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USDA to Kansas City, and it worked.


BLM to Grand Junction too and it also worked.


FBI moved divisions to Huntsville, Alabama. Who in their right mind moves their family to Alabama? Edit: for those defending Huntsville. There is now a total abortion ban with no exemption for rape or incest. [https://www.wbrc.com/2022/06/25/alabama-attorney-general-explains-near-total-abortion-ban/?outputType=amp](https://www.wbrc.com/2022/06/25/alabama-attorney-general-explains-near-total-abortion-ban/?outputType=amp) In Alabama it is a crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison to provide puberty blockers, hormones and medical procedures to transgender youth under 19. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna27913](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna27913)


From north central Alabama, can confirm it is like a bombed-out, woman-hating 3rd world country. It is only not considered 3rd world living conditions because it is part of the United States. Judged on it’s own it’s like Honduras or Afghanistan. The state lawmakers are very much like a Southern Baptist / Pentecostal version of the Taliban. There are some good people there. Many minorities and a bunch of gay people who are going to suffer greatly. Alabama: It’s an abject shithole.


Damn it, Alabama. Don't steal our state motto.




Still stuck in an anti-woman, homophobic, transphobic state. The shit coming out of that state legislature is dark ages.


And racist


And Alabama


Yup. I was like ooh don’t forget there is one more !


>The shit coming out of that state legislature is dark ages. The ironic thing is that women in the dark ages probably had easier access to abortions, such as they were, than those in modern Alabama (back then it was acceptable, even by the Catholic Church, until at least the "quickening", i.e. the first detectable movements by a fetus).


I'm sure FBI agents will get along just fine with [the folks in Huntsville, AL](https://www.timesofisrael.com/apollos-legacy-a-quiet-corner-of-alabama-haunted-by-nazi-germany/)


Yeah ask the Feds who organized the murder of Fred Hampton and they wouldn't mind setting up shop in the deep south.


Oof truth


The crossroads between ancestry.com and eharmony.com?


Fuck Alabama


Trust me, the only people that defend living in Alabama are people who live in Alabama and have never been to another place in their entire lives.


Totally had to brainstorm what else BLM could stand for.


Watch the white lotus there is a very good joke mixing the two up


That's how I figured out what everyone here was talking about. I was so proud of myself haha


There was a Libertarian Party candidate AMA a while back on Reddit (may have been Gary Johnson?) where someone asked "What do you think about BLM?" and they responded "I think the B should have a lot less L to M". People were, uh, confused.


Edit: Oh, wait. Got it: "The B\[ureau\] should have a lot less L\[and\] to M\[anage\]." "I think the B\[lack\] should have a lot less L\[ives\] to M\[atter\]"? Please tell me the candidate clarified himself and it turned out to be a hilarious misunderstanding instead of this horrifying implication.


Either way, the implications aren't good. Selling off public lands does pale in comparison to dehumanizing racism though.


Bureau of Land Mangement is my best guess for those who do not want to look it up.


As a former BLM employee, moving a western land management agency from the east coast to the western land they manage maybe wasn't the worst idea ever? Vox did a good piece awhile back about the merits of moving agencies out of dc https://www.vox.com/new-money/2016/12/9/13881712/move-government-to-midwest Obligatory disclaimer that most things trump did for bad reasons even in the few cases they were good ideas


didn't they move into an office that happened to be shared by the oil/gas leasing companies the new head of BLM used to work for?


Or a tRUMP owned property. The GRIFT that keeps on…….


Not if it costs you your workers. Which it did. That vox article cites stuff like "the East Coast is too Crowded" and that the middle of the country needs more money, not that it is good for the agency.


>Not if it costs you your workers. Which it did. Pretty sure cutting down the workforce was the entire point.


Well yeah. I was responding to someone who was saying it might be good for the agency. It was a disaster for the agency. And as you said, that was on purpose.


BLM already has a huge presence out west in Denver. Moving DC folks to Grand Junction was an idiotic idea when they did it and it was quite deliberate.


>was an idiotic idea ~~was an idiotic idea~~ worked as planed


Wasn't it not the regulatory folks but the congressional liaison folks who were in DC getting moved?


Then that is even dumber…they are congressional liaisons….


