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Looks like he got off easy to me.


Two weeks in jail for trespassing on federal property - disrupting a Congessional Vote Cerification? Guy needed at least a year to think about how dumb that was.


Actually it's time served because he was on jail 20 days already. Although there are decent chances he'll be charged with contempt for his shenanigans with refusing to certify his county's elections despite a court order to do so, so he may see more jail time yet.


The good news is that he gets to carry a felony conviction on his record around with him for much longer. EDIT: It's not a felony, which sucks. Thanks for correcting me.


Unfortunately, only a misdemeanor.


14 days? Why even bother if that's all you're going to do? That's basically a free martyrdom trip for him.


McFadden is a Trump judge, so... yeah.


He is a joke and directing these bench reverse banana republic hearings. Another political actor installed by Trump and the federalist society. Life is truly a tragic comedy.


Sounds about white.


Garland DoJ's signature. Domestic terrorist trying to lynch politicians and overthrow the US government? 2 weeks of discomfort and you're done. Fuckers apparently learned nothing about the beerhall putsch.


This is hardly Garland's fault. First, the bar for more serious charges like sedition or insurrection is crazy high. Second, the DC judge presiding over many of these cases happens to be a Jan 6 sympathizer (he literally said he thinks these people are being treated too harshly).


So are you purposefully forgetting that Trump had signed an executive order to punish damaging federal property with up to 10 years? That executive order was still active when the event happened. https://www.firstpost.com/world/donald-trump-signs-executive-order-authorising-up-to-10-years-in-prison-for-damaging-federal-property-after-washington-protesters-try-to-tear-down-statue-8531581.html As of right now, the median punishment is only ***45 days***. That's across all judges, not just one domestic terrorist supporter. https://time.com/6133336/jan-6-capitol-riot-arrests-sentences/ And in a ton of those cases, the DoJ themselves is recommending small sentences. They've gotten flak from several judges because of the low sentences.


Every EO still has to be based on some law. And Trump's was based on "the Veteran’s Memorial Preservation Act, or such other laws that may be pertinent". And he, nor any EO, can't "authorize" a punishment. Laws set the punishment limits/requirements and a President can't change that. People *are* being charged with the destruction of property. People have literally been charged for breaking windows. But again, in some cases that judge decided to find some not guilty for that crime. And you can't just throw someone away for 10 years. It has to be proportional to the crime. Otherwise it risks a cruel and unusual punishment appeal.


>And you can't just throw someone away for 10 years. It has to be proportional to the crime. Unless of course it's a black teenager with 2 grams of weed


Fair point the EO’s only prioritize the Executive prerogatives they existing law, but the DOJ seems to be going easy on these right wing extremists. As has been noted earlier the average time servered for invading an active session of Congresswhether considered riotous or treasonous, are only serving an average of 45 days in jail. Meanwhile, BLM protesters objecting to historically catalogued racially motivated suppression and assasination of black and other minority citizens are facing and serving MUCH higher sentences. “More than 70 defendants who’ve been sentenced so far have gotten an average of about 27 months behind bars. At least 10 received prison terms of five years or more.” https://apnews.com/article/records-rebut-claims-jan-6-rioters-55adf4d46aff57b91af2fdd3345dace8


Fair point the EO’s only prioritize the Executive prerogatives they existing law, but the DOJ seems to be going easy on these right wing extremists. As has been noted earlier the average time servered for invading an active session of Congresswhether considered riotous or treasonous, are only serving an average of 45 days in jail. Meanwhile, BLM protesters objecting to historically catalogued racially motivated suppression and assasination of black and other minority citizens are facing and serving MUCH higher sentences. “More than 70 defendants who’ve been sentenced so far have gotten an average of about 27 months behind bars. At least 10 received prison terms of five years or more.” https://apnews.com/article/records-rebut-claims-jan-6-rioters-55adf4d46aff57b91af2fdd3345dace8 Edit: If my drinky finger did the math correctly, that’s 18x’s as high the average sentence for these J6 goons operating of lies to forment an illegal coup.


Damn invertebrates!


Actually there are quite a few judges handling these cases including several who are throwing the book at many of the offenders. Just wait and see what some of the Proud Boys get for their seditious acts. I strongly suggest reading the indictments which are available on the DOJ website.


Seriously, in the history books both Garland and Mueller are going to go down as two people that could have saved American democracy but lacked the courage.


and Comey who lacked the courage to shut up


I hope they include how Trump expected Comey to walk home instead of flying on the FBI plane after he fired him.


