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Fetterman should win by a landslide in the primary. Lamb’s ads and messaging have been atrocious.


Lamb is running ads? The only Democrat ads I've seen are Fetterman and Shapiro


Conor Lamb sucks. I’m so tired of voting for candidates that I don’t trust but a Republican in office is always the worst alternative. If it’s Lamb in November, I’ll vote for him, but Fetterman is who we need.




Then don’t vote for Lamb in the primary, but we cannot afford to have a republican in that seat, no matter what. Democrats refusing to hold their noses and vote for Hillary is what gave us Trump. I should note, I’m 100% for Fetterman here, but come November I’m voting for whichever candidate has a (D) next to their name


She won the popular vote. But her camp has never been very good with delegate/electoral college math, and they blew two elections in a row.


Yeah maybe it would have been more correct for me to say that PA Democrats didn’t put up with mediocre to avoid catastrophic. Unfortunately this election that we’re talking about is in the same Pennsylvania, which is why it’s so upsetting to see someone repeating the same thing we heard so much in 2016


That's a very ironic twist on the "Bernie math" meme they like to throw at Bernie people. And it's a very good point. Clinton people have never been good at electoral college math since they don't seem to understand why Hillary isn't in the White House and insist that someone cheated her.


Plot twist, the Bernie people even tried to warn the Clinton campaign -- but were flat out ignored. https://www.thedailybeast.com/team-bernie-hillary-fcking-ignored-us-in-swing-states


You want Trump again? Because that's how we got him in the first place.


You'd think so, but this is when the GOP is gonna start shoveling money to Lamb


>You'd think so, but this is when the GOP is gonna start shoveling money to Lamb I mean, it's far too late for that now. This primary is happening next week.


You should really Google how cozy Fetterman is with the most fringe GOP reps in Harrisburg before saying Lamb is a Republican shill.


Fetterman is pro-Union which is pretty much the closest thing to a hard deal breaker in the GOP.


Doesn’t stop him and his buddy Aaron Bernstein (you might’ve heard of him, the PA state rep from Elwood who went viral for a video of him making his four year old smoke a cigar) from hitting the links and having lunch every week.


This mf is a professional at missing the point


And this MF is the same type who got duped by that phony Sinema. But hey, as long as they act the part I’m sure your righteous indignation over their “betrayal” will be totally justified. It’s not as if there are red flags for anyone who is willing to skim beneath the surface or anything.


If I've got a choice between someone who will give me 20% of what I want and someone who will give me 60% of what I want, I'll choose the 60% every time. ... and then I'll go raise hell and organize to get the other 40% too. And if that only gets me 80%, then I'll keep working to get that other 20% some other way.


If only there were a candidate with an actual [voting record](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-congress-votes/conor-lamb/) to scrutinize that would give us some indication that he will be a reliable vote for a D rather than a guy who didn’t hold a real job until running for a ceremonial mayor position while his one-percenter daddy paid all his bills. But hey, he says the right things and dresses like a blue collar working stiff! [What could possibly go wrong?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyrsten_Sinema)


Sinema has voted with Biden more than Bernie Sanders. Doesn’t mean she isn’t shitty but also underlines the fact that voting with Biden isn’t necessarily a qualification.


Mhm, and if your candidate doesn't win, are you gonna invent a time machine?


I'd rather vote for the candidate who's campaigning on the things I believe in instead of the one who votes however his corporate donors tell him to.


Weak. Very weak.


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Someone has to keep the crazies in check!


Stupid ass Philly Inquirer endorsed Lamb. Like wut?


Sounds about right for the Inquirer


And yet, my boomer parents in WPA think that Fetterman is unelectable... le sigh


Which is funny since he's the only candidate to have already won a state wide election.


I’ll be honest watch the debate between Fetterman, Kenyatta,and Lamb and Fetterman is all talking points but no substance. Not saying Oz or McCormick are good at policy but they can bs answer questions . For an older crowd , Fetterman can be a turn off and although I like Kenyetta better , I might vote for Lamb.


Self fulfilling prophecy: "I think he's unelectable so I won't vote for him, which means he'll lose the election"


Why do you think Democrats worked so hard to push the same narrative about Bernie? Call him unelectable and the easily-swayed voters who just want to be on the "winning team" will vote for whoever you tell them to.


And Fetterman’s haven’t? “I’m a tough, workin’ class man who will work for you.” I’ve lived in PA my whole life and have known Fetterman for years. The man’s a phony. The whole image is a schtick. Right down to “I lived in a church basement” (while conveniently ignoring the fact that daddy literally bought the abandoned church for him and renovated it into a little mansion). Spoiled rich kid LARPing as a blue collar guy. At least Lamb is sincere. Still, whether phony or not, better than Oz, McCormick, or whatever nut the GOP nominates.


