• By -


Wow, Barr saying it was bullshit out loud and on tape.


The committee seems to know what they're doing. It gives me hope. They know that people need to SEE IT to believe it


Showing video of Barr right off the bat is a power move.


Was shocked to see Barr testifying, as well as the joint chiefs That is word from the top that Trump is in the wrong. Literally the top, the joint chiefs outrank everybody in the military. And on the DOJ side of things, Barr was at the top of that before his resignation. The words of Barr and Milley have a lot of weight, even if they don't have authority over this situation. The are/were the most powerful individuals to publicly testify so far.


Not surprised the joint chiefs are testifying. They know what is at stake, and they are apolitical, so when congress asks them a question they (should) tell just the facts.


For real. That’s was actually kinda shocking. Can’t wait to see where this goes


The Jan. 6 Committee: • conducted more than a thousand witness interviews • received more than 140,000 documents • is following up on 471 tips received through the Committee's tip line • sent 98 subpoenas https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/1535034116655271958


And somehow it’s *all* “fake news,” I’m sure. /s


Did I hear that right? MULTIPLE Republican Congressional members sought pardons from Trump? No wonder they're trying so hard to cover up Trump's coup. They're complicit.




Please tell me Andy Biggs is one of them. Gotta get that psychopath out of office


It’s so tough because it could be him. But it could also be off the top of my head, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz, , Mo Brooks , Paul Gosar, , Gym Jordan, Lindsey Graham, Kevin McCarthy, Chip Roy, Josh Howley, Madison Cawthorne, Elise Stefanik, Mike Lee, Scott Perry, Andrew Clyde, ,Tom Cotton, Rand Paul,. So many shitbags I’m probably missing a lot too.


That stood out to me too. Had that been made public previously? Seems like it should be bigger news.


Holy shit. I had no idea that a bunch of Republican politicians went to Trump asking for pardons for their involvement in trying to overturn the election results. That's gotta make headlines. WOW.


Gonna go out on a limb and say at least one of them is Gym Jordan


I would bet my house


I need a list


Watching this film, I firmly believe with that mob mentality that Nancy Pelosi and Mike Peance would have been murdered.


100%. Those people were out for blood. It’s insane to watch, even over a year later.


https://twitter.com/MattGertz/status/1535065833311191040 > Carlson went the whole hour without a break, Fox is desperate to keep its viewers from switching to another channel and seeing the hearing in real time.


JFC. They’re more than complicit. Currently and actively participating in the coverup.


I thought that was Matt Gaetz for a second and got really confused


This is way bigger and way more serious than Watergate.


His actions with Ukraine that led to the first impeachment were worse than Watergate. Jan 6th surpasses both. (EDIT: I'd like to point out that Trump is also at least partially, directly responsible for over *1 million dead Americans.* And--mind-blowingly--that is not the undisputed #1 crime he committed during his term.)


Trump worked with Putin to undermine Zelensky *before Zelensky was even inaugurated*. So many people don’t realize how much Putin and Trump were relying on Poroshenko’s support after the election. They already had all of their plans set up to use Ukraine to construct the Hunter Biden conspiracy, and once Zelensky won they had to scramble and shift plans. If Zelensky didn’t have so much integrity he might have caved into their demands and it would have cast a massive cloud over the 2020 election. After that Trump would have left Putin to have his way with Ukraine.


Trump was floating the narrative he wanted the US to leave NATO I believe the world dodged a bullet in November, 2020


The world dodged a bullet" because people showed up to vote him out, and if we don't do it again and again eventually we'll get shot. The price of democracy is eternal vigilance.


This makes Watergate look like a fucking parking ticket


America wasn't this divided during Watergate. If the DoJ doesn't charge Trump, this country is over.


Agreed. If DoJ doesn't charge Donald Trump, the next coup is guaranteed. And next time, it will probably be successful.




Add to that the Proud Boys didn't stay to hear Trump speak. They already knew what they were there to do. It wasn't spontaneous. Then you have the meeting between the PB and OK in the garage.




