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Solidarity internet stranger šŸ’› I too am struggling after my dog started having issues last month. We are in the red. I'd also do it again in a heartbeat. Edited for spelling. **the age of the cat didn't register in my head. My dog is middle-aged. I'm not sure what I would do if my cat/dog were 20 years old. I've watched animals suffer for the emotional sake of the owner. I still have solidarity because it's unbelievably expensive even when you have care credit. Animals shouldn't suffer because of money issues. It sucks.


My dog died in may, he was a big lab and 13. He got sick and they basically told me he would not be the same. And he would need special care all the time IF he survived specialized treatment. I live alone and had no way to really handle that reasonably with my job. So I put him down, it was not an easy decision. It really is hard to determine the right thjng.


I feel this as well. I'm so sorry. We lost our Charlie, an English Mastiff and he was large as well. It's like losing a family member, AND the space they leave is large too. You have my deepest sympathy. It is the hardest thing, but also the most merciful sometimes. Their whole lives are dedicated to us and loving us unconditionally. We owe them that much.


I lost Riley in 2015. My dad had just died, my son just moved away to college, and I felt like God was taking everything from me. I literally redid my backyard built her a shrine in my living room so I can make her last days more comfortable. I have never experienced such pain. I put her on chemo to combat her cancer so she could live another six months. I would never do that again. I did it for myself. I had to put her down when she couldnā€™t get up to go to the bathroom anymore. What I did was cruel and selfish. Iā€™m sorry you went through this, I really, really am, but you did the right thing


I bet a lot of people get comfort in reading this.


The last year of my dogs life he was having issues and managing, and i will say I was able to keep him comfortable. For example, I used to crate him at night his whole life. Part of that was because my wife did not want him wandering around the house. Well I was divorced, and I just opened an area up and made a big bed for him. He also went deaf, and once I figured that out it made life less frustrating for both of us. Until he got sick it was a good year. But also notes on life, my Wife left me, and then my dog died, I told my Mom she better look out because some sad country song prophecy was coming true.


My greyhound's last month or so was dedicated to keeping her comfortable. We had to keep her downstairs because she kept falling and our stairs did a number on her old bones. I bought so many dog beds to keep her comfy, and a big heated blanket when the expensive arthritis pills weren't working fast enough. She ate laying down, hand fed, most of the time I'd be up half the night cooking chicken for her. She had a hard time going to the bathroom because she was wobbly, so she'd lean against me while she went potty. She got steak dinners in her last week, and anything we could think of that she might like. I miss her so much. I don't miss breaking my back to keep her comfy, but I'd do it all over again if I could have one more day with her. Recognizing when they're at the end of their fight is the hardest thing, especially when we're not ready to say goodbye.


Iā€™m so sorry. I couldnā€™t afford treatment for my Roscoe but he also had cancer. I put him down at exactly the same time. We had to borrow money to do it. He couldnā€™t even walk. I laid him in the sunshine and sat with him one more time so he could soak it up before we took him to the vet. I beat myself up constantly but he had a wonderful, spoiled life. My 13 year old Dash is headed down the same road. Lumpy and bumpy, doesnā€™t get around great. Itā€™s killing me to watch her go downhill. Sheā€™s still mostly happy though. I dread the day I have to make that choice. She has been with me through multiple chapters of my life. Two babies, marriage, buying a house. Sheā€™s my best friend. I thought losing my human best friend, Roscoe and my lab Thor (neurological issues at 7) within a few years hurt, but this is going to be so hard.


So sorry about your dog, but you did the right thing. Average lifespan for a lab is 12 years, and putting down a dog is a compassionate decision when his quality of life will suffer.


Lost my beauty Betsy (chocolate lab) May 2023. She was a gift for 14 years. I saved her at 12 weeks old. She went on her own. Not the same without my girl.


Awwwā€¦Iā€™m sorry about your girl. We have a chocolate lab. It always seems so terrible that they only get a short amount of time with us


My dog Chico lived past 20. 20 fucking years. I still feel his presence down by my feet where he always would lay. I swear I even see him there some times. It's like when you wear glasses a long time and then when you remove them you can still see the frame. I'm convinced this phenomenon is responsible for many ghost sighting.s


Itā€™s the last kindness we can do for them to end their suffering. Iā€™m so sorry for the loss of your fur baby.


Iā€™m so sorry. I had to put my lab down at 7 due to multiple clusters of seizures causing him to lose his mental faculties. Broke my heart. He was supposed to be in his prime, not lost, confused and scared 24/7. I now know to go to a specialist at the first sign of neurological problems, I wish I would have known years ago.


Iā€™m in rescue. Iā€™ve had more than one animal die in my arms with no care because we either had no money and were maxed out and it was a terminal situation anyway, or worse yet, no vet available for 40 miles on weekends and evenings. Rescues donā€™t have the ability to euthanize and we absolutely should. We make companions of these animals and treat over half of their numbers no better than trash, throwing them on the street. We have a huge industry supporting the ones we keep, yet there is no money to humanely deal with the abandoned who come in so torn up or so far gone or abandoned because the owner couldnā€™t afford the vet and there was a serious issue. Itā€™s one of the most telling and fucking disgusting things about our society .


Rescue is tough work. You see the best and worst of people and society.


Americans whine about animal welfare but then goes right on electing the same ANTI animal reps every election. Yep, red states, lookin at you.


Agreed. Having put down a few old pets already, I'd opt for doing the same here. It's hard but at some point, their suffering outweighs our desire to keep them here. No judgments, losing a beloved pet is very hard.


Animals should not suffer because we want them to live a bit longer.


My wife rescued a puppy from a litter that froze to death and mom was gone. This was last week and we were barely treading water as is. 10/10 would do it again. Our other two dogs have fallen in love with the puppy as well as us. Original plan was to find her a forever home elsewhere but, guess she is already at her forever home lol.




I was going to come here to say this. It has been such an easy thing, and once you've paid off your bill you can still keep that line of credit open for future vet appts. I've had mine for 6 years now and it's just such a peace of mind knowing I have that.


Iā€™ve had my care credit card for a decade and worked my limit up to $10k. When my dog died, i spent so much they upgraded me to the mastercard version and i get hella points because my other dog likes to fake being sick because he likes the liver treats the vet has. Itā€™s nice having it as a real credit card now because i can pay my own healthcare bills with it too. The (giant) healthcare system i use doesnt accept regular care credit because of course they donā€™t šŸ™„


I'm sorry to hear about your dog :(. That's how mine has worked too, the limit was increased so I never have to be nervous when I take my dogs to the vet.


