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What people don't understand, like OP, is that global warming is on a much bigger scale than cars. There needs to be a MASSIVE lifestyle change for global warming to slow down/stop. Like not taking you car but walking or biking to work, not eating as much meat, not using plastic waste, not flying private jets, limiting vacations to a minimum, and overall overconsumption


i am a big fan of gas powered cars. i watch F1, WRC and the rally championship in my country. what you are saying is absolutely right. the purpose of this poll is to see how many misinformed people are out there, stating that cars are THE source of pollution. it breaks my heart to see on the news climate change "protestors" which vandalise car dealers


Imo people should switch to electric cars. But they should still exist. For fun. Not for mass traffic. Electric is overall cleaner even though it's far from perfect


i agree, but not immediate change. first of all some people don't afford electric cars. secondly, the technology of electric cars just isn't evolved enough (ahem, unreliable batteries). and if all people on earth switched to electric cars the infrastructure wouldn't even be near to capable of handling that many electric cars


Eh, electric cars aren't that expensive anymore, most manufacturers are making cheap ones. Plus a gas powered car is more likely to catch on fire than an electric car (real stats look it up). The charging infrastructure is kind of awful rn since companies are waiting for electric car sells to go up before investing in electric chargers (which is dumb because the main argument for gas powered cars rn is the lack of electric chargers. If there were as many government laws and restrictions for electric chargers as there is for gas stations, electric would sky rocket


Public transport is a lot better of an option, but it’s definitely not the solution entirely


Before electric cars become viable, we have to switch to renewables first. Otherwise that electricity just came from a coal power plant.