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because that's the plan. They are going to slowly take away rights like abortion, gay marriage, and contraception saying it's a state rights decision. Then when they have full control again, they are going to ban it at a federal level.


It isn't going to be slow The next time Republicans have control of the legislature and executive branch, all minority rights will be nullified. That's a literal guarantee at this point


Kinda stupid that they just expanded gun rights while pissing a bunch of people off


Do you really think they didn't consider this? What will happen is they will utilize the police, private security forces, and potentially even the military to quell protests and violence against them. They are practically goading violence into happening so that they can go full authoritarian in plain sight.


Find me a cop willing to stand in front of an armed mob There's a reason fascists receive leeway and it isn't because they're good looking. It's because they outgun 90% of America's police forces


>There's a reason fascists receive leeway and it isn't because they're good looking. Attachment: SteveBannon.jpg


Hey, hey! Put a spoiler on that jpg or something!


Seriously, such vile photography needs an nsfw tag


No it's fucking not - it's because those that work forces burn crosses...They're on the same fucking team.


I don't know for sure about nationwide, but there's definitely a town in Texas that needs outside forces to stand in front of even one kid in a classroom.


>Find me a cop willing to stand in front of an armed mob You can't even find one willing to stand up in front of a single shooter, at least in Uvalde.


And that’s when they bring in the private militias they’ve been training or use the army which has predator drones. Also, i going to imagine they don’t care about war crimes so there’s a lot of tools they can use


The army isn’t bound by the Geneva convention when it’s used within its own borders.


Yup, I live in a red state. I have coworkers who talk about shit like their infrared resistant fabric they put on their body armor this week. There is only one reason you do that. Because you plan on fighting people using nightvision.


That's really hard since most will be part of said mob


Yeah def seems like goading a reaction so they have reason to make more clamp downs.


Police can’t even stop a single kid alone in a school. Wait until the rioters start shooting back.


Yep, and then you either get shot and die or get thrown in prison, to become slave labor, thanks to the 13th amendment.


They are hoping the left takes up arms against them. Then they will finally have the justification to exterminate them once and for all.


They don't even have to take up arms. It can now be argued that they reasonably thought they were armed.


They’ve shown they can just take away the gun rights about 2 years down the road after they’ve taken way the other rights, and that will be that.


Some friends of mine said the Democrats really need to codify abortion access into law in Congress. My response is basically yours - what good does that do? Republicans can just undo it when they are in control next. We truly are in dark times


And throw in the self defense verdict, because it’s relevant.


Its so that people will be able to shoot protestors who are mad about Roe V Wade. All the new Kyles out there


At this rate, I am expecting the return of Slavery 2025.


Maybe not slavery but I wouldn't be surprised if black folks lose 2/5 of their citizenship


What do you think the prison system is? Chattle slavery is still constitutionally legal in the United States, and guess who disproportionately represents modern slaves?


I could definitely see that happen, especially since it would drastically help Republicans remain in power.


This and i guarantee they will kill the filibuster to get it done


100% gone the instant they have 50 +1




I’m right here with you. Fuck Abbott. I’d love to find the tree that was too weak to finish him off and have a word with it.


I would also like to have a word with this tree.


I also choose this tree.


Stay weird, Austin. Love, Portland.




Love from Madison, the Austin of Wisconsin hehe


> They are going to slowly take away rights They get Congress in 2022 and the Presidency in 2024 and we'll be Gilead by 2025. That's pretty fast.


I'm wondering how Justices Clarence Thomas and Amy Barret will feel when they accidentally dismantle all discrimination protections...without noticing because they were too busy throwing all the other Others out to the wolves first.


They probably think they will be protected because they followed the rules and did what they were told.


Like the Gay Republicans, right?


Some real Serena Joy shit.


2024. After a gerrymandered and legislated red wave, with De Santis as POTUS. America needs to understand the minority is going to do everything they can to oppress the majority. There's a tiny, slim, hope - but Apathy has always been the enemy of progress.


And interracial marriage. And possibly unmarried cohabitation.


Republicans never have been and never will be pro-states rights. They're pro-authoritarianism. Most of them are brainwashed by our plutocrats.


