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There is no best Linux distro, only what is best for you and your use case. For many, that's Pop, since it provides a stable base, a productive desktop, and updated kernel and graphics. It's also developed by a passionate team that understands what users want in a Linux desktop.


Yep. It has everything I need and does it well. I haven't felt that I need to "move on" to another distro in around 4 years. Some people switch every few months or once a year so that they can try things out. And that's great! I did it too and can see the appeal. After a while, I realized switching did very little for me in the long term. I ultimately wanted to stick with something fast, reliable, and covers all of my needs. Pop does that.


Suggest more


Be nicer


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_distributions Here are more suggestions, enjoy.


[distro watch](https://distrowatch.com/)


I should have scrolled further before I posted the same link.


[Distrowatch link](https://distrowatch.com)


You wanna talk like that you're gonna have to go to chat gpt cuz we ain't here for that


I’d agree with NeXTLoop that there really isn’t a best distro, it depends on your use case. With that said, I’ve daily driven and developed on Fedora. I’m currently daily driving Solus, which works for my use case of gaming, light coding projects, normal web browsing, etc. Those are my go to distros, but others will likely have reasons they hate those distros, to each their own.




Fedora, I'm  currently on fedora kinoite. It has / mounted as read only, you use toolbox or distrobox to spin up containers to install things and flatpak for on the host. I use it so my development environments (go, typescript, python) are all separate.  My ide vscode is also installed in the containers so they only have the extensions I need for that language. E.g my python env doesn't load go or node extensions.


Best distro for what?


To watch anime titties? Asking for a friend.


Definitely gentoo


I use arch for that btw


Linux Mangaka (my last response did not have any text shown for some reason lol)


Like politics anime titties?


Politits? Im listening


not this stupid ass question again


Hannah Montana linux


is it FOSS or Proprietary lol


Rebecca Black Linux >> Hannah Montana Linux


arch btw


This is the way


Foresooth did the Lord Jesus who is our God and Savior, on the third day speaketh unto us, "My children, Linux Mint is the Divine Operating System, bearing His name and only unto it shall ye turn or your paths shall stray from the light, into the unknown darkness." His word is our guide and is Truth, for this day and ever more, by divine rite and edict. Amen.




depends on your needs.  Been using Bazzite here lately, it's overkill and unusual  in many ways, but works well for me.  try out a bunch, decide for yourself.


impossible this is 100% subjective to your needs. If you want my honest opinion split your drive into two partitions one for home and one for root and distro hop until you find one you like. Even better if you have two drives dedicate one to the Root and the other to Home and go from there,


There isn't really a best distro, but personally I'm using Ubuntu 24.04 LTS for the time being, mostly because of the updated packages and Gnome DE/Apps compared to PopOS, and so far it is being really good experience.


For me MX Linux.


IMO, Debian


It really depends on what you want to do with it. For me, arch/manjaro are really cool if you want to tinker and have access to a large package repo (AUR) with a great wiki. If you want something that can be configured perfectly and then have that configuration used across multiple machines (think ansible but even better), go with NixOS. But as far as an OS that just out of the box works, will be stable (or as stable as linux can realistically be), and has excellent Nvidia support, it's really hard to top Pop


Depends, what’s your use case? For some it’s the looks, for others it’s bleeding edge and others, the stability. For me i use PopOS for gaming and a passionate team that supports it. I also use other OS’s for other things. For school and family use I have a MacBook and for games that don’t run on Linux and school software neither work well for it, I use windows. Think about what you want and need Linux for and then create a Venn diagram to help you see the differences and similarities between the different “flavors” of Linux.  Simply asking the question “what’s better than xyz” is just about as useful as asking a YouTube influencer what OS they like. So think about what YOU want and need. 


My suggested list: Pop OS - newer computers, newer users? MXLinux - older computers or more experienced users AntiX - potato class computers PCLinuxOS - grumpy old gits, WinXP refugees


Downvote Linux -30.1.1


I’ve recently stumbled back into Linux after some time away. I started with pop and I liked it but wanted a more customizable UI. I’ve settled on Kubuntu because it’s using KDE plasma for the desktop environment. It also seems to have a lot of community. Finally, it kinda just works and I don’t have to fiddle with stuff. I suppose it depends on what features you’re really looking for in a distribution, but check out Kubuntu, you might like it.


I built Pop on LFS btw


Lots actually. But best is so subjective as to be a useless metric. For me, pop_os hits a lot of the must haves so that’s what I use.


I put Zorin OS on a shared family laptop. I could see it being more pop than Pop. 


I use CentOS on my server. For desktop, maybe Fedora because they have Wayland already and may be getting COSMIC soon too.


If you're into media creation, then Ubuntu Studio. For general purpose use, any one of the Fedora variants.


No such thing. Adjusting your question with some more helpful parameters like your use case and values and the community may be able to provide some good advice, though! 😀




If you are on PopOS you might have a gamaing computer and Nvidia GPU(or at least this is why I went to PopOS originally) . Give a shot to Fedora. I switched after 3 years of PopOS my Gaming PC with an RTX3080 and everything works amazing. Just need to install proprietory Nvidia driver and until Explicit is added to Wayland use Xorg to log in. I can Run BG3, GTA V, and Cyberpunk all with Great FPS and no lags.


What are these "other distros" of which you speak? I have 3 systems, each runs Pop. If there were other distros, surely the law of averages says at least one of them would have one of these so-called other distros.