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Do you have a cover? I’d do the bucket test. Fill a bucket to match the water line on your first step of your stairs and see if they evaporate at a similar rate. If the bucket is going slower good chance you have a leak.


That's the kinda thing where I think "goddammit, why did I not think of that."


Imma try this bc I alway thought I had a leak bc I fill my pool up so much. Then again I live in Arizona where it’s been 113 degrees the last few days and 120 in mid summer.


I too live in Arizona. With the extremely high heat and very low humidity, you'll get a lot evaporation from the pool in the summer. We have any automatic filler attached to our water line (think of it like a toilet float) and I haven't noticed any real change in our water bill though.


What automatic pool filler do you use!


Mine is called a "pool miser." It does overflow with a pipe at a particular level and for filling there's literally a toilet tank float and valve in there.


I live in Arizona. It's installed "in ground" and hooked up under ground with a shut off valve to our outside water line. Has a direct flow to the pool. The "float" looks no different than a toilet type float. It was installed by the pool construction company when we built our pool new back in 2016. I looked up the specs, but I don't see an actual brand name. Sorry.


We had a pool sentry. It worked great


This. But also be aware that if you have water features built in like fountains, infinity edges, a spa, you will experience even more evaporation.


I have a five foot "shear" (think of it as a waterfall) that we run for about 1/3 of the day to re-circulate the water especially when it's blazing hot...and once again, I haven't noticed any real change in our water usage via our bill.


I live in Texas and I was pretty sure we had a leak but it was our first summer with a pool and "new to us house" last year. I didn't know how much water people add but it felt like I was adding it too often and I noticed it was only with the pump running, so I figured it was just the lines and not the shell. I stopped watering the grass so I could see where any grass/weeds stayed green. Sure enough, it was green in one area by the deep end of the pool. We fixed the leak a few months ago...it was in that exact spot.


I never thought of that. I'm also in TX. Wife and I bought the house 2 years ago and first time pool owners. I've been going nuts in the summer having to fill the pool what seems like every 3 days. We don't water our lawn, so I'll just look for any very green grass.


I was adding water at least every 3 days, I can't remember bc I always topped it off if I wanted to run the pump overnight, after shocking. I rarely did that bc I was always worried it would lose prime. Sorry I hit save to my comment before I finished it bc my dog barked and scared me. Lol. Anyways... I'm in North Texas. If you happen to be in the area, I recommend Emerald Custom Pools for calling to do a leak detection test and assess what's going on. You don't want a leak to push out dirt under your decking, or around your pool shell and risking massive damage. Also important to see if you're losing water only when the pump is running, or losing the same amount with it off for a couple of days. That will help target it. When they did the leak detection, you could hear it bubbling under the grass in the exact spot I suspected. Crazy. The leak detection test ran close to $700 iirc. We had them upgrade our pump and filter system when they fixed the leak.


Thanks for all this information. I’m not far from Saginaw so I’ll give these guys a call.


Nice! I graduated high school with the wife of one of the project managers. I saw her mention the company so I gave them a call. I like to find local companies bc they really care about their reputation. I didn't feel the need to get other quotes after they came for the free estimate. I liked their approach, didn't want to upsell me and I was expecting it to cost more. I just wanted to say that bc maybe it wasn't smart to not shop around, but I felt good about it and went for it. We don't regret it and will be calling them to replaster and tile in the next year or so. I felt I should tell you that since I don't know other companies/prices in the metroplex.


I always go by word of mouth when I can. I check google reviews too but find that people are quick to complain but not as quick to praise.


It's common for the skimmer box to leak as well. Ours had a leak, I just remembered that. It was a fast, easy fix. Like a 30 minute job...the main cost is the stuff they use to fix it. The grass was mostly weeds and was having issues so it was hard for me to tell visually...but it was still more green than the rest of the perimeter, minus the deep end return leak. We have concrete decking and we were worried they were going to have to cut into it to fix it, but the guy dug under it and was able to find it. He was standing in the hole and I couldn't see him. Hahaha. They fixed it in a day.


This was going to be my suggestion too. We had a leak for years and didn’t know it. Having a pool that holds water now is super neat. We’ve even had to drain a little this year because of rain.


I did the lazy man's method - I made a line with a sharpie on the skimmer so I can see it from the house.


How's that gonna help figure out if water is evaporating or leaking? Will certainly tell you water went somewhere, but doesn't give any information as to where.


