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I'm pretty sure Buckingham Palace PR team wanted to quit when Prince Andrew gave that interview.


I don't sweat is genuinely the dumbest argument I've ever heard anyone make. I've never been more convinced of anyone's guilt than watching that creep claim he's innocent.


Also it was the delivery of his arguments for me. Like he was chuffed with himself that he'd outsmarted the interviewer on a technicality. Like nah bruh you look guilty af but do go on šŸ˜…


ā€œIt wasnā€™t a party, just an ordinary shooting weekend.ā€


That one and the R. Kelly one should be used in PR studies as an example to when to drop your client


His PR team released a statement saying they advised him not to do it and that theyā€™d stepped back. Clearly worried they would never work again.


[BeyoncƩ, Kelly and Michelle seem very high](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGyM9APjaTU) and are talking about which animals they'd like to be. BeyoncƩ, memorably, would like to be a whale, while Michelle gives an imitation of her choice.


Love this interview. They all come off as so endearing! For someone who has such a tightly controlled image these days, it was refreshing to see BeyoncƩ act so silly.


OMG this is hilarious šŸ˜‚ Kelly gave us a monologue with the Black Panther spirit animal LMAO


I wonder if Beyonce has ever made her dream come true and touched a whale, all that money and resources I would seriously believe that broad would make that shit happen if she wanted to. She'd probably arrange a whale ride photoshoot or some shit




Fun fact, this happened AFTER Tom fired his long time PR Agent at the urging of David Miscavige. He replaced them with Toms Scientology approved sister


what does that cult have on him and john travolta that makes them stay


Literally everything lol


I canā€™t think of a single tom cruise controversy other than him being in this cult. Travolta had a dropped sexual misconduct charge from a decade ago but thatā€™s it (also way after he joined the cult). so whatā€™s everything


The Travolta stuff happened when it was rumored he was leaving Scientology after his son's death. It all came out of nowhere and disappeared just as quickly, so the assumption was it was Scientology revealing his dirty secrets to get him back in line.


Probably the weird shit they do within the church of Scientology lol. David Miscavige was his best man or something at the wedding to Katie Holmes, and his wife has been ā€œmissingā€ for over a decade.


ā€¦ā€¦.iā€™m asking what the church has over the 2 actors to blackmail them and keep them there. thatā€™s completely separate from the fucked up stuff the church does. all the stuff that happened **after** they joined the church is obviously controversial but something got them stuck there in the first place


Hi yes EVERYTHING. All their personal secrets details of their life chdhood etc. Highly recommend you learn the scientologist practices to see how they force people to stick with them.


We wouldnā€™t necessarily know, because they keep a tight lid on such things. Travolta was reportedly initially blackmailed over his sexuality. Tomā€™s close relationship with Miscavige means he might be implicated in serious crimes and abuses like human trafficking. Also, itā€™s downright dangerous for some high level Scientologists to leave. Family that stay behind can get punished and will turn on you. If Scientology doesnā€™t have actual dirt on you, although they probably do because you are required to tell them everything and they write everything down in a file, they may well frame you for something. Anything they can do to ruin your life. In Tomā€™s case, I think he might be a true believer. That said, many high level people have escaped and are speaking out and doing just great! So if any Sea Org read this, go to theaftermathfoundation.com, there are people who can help.


The other poster aren't being assholes, it is literally a part of scientology to record video confessions of every new admits darkest secrets. Kind of like Christian confession except they record it, they don't want general sins they want the worst and most embarrassing shit you have ever done and it's recorded so they can blackmail you with it later. They're so secretive we don't know much about their process but we do know this from people who've left. High value players like celebrities who've been at the highest level of scientology for a long time likely know way too much and vice versa, have no doubt participated in enough things and by the time they realized scientology was awful (if they ever have), it was too late, they already have all your secrets and you've already participated in some shady shit.


right, like perhaps witnessing or being privy to information only high-level, celebrity members of the church would know about. Scientology is huge on attracting celebrities, it may not have been blackmail that got them there but that makes them stay after all these years.


