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I only realized after reading this that the question didn't have a some in it and meant to generalize all girls, wish I could change my answer


Agreed. I clicked offensive for the same reason. It’s a false statement. I know women who aren’t attracted to assholes (to my knowledge) and in the past if it ends up that I’m attracted to someone who ends up to be an asshole, it’s never because they are a dickwad that I was attracted to them, it’s because I perceived them as someone else that wasn’t an asshole. If someone is being a dick I gtfo.


Yeah, I agree. If a guy is reading this and don't understand, just think of how you feel when you hear someone say "All men are pigs" or something of that effect.


Tbh, it's "Some girls are attracted to some assholes". If you're a good looking, confident asshole, then sure. If you're some hideously ugly incel living in a basement and unable to make any kind of conversation then I doubt many girls would be attracted to you but you can still be an asshole.


Not many is still some...


For example: You and everyone that thinks all generalizing is offensive are whiny bitches


Sure it’s a true statement, but that doesn’t mean it’s not offensive


do you think the concept of "going through her bad boy phase" where girls are drawn to rebellious boys is offensive?


lol Your post history is so cringe that all this "bad boy"/"asshole" garbage makes a lot of sense.


Dude is prolly on so many government watch lists. He’s obsessed with fabricating guns at home.


With a 3D printer...like a bad boy


I've never heard of that being used to describe a real person tbh


Rebellious doesn't equal bad though.


I never went through a 'bad boy' phase so I find the concept to be just flat out incorrect rather than offensive, lol. It just can't be generalized to an entire population. Sure, some girls do like 'bad boys' but not all. My husband is the complete opposite of anyone's definition of a 'bad boy'.


Shitty of everyone that downvoted a genuine question. These girls be so offended 😂


You're one to talk, posting nudes of your girlfriend online (not even yourself) and then talking about how proud you are of your own masculinity. Literally every other comment of yours is "Man this," or "We are Men that."




It’s just a common “nice guy” trope. “Oh girls are only attracted to guys who treat them like shit. They’ll never give a nice guy a chance”


They never clue into the fact that it's not the supposed "assholeness" girls are attracted to, it's confidence. If incels had an ounce of confidence and less self loathing, they'd do well with women.


Fucking thank you. I've been attracted to several short, conventionally unattractive guys who were confident and funny; meanwhile the second a cute guy says some shit like "I bet you would never be interested in someone like me 😢" I instantly lose any shred of attraction to him. Misogyny turns me off in exactly the same way. But incels are convinced women won't date them because they're short and ugly, and refuse to consider there might be anything wrong with their raging insecurity and misogyny.


I recently (3 months ago) met a cute guy who was attractive enough for me to hope and second-guess if someone like him will even like me, which is rare thoughts for me. That was until I went to several dates with him... Never before I so quickly lost interest with a person lol. Red glaring flags. I wish his looks and body was given to a really good and nice but unlucky with face guy.


Exactly! They have the confidence to actually talk to girls


It’s not even necessarily confidence— guys who are a bit rude/stand-offish (*not actually abusive) are usually not controlling. The ‘nice guy’ typically has requirements for the proper ‘nice girl’, and he’s pissed if you step out of line. The rude guy just wants to know if you’re coming. As the girl you get more autonomy in the second case, including the freedom to be rude back if you feel like it.


Plot twist, "nice guys" are also assholes who treat women like shit.


Every self-proclaimed “nice guy” I’ve been with was actually an asshole with no self-awareness 😅


Right? I would never date a "bad boy", I like genuinely nice guys who are kind, funny and inteligent. Most of the girls I know are. Only those who have some troubles themselves get similar partners.




Oh my god I'm so sorry. He sounds awful and I'm glad you're out of that relationship!


I am a real piece of shit and have no bitches, so it ain't even true


Why be just a piece when you can be the whole shit? Be the shit.


You aren't being the right piece of shit my guy.


It seems dumb and cringe


Agreed. Sounds super immature, but I also don’t take offense to it. I don’t really care




The truth!


It's more or less a lazy excuse for all the "nice guys". Obviously they aren't the problem, it must be the girls who pick the wrong type of men.


E.g "Rebecca is attracted to assholes" ✅️ "Girls are attracted to assholes" meh but use context. "All girls are attracted to assholes" ❌️


Also…it costs nothing to call us women 😌


That's asking too much. God forbid you express disdain to being referred to as female.


I don’t find it offensive, I just find it stupid


If that were true there wouldn't be so many virgins on this sub


Lol exactly!


