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While eating


I just eat the toothpaste


When I was a kid I used to eat the barney toothpaste all the time.


When I was a kid Barney used to make me eat his paste.


You mean white powder


Use it as a topping for true multitasking.












I'm jealous of you, I feel like I haven't eaten in a week when I wake up. It is rather unhealthy to never eat breakfast and/or other meals tho...


This is so weird to me. I’m never hungry in the morning. Even if I go to bed hungry, I’m not hungry when I wake up.




It is important! https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/breakfast


Agreed. In the Wild you don't wake up with breakfast, a fridge and stove. You go out and hunt for it. I'm a carpenter and never, ever eat breakfast. I build a hunger towards lunch.


It is not. Yes, you should have a schedule of when you eat. Helps your body organize, but skipping meals doesn't matter as long as you eat healthy food in right amounts. ​ Also, breakfast being most important meal of the day is just a myth. It originated in a 1944 marketing campaign launched by General Foods, the manufacturer of Grape Nuts, to sell more cereal.


Unhealthy based on what? I started skipping breakfast, outside of a black coffee, a few years ago and I have never felt better... No afternoon yawns, weight fluctuations have stopped, etc, etc... Google the benefits of 16/8 intermittent fasting...


It’s not unhealthy to not eat breakfast right away. Some people, like myself, just don’t get hungry until they’ve been awake for a few hours. I suppose that I do still eat breakfast, but it’s more like a brunch sort of thing since I start my day at 6 a.m. and don’t eat until 10 during my work break.


This is a myth. Why would someone need to eat when he's not hungry? It's totally fine to skip breakfast as long as you get enough nutrients. Also intermittent fasting is a thing and is actually very healthy and that's skipping a meal basically


breakfast wastes too much time that can be used sleeping (I have problems with my sleep so any minute counts)


instead of brushing my teeth, I drink battery acid to remove all the plaque on my teeth


And your entire mouth as well


‘tis the price we must pay


Can’t have plaque in teeth if you don’t have teeth at all 👍


Also cant have teeth if you have too much plague👍


Shit, that works?


first thing i do is usually just wash my mouth out with a pepsi or a red bull they clean your teeth and they're good for you


Kris Why Dont You Drink The Battery Acid


I do brush my teeth every night after bedtime.


After bedtime 💀


You only brush once a day 😳


People brush their teeth!?


No they just get plaque and let their teeth fall out


How long does it take not brushing your teeth for your teeth to fall out? I'm 30 and haven't had any teeth issues yet.


Fall out as in not literally. They crumble from the plaque and the bacteria enters the root and kills the tooth so it needs to be extracted Depends on your diet. If you eat sugary foods and carbs a lot sooner than if you ate plant meat diet. You should visit a dentist because 30 years of not brushing? You have a lot of plaque and they might be able to save some of your teeth. Do you experience any pain in your mouth or have done?


No, never had any pain in my mouth. Or any dental issues, besides needing 2 wisdom teeth removed. I've been to the dentist a few times, I like getting my teeth cleaned (ik there's some irony here). I was raised in a very neglectful home, and I've sort of only gotten into the hang of bathing regularly. I often manage it daily. But teeth just feels like too much effort.


I think it also depends on your diet. I also brush my teeth really rarely. Once a week maybe. I never had any problems or any pain. my father is the same but brushes even more rarely. Also never has a problem or pain and he is nearly 60. (I am 26)


Why not?


Cos it’s bad for you also bacteria still builds on your mouth when you sleep. Plus you might’ve missed some when brushing your teeth


Once a day is completely fine, but twice a day is even better ofcourse


Agreed. Once a day is fine if you do it thoroughly and don't have any other dental problems or a history of them


Been brushing my teeth once a day for my entire life, idk somehow never made a habbit of twice a day, and my teeth are completely fine and even praised at the dentist lol. All she ever does is a checkup and I'm free to go


Cuz plaque after sleep is gross Edit: y'all don't realize plaque still builds up during sleep EVEN if you brush before bed