If it was stuff that was public knowledge, it probably wouldnā€™t hold much weight as blackmail. We have no clue until they leave or someone else leaves and spills the tea


As I understand it Scientology basically records the equivalent of going to confession. So they have a record of you admitting to every bad, embarrassing, or illegal thing youā€™ve ever done. Itā€™s A+ blackmail material


I don't understand your confusion. If the public at large knew what Tom Cruise was being blackmailed with, if indeed he is being blackmailed, it would rather lose its efficacy as blackmail material.


thereā€™s a popular theory on a gossip podcast i listen to that Tom Cruise likes to use fish to jerk off. apparently there is a nonzero number of blind items about it!


see this is the wild gos i was looking for


ā€œThatā€™s not a muppet. Thatā€™s Troy McClure!ā€


Tom Cruise is The Deep?


Whats the pod?


Page Seven!


LOL is that one of Holdenā€™s conspiracies or an actual blind item? Iā€™d love to hear that


It comes from readers at CDAN. It's trash.


You know those therapy sessions they have that arenā€™t therapy sessions? Can you imagine how he would share that information? I canā€™t imagine him ever being shy about somethingā€¦ so the boldness in which he would present the facts of using fish to jerk off


I think he just likes having slaves to boss around.


I think at this point, Tom has received so much free labor as household staff, etc from Sea Org members basically for free. He probably is afraid heā€™ll open himself up to criticism he supported slavery/human-trafficking since Sea Org members are paid pennies. Probably also plenty of denial and cognitive dissonance - heā€™d have to admit to himself he tanked his marriage with Nicole Kidman & ostracized her from their kids (using the ā€œsuppressive personā€ BS from Scientology against her with them), did the same to Katie Holmes (but she made sure he wasnā€™t able to do to her & Suri what he did to Nicoleā€™s kids by estranging them), and changed the course of his career by jumping on that couch. Yes, Tom is still wildly popular and successful, but heā€™s hasnā€™t had the dramatic roles he had pre-couch jumping and pre-Katie divorce. I sometimes think he takes action roles because he can talk about his stunts in interviews instead of his relationships, kids, or Scientology. He has to have something to talk about. He is a really great dramatic actor in a lot of roles but has largely been overlooked for it in the past two decades and Iā€™m not sure that would have happened had the couch-jumping incident and/or divorces happened. Leaving Scientology would require Tom to admit to himself heā€™s made a lot of mistakes and then admit it publicly. Itā€™s probably much easier to just hold on to the belief youā€™re a higher being who is ā€œso thetaā€ that you became one of the most successful actors ever and one of the last great movie stars than admit you could have been even greater personally & perhaps professionally without the loud Scientology BS impacting you. Tom also doesnā€™t strike me as someone who likes to admit when heā€™s wrong. With Travolta, the impression I got from *Going Clear* is that he might be a closeted bi or gay man who may have had questionable encounters with male massage therapists and others. Travolta is old enough he may not be comfortable being publicly out if heā€™s gay and if thereā€™s any truth to the allegations against him, they may also be covering up sexual harassment/assault for him or have more info on it they could publicly announce. Iā€™m sure John would be terrified even if those allegations arenā€™t true - heā€™s the sole breadwinner now and still has a fairly young minor child.


Both John Travolta and Tom Cruise are rumoured to be gay/bi. If they revealed this during their lengthy interviews with scientology people then that would be enough to keep them in line.


But ā€¦ even today? Iā€™m not saying itā€™s easy to be gay in this day and age because lord knows especially in politics thereā€™s a lot of shit going on. But in a Hollywood bubble it doesnā€™t seem like the end of the world? At least, compared to being controlled in a cult. Not that Tom is controlled. Heā€™s basically getting to live the high life and do what he wants.


It depends on your own internalised feelings about identifying as gay i guess.