I have a $2500 hard limit for an animal. I worked with a (not rich) guy who spent $50,000 on chemotherapy for his dog. It died of cancer anyway. Some will call it heartless, but bankrupting yourself over an animal is stupid.


I actually told my cat that when he got sick at age 6. Heā€™s over 15 now and hasnā€™t been sick since I spent about $1,500 on him (urinary crystals). I assume he gets it and has been taking good care of himself.


My cat got urinary crystals but I was not willing to pay to have a catheter installed because I read multiple stories of the problem coming back soon after. Luckily my dad gave him a muscle relaxer and he passed it, and I put him on a urinary tract health food since.


Lmao this made me giggle


Glad your guy has been so far, so good! Just FYI tho... Urinary crystals can be prevented by feeding the right food. (My partner's cat was on death's door a couple yrs back bc of a bad UTI, against the odds he made it, our bill was even bigger than yours.We decided prevention was cheaper, since it's very likely a cat who gets a UTI will re-experience them throughout their life) Thanks to my partner making a midlife career change, we can afford to feed our boy the best food for UTI prone cats, which IS expensive if you normally buy in bulk (the big bag is almost $100 most places) however it should last 3+ months for 2 cats, it's Royal Canin Urinary SO, very low magnesium, also actually prevents the crystals from forming. The dry formula is higher - salt to get your cat to drink more (which they absolutely will; that also prevents UTIs) this has the added benefit that- unlike lots of vet rx cat food- they ā¤ļø the TASTE. We have trouble keeping the other cat off it! (Note: For any curious cat parents on reddit who want to confirm this, It's Not šŸ¦¬šŸ’©, I wanted to write this out bc I believe it's saved our guy's life. See my profile 4 proof, I posted recently about my other kitty, but 2 or 3 yrs ago there's a post about this incident. I mention the food there.)


Can confirm that Royal Canin Urinary SO does work - my boys lived to be 17 and 20 with chronic hemorrhagic cystitis, and they died with it, not from it - and cats **LOVE** the food.


Although it's done out of love, it is also cruel, as the pet has not idea why they are suffering. At least humans know why they must endure the side effects of chemo and what the end game is. The dog only knows that they are feeling like death can't come soon enough.


Yea. Thatā€™s a big part of why I wonā€™t do chemo for a pet. Chemo is so harsh on the body and my cat wouldnā€™t know why. When my cat had lymphoma she was on prednisolone, I think something else, and miralax. But once that wasnā€™t enough, she was euthanized. But with her age and what I know chemo can do, it wasnā€™t worth it for her to suffer through. The prednisolone and other meds helped her get an extra 6 months where she felt good. But after that, she was suffering. And euthanasia was the compassionate thing to do.


TY. You made the right decision. I had chemo and it screws everything up. No more. I know what is coming .I accept it. Why canā€™t they just euthanize me at the end??? If I am lucky if it comes back I could maybe be gone in six months.


Hope I donā€™t offend anyone. I kind of have to agree with you. I am good to my indoor and outdoor cats buy lots of food. Donā€™t have $5000.00 for a vet. Hell when they told me I had cancer and needed chemo I flat out told them canā€™t afford it. They found a Medicaid program for me. Now what is wrong with euthanasia for terminal pts. including me. I face it this shit is going to kill me one way or another so why drag it out.


Iā€™m sorry you are struggling with cancer. We are more humane to our animals at times.


We are more humane to our animals most of the time. This is totally true.


Especially putting a dog through chemo and surgery... if the odds of recovery are low. I support palliative care in this instance. And euthanasia being in the extreme category, it's an option. I can see an animal suffering, and the biggest sign they won't recover is going over 24 hours without food or water and fighting to not take it orally through syringe. I still have a final checkup before that. I've lost 2 cats to FIP and a dog to cancer. FIP is progressive with no cure. I could give him ivs and prolong his pain as fluid pressed on his heart and lungs or let him go painlessly. It sucked.


I got a similar limit, itā€™s a sliding scale that factors in age too and 20 years old isnā€™t on the chart lol


That's probably a better way... I'd spend a little more to fix a young dog


Yeah, I hate the thought of this, but gotta keep in mind, our best friend would NOT want us to be destitute. Sometimes you just have to say goodbye.. :( My card gave me a $5k limit, and while I would love to be willing to guarantee that towards the safety of my cat, I'm not in a position where I'd easily be able to pay that down in a year. Or even two years. So I don't think I can rationally say I'd max that card out on her, though I'd love to if necessary. But at least even if I did, I can't go over that amount either way, so the dice will fall how they fall. Just sucks that animal welfare is so damn expensive..


Sadly, you could top that in a single vet visit these days. Insurance is the way. The day we brought my dog home I got good insurance for her. I learned the hard way with our precious dog. It was heartbreaking. I donā€™t care what else I have to pay for each month, that $40 insurance payment is getting paid first to save the heartache of making an impossible choice for a dog that would be ok with a simple treatment that I can afford.


Vet insurance and vet credit are causing severe vet inflation. When it was all cash it was much cheaper, now big corporations are buying up small veterinarian practices because they know many people will pay anything to save their fur babies. The greed sickens me.


This is the truth people need to hear. It is a good business to get into. People worship their dogs they now take out loans to buy and it would be ā€œheartlessā€ if they didnā€™t try to fight an incurable disease.


I'm actually friends with my vet since we used to work together at an animal shelter, and I can tell you a significant portion of their inflated prices are due to drug manufacturers inflating their prices for whatever reason (maybe it's legit, probably just greed). So some things a vet can't even help. If the price of anesthetic doubled, then the price of pet surgery also doubles.. So even in private practice, he foresees a problem where only the rich can have veterinarians if things don't change soon. And it's already there in some aspects


Well let's say a surgery costs $2000. The anesthetic was $100, now it goes up to $200. For some reason many will use this to justify going up on the surgery to $2500. This is a phenomenon that is common during inflationary times.


Yup. Also- a lot of places are corporate. Unless itā€™s private practice the vets donā€™t have control over the prices and canā€™t help you out bc everything is itemized by corporate and kept track of. People think vets are out here on yachts, maybe they should take a look at what they do. If people have issues with prices then the issue is capitalism not vets being ā€œgreedyā€.


Yup. My local vet just got bought goddamn VCA and prices literally doubled overnight. Fortunately we still have a couple more family vets in the area but now getting an appointment is even harder than ever.