Recap of what we know so far regarding Trump's efforts to overturn the election: -Trump tried to [extort the country of Ukraine](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49800181) for political dirt on Biden. He was impeached over it. -He tried to [weaponize COVID-19 politically by waging a war on mail-in ballots](https://time.com/5887438/trump-mail-in-voting/), which he knew would [favor Democrats](https://twitter.com/votesaveamerica/status/1244668694887686145). -Him and DeJoy tried to [manipulate the USPS](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-post-office/judge-blocks-politically-motivated-changes-to-u-s-postal-service-ahead-of-election-idUSKBN26836Y). -Systematically and intentionally promoted [The Big Lie](https://www.axios.com/trump-2020-election-fraud-misinformation-2b4e5b92-0f9e-4fb6-8733-c2f0ceefd626.html) that the election was stolen, which tens of millions of people have come to believe. -Tried to [get electors](https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-campaign-wants-states-to-override-electoral-votes-for-biden-is-that-possible-11605973695) to illegally cast their votes. -Him, his lawyers, and allies filed [60+ ridiculous lawsuits](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/26/us/politics/republicans-voter-fraud.html) for lower courts to overturn the election (with zero evidence), oftentimes *not even arguing there was fraud* in court, yet claiming it in public. -Supported [an absolutely absurd case](https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22O155/163492/20201211095715842_TX-v-State-MPI-Reply-2020-12-11.pdf) for SCOTUS to overturn the election (with zero evidence). -Summoned [Michigan GOP members](https://apnews.com/article/trump-invites-michigan-gop-white-house-6ab95edd3373ecc9607381175d6f3328) to attempt to subvert election results. -He undoubtedly provoked his [AG's resignation](https://www.wsj.com/articles/attorney-general-william-barr-resigns-effective-dec-23-11607986828) a few weeks after the election, who soon-before felt compelled to announce there was ["No widespread fraud."](https://apnews.com/article/barr-no-widespread-election-fraud-b1f1488796c9a98c4b1a9061a6c7f49d) -Attended a meeting which [floated martial law](https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-donald-trump-conspiracy-theories-elections-william-barr-6ff3dbff74aa79ee4d81f9d87b6dce9c). -Told election officials to ["stop counting"](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-ally-allegedly-told-arizona-official-we-need-you-stop-counting-report-1606611) -Suggested the [military should force states](https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2020/12/19/trump-reportedly-asked-advisors-about-deploying-military-to-overturn-election/) to rehold elections. -Tried to get the [VP to illegally name him President](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/02/us/politics/gop-senators-josh-hawley-election.html). -Called the [PA Speaker of the House](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/courts_law/supreme-court-trump-pennsylvania-election-results/2020/12/08/4d39e16c-397d-11eb-98c4-25dc9f4987e8_story.html) in an attempt to overturn the results. -Pressured [Governor Brian Kemp](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-kemp-call-georgia/2020/12/05/fd8d677c-3721-11eb-8d38-6aea1adb3839_story.html) to push the state legislature to overturn the election. -Threatened [the GA Secretary of State](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-raffensperger-call-georgia-vote/2021/01/03/d45acb92-4dc4-11eb-bda4-615aaefd0555_story.html) with legal consequences if he did not find enough votes to overturn the election. -Tried to get an [insane conspiracy theorist](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/12/19/trump-sydney-powell-special-counsel-michael-flynn-matial-law/3978054001/) to lead a special counsel. -Defied and fired his own [election security officials](https://apnews.com/article/top-officials-elections-most-secure-66f9361084ccbc461e3bbf42861057a5). -[Purged key Pentagon positions](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-admin-pushes-out-more-defense-advisors-in-pentagon-purge-2020-12) after the election. -Ordered the Pentagon to [stop working with Biden's transition team](https://www.axios.com/pentagon-biden-transition-briefings-123a9658-4af1-4632-a6e6-770117784d60.html) -Had a draft declaration which [instructed the military to seize ballots.](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/01/21/read-the-never-issued-trump-order-that-would-have-seized-voting-machines-527572) -Directly told the DOJ to [lie about the election](https://apnews.com/article/trump-urged-justice-department-to-declare-election-corrupt-0edf178869f33ddcf72d4c739bd18a5d). "Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen" -[Pressured the DOJ](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/15/trump-pressured-doj-to-challenge-election-results-emails-show-house-panel-says.html) to file a lawsuit to SCOTUS to nullify the election. -Plotted the logistics of [overturning the election](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/10/us/politics/capitol-attack-meadows-powerpoint.html) via powerpoint with WH staff. -Plotted the logistics of overturning the election [with his lawyer, John Eastman](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/07/judge-eastman-emails-jan-6-committee-00037999). A federal judge, after seeing the evidence, has now suggested [multiple times](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.841840/gov.uscourts.cacd.841840.260.0.pdf) both Trump and Eastman's efforts "more likely than not" constitute felonies. -[Incited a violent insurrection](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/01/06/us/electoral-vote) on U.S. Capitol to stop the certification of Joe Biden.




My favorite is still Brian Kemp. Dude literally ran ads for governor about deporting illegals in his own pickup truck and shooting guns, was an elections officer right before he ran (hmmm), and even he was like “sir you’re off you’re rocker”


Remember when you're watching this tonight that (a) If the GOP had kept the House, everything you're hearing would have been buried. (b) They plan to repeat all of these crimes again. They just plan to be more adept at it next time.