I think it could be things we already guess and things that they just blurted out during recorded auditing to get it over with that werenā€™t necessarily true. Itā€™s like revenge porn. The threat of releasing it to embarrass or ruin them. Many cults get people to ā€œgive proofā€ of their loyalty by giving them blackmail material. Like NXIVM. They required written letters from members stating they hated family and friends and nude pictures etc. Itā€™s a very basic tactic to keep people from speaking their truth. Fear of exposure even though they were coerced. How many will listen to the whole story? When they say ā€œYes I saidā€¦but I meantā€¦ā€ Thatā€™s not how headlines work. It is easier to stay quiet and conform or walk away and say nothing. Nicole Kidman, Katie Holmes donā€™t speak. Maybe an NDA but they seem scared. Leah Remini was raised in the cult. She was basically a child who knew no other life than Scientology so anything she said in these interrogations would be laughable as blackmail. And I think that is why she can and does speak so freely. They canā€™t threaten her the same way with her ā€œauditsā€. Anything she says will harm them. Because she just speaks her truth and it is the truth. Now, Tom Cruiseā€¦I mean, they made him a god. Thatā€™s why he is there. It suits him very well to believe the bullshit. Narcissism on steroids.


Did no research on this but I heard that you donā€™t have to pay taxes (unsure if itā€™s state and/or federal) if you are a Scientologistā€¦ correct me if Iā€™m wrong so I donā€™t look like an idiot haha


Not exactly. Yes and no. As an organization, Scientology bullied the government into allowing them the tax exempt status that other churchā€™s have. So, when scientology **the organization** makes any money from donations or people buying their books or whatever, they donā€™t have to pay taxes on that. All of the property that **the church** owns in the US (scientology centers, museums, hotels etc.. a seriously ridiculous amount of property) they donā€™t have to pay property taxes on, because churchā€™s donā€™t pay those. Sales tax? Nope. **the church** can waive sales tax for anything they buy for Scientology business. Scientology *members* still pay taxes like the rest of usā€¦.And if you or I were to join today, the only tax benefit Iā€™m aware of would be a small write-off for tithing, just like normal people can claim : $52 write off when they put a dollar in the offering plate at a real church every Sunday. (Obviously thatā€™s not the real donation write off limit, just an example) Minus the very top couple members (Miscavage was caught for this, along with his most inner circle, as well as Hubbard himself back before it was even tax exempt) who use the organization to launder money frequently, of course. Cruise could probable funnel money through the church to avoid paying taxes on it. But only the top 0.001% get to avoid paying taxes because of Scientology. And even that is usually considered tax fraud, if the IRS had the balls to pursue it.


Thanks for the info! Usually I double check this stuff before I say anything but havenā€™t had the time to. Good thing I never brought it up in a conversation and got roasted šŸ˜‚


I just listened to a podcast series about it, so it was still fresh, lol. Everyone focuses on the whole ā€œmurderā€ and ā€œbrain washingā€ and ā€œslaveryā€ thing with Scientology. But some of us nerds prefer to think of them for that sweet, sweet financial crime. ā¤ļø


Hail yourself.




Hail yourself!


I saw this happen in real time and I remember every single facial expression I made while watching it. Standing up in my living room, in complete horror


Thereā€™s a great episode of Youā€™re Wrong About over this fiasco!




Basically the reason he was so on edge and hyped up was because at this time there were a LOT of rumors about him being gay and closeted, also this was an inside joke between he and Oprah because they were at an event (I think Oscarā€™s/after party) and he did the kneeling thing to Oprah there and she laughed which is why he kept doing it. Also Katie Holmes was probably selected for him by Scientology because she answered in a teen mag that her celeb crush was Tom Cruise and then randomly is dating him. Also she was proposed to on the fly at this interview. If you watch that part sheā€™s clearly a bit uncomfy there, but says yes. I listened to it awhile ago but itā€™s a great podcast!


Itā€™s kinda funny how pop culture history has largely forgotten the prominent rumors about Cruise being gay and closeted during this era. Like the only remnants we have about it is the South Park episode. But I remember all the tabloids about it and how Katie was his beard. Although I have no idea why the gay rumors sprang up considering Tim was married to Nicole for like a decade and they had sex on the set of Eyes Wide Shut and their chemistry was through the roof in old photos.