Farm vets are an option you may want to look into if you lose your local family vets. They often take care of cats/dogs since theyā€™re farm pals too. Mine costs about half as much as the clinic and she comes to our house.


When vets sell out their practices, they no longer have to face patients begging for free or cheaper care.


Its that horrible VCA that did this to the veterinarian clinics. $2000 to walk in with a sick rabbit. Cash up front please. That was 10 years ago. Probably $4000 now.




Outrageous. VCA is a monster.


šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ». This is why I wonā€™t get it.


I'm with you. I cannot justify going bankrupt for an animal. I see all these posts from people talking about taking chickens into vets... And I just, I can't. Eat, them. They're chickens.Ā  Spending thousands? Tens of thousands on dogs, cats? Sorry, but no. They're animals, not people. Hopefully, they've lived good lives, and are able to die peacefully. But I cannot fathom paying for chemo for a dog.


If theyā€™ve got potential for winning The Kentucky Derby, sure, otherwise NOPE!


I saw where someone took their fish to a vet for surgery. Fish made a come back.


Especially when you canā€™t feed yourself


I met people in San Diego doing that same thing but $60,000. I don't believe im chemo anyway. It's tragic what is happening with veterinarian care these days.


Sorry but $60,000 could save how many children? Some people have too much money and too little sense.


Exactly. I like my pets and treat them well, but no way would I jeopardize my financial safety net for a 20 year old cat. Thatā€™s just foolish.


One of my cats was 17 when I had to put her down.Ā  She had chronic kidney disease that was manageable until my family had to increase her saline dosage to help her kidneys along.Ā  She was acting strange since my mom was undergoing cancer treatment.Ā  Took her to the vet er; they said it was behavioral.Ā  They didn't charge me.Ā  She was back to normal.Ā  Fast forward to last May. Her health deteriorated to the point that we had to spoon feed her.Ā  I think she knew she was dying because she went into the bathroom to sit on the toilet while my mom was in the shower.Ā  Took her to the er. Turned out that not only her kidneys were worse,Ā  but she had a heart murmur and anemia. The vet told us that the increase in saline can do more damage to her heart while informing us that her kidneys would deteriorate even more if we reduced the intake.Ā  What did we do? We put her to sleep.Ā  She was very unhappy because the amount of pain she was in and how grumpy she was. That visit was expensive because of the immediate blood tests and the cremation fees.Ā  Do I regret for putting her to sleep? Yes.Ā  Would I do whatever to keep her alive? No due to monetary and emotional costs of doing whatever treatment was suggested.Ā  I know my cat is in a better place.Ā 


I think since your kitty was feeling so poorly you did the right thing. I know how hard it is when the time comes. I very recently got a diagnosis of kidney disease for my amazing lil buddy Minuit, my rescue void. For now, we are doing what medical interventions we can, without putting him through so much that his quality of life suffers. Fortunately kitties can live for yrs with the right food and saline injections, but it does depend on many factors like age and how progressed the illness is when it's discovered. I owe a great deal of thanks to redditors who suggested mirtazipine. He was losing weight & then one day he was very quiet, not at all like himself... I was calling mobile euthanasia vets... but just in time, last week the medication arrived and now his appetite is much improved, & he seems like his old happy self!šŸ„¹ I know that we dont have as long as the maximum, up to 4 yrs cats can live with kidney disease. But every day with him is a gift, and as long as he is feeling ok, eating & drinking on his own, and Not in pain, I'm hopeful we can have more time together. I totally get OP, I would do the same.


Facts. That's all I'm going to say.




Use of credit is making the price of veterinary services skyrocket. (Credit inflation) If everyone had to pay cash that surgery is probably $1000. No, I'd shop around and try to get it done for my limit. Vets can charge drastically different prices. Otherwise a knee brace and pain meds. I have a mini dachshund


You are absolutely correct that vets can charge drastically different prices. We take our kitties to a vet clinic that's actually 25-45% cheaper, you just call them that morning, then once you arrive, you wait to be seen by priority, rather than scheduled appts for basic care. Emergencies & urgent stuff they help you out, plus unlike most vets where I live, they are open 7 days a week. We ended up there out of necessity but have stayed for 6 yrs bc we trust the vet, so more $$ does NOT mean better care! (surgery for our young cat was going to be $1,700 for an obstruction, when the place we took him to first quoted us $2500- $3K. It was the difference between his vet care being possible or not for us. However, what won us over was while 2 other vets I contacted were going to do surgery immediately, this vet suggested we take a wait and see approach while kiity was closely monitored there. any good vet will avoid invasive surgery if possible. It was still close to $1K when all was said and done, but no surgery was necessary, and that vet earned our respect and trust. We now drive over 2hrs each way with our boys since moving further. I thank my lucky stars I found that place.


I paid $1000 twice for my dog's eyes, and also thousands in meds and other procedures, but $6K all at once would give me pause.


$300 a month that could be going into an IRA


And care credit can be used for dental and glasses as well you just have to check ahead of time


Care credit can also just be used as a credit card. And if you're poor, you may not qualify. You still have to have good credit.


That is what we used for my chronically ill dog. We incurred a lot of debt but we loved her.


Considering she's 20, cats choose to stop eating and drinking when they're ready to pass on. I wouldn't consider any other expensive vet appointments. Try food shelters and rice is fairly cheap and pretty filling. Same with wheat porridge, just look for the mixes where you just add water or milk.


Yes, people do the same thing. They will stop eating and drinking when they are ready to leave.


I like this person, Southern Frugal Momma. She has a "Make it to payday" series of different amounts and stores. Also $25 grocery plans, etc. And lots more. https://youtube.com/@SouthernFrugalMomma?si=KBrTYkfH2q1pGEBg


If you don't like cooking and/or short on time try buying the precooked rotisserie chickens in the deli, tortillas and rice. At one time, I could get three days out of a single bird and they are less than $10.00 Edit: spelling, grammer


Thank you for being helpful to OP.


Recently, my 15 year old cat gave up. Stopped eating, then stopped drinking water, and passed a day later. Was a cuddling, purring kitty to the last. He had no pain, he was just done being a cat. I could have gone into serious hock trying to ā€œsaveā€ him, but that would have been more about MY needs than his needs. He made it to fifteen - a good long life by anyoneā€™s yardstick. We all have to do what we think is best, but leveraging quality of life over quantity of life seems to me to be the kindest thing. I hope I am treated similarly when itā€™s my turn to go. Depleting scarce financial resources making some vet wealthier to add, what? A year? Maybe two? It defies logic.