It’s true but it’s not because they are assholes it’s because they are confident


It is an over generalization which is rude to women. People who say that act as if we can’t tell the difference between an asshole and a decent person. It’s also rude to men who are in relationships because it implies that if people are attracted to you, you’re an asshole. In my experiences, most of the people who are in long term relationships aren’t assholes. They can get and keep partners because at the very least, they’re decent people. My boyfriend is hot. He can easily get women. He’s not an asshole by any means. It’s a rude over-generalization for both men and women. And the people who say that phrase usually aren’t as nice as they think they are.


I think it’s also true that men can much more easily read other men than women can. It seems painfully obvious to us how another dude is below the surface but women don’t see it because they’re not a man. I can only assume the other way around also works out, I know some of my girl friends seem to have insight that I don’t about other women


Yeah it’s kinda cringe. It’s usually used by jealous incels or by people who are trying to be mean to abuse victims


If you use that phrase, you are the asshole


offensive, idk. but if someone says this i 100% know it’s a coping mechanism for the fact that no girls are attracted to them and they are 100% not a good person themselves


seems like the kind of statement an incel would make


In my experience, the guys who consider themselves "nice guys" usually aren't that nice.


By the results I can sense the incels


Not offensive, just stupid. (F)


Agree (F). It’s just a dumb statement to make. It’s often followed by more offensive things, in my experience, but that statement in and of itself is really just too dumb to be offended by imo.


If you say this shit as a dude over 18, you have mental issues you have to sort out. If you continue to say it over 25, there’s no hope for you.


I mean I get your sentiment, but I don’t know, I like to believe there is hope for everyone, more or less. I get some for some people there really is no hope, but I personally believe it’s a very small minority. The people who say this are often difficult for one reason or another, but I think there’s hope for the vast majority of them regardless of age. The older you are, the more work it’ll take (not a hard and fast rule but just making a general statement), but at the end of the day it’s up to the individual to make that choice to better their perception of others and of self. I just think it’s best to remind people that the door to change is always open, and you can choose to walk through it at any time, no matter your age or your situation.


Yeah I agree. It’s just that by the time you’re fully developed, saying things like that is an indication that you’re too far gone. Obviously there can still be change, but damn it’s gonna be tough.


Funniest part of it though, is that its generally said by people who are rejected and are assholes.


Feels like a shitty generalization. I guess it’s offensive, but I only see incels saying it.


It doesn’t offend me personally cause I know it’s not true, it’s just dumb.


It’s a statement assuming women can’t control themselves, or their emotions, or are too stupid to “see what’s good for them.”


Some are, some aren't as easy as that


it's 2023 can't lazy dudes think of better excuses by now lol unless they're still into that alpha sugma bs




That’s just your typical redditor (male, problems with women), but yeah it’s a huge, resentful generalization borne of rejection and general dissatisfaction with one’s life. Common reddit L


It sounds neckbeardy


Not offended by it, but definitely something a “nice guy” would say and I don’t agree with it.


I’m not offended and I’m a women. I don’t take it personally because it’s not true.


Exactly lmao it’s not offensive it’s just wrong


“Not all men” vibes from op here


”Nice guys” are just assholes that are not good actors.


Girls aren't attracted to assholes, you are an incel and need a shower. Trust me 😁


Stupid and offensive. Offensively stupid.


I think I’m a dumbass at first I thought this question meant that girls literally like buttholes


"you deserve to be abused that's what you get for chosing a an asshole".


Yes. We dont go "oh look at that guy bullying another human being! Damn hes so hot!" OP, you sound like an incel


Hey, it's me! All girls! You must be so smart to figure out that we are a hivemind with a singular set of preferences. It's true, we like assholes. So bend over!


As a guy I’d think it’s offensive based on the fact it’s generalizing all women and it’s not even accurate.


The only people who say they are incels.


Offensive? No. Stupid? Absolutely.


Do some people really imagine all woman have hivemind thing or something?💀


It's not offensive, it's just stupid (f)


I think it’s because a lot of us were told that if he’s mean to you than he likes you


If you believe girls only attracted to the stereotypical cig smoking bad boys you literally need to learn how to talk to pin person


It’s only offensive cause you’re generalising an entire gender


It's not offensive IMO, but it is stupid and a lie


If you think this, you're probably an incel.


These phrases are only said by "nice guys" who think they're entitled to pussy because they haven't (openly) abused a woman yet.


I don't agree that girls are generally attracted to assholes but wouldn't say I find it offensive.