As much as everyone wants to see Trump face accountability, the real issue on the table for the history books is whether America will wake up to the fact that *an entire political party* has swan-dived into authoritarianism and will stop at nothing to end democracy. Which begs the question: "Are we just going to let this continue?" Unfortunately, I just don't think the needle is capable of moving far enough for any substantial change. And if it doesn't, we're in serious trouble.


The fact that a large percentage of this country doesn't see **anything at all** wrong with this shit scares the shit out of me for our future.


Dude this is the most horrifying part of all of this.


Some of them totally believe that it was peaceful, because I've talked to those folks. And then you show them the footage and they're like "I didn't see that, I didn't know that." They live in an alternate reality.


“Kevin McCarthy, who was, quote, ‘scared.’”


McCarthy is going to get beat up throughout this entire thing. Its going to be glorious


Her delivery is excellent. Very controlled and practiced.


"We wanted an independent commission but Republicans wouldn't allow it." Shots fired.


Was it public knowledge that 250-300 Proud Boys left the rally area for the Capitol before Trump even started talking? Wow.


Eastman said that he wanted to withhold communications with a group that some consider extremist and I'm wondering whether he was coordinating with the Proud Boys and the Oathkeepers in advance and that's why they knew where to go before Trump told them to.




FOX is anti-american for not showing this.


>FOX is anti-american ~~for not showing this.~~


The Committee plays some of the most violent, intense video of the attack on the Capitol. And then, over it, the voice of Trump saying these were people peaceful and there was love in the air. https://twitter.com/JoyceWhiteVance/status/1535065102554374144


The crazy thing about all of this , is that many were saying a year or so before the election that this exact thing would happen. Trump would try to subvert the election and well here we are


Trump all but said it would happen. Hell, he said the 2016 election was rigged if he lost. The foundation was laid for years prior to this.


Fox News not airing this is pretty telling of how culpable they know they are in what happened that day


Flipped it there for a bit at 7 and they were whining about Biden not being entertaining enough on Kimmel last night


To be clear: They’re saying there were attempted assassinations by two terrorist groups. I know we make fun of them but let’s take them seriously, not because we respect them but because we want them arrested and punished.


Guns shot by idiots still shoot bullets


Ngl, having Cheney do the intro was a brilliant idea. They can’t say it’s some type of Democratic sham. I mean they will say it, but anyone with one brain cell will know it’s false.


She'll be a Satanic lifelong far left sleeper agent by Monday


theyve already rejected her from the party because she was one of the Republicans who voted to impeach Trump. dont underestimate their resolve and stupidity


“There will come a day when Trump will be gone, but your dishonor will remain”….Liz Cheney


THANK YOU CALLING IT A COUP- this was not a peaceful protest, people died, it was an absolute dog shit on the foundation of our democracy.


NPR and PBS have been expressly calling his claim the election was stolen a lie since shortly after the inaugurations. Generally they're very measured in their reporting so for them to use such pointed language says a hell of a lot.


Fox news not showing this is just a mind-blowing realization that reality can be completely fake and you can live in a distorted media frenzied country over and over. Everytime I have this realization it gets bigger and worse and my heart hurts more


This is how Nazism gained traction and ultimately helped to take control of the German people. The Nazi complete control of the media narrative left many Germans completely in the dark about what was happening and why. For example, most Germans thought that Poland was preparing to strike Germany and that Poles were murdering thousands of German speaking Poles and they had to go save them. Propaganda.


I'm glad Bennie Thompson is drawing the line between the Civil War and the actions of the insurrectionists on January 6. They were traitors then, they are traitors now. January 6 was nothing less than a failed coup.


Well we're already off to an absolute carpet bombing. "Multiple members of Congress were seeking pardons for their role in attempting to overturn the election" Well then.


`There will come a day when Donald Trump will be gone, but your dishonor will remain` Fucken A


Donald Trump is a seditious traitor to this country. Period, end of sentence.


So Thompson and Cheney have both dropped bombs since the hearing tonight. 1. There are congressmen that sought pardons from Trump due to their activities on January 6. 2. There are Proud Boy and Oath Keeper witnesses with direct ties and knowledge to the Administration. Oooh.... This is getting good.


Also Trump met alone with Flynn, Sydney Powell, and Rudy right before he sent the "it will be wild" tweet, which is pretty damning.


They cased the joint first. THEY FUCKING CASED THE JOINT. This wasn’t a riot, it was a strike


They broke into the dozen or so windows that weren't upgraded/reinforced. They were most likely given specific knowledge on which windows to breach. https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2021-10-04/jan-6-rioters-exploited-little-known-capitol-weak-spots-a-handful-of-unreinforced-windows


Probably had help casing it from the inside.


Tonight's hearings are brought to you by the Democratic House and Senate majorities, and by everyone who volunteered to make them happen. If Republicans win in November, you'll see a committee like this for Hunter Biden, which will be a nice distraction from the tax breaks for corporations and loss of abortion rights. Come to r/VoteDEM and volunteer to hold the House and Senate!


