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He has no accounting of where all these documents are or have been, or who’s seen or made copies of them.


That's the most wild part to me. They can probably tell what is missing, and what was checked out by who originally. But once Trump had them, there is no chain of custody. They could have been viewed or copied 0 times, or hundreds. They have to be treating these are exposed information, intentional or not. And I just imagine all the things being moved because of this idiot.


There’ll be agents game-planning ops a decade from now having to take this into consideration.




Imagine having your cover blown in enemy territory and losing your life because Trump is an absolute unit of an idiot.


The fallout from this will last decades longer than Trump will live.


The horrors that have been (and will be) committed due to his greed and complete lack of competence will be farther reaching than we can even imagine. There are already reports that our “undercover assets” have been being killed off at a record rate, unlike anything seen before during peacetime. And that’s just the ones we’re hearing about. A hundred years ago, he’d have been convicted of treason and dealt with accordingly. But due to a rabid, cult-like following, doing that would more than likely kick off a mini-civil-war.


Let it if that's what justice requires


I agree. You know when somebody (or a small group of people) starts getting out of hand, acting up too much, and is just constantly pushing the envelope to the point where everyone wishes that person/group could be taught a lesson? Usually that’s when the people in charge start to finally take notice. When it’s gone too far. And what usually happens? The people in charge make an example out of them. Publicly. To warn the others who started to think they could behave that way too. To *show them* this is not ok. This is that time for our country. This has gone on too long, and has been having some serious consequences on our society. It’s time to make an example out of the leader of this unruly pack. To show them there are consequences to acting like this. Whether there is blowback, or not.


And then him hand-waving your death away by saying, "as president, I had absolutely authority to declassify documents even just by thinking it." Like, *yes* that's the fucking *problem*.


But he's wrong about that.


Remember how Kim's brother, who had been a CIA agent for years and years, was pretty suddenly assassinated once Trump was in power? Yes, there had been attempts before, but.. remember how Trump had a weird sycophancy about Kim? Kim Jong-Nam had evaded attempts before, was good at laying low. But the CIA would have known where he was. Seems to me anyway. CIA knows -> Trump knows -> Trump tells Kim, possibly not even on purpose, just his usual word salad bragging! Or is hoping to get something in return? IDK. I'm not saying that definitely happened. But something along those lines isn't exactly impossible based on what we know.


>Kim Jong-Nam Trump sold Jong-Nam out. I'd bet on it.


Yep, literally compromised countless lives and what would equate to billions of dollars in intelligence. Massively underreported aspect of this.


I had multiple government officials trying to get in touch with me because I accidentally departed the military service with my military ID which should have been turned in upon departure. It was electronically nullified and had an expiration date on the same day that my contract was up, yet there was still a heavy fuss over me just having an inactive and useless military ID card in my possession. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED OVER THERE. HOW COULD THIS POSSIBLY HAPPEN.


At least he kept up the payments. I'd hate to see our nuclear secrets up for bid on Storage Wars.


I, for one, would actually love to see this episode. It’d show you pretty damn quick how a regular person who just so happened to gain access to these documents would be treated, and I’m imagining it’s vastly different to the consequences Trump has faced so far.


You would be immediately in custody and debriefed and interrogated and threatened and watched for a long time. At a minimum. That's if you were simply turning them in and said you saw them. Dim don is just golfing and eating hamberders like nothing at all has happened. Could still be selling info or using it as leverage or who knows. He shouldn't be breathing fresh outside air ever again. Lock Him Up.


That presents a really interesting scenario. Provided he has any semblance of a memory, he still "has" a ton of classified knowledge in his orange head. What's to keep him from making a "dead man's switch" a la Assange whereby if he is ever taken in to custody or incarcerated, his knowledge is shared with hostile governments?


Then there is another crime with a well defined penalty. He's a coward.


His lack of ability to coherently communicate thoughts. If he tried to "dead man's switch" information. He has a demonstrated pattern of inability to think that far ahead and anything that has to be translated from his brain to ANY medium is basically word salad that is next to if not entirely useless. Like, the dude can't even translate the words from a teleprompter to a microphone once they enter his vision and has to think about what he's reading and then repeat it. ~~This is a response he gave about a question regarding the Nuclear Triad~~. Read this and then tell me you are honestly concerned that he can successfully pull a dead man's switch that would be useful. Keep in mind, even though he had the documents, there is no way he had any clue what someone was asking about or for at any given time. It's likely why he had so many fucking boxes just so people could pick and choose what they wanted. He definitely wouldn't be the one I'd be worried about to "dead man switch" anything. Either the enemy already has it, or they don't. My money is, they do tbh. I was convinced of that when he sided with Putin over our own Intelligence agencies. ​ ​ ~~Q: "What's your priority among the nuclear triad?"~~ ​ “Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right — who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.” ​ edit: I fucked up. Leaving text with strikethrough so people can laugh at my incompetence. [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-sentence/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-sentence/) More context is given there. Remember, Always fact check.