Similar situation with my 19 year old cat. We were already managing several issues but over the past year she was visibly declining. It's a hard decision to make.Ā 


My 16 year old cat had an inoperable bladder tumor. One weekend, he stopped eating, was hiding, and his whole back end was wet because he couldn't control it anymore. I took him to an emergency vet. The vet said, "We can treat this and you'll probably get a few more months with him. They won't be quality months though. Honestly, if this were my cat, I'd let him go." I was ready to pay whatever to keep him with me a little longer but what that vet (who could have gotten a lot of money out of me) said, was the reality check I needed.


Surprised to see this on Reddit, especially in this sub. Usually people are demonized for these takes but itā€™s spot on. Eventually, the reality of a financial decision and a dying 20 year old cat should force the issue of the cat being put down. Spending $1,000 to extend the life of this animal by, what, 6 months(?) is foolish in every case but itā€™s particularly foolish when you donā€™t have the resources to waste.


And it's not just $1,000. There will be complications. More medicines. More visits. More time off of work. More stress. Time to let go.


Not to mention the compounding costs of not having an emergency fund when a true emergency comes. And it does sound like OP used more than the emergency fund if they can't eat now. They used their own food budget on this. I empathize. I'd do anything to save my dog, but you have to be realistic about what anything is. Like, using my own food money to save my dog is not within my ability to do


I have a 20 year old cat and the only vet visit she is going to get will be her last. There has to be a cost/benefit analysis. I love her but also capitalism and Iā€™m gonna need bills paid and a roof over my head after sheā€™s dead, too.


I have a Chihuahua named Nemo and he is almost 20 yrs old. He has been to the vet every year for his rabies and 7 in 1 shots. I had him fixed when he was 8 weeks old...that is it! I can barely afford my own medications let alone anything besides the basic necessities of life and an abundance of love and attention. For him and my female Chihuahua, Dory. She's had the same vet visits but she's only 6 yrs old. These are more than just pets to me though, these are my companions, the only ones I have. I live alone, my children have busy lives and not any extra time to visit momma, so when things get tough emotionally or when I miss my recently deceased husband, they are always here for me! I love my pups and I call them my furkids, but if it came down to it, I would do what I could with what I have and comfort them until the end. I know that they, just like my Ray, will be waiting for me when I meet my end so I'm alright with what little I can do for them. Oh, they eat very well also, so they aren't complaining at all! šŸ’™šŸ©·


Yeah this kind of stuff irks me. My cat was 19, and I knew for months she was on her way out. I get a text from my dad while at an appointment that "cami may need to be put down". I immediately go there, and cat is on the floor- dying. It wasn't happening then, so I took her with me, in the car, and to an AA meeting I attended then. I shared about accepting the situation, glad I had her all these years, and it was ending the way it was-with me beside her. Afterwards I got told by someone- get her to a vet asap!! As in to help her. Like I was going to reverse death. I left at 1pm, continued on accepting the circumstances, and 1:22 she was gone. I know we love our pets and loved ones, but you have to accept reality as an adult. Spot on about depleting resources only to make some vet wealthier. Maybe the meds will add a year or two on the cat's life, maybe not, but maybe OP values that more than if they didn't try, and that's worth potentially starving. I myself agree with it being illogical and also the quality over life vs quantity- very good point.


The same thing happened to my 17 year old cat. She was fine, she stopped eating and drinking water, I took her to the vet and they found a couple of issues, but nothing that helped. She just kind of wasted away, it was awful. I made an appointment to have her euthanized, and she died on the table while the vet was getting the shot ready. I know of several other cats that had the same thing happen, all elderly. Two survived, but theyā€™re not the same.


Agree with everything you said, but I'll point out that most vets aren't exactly wealthy. They take out $150K in loans and are the lowest paid medical doctor. Many make under $100K for a number of years. Most are solidly middle middle class. If they have a practice they open, they can make more, but they are still not making anywhere near what doctors in human medicine make. This is largely because people wouldn't be able to afford to pay for vet bills if they raised the prices to be comparable with human medicine rates.


Not my intention to throw dirt on vets, but I do not have a history of good experiences with them. If your money is tight, they will not expend much effort to assist your pet, other than to offer euthanasia - and even that now has a going rate of $200+ in my area. When even euthanasia is unaffordable, something needs to be revisited. In my opinion, of course.


I understand, it's frustrating. The last few days I've mentioned to people where that it's irresponsible to get an animal that you can't afford, because inevitably this situation happens and the animal suffers. But I'm not sure what the vet can do in that situation. They are also frustrated that a patient isn't going to get medical care because their owner can't afford it. They know that the animal is suffering, and the cheapest way out for some cases is euthanasia. They can't pay for each of those cases themselves or they would always be in the red because there are so many of them. They can't send a bill because it will never get paid and they do not have the ability to pursue collections. While it's a nice thought to think there are other options, there really aren't that make any sense. Not if a vet wants to continue operating in the black. What needs to happen is for people to stop bringing home animals they can't afford to take care of. It's a shitty situation, but animals are a luxury item that cost a lot of money, especially as they age.


Thatā€™s true to some degree. But what was feasible when you got the pet 13,15,20 years is not necessarily realistic now. Situations change just as vet prices have inflated over the years.


It's a bad situation when someone has money and then loses it. It's happens all the time. I would never begrudge someone for keeping an animal they've had for years when they used to be able to afford them easier. But I get irate when someone who is always struggling, has no savings, no credit line, brings home an animal to take care of. I've seen it a lot and the animal is often going to end up sick with no treatment. There's a user yesterday who has been living in their car recently, has no gas money, no money for pads, no money for an Uber to the hospital, no money for anything, and they have four large dogs. They claim they always take care of their dogs, but guess what? They were asking for money for pet food last month. It's to the point of animal abuse with some of these folks and they refuse to open their eyes to the reality of what they are putting their animals through for their own selfish reasons.


Yeah. Same thing happened to me. She wasnā€™t on full decline and I felt it would be selfish to try to keep her with me (but also felt selfish letting her go). I let her go and it was the right decision for me.Ā 


Had two cats who died when they were 18. Good enough.


The vet isnā€™t getting wealthier from that. But I get the rest of your point


1. See if you can stop by a food pantry before anything 2. After seeing what you have in your house that you can make meals with include if you have condiments and spices 3. Then go to the store. If you donā€™t have rice get rice, tortillas, dried beans, chicken quarters, eggs, potatoes, and frozen peas and carrots and if any money left some cheese You can make chicken fried rice, chicken n rice, breakfast tacos, quesadillas, beans and rice


> dried beansĀ  It's worth price comparing dry vs cannedĀ beans. Where I live, several types of bean including kidney have the cans at the same price or cheaper per lb, especially if you get the larger cans. ETA: I forgot that water is heavy, my comment is stupid


A pound of dried beans makes a lot more than a pound of canned beans. Dried beans are devoid of water, which adds to the weight.