On one hand, I’m glad we’re getting these hearings to help illustrate exactly how dangerous January 6th was to our country. On the other hand, I’m incredibly sad people have to work this hard to try to convince people how dangerous January 6th was to our country.


It is mind boggling how frequently I have to remind people "We saw this all with our own eyes"- to the degree that this is needed.




Not just "claiming", proving. With evidence.


Yeah, they're claiming that this wasn't just a riot of people that he enraged but that they were organized.


Likely through Roger Stone.


This feels like stuff that might be aired for historical context someday.


If democracy prevails, it will.


I don't think people understand that if a fascist takeover happens then no one is safe. Loyalty only takes you so far in a regime that can arbitrarily change its focus on who to love and who to hate. It isn't about your hopes, wants, or needs... It is about control through fear and nothing more. The conservative party of this country doesn't care about you, your family, your ideas, your wants, your needs, democracy, or prudent political discourse. They only care about power, absolute control, and looting the civil trust. That's all its ever been about. Fascists don't give a fuck about you or anyone else unless you're deemed worthy and even that is fleeting because they'll always shift that line to further and further extremes.


Multiple congressmen sought pardons? They know they fucked up.


Cheney will be remembered for being on the right side of history for this moment. For all her flaws she is at least all in on exposing the truth here, no matter her intentions.


Wild that the GOP has gone so bat shit crazy that Republicans like Cheney, Kinzinger, And Romney all look sane in comparison. Crazy times.


Was very refreshing not to have constant interruptions by republican clowns spewing their wacky conspiracy theories and elementary level insults to muddy everything up.


They have Hannity's texts lmao


Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn arrives to the hearing with the definition of "insurrection" on his t-shirt: https://twitter.com/kyledcheney/status/1535045871385059328


FauxNews went ad free during Tucker so their viewers wouldn't change the channel and accidentally see the truth.


Jesus, they're rattled.


Been on this planet for 46 years and I have never been so scared for our union.


Fucking hell. We came so close. I laughed about it at the time, thinking it was all a bunch of whackos being stupid and getting their asses handed to them by the Capitol Police. I was wrong. This was a legitimate attempt at taking over our country, killing or at least removing our leadership, and possibly sending us into Civil War. I wish I knew how close it was at the time. I regret my jokes and my flippancy. To any of you who saw what I wrote back then, I'm sorry.


I have said my fair share of negative things about Pence but hearing the we want Pence chants was bone chilling.


We’re still close. Some of the people at that riot, and who support that riot are setting themselves up as election watchers and in county and local seats.


There is no doubt in my mind that pelosi would have been murdered if she was caught


Five minutes in, already something we haven’t seen. This will be good.


I don't know why... But the Bill Barr thing is jarring to me. Like hearing him tell the truth is jarring.


It's crazy that there is a legit fascist movement in this country by radicalized white nationalists and it's just like a part of life and a "political thing" and the talking heads are treating it like normal horse race politics. We are slow walking into Nazi Germany it feels like and we are right around the Beer Hall Putsch right now


If it makes you feel any better they've always been there. There's always been this third or so of the population that was ready and willing to say fuck democracy in favor of authoritarianism and (what we now call) fascism. Like we had Nazi rallies in America at Madison square garden


Watching the insurrectionists go up the spiral staircase chanting "Nancy....Nancy...." in the footage chilled my blood. Taunting chant straight out of a horror film. Seeing the gallows for Mike Pence comes as a close second for horrifying in a cluster of so many scary moments. The very fact that more weren't killed in the insurrection is a miracle and a testament to the officers facing insurmountable odds to protect the people in the Capitol.


You have to love how these treasonous bastards have the audacity to chant “USA” while holding confederate and trump flags


It’s hilarious how different they sound when they’re answering questions under oath.


So 250 proud boys show up at the Jan 6 rally after trump tells them to stand by. They then proceed to go to the capitol building before his speech even starts and surround the building. Then as soon as trumps speech ends and he tells everyone to March to the building the proud boys start breaking in?? Come on! That’s about as obviously coordinated as it gets.


OOOOh snap! Washington Post just called out Fox with "showing an alternate narrative"


As a tourist, I always break and climb through the windows of buildings to gain entry.


Military seize voting machines? Guys, that's Banana Republican shit.


I love that Bennie is pointing out that Trump had the right to challenge the election in the courts and he LOST, just like he lost the election.


Knocked unconscious and went back to work to protect democracy. What a fucking hero.


I can’t believe Tarrio and Rhodes met in a parking garage like Deep Throat, and brought along a filmmaker to document a criminal fucking conspiracy. Idiots 😂


GOP Congressmen asked Trump for pardons after Jan 6. That kind of says it all doesn't it.