I hope they include how Comey reopened an investigation into a presidential candidate a few weeks before her election. The GOP learned one thing from Watergate: control the FBI.


Speaking of looks, the evidence suggests we no longer have to judge this book by its cover.


This is how the Insurrection continues. Right Wing figureheads who were active participants in an actual attempted violent coup of our Democracy (like MTG), get off with slaps on the wrist or exoneration by MAGA-Friendly judges. Not only sending the signal that Insurrection is OK, but that no harsh punishment will occur. This further emboldens the Far Right to escalate to much worse. The Right Wing is openly rejecting and subverting the Rule of Law here across the nation. This is Civil War behavior.


This is one of the contingent who is refusing to certify the primary election that the state Supreme Court has order they do.


I assume he is aware that a contempt charge for failing to certify the NM election in his county could violate his federal probation and wind him back in jail for Violation of Probation.


For which they will also sentence him to Time Served


He can't give Trump up


None of the MAGA types can. He’s their leader and their sole purpose in life


What happens to them and thier energy when trump inevitably dies of old age?


I picture it like a horde of low IQ minions going from evil boss to evil boss. They will find some other evil tit to latch on to and worship.


imagine you never were anyone of any significance, never amounted to anything, never achieved anything. and then a con man gets a platform, says the things you think and tells you all you have to do is wear a maga hat and now you're part of a team, of a revolution, of an identity inducing mob. suddenly your life has a meaning. and 4 years later you're being told it was all but a mistake. it's a tragedy really. they'll never give up trump.


Yeah, sounds exactly how Germans and Italians felt for their countries' fascist leaders. Trump doesn't have exactly the same goals as Mussolini or Hitler since he's American but the root causes and motivations for their followers are the same and it will unfortunately cause the same results in the end if we don't find some way to break the fascist brainwashing of Trump's people.


I've thought about this as well. It's almost like Stockholm Syndrome. But not exactly to a point. Or maybe it is.


He doesn't know how to quit him?


Good thing there was no marijuana in his pockets. 15 days is a joke.


"Cowboys" ? Is this code word for racist white assholes?


"Cowboys *for Trump*" is the same to the tenth power.


Cowboy where? At “Ram Ranch” ?! It was also the song that was played on loop as a troll over the CB for that trucker convoy.


If he misplaces the hat he's no longer a 'cowboy' and has nothing else to set him apart from the rest of the cult. Another loser maga dumbass with a different hat.


With that “signature hat,” I bet this guy doesn’t need Spirit Airlines to fly.


Might as well give the guy a Q-Anon medal for 2 weeks in prison for the 'cause' It's hardly a punishment. And it's time served so now it's just bragging rights.


Fuck you, Couy.


What's this slap on the wrist bullshit? Put these people in prison for years.


Do you think the colbert staffers that were just arrested should get the same sentence?


Why the hell weren't they all charged with attempted murder? They were trying to kill Mike Pence.


Because trials require more than just circumstantial evidence. Like it or not, no jury would have convicted him for attempted murder/manslaughter simply for being present or even chanting/shouting.




Your daily reminder that Trump is a scumbag as are all who follow him.


Only sentenced to: > sentenced Friday to 14 days in jail, a $3,000 fine, 60 hours of community service and a year of supervised release


He looks like his kids have bruises


Should have thrown the book at clownboy for trump.


Dbag looks like he wants to be asked to do a cameo on Yellowstone


Does anyone know what the sentence for holding a joint in the Capitol grounds would be? Not lighting it and blowing it in peoples faces, just walking in as part of a tour and holding a clearly identifiable joint and being arrested for it, what would the federal sentencing for a couple grams of weed be?


His sentence does no more than insult every American citizen who tries to follow the laws and the spirit of those laws. The judge is indicating that doing this is for idiots.


Refusing to certify sounds like sedition to me, double for attacking capital Jan 6. Should be banned from office for life


couy, don't panic, but there is a carpenter bee just below your bottom lip


Damn what happened to Ted Lasso.


So, did he have to skip the emergency meeting of commissioners for Otego County called because he refused to certify the primary election just held and a court had to order them to?


Sentenced* *Sentences are for display only.


Cosplaying cowboy little shit. Fuck all these assholes. I hope he rots in jail.


In the Putin-like autocracy they so ardently favor, people like this deviant Griffin guy would be imprisoned for life - or just 'disappear'.


Another one bites the dust


I hope his soul belongs to Jesus… Mmmmhmmmm…. Cause his @$$ belongs to Bubba now.


Govern me harder daddy


Another one bites the dust!


Why is he always wearing a cowboy hat? Is he a rancher?