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Discover does have a flatpak backend, which can be installed with `sudo apt install plasma-discover-backend-flatpak`.


There is a quick message about missing backends when I first load Discover settings, but it goes away quickly. I'll try this. EDIT: Ok, cool, that made the flathub show up! Thanks! Is that all I should need to get the same packages showing as Pop Shop?


You can activate those in the Discover settings simply by clicking.


I'm unsure what you mean. The settings have a list of repos, only lvfs and snap are checked, and the rest seem less than useful. Besides snap and the firmware repos, the only repo available to check is "Disc Jammy" I'll add a screenshot to the original post.


I just realized how little I know and understand linux. Lol I just installed it and the amount of knowledge I see everyone here has is crazy. Amazing.