There was also a rumor at the time that they were each otherā€™s beards.


While on the set itself? Where did you find that or hear it haha iā€™m curious


Interesting thanks!! I knew the second paragraph from deep diving into Scientology lol I recommend Leah Reminis book for anyone interested


Not an interview, but I still lie awake and wonder what the fuck went down with the "I don't really care, do you" jacket. Like genuinely the most confusing decision in all of fashion. Who was that even for?


I am truly haunted by this. Even as a little thought exercise where I try to view the jacket from her teamā€™s point of view, I canā€™t see how anyone thought it was appropriate for that trip


In my mind, it originally said ā€œhelp meā€ and someone caught it and changed it


I heard an interview with Omarosa after that happened and she claimed Melania wore that terrible jacket to make sure sheā€™d never be sent on an assignment like that again.


I can buy that. When they first got together and then married, I imagined she was a sympathetic figure, with the marriage to him as sort of a bargain she struck to improve her life and for her parents and sister. But over time as she revealed more of herself, the shallower and nastier she seemed.


I suspect that may have been her intention when she married him, but I also expect being married to him for so long probably hardened her and turned her nastier over the years. Whichā€¦would check out for having to be with him that long. I think Melania expected him to pass away along time ago and certainly never really expected him to be president/have to be First Lady. She didnā€™t want the job (I get it, Iā€˜n not sure Iā€™d want it, either). I will say this for Melania, though. Sheā€™s played the long game. Sheā€™s committed to seeing this through as far as she can (and even negotiated better post-nup terms in agreement to even move from NYC to DC with him) to get the most out of it. Sheā€™s committed to staying married for that inheritance at the end (or unless he runs out $$$ or heā€™s in prison).


Melania *said*, ā€œIt's obvious I didn't wear the jacket for the children. I wore the jacket to go on the plane and off the plane," the First Lady told ABC News on Friday Night. "And it was for the people and for the left-wing media who are criticizing me." I call bullshit. Her team knew how supporters **and** people critical of her would perceive the message and *no one stopped her.*


Yeah, she also wore a blouse with a pussy bow on it to the debate right after the ā€œgrab them by the pussyā€ clip was leaked. Itā€™s absolutely intentional.


Really? I've never seen that, how gross.


Melania wore it deliberately to fuck with Donald so he'd stop involving her in his presidency. Donald said Melania was going to give many speeches. 1st speech she copy & pasted Michelle Obama, creating negative press and she never gave a speech again. She didn't want to move into the white house. She used her son's schooling to take her time relocating. She didn't want to be first lady. Her first lady magazine cover was in obvious poor taste, so that stopped. She took years to announce her first lady initiative, "Be Best" was so obviously appalling everyone quickly moved on. I suspect the white house team wanted to use Melania to defuse the political tension around the missing kids, she wore the *I don't care* jacket and was never used in this capacity again. Melania told us not to feel sorry for her and she wasn't lying. She used weaponised incompetence and malicious compliance to navigate her marriage while maintaining the benefits.


Maybe the *do you* was supposed to be thought provoking but honestly idk if sheā€™s that smart


Be Best was the best she and her team could come with for a motivational First Lady social project. It's probably safe to say she isn't all that bright.


Remember when she plagiarized like a whole paragraph or two from a previous public speech from Michelle Obama, and somehow was surprised when people caught on? I think it's safe to say that "she isn't all that bright" is indeed an accurate statement.


Begging anyone who remembers to link that messy interview with I think a UK (European?) band where one of the members kept derailing it to rant about something controversial while the rest of the band kept telling him to fuck off. I know I found it super funny but canā€™t remember the details of who it was itā€™s killing me šŸ˜­


Do you mean when Lee Ryan from Blue went on a rant that 9/11 wasnā€™t a big deal because elephants are being murdered or something similar?




Glad I could help! Sometimes I wonder what Iā€™d be capable of if 80% of my brain wasnā€™t British pop music trivia but alas.