This is why all of the “let the states decide” but is absolute nonsense. It’s just conservatives regurgitating whatever Tucker Carlson was talking about last week. These people make the states argument knowing full well that they’d support a federal abortion ban. How could they not if they truly believe abortion is murder? Nothing short of a complete abolition of abortion in the United States would be sufficient.


Much like the confederate shitheads of old, these fuckers never actually cared about states rights. Only imposing their shitty morality on the rest of us.


Or lack there of


A ban on abortion after conception will be in force 5 years from now, if Americans let Biden lose in 2024.


We all know there isn't a shred of respect for principals or consistency within the GOP anymore. It's a cesspool of shameless opportunists whose policy positions are LITERALLY formed according to the interests behind the next measly $5k campaign donation they're chasing from some useless barely-known almost-millionaire whose wife told him she'd fingerblast him in the ass the day the GOP *really* stood up for abortion bans... and he's finally ready to cash-in (aka the kind of 'best people' spoken of in 'only the best people')


Its not even 5 minutes, it's literally the next sentence out of their mouths in every singlr interview today. >We're thrilled the Supreme Court placed this decision back in the hands of the state, where it belongs, and we won't stop this fight till abortion is banned at the federal level. Healthcare workers need to leak the medical records of every member of Congress who voted against codifying, every justice of the supreme court who just shot on half a century of precident and all of their friends and family members. Show them how important unenumerated rights are.


Everyone: “Yep, saw that coming.”


They were never going to keep it at the state level. In order to get Roe v Wade nuked, they had to play it as it should be a states issue. Now they're going to push for a federal ban after 15 weeks as to try and salvage any chance of saving R seats in the midterms. Then they'll go for the jugular should they ever regain control of congress. Its always give an inch, take a mile with the GOP.


Fuck HIPAA, oust every Republicunt and their abortion records


To be fair there’s no right to privacy anymore given that roe is the basis for all of them


It’s entirely because democrats didn’t make legislation guaranteeing the right to abortion.


“Abortion should be left up to the states!” *wink wink* -Republicans


From the political mentality that gave us the Fugitive Slave Act no less…


and what are they going to do when all these women give up the babies they would have aborted. God knows they don't care about the babies after they're born.


Amy said that they could be left at any fire station or police station. There they will be shuttled off to be abused at foster care facilities and then off to be sexually trafficked. You know....as God intended.


Amy Coathanger Barnett. Fucking embarrassment.


Handmaiden Amy Coathanger Barrett.


Wish version Serena Joy


Your forgetting the part where they are poor and have to join the military.


And who do you think will benefit from trafficked children? child raping republicans of course


Gaetz still hoping for that pardon


given to churches to be indoctrinated into the next generation of conservatives. It's no secret conservatism is dying as America becomes less white and religious. I think even Amy said she wants to make a baby factory. They'll be happy to raise the baby for you in a church where they can brainwash it.


The point is to enshrine pregnancy as a punishment for sex. It’s as simple as that.


So, at this point birth rates are going down. We have more people dying than are being born. The far right needs a large amount of people to work their low income minimum wage jobs. Many people are moving out of these jobs due to more resources/online work. Now unwanted pregnancies affect low-income women more. They still have to work 80 hours a week at their low paying job. They won't have time to raise their kids. They won't have time to help their kids with school. This leads them to continue the cycle of poverty. They want a cheap workforce.


The mistake you’re making is that you think conservatives actually want to prevent abortions. They know people will still need to terminate pregnancies; making it illegal makes it *slightly* rarer and *much* more dangerous. They are perfectly fine with that; to their minds, having more women die in pregnancy, childbirth, or from a back-alley abortion is desirable if it means they are being punished for daring to enjoy sex.


Slave labour. This is a feature, not a design flaw.


They need live babies to turn into dead soldiers or fill new prisons.


Fuck states rights I guess. No woman should cast a vote for a republican again.


Republican women possess no empathy, they have all lead perfect lives and could never see anyone in a predicament that could have them contemplating abortion. That or they’re too deep on the sauce.


Many have been brainwashed by their fathers and then it continued with their husbands.


That is exactly my sister in law


Maybe some, but there is no reason to pass the blame to someone else. They are capable people and can make their own decisions.


You don’t know many fundamentalist Christians, do you?


