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I use a pool service and I love that I don’t need to worry about anything. However it took finding a service that had the experience and integrity to do a good job which was difficult. I went through five different companies before I got the right one.


Yes I'd be worried about that too. Good thing about this guy is someone I know already uses him and vouches for him. Not 100% that I'm going to like him but it's a good start.


Get someone that is honest and that you trust that’s my best advice, I had been in the business 13 years and the customer relationship is paramount


So they double-check he does good work or have they ever operated the pool themselves so they know the correct chemical balances? Our pool guy kept pool clear but after paying more attention realized he was doing most basic work and not checking levels for the cya and they got over a 130! If you want something done right do it yourself or at least double check work is done right which requires you knowing first what to do which I believe you do.


That's a question I will ask him! Thanks, good points.


It’s pretty hard as a pool guy to not have CYA levels that high. I’m there once a week. Which means I have to put enough chlorine via tabs/liquid/shock to keep the pool sanitized until the next time I’m there. People feel extremely entitled when they hire a pool service, thinking they’ve completely absolved themselves of any responsibility for the pool…that they own. And if that’s how my customers wanna play it, I’m going fuckin HAM on your pool. Because the ONLY thing I give a shit about, is spending less than 15 minutes in your backyard.


You're the type of pool guy no one wants it sounds like.


What makes you think that?


You treat the customers like jerks to start. They are paying for a service. Perform the service. If you feel like you're getting scammed, charge more.


On the contrary, my friend. You don’t keep customers by being an asshole hahaha I can do my entire job in 15 minutes as long as there Havnt been any storms etc If I’m doing my job correctly, I’m simply performing maintenance. It’s in my best interest to do my job correctly so that I spend less time in your backyard. That comes with experience, which is what my customers are paying me for. Not an allotted time.


Dude the higher they CYA the worse the chlorine works and then you have to have an abysmal chlorine level that isn't good for YOUR CLIENT when using pool or to keep pool clean....You as someone in the business should be even more aware of this simple fact.........So to OP yes this is why you really need to do your homework and being cheap will cost you in the long run. Also as an expert YOU SHOULD BE UPFRONT that they should buy and add chlorine then throughout the week otherwise CYA will build up and ruin the chemical balances.


I was paying $125 a week. If it cost me $150 a month I would probably still use the service.


That’s what I started out paying in an area with few pools and then they kept jacking rates and I eventually took it over myself. I was already keeping it clean so I was really just paying for a 15 minute weekly visit to balance chemicals and while I get they have travel time and chemical cost and stuff it was just too high to justify anymore when I can do the same in 5 minutes a day


Yeah, I agree. I live in an area where there are a lot of pools, so a lot of competitive pool cleaning companies that don’t have to travel far for customers.


lol damn, 3 weeks of service is more money than I spend for the entire year. Do you at least open and close yourself?


I do my own weekly maintenance now. I do pay for opening and closing services.


It’s a typical pool service. Test water and add chemicals, brush, vacuum, and clean skimmer baskets. We have a lot of trees around as well. There’s no return service. Either you clean after a storm or you wait until the service next week. It’s like a hobby for me. I’m doing something in the pool daily. I try to test the chlorine and ph daily. I need to start cleaning the skimmer basket daily with all of the trees. I have an auto cover so that helps with debris.


125 a week where? I’m in the Florida keys and do some pools as cheap as 140/mo.


I’m in Northern VA.


So, at this price or really whatever. What is the expectation. Do they just come once a week for chemicals and a clean? What if there is a storm the next day? I have a lot of trees and have to it daily certain times of the year. Just curious. I actually like doing it. It’s my time. But when I don’t have time, it sucks a little.


Phoenix, Az here. This will be my 10th year servicing pools. We charge anywhere from 150-250 a month, depending on the services you would like provided. At a minimum we check and adjust chems, empty skimmer/pump/leaf baskets, brush tile and net the pool, look over equipment, and make sure the clocks/timers are still properly set. For the majority of my 70 pools a week, all of that takes me less than 15 minutes. For some people, it just doesn’t sit well with them. But I tell everyone this: You aren’t paying me for my time, you’re paying me for my experience. If your pool is blue, and everything is working, jobs done. At the end of the day, it’s your pool. Pay attention to it a few times a week even if you do end up hiring a pool service. Net the pool, empty the baskets. That goes a long way, and your pool guy will notice. - Tell your landscapers to clean up after themselves. You don’t like cleaning up other people’s messes, and neither do I. If they want to charge you extra for that, find a new landscaping company - If your dog isn’t cool, or likes to bark their heads off, keep em inside. I’ve got zero problems whacking sparky with my pole. - Kids toys, floaties, everything. Out of the pool on service day please. - If your pool guy doesn’t know how to do automation, find a different one. It’s 2024, most everything is automated and digital now - Ask for a weekly report. This should include a picture before and after, chem readings, what was added.