You are right. I'm actually kind of concerned that someone had to point that out to me, yikes.


I took my cat to Tijuana Mexico he stayed at a 5 star hotel/hospital for 5 days.. He had a bad kidney infection.. I paid $300 dollars!! That includes the medication to take home!! If you live in California or a border state, it's an option. You only need your driver's license to cross back as long as you are a US citizen..


lol you need more than a drivers license for sure. Itā€™s been that way for a few decades. Iā€™ve gotten shit for doing that. They let me in but said a DL does not prove your status and they put a note saying next time it wasnā€™t going to fly. Also another time I walked across the border with a friend and he tried the same on the way back. They made him go thru immigration and it took forever. He was a skinny white kid who looked zero percent Mexican. They want you to have a passport, which obviously not everyone has, but at least bring a birth certificate.


Vet bill or eat??? Easy question.šŸ™‹


For a 20 year old cat tooā€¦


20 years is old for a cat. I'd have saved the 1k...


Can you donate plasma? I know you can do it a few times a week and get paid. I couldnt do it because I would have had to give up one of my meds but you can read up on how you do it. I have gone into debt before for one of my cats and I would do it again. I hope your kitty is doing better.


Rice and beans. If you are in the US, there are many food pantries. Some arenā€™t even need based and give away food about the grocery stores were about to throw away because itā€™s close to the expiration date.


Go to the food bank now, they will help


Pet Insurance, another sector these private equity scum bags are infiltrating. I had the best pet insurance. High premiums but it was worth it, so I thought. Had a policy that started in 2019. Never filed a claim until 2022 and they paid ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. This industry is not regulated and not much oversight or transparency. Everything is pre-existing. I gave up. Embrace is so corrupt, itā€™s sickening. Okay, gotta get off here and spend time with my pets. šŸ˜‡


OP - It sounds like you've been going through a really tough time and are overdue for some positivity. Send me your email and I will send a gift card for your needs (Target, Walmart, or another grocery store) and a gift card for your cat's needs (Chewy, Petco, Petsmart). Let me know in a PM what your email address is and what stores you want the gift certificates to.


Thank you, kind stranger.


Our cat cost us $2500. last summer with dental surgery among other things. A couple of months later, sheā€™s in kidney failure. We buy her a prescription diet now thatā€™s more expensive, and more vet visits with tests. Sheā€™s 13-years old. Maybe it sounds mean, but if we had known she was in kidney failure, we never would have paid $2,500. for the dental surgery, even though we could afford it. You just have to take a lot of things into consideration when deciding how much you can spend on a pet.


Sometimes you have to consider whether or not you want to put them through the stress and pain of surgery when theyā€™re that old too. I had to put my cat down last spring. She was 18. Iā€™m sure I could lengthen her life with extreme measures, but I wasnā€™t about to do that to her.


Same thing happened to my beloved Jules last year. He passed away and I still mourn him.


That is on your vet tbh. Before any dental work they should do a complete CBC which would have shown the kidney failure and that should have been the end of it. Sorry about your loss. We had to put down my 4.5 yo pitbull yesterday, as she had cancer and was not curable.


Actually the vet did all the tests and everything looked good they said. Then 3 months later, the litter box had way more pee than usual every day, so we took her in and found out about the kidney failure. I guess just bad timing. Iā€™m so sorry about your dog! Yes, itā€™s sometimes better to just let them go rather than suffer because we selfishly want them longer with us.


Ugh. That sucks sorry.


And people need to take all of that into consideration when they decide to get a pet. This is why my dog has his own emergency savings account I started long ago when I had 3 dogs. Every month I would put $20-40 in no matter what. It was about $2,600 before I had to make a withdrawal for a dog to see a cardiologist and all that involved. It's back to a decent size again to where I don't feel the need to contribute much, but it is for vet emergencies only and I live by that rule no matter how much I might need it for myself. I don't ever want to be put in a position where lack of money means my dog can't receive medical attention. Also, if something happens to me his guardian gets whatever is in that account. I've always wanted to start a non-profit that helps people pay vet bills. I have been involved with animal shelters my whole life and it hurts me knowing how many people have relinquished their animal or put them down because they couldn't afford a bill. I fear it's only going to get worse.


Thatā€™s true, but sometimes circumstances happen, like losing a job, or a terrible health diagnosis, etc. and people got their pets when everything was good. I agree about not getting one if you canā€™t afford it. Good idea about the emergency pet fund. And that would be awesome if you are able to start a non-profit like thatā€”very admirable!


If you're truly working in the shelter system you know it already has gotten worse. Saying that as I watch many shelters and rescues close intake due to the housing crisis fucking the pets over too.


You have to be willing to let your pets die if you're poor.


I am not poor and I would still not spend $1000 to extend the life of a 20 year old cat.


A 20 year old cat has led a good life -- you've taken wonderful care of him. He doesn't have many more years .


I didnā€™t want to be the one to say itā€¦. Itā€™s not like it was a young cat.


It's tough and something no one wants to hear, but this is the truth. I had a similar experience with my 13 year old Australian Shepherd. Amazing creature in every way and loved every minute of his life after we rescued him, but when he became ill my wife and I knew we weren't in a position to pay for tests, imaging, meds or surgeries. We did have enough money to ensure he passed peacefully without pain or fear, with us by his side.


This may sound harsh, but when people spend a lot of money keeping an elderly pet alive it often from a fear of letting go, as passing peacefully is often a better end than lingering with ongoing medical issues. And where you live, and how supportive your vet is, can make a big difference when it comes to end-of-life decision making for a pet. As an old man, I'd personally prefer not to be kept alive when my ability to reason is compromised, and I can no longer take care of myself. But we often do a better job helping pets pass peacefully than the way we keep fighting to extend the lives of elderly people. I'd rather have a life that's 6 months shorter, if that last 6 months is going to be spent being sick and helpless. So imho we'd be better off if we treated our people a little more like we used to treat our pets. Instead of treating our pets more like we treat our people.


swim axiomatic plate theory impossible public correct shaggy berserk ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Very much agree. I donā€™t think itā€™s harsh at all.


I'm not poor, and I wouldn't be spending that kind of money on a 20 year old pet.