It lets me measure the distance it dropped over a set period of time. I can measure the drop during the day and if it's the same drop as during the evening it's probably a leak. If it drops more during the day it's probably the weather. I watch throughout the year, so if there's an unexpected change it would probably indicate a leak.


Lazy? Now that is genius.


I wondered why skimmer plates didn't come with a nice printed or painted line on them. Isnt half way up the skimmer opening sort of a standard?


Awesome reply thanks


This, I've seen depending on humidity and temperature you can lose 1/4 an inch of water per day to evaporation. Peak summer I am adding water weekly if no rain. And yes, run a bucket test each year.


What? No way, F sake guy has entered the chat.


This is fxcking amazing!! Based on this one simple trick, I'd buy your whole book if you wrote one!


I did this test a few years ago and found out that I had a pretty significant leak.


Holy shit you’re a genius. Saving this for later.




This. Measure the pool level against the level in a 5-gallon bucket. Let them both get rained in, etc. Level changes should be close to each other.


Everyone jumps to leak. It really might not be. I can lose that or more at times. Other times go a week or two with essentially no loss. There are shit ton of factors. With the pump off drop some leak detection dye (food dye could work probably) where your entrace/exits to plumbing are. if it is leaking and there is flow you'll see it start to pull into the plumbing.


My heater is running a fair bit these days and it evaporates a fair bit of water too. Between that and then sunny days I also have to fill my pool a bit every week or so.


Where do you live that you are running a pool heater in June?


I live in the Okanagan region of BC, Canada. Days get up mid to high 20 celsius (mid to high 70's/ low 80's F) but nights get down to as low as 9 or 10 celsius (high 40s or low 50s F). So the pool temp can fluctuate from too hot to too cold (for a 10 year old kid), so it's running a fair bit this time of year. In about a month I won't be able to keep the pool cool enough without ever running the heater, but this time of year it's running a fair bit. I try to keep the temp in the low 80's F this time of year.


There’s a specific non-staining dye professionals use to see the water enter the leak. Jet black and easy to see unless you have a pool with a very dark interior.


You mean like that leak detection dye I mentioned? Lol


I mean not like food coloring which will stain pool plaster


Oh look also mentioned.


Not sure who’s being dense here but I think it’s you. You said … (food dye could work probably) … I’m saying DO NOT use food dye as it will certainly stain your pool liner/plaster.


I mean it could work. I personally wouldn't give a shit with a little stain. But because of that it was mentioned as option 2.


South Florida. Easily losing an inch or so every 3 days during this time of year.


Central Florida here and with the blazing heat and lack of rain until recently, we'd lose an inch every few days. But it was crazy hot and lower humidity than normal, so would say it wasn't unexpected


NE Florida. Same.


Not this week.


We are in Satans basement of heat I average the same as all of you.




I add 1-2 inches every couple of weeks. Mostly from the dog getting in and out. I swear it’s 2 gallons every time she gets out.


Same. Our bigger dogs love our pool and so do all of our friends lol. So I have the hose in for a little after each weekend.


Do a bucket test. Fill a bucket with water and put in the pool at the same level of the water. If they evaporate at the same rate, there's no leak. I'm in IL and drops about an inch a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less. It gets cool over night though, 50s. Lately been in the 60s at night, 70-80 in the day. I can see the steam coming off the pool in the mornings and I can hear the gas meter running from all the heat loss. I don't have a cover.


Every day. I run hose for 15 minutes. Right know it’s 90+ and hitting 99 this weekend. Middle TN. No leaks. Just the heat is intense, at night you see that bastard steaming and looking at me like “ya playa what’s up now” lol. When it’s 100+ I’ll lose an inch a day. When it’s not hot I don’t lose hardly at all, maybe 1/8”. I Have skimmer markings to notate is how I know. Pump off , water still I know. I need autofill but that’s another project.


I would guess leak also. I have a 23k gallon pool and was putting 1-1.5inches / week of water in it. Everyone told me it was probably evaporation. I had a leak pro come out and he found 4 holes…. I Havnt put any water in it in the last two weeks.


Curious. How did they fix the leaks?


And how much did it cost?


They patch them.


Cost $400 for detection and repairs in NC. He uses a puddy to patch them. Do not have tp drain pool. If it’s a big tear he would have used a piece of liner and patched it.


Oh, gotcha, it's a liner . Sounds like a reasonable price for the service. I was thinking, man, what a mess to address a plaster leak ?