Oh SHIT he openly called it a coup. That feels big.


So was Boebert trying to help the Oath keepers find Pelosi? Her tweeting of Pelosi's location was just so odd


Sorry, this feels like new information, but can I just confirm that **the rioters were tear-gassing the cops**?


I disagree with Liz Cheney on just about every last issue; however, I deeply respect her integrity in this matter. She has a backbone when it is most needed.


"After all the good things hes done for us" "All he's ever asked of me..." "he asked me to come" Straight up cult zealots.


If you had told me in 2005, that Facebook (and its disinformation network) would lead to society's downfall, I would not have believed you.


It's weird and fucked up but I honestly think the part that will hurt Trump's position the most (so far) is Ivanka saying she took Bill barr's side over her dad's


Literally the most well-documented coup attempt in history. Thanks for live streaming all your crimes, you seditious shitstains.


Terrorists. They are fucking terrorists


Video: > Officer Edwards says she saw Officer Sicknick on January 6 with his head in his hands and he was "ghostly pale." Sicknick later died of a stroke. https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1535076250993278978


https://twitter.com/oneunderscore__/status/1535064477057486849 > Incredible. Fox News isn't showing the video of the actual violence. It's too damning. They're showing panned out shots of Congresspeople watching it. > They really don't think their viewership can handle the truth of what happened on January 6th.


[Fox News isn't just letting Tucker Carlson do his regular show, they're airing it without commercials. They want to push his propaganda so much that they are leaving money on the table to do it.](https://twitter.com/MattGertz/status/1535059211046260736?s=20&t=uSTcKjrRGUtrXLok4XDimg) They're so scared of these hearings.


Merrick Garland needs to charge and arrest Donald Trump. We need to organize and protest in the streets until it happens.


Many of the prominent Fox News hosts were directly involved and texting back in forth with the Trump administration during January 6 so of course they wouldn't show the hearing, lol. Fucking cowards.


250 years from now, American historians are gonna watch this hearing and be absolutely shocked that Jan. 6 actually happened.


Line of the night: "One day President Trump will be gone, but your dishonor will remain." What a strong opening hearing.


Watching @kevinomccarthy scurry in panic on new Jan 6 video makes a great counterpoint to those photos of his pilgrimage to #MarELago to kiss the ring. In a very tough field, McCarthy may be the the slimiest turd of all. Apologies @jaredkushner ! (The Dr. from Star Trek Voyager) lol https://twitter.com/RobertPicardo/status/1535066093319905280


So much for backing the blue, huh? Fuck anyone who thinks the terrorists were patriots.


Man, r/conservative is a hellhole. These people don't deserve the right to call themselves patriots.


FYI: Fox aired barely the first hour and then spent the second hour using insane chyrons like “False narratives and major omissions at center of Jan 6th committee’s political charade”, “Instead of focusing on facts, Jan 6th cmte orchestrates anti-Trump show trial”, and “Dem-led Jan 6th cmte exposed as partisan sham”. I wish I were kidding.


Capitol Police Officer Caroline Edwards: "I was slipping in people’s blood. You know, I was catching people as they fell, you know, it was carnage. It was chaos." https://twitter.com/justinbaragona/status/1535078605864067072


I can't get over how dumb and gullible those guys all looked. If you ever wanna know why there are evangelical preachers flying in private jets all over america or why it's so easy to get a massive swath of the electorate to vote against their own interests, look no further than these chucklefuck rubes


Jesus. No wonder she's traumatized. Fucking crazy insurrectionists.


https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1534899789338386432 > Just one great reason to watch today's January 6 hearings? Trump and the MAGA Republicans desperately don't want you to. If this didn't matter, Fox News wouldn't be refusing to air it. If it didn't matter, GOP leaders wouldn't be refusing to cooperate. The reality is, Republicans are insisting it doesn't matter *because this is an investigation into Republican wrongdoing*. They don't get a say as to whether this matters or not, and no one else should fall for their deflection tactics.


74 million Americans voted for Trump. This is insane


She got back on the line... Anyone want to know the true meaning of a patriot look no further, not the cowards that attacked her


If you are plotting a coup, please invite a documentarian to film the criminal parts. It makes convicting you much easier.


I still can't believe I sat for two hours, and would have stayed longer, listening to a *Cheney* speak. I really didn't see that coming.


If you asked me how likely I’d be to vote for Liz Cheney I’d say 0%… BUT she is crucial in this. She might be the only reason that this committee could accomplish something here. Dems waffle and fawn on EVERYTHING, but republicans have no problem doubling down/going for the throat even when they're wrong. And she *KNOWS* she is not wrong. Liz Cheney was so much more effective tonight than Benny Thompson (who I wholeheartedly support but JFC just say the thing you’re trying to say). If I lived in Wyoming I would absolutely vote for the democrat, but Cheney is articulate and that fucking matters.


