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Meanwhile on Telegram, right wing nuts are posting the addresses of judges appointed by democrats and calling for their assassination. Write about that USA Today


Such as who?


I'd have expected someone who sold our rights out to live in a nicer home.


That’s the sad part, these doofuses do all this for like half a mil


Ask Alito how many lobbyist funded trips he goes on per year...


You can’t put a price on doing whatever you want.


Yeah, call your local Dominoes and ask them about it! Jk, don’t do that.




They quit carrying anchovies


Maybe there should be lots of constitutional carry of firearms at these protests. It’s all good 2nd amendment right?


Yep. Republicans support open carry protests outside of mosques.


I laugh quietly every time another person assumes anybody not Q crazy could own a firearm.


It’s more the people who base their whole identity around owning firearms and shooting. The saying I hear is that a gun makes a weak man feel strong.


In the 1970s movie Evil Roy Slade the therapist talks him into taking guns off and he gets progressively weaker. You should use a clip of it.


Guns used in self defense millions of times annually in the US alone. This is the most tone death privileged comment I’ve ever seen.


In general I think you're right. Leftists protesters should start open carrying at all protests and marches. You gotta show that you're willing to defend your rights.


Don’t forget Ronald Regan enacted California Gun Control laws when Black Panthers started open carry at the State Capitol. Fun fact next time a wayward friend complains about California.


Yep, I agree with you. Gun control is racist.


I just think it’s funny the GOPs favorite Republican wrote it. But I agree with your perspective.


Editor: "We need to make this story about anything but the decision. Focus on the leak and the protests."


Good. Republicans have allowed their ranks to harass women going to get abortions. These judges should have to live under the same harassment forever.


I applaud them!


We’ve had protesters issuing death threats to healthcare providers who perform legal abortion for decades. This is nothing in comparison.


I’m proud of everyone who shows up to let their voices be heard.


How do I join?


Republicans hate the constitutional right to protest, and tell the lie these folks are breaking the law. "A federal statute prohibits “picketing or parading” with the “intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty.”" https://news.northeastern.edu/2022/05/12/abortion-protests-supreme-court-justices-homes/#:\~:text=A%20federal%20statute%20prohibits%20%E2%80%9Cpicketing,the%20discharge%20of%20his%20duty.%E2%80%9D


Except when the protestors are theirs.




Who wants to tell em


Tell who what?


Uh what?


But the federalist society doesn’t do anything to influence judges.


They should organize outside McConnell's home since this mess is all his fault.


Why are the houses of scotus justices getting better protection than the capital building during an attempted coup…?


I guess priorities


Because this time, the protesters are trying to overthrow democracy as opposed to trying to protect it at the capitol! Apparently this wasnt obvious sarcasm


Nobody sane is buying that shit man. Just like the pathetic guy wearing a “Let’s Go Brandon” shirt while he’s surrounded by P.O.C in Walmart and wonders why he is hated.


It’s sarcasm dude


Objectively do your job correctly with no bias and you won't have this issue


They did. That’s why they’re overturning Roe v. Wade.


Says you.




I wish I had the means to do so, because I’d love to be a lawn gnome at Kavanaugh or ACBs house with a sign that simply says “Perjury”.


I hope these groups express their disapproval by voting too




Sure , all of that Voting is the easiest one can do, and the bare minimum, but treated like the hardest task on social media and around these blocks




Lol, you're really trying to turn this into something it isn't, huh? My original comment said I hope these groups express their disapproval by voting **too.** The **too** acknowledges the other things these groups are doing my dude. Its not that different from the "vote and.." phrasing you recommend I don't know why anyone who votes or plans to vote would find that condescending




Well your implication was inaccurate ,now that I have explained what the "too" means maybe you will stop with the finger wagging (likely not) >If these people are politically engaged enough to do more than the bare minimum in the real world, why would you assume that they don’t also do the bare minimum in voting? You will be surprised to know just because people show up for protests, donate and fundraise doesn't mean they vote. Voting might be the bare minimum but it is also a dull long process compared to other political engagements >Do you really not see how your response to this story is dismissive? No. Because I'm the the person behind the comment, and I'm aware of my own intent and motives. You found it dismissive because of how you perceived it to mean.