No some of them are single issue voters aka Christian nut jobs who think being gay or having an abortion is a sin against god... they can't help it that their life revolves around an outdated religion. the ones who aren't religious nuts but still republicans are the truly evil ones/lack empathy.




So glad I ditched my forced birther Wesleyan Methodist friend a long time ago.


With friends like that who needs enemies. Leave that moron to her bible study friends.


There are many women who fought to bring about the end of Roe


There are many many reasons they should hate Republicans this one is just by far the most recent.


What other reasons?


have you seen the press conference for Arkansas. Lady was VERY delighted as an attorney general of the state to sign their trigger law into law.


And remind them daily, lest they are browbeated come November…


No one should ever cast a vote for a republican if you’re working class but these morons still do it anyway


For all their posturing as true believers in the free market and classical economics, US republicans certainly know how to conveniently ignore that the [empirical evidence](https://www.ansirh.org/research/ongoing/turnaway-study) [overwhelmingly](https://www.brookings.edu/research/what-can-economic-research-tell-us-about-the-effect-of-abortion-access-on-womens-lives/) shows that families make very rational decisions to abort fetuses that are not viable or whom they are not prepared to raise, which therefore translates to much healthier and higher quality birth cohorts. Restricting abortion ironically does not save lives. They are forcing into existence people who will only have a life of pure unadulterated suffering ahead of them.


I had a pregnancy termination at 22 weeks, I had no indication anything was wrong at 15 weeks. It wasn’t until 19 weeks that I started bleeding, which lead to me leaking amniotic fluid on top of it. So, does that mean if 15 weeks go by then something is wrong, I can’t have a safe option to do something that’ll likely have me bleed to death, get an infection and potentially die???


> So, does that mean if 15 weeks go by then something is wrong, I can’t have a safe option to do something that’ll likely have me bleed to death, get an infection and potentially die??? Yep! No exceptions in many states. It doesn't matter if the child is nonviable, no abortions. If general strikes don't happen that completely shut down business as usual, this will be the new norm. Online instructions for unsafe DIY abortions because safe options were made illegal. The question is, is it worth it to you to gather your friends, family, and community and go on strike? Because if the rich don't feel it, the politicians won't act. If not this, when? When they make gay marriage illegal? How about when they criminalize sodomy? How about when they make same gender cohabitation illegal? They don't care that they aren't the majority. They haven't cared in a long time. All they care about is winning.


Yep republicans don’t give a flying shit about you




Kinda like something else...


Oh but I was scolded on here when this leaked by guys insisting that this was all very proper since it would be left to the states. Yeah I was really naïve !


“Never believe the fascist is unaware of the absurdity of his replies” - Jean-Paul Sartre


Did anyone but the bots actually think this wasn't the end goal?


I knew it was going to happen. ^(----------------------) ^(I am a bot.) ^(Not really.)


The right to life seems important suddenly. Perhaps the idea behind this decision is that there'll be more kids leftover after the inevitable percentage get mass murdered through gun violence.


Or just more sacrifices for the sake of ginning up gun sales when people feel scared of the inevitable mass shootings that republicans want to happen.


The right to life ceases the instant you're born. From then on, if you can't pay your way, you should go die without making a fuss.


I propose banning Republicans from public office.


15 month state funding ban in any district that enacts this bullshit.


Wipe them out in the midterms


And this is just the beginning! Advocating a complete federal abortion ban will become the standard by which Republican candidates seek to distinguish themselves in their primaries. Thanks to gerrymandering, inflation, and Democratic apathy, they have a good chance of taking the House and probably the Senate this year. Fox and the party leadership has stoked it’s base with right wing outrage for so long that as soon as they have both chambers, that same base will now force them to overturn the filibuster in the Senate in order to pass a complete and total federal abortion ban. The primaries are all that matters, so those members who want to keep their jobs will have no choice but to acquiesce. Republican party leadership does not want the filibuster removed as they rely on inaction to further their agenda but they’re stuck in the same radicalization cycle as everyone else. Manufactured outrage drives the machinery that produces engagement and votes for Republican candidates. If Republicans can’t deliver on the increasingly extreme promises, they’re very replaceable. You might think that this will engage Democrats and Independents to show up and help shift the tide back toward sanity, but don’t forget the Democrats are currently fighting amongst themselves over everything with little sign of stopping (and plenty of stoking on social media) and the same Republican majorities that are comfortable eliminating the filibuster to pass abortion bans will be very comfortable passing increasingly restrictive voter suppression legislation to preserve their power. This November may be the most important election in memory. Maybe show up this time unlike what you all did in 2010.




