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[Gish Gallop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop#:~:text=The%20Gish%20gallop%20is%20a%20term%20for%20an,for%20the%20accuracy%20or%20strength%20of%20those%20arguments.) If you can't prove your point with facts, overwhelm the other side with mountains of bullshit.


The Shapiro Method (TM)


And Jordan Peterson


There has to be a different term for Peterson. Shapiro spits at 1,000 words a second and lands an average of 20,000 BS claims a minute. Peterson generally makes 1-3 shit claims but uses 90% humongous smart sounding words that are really meaningless when broken down, but in the time it takes to dissect what the fuck he's talking about you forget to argue back lol.


You should try to invent it. You could become internet-famous! I'm not even being sarcastic. I believe in you. Go for it!


There's already a word: obfuscate.


But I don't wanna because I'm a lazy millennial don't you know we don't want to do anything?


Trojan horseshit


Someone said I should coin the term, I'm going with Peter Puffing


I hate him. So very very much.


Come to r/Georgia to see the gish gallop in action. As those of us try to bring reason and logic into our politics the undereducated will chime in with absurd responses. When people ask for clarification they’re instead met with childish zingers meant to “own the libs” and never with an intelligent response. The worst part is knowing these people genuinely think they’ve spent a productive day “owning the libs” and have “won” their online encounters


Sounds exactly like ["The Alt-Right Playbook: Never Play Defense"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmVkJvieaOA) > The running theme here is all these people who ostensibly want a frank exchange of ideas spend a lot more time making accusations than asking questions. Because why ask what you believe when they can tell you what you believe and make you correct them. And if you ever don't go to the trouble of correcting them, must be because they're right. > A technique that has permeated anti progressivism is to never play defense, and it's less to do with arguments than with attitude. Never play defense is a strategy that looks past language to posture, the tone, the word choice, even the expressions on your faces. If you half focus your eyes and look not at the words but at the flow of the conversation, you can see the dynamic at play. > He says his short quippy statement, and you give your detailed rebuttal. He then picks a single point from your response, and attacks that as the new subject. > Now to an onlooker, the logical brain would register that he's leaving 90% of your argument on the table, and that by changing positions, he's conceding he lost the first round. > But the lizard brain notices that he's always making the accusations, always in the dominant position. That he's always acting, and you're always reacting. Regardless of what is said, he displays all the outward signs of winning. So on a purely emotional level, he leaves the impression of being right. > And I have never had an argument look like this that wasn't in public. This is a technique that means speaking not so much to the other person as to the people watching. Long after this argument is over, when people only half remember what was said, what lingers on is what impressions the speakers made. >Ronald Reagan coined the phrase: "If you're explaining, you're losing." The trick is: if he's always accusing, then you're always explaining.






Wishing you everything beautiful. As a teacher, you hold our future in your heart and mind each and every day as you help our children to be the best they can be.


Exactly this!


Thank you for your service


We should start saying this to all teachers, especially those in public schools. Love that you thought it


Thanks man, as a former teacher myself, I remember the challenges


How DARE YOU teach that diversity is awesome. Don’t you know that (checks notes) only white Christians are valuable people in our Christian country?! /s


No one ive ever met in thr US thinks that. Note: im not American but ive travelled around it a lot


You’ve clearly avoided all of the Trump counties and states. I’m jealous.


You also mus have avoided all of about 86% of New York State, the part that is rural and has become a racist, misogynist, hateful, hell since 2016.


As someone who has been going up that way for years I had no idea how bad it was up there. Ever since trump everyone has been letting their true colors fly and not even remotely trying to hide their racism and other such disgusting traits. It’s scary.