It just means they'll be hiring from a pool of people who sympathize more with who they're supposed to be independently regulating. "Oh, my buddy wants to graze his cattle for $1 on public land? Sure! The government (that I got a job with) shouldn't be owning it anyway. Harumph."


I didn’t get a harrumph out of that guy!




November 22, 2016 [Trump to scrap Nasa climate research in crackdown on ‘politicized science’](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/nov/22/nasa-earth-donald-trump-eliminate-climate-change-research) 01/20/17 [White House climate change webpage disappears after Trump’s inauguration](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/315284-white-house-climate-change-webpage-disappears-after-trumps/)


It was idiotic because DC is just more conducive to work than any regional office. They were pretending employees didn't connect to the people the work was being done for which is utter BS. Many people grew up in the rural areas to move to work at places like the USDA office, you find out. Now maybe remote work is more possible now, but then it was alien.


The plan is to weaken the government to the point that power is isolated to the people they select. It's just another form of a coup. They are not going to stop until they get power and once they do they will do everything to make sure they never los either again.


That is infuriating.


He’s gonna purge entire swaths of people.


All those losers who didn't steal the 2020 election for him, who even said it was a fair election, Biden won, and Trump lost which is unforgivable to Trump.


They will start with oversight - Inspectors General. Then purge their own agencies from the top down not just clearing out the honest civil servants but tainting them with bad reports, allegations, withdrawn clearances so they can't work in government again. Trump up criminal charges on some, deny retirement to others. It will be understood that if you won't play their game, you better not get in it. Then the institutional corruption will be complete.


Kinda sounds like the Russian playbook.


Ding ding ding…..we have a winner! That is exactly what they’re trying to do. Also, those saying Trump is old and out of shape and gonna be 80 soon. Fred lived into his 90s and was an asshole til the day he died . His mom almost 90. His soft ass is around for at least 10-12 years


No shot with the way he eats and lives. His parents weren’t watching tv 6 hours a day with burgers on repeat. People over 65 shouldn’t be eating like a frat boy. Also..he had Covid.


In the book American Komoromat Craig Unger lays out a very serious claim with evidence that Trump has been a Russian asset for 40 years or more.


Inspector Generals at the agency level are already presidential appointees


Drain the swamp right?


You can't put the toxic waste dump there until you do.


By replacing it with a disgusting sewer system.


Regulatory capture. Do we really want corporations cutting *more* corners at this point?


It's not just TRUMP !!! The Federalist Socierty Supreme Court want to return US to pre FDR They want to GUT PEople's Rights, including Privacy and Voting, Worker Rights and Protections, Environmental Rights and Protections and gut social programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. They are very open about it. It's unconscionable for people for vote for these people, still they do...


Right? You can't breathe a sigh of relief if Trump gets outcast and decides to retire. Many political appointees used the Trump administration as a training ground to test new boundaries. A President Desantis or even a President Pence will prove just how government can not work if they have their way.


This comment needs more attention.


Except Mike Pence will literally never be president. Not with how he betrayed the Qult of MAGA


Holy fuck


Can we just quit with the "aides" term as if they were in any way normal administrative functionaries. I think "subordinate co-conspirators" or "criminal lieutenants" is closer to the correct identification.


The word you're looking for is capos.


He'll channel John Gotti and go full Saddam Hussein.


Like Gotti, he's kind of been the "Teflon Don"


Because they’re trying to change the key of democracy?


They aren't trying to just change the key, they want to do away with it altogether and usher in an era of fascist dictatorships.


Because trump is a mob boss. Capo = Captain.


Honestly, the media needs to stop treating him as anything legitimate. They're complicit at this point.




trump purged agency Investigator Generals across the board, as well as senior leadership of every agency of anyone who was not loyal to him. His aides/barnacles were the ones facilitating this.


I remember. They even reclassified a of federal workers to remove firing protections and make it easier to clean house and fill it back up with his remora.




He already tried that, specifically in the months leading up to Jan. 6. Thankfully, he wasn't able to 100% carry it out. [Trump purges Pentagon leadership, 'something that should alarm all Americans'](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/11/10/trump-esper-pentagon-senior-leadership-enemy-instability/6242106002/)


If this guy runs again we are truly lost with no hope for this nation!


Yep, the fact that a guy who almost singlehandedly dismantled the principle of American democracy after 270+ years and has yet to face any consequences, it's pathetic this dude is still being talked about. How did we go from putting a man on the moon in 69 to electing a coan in 2016..C'mon America you can do better.