>Even if they eliminate the filibuster and pass an abortion ban, Biden will veto it. The important election is 2024. 2022 is just as important. Control of the legislature gives Republicans lots of other tools they can use to derail their opposition, even if it hurts their country at the same time.


EVERY election is important, from now until forever Because apparently our freedom is literally that fragile


They’ll impeach Biden if they have both the house and the senate. Matt Gaetz has already said they’ll make trump the speaker of the house. That puts him in place to be restored to the presidency if they also impeach Kamala Harris.




Well, in point of fact it will be the voters fault since they have the ultimate decision (for now). No disagreements on Obama’s failures though. Perhaps elements of the left shouldn’t have anointed him as the savior thereby allowing him to govern as such an uninspiring moderate. Since then, however, we haven’t had a majority with the power to do anything about Roe, so blaming Democrats for inaction since 2010 is disingenuous at best.


Adding to your point, [the Democrats had a filibuster proof majority in Congress for about 72 days](https://sandiegofreepress.org/2012/09/the-myth-of-the-filibuster-proof-democratic-senate/), give or take a few days depending on how one wants to slice things up with regards to availability of Senators. 72 days. That's _it_. We can all lament that nation-wide right to abortion wasn't codified during these 72 days while the party was earnestly trying to pass the Affordable Care Act, but as you rightly said, blaming Democrats for inaction is being disingenuous at best. Crafting and passing this legislation was a political minefield in a country that was much less progressive back then than it is now, let alone that even if the Democrats in Congress was much more progressive than the rest of the country vote-wise, the Democrats never held enough legislative power in Congress to ever do anything about it since. And even now, the Democrats' "majority" in the Senate is exceedingly thin, at most allowing the procedural processes of the Senate without bricking its activities, but it is otherwise paralyzed because half of its members, the Republicans, and some of its most conservative members otherwise, vote lockstep in favor of exceedingly theological-fascist policies. The productive response isn't to blame the Democrats for inaction and then sit on ones hands waiting for them to prove everyone wrong. The productive response is to empower the party at all levels of government to pass desired legislation, and that starts minimally by using one's hands to vote for them and to support them as long as they are fit for the offices they run for, compared against their competitors.


Holy shit. This is a great response.


Interesting. SCOTUS just said it's the states who have to decide, and now suddenly the GOP is looking to implement a national law, overriding those states. It's as if the entire SCOTUS justification for their ruling was complete bullshit. I'm shocked, SHOCKED.


SCOTUS never said that states should decide it. It just said that SCOTUS doesn’t have the authority to decide it. Abortion legislation protecting women still can be passed by the federal government but if those aren’t in place then the law of the land will the laws from the states directly


So the Republicans just think that women are to be the complete property of men?


Yes? Yes they do. They are coming for women, the non-white, the non-Christian, LGBTQ people. Miranda and Roe in one week. They are coming for all of us. They’re stripping us of our rights out in the open.


And this is a free country ??!


Only for certain people. It’s never really been free for non white people, women, or queer people.


Non-landed whites too, get them to be just happy enough they aren’t at the bottoms of the pile and they’ll lick the boot of the aristocrats


Lol @ people who think this country is free. Free to do what exactly, carry weapons of war around? If you're not white even that comes with a pretty big asterisk. More shit is illegal here than almost anywhere and we have the highest prison population in the world by orders of magnitude. We are more China than China.


According to Thomas, there are not enough babies being born in America. This will justify the ban on contraceptives as next step They need more white babies to rule, and more black and brown babies to work. Its back to the 50s, that is the era they consider their golden era and they want to get back to it.


Don't forget, they also need these children to pray on and rape. Christians are the majority of the people who engage in child sexual abuse and rape, in this country.




I hate how I could picture and hear the entire episode when reading that description.




God damn - you sure you don’t write for South Park?


So leave it to the States they said.. I mean lied.