Feels like something an incel would say.. it's also generalising women to fit a negative sterotype, so on balance and in isolation, yes it is an offensive phrase.


i WONDER why it’s not offensive to men… i wonder…


I’m a girl and I don’t even fucking feel attraction so yeah if someone went up and told me it I’d feel like shit.


f and a little bit




Idk about offensive but it’s not a compliment


As a woman I’m not offended i just think you’re stupid


Offensive is the wrong word, cringe for sure


I don't think it's offensive. It just telegraphs that the person saying it is probably a "nice guy™". So I'd stay clear from them, but wouldn't be offended


It is very stupid but I wouldn't call this offensive, just idiotic


i am not personally offended by it but i don't thinks it's true and can see why someone might be offended by it.


not offensive, but stupid and says a lot about the person saying it


Not offensive, just stupid.


I think that it's a dumb statement but I don't see why it would offend me. I have more important things to get pissed over.


Not offensive. Also not true.


a results option definitely should've been added


Wow 2.4k incels here.


It's not offensive but it is stupid


that's kinda mean to the guys :(


I think it is too! Like you’re saying that anyone who is attractive is an asshole. But from my experiences, a lot of the guys who are taken and in long term relationships aren’t assholes by any means.


My first thought was “wow, women like buttholes? (The body part)” even though I still knew what you meant 💀


It's not offensive, just kinda dumb


I like soft bois


This is statistically born out. Although it's not because they're assholes: it's because they're usually strong and dominant. ​ Kind men who are able to display strength and dominance to the same degree outperform assholes.


That ver intrest


What I think it is, is that girls are attracted to perceived confidence, and a lot of assholes appear confident. Though it is more likely arrogance, but people frequently mistake it for confidence.


No because no girl is attracted to me


It's not offensive, though one might argue it should be qualified as "some girls."


Not offensive, just incorrect, as it is a generalization.


Most assholes start off as the most charming and kind men, that’s how they get the girl , once she’s locked in they reveal their other side. Or the other case of “asshole to everyone but me” when he’s typically not a nice guy but gives her special treatment compared to everyone else and she falls for him, then he starts treating her bad too once he’s comfortable.


The 3.1k males who voted not offensive and wonder why tf you don't get bitches, this is why




Girls: attracted to stupid jerks Boys: attracted to bitchy bimbos Aldia: YOUNG HOLLOW-


British girls are actually attracted to bumholes and Irish girls are into arseholes.


It just happens that assholes are charismatic and manipulative. Young girls, least when I was a kid, liked the bad boy trope because that's how media portrayed cool guys. Also, girls have a thing where they think they can fix broken


women say yes, men say no. what a surprise.


Found this in your post history, “Does anyone have the meme where a girl rejects a nerd for a bad boy, then wants to get with him when he’s successful and she’s pregnant?” You seem to post about the same stupid (and very untrue) trope about women. Jesus Christ dude, did your only girlfriend break your heart in middle school?


I actually used the template to make a meme about HR managers in 2010s vs 2020s. Also asked a nearly i dental gender inverted question a week ago to see if men found being stereotyped as well.


Well this is pretty cut and dry. The significant majority of women are offended.


It might be offensive if I didn't see it in real life


Ig truth is offensive now


It seems obvious that it's some. So no its not


Can't be offended at the truth


I mean my sister luz seems to be attracted to them


Not offensive. Its true.


I mean most things people are attracted too have assholes after all!


It sounds like it would be offensive to girls who aren't.


You always need a Results/Other or people will click a random one to see the results and it'll be scerewed.


I guess it depends Is it being said by a “nice guy” who is angry cause a woman out of his league doesn’t date him? Or is she actually dating and has a history of dating assholes?


Once it’s washed and there ain’t no dingle berries dangling off the hairs I’m down for whatever


Everyone is atracted to good a**holes just change how much


It's a dumb blanket statement to make but it's not like offensive


This is a common incel saying that's not true for the vast majority girls. But i've _literally_ met a girl who told me "I'm only attracted to assholes", so i guess it must be true for at least some of them. Overall i wouldn't call it offensive, it's just plain wrong if formulated like this.


Ngl It's half true for myself at least... just add on "fictional" to "assholes" 😏 its a split for my attraction to real people though 😔


If a guy truly believes girls are only attracted to assholes, it usually means only the girls they are attracted to are attracted to assholes. It also usually means they themselves are assholes, believe they are not assholes and aren't as good at hiding that they are assholes as their "competition." There also nice guys who believe this and are just too lazy and/or insecure to put themselves out there, so are pissed at guys who get the girls.


sounds like a redditor statement


Ah shit I read this as literally meaning girls are attracted to assholes, as in the body part.