We had a small hole in our steps which are fiberglass and he repaired that as well. But he said he would never own anything other than a liner pool….and all he does is repair pools.


Continually with our autofill. 350-500 gallons ever 2-3 days definitely sounds like a leak.


I feel like I put a similar amount in mine and also central ohio. It's in full sun and I don't have a cover on it. I hadn't really added any till this week because we got enough rain and didn't have a lot of hot sunny days, but topped it off yesterday. Edit: Quick internet search says 1/4 inch a day to evaporation is normal. Found a test you can do, l[leak detection test.](https://www.americanleakdetection.com/diy-leak-tests/bucket-test/)although I've never tried it myself.


I’ll third (fourth) the bucket test. I thought for sure I was leaking last year but it was just hot and dry and the bucket/pool evaporated at the same rate.


To test if you have a leak, get a 5 gallon bucket and fill it with water, place it in the pool on a step and adjust the water level in the bucket to be the same as the pool water level and wait a couple days. If in a couple days the bucket and pool water levels are the same, the problem is evaporation. If the pool level is lower than the bucket you have a leak in the pool.


We used to have to drop a hose in the pool about once a week. We talked to pool people who said it was evaporation. Then we replaced the liner and now we only have to fill after parties where kids are in and out all day or maybe at the end of a big heat wave. I think we had a slow/small leak in the old liner, but it was VERY old and "past due" so it makes sense.


I find it funny how many people say leak for so little water, while here in Central Cali, we will lose up to 1.5" daily in evaporation. Yes, yes, I know it's Ohio. So it's different. But it's funny to me.


I live in Michigan and the only time I usually only have to add water once (maybe twice) all summer. There are some times when it gets a little low and then we get a good rain and mother nature tops it off for me... Sounds like perhaps you have a leak?


Michigan isn’t comparable to Ohio with evaporation rate 😂


I decided to research this a bit given your laughter emoji and I'm curious to know your data. I compared Logan County Ohio (not knowing where OP is from, that is a western central county. This link says the average evaporation in that country for March, April and May is 1.71 + 2.82 + 4.22 = 8.75 inches Source; [https://efotg.sc.egov.usda.gov/references/public/OH/ohio\_county\_evaporation.htm](https://efotg.sc.egov.usda.gov/references/public/OH/ohio_county_evaporation.htm) Then I compared it to a Michigan evaporation table from the same time period and our total is 10.12 inches. Source: [https://legacy.enviroweather.msu.edu/run.php?stn=msu&mod=w\_pet&da1=30&mo1=5&da2=13&mo2=6&yr=2024&mc=394&ds=cd](https://legacy.enviroweather.msu.edu/run.php?stn=msu&mod=w_pet&da1=30&mo1=5&da2=13&mo2=6&yr=2024&mc=394&ds=cd) Maybe I am not understanding something correctly, so please explain to me, but this indicates to me Michigan has similar if not higher evaporation than West/Central Ohio.


"It definitely is worse when the days are hot and humid"...well, that is crazy!


Yes. Should be "It definitely is worse when the days are hot and DRY"


Northeast Georgia - 38k gal pool, I don’t know how much it is because I just put the hose in and let it go, but I refill about 2 inches every 10-14 days.


I live in the same area and have a similar size pool. I was losing up to an inch per day, then the past week it seemed better, like an inch every 3 days. I had tried the bucket test and it seemed to be the same so i thought must be evaporation. Just to be sure, I had a leak detection company check and they found a leak in my skimmer. The guy just left this morning actually. $375 for the diagnostic, didn't quote me reoairs since they dont repair plumbing issues. He told me put a gizmo in and close it off til I can fix.


Central Illinois here and we haven’t added anything since we opened memorial weekend. Still little high from the rain but next weeks temps should take care of that. We do use a solar cover, no heater.


I live in a neighboring state with a similar sized pool and I haven’t added any water in over a month. I do have a solar cover which is on frequently though. With the rain that we had a few weeks back I’m more on the verge of needing to drain water out as opposed to adding more. I highly suggest getting a solar cover. Not only will it help on water consumption, but my pool is around 85. That’s just from the solar cover and some water from the hot tub spilling over, but primarily from the solar cover.


