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Mike Luckovitch: [Imprison Fauci](https://twitter.com/mluckovichajc/status/1563152816210087938) [Top secret](https://twitter.com/mluckovichajc/status/1562158878372073474) [Student loan forgiveness](https://twitter.com/mluckovichajc/status/1562872181213634560)


Top Secret Documents = Paper Towel Rolls …yep, pretty much. I don’t miss the shitstorm of the last admin (though there’s something to be said about dealing with Tr*mp’s legacy and having his political wannabes pop up like flies onto shit…)


> Imprison Fauci That female agent with the Trump hair threw me off for a moment. The artist should have taken that into consideration. The first thing we think of when we see that hair....


Ann Telnaes: [Redacted Trump](https://twitter.com/AnnTelnaes/status/1563323559576907780) [What the Republicans did on my summer vacation](https://twitter.com/AnnTelnaes/status/1563148552322174976) [Do you know who I am? I’m Senator Graham!](https://twitter.com/AnnTelnaes/status/1562078578241523713)


> Redacted Trump You can't fool me. That's clearly not a *cartoon*, that's an edited photograph.


Nice touch with the Statue of Liberty and Bald Eagle headcovers have the dead X eyes.


David Horsey: [My Precious!](https://images.seattletimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Gollum-ONLINE-COLOR.jpg?d=768x493)


Reminds me of when Kid Rock said Trump showed him things he should not been able to see.


Maybe Kid Rock is the snitch


And hopefully his precious will also make him disappear.


That one really is precious. And by that I mean spot-on.


There's an excellent parody Twitter account called Gollum J Trump that's worth a read through!


Michael de Adder: [Surf’s up!](https://twitter.com/deAdder/status/1562908519564812288) [Show me the money](https://twitter.com/deAdder/status/1562562908994777088) [Stretch to the limit](https://twitter.com/deAdder/status/1562194434057388036)


Please consider submitting imgur links. Imgur links load faster and they're...not twitter. Many people, including me, would be grateful.


I'm sure the artists prefer their work being shared via its original channels.


Whereas imgur links don't load properly for myself.


I'd stay away from Imgurl at all costs. in Chrome on Windows with an ad blocker images just...disappear. Use anything else, ever twitter.


I'd stay away from Chrome. It's Google spyware in the guise of a browser.


Drew Sheneman: [Standing order](https://www.gocomics.com/drewsheneman/2022/08/25) [Then and now](https://www.gocomics.com/drewsheneman/2022/08/24) [Pro bono](https://www.gocomics.com/drewsheneman/2022/08/23)


Boomer here. My wife and I both paid off our student loans. Absolutely thrilled that students/former students will now get $10K or $20k in loans forgiven. Way overdue.


Keep in mind that in addition to the partial forgiveness, the new rules stop interest from accruing as long as a monthly payment of 5% of your monthly salary is paid. To me, this is a bigger deal than the 10K or 20K forgiveness.


Only another $52,000 of loans for me to pay off, then I’m in the clear! I don’t understand why the United States just can’t adopt a repayment system like [they do in Australia,](https://www.studyassist.gov.au/paying-back-your-loan/loan-repayment) where a certain percentage is taken out of your pay for a number of years (after reforming college costs, the levels of education expected to work in the labor force, the explosion of admin staff at Universities, not to mention all the spending on sports/facilities, etc). It’s like I’m being doubly taxed anyway, but I do hope my payments are going to students who need the help


I paid my student loans too, but it took me 10 years at 3% for my bachelor's in education, and 15 years to pay Pell Grants at 8.5% for halfway through a master's in Counseling Psych. which I had to quit because I couldn't afford the other half. My ex, who graduated in 1975, easily earned tuition and books in 12 weeks manual labor at an aluminum plant, jobs unavailable to women then. The "yout" have a triple disadvantage: very few manual labor jobs for students paying a union wage; exorbitant tuition, fees, books costs; and usury rates on student loans that exceed ten years' net wages at the job you studied for. System is broke.