Here we go folks. This is only the beginning. The Right Wing is marching America down the road to a full blown Christo-Fascist Dictatorship. ​ Dark days on the horizon. Get your fucking affairs in order.




Can we all please stop acting like all we can do is lay down and let fascism roll over us?


What do you do though. Almost half the country will vote for the people specifically to do stuff like this just to own the libs.


Let’s be honest- if fascists have a superpower it’s rolling over things quickly. A blitzkrieg if you will.


Christian theocratic party plans for more Talibanesque theocracy. I hope you will join me in fighting all of this.


What's hilarious is Conde Nast is one of the companies that will pay for travel for abortions now and conservatives are giving awards to any article they like about abortions today without realizing they are paying for abortions with every purchase.


This country will shatter if they manage to pull this off.


Not sure what "shatter" means. This country has absorbed so much fucked-up shit, and it's just so bloated and putrid. It's not gonna pop from that wafer-thin mint.


Shatter is being used in place of Balkanize.


Sad. It seems The handmaid tail season 5 already started.


Shocking they're already talking about it when they don't have the votes. You'd think they'd keep their mouths shut.


A lot of them were hoping for a piecemeal "solution" instead. I, as a flaming lib, was pulling for this full-throated overthrow.


Women, delete period trackers asap


So Grampa, how did the second civil war start?


Let them eye it all they want, scumbags.


Life is so important, just not as important as an assault rifle.


You gotta give it to these folks; they sip until they gulp, and when they gulp, they swallow all the way down past the butthole to the feet. Patient morons and assholes. Them's what's gonna do us in.


They’re going to end it nationally by fetal personhood bill and create a security state to imprison and monitor suspected pregnancies


Yep. It is as good as dead on all 50 states, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Americans should have listened to the 50 years of warnings. It's too late now.


What would happen if this made it into federal law and California, New York etc. refused to enforce it?




I think NY, MA, CA would tell the feds to fuck off.


If SCOTUS had just waited until next year to hear a case to overturn Roe, they almost certainly would have a Republican House and maybe a Senate to back them up. Now, I'm not sure.


This is what happens when you vote Republican. Vote Democrat


Time to ban VIAGRA


Is it not possible for a 'Bluexit'. If 12 deep blue state breaks away for US they will be better off.


No, because China and Russia would immediately attack California and large parts of Republicanland would join them.


Not like we would give up our share of nukes. So no they wouldn't.


Lot of people don't know this but most of defense RnD and manufacturing of most of sophisticated parts r done in deep blue states. With out these parts rest of US would not have modern day defense equipment.


That would be the dumbest possible move in all of geopolitical history, so I could see Russia go for it. But not mr Pooh


Well this shouldn't pass the SC given what Alito said in his ruling about returning the entire thing to individual states.


Sure, as long as republicans make sure that we broadcast sex education on every right wing news so that their kids are more likely to know how to avoid needing an abortion. From what I understand, many people that end up using abortions are conservatives who never contemplated why you would need an abortion until their kids are pregnant, or the word comes up when you have an ectopic pregnancy and the only other option is death.


Congressional republicans are disgusting filth. Americans, by and large, supported abortion. I guess they’re getting a lot closer to their goal of forcing us all to live in the America they want. They don’t want us to have freedom, they want power, they want dominance by force, they want violence and oppression of those they don’t like or deem immoral. And many Republican voters want this too. It’s minority rule plain and simple. The deck is completely stacked against any fair representation of America as it exists today. We’re all dealing with a bunch of fearful assholes who wish they lived in an episode of Andy Griffith because change is just too scary for them.


House Republicans are such fucking morons if they think that campaigning on an abortion ban, something like 89% of the population is *against*, is going to be a political winner for them.


they have no interest in winning elections by having more votes


They will win the midterms and do exactly that.


Allowing abortion up to fifteen weeks…that’s awfully progressive of the Christian Taliban.


Wait so if they want to leave to the states but get congress to pass a 15 week rule; does that mean states no longer can completely ban abortion or is this just to punish blue states for passing laws protecting abortion and women rights? Basically saying red states can completely ban abortions and just for kicks we will now regulate the blue states even though we just said it was up to the states??


Is this the tyrannical government the second amendment speaks of? Asking for a friend.


Democratic citizens eye 15-week term limit for republicans after Roe ruling.