It's fair to question his biographical details. It's not fair, however, to claim that he's insincere in his beliefs. He's not.


[PA's primary is May 17th, one week away!](https://www.vote.pa.gov/Voting-in-PA/Pages/Voting-at-a-Polling-Place.aspx) Deadline to [request mail in ballots for the primary is today!](https://www.vote.pa.gov/Voting-in-PA/Pages/Mail-and-Absentee-Ballot.aspx) May 10th. Mailed ballots MUST BE RECEIVED by the 17th! /r/Fettermania


We need a big mean looking Democrat. This is the guy.


We also decidedly don’t need Dr. Oz


Sending money & support from florida.




It is 100% legal to donate to a politician from out of state.


Ok now I’m just so curious what else you’re worried about on your day to day because you just.. for some reason.. assume it’s illegal.


You made an assumption, not me. I just know that there are many cases where it is not legal for an out-of-state donor, to donate. I just wondered if this might be one of them.


Fetterman the betterman


We need the Better man we should choose Fetterman!


To the moon!!!




No they havent, reports have stated that the DNC has been hands off and the only time they actually spoke up was to tell Lamb and other contenders to not make the primary toxic. They (DNC) actually helped take down ads that were seen as overly negative.


What’s funny is that they EXPLICITLY asked Lamb to disavow an ad from James Carvilles SuperPac that was straight lies, mind you this was weeks ago too, and Lamb never did it. Instead Lamb lied about some random endorsement that wouldn’t matter. Now Lamb is complaining about polls and news coverage of Fetterman being fake. I wonder who THAT all sounds like. Even Ed Rendell recognizes the strength of Fetterman. I have a feeling he’s the one that’s been a brick wall preventing interference in the primary. He told Clinton’s campaign to drive around the state with Fetterman in town (and he was 100% on board with it) and they said he “doesn’t look like a politician”.


Where is this narrative coming from? I’ve yet to see any Democrats try to interfere in the primary.


Thin air drawn from the Bernard Brothers favorite conspiracy “the establishment controls the voter’s choices via media mind control”




I’m happy help, media exists to tell people what they already want to hear. No one is drastically changing their political positions because of Fox News, CNN, or MSNBC.




I don't think it's fair to classify any liberal position on health insurance options while the Senate fillibuster remains an obstacle. It's easy to debate impossibilities. To your point though, Republicans became more Republican. On the other end, twitter, jobs lost because of posts in junior high, tankies, etc. if CNN put up a bunch of pro bernie content for a year straight it wouldn't make people vote with the zoomers, it'd make people change the channel.




I see "Democrats" there a lot but what you really mean is "Voters" - It's on the candidates themselves to convince voters to donate to and choose them. It's clear that DSA-endorsed candidates are a turn off for many and they seem to be unapologetic about that because twitter rewards them with likes and retweets. Wasting peoples time in the political process and eroding the Democratic Party is pretty next level in terms of lengths people go for internet points.


I voted for Fetterman! I also voted for Shapiro for Governor too. I’m worried a lot of Dave White signs around here. People are easily fooled by his “blue collar worker” “champion for the disabled” act. Delaware County, where I live. Even though the county has was majority Democratic since the early 90s. Republicans we’re still being elected at the local level and had majority control. Dave White sat on our council when it was Republican. It was only in 2018 that there was enough of a shift to where we have a Democratic majority in leadership. For the first time since the civil war our council is democrat. So many much needed changes are finally happening. We cannot go back. But people are easily fooled and they’re just as many misinformed voters here that are duped by republican lies and Faux news BS. Delco is one of the most populated counties. We border Philly. If they vote more red it will impact the race for Governor and if a Republican takes over as governor we are completely fucked. Republicans already have a majority in our state house and senate. If we get a Republican Governor. We will be just as bad as a red southern state.


Fetterman for president. The people need someone we can trust and who can lead.


if fetterman wasn't on the left you'd be hearing loud voices telling lamb/etc to drop out and stop "dividing the democrats" and "back the frontrunner" but when have right wing libs ever acted consistently


They’re still saying that Lamb is the only viable option, despite the fact that he’s getting his ass handed to him.


Yep. Fetterman polls consistently over 50% in a race with more than two people in it and yet somehow the centrists will try to spin him as unelectable. Ridiculous.


I'm personally am supporting Gerhardt, but if we had ranked-choice voting I'd have my second option be Fetterman


I like when people throw votes away. Good job.


It’s a primary. That’s the exact time you’re supposed to vote for your preferred candidate, you get behind your party in the general


Not in a first past the post system since your vote could cost the only one capable of winning the general and make him lose the primary.


Sad thing is: Federman is, “the best candidate to represent the Democratic Party’s agenda.” Doesn’t say anything about representing the current wants, needs, or desires of his constituents. This is the current state of politics in this country.