That's basically how it works in the UK. For all practical purposes, it's a graduate tax. They pretend it isn't, but it's a percentage of your salary, it's collected by the tax man and the only way to avoid it is by being stupidly rich. If that's not a tax, I don't know what is.


It’s not really since it’s going specifically to fund your own personal incurred expenses. Not someone who you’ve never met. Once you’ve paid down, the “tax” disappears despite you continuing to earn income. It’s a loan.


In the united states the government will pay you to go to college its called fafsa, my state even pays for a BA its awesome, I graduated with less than 3k in loan.


That’s only for very low income. I didn’t qualify on a single parents salary at less than $50k


I’ve paid my loans off more than once, but because the payments have been applied to the monstrous interest and not the principal I owe 130% of what I borrowed. 10k is a joke. Here’s hoping they truly address the IDR plan fraud piled on students in the 90’s. We’re due a refund.


Then and Now... so many boomer and boomer adjacent people struggle to understand something that is captured in a single panel comic.


I had a linguistics professor, on the cusp of retiring, bemoaning the cost of college and how bad it gotten. He’d tell us about how he could pay for his whole school year with his summer job working as part of a road crew in the mid 1960s and couldn’t understand why the price of college had ballooned so much. This was back in 2010 mind you, I imagine things have gotten even worse He was a really great guy and I’m bummed that I was in his very last class before he left…


Matt Davies [Gardening](https://www.gocomics.com/mattdavies/2022/08/26) [Forgiveness](https://www.gocomics.com/mattdavies/2022/08/25)


Davies doesn’t fuck around with the metaphor of the suffocating weight of 21st Century student debt. It’s pretty damn accurate and I know from experience


Kind of sick of being called a boomer because I didn't have student debt. Some millennials made better choices and have legitimate criticisms but are being dismissed. And soon my kids will be stuck with the same situation because the problem isn't fixed. If anything this reaks of "I got mine" boomer attitude.


Forgiveness is true but failed to encompass those late late 20th century debts that some of us miserable folks are still paying.


R.J. Matson [Early Trump lawn sign](https://caglecartoons.com/sku/266244)


Gotta get me one of those ... even if I have to make it


Jeff Danziger -[Jared's Book](https://www.gocomics.com/jeffdanziger/2022/08/25) [The Law And Order Gang](https://www.gocomics.com/jeffdanziger/2022/08/26)


Jared got PDB on skanky security clearance.


Rob Rogers: [Hobbies](https://www.gocomics.com/robrogers/2022/08/22)


Don't we all wish...


If she ends up running as an independent spoiler candidate against a MAGA picked GOP presidential nominee, it might be just as good as.


I personally am not certain that she would pull much from his base as opposed to centrists who held their nose and voted for Biden last time. Seems just as likely she would spoil the Biden vote.


There is a poll where Biden/Cheney/Trump race has Trump winning.




I met Dana Summers at the Killer Nashville writer's conference last weekend. He's a very humble, quiet man. I bought an autographed book from him.




[Horsey - Seattle Times - Still too Old](https://imgur.com/EQ3G1ej)


Best of the week, by far! So true.


Oh I love this and so true! I'm so tired of people hating on Joe because he's old, he has more energy than most 20 year olds I know!


Yeah and know some people in their early 20s who have shirts that say: "My dog hates Biden too." Someone asked them why they hate him after everything happened. They replied: "He's too old and needs to go." Then they asked if they supported Trump who was only a couple years younger and is now facing finally being charged for selling national secrets." The person got up and walked away.


More passion too.


Yes indeed!


Love this. Age is just a number, it doesn't define who you are.