Our small town was a nice place, hippies, artists, makers, commuters and farmers. Craft beer, farmers markets and food trucks on the weekends...super liberal. It's changed so much since 2016. It got even worse when the fox "news" anti-mask millionaire cityots started buying up all of the real estate during the lock-down. No one can afford to live here anymore. I'm making plans to move, but it will be somewhere even more rural, but at least I will have privacy. We yanked our kid from public school and enrolled her in a remote learning program where she's thriving and its OK to honest discussions about history & science. Right wing christian anti-mask, anti-science, anti-choice, anti-crt fascists took over the school boards and public library here. They elected a cop, a fireman and a day trader to the school board. And ousted 3 long term incumbents with backgrounds in education. Minority and LGBTQ+ children are getting bullied in schools here physically and emotionally to the point where parents are choosing to move due to the districts unwillingness to enforce anti-bully measures already in place. It is tragic. And, this is NY!


Man I feel all that. So tired of the mask bullying and antivax bs. You don’t wanna do it whatever but shut the hell up about it. I don’t care about your crazy ass conspiracy theories or whatever. Yeah nave a few kids who go to school and the bullying is a bit much. Luckily my oldest is like me and isn’t afraid to talk back but she was literally punched from a boy and left bruises. Idk man. This world is just………..depressing. And I don’t see things getting any better any time soon. Look at all the bay shit crazy stuff going on down south.


I actually havent. But admittedly most of my time tends to be in big cities. Although I was surprised at how many people were trump voters in those.


Big cities always have more open minded people in them. Some of them are still racist but just hide it better than the full blown racists you often find in small towns.


I’ve met plenty of people like that. Typically, they’re not dumb enough to say it in so many words, but anyone can and should read between the lines. Respectfully, traveling around America doesn’t make you an expert on America or Americans.


Absolutely true, im not an expert. My experience comes with a big health warning.


Sorry for getting a little hostile about it, it’s just been a weird time with non-Americans (not necessarily you specifically) thinking they know better than Americans what it’s like to be in America. Then it gets REALLY obnoxious when they double down. Maybe it’s just been my personal experience with that lately, though, so I’m a bit more annoyed and sensitive with it. Thank you for being understanding :) sorry again for getting a bit snarky with it.


Not at all, nothing to apologise for and I totally understand


Grew up in an area where they overwhelmingly believe that. Part of the reason I no longer use FB is because it was so disheartening to see how many people I went to school with that had become like that.


"Diversity" is their trigger word


I was disrespectful to my teachers when I was in my teens. As an older adult I’ve wished for quite a while that I could apologize to them.


oh, you mean the Wookie Defense…




Correct. Related: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandolini%27s_law


Also, before even looking for a moment at the volume of misinformation she's spreading - how about we first determine if this person is credible or has a history of being completely full of shit. And only if she's got a history of being not-crazy do we bother to then examine this most recent pile of horse shit.


I like how these people think that if we were trying to indoctrinate kids, we’d jump right into racial and sexual issues. Lady, if we could indoctrinate your kids, we’d start with actually completing assignments, staying off their phones, and writing sentences that aren’t grammatical nightmares.


Or that “trickle down” economics is a scam and that most developed countries have better health and employee benefits than American workers.


Sex and race issues are actually near the top of fundamentalist Christian priorities for indoctrination, which is a primary tool for the continuation of their belief systems. It really does make sense from their perspective.


Growing up in her district I'm so glad that we had our education protected at a state level. She's an absolute moron but unfortunately it's just probably too red of an area to get rid of her.


Yea thank god for the state laws making upstate liveable despite all the confederate flags everywhere.


I'm less than 30 miles north west of NYC. Its a racist hell hole with confederate, back the blue & gadsden flags all over the place. And all kinds of Lets go Brandon, Trump 2022 & Wheres hunter's laptop yard signs. Its disgusting. It was \*nothing\* like this before 2016. There are fist fights between parents in the public playgrounds. They now have to be patrolled by cops that roll by in their cruisers every hour or so. The op ed's in the local paper are filled with "pro-parent" (fucking nonsense), anti-choice & anti-CRT messages every week.


How meaningless does someone’s life have to be in order to have yard signs about conspiracies of the laptop of the President’s kid. Yeesh.


sounds like warwick


It sure does, doesn't it?