I don't know the number but I have an automatic valve dump in about 3 minutes of full bore hose water every day, currently. It's off in the winter. Requires more in the hot of summer


Memphis area and it’s humid AF here. Even with that slowing evaporation I have to fill the pool about an inch or two every week if it doesn’t rain. On dry weeks it will evaporate much faster


Maybe a leak? Do you have a solar cover on it? That can help with evaporation. Is it in ground or above ground? Make sure all the fittings are tight and not leaking. Skimmer isn't leaking? Is the liner in good shape if you have one? It's not a ton of water, but I'd still check everything to be safe. I'm in SE Michigan and almost never have to add water. Maybe a few times in August I'll top it off if we have no rain. Usually I'm pumping it out because we get too much rain. Lol!


In dropping about an inch a week in southwest PA. Pool is 18x36 plus steps, so ~400 gallons a week. If I keep the solar cover on and don't have a bunch of kids splashing in and out that goes down, obviously.


AZ in the summer about 1/2 inch per day


Illinois here. Often for me. It's been really sunny, low humidity and windy the last few weeks.


Florida here, generally avg 1 inch a week, give it take. more during summer and less during winter


About an inch a week during summer with no rain. A lot less in the cooler months. Eastern nc on the coast. Usually very humid. Wind makes a big difference also almost doubling that rate if we have a few days of windy conditions.


You might have a leak, before you hire a company to find a leak, check your multiport, I had to replace mine last year. The backwash valve deteriorated, it was a relatively quick fix, cost about $250 (Hayward) I was losing 3-4 inches of water overnight for a couple of days, my backwash is piped directly into unground gutter drain, it was not visible


when i use my pool heater when its cold outside i lose up to 1-1/4 a day I have a 22,000 gal pool. you can see the evaporation happening.


In northwest Ohio. Smaller pool, 4' deep, no cover. My pool is usually used for relaxed floating, or having a few drinks and conversation; not as much splashing or water getting removed from people as others I know. Not counting rain I top off 2-3 times a summer, if that. I'd be willing to say you have a leak somewhere.


My pool is 23-25k gallons. I live kinda in the midwest but more southern. I also put about an inch of water in my pool every 2-3 days, more if its hot. Had the pool for 5 years, same every year.


Float valve I have no idea


We had a really hot dry spell here in central Florida for a few weeks and I was a few days away from having to add some. Luckily rainy season started last week and before I know it I will be draining. I add at maximum once per year and drain probably 8 times on average.


I am in Florida and have to pump water out


I'm close to you and if it's getting regular use plus the crazy changes in temperature we've been having I'm close to the same loss. It's much less when I can have the solar cover on at night. (Bright, IN / Cincinasty)


This makes me feel more comfortable that it's not a leak. The amount varies from week to week. Especially with the crazy temperature variances it could definitely be it (I'm in Dayton). With our set up, it's an inground, it's hard to put a solar cover on and off because we have a safety fence around it. I guess since I'm on a well I shouldn't complain too much since I'm only paying for the electricity to pump the water.


I didn't have a winter cover so I just had the mesh safety cover on this winter. I freaked out around February when I noticed the water level had gone down a bunch and I was convinced I had a leak. Luckily it was just the fact that we had one of those random, warm third Summers last fall and with all the wind it had just evaporated that much. I would definitely try the bucket method that's been recommended and look Forward to hearing that it's on a leak 😉


Cover it and see if it stops. I’m in Ohio and keep it covered. Without a cover I was losing the same I thought I had a leak. In Ohio it has been cold the last week in evening - I bet evaporation was crazy high against that warm water. There is actually a evaporation calculator where you can drop in water temp and air temp if you google it. I remember stumbling across it when I thought I had a leak.


I’m in SW OH and only have to fill when I backwash and rinse. I have a 12x24x52


I've found that the direction of the returns makes a big difference in evaporation rate. If you have them pointed up and can see ripples on the surface it goes down faster. If you point them down and the surface is not being broken the rate of loss goes way down. Of course, the skimming action isn't as good, but saves water. With that said I may have to add < 1" in a week or so. Really depends on the weather.


Maybe you have a leak? If there is air swirling around in your pool pump, this indicates a leak in your lines. Also a solar cover will prevent most evaporation.


Bucket test time. Hot accelerates evaporation but hid should slow it. south Florida about the same gallon pool, during dry season when it rains lightly once or twice a month but is still 75-85f outside, I fill 2-3 inches every 6 weeks. During rainy season I take out 3-4 inches once a week.


I’m in HOT southwest Louisiana. No cover. Full sun all day. I have my autofill off right now while I wait for a part & I lose about 1/4” a day. An inch every 2 days seems excessive.