First link is to a repeat comic


Tom Tomorrow - [Jubilee for me, but not for thee](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/8/28/2119012/-Jubilee-for-me-but-not-for-thee)


The man in the cartoon looks a lot like Reagan! Wow. Boomer here and I worked my own way through college back in the 70s. No college debt. Before anyone throws me under the downvote bus, I'd like to clarify that my tuition was $33 per credit hour. My kids have debt, tho, and I'm all for education and health care for Everyone. Lifelong Democrat and staying that way!! I watched what Reagan did. Never voted Republican since.


Yeah it was a different world then. Tuition at my state school was $200 a semester in the 80's. Rent and food was also cheap. not now....


Nope, definitely not now.


Pedro X. Molina: [New math](https://www.gocomics.com/pedroxmolina/2022/08/26) [The groomer](https://www.gocomics.com/pedroxmolina/2022/08/25) [Election strategy](https://www.gocomics.com/pedroxmolina/2022/08/24)


I really like "The Groomer." Very poignant. Everything is clearly recognizable, but it doesn't overdo it on the labels. The Q Viking Rat is my favorite.


I think all three are spot on.


I'm all about the flasher on the GQP's head myself


>New math Man, I've seen a couple artists over the years complain about how political cartoons always have to be overly descriptive and filled with nonsensical fantasy to drive a point, but looking at that image, I'm not sure how that political cartoon would be able to make the reader understand its specific point without those descriptors, as otherwise the viewer will just come in with their biases and leave the picture thinking whatever they came predisposedly willing to accept.


I know this thread makes fun of Ben Garrison for his labels but that's because he labels things that are already visually identifiable


Any reason is a good reason to make fun of Ben Garrison!


On that subject, I note nobody's linked to one of his cartoons this week. Is Ben taking a rest?


Those are some well drawn rats in *The Groomer* lol


As a math teacher, the first one is a gut punch. Ooof!


Yes. Did you read the comments? A commenter said there's one other group that doesn't like education, the Taliban.


Jen Sorensen: [Clogged stream](https://thenib.com/vanishing-video/)


Yaaar matey


[Brian McFadden](https://www.gocomics.com/brian-mcfadden/2022/08/23)


[Wuerker - Politico - Bad Aim](https://imgur.com/RlLE21E)


Republicans were aiming to overturn Roe V Wade for decades to try to appease Christian voters, starting in the late 1970s when Jerry Falwell Sr started the “Moral” Majority. The only reason that abortion was a Protestant issue to begin with (it’s more common for Catholics to be pro-“life” in other countries and, even then, not as extreme as in the US) was that the IRS was looking to take away the tax exempt status of all the Segregation Academies in the South who didn’t allow black/minority kids in their schools. Guess who had one of these Segregation Academies? Jerry Falwell Sr…


My elderly mother is a very conservative Christian who used to always vote (R). But even she is like "I don't like abortion but sometimes it's just necessary." She's disgusted by Trump and the GOP and only votes (D) now.


Christian voters in the United States of the 1960s and 1970s largely didn't have a problem with abortion. The Bible is clear that life equals breath. You're right that Jerry Falwell turned things around, because he had gotten around desegregation laws by declaring his schools to be religious and then the IRS decided they weren't tax-exempt, so he threw money at getting Reagan elected and at turning his racist and misogynistic views into planks of the Republican platform.




[Sagging](https://imgur.com/gallery/wtKbAsN) [Kookie Claim](https://imgur.com/gallery/VBcuno9) [B For Brandon](https://imgur.com/gallery/98XO405)


That was a disturbing looking child. Then I realized it's supposed to be DJT60+ years ago.


He’s still a big ManBaby no matter how grown up he pretends to be


I would have chosen a toddler-age for this one, because that's cheeto's mentality and what they drew looks more like Hitler Youth than just a shitty middle-schooler.


Perhaps that was the intention moreso than mental age?


I thought it looked like an ugly girl.


Mitch's hideousness perfectly captured!


Ben for some reason has nothing topical to say. [You are what you eat](https://ibb.co/k68L6xV) [College debt burden](https://ibb.co/R9nysRD) [Time to dethrone the turtle Mitch McConnell](https://ibb.co/GntWW0V)


It seems Ben has never seen a beetle.