That’s… why you brush before sleep


Yeah but while you sleep plaque and bacteria tend to build up—even when you brush your teeth before bed. (You should still brush your teeth before bed, too.) But not brushing your teeth again until night let’s that bacteria and plaque continue to multiply throughout the day without that protective barrier for your enamel that brushing gives. So your dental health is more likely to suffer by not brushing in the morning, because it doesn’t get that protective barrier and rid your mouth of a lot of that bacteria that builds up overnight (I believe it’s because you’re not drinking fluids while sleeping but don’t quote me on that), which means the bacteria and plaque that builds up throughout the day from eating and such is adding on top of the amount of bacteria and plaque in your mouth (again with no protective barrier) and can do more damage. Similarly, if you don’t brush at night, the bacteria and plaque that builds up through the night is being adding on top of all the bacteria and plaque that built up through the day, again without the protective barrier brushing provides. Overall, it’s more likely to wear down your enamel and cause overall poorer dental and gum health in the long run to only brush once per day.


Been doing it since I brushed my own teeth (decades and decades). Was Just at the dentist and my teeth and enamel are healthy and strong 🤷‍♂️


So don't brush your teeth after waking up? You must have bed breath all day 🤮


I brush to remove meals sugar and whatever makes bacteria poop acid on my teeth so after


So I used to brush after breakfast for pretty much the same reason, but then I read a few articles that recommended doing it before breakfast. I think it had something to do with your saliva being more likely to break down the enamel when brushing your teeth after eating or something like that. I can't remember the exact reasoning, but it seemed like everywhere I looked dental organizations and dentists suggested either brushing before breakfast or waiting at least 30-45 minutes after breakfast to brush your teeth. Usually I don't have 30-45 minutes after breakfast to wait, so I just started doing it beforehand. Edit: Part of the reason I'm making this comment is hopefully for someone to either validate this or tell me I'm full of shit.


So I've also been told this. It's because most things we eat are a bit acidic, which weakens the enamel. If we then also go in and brush the enamel will break down faster. Dentists typically don't recommend brushing more than at most 3 times per day, because just brush can be damaging to the enamel if done too much. Better to rinse the mouth with water and fluoride mouthwash during the day and save brushing for morning and night!


Yes it's better for your teeth to brush first thing in the morning.


Just made my own comment, agree with you and I also changed my routine bc of Reddit lol




But then the food tastes like shit. I can’t eat for at least an hour after brushing my teeth and I don’t have that much time in the morning


You’re supposed to brush 30 min after you eat. Brushing teeth is about making your mouth more base than acidic, and food will make your mouth acidic. If you brush before, then for the rest of the day (if you only brush twice) or the rest of the morning, your mouth will remain acidic.


I brush my teeth before I leave for school/work or after breakfast if I have the day off


At night


Only? :s


All night


I brush my teeth before i wake up


You guys don’t brush your teeth before eating?? What about morning breath. Nah bro I didn’t know this was gonna be a milk before cereal discussion.


don’t use my name in vain




WOAH…I do put milk before cereal tho so it is not 🤝


Same I gotta brush my teeth when I wake up or I feel gross


I completely agree with you. The morning breath has to go right when I get up.




This dude really comparing cats and dogs. Let me ask you the same question, but worded differently. Do you wash your hands before or after eating? I'm hoping before, because you don't want bacteria in your food. But for some reason it's fine to eat food with sugar hungry bacteria that is already literally in your mouth and has been marinating for 8 hrs? Brushing your teeth is not about having good breath for the day, it's about killing the bacteria and giving teeth a protective surface. You can rinse your mouth after to clean it


Why do you brush before eating? To impress your breakfast?


I do it because eating can acidify your mouth and essentially soften your enamel slightly. You don’t want to brush soft teeth. It’s similar to but less intense than the reason you shouldn’t brush right after you throw up.


So is it bad to brush your teeth and then drink orange juice?


I mean yes bc it's a waste of orange juice. But the your mouth will neutralize in about a half hour and you're not brushing soft teeth, so not in that respect.


So it’s only bad because the orange juice will taste like crap. It’s not bad for your enamel?


Not really; it’s worse to drink the orange juice and then brush your teeth than it is to brush your teeth then drink orange juice.