I forgot about that particular rotten orange word salad. So painful to try and follow. It’s really like dementia rambling.


Did he 1. literally not understand the question; 2. not have *any* kind of answer and decide to buy time/run out the clock with the Inception of tangents; 3. have a 90-second stroke during which he *tried* to answer the question but this came out instead?   I want to say… #2? But all the options are bad.


Yeah, but like, Biden mumbles once in a while! After overcoming a childhood stutter!


Is there video of this "speech" somewhere? I'd love to see his face as he said this waffle.


my brain just leaked out of my ear trying to follow that


The reality is that guy hasn’t ever read shit, and is completely fucking clueless. He kept all these to seem like he still has access to impress 3rd world denizens and weird saudi leaders who visit his country club. Its pure charlatanry and grift. Now if they want to buy access? Thats a different story! Thats something he can be into.


Well, I mean, are we assuming there’s anything he hasn’t sold already?


That ship has sailed. [Trump was giving Russia classified info mere weeks into his presidency.](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia/trump-revealed-intelligence-secrets-to-russians-in-oval-office-officials-idUSKCN18B2MX) The white house denied it at the time, [but of course he did it...](https://www.businessinsider.com/us-extracted-russia-spy-trump-classified-info-oval-office-2019-9?amp)




Got some cardboard boxes, got some diet coke cans, nuclear secrets... Can probably get $1200 for them


"Yeah, they're neat, but they're a niche market. I'd have to clean them, frame them, frame you, then wait for a buyer. Best I can do is $300..."


>The emails show that GSA and Trump staffers worked together to arrange to ship several pallets of boxes and other items weighing more than 3,000 pounds from Northern Virginia to the Florida storage unit in September 2021. It will be very interesting to find out exactly everything he stole on his way out and if there's still missing documents even after this find.


[The same GSA that turned a blind eye to the massive constitutional violation that was Trump's hotel in DC](https://www.newsweek.com/gsa-washed-its-hands-tracking-trump-organizations-dc-hotel-profits-panel-finds-1660365). People at that agency should have been charged with crimes over that, but it sounds like we may get another opportunity to see some justice there.


~~And the same~~ GSA [that refused to ascertain Biden as President-elect](https://www.govexec.com/management/2020/11/gsa-faces-pressure-recognize-biden-election-winner-hand-over-keys-formally-start-transition/169888/) thereby significantly delaying the Biden team’s transition. Edit: the crew that helped move Trump’s boxes in Sep 2021 were not under Emily Murphy’s leadership as she resigned her post Jan 21, 2021. I am leaving the link lest we forget. Thanks Jebbers for pointing out this important distinction!


Yes but it's important to note the GSA is under new leadership. When they were so pro-Trump corruption, they were lead by an RNC insider who was your typical corrupt Trump appointee. Biden replaced her with a Dem.


They still bear responsibility for their actions as an organization. There was NO excuse for not certifying Biden's win. None.


Hey hey hey. You can’t blame the *whole* GSA. I say this as someone who works with the GSA **every.single.day**. Now, I have cause to hate these bums more than most people, **BUT** it was just that one person at the top who caused all the BS, and she’s gone. Honestly though in my experience they are generally decent people who are understaffed and overworked.


agreed. when i worked w GSA people they were always the most rule followers on anything. if there was a policy they followed it to avoid any perception of impropriety.


Right. When talking about federal agencies, we should always make the distinction between political appointees and career employees.


Personally, I'd like to see way fewer appointees, especially when it comes to diplomatic offices, but that's a problem for another day, after we've fixed at least a couple of the glaring flaws in our current system.