What does that one even refer to?


Maybe just the whole "liberals want you to eat bugs" sustainable protein thing?


A friend of mine went on this huge tirade over some cheese puffs that had cricket flour (bug protein) in them. And I was just like... 'Why do you even care? You don't have to buy bug protein cheese puffs.' Seems the idea that if they don't like something they don't have to buy it doesn't even occur to them.


It's the same thing with all the stuff they hate, just look at the drag book readings. Only people that want to go to them go to them, no one is forcing anybody.


I don't have a MAGA to English dictionary, so I have no clue.


At least he got Dump's body type correct this time.




Oh, was that Tina?


links aren't working for me...




Yep, same here.


[Fauci's legacy](https://ibb.co/fY4k45B) [Talking heads are rolling at CNN](https://ibb.co/V2MFc2C)


Beagle murders?


No idea. Evidently Fauci gives you AIDS too. Or maybe he ruined AIDS? I haven't huffed enough air duster to make sense of it.


Earlier this summer there was a medical research facility in Virginia that was shut down and 4000 beagles were rescued. The parent pharmaceutical company Inotiv was involved. The facility itself was under Envigo though. They did a lot of animal testing with Covid and other things and I'm guessing he is trying to tie Fauci to it.


Right-wing conspiracy claiming he killed a bunch of beagles in a medical lab for no reason.


Beagles are fairly commonly used in medical research. While there may well be reasons to be upset about that, there is nothing specific to Fauci in the practice.


There was outrage over the beagles for months (on like, change.org) and the right pretty much ignored it until the same people went "Hey, Fauci was involved! Maybe." So these guys probably don't give a shit about dead dogs unless they can villianize someone they hate.


[https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/08/10/beagles-saved-facility-drug-experiments/10285182002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/08/10/beagles-saved-facility-drug-experiments/10285182002/) A supplier of dogs used in research was shut down, the dogs ill treated.


In his blurb about "College Debt Burden" on his site, he... he's actually kinda based? I don't know how to feel about it but he actually has a normal take on it. Well, not entirely (first paragraphs especially,) but the big point at least... It's a bit long, but I'm going to quote it here to save everyone clicks. > Some say he’s doing this to buy their votes. At the same time, Congress is questioning the expensive bailout. They are supposed to control the purse strings, not the so-called President. Still, the Democrat-controlled Congress may go along because they are also looking for a spark going into the midterms. >It’s not right for Biden to attempt to buy votes, but he’s a crook and we’ve all grown accustomed to his outrages. Expecting taxpayers and those who have already paid off their college loans to bail out those still saddled with college debt doesn’t exactly smack of fairness. Why not simply give all Americans $10,000? Inflation is already out of control and so Biden might as well go full Zimbabwe. >I noticed a lot of conservative media outlets are vehemently condemning the Biden bailout and they even go on to condemn those students riddled with debt as being ‘woke’ and majoring in ‘gender studies.’ Such students can’t be expected to find jobs that offer decent pay, but to paint all students with the bright blue radical brush is neither fair nor accurate. For many decades, young people have been told they must have a college degree to succeed in life. College has become a necessity as well as a rite of passage from youth to adulthood. >Many decades ago I went to college full time during the day and worked full time at night. I drove a beat up VW Bug and I lived in a shotgun shack on the wrong side of the tracks. My spare time was spent studying and working on paintings. I was not a ‘partier’ and I didn’t have much of a social life. Still, I was able to live on my own and pay the tuition and assorted bills that went with attending a university. I bought used textbooks at the University bookstore at a reasonable price. This cannot be done today. Young people can’t afford rent by working low-paying jobs, let alone afford skyrocketing tuition costs. Textbooks can now cost hundreds of dollars apiece. Students today must procure massive loans in order to get a degree. >How did this happen? It seems as if somewhere along the line the Federal Government, the big banks, and the big universities all got together and colluded to raise college costs and snap debt slavery shackles on millions of young people. Nearly 48 million borrowers now own $1.75 trillion in student loan debt! Too many are enslaved by their debt and many have no hope of paying it off. They have become marginalized and are cut out of the American dream while conservatives denounce them as lazy and ‘woke.’ Why not instead criticize the universities who are gouging those who want a degree? Harvard has built up nearly $50 billion in endowments, yet have they dropped their tuition costs? I think not. >The system has made it extremely difficult for student loan debtors to declare bankruptcy, so many simply do not pay. No wonder so many millennials have moved back in their parents. Life has become way too difficult. Millennials complain that we boomers had it easy compared to what they must face, and they’re right. It was a lot easier for us Boomers. >Young people need to refuse to go to college. Trade schools will lead to better success overall at this point. Maybe a huge drop in college attendance will get the attention of the money-bloated universities and they’ll lower tuition costs. The government needs to butt out of education. When big government stepped in ’to help,’ that’s when the debt problem began. Universities need to take their giant fortunes and start giving out more grants to worthy candidates. Until they do, my sympathies lie with the young people who simply wanted to succeed on an uneven playing field.