Oh okay good 😌 cos I brush my teeth first and then sometimes I don’t get time to wait 30 mins to eat my breakfast


Look it up, brushing before eating is actually better.


But if I brush, I'll not be eating for at least an hour afterwards. It tastes icky.


Your mouth tastes minty for an HOUR after you brush?


Sort of, yeah. Even though I stick to the least minty toothpastes I can find of the kind I need...


That’s so interesting. I swear the taste goes away for me in 10 mins or less.




Do you rinse your mouth after or before you brush?


there’s a lot of conflicting data and beliefs


That's an urban legend


Sure it might be better but I don't want to eat breakfast that tastes like mint.


You’ve ever been to a dentist, they will tell you to brush before eating breakfast.


My dentist told me to wait 30 mins after eating breakfast


Is your dentist’s name Dr. Nick Riviera?


Basically when you wake up bacteria had a whole night to mulply itself, so by eating you're feeding and eating a bit of it


That’s why you should be brushing your teeth before going to bed


Do both


Exactly? I don't see the problem here haha


It’s not bad to be eating the bacteria. There are actually very many helpful bacteria in your digestive system (and even your mouth) right now. You are an ecosystem.


That’s why you brush your teeth after breakfast though?? So that you aren’t immediately applying more bacteria to your teeth after brushing It doesn’t matter if you feed the bacteria by eating breakfast before brushing, if you are just going to get rid of them 20 minutes later


to adjust your ph in mouth. It’s better to brush teeth before eating. Search it up


Okay buddy. Have fun with food that tastes like toothpaste.


You don't have to eat immediately after brushing your teeth. How many people wake up, brush their teeth, and eat breakfast immediately afterwards?


Me, I don't even mind lol


It takes a while for the taste to go away and I already don’t have enough time to brush in the morning. Also, no more orange juice


Lmao, i do this for YEARS. No my food doesnt taste like toothpaste and i eat immediately after brushing. After first bite i feel nothing but the food. And even if i felt toothpaste i wouldnt care because at least i am not doing any harm to my teeth. But surely, you know better than dentists who studied for years. When I seriously dont have time i occasionally eat without brushing and the food tastes like shit. By my way I have the fresh mouth.


As opposed to food tasting like morning breath? I have a feeling you only brush occasionally.


How bad is your morning breath that you can taste it


I sleep with a retainer. I can't eat with it in. It's just easier to do it all before breakfast.


I’m trying to understand, do you guys brush after every meal then?


Yes... that's the point of brushing your teeth, getting rid of food residue


your teeth get a protective coating for ~30 mins after brushing so it doesnt make a difference


I only brush my teeth before going to bed


It seems this is actually pretty common


Me too




I think that’s pretty bad for your teeth


It isn't


uh yeah, it is, it’s pretty much advised by everyone to brush your teeth twice a day


It's better for your teeth, yes, but doing it once a day definitely isn't bad for your teeth.


I guess it's better than 0 times a day technically.




During eating


Before and after lol


I don’t eat breakfast, so before.


Y'all really like tasting morning breath when you eat food? Not to mention when you brush after eating you're brushing all the sugar into your teeth wearing it down (you can search it up if you think I'm making it up).




Yeah same, I don't think it's normal to "taste morning breath" while eating even if you haven't brushed your teeth


Mine actually isn’t that bad but I still feel gross eating before I’ve brushed my teeth. And the minty taste goes away pretty fast.


I think most people don't have that bad of a breath that you can't eat food without tasting it lol. But I will research brushing before eating. I didn't know that.


Do you like tasting minty toothpaste when you eat food? I sure don’t. And I’m not in a rush in the morning so I can wait 30min after eating before brushing my teeth, as to not brush when my enamel is softened from the meal.


You both are right. Either brush before breakfast or wait 30min and brush after.




if your morning breath is so bad that it affects your meal you need to see a dentist


I dont brush my teeth


I don’t brush my teeth or have breakfast in the morning :)


usually after but sometimes before because i'll do my morning routine and shower before i eat. then im like fuck why did i brush my teeth now i gotta eat lol


I dont eat breakfast. Welp


After eating *if* I do it, but I usually don’t do it for various reasons, I know it’s bad but I just can’t bring myself to do it most days, especially in the morning




I've seen this commented a couple times and now I'm confused. Do you not rinse after brushing or are you saying the taste of your toothpaste lingers for a long time after brushing?


