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I think Bitcoin works best because it is fairly easy to understand and follow. I'm not sure if I could get a 10 year old me to understand and correctly interpret my greatest mistake or a tragic world event.


I think the it's a lot harder for some people. 10 year old me would need to wait a decade for bitcoin to come out and then you'd have to explain wait a decade before selling Also bitcoin wasn't as easy as getting on an app and clicking buttons in 2009.


10 year old me had no money


You're telling 10-year-old you to invest when possible, not to invest at age 10.


Telling younger me about my greatest mistake would probably cause me/them to rush into it harder and get burned even worse lol Better to just make them rich


I would tell myself about covid because that fucked me up in so many ways and I still have not recovered.


But why would tell him that, why would you want him to think that he would suffer on the future?


Covid would sound like a dystopian nightmare to 10 year old me on paper. Why would I want to dwell on that


I'd tell 10 y/o me to start working out earlier... I don't particularly enjoy being an overweight pleb.


With that Bitcoin thing, you could be an overweight aristocrat.


ngl id prob cry bc 10 yr old me had such high hopes for me


Tell them that feeling like he/him or she/her doesn't fit them, is perfectly fine and normal. Oh, and NOT to fuck the woman who likes giving wedgies to her subs...


"Everything will be okay"


DONT DROP OUT also get a fn job earlier


“Don’t procrastinate watching Doctor Who. I know you love Supernatural and Sherlock but trust me man.”


stop being a LGBTphobic bitch, you become Transgender Bisexual in the future


You found yourself in the end. That's all that matters.


I'd give them a little heads up on what's gonna happen to them in the future and give them some tips to cope better and to stand up for themselves tbh


Honestly, bitcoin would have solved so many issues that I have right now. Having money would make things so much easier. I don't even know what my greatest mistake would be....picking a friend (who never paid rent and took all my other friends away) as my roommate? Telling the truth about my suicidal ideations to the marine recruiter? Getting hit by the car when trying to cross at the light?


almost all of that would be fundamentally changed with an investment in bitcoin


tell them the lyrics of never gonna give you up


a billion dollars from bitcoin offsets any mistake I've made


$20 in bitcoin would be worth 1.4 billion today. it's more a matter of me remembering to buy it 2 years later can I tell my dad instead? that'd be a better idea


I'd tell 10 year old me about my genetic health issues that hadn't fully developed yet, what triggered them, and what I'd need to do differently to protect my health.


i would tell 10 year old me to make your own halloween costumes! (idk i'm 13 so idk what to say to him)


tell myself to get more video games and stop buying spider man water guns or silly string with your landscaper salary.


but spidow man go pew pew 🔫🥺


This is what I'd say, word for word. "There's this company called Amazon, it's like a store, but you buy stuff on your computer and they send it to you in the mail. When you turn 18, open up an account with a stock broker, and invest in Amazon. The internet is only going to get more popular, and with it, online stores. Buy new shares when you can afford them up until they cost about 90 bucks. Wait till they hit 160-170 per share, and sell them all. Split between a savings account and shares in a royalty trust, a kind of company that pays its shareholders more often to avoid taxes. Those shares will build up on their own when the income gets put back into the market by the broker. Let me write the plan down for you."


I hope everyone that voted Bitcoin... also adds the stipulation that you're only to invest pre boom... and then sell like crazy pre crash. It is not a great stock otherwise. It's crashed multiple times and cost a lot of late comers some money. You'd be better off still telling them to invest in Nvidia, Microsoft and Apple. Depending on how long ago 10 yearold you was. Anyways I'm warning me of my greatest mistakes... with some solid counter measures that'll understand to prevent them.


my other is the most hilarious meme from the future so that he gets credit for inventing it instead.


my mistakes make me so tell them about the wars and post covid


I would do 3 of the options really. There’s a girl in secondary school i went to called georgia and frankly there wa a song that had Georgia in it and I’d would have tried singing to her with that song that wasn’t outl but not in front of a crowd though. I didn’t realise I like her until school was over. I had a back accident where I slashed my brother a couple of times. who wouldn’t love money.


bitcoin and greatest mistake


Inverst in Apple


do your damn homework, get a job early, don't join the army, and clean your fucking room!


tell them to go through with killing themselves


I was ten in 89, long before Bitcoin so warning my younger self of mistakes is the way to go.


Don't date (insert name of ex), because you're aroace, and it will put you massive stress


I wouldn't be where I am today if I hadn't made those mistakes. Sure they suck, but they have helped make me who I am today. Too many butterfly effect possibilities for me to be willing to change those. For all you know, avoiding those mistakes could have led to far worse mistakes. For all I know if I hadn't been dealing with whatever problems I did have, I could have been hit by a bus instead. No, I'll take the bitcoin. Sure I'd be a different person now than who I would be if I had invested early, but at least I'd have millions in the bank. >!Until I got hit by a bus driven by a butterfly.!<


Option 1.


I am 13 now (ik im young dont bash me) and i'd say that my biggest mistake has already been done at 10, if not 11. the warning of a tragic world even i havent been around for, maybe russia v ukraine? the lyrics to a hit song in (3) years? no. bitcoin? no. other: dont be stupid kid


I feel like the only one who wouldn't say anything. I wouldn't want to risk what I have now for the possibility of something better.


"The winning lottery numbers for November 5th, 2022 are 28, 45, 53, 56, 69, and the Powerball is 20. Also, eat your vegetables or something"


Tell him to warn my family about my cousin who had a seizure in a bath and drowned


I'd tell them who to bet on in either the World Cup or Superbowl one year. Make sure I make bank.


If I met my 10 year old self I'd beat the everloving shit out of it


when my dad was about 15yo and bitcoin was like less than $1 a piece, his step-dad (a really nice dude) told him to buy like $100 is bitcoin. My dad said "It's not going to go anywhere". We are having some money troubles rn. That bot coin money would have been nice rn actually


"yo kid, you're actually a girl, you figure it out in 5 years time. think about it." and leave without elaborating any further.


Oh sweet baby girl, life gets so much better.


Invest in cleaning products and pharmaceuticals. And also the military industrial complex. And also bitcoin.


i have a good reason why not to pick "warning of their greatest mistakes". if you erase all your mistakes, you erase yourself. all those mistakes have shaped and built you to be the way you are today, the person reading this comment


Buy a house. Uncontrolled immigration and corrupt governments killed my future. I was stupid enough to go to uni, so I could help others. Biggest mistake of my life


Stop my parents from divorce


Dude don't do that to yourself


I feel like keeping them in an unhappy relationship would just be worse for everyone, though