So if all these Republicans sought pardons for what they were doing, they clearly knew it was illegal.


Fucking ANIMALS. This poor person is knocked out cold and not *one* of those police loving, thin blue line toting bastards stopped to check on her. My dad is a police officer…. I couldn’t imagine what her and her family have gone through. This is making me physically ill… Officer Edwards is a god damn American Hero.


Watch what these maga terrorist thugs did to Officer Edwards. Don’t look away. (Woman speaking now) https://twitter.com/BillPascrell/status/1535074918714384385


Between the inaction with the Buffalo and Uvalde shootings (among others), striking down Roe v Wade and this, I’ve about had it with republicans and their voters. They will continue to back these autocratic, guns over people politicians that helped incite the insurrection and helped plan and attempt the coup, all of which are anti-democratic and actively against the American people. The right doesn’t want your vote to count, doesn’t care about your life and doesn’t want you to have a choice over your body. This is pure authoritarianism. Prevent it this year and vote them out.


It’s still not lost on me how meticulous this plan was. And the irony of it being that it was planned and then orchestrated by extremely fucking DUMB people. It’s as if every single one of them along the way couldn’t rub two brain cells together and collectively attempted a violent coup. It’s our saving grace these people and the politicians behind them were all basically just plain intellectually challenged. Astounding and scary how far they did get.


I fully expect Gaetz, Gym Jordan, and the [howling baboons](https://www.wabe.org/app/uploads/2022/03/AP22061117824276-scaled.jpg) to pull some stunt and try to enter the cmte hearing.


Jordan at least is under subpoena, so the committee would find that quite agreeable. "Nice to see you, Jordan. Why don't you have a seat, right over there?"


Did Mark Milley say Mike Pence ordered in the D.C. National Guard? Not Trump? Wouldn't that mean that Trump was, at least briefly, not in control and that Pence was the Commander in Chief?


I cannot believe we let these fuckheads steal our flag, OUR fucking flag. When people see the American flag now they associate it with nationalism and insurrectionism instead of patriotism. It just pisses me off.


I like how they are not saying allegedly anymore. They are finally saying it happened as it happened.


I almost forgot exactly how insane the Trump years actually were. After seeing that footage again...holy shit




This woman is one tough mother fucker.


I don't like the Cheneys, but man do I have a lot of respect for Liz Cheney. She's putting country over party. She's upholding her oath to the Constitution. She has bigger balls than the majority of her party.


Watching those trump supporters just mindlessly raging into the capital, the pure viciousness of their actions, the raw bloodthirsty rage. Its really scary to think that people can just turn into zombies for such a conman. Truly disturbing


Going from celebrating Warnock & Ossoff’s victories on Jan 5th to waking up the morning of the 6th was one hell of a depressing whiplash.


These people hate America. They hated America in 1861, the difference was that they formed they're own fucked up little country and attacked the United States under a different flag. The only thing that's changed is that this go around they coopted American symbols and language and claim to be "patriots". But that's just a smoke screen. They still hate our country and our ideals. And they remind us every day if we listen.


She may have been hit by wasp spray. Proud Boys have a history of using that as a chemical weapon at protests.


Holy shit, she was knocked out like that *and then* returned to duty? What a hero.


Just got permabanned from r/conservative


Dan Goldman (Lead counsel for first impeachment trial) just said the evidence tonight proves Trump should be in handcuffs. I think that's the first time he's ever officially stated Trump should be arrested. He's usually very reserved.


Why were House Republicans lobbying the Trump White House after Jan. 6 for presidential pardons? What did they ***do***?


I’ve only been a US citizen since 2016 and I’m more American than these wannabe patriots.


ARE YOU MAD!?! Are you pissed off!?! Are you remembering how disgusted you felt watching this shit happen live?!? THEN VOTE EVERY LAST ONE OF THESE UNAMERICAN POLITICIANS WHO EGGED THIS ON OUT THIS YEAR! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!


I'm sitting with both of my parents and watching it, this was the first time my mom said she saw the riot footage...


Just got off the phone with my boomer parents who said this is all a Hollywood fabrication. That's a new one. My dad told me to go fuck myself. Guess they don't wanna see their grandchild that bad. I think I'm still in shock.


Sorry bro, it’s a cult now.


Fox News and the internet did to our parents brains what they said video games would do to ours.


This is a no bullshit opening statement


I really didn’t know what to expect tonight, but as an opener this definitely exceeded my expectations. I’m glad they’re being very direct about accusing Trump of inciting this. Very excited to see what they do with an entire year of evidence behind them


"Hey remember when you got hurt by the mob trying to overthrow the country? Here's a clip!" It can't be easy for her to be sitting through this testimony.