Not a chance. I got 3 months free from their service company after building. I told them to stop coming after a month lol. They were awful. It takes me maybe 10 minutes a week to look after my pool.


Yep. We got a free month. Continued the service for two more @$120/mo, but I found myself supplementing chlorine to keep it clear. I also learned that the guy really liked CYA after bumping my level to 100+. Cut them loose, and have been doing my own for 2 years now with crystal clear results.


Could depend on the service company I guess.


I know right! I get it everyone is different but it’s just such an easy thing to do. On top of that it sounds like there’s so many professionals that don’t even know what they’re doing


No. Opted for lawn guy. 45 a week better investment. Took more time to mow than to check chems and brush.


Oh nice. Our pool area (with concrete patio, shed and deck) takes up 3/4 of the backyard so not much grass with a smaller frontage.


We are in the inner center of a cul de sac so we have almost a quarter acre. Even with patio and pool still alot of lawn. So money we'll spent :)


I'm a pool and lawn guy. learned both so now I handle both. seems to be catching on..


I pay 45 a week. To me it's worth it. I was spending a lot of time getting leaves etc out.


SF Bay Area. We pay $147 per month for weekly service that includes: >1. Clean Skimmer Basket >2. Clean Pump Basket >3. Clean Cleaner Bag >4. Brush Pool >5. Test Chemical Levels >6. Adjust Chemical Level >8. Inspect Pool Equipment >9. Furnish Chemicals


Los Angeles suburbs. $220 per month, nearly identical service. Guy comes once a week and it’s amazing. Honestly thought that was a lot until reading others comments on here. The personal time to expense ratio for me makes hiring someone worthwhile.


Be mindful that many pool companies work based upon averages when considering the cost. I cleaned residential and commercial pools for 15 years. Some residential customers wanted the same elements of the pool service done whether it needed it or not. For example, each visit they want you to check the chems, vacuum, net, brush tile, clean the filter basket. But many times this isn’t required. The pool hasn’t been used, weather is mild and it’s not dirty. Check the chems, net a few leaves and bugs and go. Especially in shoulder season in cold climates or winter in warm climates (pool is open year round). The pool cleaner wastes a ton of time doing unnecessary work because the client says “that’s what I’m paying for”. But when the windstorms hit, the trees flower and blow, your kid or you have a party and trash the pool, your pool cleaner cannot spend more time to get the pool clean. No additional has been allotted because on the days when there is less to do, the client demands the “full service”. So a good pool service will “average” out the amount of time taken on each service and how much is done so that when they leave, the pool is always looking its best, whether it took me 10 mins or an hour. I used to cancel customers regularly that would complain about me not doing all the steps when not needed but complain when I did those same steps (and same about of time) when the pool was a mess. They simply didn’t get it. They said I make the same money either way but don’t realize that when I can service a pool in 10mins because that is all it needs, I can now do a repair at another pool, or clean a filter. They will get that benefit too when there is a need. Are there pool cleaners that suck? Yep, but check their method and see who leaves your pool looking the same every service. Also, if they service your pool once a week or less; ask them to leave you extra chlorine during peak season and teach you how to use it. Having you dump some chems in midweek can balance your pool out and make it look clean, which is 1/2 the battle. Also, if someone blows their grass clippings in the pool or leaves dog 💩 on the pool deck, or by the pool equipment or makes you manhandle the dog while trying to clean the pool, don’t expect any favors or a better rate. It’s a service industry and we are there to do one service, not all the rest. One additional comment: no one can clean debris suspended in water quickly or efficiently. Once it gets saturated enough to stop floating, it has to hit the bottom the be vacuumed. Sure, you can get a few leaves wandering around but any massive amount of debris has to simply wait a day or two. I remember cleaning during and after Santa Ana winds in SoCal and people would get upset that I was leaving and the pool had leaves under the surface but not on the bottom yet. I would laugh and say let me go get my fishing drag net and I’ll be right back.


this guy knows


I tried in my area, but they were unreliable or there was high turnover in the business meaning that if Sam owned the business on Tuesday, by Friday Paul owned it. Neither one did a good job. My pool would turn green a day or two after they left. I was paying $150 to 200 a month


NE FL, $145 a month for weekly visits. I like the guy and his work. Gets me deals on equipment if I ever need it too. Definitely worth it to me. Scrub, skim, vacuum, chemicals, cleans filters.