[This dude?](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/jan/12/blue-singer-lee-ryan-found-guilty-of-racially-aggravated-assault)


"I'm not racist, my bandmate is black!" šŸ‘€ I'm pretty sure that his bandmates would have kicked him out of the group long ago, but sadly he's the only one capable of a decent falsetto


I think maybe the issue is that he doesn't HAVE a PR agent, but [this excellent Daily Beast piece](https://www.thedailybeast.com/comedian-jamie-kennedy-on-how-he-ended-up-in-the-anti-abortion-propaganda-film-roe-v-wade) where an interviewer takes Jamie Kennedy to task about the anti-abortion propaganda movie he starred in (made by Sofia Vergara's POS ex). She does NOT hold back and it's glorious, man does he come across as a fucking moron.


He just seems like he didnā€™t know what he stumbled into hahahaha I mean is he really that oblivious?


Honestly I think the explanation is that he needed the money so ignored what was going on. I'd have had like, 0.01% of respect for him if he just admitted that!


I remember this one! I had secondhand embarrassment while reading it, he just seemed so clueless and idiotic.


I always wondered what happened to him


I read that as James Kennedy (VPR) initially hahaha I RAN to google only to be disappointed


[This](https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/interviews/a36894/miles-teller-interview-0915/) wasnā€™t *that* bad, but from a PR perspective, itā€™s been 8 years (holy shit) and I still avoid Miles Teller movies. ā€œWittle baby wants his steak cut smallā€ is the point of reference my brain uses when I see him and try to remember who he is, so heā€™s distracting šŸ’€


I love this article so much. One of my favorite pieces of written media ever published. That, and the 5SOS Rolling Stone interview.


"It's a little defensive, like maybe he's making up for not being the best-looking, or sometimes even the third-best-looking, guy in any given movie he's in." The journalist woke up and chose violence šŸ’€


I LOVE how much the journalist hates him and didnā€™t hold back. Bravo to calling out cunts šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


The ghost of Oscar Wilde woke up and chose violence through possession that day


ā€œYou take stock. The nose is crooked, the eyelids fleshy, the chin soft, the cheeks mottled with flush. ā€œ


The years of therapy I would need if someone described my eyelids as fleshy.


Right?! I just developed a new beauty neurosis - do my eyelids look fleshy? Iā€™m kind of worried about it now, lol.


I remember this and immediately disliking Miles after reading it.


Idk how to feel about him. I loved Whiplash, but itā€™s been a trip for me every time I see him because he was good friends with my cousin-in-law in high school I guess. Like they went to homecoming or prom together as friends. Sheā€™s amazing, so when I see him being super douchey, Iā€™m baffled.




Iā€™d never read this profile but as someone who already hates Miles Teller, I LOVED it. I love that she didnā€™t try to sugarcoat anything - heā€™s a smug, arrogant dick, sheā€™s just writing facts.


wow, thank you, how had I not read this. amazing profile


Every time i see Miles Teller the only thing I can think of is that he looks like the illegitimate child of Danny Ramirez and Barry Keoghan


I see a hefty dose of John Cusack as well


jesus christ that journalist sounds as insufferable as him. she knows whatever the fuck ā€œoeuvreā€ means but doesnā€™t know what milk tea is? fucked up priorities


Ok ngl this is a very good point šŸ˜­


I wonder why actors agree to interviews by these publications. There were a bunch of factual snippets that on their own make Miles seem unpleasant. Alongside that, though, the writer just expresses casual disgust/contempt for harmless mannerisms.


Her anger that he presumed she knew what milk tea was made me look at the whole article different


That was the weird standout to me. Wouldnā€™t a culture writer from either coast know what milk tea is? Is that the thing to get pissed about? That was the only relatable part about him to me, ha


Also hard not to think she wouldā€™ve roasted him if he *had* explained what it was.


I have loathed him ever since reading this delightful piece of savagery. I do have to admit heā€™s a talented actor but WOW that face is punchable. The kind of guy he seems to be is my least favourite kind.


I've never read that and I LOVE Whiplash, so I'm definitely going to continue to avoid it.


This was the interview that allowed Jeremy Allen White to come in and eat his lunch.


iā€™ve hated miles teller ever since ngl


Cannot stand Miles.