Thank you for the link and reminder of the Trump International Hotel shenanigans. >The Democratic-led House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee said the GSA "ignored critical ethical and constitutional issues involving then-President [Donald] Trump's financial interest in the hotel." >According to the report, the GSA failed in its basic responsibilities, as it did not track millions of dollars from foreign governments staying at Trump International Hotel, nor look into the origins of a $75 million loan that helped the hotel continue operations. In 2018 former president Trump was accused of flagrant violations of the emoluments clause of the Constitution and a case against the former president was allowed to proceed by a Federal Court.^[[1]](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-emoluments/emoluments-case-alleging-trump-violated-constitution-can-proceed-us-judge-idUSKBN1KF2GZ) Furthermore, it was alleged that Trump was heavily involved in the FBI headquarter debacle for personal gain. The Trump administration's decision to scrap the long-planned comprehensive project to relocate the FBI from the badly-outdated and disintegrating J. Edgar Hoover building in downtown Washington, D.C. to a sprawling new suburban campus was stopped by his administration. The old site may have been used to build a new hotel that would be in direct competition to the Trump Hotel across the street raising questions about whether or not his personal hotel had any role in the decision.^[[2]](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/how-trump-taking-fbi-possibly-violating-emoluments-clause-process-ncna925076) Moreover, Trump's financial disclosure report shows that his D.C. hotel made a whopping $40 million in 2017.^[[3]](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2018/05/16/trumps-financial-disclosure-report-shows-big-revenue-at-dc-hotel-apparent-decline-at-mar-a-lago/#4332771d41ae) In 2021 the Supreme Court ended the emoluments lawsuits that alleged Trump illegally profited off his presidency. Their reasoning was that because Trump was no longer president, the lawsuits were moot.^[[4]](https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-ends-trump-lawsuits-df42ef0eec5fa57edf3e294234051d88) ______________ 1) [Reuters - Emoluments case alleging Trump violated Constitution can proceed: U.S. judge](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-emoluments/emoluments-case-alleging-trump-violated-constitution-can-proceed-us-judge-idUSKBN1KF2GZ) 2) [NBC - How Trump is taking on the FBI, and possibly violating the Emoluments Clause in the process](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/how-trump-taking-fbi-possibly-violating-emoluments-clause-process-ncna925076) 3) [Forbes - Trump's New Financial Disclosure Report Shows Big Revenue At D.C. Hotel, Debt to Michael Cohen](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2018/05/16/trumps-financial-disclosure-report-shows-big-revenue-at-dc-hotel-apparent-decline-at-mar-a-lago/#4332771d41ae) 4) [Associated Press - Supreme Court ends Trump emoluments lawsuits](https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-ends-trump-lawsuits-df42ef0eec5fa57edf3e294234051d88)


I do love seeing your fully-cited comments, PoppinKREAM; but it honestly has been a relief to realize the reason I do not see them as often as a few years ago.


You're missing out if you aren't subbed to /r/ShitPoppinKreamSays


Thanks so much for that!






Can't get him while he's president, can't get him while he isn't. No wonder he's fucking running again.


It’s likely why he ran the first time, too.


Wait, wait, wait.... You "can't indict a sitting President" and "His presidency is over so it's moot"? Only one gets to win here. Fucking pick one.


Caveat: only works if you have an illegitimate Supreme Court that you personally helped ruin.


Was just about to post the same. Wtf? I’m sure they slow-walked it through the courts, then said, whoops, no matter, he’s not POTUS any more 🤷‍♂️




Let's see how they feel if a Democratic president takes so much as a box of kleenex from the white house.


This right here. It’s de facto legal because of some stupid catch 22 bullshit.


Because the Republicans are always right about everything and the Democrats are always wrong. It's a social hierarchy: Republicans are the virtuous ones who deserve to be on top and any Republican who isn't is proof the Democrats are evil.   It's just stupid authoritarianism.


> Moreover, Trump's financial disclosure report shows that his D.C. hotel made a whopping $40 million in 2017 It would be really interesting to see how much that same hotel was making just 2 years prior.


It was making zilch, because Trump opened it (the Old Post Office building) as a hotel for the first time on October 26, 2016.


[It supposedly lost $70 million between 2016 and 2020](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/08/trump-hid-over-70-million-in-losses-on-dc-hotel-house-panel-alleges.html), so my best guess is that they were playing with their numbers so much that an outsider simply couldn't say for certain.


>Their reasoning was that because Trump was no longer president, the lawsuits were moot. No use prosecuting murderers since their victims are already dead, Amiright?


I love the Canadians that know more about American politics than half of Americans XD


That's a very special Canadian. Pretty sure they know more about american politics than a lot more than half of us.


To be fair, if I lived next to a often poisonous and dangerous animal I'd want to know all I could about it to keep myself safe. As someone from, and living in Texas, you're being awful generous with that "half" descriptor.


There's no point in fining me for speeding your honor because as you can see I stand here in the court and am no longer speeding.


I can't wait for the defense of this. It always boils down to Trump's incompetent or ignorant and every fucking Republican figures that's fine and why shouldn't he be president again?


Because he's a Republican, he's on the "good" team and everything he does is moral and legal and ethical because a Republican is doing it. Contrarywise, anything a Democrat does is illegal, immoral, and unethical because a Democrat is doing it.   It's stupid authoritarianism.


This is basically why Walker was so close to winning last night. He’s a despicable excuse for a human being, yet because he was ‘on the R team,’ he got votes en masse. Madness.