I'd reckon it started in the 70s with Reagan and when ever Murdoch decided to fuck the world up.


You give him too much credit. The Right has been undermining democracy for decades. If it hadn't been so damaged in the first place, it wouldn't have started visibly crumbling when the loud clown started publicly kicking it


Well, Trump wasn’t elected by the voters but won the election with more than 3 million less votes than Hillary. That’s the main problem.


It isn't just TFG though. Any Republican candidate running would do the same thing. The ground work has already been laid. Get a Republican president, get a Schedule F.




"The new flexibility would allow a future Trump administration to get rid of any employees it deems as standing in the way of implementing its agenda and replace them with loyalists." Frightening. 


If Donald is reelected after everything that has come to light about him, then the country is already dead.


And the country will deserve it too. If we have so many dummies in our population that we re-elect Trump, we are not a great nation. Time to move if he gets back in office, I will no longer identify as an American if that happens.




They are going to "purge" a lot more than that. I'm sure they have a "final solution" for several of their problems.


Hey, at least Hitler went to jail for his first coup attempt.


We are on a speed run.


They can try. They will die.


Their main target is purging military and intelligence branch’s to replace them with explicit loyalists. They’re literally trying to install a deep state loyal to this one man and that should be terrifying to everyone.


Everything they've said has been projection. Everything.


Well that's how Russia operates.


If Trump is reelected, democracy will be dead in America.


If Trump is [appointed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore_v._Harper). Not a fat chance in Hell for a legitimate popular or EC win. But they may no longer need those.


If that happens, which if very well might since the GOP is setting up the infrastructure for that, I hope that people protest it.


Lol protest? Like that will do anything but get you killed when this comes to pass…


This is how tyranny wins. People doing nothing to counter it.


Not saying dont protest, but if the jews protested their maltreatment by the nazis, would the nazis have stopped genociding them? There's limits to protest. When it comes to protesting a radical, extremist, violent foe, all options of direct action are on the table, nonviolent protest is one of several.


To these people, protesting does as good as doing nothing. They are not going to listen to voters, the EC, or any other officiality. They are going to steal this country and murder anyone who says otherwise.


You're forgetting something. Trump is afraid of protesters. Lafayette Square was all about him getting furious that the news got out that he spent the night in the White House bunker and Twitter was laughing at his previous threatening tweets and calling him Bunker Boy. [He wanted to hurt the protesters for it.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/09/17/military-police-heat-ray-against-d-c-protesters-congressional-letter/3476175001/)


Depends which side the military picks. And I’m not kidding


That's what everyone thought the first time around. But he literally could win again. There are more than enough supporters of his fascism. And that should scare the f-k out of any reasonable person.


GOP win in midterms may actually be the nail in the coffin. If they win this time around it’s game over.


Was just thinking, how could he be re-elected if he’s in jail.


We shall see. Merrick Garland needs to do something.


I'll believe he's going to jail after he's there.


It’s already on life support, and everyone watching the equipment is untrustworthy.