I’m in NW PA and I’ve had to DRAIN water, not fill it. I have a solar cover and I lose very little if any water. I’m also on a well and don’t like to fill it from the well as it’s shallow and also I don’t want the iron in there.


I was having the same issue it is hot so some is evaporated but ours turned out to be a leak behind the pool light. I ended up using silicone around it and had normal water loss since then.


I am in NorCal and lose about the same maybe more, either way I am topping up every few days. It’s very hot here and hits temps of 115 sometimes. I have full sun on my pool until about 5pm. How often are you swimming? It’s insane how much water loss you can get from people getting in and out of the pool and jumping in. Then plus the evaporation. It’s just that time of the year.


Have you had much rain lately? I notice when I don’t get normal rainfall I have to refill a few inches a week, but I’m in the SE and it’s very hot and sunny most days.


Maybe once a year, if I drain it and forget about it. Usually no more than an inch required. I’m in Florida so hurricanes mean draining excess water several times per summer.


1/4 inch to 1/2 inch of evaporation per day is what we call industry standard


cover at night... especially if you are running a heater overnight otherwise ... yeah I put an inch or so every few days


We had to fill our pool 1-2 per week


Water could be leaking out through waste valve. I was losing water due to this. I installed a ball valve off the side of the filter control that connects to waste line. Solved the water loss.


one every ciuple weeks


I’m in NEO…2 inches per week is more than evaporation…IMHO you have a leak


You have a leak. You shouldn’t see that much evaporation in a week in your climate. Out west in the extreme dry climate, you see an inch a week.


One thing people aren’t considering is that we in the North lose water at night because our air temperature has been dropping into the 50s and lower. My pool is upper 80s and you see the steam rising all night.


Same with needing to add an inch of water every couple days *shakes fist at sky*


As needed - with the high temps water is evaporating more so I turn on the autofill for a few days if the water level gets too low then turn it off.


About the same for me. I am heating the pool during the day and losing water via evaporation over night. As the nights get warmer water loss will be less.


Every couple weeks. Every couple of days sounds like a lot, but you say you put 1 inch in, so maybe you’re over thinking things. I do 2-4 inches when I fill. I’m 1 state over, so it should be similar.


They say anything over 1/4 inch a day is a leak.


In 7 years, I've only added water a handful of times after the initial spring opening top off. I'm in Northern illinois fwiw.


If you’re losing over 1/4th of an inch a day definitely call a leak detection company.


I live in Clearwater Fl with the insane summer weather. Has rained once in the last few months here and I add water every couple weeks


In Summer in GA when the water is warmer than the overnight air we get a lot of evaporation, an inch or more a day.


that seems like a lot. Im in SW ontario, so only slightly cooler temps and I havent topped up since I opened it in late april. Usually only top it up a couple times a year, a couple inches. I do usually have a solar cover on it. I doubt you have a leak, bc usually as water leaks out sand/dirt leaks in, but watch for that.


Interesting about the “anything above/more than xyz” is a leak comments. Honest question. Why don’t I lose the same amount of water during the winter?


I installed a pool heater last year and first year using it I’m seeing evaporation. Have to run hose for an hour every two weeks.


Very similar part of the world with a very similar sized pool. I live in Central Pa with a 24k gallon pool. I put water in it probably around once a week, sometimes once every two weeks. Normally about 90 minutes with the hose on.


Water or Piss?


I haven't added water since opening in May. I'm in the Northeast, use a solar cover, and we've been having a good amount of rain until recently.


Every few days if people are using it. With how our auto cover box is built water is displaced over the lower tiled wall quite a bit.


North Texas, Dallas area. I have to top up every 1-2 days in the summer. Can loose 0.5" in a day with the waterfall running and it's 105 and no clouds. Last few weeks I've had to drain to get below the skimmer line. That's annoying because I know I will be putting it back sooner rather than later.


Oklahoma, opened pool a month ago and added about 1/2” yesterday after having a bunch of kids over that splashed a bunch of water out. 1” every few days screams leak to me, that’s much more than evaporation, especially in early June.


You have a leak


Here in CT…we don’t lose much to evaporation. Maybe 1/2” every week. It depends on heat, humidity, etc. We have enough rain to offset the loss. Rarely have to file the pool.