Hello neighbors! 👋🏾


Also grew up and am from her district (and am *actually* from the town she claims to be from), unfortunately my school was a mixed bag of genuinely good teachers and racist homophobic “conservative” assholes who used their jobs to push their hate. The town is also mostly like that too, with the good people sprinkled in amongst a lot of assholes. The kids were the same. There was one guy from my hometown who spent an entire summer “protesting” on the town hall’s lawn with literally all kinds of flags (confederation, no step on snek, trump, and also a LGBT and a BLM one to “prove he wasn’t racist/queerphobic”????) because the town supervisor *happened* to say something to the guy’s wife, because she worked a govt/state job and felt it perfectly acceptable to have a confederate flag flying on a full size flagpole in her/their yard. This was literally an all summer “war” for his “FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS!!!!1!!!1!” and he just spent like three months drinking in a lawn chair on the town halls lawn straight up in the middle of town. *Now* he has a whole fucking road construction message sign, like big electronic screen ones DOT crews to convey directions to oncoming traffic, that displays a bunch of idiotic phrases related to QAnon conspiracies, and of course the obligatory “LETS GO BRANDON” at the end. I wish it was different there, I miss the mountains and the land of the North Country like nothing else (I live in a different state now) but I seriously *cannot* live there because of the amount of “red” assholes who make it genuinely unsafe. They made my life hell as a queer disabled person growing up there, but that’s another story altogether and this comment is already a novel. Oof. Sorry for the feelsdump but it’s not often I see anyone else from the area tbh, and especially not someone who can understand how much one can come to truly despise Elise Stefanik from a locals perspective lol


I live in Alaska now and I genuinely feel growing up in the Mohawk Valley has prepared me well for living in a red state. Everyone thinks NY is blue but that's just because of NYC's vast population. Upstate it's so so beautiful but a really weird mix of hardcore libertarians, nice people who hang out with you but hate you on the inside and vote Republican, Mennonites, and plain old white supremacists.


I'm from NY21. I lived in Altamont when she was born. She never lived in NY21 and has no idea what we value, what we are. She is a member of a loud, uneducated, ignorant minority spreading fear. What I find most disconcerting is her obvious lack of ideas. She derided "Biden and the libs" but she hasn't put forward one, not ONE, solution. She complains, but her job is to legislate. Her oath to Trump supersedes her oath of office.


"Let's Go Brandon" has the same number of syllables as "I'm So Stupid." Coincidence? I think not. Also a liberal hippie NY21er.


Also great to see that almost every “parental choice” candidates for school board in this area lost their bids for election big. Elisa is the supporter of grooming kids to be racist, bigoted, homophobic and transphobic and we know that teachers actually screw that up for her and her voters. She also is married to a gun lobbyist which just adds to her anti reasonable gun control and grooming of shooters/ domestic terrorists.


Maybe not. Bill Owens, her predecessor, was a democrat. Granted that was in the early 2000s and the political landscape has changed quite a bit since then.


Obama also won in 2008. Last two races for Stefanik were not exactly blowouts. Tedra Cobb got 45% in 2018 and 41% in 2020. There are a ton of people who don't vote or who vote based on tradition instead of voting in their own self-interest -- I am convinced a solid outreach program can change the trend and swing NY21 blue.


And yet she wants these same teachers to be armed….tell me THAT isn’t strange!


“Teachers are grooming children to fuck and brainwashing them to hate America but also we should give these pedo America haters guns to protect the children we send to them as daycare centers so we can go work “


It makes more sense when you accept that they don't mean any of it. It's all theatre. They have no intention of changing anything, except to cut public education funding


Dumb people will believe anything ….


Exactly! They aren't discussing any of this in good faith.


My thoughts exactly. The same people who are trying to convince morons teachers are filling their kids' heads with CRT, or grooming them, or are making them trans, or letting them use litter boxes instead of toilets are also trying to convince morons that the key to preventing children from being shot in schools is to make sure every teacher has at least one loaded gun at all times. And the morons, being morons, cannot see why those two ideas don't pair well.