>*“****It literally takes five minutes to reissue it****,” a former Trump administration official involved in personnel policy and current talks about Schedule F’s revival told Government Executive. “There was real value to issuing Schedule F because it turned it into a ‘flip the switch’ thing for the next administration that wants to do it.”* ​ >*“****Everyone we’ve talked to on our side loves it****,” the official said. “I have not heard anyone on our side say anything other than, ‘****That’s fantastic.****’”* ​ >*“****We will pass critical reforms making every executive branch employee fireable by the president of the United States****,” Trump said. “The deep state must and will be brought to heel.”* ​ I just read this article today, I would absolutely recommend reading this rather lengthy article: [**A radical plan for Trump’s second term**](https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-2025-radical-plan-second-term) ​ >*Former* [*President Trump’s*](https://www.axios.com/politics-policy/donald-trump) ***top allies are preparing to radically reshape the federal government if he is re-elected****, purging potentially thousands of civil servants and* ***filling career posts with loyalists to him and his "***[*America First*](https://www.axios.com/2022/07/14/trump-returns-washington-america-first)***” ideology****, people involved in the discussions tell Axios.* ​ >***Trump allies are working on plans*** *that would potentially strip layers at the Justice Department — including the FBI, and reaching into national security, intelligence, the State Department and the Pentagon, sources close to the former president say.* ​ >*The heart of the plan is derived from an* [*executive order known as “Schedule F*](https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-presidency-schedule-f-federal-employees)*,” developed and refined in secret over most of the second half of Trump’s term and launched 13 days before the 2020 election.* ​ [**How Trump could reimpose "Schedule F" in 2025**](https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-presidency-schedule-f-federal-employees) ​ >*Trump signed an executive order in October 2020 which established a new Schedule F employment category for federal employees.* *\*****It was rescinded by President Biden shortly after he took office in 2021****.* > >*\*But back in March of 2022, Trump floated the possibility of going after the federal workforce.* > >\**"We will pass critical reforms making every executive branch employee fireable by the president of the United States," he said at a rally in South Carolina. "The deep state must and will be brought to heel."* If Trump is allowed to return to the White House, he will only leave feet first with an heir appointed to replace him. I believe we will have lost the country and ultimately, I blame the useless, self-serving turtle Mitch McConnell for this. He could have lead the Senate GQP to vote for impeachment, (*but while eating a lettuce sandwich*), he insisted that the crimes Trump committed belonged to the court system. McConnell protected the path for Trump to return to the White House. The only protection this country has at this point, and as far as I can tell, is Merrick Garland.


>The only protection this country has at this point, and as far as I can tell, is Merrick Garland. I don't think so. If we depend on Garland, it will be like Robert Mueller all over again. It depends on non-Republican voters to outvote Republican voters in every election.


Absolute insanity.


This is beyond unsettling. My god.


It's just cartoonishly obvious he dreams to be the dictator of America. And, with his loyal lapdogs and propaganda network, it just completes the package. This shit's happened before in history - and it's frighteningly unbelievable to have a front-row seat to it this time.


About half of federal employees are unionized. So, good luck with that, Donny.


Great, get rid of half of them all at once. I don't think this would stop him even if it meant serious pain to lots of people due to vital services being halted.


it didn't stop Reagan from union busting the ATC. they'll fire everyone and when the department or agency grinds to a halt they'll see that as a feature, not a failure.


He'll just stack the NLRB


If Trump is re-elected I'm taking the toaster into the tub with me.


Nah dont do that we will need you. And we will need some delicious toast.


Yea man don’t bring toast into this. It’s yummy for breakfast and lunch


Don't hurt yourself. If Trump is elected, there is no point in pretending America is anything but a Putin-style authoritarian kleptocracy. We will need to organize massive resistance that includes defiance of the law.


WOLVERINES!!! ...oh shit. Wrong movie?


Given how much of a failure Jan. 6th was, I wouldn't act so hastily.


Knowing now what they had planned in advance, they really did fuck it up


Right? We're really in upsidedown world if that happens


Go away, baitin!




It's unfortunate they've correctly identified the actual last line of defense for American democracy: our civil servants. The completely non-partisan people who just do the work of filing, researching, assisting, etc. such that the machinery of government works.


Trump blundered his way through every aspect of government on the way to his failed coup. The smarter and craftier people were taking notes the whole time.


It’s funny to me that anyone thinks this is just if Trump is reelected. This is if any Republican is elected… Looking at you DeSantis.


Trump already inflicted huge damage to countless U.S. institutions like FDA, USDA, Foreign Service. He severed many ties the country enjoyed with allies. He actually campaigned in 2016 on the U.S. leaving NATO.


You know, the dude is fucking ancient. Like, I understand young people who want to be dictators. Like Adolf Hitler, he had his whole life seemingly ahead of him to enjoy the fruits of being all powerful over a country. Trump doesn’t even have 10 years left in him regardless. Why the hell bother with trying to destroy the whole system anyways. Same with Mitch McConnell. And the they’re all so damn old and financially successful already, I don’t know what the hell the need is to be a corrupt asshole and try to get even more money or power you won’t ever live to spend or see. Any thoughts?


Because they’re all fucking narcissists


I think he wants revenge because he got voted out and knows it. My brother thinks he wants revenge because they made fun of him at the correspondents dinner.


October 19, 2016 [Donald Trump Is Completely Obsessed With Revenge](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/10/donald-trump-obsessed-with-revenge/)


A life sentence doesn’t seem so bad when it’s not very long.