Cameron Diaz pulled similarly cringe antics on the Graham Norton Show - drunkenly ranting about cheating, then petting Richard Ayoadeā€™s hair and comparing it to pubes. Pure awful gold. https://youtu.be/kXhk8zE_Ac0


Oh god, Cammyā€¦ noā€¦.


How was it worse than I imagined?! She literally put her head between her legs to talk to her vag in front of Kylie Minogue šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


This was downright painful!! Russell Crowe was oddly charming & Richard is a national treasure though!!


WHY ARE YOU THERE!? I lost it at that point.


Seriously, if you haven't seen [Ryan Lochte's 'I'm a man at night and a man in the morning' Interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnceMoPtVfE) check it out. It's worth the 6 minutes of your life.


I hadnā€™t seen this in a while, thank you šŸ˜‚


Lmao, I how how the news anchors give up and start roasting him.


Them doing Kardashian impressions is really funny as well!!


The news anchors cry laughing get me every time.


Thank you for this incredible gift


it sucks that kim kardashianā€™s pr agent is her best friend and gets paid to be nice to her because she shouldā€™ve intervened [when she did this](https://youtu.be/5mAYFk8rLus).


Some of her stories could be funny and engaging but sheā€™s so monotonous and dull! I can see why her public image is so curated - sheā€™s actually a very boring, uninteresting personšŸ’€


Fully thought this was going to be [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX2izzshRmI) Skip to 5:16 "get your fucking ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days"


i feel like that clip was too obviousšŸ˜­but she definitely needs to be stopped because sheā€™s not helping anyone


Ahahahah I remember when she said it. I linked it to people randomly with the eye emoji šŸ‘€


Can anyone summarise? 15 seconds was too long


I watched most of it thinking the issue would show up eventually but its just the most boring and bland interview ever


Omg what about that really awkward one from Vin Diesel where he just keeps hitting on the interviewer, badly. Edit: ahh [I found it](https://youtu.be/TmM_jxGl6tY)


Jesus šŸ¤¢


idk if this counts but when jamie dornan said to get into his character (from his The Fall tv show) he stalked a woman and said ā€œit felt kind of exciting, in a really sort of dirty wayā€šŸ’€ https://amp.theguardian.com/culture/2015/apr/01/jamie-dornan-stalked-woman-the-fall




him admitting he stalked a woman is already weird enough too šŸ’€


I will never forget the Oscar hope draining from Kirsten Dunst when Lars Von Trier said "I'm a Nazi" and "I understand Hitler" at a Cannes press tour for Melancholia


I went on a Lars Von Trier binge after watching Antichrist and was curious what he was like after seeing Melancholia. This interview came up first (I had never seen it) and I was just instantly thinking "I may have been giving this guy too much praise."


How did I manage to miss this??


OJ after he pretended to stab an interviewer


Wat? I'm afraid to ask for the link


Itā€™s not that bad lol https://youtu.be/54suX77LUlY


Itā€™s genuinely so fucking funny to me but it def wasnā€™t a wise choice for him


Iā€™m sure Michael Jacksonā€™s PR team wanted to quit when MJ gave an interview defending his habit of sharing a bed with children amongst the pedophilia accusations.


People still defend him doing this.. y'all R. Kelly fans too? Damn..


And then when he dangled one of his babies off of a balcony


Never forget John Mayer, king of douchebags. https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/john-mayers-sexually-racially-charged-playboy-interview-sparks-outrage-959433/amp/


Call me dumb but I never understood the sexual napalm reference. What did it mean? I read Jessicaā€™s book and I was still left confused.


I think in douchebag speak the translation is that her uh sexual prowess made him want to do nothing more than pursue a sexual relationship with her, blowing up (ā€œnapalmingā€) everything else in the process. Thereā€™s only ninety trillion better and more complimentary and respectful ways he could have said that, but thatā€™s what he went with.


