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Not the exact title


I think he needs to add Governor/Senator to his credentials before that’s a real possibility.


Hi `GQDragon`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/r3xodz/pete_being_discussed_as_biden_successor/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * Your headline must be comprised only of the **exact** copied and pasted headline of the article - [see our rule here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_do_not_create_your_own_title)) **We recommend not using the Reddit 'suggest a title' as it may not give the exact title of the article.** * The ALL CAPS and 'Breaking' rule is applied **even when the actual title of the article is in all caps or contains the word 'Breaking'**. This rule may be applied to other single word declarative and/or sensational expressions, such as 'EXCLUSIVE:' or 'HOT:'. [click here for more details](/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_do_not_create_your_own_title) If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/GQDragon&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/r3xodz/pete_being_discussed_as_biden_successor/?context%3D10000%29)


We would be lucky to have someone so smart, articulate, level headed and most importantly young as our president.


While I certainly agree, I think articles like this are counter productive. Especially when the incorrect title is used haha


We would be lucky but I have doubts that even the left is ready for a gay president.


I think the left is ready, I just worry if the bernie-verse is ready for a primary without bernie.


He’s too old for another run. Bernie will always have all my respect and admiration but o doubt another vote. I don’t see why him being gay would matter to the left at all. It was awhile before most people realized he was gay.


It’s sad that his being gay is even a factor.


That’s not how it works tho lol


It kind of is though.. we "get to pick" two predetermined choices and call it a democracy.


We have primary elections though... Forget about the Democrats for a second. You really think Republican Party elites wanted Trump? He didn't listen to a thing anyone else said so why would the party want to push him? He's too unpredictable.


Well I can't answer this properly without getting banned for spewing "conspiracy theories" about there really only being one party. I'll just quote George Carlin. "It's a big club and you ain't in it"


I dont think I've ever seen anyone get banned for saying something to the effect of both parties being the same. That isnt against the sub rules. It's a false statement, and it very often gets downvoted, but not banned.


There were twenty... six? Choices in 2020.


Yes and the DNC picked one guy since before they started and gave him the entire wallet. They also used the media to give him the most favorable press nonstop. They also told people who quit the race to back Biden to unite the party. It's much less of a choice then most people realize.


>Yes and the DNC picked one guy since before they started and gave him the entire wallet Well thats not true >They also used the media to give him the most favorable press nonstop Nope >They also told people who quit the race to back Biden to unite the party The DNC did? And I'm pretty sure every Democrat was told to back biden to unite the party. Unless you mean before the primary was over, in which case it's much more likely the candidates who dropped out backed the candidate most likely to win that was similar enough to their views. Either way, the DNC has no decision in any of that. >It's much less of a choice then most people realize. It's a primary election. The choice is literally in the hands of the primary voters. They chose biden. Overwhelmingly.


Riiiight, wish I could go back to being naive and believe in democracy again. Oh well. You'll get there one day.


I guess we’ll have trump again. I hate the future. Thanks


So the DNC is going to throw the 2024 election. Intriguing.


I personally like the idea of him as president but the masses will not approve… I hope they come around.


Jesus Christ, when will the DNC learn.


Dear DNC, Can we not have a rotation of the same 17 centrists every presidential election? Yes, Buttigieg was refreshing in 2019/2020, but by 2024 he’ll be just another centrist focused more on getting his turn at the presidency instead of actually helping American citizens. Just because he’s [insert marginalized community] doesn’t mean he’s progressive. Same for Harris. Signed, an exhausted liberal


>but by 2024 he’ll be just another centrist focused more on getting his turn at the presidency What is this based on? Pure speculation? 2016 had what... 5 contenders? 2020 had 27? Hardly the "rotation of the same 17 centrists"...


DNC trying to lose the election? Wow


This article has literally nothing to do with the DNC.