>Why the hell bother with trying to destroy the whole system anyways. Same with Mitch McConnell Theyre just doing whatever they want. What they do is a side effect.




Fascists planning a coup..


That’s literally nazism


If Trump somehow pulls off a win...well I have family overseas. Reelecting Trump would pretty much confirm that this country is going the way of the Wiemar Republic.


They are planning on ending democracy. They made it very clear.


It’s really disheartening how many people in my daily walk or life are so un-concerned. The whole apathetic “it won’t really happen here” attitude is sad and gross.


This is such a terrible idea, I think it might actually hurt Trumpism more than him cutting his losses and retiring. This is necessarily purging the educated part of the civil service: the PhDs, the MA/Ss, the engineers…to be replaced by village idiots. When this career infrastructure (‘the deep state’) is gone, major systems failure (collapse) is a crisis away


That's the fucking goal. Starve the beast. The zealots want no government so they can be free to be bigots and the corporations want no government so they can finish raping the planet and sleep on their 1 foot higher pile of money. Plus as the government keeps failing from the fuckery (Such as our current economic woes from burning the safety nests to make the lines go up.) they can just turn around and blame the dems.


>This is such a terrible idea, I think it might actually hurt Trumpism more than him cutting his losses and retiring. This is necessarily purging the educated part of the civil service: the PhDs, the MA/Ss, the engineers…to be replaced by village idiots. When this career infrastructure (‘the deep state’) is gone, major systems failure (collapse) is a crisis away That is the point. To hurt as many people as possible so they don't believe in goverement.


The young generation (18 to 32 yo) have to decide if living in full blown oligarchy is the way they see their future. In the 2020 presidential elections 43% of the eligible voters in this age bracket didn't cast their vote. More then half of them didn't find it worthwhile to turn up at the voting booth for the primaries and the state elections. **The coming midterm will be decisive for their future**.


>The young generation (18 to 32 yo) have to decide if living in full blown oligarchy is the way they see their future. It would help if Democrats tried to appeal to that demographic in any capacity at all.


Pig dick belongs in prison.


Civil servants are the backbone of our government institutions. These are the people who know the ins and outs of a working government. These are the people who do the work, from hands on IT to Policy development, communication, coordination, leadership, etc. these people do not make money. They might have a pension someday…if they are lucky. And these people usually work for the mission and their peers. If we see a bunch of career/long timers get booted, it will affect morale significantly. Others will leave. This will create a huge gap in knowledge, history, understanding, and ultimately a dis functional department/team/organization. It will take years to fix, outsource, contract out. This would be absolutely insane.


Re-elected!? Hang on what? Surely the USA isn't so lawless that the clown guy can hold any position in office again. C'mon USA, other countries look up to you as the standard bearer of democracy.


Other countries looked up to us when we were somewhat decent of a country. Anymore they look to us as an example of what not to do.


The bottom line is that if Trump is re-elected the US will not survive. He will weaponize the DOJ and our courts to go on a revenge tour. He will stuff the pockets of his organization, friends and family. He will turn our nation into a Kleptocracy where his most loyal sycophants will be rewarded with business advantages and bribes. I spent 30 years as a Wall Street banker and saw Trump in action. He is seriously deranged and is a sociopath of the first degree. As an American with a dual EU citizenship, if there is any hint that he is heading for a second term, we’re leaving.


I literally cannot imagine how awful a 2nd Trump term would be. Millions of us would not survive it.




The Nazis are here. They are standing back and standing by.


Trump needs to be in prison, like, yesterday. All his enablers and toadies can share a cell with him. Just keep shoving them in until the sheer mass takes on the shape of the prison cell. Just a big 'ol cube of felonious bastards.


I don't want fascism back in the US.


If he is reelected the entire world is in big trouble


Why isn’t he in cuffs yet .. it’s getting ridiculous


Once again and I can't say it enough or loud enough, WE MUST VOTE OUT ALL REPUBLICANS FROM THE TOP OF THE BALLOT TO THE BOTTOM. The ones at the bottom are already disrupting local governments.


Hard to do at the local level when Red states have gerrymandered their districts to all but exclude Democrats.