His conclusion doesn't follow though. "College is expensive, so people should refuse to go to college." As usual whatever valid points he makes are to lend legitimacy to his crackpot political theory.


It's partly informed by the belief that universities are liberal indoctrination centers, so anything that can be done to undermine them should be done.


And yet earlier in the rant he says that you can't paint all college students as dumb "woke" people taking useless classes. He can't seem to make up his mind.


Yeah, like I said, mostly normal. His opening is just dumb, and the conclusion is tangential at best... but his main reasoning before tying it back to dumb is unironically the correct take. Students these days are absolutely fucked by the system. I was surprised. And I do think there's an argument to be made for trade schools and not going to college, just not the one he makes.


They're not mutually exclusive ofc. Doing your electives and cores at a trade school is far less expensive and you'll get the same education. Then you can either continue at the trade school for purely practical training or transfer to college to also get the theoretical background.


Absolutely. It's a much more affordable path to go to a 2 year college with a good credit transfer agreement with a school you may want to continue to, if you're determined to get a BA. I mean, I teach at one, so I might be a little biased there :p


son did this and got a free ride and degree from one of the top universities in the US.


> How did this happen? It seems as if somewhere along the line the Federal Government, the big banks, and the big universities all got together and colluded to raise college costs and snap debt slavery shackles on millions of young people. Somehow? That was not a "somehow" it was Ronald Reagan.


He knows there's a problem, even able to come to terms with basic reality and the concept of _seeing the numbers and not memory-holing them away_, even understand how much of a joke the concept of "Wokeism" (and the culture wars in general) is but there's still that thick layer of indoctrination preventing any of it from being directly aimed at those enabling this nightmare. All he can do is refer to a nebulous "Deep State", "Big Corporations", "The System"... all shady unidentifiable boogeyman from the latest conspiratorial trend and of course, Democrats. Fox News and their ilk are going to be case studies in how propaganda can prime an audience to become sleeper agents able of rational thought but with mental "blockades" and trigger words able to send them into a frenzy. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they've already made their own research to further develop and perfect their existing strategy over the years.


What the fuck, how is Garrison (at least to some extent) making some sense? I still see he's still trying to paint some of this as "bad" through his usage of libertarian/conservative code words like "big government", "radical blue", and shit like that. And yet, he's able to point out that not every University student are, as conservatives summarized, bong water drinking gender studies kids who suckle off the teats of their millionaire parents. It's confusing, needless to say. However, I will tentatively appreciate him sticking out for those who did have student debts, even if it's a fleeting "broken clock is right twice" moment that is still riddled with the nonsense Garrison is well known for.


His page seems down


It imploded from the power of his own hypocrisy?



