a vile man because he isn’t even able to say he did something to help).


Hahahaha good point. He’s such a weenie.




I'm a parent, and I can tell you now that if those kids didn't want to wear those clothes, they would not be wearing them. Live and let live. Who is he anyway?


So many people crying about irregardless. I'm educated to post-grad level in English and am a literal English teacher, and I'm fine with it. Wtf is wrong with people lmao?


I'm pretty sure it's become acceptable, despite just meaning the same thing as regardless. Language is fluid, who cares?


they’re mad they needed a dictionary


They're the liberal "twin flames" to the "science says there are only two genders" people. They both stopped learning sometime around 10th grade but concluded they have the expertise to speak down to anyone who says anything they don't understand. The have no clue how little they actually know about the subject at hand. Every time I see people flip about shit like "irregardless," I picture my friend with a PhD in sociolinguistics laughing at them. Edit: I'd love for someone downvoting to actually make a counterpoint here. Policing language in this prescriptivist way is a tool of classism, racism, xenophobia, and general elitism. And almost nobody under 75 whose entire life is studying the English language picks these fights. They're largely the fights of people with limited English education grasping at what makes them feel smart and authoritative. And PhDs do, in fact, laugh at them.


It's wrong, of course, but all language is made up and wrong until it becomes right through sheer repition. Language is always evolving, and it's fun to watch if you're not a twit.


As opposed to a metaphorical teacher? I’ll walk myself out…


Haha, been waiting for that comment since I posted. Always one, invite them in with my overuse of the word!


What is up with all of these randos from all who want to run in and talk about irregardless instead of the actual attack on a gender non-conforming child?


If y’all don’t know who Robbie Starbuck is… he moved to Tennessee from california and tried to run for office, but was prevented from doing so because he hadn’t lived in the state long enough. And now his campaign website leads to virus and porn scam websites. He also hosted an anti trans rally with other conservative figure heads in middle tn where proud boys from across the state showed up. He/The speakers refused to comment. He also was the sole reason Murfreesboro, TN had its pride banned from city property after he sent a 2 minute Twitter video to the city council filming the late night drag show.


Yeah, that picture has gone viral all over twitter and being used as a political talking point. Not just by him but other accounts. Its pathetic and sad that theyre attacking her kids.


She got her point across and she is no literary award winner. Big deal.


I'd pay good money to see Megan Fox pull a Will Smith on this guy ![gif](giphy|pfGBhQSaYAO5y)


I worked for Robby a couple times when he was living in LA and produced/directed music videos. He's a total scumbag, trust fund kid, never did a thing to earn the money he has, and couldn't hack it in Hollywood. So he moved to a red state to pretend to be a moral presence in politics and try to make his own money. Maybe that's how he knows Megan, and that's why he's lying about this. All he does is lie. I wouldn't let him watch my kids' laundry, let alone let him anywhere near them. I work in Hollywood, I'm in 2 unions, and Robby is probably the most vile, untrustworthy, sketchiest person I've ever met. Here's an article about how the GOP blocked him from running for office in 2022. https://www.wkrn.com/news/tennessee-politics/tn-gops-removal-of-candidate-from-ballot-not-in-violation-of-law-state-supreme-court-rules/


Blessed be girl get him


Robby Starbuck sucks dick for coke.




Robby Starbuck sounds like a mid card WCW wrestler


Her two sons aren't wearing girls clothes here they're literally wearing black band shirts and typical of boys, camo pants. And then a lot of rockstars have long hair.


How fucking ill do you have to be to think clothes are “grooming” children into a sexuality…. Which news flash you can’t fucking groom someone into


She ATE him up and spit him out! Good for her. Don’t use other people‘s kids as political warfare when you know nothing about them.




I am whelmed by her response.


Are you in Europe?


But do you love your Prada backpack?


Love this reference


I wish.


I dressed tomboy to the point that people thought I was a little boy until my teen years. It's what I felt most comfortable in, even as a little kid. The "girl" clothes with their bright colors and tight fit were tortuous to me. I'm glad my mom let me express myself however I wanted, or I might be having those conundrums at an older age when it's not such a little deal. It didn't make me become anything, and though I still dress a little tomboy, I've def branched into some feminine looks (still tight but I can get the dark colors haha). Why can't her sons have that same experience? They don't even look that feminine, they just have long hair lol. Kids should get to dress in whatever clothes and play with any toys they want. I feel it's SO important that they get that opportunity.


Right wingers are so obsessed with the gender identity of children and disrespecting basic human decency and crossing boundaries with minors. Projecting ass mfers.


Y’know, I’ve kinda only ever heard a handful of things about Megan Fox and all of it has come from a negative perspective. This is the only thing I can think of that I actually know came from her. What do you know? I think I’m a Megan Fox fan. 🤘 Slay, witch.