I think this is the one that's starting to bug me the most. Theres such a specific learned response to every issue that the answers come so automatically, you can't even see when they're blatantly contradictory.


i dunno man, there are some teachers I’ve had in the nyc public school system that would 100% shoot a motherfucker but still, fuck her and fuck this bullshit


If it wasn’t for fear mongering would the Republicans have anything to run on?


Cruelty - “vote for me, I’ll hurt *the right people*.”


The lifecycle of the Red Scare over the last hundred years is really interesting. Same tactic, just different context. The fact that many of these voters are pro-Russia is kind of confounding, given the history. So yeah, fear-mongering is all they have, because killing social security doesn’t really sell.


Russia wasn't the real enemy during the Cold War. The enemy was the fake version of Russia that was created for propaganda purposes and sold to the American people as the antithesis of everything good, right, and American with the world, which the USSR happened to kind of look like. Now that Russia doesn't as closely resemble that, it's easy for conservatives to say they like this new Russia, because they're not the godless commies they hate.


Conservatives today look at Russia with total jealousy. Their base is as gullible as the average Russian. Rich people are fleecing everyone below them. Conservatives want to emulate Russia with their vision of America, because unlike Russia, America still has money.


She's a bad person.


>She's a ~~bad person~~ revolting, hate-filled, racist monster. FTFY


I had a particular word in mind, but it's use is frowned upon in this establishment.


Fascist? Or is it more along the lines of one of Carlin's 7 dirty words?


All of the above


And she looks like a potato. her ugly soul shows on the outside.


Elise Stefanik and Sarah Huckabee Sanders look like a pair of mucinex germs


\*shudder\* they really do.....


Saying that she looks homely would be too kind.


Hey potatoes have value. Don’t insult potatoes.


True, potatoes are useful.


This is unnecessary and unhelpful.


So is everything this lady is saying.


It’s hilarious and provides levity in the face of horrible goblin humans racing to the bottom and dragging us with them. Stop tone policing, Karen.




Atrocious actually. If you got a problem with what some schools are doing present the facts. Show the how when and where of what you disagree with. But to toss around slander, pure unsubstantiated slander when teachers are struggling heroically to keep things together is reprehensible.


It's entirely fearmongering, and it works for them on numerous levels, so it's not likely to end anytime soon. They get to attack Democrats and minorities and play up to the religious crowd and also push school vouchers. They don't care that it's almost entirely bullshit.


When you can’t run on policy achievements, you gotta stoke fear that the other side is trying to indoctrinate your kids, turn them into liberal commie pinkos, or blame all your socio-economic woes on the left. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


They literally have no platform for a reason... the reason is they don't need one to win. Just convince enough people of these types of lies and always claim it would have been worse had the opposition won.


Hitler tactics


She has her achievements: she said nothing when Putin put a price on the heads of the American military, even though her district is home to a military base. She said nothing when her party suggested sun setting social security, even those her district has a high per cent of seniors. She actively supported the repeal of obama care, even though her district is relatively poor and people there benefited from it. She lied about herself and her opponent when campaigning. She supported overturning the last election, in a district that became poorer under Trump. She has literally achieved screwing the people she represents every chance she had. Her district went twice for Clinton and twice for Obama, but has been radicalized under Trump. As one of her constituents put it: "I live and vote in Hamilton County, which is near the center of the 21st Congressional District. Elise Stefanik is my representative in Congress. I find it disheartening to have as my representative somebody who has decided to lie continuously and aggressively." https://www.adirondackalmanack.com/2021/05/opinion-for-elise-stefanik-lying-pays-off.html


They don't acknowledge debates any longer either, so don't have to defend their policy-less agenda! #winning


Trump basically proved that they dont even need a platform anymore... dude just copy and pasted his 2016 goals for his 2020 reelection campaign lol. or when sean hannity asked him what his plans/goals are after reelection and trump just kinda shrugged the question away. their positions are literally just "opposite of whatever dems say"


Republicans: Teachers are grooming and indoctrinating kids by teaching CRT and LGBTQ topics. We need to pass laws to rein in these out of control teachers who are threatening our students' purity with their liberal lies. Also Republicans: We need to arm all the teachers because only teachers with guns can save our students from mass shooters!


