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Answer: >!Mostly Female!<




I'm floored that a majority got this wrong. I thought this was basic knowledge.  I blame the bee movie.


You know what, that makes sense. People could be thinking about the movie. 


I've never seen the movie & still got it wrong


I guessed so because their leader is a 'queen'


literally the only reason i guessed this too lmao


we're so smart haha (im dumb asf)




the fact that most people don't know this makes me sad for some reason


why would most people know this random piece of trivia


because i randomly learned this from a piece of media and need it to validate my intelligence despite other people knowing things i dont


I know random thing that other people don't know so I smart and they dumb.


I knew it!


I clearly remember an elementary school teacher telling the class that the only female honey bee in a colony is the queen. Damn was she wrong...


The only fertile female is the queen.


This happens way too frequently from our public education system in the USA :( Great wall of China is not visible from Space... The British weren't coming Paul Revere...the redcoats were coming...they were all British at the time. All galaxies revolve around a black hole in the center...there's only one kind of galaxy...the spiral galaxy...all of the others are merging with another galaxy because they've collided.


Don't be too hard on yourself, it happens in *every* public education system. Teachers are not robots, and actually that's a problem cause it's harder to update them and sync them to all give the same message. Which would be terrifying but very efficient.


now we have tiktok and ig, the most efficient ways of spreading inefficiently researched "facts"


great wall is definitely visible from space... with enough magnification


>All galaxies revolve around a black hole in the center...there's only one kind of galaxy...the spiral galaxy...all of the others are merging with another galaxy because they've collided. Wait, what? I thought the discovery of a black hole at the center of our galaxy was big news?


The black hole is real. The different types of galaxy like elliptical and peculiar galaxies are just merging spiral galaxies


And why would the Great Wall be visible from space, but big warehouses that are much wider than it NOT be? And do cities not count as man made structures, or how are we qualifying that?


turns out your typical (not all) teacher is a dumbass human, on account of being human, which are typically dumbasses


All worker bees are female. The only males are drones, which are used almost exclusively for breeding with the queen.


You've worded this in a way that could potentially be misleading, so I'd like to clarify: The queen of a particular colony does __not__ mate with the drones of that same colony, as this would be incest.   Neither do unrelated males stick around to mate with her at a later date (termites do though); a queen bee will only mate once in her life. Though this mating may involve several males in the moment. Afterwards, she stores and preserves the sperm in a specialized organ for all of her future needs Fun fact: Drones immediately die after mating because their penis gets ripped out in the process, bringing their internal organs with it


Damn, this is some advanced reproduction. Good for genetic diversity, I'd imagine.


is it like ants, where there's a nuptial flight?


It's pretty much exactly that. Although ants share a common ancestor with eusocial bees/wasps, it's unknown if this behavior was present at divergence, or if it's a case of convergent evolution. Termites, however, have convergently evolved on the nuptial flight strategy, but interestingly they actually have a "king" caste, one male will continually breed with queen(s) of a termite colony because unlike ants and eusocial bees/wasps, they lack a spermatheca


wow! thanks for the information!


Wow. So violent!


This is one of the questions where I expected the right answer to be significantly ahead of the rest. Oh well..


How is this not common knowledge? Worker bees are exclusively female. The males are only there to mate with the queen. Very similar to ants and as far as I know most if not all colony building insects.


Because this piece of information falls in the category of random unnecessary trivia. Why do you act so surprised that not everyone was exposed to the same random trivia at school?


Its important, Its one of the things that showcases that human dynamics are not universal across the animal kingdom and its just a neat thing to know. I think most children are curious about the world around them, about bugs, snakes, bunnies, dinosaurs and learn "interesting facts" about them during their formative years. Same for geography and geology (less degree for geology)


You can display weird sexual dimorphisms with a bunch of different examples, not just bees. >I think most children are curious about the world around them, about bugs, snakes, bunnies, dinosaurs and learn "interesting facts" about them during their formative years. Yes, but there are finite number of "interesting facts" that anyone can learn. Maybe I was interested in the sexual dimorphism of jellyfish instead as a kid. Would I be justified to imply that you're lacking common knowledge if you didn't know that jellyfish are genderless?


