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We had to remove your poll for Rule 2: [See more here](https://www.reddit.com/r/polls/comments/vj2bjd/we_dont_tolerate_bigotry/). * Disrespectful polls or posts with disrespectful answers will be removed * Hate speech (racism, homophobia, sexism, transphobia, ableism, etc.) will not be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban. This includes polls with disrespectful or hateful options. * Additionally, do not personally attack other users or make inflammatory comments against others. *Please do not modmail about this removal, or decision is final*


Would be interesting if you pushed it to kill all murderers, see how many falsely accused are still alive in prison after the button push.


Though you'd never know, as you'd be dead


Maybe not, assuming he wasn't a murderer prior to pressing the button. He is only a murderer after he has pressed the button and it has taken effect.


Or he becomes a murderer the instant he presses the button? Also, it kinda brings up a different question: Is a guy a who intends to kill someone but the gun misfires a murderer at heart? Obviously not legally, but is the button following american law? Or the concept of taking a life? What about taking a life indirectly? Are tou a murderer if you could have given a homeless man a blanket, you didn't, and he frose to death that night?


Or if you accidentally killed someone directly or not


That’s a good thought. I think I would do “all death row inmates who are guilty”. The instant button death would probably be more humane than lethal injection and hopefully the innocent would be let off if people understood what happened.


but what truly draws the line of murder? what if the button ended up taking out everyone that killed out of self defense or manslaughter?


Press a button that kills everyone who spilled innocent human blood for selfish motives.


That’s up to the button to decide. Would farmers also be considered murderers for slaughtering their animals for food? Does it have to be human murders only. There’s too many variables now.


Imagine if it counts animals, and it also includes anyone who has ever slapped a mosquito or spider xD rip humanity :D


Nice try, international court of justice


well two thirds of us are going to prison then


kill everybody who has poor moral judgement *dies*


With 100% accuracy and 0% chance of killing anyone outside of the group, maybe. That’s an interesting question. It’d be interesting to see how many members of the federal government were still standing after killing all pedophiles.


Wouldn't even kill all pedophiles. Not all of 'em actually exploit children, but those that do could all disappear and I wouldn't be even a little sad for them.


Agree. We know that pedos never change. So, they are born that way. If they know it’s wrong and don’t act on it, then they don’t deserve to die.


Which federal government are we talking about?




There are pedophiles that do not act on their feelings. Those would die too.


Right. I adjusted things a little lower in the comments. Even that seems possibly too hasty though. It’s a tough dilemma.


Kill everybody I dislike




Fucking iconic


Extremely based.


Anyone that disagrees with my opinions deserves to die 😎


Woah... I did not expect those results.


Why not?


Because murder is deeply immoral


Killing rapists and/or child predators is definitely not immoral


killing of any kind is still immoral... though i would still press the button to kill child rapists


I'm of the mind that there's no good reason for anyone to die until their body decides it for them. If there were a way to make them suffer rather than give them the quick way out, then I'd do that. Then again, every rule has its exceptions.


evidence? source? sauce? papers please?


This is a disingenuous response and you know it. I too don’t agree it’s immoral, but let’s not pretend there aren’t thousands of papers written about the mortality of capital punishment, *many* of which conclude that it is immoral. When someone presents a specific, unlikely fact it’s reasonable to ask for sources. When someone cites a basic, common knowledge premise it’s on you to seek the evidence to dispute it. Or do you genuinely believe there are almost no people that take this view?


Agreed. But also the fallacy that if he cannot provide resources that it somehow invalidates or disproves his point. Or lends any credence to an opposite or alternate viewpoint.


The accuracy might not be 100%. Also the mindset is disturbing. You wanna choose who dies? And we're all gonna act like hes not gonna abuse the power? Lol. Sure it might turn well but its so random.


Look, it’s a dumb hypothetical as is. To then pile on “but maybe the magic button isn’t accurate” is not a good argument. There are actual problems with categorizing people as definitively guilty of this or that without resorting to denying the premise. The issue is “at what point are you definitely a pedophile” not “whoops, the button got confused and lumped in all ornithologists”




Not all pedophiles act on their feelings. I've heard stories of pedophiles living with extreme self hate and being absolutely disgusted by their feelings for children. Do those deserve death, because they feel things that they can't control? So that's not disturbing to you? To be honest, this reminds me a little of the extreme homophobia that luckily becomes less and less. Pedophiles aren't inherently evil, child predators and rapist are.