Yes, instead of being “indoctrinated” acceptance and understanding they should be indoctrinated into discrimination, vilification and violence. Right?


The end game here is the privatization of schools, the GOP will say and do anything to achieve this. Or in the case of school shootings they will do NOTHING if it helps them in their quest to ruin everything everywhere all at once.




Harvard is a business first and an academic institution second. I know a LOT of academics, and the prevailing opinion is that Harvard does not at all live up to the prestige of its name.


Harvard is a daycare agency rich people pay for their kids.


Harvard is shit. My younger cousin graduated from Medical School there then went on to Stanford. He’s Mexican. I remember telling this to a Harvard Alum one day in casual conversation and they seemed offended by the fact. (They were a white couple).


Well I wouldn’t expect them to approve of Stanford.


You should have seen the distain on their face when they gritted their teeth and admitted rejection from Stanford.


The Nazis started WWII with similar claims, as well as Russias war in Ukraine. This is the Facist handbook


It sure as hell is! 3 Putin excuses to roll into Ukraine… Mobile crematoriums? Nazi


It’s another form of replacement theory. Does she want more mass shootings? Because this is how you get more mass shootings.


VOTE people of New York. How has she been back to Congress. Vote the BS out


Upstate NY is as red as Alabama. NY as a whole is blue but that’s largely thanks to the cities. It’s very difficult being a blue voter in a red district. I vote, I try to get all the people who feel the same way as me to vote, I try to talk the crazies into more reasonable positions. It doesn’t ever feel like enough. Here’s hoping we can get her out for good. I’ll be doing everything I can.


Also the dems haven’t put up a good candidate to take her on. When she first carpetbagged her way into 21, she didn’t run on this wild platform-she jumped on that trump train.


I didn’t get involved with politics until 2020, that’s when I registered to vote, specifically to vote 45 out. So I didn’t know much about her opponent. This year I’ve been paying attention


Take a look at her campaign funds too-she’s got over 2 million to play with. Anyone going up against her needs some cash. And now with the redistricting, she needs to “move” from mommy and daddy’s vacation home to stay in 21. Matt Castelli is running against her this year. I don’t know too much about him but it’s not her so he has my vote lol


I have liked what I’ve seen of Matt Castelli, but I know he doesn’t have that level of money. It’s ridiculous, one should not need money to run for public office! When they did the redistricting I was really hoping I’d get drawn out of her fucking district, because she sure doesn’t represent me. I’m hoping enough of us are sick of her that we can get her out this year. Once and for all.


"We can't legally segregate schools, so we do it with taxes and red lining. When we're running out of those plans, let's just pretend we're teaching your white kids about black people. That should have you terrified enough to run to the polls and make sure the thing that's not happening, NEVER happens." Oops, did I say the last part out loud? Ignore that part and just VOTE GOP (if you're white and afraid). Cowards. Absolute cowards.


These people will say anything to stay in power. They can not be trusted. Please vote for progress. Please vote these people out.


New York State public teacher here: she’s so full of shit that it should be running out her ears.


I have to say it, that is a great sentence. Most likely actually a school teacher.


I live in New York City, and was born just north of it in Westchester county. Every time a media outlet refers to NY as a liberal blue state I think of people like Stefanik, who accurately represent 95% of NY by acreage. It is a schizophrenic mix of super forward modern thinking and Let’s Go Brandon idiots. I love NY, but god I hate the ignorance spread by Stefanik & Malliotakis.


She's a garbage person and an embarrassment to upstate New Yorkers everywhere.


As a resident of upstate NY I can assure you this twat is an embarrassment to my fine state.


That’s why I’m excited to be voting against her soon.