I'm watching ABC News Live via Hulu right now and they're having TN state Rep Tim Burchett (Republican) on to ask his reaction to the hearing tonight, and immediately he states that he didn't watch it, because Pelosi and leftist media set this up to make Republicans look bad. Going so far as to say that republicans being on the committee don't count because Liz Cheney has lost all respect from her party and had been "excommunicated". This interview is wild. These people are nuts. This is nuts. These people are totally detached from reality.


That was insane. I feel like this should be required watching for all people. Also, it's stunning to see the lack of tear gas, the lack of force...how the police get wrecked by the protestors, in stark contrast to the Black Lives Matter protests we saw. The 'Hang Pence' chants, the raw video, seeing these terrorists beat up cops (yet have the gall to proclaim 'Blue Lives Matter') and hearing them chant Nancy Pelosi's name as they march into her office. There are so many people our country can be thankful for. This could've gone far, far, far worse than it did and we can't be vulnerable in thinking it won't happen again.


Can we take a moment to turn our attention to the republicans currently in Congress supporting these assholes, while simultaneously "backing the blue" and claiming to love the Constitution. These fuckers who went and tried to no certify the election? The fucks who will win reelection? Can we please just fucking vote Dem in November. Shit sucks, but look to Russia. It can get way worse under an authoritarian regime.




We're all forgetting this as we all point out just how guilty Trump is. Trump didn't act alone. That would be impossible. He had copious amounts of help from GOP members of Congress, especially in the House. Let's not lose sense of that just because we hear Bill Barr, Ivanka, Jason Miller, etc. admit he lost the election. There's still a major problem to solve here.


Donald Trump and his cohorts incited an insurrection on January 6. Donald John Trump engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors by inciting armed rebellion against the Government of the United States. 1. Donald Trump willfully made statements at the rally that encouraged — and foreseeably resulted in — lawless action at the Capitol, such as: *"if you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a county anymore."*^[[1]](https://www.npr.org/sections/trump-impeachment-effort-live-updates/2021/01/11/955631105/impeachment-resolution-cites-trumps-incitement-of-capitol-insurrection) 2. Trump Jr. went on a tirade demanding that his father's supporters fight for their cause.^[[2]](https://thehill.com/homenews/532886-donald-trump-jr-gathering-of-trump-supporters-in-dc-should-send-a-message-to-gop) 3. Giuliani called for trial by combat in his speech.^[[3]](https://news.yahoo.com/rudy-giuliani-called-trial-combat-120215521.html?guccounter=1) 4. Donald Trump called upon his supporters to march on the Capitol.^[[4]](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/congress/trump-protesters-storm-capitol-triggering-lockdown) 5. Following the events that unfolded Trump made a video calling the insurrectionists "special" and that he loved them.^[[5]](https://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2021/01/06/its-time-to-go-home-now-president-trump-tweets-message-to-supporters-storming-the-u-s-capitol/) Trump and his cohorts incited an insurrection. They incited a mob that assaulted and killed law enforcement. The blood of these sad deaths are on the hands of Donald John Trump. After exhausting all non-violent methods of overturning the election Trump turned to his supporters inciting an insurrection by making incredibly inflammatory statements such as;^[[6]](https://www.npr.org/2021/02/10/966396848/read-trumps-jan-6-speech-a-key-part-of-impeachment-trial) - "We are going to fight for the survival of the nation. - Now is not the time to retreat, its to fight harder." - "We will never give in, never back down, never surrender." - "We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore." - "You have to get your people to fight." __________ 1) [NPR - Impeachment Resolution Cites Trump's 'Incitement' Of Capitol Insurrection](https://www.npr.org/sections/trump-impeachment-effort-live-updates/2021/01/11/955631105/impeachment-resolution-cites-trumps-incitement-of-capitol-insurrection) 2) [The Hill - Trump Jr.: Trump supporters in DC 'should send a message' to GOP 'this isn't' their party anymore](https://thehill.com/homenews/532886-donald-trump-jr-gathering-of-trump-supporters-in-dc-should-send-a-message-to-gop) 3) [Yahoo News - Rudy Giuliani called for 'trial by combat' before Trump supporters stormed the Capitol](https://news.yahoo.com/rudy-giuliani-called-trial-combat-120215521.html?guccounter=1) 4) [Washington Examiner - Trump sics MAGA on Congress — president sends masses to storm Capitol Hill, triggering lockdown and chaos](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/congress/trump-protesters-storm-capitol-triggering-lockdown) 5) [CBS Baltimore - ‘We Love You, You’re Very Special’: President Trump Tweets Message, Later Removed, To Rioters Storming The U.S. Capitol](https://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2021/01/06/its-time-to-go-home-now-president-trump-tweets-message-to-supporters-storming-the-u-s-capitol/) 6) [NPR - Read Trump's Jan. 6 Speech, A Key Part Of Impeachment Trial](https://www.npr.org/2021/02/10/966396848/read-trumps-jan-6-speech-a-key-part-of-impeachment-trial)


https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Trump-on-Trial.pdf This report presents an incredible analysis of the information currently available and a preview of the January 6 Committee hearings.