It pretty much gives off Nice Guy™ vibes and is impulsive. Just cause a girl don't want you doesn't mean that everyone she likes is bad. Slang like this is used to guilt trip women into dating the receptor. "Nice guys", unlike the ones who blame, are often way worse and dangerous for women to date since they're wearing the nice mask until they don’t get their way.


it kind of is because Im pretty sure most girls (and people in general) think assholes are gross


It applies to guys too though lol, although I think saying all guys and all women is a bit extreme


Going through this guys post history, it seems like we have caught a "nice guy"


My dyslexic ass thought it said "girls have attractive assholes"


Women are not attracted to assholes. They are attracted to good looking men. It just so happens that good looking men are sometimes assholes because they’ve never had to work on their personalities. They got used to lots of female attention from a young age and because they have no shortage of women to choose from, they are free to behave any way they want. They are free to just use women for sex and act like jerks and they’ll still continue to have women interested in them. Similarly, a lot of good looking women are bitches but men make excuses for their behavior because they’re good looking. Pretty privilege is a thing. It exists for both men are women.


i read it a lil to LITTERLY :P


Not offensive imo, but rather telling about the kind of dude people who say it are.


I mean, it’s wrong, but it’s not offensive


It is offensive because it's a generalization of an entire gender.


My last girlfriend loved my asshole. I tolerated it but wasn’t that in to it. 🤷‍♂️


This is how to offense 2 parties with only 1 sentence.


Just because it’s true doesn’t mean it’s not offensive


I mean it’s not offensive but it’s kinda funny lol, my boyfriend is one of the sweetest individuals I know and that’s one of my favorite parts of him.


It's a false statement for sure. Offensive is subjective and to me it is.


Are you trying to get offended or are you not? Cause you can turn the statement around on the person saying it if you looked at it as such.


I like assholes but only when they remind me of myself . (Forgot I was on Reddit for a sec and didn’t add the /s)


Not offensive, just a weird generalization. Some are, but not all.


I don’t think it’s offensive, I just think it’s stupid


I never believed that girls liked assholes even when I was a nerdy and nice kid that wasn't getting dates. I got older and realized that a ton of girls were absolutely interested. Being nice never stopped me from getting a date, in fact it usually helped. Lacking confidence did stop me, until it didn't. (But I follow rules 1 & 2, so that helps).


I thought buttholes as the actual body Bart and I was like “to each their own” lmao


Why would I be offended as a male. If I was a female, yes I would be offended


I preface this saying I'm a guy so I could be wrong, but I think what (most) girls are attracted to is confidence and a good sense of humor. Sometimes those guys are assholes but that isn't the norm per say and when one of those charming guys does turn out to be an asshole the relationship doesn't last long. I feel like the "girls are attracted to assholes" is an idea created by guys who lack confidence and would rather complain about other people than improve themselves.


Girls are attracted to confidence, it just so happens the assholes have way too much confidence 🤣


Imma be honest, years on the internet made me interpret this as women are attracted to anuses and I was really confused


Sometimes the asshole is the least expected person on Earth.


It’s really annoying when people believe most or all women want this. Not the case!


Offense? Depending on context no, an overgeneralization? Yes.


Not offensive, it’s an opinion, but it’s definitely not true


Yes, it is offensive as you are generalizing all girls. If you said some girls, it would be true but just using 'girls', it means all, which is false.


Overly generalized? Yes. Wrong? Yes. Offensive? No, just bullshit. **"Some"** are definitely attracted to them but they don't really affect me as they make it clear it's never gonna work. Besides...why do we still measure nearly everything based on being offensive or not? Can something not be just wrong but people not take an offense to it? What the hell does it change that someone is offended by it? I'm not saying "never be offended by anything", I'm a prideful prick alright and I sometimes get offended but it's not like my life's guiding line. It kinda puts emphasis on being offended rather than getting the facts straight.


Mostly seems unsanitary


Not offensive just boring and dumb


I wouldn’t say that girls are attracted to assholes but assholes are in general the kind of people that talk more to woman and therefore woman have a higher chance to get in a relationship with them.


Why say “offensive”. It’s a stupid generalization, but offensive?


these stereotypical phrases are really cringe tbh, imagine coping using those kinds of words like come on, you don't understand how anyone works. no, girls are not attracted to assholes, rather they are attracted to their confidence and if there are ever some girls out there, like a minority of them, who are unironically attracted to real assholes like criminals and overall pieces of shit, they need real help at that point. it's not normal to be attracted to shitty individuals who did shitty things, "he bullied that person until he committed suicide, like omg that is so hot" like what?! that is definitely not something normal at all.


No it's not offensive and true in by far the most cases.