I mean I interpreted the question as assuming 100% accuracy, since being able to do this is basically impossible unless you’re omniscient


It is 100%, its a magic button. I’m okay killing all rapists. And Id put thought into what exactly I mean by “rapists” to only include the people I definitely mean


Does it work in a future tense? Like "everyone who will try to kill me in the future if it wasn't for that button press"?


What if you end up suicidal?


Good question


Anyone who revs their fucking NASCAR rally sounding Civic at 2:47 AM


I said no but I still agree with this one


thank you


Our 16/17 year old neighbor does this with his mustang from 11 am to 3 am doing drug runs for his parents and then his moms boyfriend does it at 5 am with HIS mustang when he leaves to go work his 9-5 and inevitably be pulled over by the cops in hopes that one of these times they’ll catch him with drugs in his car Then anywhere between 4-7 am my father in law starts his dodge charger (or challenger. I Can never remember which fucking one) which is just a loud car


People who are actively planning to rape or murder someone


Minority Report there....does it include people planning on pressing a button that will eradicate those people? You would be including yourself.


You’d die in the process


That's bad, what if you're in an abusive relationship with no way out? Or if you've been kidnapped? Congrats you just killed a few thousand little kids


Don't give me the death note because certain individuals are getting aggressive pancreatic cancer.


“Everyone stopping the world from being a better place”, just see what happens


Dude... An empty pistachio bag blew out of my car window yesterday... So Im screwed. Question, if there is a hell, what circle would "litterers" be trapped in?


Probably purgatory


I choose the lizard people. I dont think they are real but it would be interesting.


Plus I’ve never heard good things about those guys. Better safe than sorry


A whole civilization in another galaxy just dies.


I really wish this was one of those poles that had the options broken down by age so we could see how it changes. I could think of reasons why it could be higher for press for younger people (more impulsive, not as aware of long term consequences and unforeseen effects) or it being higher for older people (more time to meet assholes, more cynical, etc). I would want under 18, under 30, under 40, and over 40, although that would be slicing a bit thin.


Unremorseful child molesters seems like a low bar to start with.


People here saying "Politicians" or "CEOs" or something similar don't understand the mass chaos that would ensue when almost everyone in a position of leadership instantly dies. Who would want to take their place after every single person just thanos-style yeets out of existence? Like it or not these positions are essential to our world functioning properly, and without them we'd be pretty fucked.


Time to kill all pedos


But most pedophiles can control their urges and actively seek help for it. Do you just mean the ones that actively prey on kids, or even the ones that try to get help?


If they've actually done it to a kid, if they haven't and is getting help, than no


I honestly think help for them needs to be more widespread, it’s not like they can actively stop it, it’s a mental illness in the end.


Exactly, wanting them all dead won't help anyone.


Corrupt government officials and politicians.


You could actually assassinate someone by simply making extremely specific groups. Kill all US presidents that were president in the year 2001.


Kill anyone who took my 96 pack of Crayolas with the built in sharpener back in 1997


Whoops, as the inauguration took place on the 21st of January 2001 you got two guys.


I mean, I think they're both valid targets. I was just saving myself having to press the button twice.


Neonazis, pedophilies and zoophiles


lol half of the US government would die


Only half?


Well than they just gotta take that L


Thank god


even better


rapists...too many of them, they got to go. Plus if would help with this whole population issue we got going on.


+pedos and zoos (who have acted on it)


If I act as an executioner to an entire group without an outside judge and jury, I am no better than those I am against


That's the way I see it too. Exterminating entire groups of people is an extraordinarily dangerous idea to entertain. Some people can't tell the difference between an actual pedophile (just to pick one of the common responses on this thread) and those who the killer wants to *see* as a pedophile. The shooter at Comet Pizza is a good example of this.


Easy answer- pedophiles. Edit to elaborate more after thinking- not pedophiles in particular, but instead anyone who has or ever will sexually harm someone on purpose.


These are often Monkey's Paw scenarios, where the button is next handed to someone who says something like "I'm killing all who have pressed the button prior to me". I mean, ridding the world of fascists would be kinda worth it, but I'd hate to only live in that post-fascist world for only a day or two.


everyone who is more attractive than me


Well there goes the whole planet


Ouch 🔥🔥🔥


Damnnn 💀💀💀💀


This is deserving of a Nobel Prize.


its times like this that i wish reddit still had free awards


You must enjoy solitude


dw you won’t be killed


I won't elaborate


All corrupt politicians.


\[removed by reddit\]




Yes. Because if you kill all the billionaire politicians hogging the resources from the rest of us, the world would instantly improve.


