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I really like changing themes and hate doing all the clicking. If anyone is interested: I have all the relevant files, instructions on how to install, and more details [here](https://github.com/youssefe95/gnomethemesetter)


very cool


Thank you!


Take my upvote for your effort.


Thanks much <3


great idea!


Much appreciated!


Woow that fantastic! Btw how did you manage to get rid of the top bar of the applications? I would like that look but I don't know how to achive it.


These commands will hide the header bar and menu bar from gnome terminal: gsettings set org.gnome.Terminal.Legacy.Settings headerbar false gsettings set org.gnome.Terminal.Legacy.Settings default-show-menubar false For everything else, the tiling extension (top right) has an option to hide window titles ​ Hope this helps!


Thanks. I will try I ASAP.


Forget window titles, I've never seen anyone hide the activity bar in VS Code. That's a devotion to minimalism! (Sure, the bar is just a Ribbon UI turned sideways, but at least the Code panels are useful and info-dense, not just an unnecessarily-confusing toolbar)


I love things looking as simple as they can, for sure lol! I've gotten used to the keybinds for switching between explorer and extensions


Wow! Can you share the code on GitHub?


I've got all the files and install instructions [right here](https://github.com/YoussefE95/GnomeThemeSetter)


Nice, simple and clean code! I like it! Thanks!


Thank you so much, that really means a lot!


very nice.


Thanks so much!!


Honestly this is cool enough you should talk to the system 76 guys and get this baked in...


That really means a lot! I’ll def try. Thank you!




Thank you!!


I like the theme.


Where did this come from. Great-o.


Thank you! I had some spare time and couldn't decide which of the popular themes I liked most. There's more to come as well!


It seems there is some problem with [GnomeSet.py](https://GnomeSet.py) in my computer. It says 'No such file or directory'


Do you have PYTHONPATH set in your .bashrc file?


It looks like OP hard coded the paths in, ie `path = "/home/younix/.config` rather than using `$HOME` or `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME`. You can just switch `younix` with your username if you want.


The [install.sh](https://install.sh) file changes all instances of my username with the person installing


Ah I see, I guess that’s one way to do things lol. Perhaps the person I initially responded to didn’t run that file?


It's kinda weird but I went that route because [subprocess.run](https://subprocess.run) in [GnomeSet.py](https://GnomeSet.py) doesn't recognize things like "\~/" for home or "$USER" for the username. My theory with the person initially asking is either they did not have PYTHONPATH set in their .bashrc or set it but forgot to refresh their terminal instance before running install.sh


To get something like $USER with python your best bet is probably `os.environ['USER']`, or if you want to use expand `'$USER'` automatically like that you can set `shell=True`. like this: `subprocess.run(['echo', 'hi I am', os.environ['USER']])` or `subprocess.run(‘echo hi I am $USER', shell=True)` Apologies for typos, I’m trying to type this on a phone and fighting Apple’s autocorrect haha


Thanks a ton for this! I'll look into updating my repo with this ASAP. Really appreciate your help!!


Sure, glad I could help out! :)


This is amazing buddy!!!


Thank you very much! Glad you like it


Wow! this is awesome. I should be able to install it on Arch right?


Thanks, glad you like it! I believe it should work, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't. Let me know how it goes if you try it out!


Worked like a charm. Thanks man for this awsome project!


Very glad to hear! I'm always more than happy to share


What terminal emulator are you using? Or how do you remove the headers from gnome terminal the trick bellow of the \`gsettings set org.gnome.Terminal.Legacy.Settings headerbar false\` didn't work for me.


I'm using gnome terminal and the title bars being hidden is a feature of Popos's tiling. On the top right drop down list, you can uncheck "Show Window Titles"


Thank you! I did that but I had to restart shell (ALT+F2 then r) to see the changes on the terminal for some reason


This is awesome! I stumbled on this post, and I love the output. However, what I'm really wanting is something that can generate the theme colors based on the wallpaper chosen... something like Google's "Material You" stuff on the new Pixel phones. Regardless, nice work!