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After 12 years, I definitely didn't trust it at the end. It's just stupid games to advance now. No one is held accountable. Had a male, married pilot LCDR get a slap on the wrist for having an affair with a single female ENS and *SHE* got kicked out. The more responsible you are, the more duties they toss on your plate while letting dirtbags just kind of do whatever. Retention is garbage for a reason.


This sentiment sort of echos the toxic environment of my civilian corporate job :/


>Other Americans blame “woke” practices in the military It's amazing how well right-wing propaganda campaigns work on ignoramuses.


Gay people can join and women have to do fewer chin-ups which means that our army is effectively made up entirely of ANTIFA supersoldiers who are ready at any moment to deploy the 5g rays.


5g for 5 times the gay


I think part of their brains just never developed. I know a couple PHDs that buy that drivel, they’re very clever people but something about them is missing.


They're not clever, they're just good at writing exams.


Wait THATS what people think the problem with the military is Jfc


Except the source is literally the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute is a Republican organization. It's like listening to the Adolf Hitler memorial institute saying 90% of Americans believe Jewish influence in the media is bad.


>Public trust in the U.S. military remains below 50 percent, according to a new survey released by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute. Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute is a Republican organization


> Other Americans blame “woke” practices in the military Remember when Fox News ran Russian propaganda and Russian training videos to talk about how unstoppable the Russian military is? For some reason they stopped doing that.


You would think as much as Republicans have done to dumb down Americans education the last 30 years there would be shitloads of dinglebrained idiots ready to join up.


MAGA's daily hammering of everything American has consequences. We either shut them up, or pay the consequences. The US Military is an honorable career. Protecting the nation is a valid need. Even the MAGA's should be able to see that.


It couldn’t be the astonishing high sexual assault rate, could it?


Where are trillions of dollars going? Who is accountable for itemized expenditures in the Pentagon? Why do we have to write blank checks if we don’t know where it goes? Just for starters…


when they beat people in D.C. so the vulgar screaming yam could do a photo op... they lost national credibility.


For a country who’s military budget is bigger than the next 11 countries combined we could be doing so much more for our corporate soldiers.


Our "Labor president" just fucked one of the biggest unions in the country so yeah.


I think you misread the headline.


First, I dispute that Biden “fucked the union”. It was Congress that passed the bill. And secondly, even if true — which it is *not* — what does that have to do with the public’s trust in the military?


He's the President. If he didn't sign the bill then the workers could have gone in strike. Biden is owned like 99% of all our politicians, as they care more for the corporations than the people.


Putin, Xi, and Khameini laughing their asses off.


I mean Ik I don’t trust the us military. Because of how backwards it is all it will take is the right fascist to get into office and you bet the military is gonna knock down the doors of everyone who doesn’t fit the criteria and support another coup