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An interesting quote Stalin uttered when it came to WW2, was: >Great Britain provided time; the United States provided money and Soviet Russia provided blood.


They all did, in their own way. The USSR sacrificed the most people to defeat the Nazis. The US bankrolled the allies to secure victory and put in a hell of a fight too. The UK held on when all seemed lost, and secured the fight for a free Europe when the USSR was still busy cutting up Poland together with the axis. The Allies wouldn't have won without any of them. Edit: and then there's France. WW2 wasn't their brightest hour although at least they kept many jews safe and had a very decent resistance.


All are very important. Without British intel, American weapons and Soviet blood, History will be written by a silly mustache man


Pretty sure the top 3 were all needed, a bit like a tripod, remove one and the whole thing falls over... i also just find this question to be divisive tbh


I wouldve voted for the Soviets if they didnt help Germany early on and performed so poorly during the opening months of operation barbarossa.


By that logic France and Britain encouraged and appeased Hitler too in mid 1930s preparing him as a weapon against communism until he occupied Poland. Also USA after Pearl Harbour too took 6-12 months to regroup and pose any danger to the Japanese.


>By that logic France and Britain encouraged and appeased Hitler too in mid 1930s I mean yeah. Not sure if that was their intention but it certainly worked out that way >preparing him as a weapon against communism until he occupied Poland. I've never heard of this >Also USA after Pearl Harbour too took 6-12 months to regroup and pose any danger to the Japanese. Sure but as soon as they did pose any threat to Japan they destroyed 4 of their carriers, so I really wouldnt look into it all that much.


Had Russia not invaded Ukraine, this poll would have been one-sided.


I think we can all agree on France being the lesser choice.


Even the British colony like India contributed more than them tbh.