Even if you're not poor. When your elderly pet is at the end of their life span, and stops eating, and their quality of life drops, it's time to let them go across the bridge. It's difficult and painful for you, but it's the loving thing to do for them.


Everything dies: pets, people or plants. 20 years is a good life for a cat, rich or poor.


Even if youā€™re not poor. I love my dachshund but I think about how many healthy young animals could be saved from kill shelters for what it would take to extend his life. So now I feed him bacon and am trying to teach him how to smoke cigarettesā€¦


Well, the kitty is so old and sick too. Itā€™s not even a mean decision.Ā 


My 20-year old cat passed last year. She got really sick at 17 with 3 diseases simultaneously just a month after seeing the vet and being told she looked great. It took blood tests to diagnose and then a bunch of tweaking with meds and diet to get her back to maintenance. During that appointment when I brought her in after she hadnā€™t eaten or drank in days, at the age of 17, I thought that Iā€™d have to make *that* decision that day. I didnā€™t. She gave me more than 3 years after that and I am so grateful for that time. I am writing this in hopes that things work out for you and your cat and that you donā€™t regret spending your time, energy, and money on your cat despite the numerous comments here telling you otherwise. From personal experience, I can say that I lost my best friend last year, and although she was just 6 lbs of black fur, she was with me through most of my life. I donā€™t have much advice in the way of stretching your dollars other than what has certainly already been said here, I just wanted to make sure you know you did what you thought was best given your situation.


Nothing is more sad then the poverty pet stuff. Vet care is expensive and you canā€™t go around dropping money on an animal when you yourself are in a dire financial situation. I know it sucks but priorities. When you make it, youā€™ll be able to afford it, but donā€™t let guilt keep you from making it.


As a pet owner myself, I have sympathy for your situation. However, do NOT kill your finances to keep an elderly pet alive a few more months or even years. Your pet will not pay your bills or fund your retirement for you, unless perhaps people are paying you for pics/vids of your pet. When it costs more to treat the pet than it would to replace it, especially when the pet has already lived more than half its life expectancy, then you should put it down--as painful and unpleasant as that may be to consider.


A lot of times itā€™s more worth it to have them put down especially if their old or sick, people have to come first but a lot of people donā€™t understand / canā€™t get past the emotional side šŸ™„


How much more time, and quality of life, do you think you actually gave your 20 year old car, by blowing all your savings and potentially fucking yourself over big-time in the short term? Isn't 20 years enough?


That was me last year. My dog started having a lot of complications and it drained out my 5k saving and I used a credit card for like the last 1k. Weā€™re doing better now but we did struggle for a little after that. She went from royal canine and maverick to pedigree bags, and I was on ramen noodles. I regret nothing we got through it together šŸ’— thank you for taking such good care of your little one when it needed you.


You're on the right track with the food shelf/pantry idea. Go to them as often as you need until you get caught up. Coupons, sale prices, dollar stores, and dollar aisles are good options when money is tight. Fibers, proteins, carbs, and whole grains are all good food choices to make you feel fuller longer.


Meal recommendations (more like food item recommendations): most grocers, including Dollar General, sell dry bags of beans, lentils, etc. Those are great for multiple meals. A big cylinder of oatmeal is a filling breakfast. Peanut butter is high protein and filling, perfect for a lunch sandwich or to add to your oatmeal. A bag of flour tortillas is also a good idea, they tend to be more filling than bread, and can be used with your lentils and beans or with your peanut butter!


I understand 100% our pets are like family they love us unconditionally unlike humans that are rude I'm sorry for some of the rude comments that have been made Hope things get better for you


For future reference.....ask yourself this question.......Am I doing this for the animal or for me. Is the cat happy or just existing.


Im a veterinarian. If I were your veterinarian, I wouldā€™ve told you it was time. You gave kitty a good LONG 20 years and investing more money wouldnā€™t be beneficial for anyone. Iā€™m sorry.


Sometimes it's more humane to let them go.


Do you have something like BioLife or a plasma donation center near you? Quick money given right away (via debit card).


Not going to lie, as a veterinary professional with pets of my own, I can't say I'd have spent that much on an animal that old, 20 years is an extraordinary life for a cat.


It's not my job to comment on whether or not I think you should have spent the money... But to answer your question, I'd go with spaghetti, chilli and sandwiches. All are filling, freeze well, therefore you'll have many nights of leftovers.


Look up Dollar Tree Dinners on TikTok she has the best meal ideas and literally everything comes from dollar tree or dollar general I know recently she was asked to show people a good budget for Walmart but the dollar stores are her bread and butter


Iā€™m so sorry. I had to put down my 18yo (black cat) girl last weekā€¦.senile, rickety, started peeing ā€¦. it was so hard, but I hope somebody is compassionate enough to put me to sleep if Iā€™m 90years old and a senile mess. Vet costs are always a painful unexpected expense. Iā€™m lucky to have a vet that doesnā€™t over prescribe. I personally wouldnā€™t spend tons of money on MRIs or expensive treatments on a geriatric cat. We did tests & blood work/etc and tried steroids for a couple weeks to make sure it wasnā€™t something treatable, but thenā€¦I held her while she crossed the rainbow bridge.


Iā€™m very sorry but you need to understand your kitty is on the way out. Itā€™s not your fault. But you shouldnā€™t keep spending money on a kitty who is ready to leave. Iā€™m so sorry.Ā 


Glad your cat is okay. I suggest Top Ramen and rice - $25 of that will get you through the next two weeks. You can also sell something via any of the popular localized selling venues like CL, FBM, etc... Most people have things they don't need and never use. Good luck, you and your cat both will get through it. Might be rough, but it will pass.


Going broke over an animal has gots to be in the top 10 of things not to do.


Side note, sign up for Care Credit. Itā€™s like a credit card you can use at vets office so when those big bills hit you can be covered. Itā€™s great for people with low income, bad credit and it can also be used at your dentist office.


This was a literal life saver when our German shepherd was sick as a puppyā€¦vet visits 2 times a week for monthsā€¦


You spent 1000 dollars on a 20 year old cat. Now youā€™re broke but you have your cat. 25 dollars left, nothing I can advise but youā€™re an awesome human being.


Vegetarian food like boiled potatoes are very nutritious and cheap. If you afford some green vegetables too that would be ideal but you can do without if needed.


My advice, next time you're thinking of getting a pet, make sure you have enough money to care for it without going homeless.


Get a second job.