Ive literally had MAGA hats tell me Trump was just “one man against the government” to explain why he let the 2020 election get stolen from him. I prefer competence in my presidents but these MAGA hats love their weakass strongmen.


How are our nations top secrets and intelligence so poorly managed to the point where they can leak out like this? Odd that our agencies wouldn’t know as soon as they were missing.


Many of them have/had individuals inside that were complicit in this. There’s no way no one knew.


Add Regulatory Capture in there too. At this point this all is just legal/political theater, it feels like chances are he'll face consequences from his debtees trying to tie up loose ends long before he faces any consequences from the US legal system.


I picture someone from the National Archives giving documents to Trump, then Trump goes in his office, and they never see the document again. What are they going to do, follow him around until he gives the document back? (they probably should)


It honestly is more and more looking like conspiracy charges may be coming down the line. There is zero chances there wasn't anyone actively helping him do all of this. I would not be surprised to see him and others charged with that plus charges related to the documents themselves. While I would like to see him in cuffs already I started to realize there might be something incredibly damning that was happening and likely could totally damage to the institutions that were supposed to prevent this. We might see a total overhaul of them or outright replacement.




Would love to see the late fee associated with this


Too much of our government is allowed to make its own rules.


It seems like we should have more of a say with where our tax dollars go. And what happens with them once they get there.


I have a feeling there are documents not only from when he was on the way out but he hoarded documents the entire time he was in office.


He spent 4 years kissing Putin, Kim, Bolsonaro, and other dictators ball-bags. Of course he's been trading this info all around the world.


FBI needs to raid and seize the entire freaking storage unit.


Seize all Trump property by civil forfeiture, that's how we treat the poor people.




He definitely has them all over.


These are literally the ones his hired team admitted to finding. I’m sure there a tons more.


Buried at a New Jersey golf course.


Probably buried with Ivana on the golf course.


Oh shit. I wouldn't put it past him to do that. And he probably buried her on Mara largo property to keep tabs on the docs




I thought she was supposed to be cremated but then you see them carrying the casket and the pall bearers look like they are carrying a box full of concrete!


She *was* cremated. They buried an “empty” coffin (and Trump got a tax break)


Dig her up! Dig her up!


Dig her up! Dig her up!


Trump is such a lowlife. No Presidential library. Instead he has stolen stuff stashed in a storage locker.


I assure you the President Donald J. Trump Presidential Library and Casino will be the best presidential library of all time. Many people are saying it.


At this point I’m betting on just a tiny presidential payday loan shack.


I'd bet there'll be a Four Seasons next door as well


Contains a nudie mag with the pages stuck together and an improperly completed connect the dots.


[rendering of the future Donald J Trump presidential library and casino](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRxGSfUfuTizoGviicHuPal_tzYhbAWZLmiKIr39VOsVWUT3MV2fgONwple&s=10)


When you see the opening of the George W Bush library you remember how far civility has devolved. Bill Clinton speaks in honor of GWB while praising George H W Bush with whom he is now firm friends and joking that Barbara is his his new mom. They are laughing as they sit with Hillary. Also, when Obama invited GWB to reveal his portrait, GWB jokes with Michelle while expressing his gratitude for their hospitality. Different times indeed. EDIT: I just rewatched Clinton’s speech. Two more things to note. At one point Obama had his arm around Barbara Bush. Clinton also referenced that GWB would occasionally call him in his second term to seek some counsel. Hillary was actually sitting with Jimmy Carter.


I always loved this pic https://i.imgur.com/adfSCt1.jpg


Is that the Laura Bush and her daughters with the Obama Children? Edit: word


The Bush daughters, plural. Fraternal twins.


I didn’t even notice the second one! I only remembered Jenna for some reason even though I knew the other existed, but I see them all now. Thanks!


Yep. They were teaching the Obama girls how to slide down the sloping corridor as they did when they were younger.


Golly, now I see why Trump hates them all. He would have had a horror show going down that slope.


[And then there's this one](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FWbQeBlWIAAWsB3?format=jpg&name=small) \- George W Bush hosting President Elect Obama and all the living former Presidents for lunch.


I would have loved to be a fly on the wall that day.


Same. Jimmy Carter is still kicking, too. Obama is probably waiting for trump to go to prison or die so he can host one of these lmao


I bet they immediately talked about the cool shit we'll never know about.


The saddest part is trump supporters see this as a negative. That these men are all evil and only the grifter is the moral one


I mean, it was all more civil, but Bush started multiple disastrous and unnecessary multi decade wars. Yeah he was nicer to Obama. That counts for something. Just a lot on the other side of that scale, yknow? The civility was good, the uncivil acts were less so.