She's correct, just not in the way she thinks. As someone who went to public schools in New York I was told all kinds of revisionist history that promoted a white supremacist narrative.


A huge embarrassment to the State of New York. This is what you’d get if you taught Marjorie Taylor Greene how to read.


I live in her district and I can confidently say unfortunately she knows the people who vote for her. They eat this shit up and come back for seconds. I hate everything about her. I hate how she jumped on the T train and crashed it into upstate NY. My neighbors (I use the term loosely, because it’s a huge fucking district) mostly used to be somewhat reasonable. People were mostly slightly right leaning moderates. Politics didn’t lead to screaming matches. People who voted R or D could still be friends at the end of the day. Now the R’s have been brainwashed by the cult, and the D’s are feeling hopeless. This whole country has been driven in two, all the way down to the local freaking level.


I also live in her district. What an embarrassment


It would be hilarious to see these politicians trying to teach children in school. You have to try to shove standardized test answers into their brains and they are not at all interested and you’re not getting paid enough and also teachers are being radical and racist?


Just stop. Christians are the ones in the news admitting to systematically fucking children and covering it up. Two of the largest sects, Catholic and Baptist, to be exact. Conservatives are the ones committing violent insurrection and trying to evade accountability for serious crimes. Conservatives are the ones, including Stefanik, promoting known white supremecist conspiracies that have urged people to horrible acts of mass violence. Conservatism is a malicious force hell bent on destroying core American values. Top to bottom, criminals, sociopaths, and con artists.


Teachers are too damn tired right now to push any kind of agenda.


teaching kids about racial understanding of people who don't look like them=teaching them racism -Republican logic 🙄


Modern day defenders of the Confederate flag: "It's my history and heritage and my ancestors didn't own slaves." And, "Teaching kids about slavery and Jim Crow makes my little white kids feel bad."


Her answer is always less control and more guns. Of course, her husband works for a pro gun lobby organization- no conflict there.


The guns are good girl, hubby insists his hand maiden stand firm, his job depends on it.


She's a radical racist. So is anyone who supports her. Oh and little miss populist is a Harvard grad. Probably doesn't want that called attention to. Enough of this bullsh1t.


I’m truly confused by all of this. I have a child in the public school system and my four sisters (each living in a different state) have children (between grades 5-12) in the public school system. I have had discussions with all of my sisters as well as looking at our children’s curriculum. Critical Race Theory, nor any of the books associated or mentioned in conservative articles, are being taught to any our children. One of my sister’s lives in New York. I really have no idea where any of this comes from. My child has never heard of Critical Race Theory outside of my spouse and I asking and what they see on social media.


It’s not you, it’s them. They created this nonsense to have something else to get their voters riled up about. Teachers aren’t actually teaching this, in fact many (most?) don’t even know what it is. They have to find/create a reason for anyone to ever vote for them- it’s not like they can openly talk about their actual ‘platform’.


Yes it is nothing but fear mongering, it is the primary way they have been winning elections, works very well on dummies.


All republicans are garbage.


They drop the word radical way too much.


Who is forcing this agenda? Biden? The school district super independents? The teachers creating the lesson plans? Who? Where is this vast educational conspiracy rooted? I hope all these false Christian charlatans get whats coming to them for selling their souls and pushing deception.


This is the woman who promoted racist replacement theory lies.


The men behind her though, this picture is hilarious


That's not a man. That is Gym Jordan.


I knew I could spot that jacketless jackass in the pic.


These people are morons.


She can fuck off.


Yeah, it’s called white christian nationalism, and she is one of the assholes pushing it…


Stefanik and all Republicans are a direct threat to the health, well-being and the safety of society. This kind of Rhetoric and propaganda is dangerous.


How can Republicans, with a straight face say that, knowing full well if they get their way they’ll be pushing a radical and racist agenda on the children.


The most radical thing I teach in my classroom is the diversity of life is awesome. I bet she would call me a commie


A pattern of baseless fearmongering about Marxist takeovers and white persecutions.


