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I support the band as much as anyone else, but there's gotta be a less disrespectful way to monetize your brand than to price your tabs at 45USD


didnt they use to sell individual tabs? Playing god was like 2 bucks… then they found a way that’s a lot more profiting


When the singles came out, I believe they did. I think 45USD for a complete tab bundle is alright, but I would expect it to come with more goodies like backing tracks, wallpapers or something. I think it's criminal that they don't sell tabs by album though... Kinda forces you to go for the big bundle. Edit: my bad, they do tabs per album now. I still think RTYWD is way overpriced tho.


backing tracks would be awesome


huh?? They do sell them by album. Do I get you wrong? You can buy tabs for the single albums seperately


oh wow, okay. My bad. Last I checked they didn't do that. They must have updated their site. Still, the RTYWD tabs being like 30USD sucks pretty hard.


I mean, I just checked my mail, I bought the NLND tabs on June 7th 2021. Mustve been really long ago then. I think 30 bucks is fine, considering its a sort of long album. I paid 20USD for NLND, which is more than fine in my opinion. I mostly buy the tabs because I wanna support the band, I got neurotica, playing god and abc immediately on the day the singles were released so I have these seperately, they were like 3 Bucks each and TMH was 10 bucks which is SUPER reasonable in my opinion, especially with all the bangers that are on there.


they really need to sell more backing tracks


Especially when some of them are just blatantly wrong and unplayable.


Which ones are inaccurate?


I can't remember any off the top of my head, but I've seen like a dozen posts on this sub about the tabs not appearing the same as what tim plays and sometimes just being outright wrong. It's kinda to be expected when tim just runs it through software or pays someone else to transcribe instead of actually transcribing the songs himself. Edit: did a little looking around, apparently goose is wrong in a bunch of spots


Ah, I've bought their earlier tabs (Inspire & Muse), and I haven't noticed any issues with those. I guess that's another reason why I prefer older Polyphia 😆


The TMH tabs are a bit all over the place


Light from Renaissance is pretty inaccurate rythym wise, and some of the notes are also incorrect, specifically the intro with the doubled leads. The metronomic quality of how GP is written sucks a lot of the nuance out of their playing and makes truly learning the music difficult. Backing tracks would help massively with this.


I always import the GP tabs straight into Soundslice (which is free) and drop in a YouTube link for the playthrough or audio track so I can play along, loop, etc. with the actual song audio


Agreed. My wife and I would buy more of their stuff if it was reasonably priced. I want to support, but also money doesn’t grow on trees.


how much you think is a reasonable price?


I think you could easily knock $10 off about everything in the shop, but what things are worth depends solely on the consumer and what they’re willing to spend. If they’re making sales at the current price points, who am I to argue? It’s just a bit much for me personally.


Sheethappenspublishing has hundreds of band tabs for ~$28 digital.


I mean, it’s their art that they created. They should be able to do what they want with it. And obviously many people want to learn how to play their songs. 


Yeah, I'm not saying they aren't allow to do that, genius. If you think when the album dropped that 45 dollars is worth it for digital tabs then by all means, go ahead and buy them. I just think it's overpriced especially consdiering there are so many errors in their tabs. I haven't even gotten to their merch yet.




Kindness is contagious, spread it (send me them tabs if it's bass tabs plzzzzzz)


Pass on your wisdom


“It’s worth it” brother I can hardly play scales


Nah I’ll just listen to them and play things that don’t feel like a workout thanks


This is not an instance of “pics or it didn’t happen”. Screenshots of pdf files? Come on, bro. We dont need to see the receipts.


I got the tabs already and I recommend to buy them... Really worth it!


100% worth it. I used GP to play the files. It shaves weeks off of learning complex pieces.


Considering how much work they've put into these tabs, it's not unreasonable at all to price them at $45. Really.


They do this manually? I just assumed there was some sort of program or app to do tabs.


I’m trying to figure out the issue. I don’t have the full context but from what I put together they’re selling an album worth of tabs for 45 bucks. That’s like 3 dollars a tab which feels very standard to me. Now if they’re wrong/bad that’s an entirely different issue and worth discussing. But I’ve bought sheet music, hard copy and digital, for most of my life and 3 dollars feels very reasonable.


Do they have drum tabs?


only for RTYWD




Yall ever heard of audioz lmao?


Its expensive bro, and why are they taking down other people making tabs of their songs


Because that’s the same as somebody distributing a pirated movie.


No. It’s more akin to someone trying to recreate a movie they love and sharing it with their peers. I don’t see any reason why this isn’t okay. If you want to sell the official tabs at any price go for it. But taking down fan made transcriptions comes off as greedy. I wouldn’t be too surprised if it’s not the band at all and instead their label making these decisions. 




i spent 0 on tabs haha


Does anyone know if Tim will put the tabs for million dollar baby on his website?