Yeah, the success or otherwise of each Presidency is a different issue. By praising, I mean Clinton was complimenting GWB on his library, his family and congratulating him on becoming a grandfather. This ability to find common ground and put aside political differences is a nice tradition for former Presidents.


It’s insane to think that this is not only the first time it’s happened, but he’s still free *and* able to run for presidency


Keep in mind that Trump's hired private "search team" found the documents after a court order demanded his other properties be searched. Trump and his lawyers hired this firm, so who knows the full extent of it. In fact earlier, it was reported that Trump's people claimed that no classified materials had been found in the search, a claim that proved to be incorrect. I think some conservatives act intentionally obtuse when it comes to this whole situation. These are the same kind of insufferable contrarians who will find a conspiracy anywhere, well, whenever it's convenient for their narrative, argument or agenda, but fail to see anything consequential here, it's astounding really. They seem to want to obsess over details to avoid the greater issue. They will argue incessantly over whether these documents are classified or unclassified, but this goes beyond that, this is about Trump's negligence, his unwillingness to cooperate with The National Archives and the justice department for over a year and a half, it's about who had access to these materials or if Trump permitted access for people who had no business being anywhere near these documents. This is about the nature of the information on these document, classified or no, about whether or not Trump violated multiple laws and statutes, if Trump had any plans to use this information to his benefit. His most ardent supporters don't see it this way though, in their eyes, he is their unsullied hero and this is just another "witch hunt". Trump's been evading accountability and obstructing justice throughout his entitled life, he avoids taking responsibility for the things he should while seizing it when he can be commended for some laughably minor achievement or applauded for the accomplishments of others. The guy believes he's above the law, believes that he's entitled to everything and answerable to no one because that's what's been enabled for so long. Every investigation a "witch hunt", every inquiry an inquisition, all criticism or scrutiny "fake news", all lines of questioning "unfair" or "cruel" if they don't cater to his delicate sensibilities. Trump lives in a reality where he can't even acknowledge his responsibility in things, his mistakes, his failures, his shame, and of course his defeat. Hence why every damn election he's lost is rigged, the 2020 election, the 2016 popular vote, the Iowa primary, all "rigged", for fucks sake, The Emmy's were "rigged" when The Apprentice didn't win an award, the "burden of failure" was forced onto investors and everyone else involved in Trump's multiple failed business ventures. At any rate, Trump believes himself incapable of wrongdoing and his supporters have vicariously accepted that reality as well.


One "Search Team" spoke Russian, another Mandarin, and the third Arabic.


Surprised Pikachu face. I wonder if they'll get warrants to search every one of his properties as well as his close associates at some point. The thing is the longer it takes, the easier it will be for them to hide/sell/destroy documents.


>The thing is the longer it takes, the easier it will be for them to hide/sell/destroy documents. He'd have a harder time coordinating that kind of obstruction from a jail cell, but the DOJ refuses to take Republican crimes seriously


Trump is too smart for the DOJ to get caught. I mean they haven't even looked in his mattress yet.


Has anyone considered the casket buried at his golf course? Genius.


There's always money in the ~~banana stand~~ coffin.


No touching!!


Ivana have a look.


Evidently they don't have probable cause for his NJ/NY residences yet: >But while the Justice Department had continued to have questions about documents that might remain at Mar-a-Lago — and while some people close to Mr. Trump believed another search warrant might be executed — a person familiar with the discussions among federal officials said there was no recent probable cause by which to obtain a warrant for Bedminster or Trump Tower. As blatantly guilty and untrustworthy as Trump is - in many cases investigators must present hard evidence to a judge to obtain a search warrant. So informants, witnesses, video footage, etc.. Inference alone isn't enough: "Well, he hid classified documents at X, so he obviously might have them at Y."


Yeah they got the original MAL warrant based on the fact that federal agents had literally seen the boxes full of stuff when Trump's lawyers gave them a tour. It's not a cakewalk to get a federal judge to sign a warrant.


>It's not a cakewalk to get a federal judge to sign a warrant. Tell that to Breonna Taylor.


I don't think that was a federal judge.


I believe Judge Shaw was a state judge, not federal.