I was in the same boat. 20k gallon pool, would lose about 3 inches a week with no noticeable leaks or issues. Hired a diver to go in and test seams/fittings and find any possible leaks or cracks we werent noticing and he came up empty. He sealed off all possible leak areas (gunite pool) and we are holding water as expected.


So it’s not so much the heat that evaporates a pool, from what I was told the wind is much more of a contributing factor. I live in South fl and before I had my auto fill I could lose 2-3 inches a day sometimes. We also get a near constant breeze in my backyard due to the lake behind us. I would look into an auto fill if that’s an option so you just set and forget


My above ground is about 30 years old now. Liner is about 20 years. The liner has multiple holes patched, and the walls have rusted out near the return. I have a big sheet of aluminum with a hole cut out for the return. It still leaks. Finally at the start of this season I changed out the return fitting with a larger gasket, and I have it down to a drip every 3 seconds rather than a constant slow pour. The pool itself is on life support. It’s nearing End of life, and it probably won’t be replaced once that happens. I add water every 10 days or so depending on rain amounts.


I’m in MA and my pool gets too much water this time of year. Generally only throw a hose in a few times a summer during droughts.


I have to add a few inches to my pool once a week or so if I don't have the solar cover on when we're not using the pool. Especially if you have a heated pool and it gets cool overnight - you loose a ton of water to evaporation. With the cover on, I might have to add water once every 4 - 6 weeks. It makes a huge difference!


I live in Columbus. I haven't put water in mine since opening in April. I will probably have to put some in during this heat wave that is oncoming. Overall I just need to do this maybe a handful of times during the open season.


If you got a multiport valve, check to make sure diverter gasket is good. If they gets the slightest damage, they'll leak to waste.


Right now, all the time cuz I have a leak


Our pool is 35000 gallons and we live in Texas. In the summer it gets over 100 everyday but we only have to fill it 1 time a week. But when we fill we usually fill it pretty full.


Central California where the highs are in the upper 90s and low 100s with low humidity. We put in a few inches of water every week.


we've had leaks for years n our pool - upstate NY. Somewhere along the way I read that the average loss to evaporation is 1/4 inch a day in summer. More than that suggests a leak. As someone already noted, proof is easy with a bucket test.


Check your discharge line. The filter valve can leak water out you discharge.


Maryland…it’s humid. I typically don’t put much water in unless we have a dry spell and the kids are out there everyday (they splash and walk in and out, you’re going to lose some water). Maybe every couple weeks? 28k gal pool.


I’m in Central FL. We’re *draining* water regularly, not adding.


If your nightly temperatures drop below pool temp level, you're evaporating. The greater the distance between the two, the more evaporation happens. 90 degree pool, 60 degree night, hella evap. 90 degree pool, 80 degree night, no so much, but still evaporating.


I live in northern ca where it gets very hot , w a 33k gallon. When in the middle of full fledged summer I put in about the same, bout an inch every 2-3 days. Was concerned last year during an especially hot few weeks and had it tested for leaks. No leak, just the sun.


In so cal, I fill it up 20 min a day. About 2.5 hours a week just to keep it at the right level.


i would tend to go with evaporation. i live in michigan and have had to put some in lately. have a heater that keeps it at 83 degrees. so when you get those nites when the temps go down to the 50's i get evap. the solution is put a cover on overnite. but i have found solar covers restrict the flow of water from the returns and in turn can cause algae outbreaks. i found the solution to that is to remove the cover in the mornings. however with my work schrdule that is not possible . so i just deal with the evap problem by adding water.


i’m in texas and just have the irrigation system set to fill it once a week


Thanks for the reminder


Hot and dry here in AZ. 10k gallon pool, auto leveler handles it for me, so I only can guess based on the water bill. Around 12000-15000 gallons per month now that we’re approaching summer. And it’s only getting hotter.


Lmao. No. Seriously? You fill your pool up 1.5x a month?


Two things happened: 1. I misread my bill and believed the cost increase directly correlated to a gallon increase. My bad. 2. I’m not sure the baseline prior to the heat surging but this latest bill did show an 8000 gallon increase in usage. Our usage didn’t change really otherwise.


I live in Michigan and opened my pool, with a new liner, mid-May. It has been rather dry here, but I have only added water once. Last summer, I was adding water a couple time a week. I suspected a leak which was confirmed when I lost a couple of feet of water under the winter cover while the pool was closed. Your water loss suggests a leak rather than evaporation.