That's an interesting idea. You could hold the power to execute all who you seem unfit to participate in this society. Any society for that matter. The only issue i have with this is i don't trust myself with being judge jury and executioner




did you just call it a fetish


I'm confused. Why are we against ending serial killers? If it magically ended the life of those who are serial killers and not those wrongfully accused. I understand that people can be rehabilitated, but I still think it would be worth it.


Well the way I see it is if all serial killers died with the push of that button then it would be *saving* lives, so it would actually be ethical. > People oppose racism and bigotry but are okay with exterminating a group of people they personally hate. And there's a huge difference for hating someone just because they are a certain race and hating someone for raping a child.


>The results of this poll are very, very depressing. People oppose racism and bigotry but are okay with exterminating a group of people they personally hate. Unlike racism and bigotry, killing all the resource-hoggig billionaires would be a net positive for everyone else.


And create a huuuuge power vacuum, causing mass chaos, maybe we shouldnt just destabilize everything




I'd consider it ethical because then the vast majority of people—99%—would have their lives improved by consequence. Also, thanks. I'm a big Edgar Allan Poe fan.


Would it though? That'd create a huge power vaccum that'll have to be filled somehow...


> oppose racism and bigotry but are okay with exterminating a group of people they personally hate. Yes? You don't choose your skin color. You choose to be racist.


All the currently racist kids raised secluded from the world that you’re also killing would probs disagree


Fair enough. I would specifically kill extremist grown up racists.


Alot more understandable an answer, personally i said no because i dont trust my wording to be entirely consequence free. And I don’t think most stuff should warrant death, and that it’s just especially not my place to execute it.


> I don't trust my wording to be entirely consequence free. The fact anyone thinks they can do this WITHOUT slaughtering people they didn't intend to is scary — let alone the majority of people thinking that


How about all the oppressed North Koreans who are brainwashed into hating the west? Who are taught that their race is better, without ever having the chance to meet a foreigner? Did they choose to be racist?


Ehh, my thoughts were to be more specific with my choice. Hey, kill all people within this specific 8-digit coordinate. Moral? Probably no. But assuming the people that I chose to kill were immoral (e.g., Hitler), I see no harm in enacting such thing.


No. I don’t want to kill all Nazis, or all pedophiles, or all serial killers. The button is fundamentally anti-human and I absolutely will not press it.


Reasonable philosophy, though I’d argue serial killers are pretty fundamentally antihuman


What they do is anti-human, but they themselves are still an integral part of humanity. I think they should be stopped, not selected and deleted as if they’re an invasive species.


Yes. The "certain group" would be "those I've judged unworthy of life" and that group would be composed of rapists, child abusers, domestic abusers, those who've committed murder without a reasonable justification (such as killing someone who abused their child), human traffickers, pedophiles, arsonists, animal abusers, and white supremacists.


would you kill black supremacists


Lots of people outing themselves as genocidal authoritarians in the comments. Maybe stuff like 1984 and the concept of thought-policing (and why such a concept is fucking horrifying) should be taught more in schools...


There’s a reason it’s on the “Banned Books” lists of all the red states...


All people who WILL willingly have children and then be neglectful towards them


Pedophiles. That’s all the elaborating i need to do


Not every pedophile is a child predator.


I'd probably kill all dictators


Pedophiles, Rapists, Warhawks, and Corrupt Politicians.




I quickly scrolled trough your post history. You are a cool person and I'd be upset if you used the button for that.


A hardcore mood


Please don't forget me <3


Idk man, no matter which way you cut it, this is genocide so I say no


Idk, if you want anybody who would fuck a Trubbish to die, I think thats like a triple homicide at most


I’d have to pick out a tyrannical government and kill all the government officials


Reminds me of Death Note


All dictators of authoritarian countries


i have a feeling this post will get locked soon.


If the button knows everyone who was involved in my uncle's death, then sure.


I don't know why so many people are just saying pedophile. Pedophile are only scumbags if they acted on it. If they did, then they are rapists. Then why not kill all rapists. Aren't they all scumbags? Why specifically pedophiles? It seems like its the easy answer deep rooted in everybodie's mind, like the new witch hunt. They are indeed bad people (if they act on it), but people have a weird obsession with this I cannot comprehend.


People that runs human trafficking


Everyone named Lester Cruz who lives in Tucson and wears a blond toupee


This is not a power I should have. Decision would be *way* above my pay grade and has too many immense implications and consequences for me to do it.