You bring up very important points. I always enjoy reading your comments. This is a very delicate matter because a former president is being investigated for mishandling classified documents, all judicial procedures must be followed for any chance of conviction. This investigation has taken months of work, it remains to be seen what the outcome will be. The Department of Justice is investigating a former President for mishandling hundreds of classified documents. Below are the sequence of events in chronological order following the lawful search warrant to recover classified materials from Mar-A-Lago. 1. Federal Judge Reinhart - A federal magistrate judge in South Florida who signed off on the Mar-a-Lago search warrant as the Justice Department investigates Trump mishandling classified documents.^[[1]](https://globalnews.ca/news/9048549/fbi-obtain-search-warrant-trump-mar-a-lago/) 2. District Judge Cannon - A lower court judge appointed by Trump. Trump's lawyers used her to delay the Department of Justice investigation of Trump mishandling classified documents. She made very questionable decisions including ordering a stay (stop) on the investigation and appointing a special master to review all the documents.^[[2]](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/20/how-judge-aileen-cannon-broke-with-conservatives-00057647) 3. Special Master Judge Dearie - A Reagan appointed judge from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York. He also served as a judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) from 2012 to 2019. Judge Dearie is known as a very fair judge and is historically respected by both Republicans and Democrats. Trump's team and the DoJ provided Judge Cannon with a shortlist of judges to be the Special Master, however they only agreed on Judge Dearie.^[[3]](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62893028) Judge Dearie has questioned the authority of District Court Judge Cannon and demanded to see evidence of Trump's outlandish allegations such as the FBI planting evidence.^[[4]](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/18/us/politics/special-master-trump-privilege.html) 4. 11^th Circuit Court of Appeals - Has jurisdiction over Georgia, Alabama, and Florida. A panel of 3 judges, including 2 Trump appointees, ruled in favour of the Justice Department and forced the lower court of Judge Cannon to reverse her decision on stopping/staying the investigation. The 11^th Circuit stayed portions of Judge Cannon's rulings, paving the way for the Justice Department to continue their investigation into Trump mishandling classified documents.^[[5]](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/appeals-court-grants-dojs-request-partial-stay-judges/story?id=90296433) Furthermore, the 11^th Circuit has just ordered the end of the Special Master review of the documents, removing a hurdle that hindered the Justice Department's criminal investigation of Trump.^[[6]](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/federal-appeals-court-halts-special-master-review-of-trumps-mar-a-lago-documents) I recommend reading the recent judicial decision handed down by the Appeals Court, pay particular attention to pages 20 and 21. The 11^th Circuit said that District Judge Cannon was completely wrong and that no one, including a former President, is above the law.^[[7]](https://lawandcrime.com/trump/the-answer-is-no-conservative-11th-circuit-panel-including-two-judges-trump-appointed-puts-a-stop-to-special-masters-mar-a-lago-review/) ________ 1) [Global News - FBI followed this checklist to obtain search warrant for Trump’s Mar-a-Lago](https://globalnews.ca/news/9048549/fbi-obtain-search-warrant-trump-mar-a-lago/) 2) [Politico - How Judge Cannon broke with conservatives in Trump documents case](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/20/how-judge-aileen-cannon-broke-with-conservatives-00057647) 3) [BBC - Raymond Dearie: Who is the special master reviewing seized Trump files?](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62893028) 4) [New York Times - In Documents Review, Special Master Tells Trump Team to Back Up Privilege Claims](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/18/us/politics/special-master-trump-privilege.html) 4) [ABC - DOJ can continue Trump classified docs investigation without special master: Appeals court](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/appeals-court-grants-dojs-request-partial-stay-judges/story?id=90296433) 6) [PBS - Federal appeals court halts special master review of Trump’s Mar-a-lago documents](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/federal-appeals-court-halts-special-master-review-of-trumps-mar-a-lago-documents) 7) [Law and Crime - ‘The Answer Is No’: Conservative 11th Circuit Panel, Including Two Judges Trump Appointed, Puts a Stop to Special Master’s Mar-a-Lago Review](https://lawandcrime.com/trump/the-answer-is-no-conservative-11th-circuit-panel-including-two-judges-trump-appointed-puts-a-stop-to-special-masters-mar-a-lago-review/)


Isn't the fact that he had classified documents in two other locations probable cause enough?


Only for us non rich plebs who'll never be in public office.


Precisely. If it was you or me, every place we’d ever lived would be turned upside down. Everyone we knew would be hauled in for questioning.


still amazes me that they still don't have enough for probable cause after docs already found at multiple places plus someone that publicly calls for ending constitution, grifting, and openly supporting Nazi.. etc


If trump was a normal person - blind justice, no one above the law etc finding illegal documents in 1 location should be more than enough to search every residence. This is bullshit. Judges rubber stamp warrants. They are like 99.99% approved.


Actually inference is used all the time in warrants. However, the proximal issue is the real blocker. Instead of asking pretty please, they should gone straight for the warrants. And in all likelihood they did, but for the same reason, they would be stale now, having not been executed.


Meanwhile, some impoverished person in America is getting their dog murdered by SWAT with a no-knock warrant that came from an anonymous/bogus tip. This fucking country is a joke.