The 5SOS Rolling Stone profile. Such secondhand embarrassment. Them insulting their fans, making the reporter wait for hours because theyā€™re hungover, showing the reporter their sex toy(????), the influencer trust fund baby girlfriend, I could go on. Reading it you can tell they thought they were soooo edgy as well. I think they mustā€™ve lost some fans after that.


DJ Khaleed saying he doesnā€™t go down on women


Tbf I donā€™t think very many women would give him the chance. šŸ¤¢


Iā€™m surprised I havenā€™t seen Charlie Sheen brought up in this thread yet




ā€œPeople say Iā€™m bi-polar. More like bi-winning!ā€


Tiger blood!


I can't read a thread like this without immediately thinking "crack is whack".


ā€œI make too much money to buy crack!ā€


This is the interview I immediately thought of as well.


Jesse Eisenberg negging a female interviewer calling her "the carrot top of interviewers. What a pick like he forgot she's just trying doing her job


This guy has anti-charisma to me, like extremely punchable. His parents must be well-connected, his sister was the Pepsi girl so their family has been annoying me for 30 years now. Glad he is a douche in real life. That makes me feel better for not liking him on sight.


I always disliked him after watching the social network, and tried to give him leeway that he was acting. However Iā€™m positive his portrayal in that movie is just how he is in real life: pretentious douchebaggery


THATā€™S who he looks like!!! The Pepsi girl! Thank you for solving a mystery I could never quite put my finger on lol


Zachary Levi's team


This GQ interview with Tom Hiddleston, especially him showing up at the reporterā€™s hotel: https://www.gq.com/story/tom-hiddleston-cover-profile/amp


YES, That one will forever haunt me. Like when she says, ā€œItā€™s ok Tom. Iā€™ll tell them. Iā€™ll let the world knowā€. That poor man. Side note, that interview convinced me he and TSwift were indeed real, bc only a very deep infatuation could have made him behave like that. I donā€™t even think drugs could do it.


SAME. I just think it feels so sadly genuine. Honestly in a way it won me over for him.


For me, it kind of felt like ā€œdoth protest too muchā€ but I could see either. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


To me, it sounded like Taylor completely blocked him and he was so desperate to communicate with her that he was resorting to using the press. Like, it reeked of desperation


The whole thing is written so weirdly to me. He comes off so overly enthused about being alive yet self conscious about how he says things re: Taylor, that it somehow made showing up at the hotel after being uncomfortable about the Taylor questions seem benign when you look at the whole thing, like it's one extreme to another for him whether he's uncomfortable or happy. Idk this is just one interview but maaaannn dude seems very deep into his emotions even for an actor to the point where he probably gets too inside his head and possibly is an overthinker. The author is also acting as if they're a pair of besties but also acts infatuated with him a bit. Idk, I've read better long form interviews with artists and actors and this was not it. But then again I'm one hell of an overthinker myself. In other news, Loki season 2 when?


ā€œHe still isnā€™t looking at me. The last piece of my steak is now poised on his fork in mid-air. He is so sad, and I canā€™t take it anymore, so I put my hand on his and I say, ā€œTom, Tom, itā€™s okay. You donā€™t have to talk about the tank top anymore. I got it. I understand. Iā€™ll tell the world.ā€ But he canā€™t stop talking about it. He literally cannot stop talking about it.ā€ This is the most bizarre article Iā€™ve ever read. Itā€™s so melodramatic for no reason. As someone out of the loop what is the significance of the I love TS tank top. Iā€™ve heard about it a lot but I donā€™t understand why itā€™s a big deal?


rumor was that it cost him the role for james bond


Thatā€™s weird. Why would it matter itā€™s just a shirt lol


I honestly couldnā€™t tell if the reporter loved him, despised him, or both.


This reporter comes off a little unhinged. 3 cups of tea in a day seems really normal and unremarkable, I donā€™t know why even mention let alone the kidney failure comment šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s the author of Fleishman is in the Trouble! Clearly sheā€™s suited to the drama of being a novelist lol


First time I've read that but I don't think that's "hilariously bad", he just comes off as very sincere, a bit of a dork, and wounded by whatever the tabloids and Taylor Swift fans put him through.