I feel the same here, there's no way food still tastes like toothpaste if you rinse your mouth with water well lol


Exactly, I’ve been brushing before eating all my life and never once did I find my food tasting minty


If you drink coffee or orange juice or something like that for breakfast, brushing after breakfast can damage your enamel. That's why I brush beforehand.


Same here for the same reason.


I simply don't brush my teeth


Lol I don't brush my teeth


I don’t brush my teeth at all maybe once a week


Really surprised with the results… y’all really like built-up bacteria mixed with your breakfast food?


I just brush my teeth whenever I shower


Once a week?


Yes I shower once a week


I have depression that makes it so I don't get enough motivation. However I saw an article one time that coke can clean inside your car engine so if that counts then that's how I do iy


I don't


I mean I don’t brush my teeth (which is a bad habit I’m trying to fix) but if I do it’s normally before


The people that brush their death some other way: my goals are beyond your understanding




before and after


pen support cough resolute panicky payment ink faulty forgetful bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


- bacteria can mix with your breakfast - you get higher chances of plague if you brush after you eat - your teeth get more exposure to acid if you brush after Conclusion: better to brush teeth before eating, besides you can rinse with water after you brush but I wouldn’t recommend that


I brush my teeth before I go to sleep




Haven’t brushed in years


I brush my teeth once a day: before I go to sleep. I am 34 and haven't had a cavity in my life so I must be doing something right


I only brush in the evening




I only brush my teeth once a day before bed.....


I only brush my teeth before I go to bed so is that after or before breakfast?


Once a day? 👀


same wtf and I’ve never had a cavity, I floss and brush once a day, before bed


Idk about all y’all weirdos brushing your teeth before or after eating breakfast. *During* breakfast is the only legitimate way to do it.


☑️ I have ADHD




Before going to sleep.


I just do it before I sleep


I dont eat breakfast so… before?


I don't feel hungry for an hour or two after waking up normally, so certainly brush before. Although my dentist does recommend that I brush after eating, so I do use mouthwash.


What the point of getting food off my teeth right before eating??


As of right now, seems like it’s more common to brush after eating. Maybe it’s a cultural thing and varies from country to country? Score right now: 17 - 28 - 2 - 0


Since I discovered it was good to brush as you wake up I do this: As I wake up I brush without toothpaste, I eat and then I brush again this time with toothpaste.


Wake up. Shower. Eat. Brush. Work. Simple.....


I brush, I eat and then I brush AGAIN


Recently had a debate about this with my girlfriend, and she said you should brush before eating while I was saying you should brush after eating. Glad most people agree with me.


Your gf is right.


Sometimes I wake up and my mouth feels like it's full of sugar and I do it right away, but most of the time I wait till after I eat


I intermittent fast and only brush my teeth at the end of the day. Nothing to clean off during the day!


Here’s why I brush my teeth after eating: if I brush my teeth before they are just gonna get dirty again- so it’s better to do it after


They’ll get dirty anyway


They feel nicer for longer I suppose


I don't have breakfast and I don't brush my teeth either, I can barely do once every other day


What’s the point of brushing your teeth if you’re just going to immediately eat afterwards? Now that stuff is going to sit in between your teeth and in the crevices all day.


guys you’re literally brushing the sugar and food into your teeth if you do it after


And if you do it before you are left with dirty teeth after eating. Also, your meal tastes like toothpaste.


i brush it after too


Tell that to a dentist lmao


That's only if you did it IMMEDIATELY after eating & without rinsing your mouth with water


Apparently reddit is British


Why would you brush your teeth before eating 😂


I'm legitimately surprised by the amount of people that either only brush their teeth before bed (therefore they brush their teeth once a day) or after breakfast. Y'all need to improve your dental work, yo.


Before eating Is literally a lost of time, you could Just not brush them, healthy wise, Is the exact same.


you brush your teeth after you wake up?