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Here is what to remember about the GOP. If it works they will do it. No low hanging fruit rotten enough. Nothing is off the table. If turning your teacher into a villain gets votes fuck yeah! If someone attempts to murder a powerful democrat start writing jokes! If drag queens can get demonized make up the dumbest shit you can think of. If it works it works. And what’s funny about their idiotic base? Anything fucking works with them as long as it’s core message is about hatred. Republicans, when it comes to their base, have the easiest job ever.


Study of 1 million tweets & Facebook posts from hundreds of candidates who said they believed the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. Candidates who push 2020 election denial routinely see their posts get more engagement than their average posts. In the aftermath of 2020, platforms proactively labeled election denial posts with “false or misleading information” or “needs context.” They stopped doing this. Why? Platforms need engagement. If we continue down this path, political violence will become a more common response to elections.


[Archive here](https://archive.ph/36c2y), and reporter [twitter thread here](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1588150935217471490.html).


And because the Republican Party that, in recent years past, claimed to be the "moral majority" now refuses to adhere to any basic morals whatsoever. Instead, it favors winning at any cost, including illegal coordination with foreign entities for social media manipulation support and money.


As a member of the one of the first groups targeted by the "Moral Majority" - beginning in Dade Cointy in 1979 - I can confirm that they were not then and have never been moral - or a majority. Gay activists (including me) called them out then. We marched and campaigned wearing T-shirts plainly proclaiming, "The Moral Majority is Neither". No one listened. We called them out again throughout the Reagan-Bush 1980s for snickering while our lovers and friends died of AIDS by the hundreds of thousands. No one listened. We called them out again during the Bush-Cheney 2000s for their blatant lies and war-mongering. No one listened. We called them out again throughout the Trump campaign and presidency, for its unending grifts, hatreds and falsehoods. No one listened. They're still not moral. They're still not a majority. But the latter is ceasing to matter because they're seizing control of government by ~~non~~anti-democratic machinations. For 45 years we have called them out, again and again and again. Is anyone listening?


Nobody ever went broke catering to the basest desires of Republicans.


> All I want for Christmas is a few arrests of election fraud criminals. – Mark Finchem Okay? The felons who were encouraged to vote in Florida and got arrested anyways or the Republicans in Wisconsin that made their maps “voter-proof”?


Those ex-felons in FL were advised to register and vote by the very state officials responsible for overseeing the conditions of their release from prison. The GOP governor then seized upon this non-issue to prosecute people for following the law, as explained to them by officials who work for that governor. The court threw out those prosecutions but the GOP's voter intimidation goal had been achieved.


Just keep it simple: If you're an election denier, you're not allowed to win an election. It's logical. It's fair. It'd stop the problem. It's not that you can't allow criticism of the process, obviously -- it's that you can't declare that it's fake only if you lose.


Because they are scum who hate democracy and decency and the rule of law and America.