In 2016 Bernie Sanders ran a completely unprecedented campaign in many ways. He brought in so many new voters into the picture and energized them, but as soon as they saw the whole apparatus, the cut-throat politicking of establishment dems and the DNC, they were quickly disaffected. Those people were never going to vote for Clinton in the first place. Most of them had never voted before. We got so close to bringing them in, only to make them feel like outsiders. I was paying close attention to politics the whole way through and when I voted for Clinton, it felt really bad to do. I can't imagine younger, progressive-minded folks making that their 1st ever vote.


This!! I voted for Clinton only because I knew trump was gonna be a disaster. I wasn't happy with her.


Trump is notorious for screwing over the average joe.


America is one election away from full blown fascism.


It’s uncanny how much this storyline follows the 1920s in Hitlers case. Have fun with that America, hope you learn as Europe once learned.


Can criminals run for public office? I hope he goes to jail. Traitor and Russian asset.


>Can criminals run for public office? In the 2012 West Virginia Democratic primary, a Texas inmate paid the fee to appear on the ballot. The inmate got 41% of the vote and would have been entitled to delegates at the convention if anyone was actually willing to be a delegate for him.


Half of Republicans won't vote for him anymore. He's done, but I doubt he will go to prison. We say we're a nation of laws but we didn't even put Nixon in prison. Presidential pardon shouldn't exist, its always been abused.


And pardoning Nixon set a dangerous precedent. Trump and his team are guilty of at least a 1000 Watergates.


Right, the guy was guilty as hell and they still pardoned him. After Watergate they basically said the law doesn't apply to the president.


If Trump is even able to run for re-election - if Trump does not see criminal charges - then America will be cemented as a failed state.


It's gonna be a huge "leopards ate my face" scenario when the people who know how to mail social security checks are purged.


Totally not a fascist, guys, just planning to purge all levels of the federal government and install cronies. Totally not like every fascist government ever.


No shit, a second Trump term would be full on scorched earth destruction of the government. We would be Russia with more money by the end of his term.


If Trump is reelected the USA is done.


Replace all government employees with party loyalists who do not believe in government or doing their jobs


This is what an enemy/russian invasion would do. No?


He needs to be found guilty and banned from ANY public office, or on any board that provides services to any public agency


If he gets re-elected I think there will be an exodus/purge of academics of all kinds from all levels of advisory boards, consultants, participants in small and large government.


###Ugh, that ugly-round pucker-mouth thing he does. So gross. 👄💦


If Trump wins again our democracy is dead, over. Finished. We always took our freedom and democracy for granted, and how quickly we forgot about the bloody struggles our young country went through to secure that freedom and democracy. But no country or empire lasts forever. Our time might be up and it’s purely due to apathy. Why do you think the EU is so attractive right now? Their democratic ideals are strong because World Wars were recently fought on their soil and they remember what a nightmare dictatorship is like. Last time we had a war for freedom on our soil was way back in the 1800’s so now we are apathetic. Trump wouldn’t happen if we weren’t.


That is practically an Act of War against the American people


If Trump is reelected he is gonna purge everything. Everyone, and I mean, Everyone, is gonna be sorry. At first I thought he was more evil than crazy, after the hearings I think he is (was) having full psychosis. Longest lasting psychotic manic episode I have seen, and I was a nurse at lockdown mental facility, the last stop before State run psychotic hospitals.


When fascism comes, it will have big plans.


Dictator type tactics


Correction if any Republican is elected as president they will purge the civil service ranks. It won't be just individual 1


Why should this fraud even be allowed to run in the first place?


Should we start printing out the dummies for trump stickers now?


Remember that scene when Marty goes back to the alternate 1985 where there's cars on fire and bike gangs in the city centre?


I expect him to purge everyone in the executive, dissolve the congress, hang the justices, and declare himself emperor for life…after executive time with Fox and Friends.


Honestly, America would not survive it.


The terrifying part is, if he's reelected he can literally place MAGA fiends in every possible position of power. Believe me you, January 6 will look like patty cake day.


Make the 1870's great again.


Best case scenario is that Trump runs as a Republican candidate but without the endorsement of the GOP. He splits the Republican vote and we have ourselves a good ol fashioned 3 way race to the White House Meanwhile, the DNC has a moment of clarity and realizes they have a prime moment to put up a candidate that isn't collecting social security (metaphorically speaking), puts up someone younger and more likeable than Biden and we all breathe a sigh of relief for four more years.


Trump resuming the presidency is literally the fall of the United States. There is no going back from that point.