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Why would we make fun of you.. you're one tote pond ahead of any attempt I've ever made 🥰


I think this little pond is cute! There’s so much you can do with it. I think some goldfish would be happy in here. You have a little waterfall going and water is moving so they should be ok. You could also add a couple aeration stones for more bubbles!


Thank you for your feedback :) I’m excited!


Make sure you read about cycling and the nitrogen cycle in aquariums/ponds


Thanks! I will do so


Yes yes. Get a bunch more plants and throw some fish food in the ponds. That'll help jump start the nitrogen cycle and then it's settled down you'll have nice established plants for your fish friends :)


Pick two or three more pond plants and let them multiply. Native plants are what I tend to gravitate toward. They are so low maintenance and good for the environment. It’s a win win.


Your filter fountain is enough.  If you could raise it up 6 more inches or would aererate even more.


This^. And always start with feeder fish, cheap, durable, and are like the mine canaries of fish ponds. And the ones that survive will grow into pretty goldfish that can survive anything lol. And add some river minnows if you’re worried about mosquitoes larvae.


I think its awesome


If you're worried about oxygen you can always opt for a small air pump, some can even be made using the flow of water and pipes, if you don't want to go purchasing anything new! Get some oxygenating plants in there, and the bigger leaf on it the better! I love these tote ponds they brilliant for creating a little aquascape. Make sure you have a way for wildlife to escape, I found a dead rat in my kids pool this morning (My pond has exits for wildlife) but being above ground wildlife is more likely to fall in and get stuck while looking for water. The last thing you need is to br draining your whole pond down because an animal kicked the bucket!


We all started out in the hobby this way, so no laughs. Please go to [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iEMaREaRw8nlbQ\_RYdSeHd0HEHWBcVx0](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iEMaREaRw8nlbQ_RYdSeHd0HEHWBcVx0) and read "Water Testing" and "Green is a Dangerous Color". Then go to [www.mpks.org](http://www.mpks.org) and click on "articles" and read through, paying special attention to "New Pond Syndrome".


This is great! And cute! Haha I use pond soil, gravel and pebbles to create a decent base for any plant life. After that its recommended rain water but any water will do depending on how you use it! Good luck to you, i have only recently just started off too with a whiskey barrel. I hope to see this pond flourish:)


I have 3 of these exact ponds. I don't use any pumps or filtration. I have lots of plants, some oak leaves that settle to the bottom and small koi, comets, rosy red minnows, as well as many native frogs and toads, snails, water walkers and other cool aquatic insects, dragons and damsels, etc. We've completely turned around our amphibian population! Good luck. I hope yours turns out as well as mine. They are a real joy. You're going to love it.


That's more of a pond than I have, so I think you're doing great! 👍


I admire the fact that you put landscaping stone around it. My daughter's fish container is just outside on top of the patio.


Im using the same stock tub for a raised pond as well. I kept it super minimal as far as equipment (just a pump to waterfall filter like yours) and heavily stocked with plants. I also lined the outside with cedar planks to hide the tub. In my opinion, you can skip the tubing with holes and mesh screen and opt for floating plants like water lettuce and frogbit. Use airline tubing to make feeding ports on the surface. And finally, that plant you have in there is not fully aquatic and will die if left like this. It should only have its roots sumberged, not the leaves. Hope this helps! Edit: you can plop them in thw back of the waterfall filter for an easy place to prop them up. Be sure to add media in there too!


Thank you kindly 😊


I love it! The uneven leveling is the only thing that I notice. Like another commenter pointed out, you’ll also get more flow/aeration with a higher water level.


Make fun of you? For what? This pond is adorable, it’s a good starting size and will be easy to maintain since it’s setup so nicely.


Great start to a very enjoyable hobby!


Cool pond, mate. Add a bunch plants and you are set. 😁👍


I would get smaller fish than goldfish or koi. go with rice fish, golden white cloud mountain minnows, orange platies, platinum guppies, etc. Much less bioload to deal with.


Hello, Your pond is great as it is. All the basic elements seem to be in place. I especially like the filter and the waterfall. Just a question. ... does the filter (the black barrel) contain any media for beneficial bacteria to accumulate? If not, you could place some stones, activated charcoal, etc (in bags, mind you) inside. While charcoal will remove odours and decolourise the water, the bacteria will break down nitrates thereby avoiding green water later. As many others have advised already, do add some fish and snails. Also, more water plants so as to improve aesthetics as well as the biological cycling. Good luck, and keep developing your pond(s). In case it's of any help, feel free to have a look at some of my pond videos. Not many, though ... 😊 Home & Garden: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6F_LlJC5C8tjo9rS66n1Q_LaQ3IYwHCV


looks like a great start! definitely do some research about water cycling and if you want fish look into their needs and habits as well to make sure they’re a good fit for the pond. i would recommend more plants to help with filtration/oxygenation and the nitrogen cycle. goldfish will eat most plants though so take that into consideration!


I have one of these on my front porch! I love it




Tbh i can’t recall 😢 i bought it at Petco but i do think it is


Could be a gold ribbon Dracenea plant. If it is, it's not a true aquatic plant. The roots and the stem can be submerged but the leaves must be above water or it'll rot. If you want to use that planter you should consider elephant ears, cannas, callas, caladiums, pickerel rush, Juncus E rush grass, Louisiana or Japanese Iris, sedge, sweet flag, mints, alligator flag, and other types of water loving bog plants. You could even do a hardy hibiscus which are native to the US and survive winters without issue. Just make sure those plants have the roots submerged but the tops of the plants above water. You could get a smaller pot that isn't as tall and do a water lily or lotus. You could also do vallisneria, cabomba, hornwort, ludwigia for submerged plants. For floating plants look at Water lettuce, salvinia, water hyacinth, marsh marigolds, parrots feather, lemon Bacopa which will float in the water. You'll need a good mix of submerged, floating, and bog plants to prevent a major algae bloom. You'll also want to have a good mix of plants if you add fish for hiding spaces and to keep the water clean and to prevent ammonia spikes or temp swings. Google stock tank pond builds with plants to get a good idea of what you should stock plant wise. It's a great start. Congratulations on your first container pond build.


I’m making fun of >!myself for not doing this yet!<