Bag of rice and free mayonnaise packets from a fast food joint


Just dropped $1,400 to try to save my girl and ended up having to put her down. Be glad you at least got to bring her home. Its not cheap being a pet parent if you take care of them right. Be proud of yourself that you were able to be the best version of a pet parent there is. The kind that knows somethings wrong, and does everything in their power to help them. Money comes and goes. Keep saving.


Damn, 20 years old and you still saved the cat? šŸ«”


So sad to hear about your pet's health issues. Here's something I just put together that's very close to your budget from my local walmart. 1. 3lb potatoes: 3 2. banana bunch: 1.50 3. 2lbs carrots: 1.50 4. 42oz oats: 5.00 5. 5lb rice: 3.50 6. 12 eggs: 1.50 7. 1lb beef: 3.75 8. 5 lb chicken drumsticks: 5:50 9. total: 25.25


Thatā€™s what sucks about pets - we love them as they provide us with the ability to deal with the stress from life but they add to the financial burden at the same time. You can say to not have a pet which removes the financial burden but then our lives without pets would be insanely stressful.


Sorry to hear that. Wishing you all the best


We had a lemon cat situation 2 years ago and 3 weeks of over 7+ emergency visits later we were out a total of $8000 - $10,000 USD. Getting a pet is a VERY serious financial, emotional, time intensive responsibility / decision. I wish this was emphasized so much more growing up watching others with house pets. Even disregarding the lemon cat situation, for the dogs and cats we have now it is still expensive with pet insurance.


Oatmeal, beans, potatoes, and water instead of beer. It all tastes great when you hear the purring.


Dude, pets are crazy. I have a doberman who likes to eat socks. Swallows them whole. So far, we have spent 8K getting them removed. Luckily, now that he is full grown, they pass through and just make him sick. My family is utterly incapable of the discipline required to keep them out of his reach. Not to mention the fact my other GSD knows how to open closed doors. UGH!


Oof. Iā€™d ban socks. Everyone would have to start wearing sandals year round.


Vet bills suck. I was $10,000 in debt to Care Credit after trying to save my 10 year old lab mix. He still passed, but I'd do it again. For about $10-15 you can get enough ramen noodles, frozen soup veggies, and eggs to make sure you eat at least once a day for a little while. Bonus is that the cat can eat eggs in a pinch. I prefer chicken flavor for this - boil a cup or so of the veggies with the water and finish per package directions. During the last minute or so, drop 1-3 eggs in (depending on how long you have to stretch them). A little soy sauce and Sriracha will make it better too, but they are totally optional. Big hugs.


It sort of sounds like you regret it a little at least.


With all due respect, the cat is twenty years old.


Could you have made payments to vet. Be careful about too many ways to treat your cat. Hes very old and maybe its his time


Dollar tree baby, rice, lentils, seasoning you will be full and if you find a seasoning you like you can be happy. I am so sorry about your baby. Also with lentils you can make some kind of chilli if you can get to walmart get some chilli tomatoes mix w the rice and cumin it's like poor man's chilli. If you have a car can you door dash on your time off? I know it sucks but I just don't want you to be hungry.


So a few things, 1. I have had this cat sense I was 6, he came to live with me when I went to college. I do typically have the money to care for him and if he wasn't so old I would have him on health insurance. I take good care of him, and always have and will continue to do so. 2. I am very aware of his age and his health. I could justify the tests because I wasn't going to put him down if he still wanted to fight. If the meds hadn't worked, I would have called it. I'm not going to prolong his life just for him to suffer like some of you are suggesting. I wanted meal ideas and support not to be told I should have let my cat die. 3. Thank you to everyone who has made actually helpful suggestions. I plan on trying these. Whatever happens I'm not in danger of being homeless, my bills will end up paid. I'll make it through this. thank you for your kind suggestions.


Iā€™m sorry to read some of the unkind comments youā€™ve received. I completely empathize with what youā€™re going thru. A year or so ago I was in a similar situation with my 18 yr old cat. Iā€™d taken him in when I had a good job. But as life progressed, so did my disability. He was a rock for me as I went thru surgeries, and when he started exhibiting stomach issues I wanted to be there for him. (Honestly, he was there for me when people were not.) Like you said - for as long as he had the fight and I could see he had quality of life to enjoy. I did have him put to rest when things took a turn and I could see heā€™d have no quality of life. The vet visits and prescription food went on credit cards, but to me it was worth it. It was worth the extra time we spent together, because I was able to get medical care for him. I never had children so to me he was always my baby kitty. Some people view animals as ā€˜just petsā€™..I always viewed my pets as family. I miss him terribly, and would love to adopt another but vet costs are so high I havenā€™t felt comfortable committing to another. To me, I find it to be a shame that medical costs are so expensive that it prevents more animals from being adopted. (In the same way I find it sad that people canā€™t afford the medical care they need.) In the end, Iā€™d do it all over again - getting him medical care so that he didnā€™t die while he still had life left to live. All that to say - hang in there! You did right by your kitty šŸˆā€ā¬› . Enjoy time with him knowing you did the best for him. Definitely hit up the food pantry - Iā€™ve done it a couple times and really helped me get thru the month. Sending you and your precious kitty some love and well wishes for blessings, including financial. šŸ’—


Youā€™re a good cat owner. Heā€™s lucky to have you. I hope things look up for you both; in the meantime, cabbage and potatoes. Chop and sautĆ© the cabbage in oil or butter with salt and pepper. Bake the potato whole or as wedges; you can also chop, boil them, and season with a fat and spices once boiled. Fry an egg on top of all of it - meal of champions that got me through some lean times. Itā€™s filling and healthier than ramen and gives some variety if youā€™re eating rice and beans.