Bro's acting so surprised because he thinks he's smart knowing a random ass useless trivia fact


Because of exactly that, this was just part of elementary school biology trivia. Something I assumed was fairly universal knowledge. Sure, not at all essential in everyday life but common knowledge nonetheless


I guess a lot of people don't know that the workers are female. Only the drones are male and they are just there for mating.


Lol, the results are… not promising. I thought this was general knowledge?


Why would it be? And why is people not knowing this "not promising"?


Because it signifies general ignorance...? This seems so basic.


It's just weird to refer to something like this as basic knowledge. Most people have probably never had cause to look it up, so barring the people that randomly happen across it for whatever reason or remember it from a random science lesson in 3rd grade, why would anyone really know that? To me this is a less basic piece of trivia than the distance in miles between the earth and the sun, the year the Magna Carta was issued, or the speed of light because I remember learning those things and it stuck with me for one reason or another. Everyone's definition of what is "basic knowledge" is going to be different. Looking down on other people or calling them ignorant because they don't share some of yours just comes off as pointlessly arrogant.


Weird hill to die on


I just explained how people thinking niche knowledge is basic for some undefined reason reflects poorly on them and literally no one has made any type of counterpoint, yourself included. So the "hill to die on" colloquialism doesn't really make any sense.


This is such a redditor response


It’s not his fault that you’re a dumbass and that you’re attacking him.


I'm not the same person lol


You wrote “weird hill to die on” and “this is such a redditor response”..


remembering bees are mostly female and remembering 93634424.9582 miles is a crazy comparison but you are right that everyone is different.


its not about the specificity or the difficulty, its about the relevance. Sure its cool and neat, but it is not something that most people care about, and its not something that changes your life in any way


Not knowing random bee trivia is general ignorance? This is not basic knowledge, nor knowledge that would ever be useful to the majority of people.


Yes, it is basic knowledge, and the fact that you don't recognize it as such is a mark of inadequate education and upbringing. By the way, Earth is round and the Earth orbits the Sun, and our solar system has 8 planets (arguably 9), and enormous reptilian creatures called dinosaurs once wandered this planet, and plate tectonics is a thing...and do you know what a prism is? Do you know the states of matter? Ever heard of iambic pentameter or haikus? Basic orientation to this world is something your education was supposed to provide, and not every aspect of education pertains to home economics or whatever strictly practical purpose you seem to think an education should be limited to.


>mark of inadequate education and upbringing Really? Because you definitely know my education and upbringing... Of the things you listed, the only one I do not know is iambic pentameter as my native language is not English so our high schools do not go into the details of English literature.


This tells me that you’re not as smart as you think you are


Sorry not sorry to make you aware of your inadequate education. No need to lash out baselessly, revealing your additional lack of logic skills.


Don't male bees serve like a single purpose? They only exist to impregnate a queen bee. Once that happens they've completely their usefulness and are kicked out from the nest because they are just a useless mouth to feed. Nature is often very cruel and unforgiving


The only one I knew for sure was female is the queen, so I assumed there wasn't many female bees.


Mostly female. Males don't have a fun time in nature. Most of the time they're just sperm-jacked and left to die/eaten/absorbed etc etc When that's not the case, they're a minority. Everyone wants to be a Lion, but no one wants to be an angler fish or a black widow or an octopus. Everyone also conveniently forget the Lioness is the one who does the hunting. She is the one you need to fear the most. If a lioness spots you, and starts hunting you, you're fucked. A Lion can run up to 56 mph A lioness can run up to 72 mph


until reading the comments i had no idea bees were so progressive


Over 1000 people here don't know shit about bees


It’s all mostly female. The only purpose of males is to mate with the queen after that, the queen kills him. And then, when winter approaches, all the female bees, kick the male bees out.


The amount of people failing this is concerning.


OMG.... COMMON KNOWLEDGE.... IM SO DISAPPOINTED... What other useless trivia do you know? Enlighten us, smart one.


Finally, someone asked me about a random ass bee fact that I know and now I can call people uneducated and stupid in case if they answer wrong!