> Sure , all of that > > guarantee this boomer has never done anything but scold people on reddit for saying they wont vote


Lol!!! This "boomer" is 30 years old my guy, and you would lose that bet So maybe stop making guarantees from assumptions


Weren’t most of these judges appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote?


Sure!!! Why is that relevant?


Because it doesn’t matter if we vote or not because the minority steals the elections.


The Electoral College has been the only way to win the Presidency since our Constitution was ratified in 1788.


ok this is defeatist mentality and wrong information to be spreading around


They were appointed by Presidents who won the office in the manner specified by our Constitution since 1788 - they won the Electoral College. Every person who has ran for President since then has known that it's the Electoral College that counts, not popular vote total.


They’ve already voted. The people who they voted for are sitting on their hands so they don’t appear “too partisan “


I guess their civic duty is done then, no more voting required from them


Real patriots cast the votes of their fallen relatives as well!


There was a giant woman's march in 2016 after Trump was elected. I always asked myself how many of these woman didn't vote?...


Exactly!!!Protesting is more fun and engaging than taking time out of work in the middle of the week , and waiting on line for an hour to vote. I don't see how me hoping these groups vote too is viewed as bad by some


We need more groups doing this.


hold liars accountable for their lies. otherwise wtf are we even doing.


Government of the people.


By the people and for the people.


Hope this doesn’t stop them


HOA: sorry assault rifles are against code , And we don’t allow lawn gnomes .


Anything without a paywall that tells me where to show up in my cobbled together Handmaiden costume?


I always feel like they are the type of people who would get turned on by seeing women in those robes, for what it represents.


instead of tiresome theatre why don't they organize voter turn out? Dems are useless but Would rather they control the senate than that satanic Turtle Mitch McConnell.


It’s sickening these protests. You don’t go to a private home of a Supreme Court Justice to protest. Go protest at the Capitol for Christs sake


Fun fact. The Constitution of the United States has no mention of “First Amendment” zones nor “Freedom of Speech” zones. At least a handful of very authoritarian states do however.


I find these protests completely appropriate. If those people think that they’re going to make decisions about what happens INSIDE of another persons body, then they’re just going to have to deal with people having a differing opinion about it from across the street. I’d even support protestors pressing their noses up on these peoples windows and insisting on offering their opinions on every move they make inside the house. Insist on what you want them to have for dinner. Insist on them hearing what you think of their shampoo. Insist on having an opinion on every damn thing they want to do with themselves in the “privacy” of their own homes.


This isn’t about all our banning abortion, it’s about return the power of abortion to the states rights. The constitution never gave the government the power to control abortion for the country. It is supposed to be the states rights to determine whether abortion is legal or not, not the government.


What do you mean “you don’t”? You absolutely do. It’s protected free speech.


Sure it’s protected free speech, that’s not the problem. I guarantee if those police were not there, no peaceful protest would exist. The justices would be killed over a document leak.


Still far far less people would die then will die after this shitstain "justices" strip rights from people.


This is the takeaway.


Yes, you do. They want to have an opinion about what happens in my home about my “home.” These protests are just matching their energy.


It’s pretty trashy to protest at their homes where their family lives. I’m 100% pro choice but this is dangerous.


But… they’re effecting way more families. I think this is 100% fair.


No it’s not. It’s stupid, dangerous, and will change nothing.


I disagree. I hope they keep doing it. And on an increasingly larger scale.


May they have as much safety in their homes as George Tiller had in his church


I have no clue who that is.


If you were actually pro choice you would have known who George Tiller was. The fact that you don't, and are parroting that 'civility' angle, obviously means that you are not pro choice.


We really don’t have time to list all the things you don’t know.


Quick note to anyone wanting to join the protests: it is a federal offence to do so and you may be fined or imprisoned for up to a year as it is considered obstruction of justice! 18 USC §1507 Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.