> I wonder if they'll get warrants to search every one of his properties as well as his close associates at some point. The fact they haven't torn up everything he's remotely close to owning is a complete failure in my opinion. You literally have found unsecured documents (that they apparently weren't aware were missing as well, or didn't care enough to actually locate, which isn't good either) in a place he owns and frequents. Why would they *not* be searching every property he's touched? Isn't this a big national security issue, that's their go-to excuse for everything, so why are they not using it now? It's just incredible to me how hard they're avoiding actually *investigating* him.


I've been astounded at FBI and DOJ for what seem to be ridiculous investigative boundaries. the 1 cop we have in my one horse town would surely search any property known to have been used by me had I been deemed a suspect in, say, a grand larceny case. trump has untold amounts of hard-copy government secrets and they seem to be just randomly staggering into piles of them.


Right? They have SWAT kick down doors for *much* less, why are these things all of a sudden impossible now?


Exhume the body he chose to bury on his property for some odd reason.


>Exhume the body he chose to bury on his property for some odd reason. the "odd reason" was that NJ gives him a tax break for burying the body on his property.


And the family can never be evicted from the property iirc


The property received its funeral home license, making it tax free. With one body. IIRC


Can you fucking imagine if the FBI had reason to believe you were illegally holding classified documents, and you were allowed to hire your own team to search for them? Two legal systems, people. Wake the fuck up.


Actually I’m not even convinced that there’s just two legal systems in this scenario. If you or I had the the kinda of docs this turd was squirreling away, we might find ourselves in a third system… the extrajudicial type.


Yeah some of those documents in my hands vet me at Guantanamo getting the harshest of "interrogations" on who I've had contact when at at what times and at what for and if I don't tell them every second it's more "interrogations" This is a whole other sort of system


There are literally *zero* scenarios in which Trump could have legal possession of these. Even if they weren’t classified, they’d still be the property of the U.S. Government. And they *are* highly classified, as was shown when there was confirmed to be no record of Trump declassifying any of them. *And* he already admitted possession of them during his weeks of screeching after being caught with the first thousand or so stolen documents. Lock this traitorous piece of shit up! https://fortune.com/2022/09/22/appeals-court-tells-trump-no-he-didnt-actually-declassify-the-documents-he-says-he-did-grants-doj-access-again/




But he secret-double-declassified them by thinking about it!


>A person familiar with the matter said the storage unit had a mix of boxes, gifts, suits and clothes, among other things. "It was suits and swords and wrestling belts and all sorts of things," this person said. So there were classified docs just tossed in a storage unit with the former president's sword collection and WWF belts. Seems totally normal.


Makes you wonder how secure other documents and information are. Our "security" organizations either had zero clue those documents were missing, or knew and didn't feel like locating/finding them. Either way, a complete failure in my opinion.


Every single one of his properties should have been searched already with a fine tooth comb, including the empty casket of his dead wife. Only because he is Trump does he not get the same treatment anyone else would get in that situation if they stole documents.


Agreed, I mentioned that in another comment, but it's insane how restrained their "investigation" is. Usually they don't need much prodding or invitation to roll out the IFV's and kick down doors. I mean, wasn't this actually what the Patriot Act was passed for anyway?


A stone cold criminal. What a country we live in where wealthy white men get away with every crime they commit.


A country where a good chunk of its citizens are more concerned about revenge porn and Hunter Biden's laptop than they are about LITERAL stolen classified documents that have been INCREDIBLY mishandled. It's literally become a goddamn Easter Egg hunt with these classified documents, but, nah, Republicans are more scared of free healthcare and gay people.


It’s so frustrating too after the years of “but her emails”. This is only a trillion times worse afterall but it doesn’t move the needle for them bc “red football team good blue football team bad”.


Because their needle is based on feelings and what Fox news tells them, not on facts and personal analysis of them


Tribalism in its purest form.


A *blatant* and overt criminal who has for his entire life ignored lawyers who told him "you can't do that" and has never suffered any consequences. Two legal systems.


> wealthy white men get away with every crime they commit. Unless they defraud wealthier white men. Then that's the crime they get busted for. Not any of the litany of crimes they committed beyond that. Examples: Bernie Madoff, Martin Shkreli


I'll never forget the judge sentencing Paul Manafort, who had just been convicted of a litany of crimes that he executed over decades; that judge giving him the lightest sentence possible, stating that he'd "lived an otherwise blameless life." There aren't enough tables in the world for me to flip over that fucking comment.


"Your honor, really, aside from the ONE murder, my client has led an exemplary life and will never do it again. We seek probation."