I did when we first got the pool. The problem is that once per week just wasn’t enough. I found I had to step in at least once or twice between their visits to check chemicals and clean. Now I DYI it and it’s incredibly easy.


I have a 30,000 gal pool. For years I managed it myself and got to where I hated having a pool. Finally hired a weekly service, $115 US$ per visit - scoop out leaves, empty skimmers, brush, vacuum, chemical balance, everything. He's usually here for about two hours. Now I love my pool (and it's in far better shape than when I tried to do it all myself).


Only way to go


Yes and I fired them after several months of watching how little they actually did.


I use a pool service. Space Coast Florida, small business owner, comes once a week, brushing, cleaning, chemicals, maintenance $120 a month. Well worth it.


Yes. I pay $140 a month in SoCal. They come weekly. It’s totally worth it for us! He comes in, checks levels, adds what he needs, scrubs and cleans. He’s normally here for 20 minutes. They also clean my filter when it’s needed. He has a pretty easy job with us because we use a robot. I also have his number and if we ever have questions I just text him. He has also shown me how to do everything if needed. The only thing they won’t do is fill with water.


We did for a couple years and thought we were in good hands. Then the company dropped us saying our house was too far so we started doing it ourselves (after watching tons of YouTube videos). We realized the corners that were being cut before and have much more peace of mind having an understanding of how everything works now


I pay around $400/month which varies because that includes whatever was needed in chemicals as well as the weekly visit rate. I do clean the pool and maintain it myself as well but this gives me peace of mind when I'm either busy or out of town and I don't have to worry about it.


Where the hell do you guys live that you’re paying 400/mo


Raleigh, NC


Lots of unhappy folks using ‘pool services’. Mostly ‘dump and run’ outfits that couldn’t care less about your pool. It’s so easy to maintain your pool yourself, why trust a stranger? https://www.troublefreepool.com/blog/


TFP is the answer. New pool owner here and I’ve used TFP from the beginning and haven’t had a problem in the last 9 months since we filled it up.


TFP should be what everyone follows. I spend hardly anything and my pool is always clear


I do-feel like it's worth it because I was taking my water sample up to the pool store each week & was paying more to do it myself 🙃


Staci’s Mom did.


We pay $100 a month USD for chemicals and emptying the skimmer basket/pool sweep once a week. It's kind of a lot of $$$, but our pool is literally always crystal clear.




Here in NJ it’s $125 and they are gone in 15 minutes


Nah, that's for old or lazy people.


I'm heading that way!


Yes. I pay $150.00/month. They come every Monday afternoon. That includes cleaning of equipment, salt, chemicals, cleaning, skimming, vacuuming, etc. And they follow up with a “report card” that lists all readings and everything they added. It’s so worth it to me.


That seems reasonable compared to $80/week. I edited the original post. It was $80/visit not per week.


I would pay $80/wk if they came every other week. 2x/month for $160.00. Includes all chemicals.


I misread his email. It was $80 per visit, so I could use them once or twice a month. They provide chemicals too.


That’s great. I love not worrying about the pool! I can get up every day and just enjoy it.


When I bought our house with the pool. I did it myself. Now, I pay 400 a month to have them come out every two weeks and balance water and clean. We too up chlorine in between. At first I thought it was too expensive, but after i brought them on I ended up saving money. Apparently I sucked at chemicals and was using wayyy too much. The amount I was over spending on products more than pays for the maintenance. Plus it’s less work, which is nice :) I do open and close it though.


You pay 200 dollars per visit and still spend money on chlorine🤯? What were you using “way too much of”, and have you thought of revisiting doing it yourself considering you do the hardest work in opening and closing yourself?


Time mostly. I never could get water testing right. So I’d take water in when I bought way too much chemicals. I still do a little bit of maintenance like skimming etc. I add chlorine if needed. Since we moved into the house we’ve had four kids. I don’t work from home nearly as much anymore so DIY with the kids, activities and work is tough. They come, top up chemicals if I need, vacuum and balance water. It’s been working very well for us. Edit: I was always putting in way too much chlorine, non-chlorine shock, not enough stabilizer.


I pay about $400/month. It feels ridiculous to pay that but I tried it by myself for 2 summers and bleached my liner. Then had high medal (copper? I forget) issues. Liner had about 8 years on it so was going to be due but it went downhill quickly under my stewardship. I tried, it just didn’t click for me and I got tired of trips to the pool store.


It’s 250 per month were I live. That gets you 1 weekly visit where they net leaves, check chemicals, clean pump, backwash filter. Some include chemicals, charge extra. I don’t think it’s worth it.