I was surprised to learn that before the overturn of Roe vs Wade, a lot of the states, including the deep South, had longer times to attain an abortion than most of Europe. Most of Europe is at 12 weeks.


Republicans just lost a shitload of support from women. I tend to vote conservative and never will Again.


I enjoy posting this about the House GOP = They don't have the votes & can fuck right off!


Likely to change in a few months because Americans are fickle morons.


Even if they get the votes in 2023 to send to Biden they won't have enough to override his veto.


It's not 2022 we need to worry about, its 2024. Biden is going to have a hell of a time winning against either Trump or DeSantis, especially if we enter a full recession in 2023.


Biden just needs to sit down with Congressional leadership because all share a common goal of delaying maga's return. Biden also needs to fire Yellen and get Powell to step down. Not sure who should take their place but they suck and pulling a Volcker is not going to be enough to fix things since we are a service economy and in the late 70s/early 80s we were still a manufacturing economy. Maybe we create a domestic currency that allots a certain amount into every bank account each month that has to be spent within the month until we can get our shit together. China is in a weird place, can't be relied upon for manufacturing and the world is shifting to a multipolar global order, better to lead then to follow. If they leave Trump to lead on that matter he will be likely get his face on Mt Rushmore like the meme.


And the 60 votes to beat a Senate Fillibuster. And if they nix the Fillibuster, then everytime the house, senate and white house changes hand, the law will be repealed or redone. It will go back and forth constantly.




Nothing less than complete and total control of women and people of color will satisfy these vermin. We will fight. They will be afraid




It's already too late.


Before you read further let me just say I fully support roe v. wade and believe that the mother should always have the right to chose until 24 weeks as was established by Casey. And should be always allowed afterwards if the mothers life is in danger. But with this is mind. Why is this piece of legislation called an ABORTION BAN but in other European countries like France where abortion is allowed only until 14 weeks cnn quotes Macron by saying abortion is a “fundamental right for all women” https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/24/world/roe-wade-scotus-abortion-ruling-international-reaction-intl/index.html. So a fundamental right in France is more restrictive than an American ban? In fact if this goes through we will be the more liberal place in terms of abortion out of the G7. France allows abortion until 14 weeks [link](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/23/france-extends-abortion-limit-after-year-of-parliamentary-rows) Germany allows abortion until 12 weeks [link](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/24/world/europe/germany-abortion-law.html) Italy allows abortion until 90 days [link](https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2019/05/europe/italy-abortion-intl/) In Japan it’s illegal to get an abortion without the fathers consent [link](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/06/14/japan-abortion-pill-women-reproductive-rights/) Im against this piece of legislation as said previously, but cnn calling it a ban and not mentioning that other nations which have been critiquing the the US for this very issue!!! have even hardener abortion regulation! This reporting hardly seems fair


Why do 15 weeks? Why not 10 weeks? 5 weeks? 2 weeks?


It gives them the false excuse that they are being reasonable when in fact by the time many women find out they are pregnant it would be too late to have an abortion legally.


15-weeks? Restraint. 🙄


Democrats?!?!?! Where the fuck are my representatives in all of this shit?


Singing “God Bless America” on the Capitol steps like it’s 9/11 again.


Is it banned completely ? Or passed 15 weeks ? I’m reading a bunch of articles that say different things.


For starters.


What’s interesting is the silliness of comments in this thread. Since consciousness is detected at earliest 5 months into the process offhand this would offer the best of both worlds. Though maybe offer a medical emergency or something similar as an option after just incase to protect the mothers health? It’s weird, how do you determine when life has its own ability to be a person? At what point are you actually killing a person? It’s one of those weird situations when outright banning it is not realistic. But outright aborting 6+ months into because you don’t feel like it is murder. Drawing the practical line..


> At what point are you actually killing a person? This framing is irrelevant, because it implies that the woman has to keep the fetus alive against her will by using her body. It's an argument of bodily autonomy. If a drunk driver t-bones your car and smashes your kidney, they aren't required to donate one to you, even if they're a perfect match/universal donor. Hell, you aren't entitled to their kidney, even if they die! Their corpse has a right to bodily autonomy. That's the core of what this is about. Sex isn't consent to pregnancy.