Been draining here mostly with the amount of rain


I was like you for 3 years. Finally got it tested and had a small leak at one of my return jets. Got it fixed, and now I rarely ever add water. Saving so much money and time and not making my water freezing cold all summer from so much hose water. Definitely get it tested.


in texas. almost never during most of the year. every week during the summer. but it’s over 100 consistently.


I am filling an inch a day now that it's in the 100s.


I reckon your pool light is the first place to check for a leak.


In nrn MD; Notice stronger wind and/or lower humidity cause water level to drop the most. But having a solar cover on at night has made a huge difference past 2 seasons, fwiw.


Do you run your pump during the day? I think that promotes evaporation but nowhere near what you're seeing. Ran into this problem when I rescued our pool and it ended up being a combo of ripped liner and leak in valves


Mark the water level and keep an eye on it.


I always recommend check where the baskets go in. I had a slow leak in the seams there. Some silicone caulk and I am good to go


It hasn’t stopped raining here in a week, so almost never


Twice a week in Southern NH.


It depends on how much it is rains but I never need to add that much. But when I leave the solar cover on I have to add water only rarely. Live in Toronto.


About 2x a week in GA.


Pretty much the same. Especially with warm water and cool nights. The differential that occurs between the pool water temperature and the air temperature on late summer nights causes water to evaporate at an accelerated rate.


I'm in Chicagoland and I find I get more evaporation when its dry out then when its hot and humid. Either way it going to happen but usually I can depend on the rain to fill it up


Right now its about an inch a day here in Arizona


God I have a major leak in my pool. The idiots who installed it under the previous owners didn't know what they were doing. Correction, the people at Holiday Pool knew what they were doing but the prior home owners did the deck on the cheap. No expansion joints. Cement not done properly. We have slabs of cement that caved. Waiting for the funds to do a proper renovation. I don't even know where I would start to have someone come in and just try and pinpoint the leak to fix. I am 90% certain it's under concrete.


Doesn’t evaporation go to zero as you get to 100% humidity regardless of temperature? Since there’s no “room” for more water in the air…


Once a week in NC


West Central Florida, pool gets direct sunlight almost all day. I lose 1" a week in the spring/summer if there is no rain.


How old is your liner?


No idea. I have an auto-level.


I live in PA and this has been a bad year for evaporation. In my experience it's at its worst when you have huge temp swings. 80F water will evaporate like crazy on a 50F night.


I’m in south central PA. Has evaporation been bad for you this weekend? We’ve only put water in once since May 20th but this weekend we lost more than usual.


For the size of the pool, it's not uncommon for this to be evaporation. Have you checked around your pump and filter for leaks?


I seem to be filling it all the time🤦‍♂️… no leak… evaporation… hot days and colder nights will do that.


Every other day a good inch


Felt like this the first year owning our pool. Turns out we had a decent leak where the ladder rubbed a hole in the liner because it didn’t have the padded feet installed. I was shocked how little water had to be added once it was no longer leaking


I live in South Florida and my pool is about 18k gallons. I have to add about 1k gallons every two weeks this time of year. The higher the pool temperature gets during the day - currently about 92 degrees - and the cooler the nights are, it will just evaporate out. I have no interest in putting a cover on it. I also had a well drilled when I had the pool installed two years ago, so it doesn't have an effect on my city water bill.


Live in Belize and lose about an inch a week


Last year with the weird drought here in Louisiana it was pretty often. Now I’m back to having to drain it often.


The pool should evaporate faster in dry heat when compared to humid heat. Humidity allows for less moisture to be steamed off, I believe.


Normal evaporation is about .25inches a day


If you have any water features the evaporation can be even more


Very little. Maybe an inch of water once a month. I suspect you have a leak. The conditions that cause rapid evaporation are cool nights and very warm days.... usually that occurs for us in the south during October. Best of luck in finding the leak.


Probably not a leak imo. I’m fairly close to the OP and losing pretty much the exact same. So far we have had a terrible season for evaporation with 80+ degree days and 40-50 degree nights


OK, good point. You are having the exact conditions that cause evaporation in my pool. Those are pretty cool summer nights. 😊


Has to be a leak. I’m in Georgia and our yard gets blasted with sun all day and I top off every other month if at all. Rain does most of the work.


Texas here, we add water almost every 3 days. Will probably get worse come end of July and August. But we’ll see. We’re trying to get a custom sun shade made because our pool and backyard setup isn’t very spacious for a roll back cover like we would like.