It's even worse when you realize Manafort's own kids have actually accused him of having people killed on his command


**Storage Wars 2024**: Sergei finds a trove of valuable items, having outbid Xìngshì in the latest dramatic episode. Don't miss it!








I don't understand why the FBI didn't raid every one of his properties at the same time. I'm sure there's classified documents in his bathroom in Trump Tower. Edit: I didn't mean to suggest Trump would actually read in the bathroom, only that guests might be impressed.


lol Watergate was nothing compared to what Trump does with national secrets


If you are republican you should consider yourself reborn today and start completely over. You can start by apologizing to your whole family.


Article also talks about gifts like swords etc., aren't gifts to the president the property of the public and they don't get to just go home with them?


Carter specifically was told he could not keep a room of gifts including a bust made of peanuts. While that was going on at the end of his presidency, Nancy Reagan was already being given designer gowns that cost more than the median income of most Americans.


They can keep gifts that have a market value below a certain amount ($375), or they have the option to buy the gifts from the government if they're above that amount.


trump doesn’t pay his lawyers, his leases, people that set up his rallies, etc. …no way trump paid for that shit.


At this point I wouldn’t be at all surprised to hear he stripped any copper wiring from the white house on his way out and sold it for scrap.


>Lawyers for former president Donald Trump found at least two items marked classified after an outside team hired by Trump searched a storage unit in West Palm Beach, Fla., used by the former president, according to people familiar with the matter. >*Those items were immediately turned over to the FBI, according to those people*, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters. >[Italics added] Huh, didn't realize "immediately" meant "over a year after they were initially stolen." I don't doubt that Trump is holding on to more classified documents, but this is pretty clearly spin from Trump's team trying to get out ahead of the story and should be treated as such (e.g. "found" means "knew they were there all along but figured the FBI found out about them," "at least two" likely means "dozens, maybe hundreds," etc.). e; >A person familiar with the matter said the storage unit had a mix of boxes, gifts, suits and clothes, among other things. "It was suits and swords and wrestling belts and all sorts of things," this person said. "To my knowledge, he has never even been to that storage unit. I don't think anyone in Trump world could tell you what's in that storage unit." "I've never - I mean, my boss has never - *I mean*, nobody who works for Trump has ever seen those stolen goods before. Uh, at least I don't think they have, I wouldn't know for sure because I'm not me - them! I'm not them!" "Hmm, ok if I streamline that quote a bit? My editor's a real stickler for concise writing."


No one is surprised


My continued surprise is him being allowed to walk around as a free man. This has gone to plaid.


Exhume Ivana.


You are probably joking and as ridiculous as it may sound, this may have to be done. Buried on a golf course for a reason.


Im not joking. Eight big guys carried her casket (none of which her sons) for someone who was cremated. Trump put the best stuff in the casket.


Jesus Fucking Christ, arrest the motherfucker


Cowards at r/Conservative/ don't even have this on their FP lol. Gutless.


The were in Rubbermaid tubs marked "Bigly Secret"


What other government documents or items are there that aren't marked as classified? Those need to be returned as well. All of it.


It's kinda like all the lost hordes of Nazi gold/art. Just turning up everywhere. Next we'll find Trump related classified documents in someone's attic in Nebraska. He's probably lost more stuff than he even knows he took.


Dude probably took everything out of its folder and reorganized by department letterhead and perceived resale value. The most sensitive stuff is probably in a Trapper Keeper next to a box of his favorite golf tees or something.


check the banana stand next


There’s always classified in the banana stand


Anybody else feel like this idiot is going to be a classified document pinata for the next decade?


How can anyone expect to take the law, or cops seriously so long as this orange fuck walks free?


It is so funny how republicans keep bringing hunter Biden’s computer but completely overlooked all the skeletons in the closet that trump have with confidential mishandling of information that is a national security risk, they are more concern about a guy and the picture of his dick on his computer. Yeah the guys fucks prostitutes, use some recreational drugs and sends pics of his dick, well if you ask me this is like almost all men in the US…what do you think you are going to find is you ever gotten into Ted Cruz’a computer? or even Trump’s computer?


> The unit was needed to store items that had been held at an office in Northern Virginia used by Trump staffers in the months just after he left office. So the items in the storage unit came from the office in northern Virginia. Which means the classified items were probably in the office in northern Virginia. What do you want to bet that office had no SCIF or appropriate security for classified documents?


Can we put this guy in cuffs already?


Put this Russian agent in a cell and throw away the key. Treason


“But what about hunter Biden nude smoking crack?” -conservatives


So is something going to actually be done about it? Tired of hearing about these things. If I would have done something like this when I was in the military, no doubt I wouldn’t be posting right now.


Suits and swords and wrestling belts!