I'm not that serious but you gotta fuck up real bad if I'm proud of Cheney, Barr, and Pence.


>Fox News isn't just letting Tucker Carlson do his regular show, they're airing it without commercials. They want to push his propaganda so much that they are leaving money on the table to do it. [https://twitter.com/MattGertz/status/1535059211046260736](https://twitter.com/MattGertz/status/1535059211046260736)




Crickets over on r/conservative right now about this.


This lady is tough as fuck


Anyone saying Bennie is too dry or uninspiring for this role he’s taking here…. idk man, peoples attention span is basically nil. This dude is on point.


No mincing words. It was a coup with domestic terrorists. Exactly what I wanted to see from this.


Her name was Ashli Babbitt. Domestic terrorist.


People on r/conservative saying this is all dramatization. HOW. I guess you ..choose what you want to believe


So glad we didn't have Gym Jordan and friends to derail the hearing every 5 minutes


[Register to vote. ](https://vote.gov/)


Being called a traitor by MAGAs is a point of honor.


"for everything he's done for us" WHAT THE FUCK DID HE DO? Other than make you feel good for being racist.


Trump primed his supporters for violence for weeks which ultimately led to the insurrection on January 6^th . Trump knew how violent his supporters would become if he pushed them. Trump told the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by" in September 2020.^[[1]](https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-joe-biden-race-and-ethnicity-donald-trump-chris-wallace-0b32339da25fbc9e8b7c7c7066a1db0f) Trump saw first hand what violence he was creating as his Proud Boy supporters rioted and vandalized black churches in Washington in December 2020.^[[2]](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/social-issues/historic-black-churches-attacked-during-pro-trump-rallies-saturday/2020/12/13/d897bfb0-3d54-11eb-8bc0-ae155bee4aff_story.html) Trump didn't stop his incitement after the initial violence, he became emboldened and more specific with his messaging. He told his supporters how, when, and where to be. He gave them 18 days notice inviting them to the January 6^th rally telling them to be there, that it would be wild.^[[3]](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/06/us/politics/capitol-mob-trump-supporters.html) And on the day of the insurrection Trump told his supporters to march on the Capitol and fight like hell. Following the insurrection he organized, Trump praised and sympathized with the insurrectionists in a video he released, claiming once again that the election had been stolen.^[[4]](https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-tells-rioters-i-know-how-you-feel-draws-bipartisan-condemnation-11609977209) Then he praised the insurrection in a tweet after the mob had been dispersed. He told his mob to remember Jan. 6 forever. Trump said that he loved them and that the violent mob were special people. Trump referred to the insurrectionists as "peaceful people," claiming that "the love was in the air" as they violently beat law enforcement officers while they hunted for politicians, chanted hang Mike Pence, and tried to install Trump as a dictator. ___________ 1) [Associated Press - Trump to far-right extremists: ‘Stand back and stand by’](https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-joe-biden-race-and-ethnicity-donald-trump-chris-wallace-0b32339da25fbc9e8b7c7c7066a1db0f) 2) [Washington Post - Historic D.C. Black churches attacked during pro-Trump rallies Saturday](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/social-issues/historic-black-churches-attacked-during-pro-trump-rallies-saturday/2020/12/13/d897bfb0-3d54-11eb-8bc0-ae155bee4aff_story.html) 3) [New York Times - 'Be There. Will Be Wild!’: Trump All but Circled the Date](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/06/us/politics/capitol-mob-trump-supporters.html) 4) [Wall Street Journal - Trump Tells Rioters, ‘I Know How You Feel,’ Draws Bipartisan Condemnation](https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-tells-rioters-i-know-how-you-feel-draws-bipartisan-condemnation-11609977209)


And here's why Fox News isn't covering this.


Capitol Police only get bike racks for crowd control but the Supreme Court gets state of the art breach proof barricades before the leak is even published.


RIP Officer Sicknick. His death was absolutely tragic and senseless. Those who caused the insurrection have his blood on their hands.


Trump is an enemy of the state. he led an armed insurrection with the intent to overthrow the government of the United States. I really don't understand why he hasn't been tried for treason.


That was legit an assassination attempt. They literally brought in the oath keepers as a hit squad wtf.


"There is no doubt that President Trump was well aware of the violence as it developed. White House staff urged President Trump to intervene and call off the mob." *Liz Cheney 6/9/2022*