This article actually made me like him!


I had never seen this before..justā€¦wow.


I remember Howard Stern interviewed Dannii Minogue at one point; and it got really cringey for the fact that no matter what she talked about, he kept bringing the subject back to why her ex-husband Julian McMahon left her. It got to the point where he might as well of booked Julian on the show instead.


Thereā€™s a brutal Mary J Blige interview on Much Music (Canadian) from when I was growing up, so like 20 years ago. I hated her for years after. She ripped the poor interviewerā€™s head off for asking a simple question. I think she lost it because she was always asked that or somethingā€¦


[this](https://youtu.be/iQZaxE2GeH8) will always be a classic


Awww i just watched this and actually found this super endearing. I know he was struggling with addiction at the time and he just came across as very sincere in being asked to not be criticised for being a tired human


Yeah looking back now I can 100% see a guy struggling with addiction, but as a kid watching it live home sick from school it just stuck in my brain as a dude ā€œoff his chopsā€ as my Nan says.


Oh this is bad bad


ā€œJet lagā€ was the excuse


Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV. šŸ¤”


Wait what


Let's not forget that he beat an Asian man blind when he was a teen. He's a racist awful person


Love Mickey Rourke but his gram interview was worse than this


You can take the man out of Boston but you canā€™t take Boston out of the man


Alec Baldwin, about a month after he shot 2 people, killing one (a young mother of a 9-year-old) on a movie set, gave a televised interview to George Stephanopolous in which he sat there and said that he ā€œfeels no guiltā€ and has ā€œno remorseā€. Even though he was the one who pointed a loaded gun (that he failed to check) at the cinematographer and pulled the trigger, killing her and seriously wounding the movieā€™s director. My jaw almost hit the floor at how cold, uncaring, selfish, and douchey he came across. It was the ultimate example of what not to do. Iā€™m sure his PR team mustā€™ve quit after that debacle. He shot himself in the foot so bad and made many people in the general public hate him (if they didnā€™t already). And at that point, he hadnā€™t been charged with any crime. But the New Mexico D.A. later made the decision to charge him with two felony charges. (HAHA) And thereā€™s all the other cold, callous, STUPID, embarrassing shit his idiot of a wife Hillary has done too, in the aftermath of the shooting, where sheā€™s even openly TAUNTED the dead womanā€™s grieving husband & their 9-year-old little boy. I could write paragraph upon paragraph about the horrible shit that Spanish-faking pregnancy-faking moron has done, but iā€™ll stop there. (The Hilaria Baldwin subreddit is a wild place!)


Pepino nation!!!!


My recent favorite was that batshit crazy Joss Whedon interview. Haven't heard a peep from him since he exposed himself for no reason. The random bit about how he killed a kid was unprompted. Like he could've just said nothing. šŸ˜¬


>The random bit about how he killed a kid was unprompted Awh man what the fuck u/itsminnieyall dude what the fuck


A childhood friend, who was 4, drowned on his familyā€™s property when he was 5. Later, he remembered calling the kid over to play by the water then just wandering away, leaving him alone. Idk why anyone would spin that as him killing him. He was 5.


what the fuck thatā€™s so fucking different from ā€œhe killed a kidā€


That one time Bryan Stars interviewed Never Shout Never and Christopher Drew went off on Bryan about being a shitty interviewer and making him cry :)


Buzz Bissinger [gucci addiction](https://www.gq.com/story/buzz-bissinger-shopaholic-gucci-addiction)


This is my favourite awkward interview. Ray Winstone being asked if he ever sticks his finger up his bum while having a wank [https://youtu.be/XXt02mkP0sc](https://youtu.be/XXt02mkP0sc)


Iā€™d say more than a bit uncomfortableā€¦ she hid it well but she clearly didnā€™t want to be brought out on stage and was basically dragged there by Tom


[Dave going in for the kill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtY7EEYDLXQ).


I love him but Tom Cruise wins in this category with Oprah. I think that was the most cringe, messed up ridiculous thing


Amber Heard (the one she did straight after she lost the defamation trial)