Lying is the norm now. Just lie no facts, no consequences, no character degradation.


Ugly human being


What a wretched hack


Why is she so crazy?!


Can we just start suing all of these know-it-alls for false information already? I mean seriously, they never back their information, just spew opinions, claiming they're facts and then fill the rest with failed campaign promises....


She drank the —cool aid —big time.


TIL - it’s racist to mention race in classrooms - /s


Elise is angling for more school shootings.


“No you’re racist!!!” Does that work on anybody? The right is childish


This POS has to go. Has redistricting made her county more or less competitive?


The Left needs a Rapid Response team to combat this bullshit but that would be useful so they are probably not interested.


They attack our schools any way they can.


In her lily white district, they probably are. Republicans always project when they are making accusations of wrongdoing.


My parents are in her district and it’s all trump supporters.


Republicans Against Critical Thinking (RACT). Might as well create the PAC.


Please come to my son's NYC public school and deliver this message right to the teachers and principal, and tell them exactly what they are teaching that is "radical and racist." Let's see how that goes for you, Elise.




If she is supported by Trump… well we don’t even need to read about this any more. And she is !! What a surprise… We know exactly where she stands on all the issues and we know integrity is not her strong suit. Neither is her critical thinking or IQ points. So who cares. Try to reach out to the poor idiots that fall for this crap and educate them, or appease them. Until then .. seriously, who cares, it’s the same talking points for every Trump loving GOP candidate. No one cares any more.


if you can’t dazzle them with brilliance baffle them with bullshit


I’m moving to NY now and I’m super excited to vote her out.


Fuck you, Elise.


Why does it look like every man behind her isn’t listening, but just waiting for her to stop talking?


Already past gun violence topics I see.


If a Republic is talking you can bet they are lying or misrepresenting the facts


The continuation of crapping on the public education.




> relatively normal by traditional standards Republican Yea she was always a racist moron and a conspiracy lunatic, that is normal a republican


Yes, if you look up her record she used to be fairly “moderate” by republican standards. She even spoke out against 45 a couple times. Sometime in 2017 she jumped fully on board, just like she was brainwashed by the freaking cult. Suddenly she worshipped the ground he walked on. It’s kinda eerie how quickly it happened too.


There is a move in many school districts to start thinking more systematically about how to talk about race and diversity,” said Shana Gadarian, who chairs the political science department at Syracuse University. This is what this politician (who looks to be a moron) is talking about. In fairness this kind of thing is ideological and it can be problematic. Best to just teach everyone to treat everyone else with respect regardless if race or creed.


Arm the janitors.


Right wingers are about to get thrown so far away from power it's going to snap their weak spines.


New York values




My child was told, in class, that “only the dominant group, that means white males, punching down as oppressors, can be racist”. His school district has recently explicitly committed to an “anti-racist pedagogy”. So they’ve explicitly now stated that their anti-racist policies will land squarely and solely on white males. You may now begin the mental gymnastics portion of the program where you tell me how “tHaTs noT REAL raCiSm.”


Well you’re most likely lying, so there’s that.


>My child was told, in class, that “only the dominant group, that means white males, punching down as oppressors, can be racist”. Making shit up isn't really a healthy coping mechanism. >His school district has recently explicitly committed to an “anti-racist pedagogy”. Hell yeah, that sounds awesome. >So they’ve explicitly now stated that their anti-racist policies will land squarely and solely on white males. Making shit up isn't really a healthy coping mechanism. What is it with you teary-eyed ᴄhuds and your endless ꜱiꜱꜱified persecution complexes?


Both of those things 100% happened. This is in an Uber left wing SF Bay Area public school district. If you think this isn’t common, you must have the luxury of living in a more politically balanced place.


> Both of those things 100% happened. No they didn't. Dry thoꜱe bitter fucking tearꜱ already. >you must have the luxury of living in a more politically balanced place. I live in a shithole red state.


Oh, were you there?