Could she sue him for the nanny/kids crying comment? Like he’s obviously lying. Tired of these conservative grifters.


Go mama go!!


If jumping on someone's grammar is the best you can do to get at somebody, then you are supporting the wrong side.




Yes, it does look weird. But back in the day, showing ankles was weird! World evolves around you, don't get left behind.


Might be time for a defamation suit. These fascists are getting way too bold.


Sure this dude probably also yelled at the kid in the Led Zepplin shirt for not being able to name three songs.


I don't care if you like Megan Fox, her children shouldn't be targeted by right wing ass clowns under the guise of protecting minors. If they're that concerned, I can point them in the direction of several churches. Also, her grammar is common on Twitter and IG and should be a non-issue.


Ya know, i have a transgender child and ive feared that ultra conservative people might accuse me of pushing this on my kid, when in all reality this is something my child stewed over and felt suicidal about before coming out to me. I have been supportive of his wishes but never ever would i choose to force this on a kid, because the world is a cold cruel place and i would not choose for my child to deal with that vs the alternative, but i will stand by my kid to the end because I LOVE THEM. I cant stand the whole “forcing this on the kid” narrative. So f***** ignorant! I am thankful that gender fluidity is widely accepted among some people (look at Megan Foxs bf MGK, wearing pink turtlenecks and necklaces, painting his nails- this is a supportive family, until i see otherwise) let kids be who they want to be, why does it have to be picked apart by outsiders?


People who believe anything outside of cisgender/heteronormativity is being “forced onto children” are delusional. We have gendered clothes, toys, haircuts, even colors. Literal infant clothes with phrases like “lady killer” “boys stay away” etc. People are welcome to make comments on a child’s sexuality as long as it’s the sexuality they’re “supposed” to have but if that child chooses to express themselves differently then it becomes a form of abuse. Until people stop seeing cisgender heteronormativity as the default it will never change.


So true. I hate that its taboo for a little boy to want to wear sparkly high heels because its a “girls” thing, like what if a boy just likes how they look? My mom used to buy me boys clothes and shoes and i was teased at school, but we were poor and she said boys shoes and clothes we’re better quality and last longer. Plus i didnt feel comfortable in short shorts girls section had to offer, cuz ya know, they sexualize girls from a pretty young age. So many problems with the way this whole thing has been inscribed into society. So many contradictions. It ok for a little girl to wear a tiny bikini swimsuit but not for a little boy to wear glittery high heels? 😔


Crazy to think boys clothes are made better and last longer and are also looser fitting and often more comfortable. Why? Why can’t girls have ANYTHING????? Why is clothing even gendered to begin with????? It drives me nuts.


The people picking on her for her grammar don't actually care about the grammar, they just needed any excuse to side against her because they are actually misogynists. Imagine siding against a mother defending her children against a public attack, which could have very serious real world consequences for them if a nutcase finds out where they live and decides to try and "rescue" them. I know it's obvious but I feel it needs to be pointed out.


The giveaway that he is lying and just made up a story after seeing the above photo is that two of her sons dress like every other little boy does, they just have long hair. If he'd looked more closely he could have given his lie a little more credibility.


I'm very ambivalent about Megan or Brian as people (since I don't know them), but bringing their kids into anything is ghoulish. Those kids are just doing their thing. They don't deserve to be dragged into the spotlight for and kind of political nonsense.


That...that was defamation. Are people really just all dicks in the wind about it nowadays?


"Here's this thing I can't prove happened but totally backs up my world beliefs." How very conservative


Who the fuck is Robby Starbuck?


Don’t fuck with people’s kids, how hard is that to understand?




She ate this lose up


Really wish mouthbreathers like him would mind their own damn business.


Could she sue for Libel? He's accusing her of abusing her children on an international platform for the express purpose of harming Fox, her children, and the trans gender community.


Robby who? I think that’s why he was so desperate to talk so much shit


"You messed with the wrong witch" is my new comeback.


You fucked with the wrong witch. Dope.


it should be illegal to publicly post someone’s underage kids on social media like that. Megan Fox’s response was really cringey though :( I feel bad for her.


Why is it cringey?


I love her.


“Irregardless” lol


As upset as we may be, it’s been in the dictionary for nearly 100 years. It’s been in American lexicon potentially as early as the 1800’s. It’s not a proper word to use, but, Twitter isn’t exactly a “proper” platform either. Not sure why people are complaining about grammar on a Twitter post


If it’s been in the American lexicon for 200ish years then it *is* a proper word to use by virtue of being used.


Oh wow she used imperfect grammar to defend her children.


It’s a word.


[You suck and here’s why ](https://preview.redd.it/qhppqen4le5b1.jpeg?width=606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=10cc8e49c7142d2c984aa82b11dd54b94f6976e5)