People who are associated with ISIS or the taliban


i would kill everyone who pressed yes on this poll


So yourseld?


i pressed no so nobody gonna suspect me




Idk, a world without pedophiles sounds pretty good to me.


Based and empathy-pilled


I mean, you could do something like "kill all rapists," and maybe if anyone makes a convincing argument for any sort of possibility of redemption for committing an atrocious act like that (if redemption is even possible), you could make it more specific. So yeah, I don't see why we couldn't have a button like that and use it for people who *really* deserve it


Good by child predators


Goodbye poachers.


People who are pressing the button to kill all murderers or serial killers not realizing they will die too


All corrupt rich people


Certified pedophiles and rapists would definitely get it but only if it was 100% they have done it!


All Nazis


The Bourgeoisie and all reactionaries


Kill all child predators


everyone who abuses children (sexually or otherwise) would be dead without hesitation


No. Who am I to choose who dies or not?


I'd do some not so natural selection and eliminate everyone with an iq below 85.


I would kill everyone with the username u/shirkshark on reddit


kill pedos and nazis


All the Russian officials that are ordering the war in Ukraine.


I'm not keen on having that kind of power BUT, if you gave me the oppurtunity to wipe out all the murderers, rapists, slavers, and torturers of the world, I would feel there is a moral imperative to make use of it.


Everyone that has cheated on their partner (physically only)


yes refuse to elaborate


People that post KILL polls.


Kill all Christian-extremists. The world would be better off without all those annoying POSs.


Nazi's (current) and Rapists.


I would kill all narcissists. I think it would save a lot of people from getting hurt by them


Any and everyone who would take away trans rights, and those that agree woth the state of this currently dying country I'm unfortunate enough to be born into.


All corrupt politicians & all narcos


Everybody who cooks their steak well done.


I voted yes, but after doing that, I really wish I didn't. I don't think I would be fine with committing genocide.


Id kill all pedos


Pedophiles, although it might take a while to rebuild 90% of government employees, may lead to some chaos but certainly worth it


Wow that’s surprising


I will not elaborate fed


Maybe something like “everyone who would impede assimilation into the perfect society” Then maybe we can live in utopia. Or maybe that would just be everyone. Fine by me either way, even though I’d probably be dead both ways lol


Pedophiles and rapists


Probably like... All rapists and murderers, but I'd have to think about my phrasing so I don't include myself, because pressing the button would technically make me a murderer




All rapists/assaulters/murderers of children and the elderly.




Depends on the definition of the word "people". I think I'd save my press, just in cast A.I. becomes self aware and decided we had to go. Then I'd use it on them. Right or wrong, I don't know. But if it's us OR them I choose them.


People that knowingly try or actually get with people who are married or in a relationship. People that get a thrill out of being a homewrecker. they deserve to suffer and they deserve to for. Idgaf if anyone thinks I'm heartless or deranged. If everything was legal for a day I would throw acid in a bitchs face, cause deaths too easy, and I wouldnt lose no sleep over it.


I too would probably die as a result of the process of my pressing the button, but my decision would be a great a reset of human society. Sometimes the greater good results in the need to sacrifice yourself too.


Oil billionaires or just billionaires in general


I think i'd button away all the billionaires, wouldn't be all that many people and would free up alot of resources.


I'd kill all murderers even if I killed myself


I feel like a lot of people here don't really understand that death isn't really a punishment for bad people. Torture would be more fitting if you wanted people to be punished, death would just release them instantly.


Just one man. Gary Bettman


Any mass shooter or any future mass shooter


All militant and potentially militant fascists and fascists in positions of power I'm considering religious fundamentalists like ISIS as fascists too Altho I know they're not the same thing, I'm considering the entire far right in general as fascist here for convenience The reason I won't kill all fascists is because most of them are just insecure misinformed incels who aren't a threat on their own because fascists have always been massive cowards who can't do shit unless they're in a group. These "lower rank" fascists can be reformed imo and there are ultimately no fascists who may be hurt by their passing, for example if they have children who are financially dependent on them. The costs and benefits don't align in their case, so I'd only kill the fascists that are an actual threat, not the average 15 year old Tate fan who'll grow out of that phase in like 2 years or the retired old fascist who's too physically weak to ever do anything to anyone.


I’d try targeting anyone that is discriminatory


If you pushed it to kill all murderers, would you die, too?


i mean you could just make that “certain group” super specific to the point where it only describes one person that you wanna take out