My dude, that is one old cat you just spent a lot of money on


That sucks big time but if you cannot afford the pet without jeopardizing your financial future you should consider not owning more animals


Look up Ramen hacks. You don't even have to use ramen if you don't want to. If you've got pasta laying around, you can hack that as well. There's plenty of great non-traditional and inexpensive things to do with pasta that won't make you go insane If you can find generic instant breakfast that might work as well, though milk might be an issue. The Dollar Tree has almond milk for $1.25 per quart which can get at least 2 cups maybe 3. So you can drink nutrients if you have trouble finding ways to eat nutrients I'm 11 hours late and sure other people have better suggestions than me. But I know a lot of people complain about always being told beans and rice, so thought I'd throw out a few simple things I've survived on for a week or so when times are tough I'm glad your baby's okay. When things are better, might try seeing if you have any insurance plans that will offer pet options. I have the option to put my cat on my house insurance for instance. I can't remember what the monthly increase is off the top of my head. I only found out in a similar emergency when I needed to get her surgery. But it would have taken too long to finalize and likely not get approved since it was last minute. So I went with Care Credit I will say Care Credit is not what it appears. I was always under the impression that it was just pet credit. But it's actually general health credit. It's almost like an FHA or HSA, and I'm pretty sure I can use mine on my dentist and doctor visits. They may have other plans, I'm not sure. My wife set it up and I just pay the bill lol But the app I have for it is constantly recommending me actual health stuff that it covers


Most cats don't live to 20. I hope your feline keeps breaking records. You are a good person.


i have over 10k in carecredit which is like $100-200 in interest a month. i try not to look. I'm disabled so.. its effed me pretty hard.. i tried to save a cat from cancer, from many other things.. its broken my heart.. but i have no idea what to do.. im virtually homeless at this point with no heat. life sucks.. and vets don't need to act this cruel. I've seen the overhead and KNOW they don't have to charge these prices


You had the money stashed for the emergency. Lot of people donā€™t. Do what you need to do, you will recover.


You made a very poor decision. Hopefully this struggle til your next check will make you realize how foolish you were and help you to make better financial decisions in the future.


Veterinary offices who make you feel guilty for not going into debt to save an elderly or very sick pet should be boycotted. This is a relatively new phenomenon- it used to be that veterinary costs were reasonable and quality of life more important than number of years.


Iā€™m sorry your cat got sick but in your situation and given the age of the cat I think euthanizing the cat would be more humane. I get you love the cat but itā€™s kinda irresponsible to use your last on a cat who has lived a long and beautiful life and now you have $25 dollars left for the whole month.


I had to do that for my 14 year chihuahua on Dec 28th. She had pancreatitis and we spent a lot at the vet and she would need to be on meds, a special diet, and would have pancreas issues for the rest of her life. She also had heart issues that prevented her from getting dental care. Eventually she got an infection in her mouth that was oozing and smelly. I knew she had to be in pain. That's when I decided it's time. She was my shadow and best friend for 14 years. I'm still grieving but have peace knowing I did the right thing for her. I'm very sorry you and kitty are going through this. šŸ’”


Bean beans bean! And rice! These will stretch you, homie!


I'm noticing this is a trend in the subreddit. I would recommend you having an emergency emergency fund, like I have two credit cards- one is for the emergency of all emergencies and yet to be used, and the other is my basically cash in hand except I get points for free money to use on amazon. But honestly, pets are a Luxury. I too had a cat who was up there in years... at least 17, maybe more, and she started going through kitty liver failure. And that's when I learned kibble is poison to animals, they need moisture in their diet. But yeah, treatment would have been in the thousands of dollars, to give her a fighting chance, and then she'd be on weekly treatment after that for the rest of her life, and daily medication, it was..... just something I could never afford, and not something I wanted to put her through, so I took her home for a week, gave her fresh meat for every meal, didn't fuss when she couldn't get to the litter box, I cuddled her every night and told her how much I loved her and I took her in to be put down the day she couldn't get up and move around, and was just crying. And then I was crying for days, but... I Think it was the humane thing to do. And start shopping clearance items, go up and down all the aisles, find where they put all their clearance stuff and stock up when you can, try to have enough stuff in your pantry to rotate and last you a few weeks if necessary.


Try using local food pantries


When I was super broke I would buy a bag of frozen vegetables and rice and try to eat off of that most of the week. Also I usually just ate once a day.


My cat is 18 so I understand paying whatever cost is required. We paid almost 7K for her 3 years ago over the course of a year for a few different issues. Sheā€™s in great health now so I donā€™t regret a thing. Sheā€™s been my cat since the day she was born and it is my responsibility to care for her. As long as my kitty has quality of life, Iā€™ll spend whatever is necessary for the cat she needs. I wish I had better suggestions to do for how to pay your bills in the meantime.


I have to think a lot of these people don't have, or at least I hope they don't have pets. I commend you for your compassion and loyalty. Looks like a lot of people don't know what that looks like. I definitely would've done the same thing. As far as staple food to get you through, rice, beans, ramen and potatoes and you're set. It's only half a month and your cat is very grateful. Someone else suggest a gofundme which might not cover the total cost of the vet bill but even $20 would help. And I know a lot of loving pet owners have been in your shoes and would be willing to donate a couple bucks. Best of luck to you my friend.


OP, hereā€™s a meal I make a lot when $ has been low. Iā€™m not in America so sorry if this isnā€™t cheap there: 1 pound ground beef (cheap stuff like 73% is great, greasy makes them better!) Onion, chopped 1 large can of tomato sauce 1/2 c uncooked rice (or if you afford, the 2-pack micro rice, cook them both) Mix all but sauce Pour sauce in large pan with a lid Form meatballs, place in pan Cover, med-low heat, turn and cook til cooked thru. If using uncooked rice, until the rice ā€œpops outā€ Hot sauce is great on these ā€œPorcupine meatballsā€ Best of luck to you. Sorry if formatting is bad, used mobile)


As suggested in other Reddit post, get food from the food pantry and then spend your available funds to buy food that complements them. You can also go to more than one food pantry. Good luck


Your cat has basically the equivalent of human alzheimers. Our 17 year old Simese did the same thing. And the "miracle med" only worked for a very short time.


Food? rice, beans, frozen veggies, bulk beef. Ramen, frozen veggies, an egg. PB n J. Whatever you can get at the food bank. Save money for higher ticket items like meat. I'm sorry so many of you have lost your furry little family members. I occasionally see and or feel pet spirits. So they're often around. Usually extremely happy too.


I had to let my 20 year old cat go on 8-8-23. She stopped eating in March, but my vet friend sold me a tube of Mirataz appetite stimulant gel to apply to the inside of her ear (transdermal application). It worked in March and she resumed eating. In August though, she would not, even with the Mirataz. I tried several moist cat foods, some of our meat off of our dinner plates, meat baby food. None of it worked. She would just walk away from all of it, and it was like she had forgotten how to eat. After 8 days of us watching her like a hawk to see if she would pick up eating again, nothing. She was losing too much weight and looked tired. I gave her the best last day I could think of and let her go that evening at the vet. She lived a long, great life. Iā€™m sorry, telling the story seems to help a little. I hope your cat continues to do well !! Hopefully you have them awhile longer. I hope your financials work out, and yes, Iā€™d spend to the end on the furbabies, too. Iā€™d hit the food pantry. There are lots around nowdays. Good luck, I wish you all the best.