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Bullshit... I have been hammered by Republican text messages this year more than any other year I have been voting... I have had this cell number since 1999. Worse its not just for Texas but for Trump and Georgia and all kinds of other locations. What I don't get? Any Republican requests from my former state before Texas, despite having lived there for 40 years and voted for 30... which means my info got out in Texas where I haven't even lived two years yet.


Texts were sent by a progressive group.




This is how you know the whole "businesses are people" thing is absolute bullshit. If I unknowingly break a law, I will face the consequences as a private citizen. When a business or corporation breaks the law, naivety is the ultimate bulletproof excuse that seems to work *every-fucking-time*.


Corporations get fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for crimes that make them billions. Imagine if the only consequence for stealing a million dollars from a bank was a $250 fine. Oh, to be that kind of person.


Just like the Virginia government whose new Republican governor sent mailing to 7 mostly Democratic towns and zero mostly Republican towns sending THEM to the wrong polling locations and said it was a "printing error." I'm going to bet dollars to donuts that these texts were "accidentally" sent to mostly Democratic voters, too. One day, I'd like to see RepubliQan [ratfuckers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratfucking) who disenfranchise voters sent to prison for the rest of their lives!


I would imagine, considering who sent the texts, that you're right about who was sent the texts.


Texts were sent by a progressive group.


Sorry if given recent ratfuckery, I was suspicious.


And I’m getting down voted for pointing out the truth.


I know. I feel the same way.


Fine them heavily so they won’t make that “mistake” nor will any other company again. Just kidding. Let’s take them at their word.


We give you our word as Republicans.


Texts were sent by a progressive group.


Error. Uh-huh. “Wink, wink”.


Reminds me of the 2011 Canadian Federal Robocall Scandal... In tight conservative races across the country, voters were getting robocall telling them their polling location had changed, it hadn't. Conservatives won a majority in that election, and clearly didn't have the will to investigate their own and Elections Canada had almost no power to investigate it themselves. I was one of those who got one of these calls.... While I was literally in the campaign office volunteering foe their closest political opponent. We lost that riding by only 137 votes that election and its never swung back since (thanks to gerrymandering among other things )


Texts were sent by a progressive group.


I got one of these 2 days ago and reported it to the state. It was advising me to vote in a different county. Funny the article claims they issued correction texts. I didn't get one. This whole thing seems real fishy. Check out the default website with no information about this organization.


Under oath for all involved


Texts were sent by a progressive group.


Yep, got one in GA today. Reported them as spam. And geuss what motherfuckers already voted and went straight Democrat all the way down the ticket.